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Jun 23, 2017 5:15 PM

Apr 2017
Exeterna said:
funny how most people here arguing about hating the forced love saraka and shindou , the suit . Just let it be , you cant do anything

Believe me, if it didn't influence philosophical views, I wouldn't care about the romance. Sexual chemistry is a thing and I can accept that. The stance/message this fictional romance represents however, is a different story.
There's no inherent right or wrong in this universe, but when we think with emotions rather than logic, we make things so.
Jun 23, 2017 5:35 PM

Nov 2014
ARubinsky said:
So, they decided to go to a shounen route and create the weapon. The preview is even worse.

What the hell is wrong with Toei?!

It is like watching 2001 a Space Odyssey and then, in the middle of the movie, they decided to ask Michael Bay to place some transformers battling each other.

Now that is some fine shooting from the hip!

If this was a series I was involved in your commentary definitely would have brought me to tears. Next time I need to flame someone and really really cut them to the quick can I enlist your wordsmithing?
Jun 23, 2017 6:41 PM

Mar 2013
Tbh, I am having mixed feelings on these last few episodes.

Half of me wanted it to go a different direction, but oh well.

Saraka x Shindo is official. Dem kisses.
I know they had something between them, but I didn't expect them to be so affectionate that they would would kiss :\ It felt... a little bit out of place.
*usually romance right before the final episode = death flag*

zaShunina is crossing the obsessed line with Shindo.

Let's see how the finale turns out.
KilikcliaJun 23, 2017 7:02 PM
Jun 23, 2017 8:39 PM

Aug 2008
Seriously this whole zaShunina is trying to destroy humanity is such an utter load of bullshit and not once has anything in the series has told us that he wishes to do so other than saraka "thinking" that's what he wants and now were suppose to follow along that without any proper foreshadowing or build up? Fuck that.

Throughout the entire beginning of the series we are given a premise and a promise of what the series is suppose to be about and then suddenly everything is thrown out the window for inconsistent and unbelievable writing. I do and in fact will blame saraka for single-handedly ruining the atmosphere and direction of this show. I came to watch this show because I heard it was different and truly something special now its quite frankly ending up as an utter disappointment.
Jun 23, 2017 9:08 PM

Apr 2017
Iazrien said:
Seriously this whole zaShunina is trying to destroy humanity is such an utter load of bullshit and not once has anything in the series has told us that he wishes to do so other than saraka "thinking" that's what he wants and now were suppose to follow along that without any proper foreshadowing or build up? Fuck that.

Throughout the entire beginning of the series we are given a premise and a promise of what the series is suppose to be about and then suddenly everything is thrown out the window for inconsistent and unbelievable writing. I do and in fact will blame saraka for single-handedly ruining the atmosphere and direction of this show. I came to watch this show because I heard it was different and truly something special now its quite frankly ending up as an utter disappointment.

Agreed, for the most part. I don't even recall alien-kun saying every human has to go to the anisotropic. If you ask him nicely, he will probably let you stay in your universe under your rock or whatever.

Then there's the question of - what if one day the anisotropic beings decide to get rid of the cocoon that has humanity in it. Is it such a good idea to stay in it rather than get out while alien-kun's offering to lend a hand doing so? And if Saraka's desires happen, what if your children or your children's children want to go to the anisotropic? Good job denying them the option to by sending alien-kun away.
There's no inherent right or wrong in this universe, but when we think with emotions rather than logic, we make things so.
Jun 23, 2017 9:17 PM

Mar 2014
Japan went full of chaos and will be saved again. we humans are always happy with it.
Jun 23, 2017 9:24 PM

Nov 2010
I usually have nothing against romance in my story and for the most part romance can make nearly everything better, but in this anime i would have wished they stayed away from it.
It just makes no sense for a being that is basically godlike and for that humanity are just insects compared to her to fall for a single human. She can show sympathy for humanity or some humans, which she does in her 'naturalist' views, but love makes no sense for something that created the universe and lived for billions of years (we still don't know the role of time for all the different dimensions).
zwolf12Jun 23, 2017 9:38 PM
Jun 23, 2017 10:28 PM
Jan 2013
hahah these salty comments about forced love , grow up please.
Jun 23, 2017 11:24 PM

Oct 2012
Yeah I'm not sure how to feel yet.
On one side I'm a bit sad to see how he show's approach has changed a bit in the last couple eps with the Saraka twist, but on the other I still do like how the story is progressing.
I still enjoy the series, I mean because of this twist and changed approach we got the super nice kiss scene and development of Shindo, Saraka, Hanamori and zaShunina (though a different route for sure), but at the same time I miss a bit of that old feeling from the previous episodes.

I'm not sure how to feel about the series, I know I still love it, just for different reasons than I initially did.
gust11Jun 23, 2017 11:29 PM
"If I don't have to do it, I won't. If I have to do it, I'll make it quick."
- Oreki Houtarou
Jun 24, 2017 1:35 AM

Jul 2015
zaShunina saying "I've missed you... Shindo"
mann he is so obsessed with Shindo i love it
Jun 24, 2017 2:08 AM

Apr 2009
Iazrien said:
Seriously this whole zaShunina is trying to destroy humanity is such an utter load of bullshit and not once has anything in the series has told us that he wishes to do so other than saraka "thinking" that's what he wants and now were suppose to follow along that without any proper foreshadowing or build up? Fuck that.

Throughout the entire beginning of the series we are given a premise and a promise of what the series is suppose to be about and then suddenly everything is thrown out the window for inconsistent and unbelievable writing. I do and in fact will blame saraka for single-handedly ruining the atmosphere and direction of this show. I came to watch this show because I heard it was different and truly something special now its quite frankly ending up as an utter disappointment.

Yeah, honestly Saraka feels like the author own waifu/sue. As far the show is concerned, her opinion is the only one that matters on Planet Earth. The way the show fucked over zaNina is just ugly.

It's even made worse by the fact she's an bilions years old anisotropic who acts like a blushing schoolgirl. She could have, I dunno, talked to zashunina when he arrived and explained stuff to him since she knows humanity far better and can deal with emotions, while zaShunina is almost like a baby in a way.
Jin_uzukiOct 14, 2018 12:59 AM

Jun 24, 2017 2:20 AM

May 2009
I'm not fan of how this will be going. Expected more food for thought and worldwide scale dramas, and Saraka gives us antagonistic view while she stays human (like debate this problems in front of zaShu). But what we get she's butt in as another alien who selfishly wants to keep human as it is. Well you can't please everyone but from what I see more people will disappointed rather than satisfied.
Jun 24, 2017 2:20 AM

May 2017
What's up with the negativity?

Did these idiots really didn't see the romance coming? And it being a shounen after Saraka was revealed as an anisotropic? Delayed reactions or just noobs? Lol

Natsume needs some love tho Shindo x Saraka is OTP but wouldn't mind a harem, hell put Zashushina and Hanamori in the harem too I'm sure these guys didn't even see this show is gay from the start
Jun 24, 2017 6:52 AM

Apr 2013
Another great episode(imho)! This really turned into something like Noein with all the romance and badass fighting scenes. :p

Final negotiation next episode.

Jun 24, 2017 7:11 AM

Jun 2013
that kiss scene was handled very nicely
Jun 24, 2017 7:55 AM

Jan 2017
My fears for the series were pretty much alleviated when I heard that Shindo was planning on negotiating with zaShunina because it means that the show will be sticking with it's main premise.
Although I don't really have much problems with the Romance that was added, I felt like there wasn't proper lead up too it so in the end, the romance doesn't feel like it has any significance to it. Whether it is there or not, it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things(of course there is always the chance that the final episode could maybe do something to help with this issue).
It's a shame that people have had such an adverse reaction to the last couple of episodes. This anime is still one of my favorites from this season.
Jun 24, 2017 8:31 AM

Jan 2014
I honestly feel like the only one who likes this episode and is immensely looking forward to the finale. I won't deny the forced kiss/relationship between Saraka and Shindo, but I don't see this show becoming a 'comedy' as people have been claiming it to be. I don't see how the show has ruined or betrayed what the original idea was from the first episode. Elements were predictable and Saraka's character did feel out of place from the beginning. Hell, the plot twist of her being an alien didn't come as much of a surprise to me since it was hinted at in the opening. I'm still really enjoying the show and a large majority of my thoughts that I had from the beginning of the show has hardly changed since.
Jun 24, 2017 9:36 AM

Apr 2017
Jin_uzuki said:
Iazrien said:
Seriously this whole zaShunina is trying to destroy humanity is such an utter load of bullshit and not once has anything in the series has told us that he wishes to do so other than saraka "thinking" that's what he wants and now were suppose to follow along that without any proper foreshadowing or build up? Fuck that.

Throughout the entire beginning of the series we are given a premise and a promise of what the series is suppose to be about and then suddenly everything is thrown out the window for inconsistent and unbelievable writing. I do and in fact will blame saraka for single-handedly ruining the atmosphere and direction of this show. I came to watch this show because I heard it was different and truly something special now its quite frankly ending up as an utter disappointment.

Yeah, honestly Saraka feels like the author own waifu/sue. As far the show is concerned, her opinion is the only one that matters on Planet Earth. The way the show fucked over zaNina is just ugly.

It even made worse by the fact she's an bilions years old anisotropic who acts like a blushing schoolgirl. She could have, I dunno, talked to zashunina when he arrived and explained stuff to him since she knows humanity far better and can deal with emotions, while zaShunina is almost like a baby in a way.

Agreed. I don't care about the romance otherwise but her point of view basically rewrote whatever perceptions and feelings Shindo originally had of alien-kun's influence before their "date". If he fell in love with her but disagreed with her philosophy, that would, IMO be better. If he ends up mediating the two views represented by alien-kun and Saraka, that's fine, but I don't know if that's going to end up the case and it doesn't feel like it will be.
There's no inherent right or wrong in this universe, but when we think with emotions rather than logic, we make things so.
Jun 24, 2017 10:49 AM

Jun 2017
Ha Ha, Seeing people piss off of this anime is more interesting than the anime itself.
Jun 24, 2017 11:00 AM

Apr 2017
Iamnotsaofan said:
Ha Ha, Seeing people piss off of this anime is more interesting than the anime itself.

Don't know about the rest, but I'm not really pissed off. I don't feel passionate about this show; I just enjoy criticizing the plot design choices of the writers.
There's no inherent right or wrong in this universe, but when we think with emotions rather than logic, we make things so.
Jun 24, 2017 11:47 AM

Jul 2012
zwolf12 said:
It just makes no sense for a being that is basically godlike and for that humanity are just insects compared to her to fall for a single human. She can show sympathy for humanity or some humans, which she does in her 'naturalist' views, but love makes no sense for something that created the universe and lived for billions of years (we still don't know the role of time for all the different dimensions).

Really? Did Saraka ever look down on humans or indicate she thought she was better than them? It doesn't really matter that she's an anisotropic being because right now she's living as a human and truly feels like one (as shown by her backstory last episode). She probably wasn't aware that she was an anisotropic being until many years of her human life had already passed, so she's not going to suddenly stop acting human. Her soul* has gone on for billions of years, but she has lived and died as other creatures before (an ape for one), and currently she is a human, so it makes sense for her to love another human.
Jun 24, 2017 12:24 PM

Aug 2014
Loved the kiss, Funny why people calling it forced romance? Was kind of hinted from the start of the show and big undertones of it. Like steins;gate
Jun 24, 2017 2:03 PM

Dec 2015
I really liked the episode, unlike Berserk, the CG here is good enough so you can read the emotions of people, the kiss scene, Hanamori crying and stuff like that. The hate is pretty stupid to be honet.
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
Jun 24, 2017 3:09 PM

May 2011
Looks like a shit going on in here xD
zaShunina is too cute to be hated i hope they won't kill him
Jun 24, 2017 5:15 PM

Sep 2015
Those motionless piles of Shindo's on the ground reminded me of Neon Genesis Evangelion lol. But dam Im glad my Saraka and Shindo ship has sailed but looks like Shindo might die next episode ;-;
Jun 24, 2017 6:02 PM

Nov 2010
Phoebe3315 said:
zwolf12 said:
It just makes no sense for a being that is basically godlike and for that humanity are just insects compared to her to fall for a single human. She can show sympathy for humanity or some humans, which she does in her 'naturalist' views, but love makes no sense for something that created the universe and lived for billions of years (we still don't know the role of time for all the different dimensions).

Really? Did Saraka ever look down on humans or indicate she thought she was better than them? It doesn't really matter that she's an anisotropic being because right now she's living as a human and truly feels like one (as shown by her backstory last episode). She probably wasn't aware that she was an anisotropic being until many years of her human life had already passed, so she's not going to suddenly stop acting human. Her soul* has gone on for billions of years, but she has lived and died as other creatures before (an ape for one), and currently she is a human, so it makes sense for her to love another human.

You argument makes sense if it is that way, but i thought that she always knew that she was an anisotropic being and with that it makes less sense. Either way i still think it wasn't necessary even if it makes more sense with your interpretation and is just a somewhat useless addition.
Jun 24, 2017 7:59 PM

Jun 2013
I don't really have a strong opinion on the romance between Shindou and Tsukai. But I don't feel like it adds enough to the story. Instead of changing our perspective in some way, or creating a new conflict, it automatically solved a conflict (Shindou and Tsukai's disagreement on whether to "go fully anisotropic" or not); and I usually don't consider shortcuts like that strong writing. I agree with @SongstressSL, it indeed would have fit better if they had continued to disagree after becoming romantically involved. Or even a romance between Shindou and zaShunina could have been better, as it could have created a similar conflict of interest (and the moral guardians wouldn't be able to complain because technically it's not gay, wew lad).

That argument would have been fine so far, but... Did we watch the same episode? Or did I miss the part where zaShunina asked the people of Tokyo if they wanted him to encase them in his eldritch cube? Because he sure as heck encased them in his eldritch cube.

Seems to me like neither of them really care about the individual opinions of humans.
LeeTailorJun 24, 2017 8:25 PM
Jun 24, 2017 8:26 PM
Oct 2013
I don't really mind the kiss, the plot twist, Saraka being an anisotropic, the antifregonics or whatever. The only reason I somehow feel disappointed on the anime is because of that "laser sword" from the last episode. It feels too "corny" and cliche for me.

Still, I would prefer if it had stayed "serious" instead of adding "battle shounen" elements.

Anyway, the show is a good show so I'll see it to the end.
Jun 24, 2017 9:03 PM

Mar 2015
I still enjoy the show despite all the disappointments I have with a total tone shift.
I can really see a decent ending next week.

Jun 24, 2017 9:27 PM

Sep 2014
I hated this show since ep 9. But it's hilarious how many people got baited into thinking this was a shounen ai show with it ending up with Saraka as the main character. LOL They were really blatant about that fujoshi bait too, like what male coworker friend would grab another guys ass and pull his pants off?
Jun 25, 2017 7:04 AM

Mar 2016
This was a great build-up episode for the finale which promises to be a fantastic finish to an anime that's had it's ups and downs. I have high hopes for the final episode but until then the jury is still out on this anime's overall rating. I can't wait to see Shindo's plan to face off against the power of a god-like being in a negotiation of not words but feeling expressed through battle and struggling for their own ideals. The 3D CG in this anime has been some of the best in anime period but they haven't really done high paced action sequences much so they will really be testing themselves in the final episode I'm interested to see how the animation turns out.
I shall rule over the realms of anime and manga! Mwahhahahahaha!!!
Jun 25, 2017 12:54 PM

Sep 2016
im here enjoying the salt on my popcorn....most of these elitist fags wanted shindoxzashunina ship to sail..ha..

i had the feeling that they gonna throw a bit of romance there by introducing saraka. its not forced at all.(and yeah this is not a romance anime but its cute seeing love blossoming in a tight situation)

i like the direction this show is taking....solid 9/10

(Dont judge the pv thinking is gonna end like shounen...remember shindo said he is going to try talk to the guy)
The Anime Binge Is Life

-PolarCyrus97 2k17-
Jun 25, 2017 12:55 PM

Dec 2016
Loved the kiss.

Loved Hanamori running away and his yell of frustration.

Loved zaShunina's 'aitakatta' to Shindou.

Liked how they tied in the manufacturing company from eps 0.

I have my fingers crossed for a satisfying ending... but yeah, the super suit is a bit cheesy.
LaPokotaJun 26, 2017 4:22 AM
Jun 25, 2017 2:03 PM

Apr 2017
PolarCyrus97 said:
im here enjoying the salt on my popcorn....most of these elitist fags wanted shindoxzashunina ship to sail..ha..

i had the feeling that they gonna throw a bit of romance there by introducing saraka. its not forced at all.(and yeah this is not a romance anime but its cute seeing love blossoming in a tight situation)

i like the direction this show is taking....solid 9/10

(Dont judge the pv thinking is gonna end like shounen...remember shindo said he is going to try talk to the guy)

Lol, I'm not so sure about that. Personally, I don't care about any ships at all; I just want the anime's philosophical themes to be adequately represented. I can't give this a 9/10 so far though. Maybe the ending will bump 1 point up for me, but for the moment, this won't get more than 8 and might even drop to a seven.
There's no inherent right or wrong in this universe, but when we think with emotions rather than logic, we make things so.
Jun 25, 2017 3:50 PM

Sep 2016
SongstressSL said:
PolarCyrus97 said:
im here enjoying the salt on my popcorn....most of these elitist fags wanted shindoxzashunina ship to sail..ha..

i had the feeling that they gonna throw a bit of romance there by introducing saraka. its not forced at all.(and yeah this is not a romance anime but its cute seeing love blossoming in a tight situation)

i like the direction this show is taking....solid 9/10

(Dont judge the pv thinking is gonna end like shounen...remember shindo said he is going to try talk to the guy)

Lol, I'm not so sure about that. Personally, I don't care about any ships at all; I just want the anime's philosophical themes to be adequately represented. I can't give this a 9/10 so far though. Maybe the ending will bump 1 point up for me, but for the moment, this won't get more than 8 and might even drop to a seven.

Ofcourse but i have seen some salty people talking about the direction this took and dropping it and giving it 1/10... I enjoy this series.probably in my top 5 this season

I hope for the best for the last episode to end strong and this to be resolved
The Anime Binge Is Life

-PolarCyrus97 2k17-
Jun 26, 2017 3:51 PM

Jul 2016
This anime is killing me...I love it so much, I wish it had more episodes!

Every time I see Yaha-kui zaShunina with different expressions, I know he gets more human by the second, just like Saraka did.

I like the romance between Koujirou and Saraka, because it proves that the anisotropic beings actually have feelings.

Yes, bring on the pain, episode 12!
Jun 28, 2017 5:27 AM

Jun 2015
Hmm now that ZaShuNina has decided to use a clone of Shindou to try and lead humanity on his true plan things are getting interesting.

So even ZashuNina can have dreams eh. Looks like a bad one. As ever humanity is intrigued by this new gift. Love how they showed the reactions from people across the world though. Meanwhile Saraka and Shindou are still recovering from being defeated by ZashuNina. It looks like getting allies is going to be hard here. ZashuNina's been leading us by the nose since the first day eh. Taking him by force though will be difficult. Hmm an isolator that can be used to trap ZashuNina eh. Nice name though. But in the end since Shindou is just a mere human standing up to ZashuNina is going to be suicide. Kanata's still as funny as ever in being immersed in her work. Lol kidnapping Kanata eh. Good move there though as we need her brain. Hmm Hanamori is down because Saraka vanished eh. It was easy to see that he was fond of her. What a group of allies though that Shindou and Saraka have gathered though. Lol seeing doubles will no doubt be surprising. But man using the power of human intelligence to beat back an alien's plans for humans though is pretty ironic.

Hmm using deals and relationships in the past to affect the present eh. Hmm i can see why Saraka is wary of the fact that Shindou wants to negotiate with ZashuNina though. After all you don't have anything that he actually needs right. I would say that this is indeed the most difficult negotiation Shindou's ever faced so far. Hmm so the plan of Shindou hinges on surprise eh. In the end all ZashuNina really wants is something that can surprise him and give him new information right. So this new gear of Shindou's should have a chance. Saraka's reaction to the plan though. Shindou's just kind to a fault though aint he lol. Still i really like the love story between Shindou and Saraka though. From the beginning they had pretty good chemistry anyway. Im glad that was fulfilled here. I would say its been the most unexpected three months for humanity lol. Nice the combo of Kanata's calculations and human engineering has managed to create something that shouldn't be possible. Now they have a trump card against ZashuNina then. Hmm so this final plan will be pretty risky to Shindou eh. I can see why Hanamori is upset though. As suspected each of the gifts was part of his plan all along. That scene with the clones too really showed ZashuNina's true villain side though. Hmm that last scene though. Looks like things are getting set for one hell of a finale though.
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Jun 29, 2017 12:18 AM

Oct 2008
lol Shinawa-hakase got kidnapped to a different isolation dimension! and even Hanamori!
Shidou is the next level Anti-Anisotropic powered Iron Man!
that was a deep passionate kiss between Shindou and Saraka! Shindou awesome lucky! cuz a god fell in-love with him! That's already Godlike! and she initiated more kiss and wanted more...that's Beyond Godlike of the likes of Shindou!
That scene on 21:17 was glorious to see...The quickly expanding cube that can occupy a part of the whole the whole universe!? damn!
The last scene (before the ED) feels like: "Initiate the final battle showdown!" lolz!

Jun 29, 2017 8:26 AM

Feb 2014
I get why people are pissed the show has gone off to another thing in its last 2 episodes but its still handled fairly well.
Jun 29, 2017 9:16 PM

Jan 2013
Continuing onto a fairly standard confrontational anime ending.
Jun 29, 2017 10:31 PM
Jul 2018
Actually the plot progression felt unprofessional as Saraka became weird :\

Dat Kiss was done in western-ish style! hehe... :\

Sadly, we are mostly expecting a rush edition on the next episode :\

Nevertheless I have still some hope for Toei. They are experienced studio and should give fans the right ending!
Jun 30, 2017 4:41 PM
Aug 2014
It's hilarious to watch both anisotropic beings show emotions. People are really getting worked up over an anime.
Jul 3, 2017 5:29 PM

Jan 2011
Wait a minute, that actually is one of those magnetic pen tablet things she uses? That's the kind of revelation I wanted.
Jul 7, 2017 5:07 AM

Dec 2015
Well, not only did they choose the confrontation path, too bad they went the individual-focused route rather than the global one. With only one episode left, the best I can get is a 3-5mn epilogue slightly brushing over the later consequences.


It's funny how MAL-ers are unable to accept any sudden crush born under stressful conditions in japanese animation, when it's not specific to it all.
Also, I question the perception of people mentioning fighting shônen ekketsu here, there is literally no shared element.
Jul 8, 2017 6:25 PM

Feb 2013
LOL kidnapping people. Big things are happening. The finale is upon us!

He lied about capturing Saraka? Seems weird he would lie...
Jul 12, 2017 10:13 AM

Jan 2014
I like the kiss part. I actually want to be shindo in that part.

well, Yaha went full villain, shit happened.
Jul 16, 2017 9:34 PM

Dec 2016
Next episode is, hopefully, about to be fucking crazyyyyy
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Jul 30, 2017 7:39 AM
Mar 2012
Yaha's dream seems like his anisotropic birth.
Their side romance already better than many romance shows, what's there to complain?
Glad they came back to (or foreshadowed) the metal plate & breaking fregonics idea lurking behind the whole show.
Negotiation w/o talking, Shindo's dialogues quite nice. A difficult negotiation, nothing wrong if the fight goes beyond words, why limit yourself? It's still no shounen.
Dr put the circle piece on "equilibrium", lol "inferiority complex" is above. Some weird way to use 4 wams, but as long as it works. The r&d visuals & bgs are great. Faces seem more refined now.
Aug 9, 2017 6:35 PM

May 2012
Oh snap that ending! Pretty damn impressive buildup for the last episode! Totally looking forwards now to see what the last episode will have to offer.

Dat kiss though :3
Dec 16, 2017 7:35 AM

Jan 2013
I feel like we're back to ep 1 lol.
ZaShinina seems gay for Shingo

"Please stop talking about math when I'm eating."
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