The Flowers of Evil
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Jul 7, 2013 12:41 AM
freaked out about that "im home" ending. its like a death flag or something. creepy |
"....i am the villain in this story" |
Jul 8, 2013 12:14 AM
- That creepy brother - Kouji's reaction to all this - Nakamura's return - Saeki being around still. All elements I doubt the author would pass on using. These are definitely sugarcoating chapters to ease the tense atmosphere the series kept building. |
Jul 9, 2013 12:06 AM
Sorayin said: Just wait for it. Next chapter he's going to fuck it all up again. that's what ppl have been saying in the discussion for literally like the past 10 chapters honestly i hate the direction this manga has taken. its so saccharine i can't stand it. i could accept this from another manga, but NOT from aku no hana. even when kasuga was a cute happy couple with saeki things were complicated and interesting. where's the conflict in this new saga? it's almost nonexistent. i think the only reason i'm still reading is from the massive momentum of the first 33 or so chapters. but if it keeps going like this or ends like this i will be too let down for words. maybe it's just the editorializing of the magazine that's pissing me off. it's really cheesy. will kasuga magically fix his depressed parents with a few simple words?! find out in the next remarkably mundane issue of aku no hana!!! pls aku no hana don't turn into a lifetime movie :( |
Jul 9, 2013 12:13 AM
Armin-Arlelt said: Also, am I the only one who thinks Takao got 300% better after the time skip. He's still not a great protagonist, but he has his moments and he's calmed down and become less annoying. He's not the stereotypical "freaks out every time a girl does something the 50th time" protagonist anymore (like Yuuki Rito from To Love-Ru). i think he's a lot worse. before the timeskip he became a punk. he had spirit. he was fucking with people and not giving a shit. he became genuinely interesting. after timeskip he becomes even more withdrawn and wimpy than he was at the beginning of the story. how is he better? |
Jul 9, 2013 12:16 AM
Lylaaz said: I hope he never meets nakamura ever again. that girl ruined his life -_- quite sure she will appear at some time, though.. poor guy. All she did was to drove him into a psychological corner.. he's healing from it.. i disagree, i think she made him happy. i think she made him truly open up his eyes and live if anything, saeki's the one who fucked him up, i think she literally raped him. if anyone wronged kasuga, it's her |
Jul 9, 2013 1:18 AM
i think my problem with this manga as it stands currently is that it can't seem to make up its mind w/r/t its main themes, what it's really trying to say initially, i'd say it seems to have a decidedly "anti-establishment" theme. kasuga's classmates are shown to be petty jerks. when he sticks up for the "weird kid" he is immediately shut out and outcast himself. when saeki (the popular girl. she represents the establishment/status quo) favors him publically, he is suddenly in everyone's graces again. basically they're a herd of sheep. even kasuga's "friends" aren't immune to this force. meanwhile, nakamura sees through all of this and it disgusts, depresses, isolates her. when she sees kasuga steal saeki's gym clothes despite such a thing being incredibly taboo she is overjoyed at having found another person who is apparently not bound 100% by peer pressure. she calls him a deviant, which is the highest praise she could give. yet he still is horrified at the thought of anyone finding out. thus, he has these walls that need tearing down. eventually he more or less comes around to her side completely. he no longer feels shame. at this point i think the author wasn't sure where to take the story. after all, kasuga's metamorphosis is complete, right? he is now an unabashed deviant with nakamura-san. from there all that's left is to make their crimes bigger and bolder, and i guess that could get old pretty fast. so instead, they decide to commit suicide. why? nakamura was happier than she'd ever been not too long ago. i guess it's because saeki fucked their plans up royally but why not just run away from home? i think that might have been an interesting plot to pursue, but oh well. as an aside, that's what i initially thought would happen when they went on that bike ride to see what's on the "other side". here again they were foiled by saeki. speaking of saeki, i think the author purposely made her the most evil character in the story. she embodies the establishment. she lived her life being the perfect little pet to her family and society, doing exactly as she's told. making her a villain of sorts fits with this anti-establishment narrative. ANYWAY, that brings us to the timeskip. this is where the story shifts dramatically in tone and substance. however not only does that happen but it seems to shift in message as well. as best as i can tell, that black flower has represented anarchy, chaos, being against the establishment. i don't think it's truly an evil flower, as the title of the manga suggests. it might be ugly and frightening, but it's not evil. however, when kasuga smashes the flower in some kind of sudden epiphany it suggests that maybe the flower truly was evil all along and now he is freed from its tyrannical liberation. the manga has been building up to this too, as kasuga has been (however weakly) trying to reintegrate himself into society. he's been trying to make friends and said yes to the karaoke invite. he went with them to the hangout in the warehouse and ate pizza. he asked out another popular girl (now that i think about it, she looks like nakamura, but isn't she closer in character to saeki? just purely in terms of being normal/accepted/idolized. she's certainly no deviant) he's trying to blend in and be a normal person now. he's back where he was at the beginning of the manga. in a sense it feels like all that character development has been undone. it also seems like the author is now promoting a pro-establishment message. then again, it's not a finished work and maybe nakamura will re-enter the scene and bring kasuga back toward freedom. i really hope so. i hope his "epiphany" in the last chapter was really a false epiphany. because it felt really cheap and hollow to me and if that's really what we're supposed to take away from this manga, after the spectacular ride we've had up till the timeskip... idk. i really didn't mean for this to be this long. sorry for all the words. |
Jul 9, 2013 9:31 PM
MaxVdub said: i think my problem with this manga as it stands currently is that it can't seem to make up its mind w/r/t its main themes, what it's really trying to say initially, i'd say it seems to have a decidedly "anti-establishment" theme. kasuga's classmates are shown to be petty jerks. when he sticks up for the "weird kid" he is immediately shut out and outcast himself. when saeki (the popular girl. she represents the establishment/status quo) favors him publically, he is suddenly in everyone's graces again. basically they're a herd of sheep. even kasuga's "friends" aren't immune to this force. meanwhile, nakamura sees through all of this and it disgusts, depresses, isolates her. when she sees kasuga steal saeki's gym clothes despite such a thing being incredibly taboo she is overjoyed at having found another person who is apparently not bound 100% by peer pressure. she calls him a deviant, which is the highest praise she could give. yet he still is horrified at the thought of anyone finding out. thus, he has these walls that need tearing down. eventually he more or less comes around to her side completely. he no longer feels shame. at this point i think the author wasn't sure where to take the story. after all, kasuga's metamorphosis is complete, right? he is now an unabashed deviant with nakamura-san. from there all that's left is to make their crimes bigger and bolder, and i guess that could get old pretty fast. so instead, they decide to commit suicide. why? nakamura was happier than she'd ever been not too long ago. i guess it's because saeki fucked their plans up royally but why not just run away from home? i think that might have been an interesting plot to pursue, but oh well. as an aside, that's what i initially thought would happen when they went on that bike ride to see what's on the "other side". here again they were foiled by saeki. speaking of saeki, i think the author purposely made her the most evil character in the story. she embodies the establishment. she lived her life being the perfect little pet to her family and society, doing exactly as she's told. making her a villain of sorts fits with this anti-establishment narrative. ANYWAY, that brings us to the timeskip. this is where the story shifts dramatically in tone and substance. however not only does that happen but it seems to shift in message as well. as best as i can tell, that black flower has represented anarchy, chaos, being against the establishment. i don't think it's truly an evil flower, as the title of the manga suggests. it might be ugly and frightening, but it's not evil. however, when kasuga smashes the flower in some kind of sudden epiphany it suggests that maybe the flower truly was evil all along and now he is freed from its tyrannical liberation. the manga has been building up to this too, as kasuga has been (however weakly) trying to reintegrate himself into society. he's been trying to make friends and said yes to the karaoke invite. he went with them to the hangout in the warehouse and ate pizza. he asked out another popular girl (now that i think about it, she looks like nakamura, but isn't she closer in character to saeki? just purely in terms of being normal/accepted/idolized. she's certainly no deviant) he's trying to blend in and be a normal person now. he's back where he was at the beginning of the manga. in a sense it feels like all that character development has been undone. it also seems like the author is now promoting a pro-establishment message. then again, it's not a finished work and maybe nakamura will re-enter the scene and bring kasuga back toward freedom. i really hope so. i hope his "epiphany" in the last chapter was really a false epiphany. because it felt really cheap and hollow to me and if that's really what we're supposed to take away from this manga, after the spectacular ride we've had up till the timeskip... idk. i really didn't mean for this to be this long. sorry for all the words. I think you're missing the point. Completely. You're seeing this story in black and white without grey areas, which is a bad way of seeing it because the entire goddamn story is a grey area. It also seems like you think that the author is portraying Nakamura's attitude towards "shit-eaters" as well as her treatment of Kasuga as a positive thing when that is absolutely not the case at all. The entire anti-establishment theme was, from the beginning, portrayed as something that was not only a shitty attitude to have, but one that was incredibly destructive and dangerous. This attitude destroyed Kasuga's family, his relationship with Saeki, and his entire life for years to come. Sure, the "sheep" were bad, but (with the exception of Saeki) at least they weren't as fucked up as Kasuga and Nakamura. And, in a way, the thing about Saeki is that she only became truly evil when she deviated from the establishment by raping Kasuga and burning down their hideout. Why did Nakamura want to commit suicide? You don't always need a reason. She was always suicidal. She was severely depressed, and it's also implied that she's mentally ill. Because of this, she was never happy, even though she loved Kasuga. That's why she wanted to end it. "The town" represents her feeling trapped in her own, sick mind. "The other side" represents her freedom from this "There is no other side" means that she sees no escape from it. The reason why Kasuga goes along with her is because he loves her and wants to help her, not knowing that she's trapped him right along with him. And, in the end, he starts to believe every word she says because of it. This is actually how a lot of abusive relationships go: a person falls in love with someone with severe psychological issues, they start to be abused, the victim hates it but keeps going on with the relationship because they love the person, the abuser loves the victim as well but has a very fucked up way of showing it, and things just spiral downward from there. His relationship with Nakamura was NEVER shown as a positive thing. In fact, he was shown as being wrong for not getting out. That being said, the author isn't advocating a pro-establishment message either. As you said, Kasuga's friends are all portrayed as shallow, sex-crazed idiots, and Saeki is portrayed as a hollow facade that masks an incredibly dark heart. Tokiwa feels insecurity for being different from the norm, and Kouji represents the norm that she's trying to break out of. Kasuga is in love with Tokiwa not because of sexual reasons like his friends are or like Kouji is implied to be, but because he sees a bit of himself in both her and her novel, which she's pouring her heart and soul into. The Flower of Evil seems to represent his past sins as well as his abuse by Nakamura and Saeki, considering how the flower only becomes "active" when Nakamura and Saeki are around or are influencing Kasuga. Him crushing the flower represented him finally overcoming the abuse and conquering his past. So, what is the author trying to get across? Well, it seems like he's advocating a happy medium: don't get too caught up in the mundane, but don't go against the mundane just to go against it because that's just as empty. Don't be afraid to go against the grain, but that doesn't mean go insane and steal peoples' underwear. Be yourself. Be your crazy, fucked up, bookworm-y self, but don't harm other people with it. Also, he seems to say "Don't get involved with abusive relationships. Staying in them harms both parties for long periods of time. Get the fuck out and don't look back." In conclusion, no, it's not an anti-establishment or a pro-establishment work. It's a mix of both, as well as a dark, sad portrayal of the psychological effect that abuse, depression, and anxiety has on the fragile teenage mind. |
Jul 9, 2013 9:43 PM
MaxVdub said: Lylaaz said: I hope he never meets nakamura ever again. that girl ruined his life -_- quite sure she will appear at some time, though.. poor guy. All she did was to drove him into a psychological corner.. he's healing from it.. i disagree, i think she made him happy. i think she made him truly open up his eyes and live if anything, saeki's the one who fucked him up, i think she literally raped him. if anyone wronged kasuga, it's her Yeah, made him happy. Made him open his eyes and live. Sure. Okay. By bribing him, forcibly stripping him repeatedly, forcing him to do things that made him uncomfortable, beating the shit out of him, clawing open his chest, ruining his relationship with Saeki (not that his relationship with Saeki was a good thing considering what she became), threatening to kill him, ruining his life, future, and relationship with his parents, smashing his dad's kneecap with a baseball bat, and then DRIVING HIM TO SUICIDE, she made him happy. Bull. Shit. Your life philosophy is hilariously shallow. Jesus Christ, who let the 7th grader post here? |
Jul 9, 2013 10:23 PM
I wished all of the manga could be like this. Well, if it wasn't for Nakamura's batshit insane antics, the feeling of enjoyment I have for these peaceful chapters would be weak. It's too bad things are going to turn to shit again. I can always dream, though. |
Jul 19, 2013 4:41 PM
SomeDeadGuy said: MaxVdub said: Lylaaz said: I hope he never meets nakamura ever again. that girl ruined his life -_- quite sure she will appear at some time, though.. poor guy. All she did was to drove him into a psychological corner.. he's healing from it.. i disagree, i think she made him happy. i think she made him truly open up his eyes and live if anything, saeki's the one who fucked him up, i think she literally raped him. if anyone wronged kasuga, it's her Yeah, made him happy. Made him open his eyes and live. Sure. Okay. By bribing him, forcibly stripping him repeatedly, forcing him to do things that made him uncomfortable, beating the shit out of him, clawing open his chest, ruining his relationship with Saeki (not that his relationship with Saeki was a good thing considering what she became), threatening to kill him, ruining his life, future, and relationship with his parents, smashing his dad's kneecap with a baseball bat, and then DRIVING HIM TO SUICIDE, she made him happy. Bull. Shit. Your life philosophy is hilariously shallow. Jesus Christ, who let the 7th grader post here? hey now, dont mistake my analysis of a piece of fiction for my life philosophy. your earlier post raised a good point, i was looking at this from too black and white a perspective. i also wasnt truly thinking about this in irl terms, you're right that nakamura's relationship with kasuga was highly abusive, and i certainly wouldn't be endorsing that sort of thing were it really happening. i guess i got caught up in the fiction of it a bit too much, bc i really did find it more entertaining than the subsequent arc and maybe i was mostly let down by the relative normalcy of recent events. also, i dont think she necessarily ruined his relatonship with his parents, it sort of seemed like they were already distant. however, they didn't seem like bad people, nor did nakamura's father. |
Sep 11, 2013 10:28 AM
Nov 4, 2013 5:59 AM
Jan 14, 2014 8:17 PM
Sorayin said: Just wait for it. Next chapter he's going to fuck it all up again. Sums up the whole series! :D |
Apr 27, 2014 8:55 AM
Misiakk said: ... is it really going to for happy ending? I don't like it, and this whole chapter was like "oh im so happy, yes i agree to whatever you say, write your novel I want to read it". I hope something will change and the depressing mood will come back. Nakamura where are you!? I don't like it, either. And knowing the manga ends in two more volumes, it's all the more alarming how EVERYTHING has suddenly gotten a happy ever after gloss. Even his parents are suddenly ok! In v7-8, even after the timeskip, there was still this painful awkwardness that suggested it was the calm before the storm. Saeki's return cameo hit this home. But then, Kasuga CRIES whilst confessing to a Nakamura clone and she accepts him because reading books = WEIRD!... WHAT!? To me, this story began and was, up to this point, a suicide note for Kasuga's character disguised as a manga. He couldn't accept he was empty and adapt to society. Yet now, suddenly, he's ready to face Nakamura and get on with his life. It's just so... off. |
Apr 27, 2014 9:49 AM
MaxVdub said: i think my problem with this manga as it stands currently is that it can't seem to make up its mind w/r/t its main themes, what it's really trying to say initially, i'd say it seems to have a decidedly "anti-establishment" theme. kasuga's classmates are shown to be petty jerks. when he sticks up for the "weird kid" he is immediately shut out and outcast himself. when saeki (the popular girl. she represents the establishment/status quo) favors him publically, he is suddenly in everyone's graces again. basically they're a herd of sheep. even kasuga's "friends" aren't immune to this force. meanwhile, nakamura sees through all of this and it disgusts, depresses, isolates her. when she sees kasuga steal saeki's gym clothes despite such a thing being incredibly taboo she is overjoyed at having found another person who is apparently not bound 100% by peer pressure. she calls him a deviant, which is the highest praise she could give. yet he still is horrified at the thought of anyone finding out. thus, he has these walls that need tearing down. eventually he more or less comes around to her side completely. he no longer feels shame. at this point i think the author wasn't sure where to take the story. after all, kasuga's metamorphosis is complete, right? he is now an unabashed deviant with nakamura-san. from there all that's left is to make their crimes bigger and bolder, and i guess that could get old pretty fast. so instead, they decide to commit suicide. why? nakamura was happier than she'd ever been not too long ago. i guess it's because saeki fucked their plans up royally but why not just run away from home? i think that might have been an interesting plot to pursue, but oh well. as an aside, that's what i initially thought would happen when they went on that bike ride to see what's on the "other side". here again they were foiled by saeki. speaking of saeki, i think the author purposely made her the most evil character in the story. she embodies the establishment. she lived her life being the perfect little pet to her family and society, doing exactly as she's told. making her a villain of sorts fits with this anti-establishment narrative. ANYWAY, that brings us to the timeskip. this is where the story shifts dramatically in tone and substance. however not only does that happen but it seems to shift in message as well. as best as i can tell, that black flower has represented anarchy, chaos, being against the establishment. i don't think it's truly an evil flower, as the title of the manga suggests. it might be ugly and frightening, but it's not evil. however, when kasuga smashes the flower in some kind of sudden epiphany it suggests that maybe the flower truly was evil all along and now he is freed from its tyrannical liberation. the manga has been building up to this too, as kasuga has been (however weakly) trying to reintegrate himself into society. he's been trying to make friends and said yes to the karaoke invite. he went with them to the hangout in the warehouse and ate pizza. he asked out another popular girl (now that i think about it, she looks like nakamura, but isn't she closer in character to saeki? just purely in terms of being normal/accepted/idolized. she's certainly no deviant) he's trying to blend in and be a normal person now. he's back where he was at the beginning of the manga. in a sense it feels like all that character development has been undone. it also seems like the author is now promoting a pro-establishment message. then again, it's not a finished work and maybe nakamura will re-enter the scene and bring kasuga back toward freedom. i really hope so. i hope his "epiphany" in the last chapter was really a false epiphany. because it felt really cheap and hollow to me and if that's really what we're supposed to take away from this manga, after the spectacular ride we've had up till the timeskip... idk. i really didn't mean for this to be this long. sorry for all the words. Just quoting this since it's a far more wordy, far more detailed version of what I was trying to get across. I got the same 'evil' vibe from Saeki when she returned and agree it's because she represented normality. And I also agree about the sudden decision to crush the flower and get with Tokiwa reverted his character back to how he began. |
May 25, 2014 7:20 AM
Tamura said: Finally. Dont look at the past again please Kasuga. Just look at the future Stark700 said: "Welcome home". What a happy chapter. Indeed. |
May 28, 2014 4:43 PM
Poor kid. He can't believe how happy he is right now... I liked how with just an "I'm home" he managed to make amends with his family I wonder how will Aya react if she learns about the suicide attempt with Nakamura... Kouji might learn about it first and then tell it to her, in order to destroy their relationship |
Nov 29, 2014 11:08 AM
Sometimes I feel like I should just leave it right here. Kasuga is building himself up little by little and helping his family in the process. I don't think this will end well. I don't know what the spanner in the works will be, but it's coming. |
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov |
Jun 17, 2015 5:50 PM
it's great that he has managed to attain happiness and i like how things are going.. but it's too pleasant for this story. i have a feeling it will be ruined by his past in some way. |
Feb 8, 2016 4:40 PM
Awww, things are looking up for Kasuga. Too bad it won't last very long. Let's not forget about Saeki. |
Nov 17, 2016 5:22 AM
Nov 20, 2016 3:19 PM
May 3, 2017 11:20 PM
Nov 20, 2017 12:50 AM
I'm getting Master Kurosawa vibes here, Takao moving forward and all. |
Jan 4, 2020 8:19 AM
Kasuga spends the day with Tokiwa, but her brother was a bit sus. How are you going to talk like that about your sister in front of your parents? Kasuga is overwhelmed by the happiness he feels when he looks at Tokiwa and realizes life can be good. How long will that last tho? This honeymoon phase won't be forever. The ending of the chapter was great. Kasuga telling his parents "he's home" made them feel like maybe he's back to his real self. Maybe things can be normal for the family since his mom is always crying and arguing with his dad. |
Mar 3, 2020 12:08 PM
Oh wow (again), I'm really hoping that nothing will go wrong. I don't want to hurt my heart in this current state |
May 27, 2020 2:20 PM
Are you crying? No... Man. It's so emotional. I feel my eyes tearful... The best chapters of Aku No Hana for sure are from Takiwa.. I am going to enjoy this before Oshimi Shuuzou fucks this up. 7.5/10 |
Jun 20, 2020 9:16 AM
the last part was nice, of course, this manga has not so happy ending... wonder when it all will start to go downhill |
“Life is a constant process of dying.” |
Nov 16, 2022 10:10 AM
It's all right... why do I feel like something is going to happen? |
Mar 27, 2024 9:45 PM
This is really nice, even when it was very predictable, I sure hope nothing goes wrong, lol. |
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