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Jun 23, 2013 1:50 PM

Feb 2011
... And were you new to the franchise or an old viewer/reader?
I'm a douche. Deal with it.
Jun 23, 2013 1:56 PM

Jun 2012
I guess you could say I'm an old fan of the Manga.
I was pleased apart from the editing out of one what was probably the best apostle fight in the early Golden Age of Berserk.
Jun 23, 2013 2:00 PM

Jun 2011
I read the whole manga few times. i watched the Anime series few times too.
this Trilogy has flaws/negatives but i enjoyed it.
I'm Pleased and looking forward for more Movies or OVA(s).
Jun 23, 2013 2:10 PM

Oct 2008
I've watched the tv series and am up to date with the manga (for God knows how long), and I was a little disappointing by the fact that this trilogy only covered like 25% of the first arc.. It's not like I was expecting much anyway, since these are just movies, but I still was hoping that they would at least cover some stuff that the tv series didn't (besides the Skull Knight. the tv series covered a lot more).

I still gave the movies an 8/10, cause I took in to consideration that movies have time constrains and such. And I still enjoyed them regardless. Other then that though, I would generally recommend the tv series for newcomers and if they like it, they should read the manga.
Jun 23, 2013 2:14 PM

Apr 2013
read it before..

Disappointed by:
- the amount of poor quality CGI used
- all the scenes they left out

Pleased because:
- they gave a new adaptation to this awesome manga (which should be done again by a great studio and adapted like SnK)
- some good animation here and there
- me love some casca and guts pre-eclipse
- the eclipse
Jun 24, 2013 11:00 PM

Jan 2013
its quite disappointing rather, a missed opportunity if you ask me..
A piece of my brain just shot out of my weiner!- Onodera Punpun
Jun 24, 2013 11:12 PM
Oct 2010
Read it before, disappointed overall. CG shouldn't have been used for anything but zoomed out large scale battles and the movies were too short. All should have been 2-2 and a half hours minimum.

I would have taken a 2 year gap between each movie if it meant raising the quality.
Jun 29, 2013 6:20 PM

Apr 2008
Enjoyed it and hoping that they continue on with it
Music & Anime > Everything Else
Jun 29, 2013 6:26 PM

Nov 2011
Pleased and disappointed.
I'm pleased that they actually brought in Puck(at least a cameo), but most importantly the Skull Knight. The CGI wasn't that great, it actually became really noticeable for me in the second movie. I was cringing, but to be completely honest, it worked for the whole eclipse event.
I was at the edge of my seat when it was all going down and I actually felt the CGI worked for this particular scene.
A few missing things, but I'll live.

Otherwise, it was just stroking our penis with Berserk. I'm happy as well that the third one went slightly farther, but disappointed we didn't at least get to see some of the now action. That little epilogue scene was mainly just to make us go "WOOOH" seeing him put on his prosthetic, armor, etc.
Touch me, you filthy casual~
Jun 29, 2013 7:07 PM
Feb 2009
Pleased and disappointed.
Long-time fan of the anime and particularly the manga.

Expecting something to capture the masterpiece of a manga that Berserk is would be crazy. That being said, I was really disappointed with the first movie- the pacing was HORRIBLE and the CGI was annoying. Worst of all was, the character development of the Band of the Hawk was largely forgotten or ignored.

The second movie was more enjoyable and had better pacing. Overall it was a lot better than the first.

The third movie was great. The pacing was excellent. Since I loved the characters, which were fully developed in the anime and manga, I cared when they died horrible deaths. Overall it was impressive, EXCEPT for the ABYSMAL CGI. There is no place for Nintendo DS level CGI in any movie! Shame on the creators and quality control! The fact they didn't fix it in post production for the DVD is a crime.

So overall the trilogy got off to a rocky start but, to my surprise, left me wanting more. Hopefully they only continue to improve. Thankfully we'll always have the manga to fall back on.
『おれは あの雲のように自由きままに生きる』ジュー​ザ
Jun 29, 2013 7:37 PM

Sep 2011
I've been following Berserk for the past 7-8 years. I picked it up when I was in High School, its my favorite manga. So I came into the movies not expecting much, needless to say I wasn't surprised. The movies where pretty bad, especially the first one. They skipped a ton of important material, the CGI was pathetic, voice acting was okay, and the art style was to "clean". It didn't have the gritty feel of the anime from the 90s, which I think over all was a better adaptation of the Golden Age arc.

It really all comes down to the last movie, specifically the last 40 min of the movie. That was basically the highlight of the trilogy. It looked like they pulled all their budget into the eclipse scene because it looked much better than anything else. Its a shame the rest of the movies weren't as good. If they do continue the saga, which they apparently want to. Then I hope they release them as OVA's and take their time animating instead of cutting corners with CG. Hopefully if they do get an OVA treatment it will include every single arc in the manga, no stuff left out.

Although ideally I would hope they got another studio to handle this, Madhouse or Production I.G. could do a much better job. Studio 4C dropped the ball hard.
FullmetalRaikouJun 30, 2013 12:31 PM
Jun 29, 2013 10:14 PM

Apr 2008
The Manga: Masterpiece
The old anime: good
The movies: Horrible

This is the complete disappointment for me.

I asked a question in the trilogy. Why make another Berserk anime on that arc if it is only to cut key scenes of manga. Not only thay, they have full failure and they change a lot of things. The new Seiyuu are not as good as the previous.

I found the first movie disappointing and without pace. While there, they completely lost control in the second movie. I do not know who was responsible for the second movie, but this is pure destruction. The ball scene was modified in the extreme. I was frustrated to see this scene and it's not the only scene removed.

The secondary characters that are so important in the manga are often forget and have almost no significance compared to the manga.

The animation is outdated and horrible CG. Shit, movies have suposed better budget
KiraYoshikageJun 29, 2013 10:17 PM
Jul 4, 2013 1:55 AM

Apr 2012
It's pretty good. I still have many complaints to both first and second movie especially the first movie and the Trilogy doesn't really give the golden age arc justice but i think the third movie is very good although i still prefer the eclipse in the anime version a little bit. But overall it was still pretty good.
Jul 7, 2013 11:05 PM
Feb 2007
I've read the manga up to about chapter ~300 or so and have seen the anime and the movie trilogy.

I am pleased and disappointed.

Firstly, I think the hate and disappointment for all the "cut" material is unjustified. The movies cut out a lot for a couple reasons. They cut out a lot of scenes that took up a lot of time and didn't provide anything new to the target audience (in my opinion, the "veteran" fans of the manga). They also cut out scenes because they're movies. Movies have limited duration, gotta work within their bounds.

Second, I liked the movies action scenes a lot more than the anime, but I think the eclipse segment was overall much less emotional and dramatic, especially with Casca and Judeau during his final moments.

The anime portrayed the eclipse much better overall. (note: I watched the anime in english dub, only 2nd anime where I've enjoyed the eng dub more than jap which contributed a lot to my liking of the anime). There were certain details in the anime like with Gaston still being alive when Guts fell down to ground level in the pool of blood, and then being killed shortly after.

If they merged the best of the anime (more dramatic and fleshed out) and the movies(better action), we'd have an amazing adaptation.

I can't comment on the new vs old japanese voice actors since I watched the anime in english. However, the voice actors were good all around except for Guts when he is yelling, I wasn't too pleased with it.
Nov 23, 2013 4:25 AM

Aug 2013
Reading the manga now (just got done with Golden Age) but watched and loved the original anime.

To be frank I thought the movies did a lot of things right/nicely but at the same time fell flat at certain points.

Like everyone's said a big issue is the amount of cut content. You miss out on the building of chemistry between the characters and development of the camaraderie regarding the Band of the Hawk (Corkus, Rickert, Judeau, Pippin, etc got very little attention...for someone who's never read or seen the original they probably gave no fucks/felt no feels when the Band of the Hawk got offed in the Eclipse). I mean that's huge. Developing a connection/feelings for characters outside of Guts, Casca, and Griffith.

The CGI wasn't NEARLY as big of a deal as I heard people say it was. Yeah there were a lot of bits where it didn't exactly look the greatest but it wasn't really all that bad and not nearly a distraction. The 2D animation looked absolutely stunning though.

Idk if it's just me but I really felt like the movies didn't do as great of a job with the eclipse as the anime as a whole. It's hard to put into words but it just didn't feel as disturbing/unsettling as when I saw it in the original. Also again, the fact that the films did a poor job of making the audience care even remotely about the rest of the Band of the Hawk probably took away from the power of the Eclipse/the sacrifice in terms of the viewer's emotional investment in it.

But the films looked great as a whole, and some of the moments in the trilogy were more powerful than in the original (Guts accidentally killing Adonis, the Band of the Hawk finding Griffith and being confronted by the torturer, etc.). The more grotesque/graphic nature of the fight scenes were a fantastic improvement as well. The sexual aspects and nudity were also a nicer/grittier/more pragmatic touch that was appreciated.

Ultimately the Berserk film trilogy is a real treat to anyone who's ALREADY seen the original anime or read the manga. Otherwise to first time Berserk viewers, you miss out on too much that made the anime what it was and what made the manga equivalent so great as well.
Nov 23, 2013 4:32 AM

Mar 2009
I like it more than the first adaption of the manga and overall it's really good.

Except for the first movie, where you could see obvious flaws, the CG wasn't really much of a big deal.
It made some scenes look really beautiful while I was just cringing at some other scenes.

Adaption wise I'm quite sad of some parts they left out but then again I dislike the Golden Age arc in general and I'm more disappointed of the fact that they made ANOTHER adaption of this arc.
They should just fucking continue with the adaption of the manga. There's enough material for a lot of seasons already (eventhough the manga will probably never finish).

I think I just like the movie feel more than the series but sadly you can't get as much stuff into a movie as you can get into a lets say one cour series.
Nov 23, 2013 4:35 AM

Nov 2012
Both anime and series destroy these movies big time. The movies are completely destroying the feel i have with this franchise. F*ck the darn movies they let to many things out.
Nov 27, 2013 12:02 AM

Aug 2008
The first two movies were enjoyable but a bit eh because of too many left out scenes.

The third movie was fantastic in every regard though (well outside of the 3d lawl). Even with the left out scenes it was still very very enjoyable.

Obviously the manga is the best (though the TV series does some things better), hopefully they'll faithfully adapt the black swordsman arc soon.
Apr 13, 2015 4:33 PM

Jul 2012
Just finished last movie and man guess im gonna read manga i mean i dont hate movies, lots of moments were epic and choreography of battles was amazing(could care less about cgi) but it felt like something was missing something important, we got gore,sex,tits but where is character development what are their motives,relationships with one another everything considering this area was rushed and lacking i was confused at times...esspecialy with eclipse thing we jump from one medieval battle to another and then bam demons and shit why did that happened how is it relevant to Grifith, there was no good foreshadowing to those events.
Apr 17, 2015 9:06 PM

May 2013
I'm to the series and thought it was awesome. The ended was so much darker than I was expected.
May 2, 2015 8:07 AM

Jul 2014
KiraYoshikage said:
The Manga: Masterpiece
The old anime: good
The movies: Horrible

This is the complete disappointment for me.

I asked a question in the trilogy. Why make another Berserk anime on that arc if it is only to cut key scenes of manga. Not only thay, they have full failure and they change a lot of things. The new Seiyuu are not as good as the previous.

I found the first movie disappointing and without pace. While there, they completely lost control in the second movie. I do not know who was responsible for the second movie, but this is pure destruction. The ball scene was modified in the extreme. I was frustrated to see this scene and it's not the only scene removed.

The secondary characters that are so important in the manga are often forget and have almost no significance compared to the manga.

The animation is outdated and horrible CG. Shit, movies have suposed better budget

blazingdragonsMay 2, 2015 8:10 AM
May 6, 2016 6:48 PM
May 2016
I watched the original berserk anime series and the last movie. I skimmed through the first 2 movies because I was already pleased with the anime series. Nonetheless it's a good watch.
Jun 26, 2016 8:44 AM

Jan 2010
Disappointed. The pacing was botched due to trying to cram everything into 3 movies, as a result everything feels rushed and unimportant, characters are barely developed properly, important scenes lack weight to them (what the hell was the battle of Doldrey in this adaptation? It's on the title of the second movie and yet was the event they handled most poorly) and barely have any room to breath, they skip over most of the dialogue scenes from the manga, cut out entire subplots that even the previous anime adaptation covered, and that's not even getting to the technical stuff and how everything looks like it came out of a PS2 game's cutscene.

It barely works as a "best of" compilation because they either completely skip or poorly handle the best scenes from the source material. Even the stuff they do manage to pull off well, like the eclipse or Griffith and Guts' second duel, end up lacking most of its punch since everything surrounding said scenes don't complement them as well as they should.

I guess it works if you're already invested in Berserk and just want to experience the stuff you've already read/seen in a new way, but as a standalone work it just doesn't work. I could never recommend this to a newcomer of the series.
Jul 7, 2016 4:43 PM

Mar 2015
I seem to have a rather unpopular opinion by preferring the movies over the original anime. Better action (despite all the CG), better soundtrack, better ending (they actually show Skull Knight saving Guts and Casca, while the original anime left us in the middle of the Eclipse). Not saying that they didn't leave out a lot of scenes, but they also included scenes that weren't in the old anime (like the king angrily whipping Griffith or Guts fighting the arab guy with the rings).

Manga: 10/10
Original anime: 8/10
Movie 1: 8/10
Movie 2: 8/10
Movie 3: 9/10
Jul 22, 2017 7:25 AM

Apr 2017
Posted this in some other threads, but will do it here to:

1997 anime: 625 mins (still with plently of characters and chapters cut out)
Movie-trilogy combined: 266 mins

I love how people decribe the movies as "leaving out a few scenes"... it's a huge understatement to say the least...
Zoldra0Jul 26, 2017 10:32 AM
Jul 22, 2017 7:29 AM

Jun 2009
I was new to the Berserk franchise when i watched the movies. I find it kinda weird that people complain that it was "bad", while in my eyes it was enjoyable and decent.
I never read the manga, so i dont know what i'm missing. It wasnt a masterpiece, but it wasnt bad either.
Aug 30, 2017 5:37 AM

Nov 2014
Only ever got through the first episode of the original anime, personally couldn't stand the art style... Of course any can feel free to love it.

These movies were quite mediocre until the last abysmal movie.

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