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Psycho-Pass: Sinners of the System Case.1 - Tsumi to Batsu
Aug 13, 2024 3:03 PM
· Scored

Psycho-Pass: Sinners of the System Case.2 - First Guardian
Aug 13, 2024 3:03 PM
· Scored
All Comments (35) Comments
But I would be sad if they stop translating it in English because it would affect translation for the movies as well, and on that, I like English ones better.
True, I can't really not like it since it's something really close to me to now. Similar age? What year are you? Well, they published it in my local language. My brother and sis was a fan at that time (though sadly, they're not anymore) and bought the manga. And I was the lucky person who gets to read their books ^^
There's both I guess. There's the ones that were published in magazines and the ones that were published as volume.
What do you mean?
Hehe, I guess I'm used to claiming everything for myself, I like a small sort of fan circle. But you are right, the more the merrier. Though I personally like older fans, it's a joy to see another person getting to love DC as well :)
Oh! We started on DC around the same time ^^
I started on 2002 as well, but the manga instead of anime. DC was what got me into appreciating anime/manga in the first place.
I love all the arcs, but I have a particular arc that stood out for me. The New York arc, when they introduced Vermouth past. Something about that arc give me the shivers.
though I'm not too sure how I'll feel about that *sigh
Which arc do you like most?
Are you getting married next month? Ok, if you were to choose between your waifu and games, what game will you play next?
Give up on things like meeting up with friends? I know, nerds sacrifice a lot. But, come on, you got that GPA! the rest shouldn't matter. I'd die to go back and repeat at least 2014.
I've already given up on 'debating' over there. Have you seen alim's post in that ''fill in the blank'' thread? Goddammit that was the funniest thing I've seen in months! honestly, I just go there for alim298 and GazaAli.
This joke is older than my mom... oh wait...
We used to throw jokes like that when we are in 1st Grade or something. As you grow older, you transition to Punjabi which is probably the 'fastest' language on the Earth. It has a flow that even Arabic can't match and just because of its speed and comedic sound, its best used for comedy. The people of my city are well known throughout country for their sarcasm, and trust me, you won't find better comedy elsewhere.
lawl, those A'raab were a big deal back when we used to study Arabic as well. Unfortunately, movies and dramas are your only bet if you want to learn how to 'pronounce' word. It might be fast but bear with it. It's just like, when you want to learn English, you watch movies even though you don't get a word from it. It's all about getting 'accustomed to'. Eventually, you get used to hearing the words. Subtitles might help in this regard.
Are you going on Hajj?
I will.
Apathy isn't exactly bad, if it is regulated. By the way, is it just me or GS community has become even more toxic after the legalization of Gay marriage? in that case, I'm commencing my troll persona. The persona that got me banned 7 times.
What's getting worse? thou hath thy love of life.
I'm not getting into any med school but the Colleges that I am going to select are gonna squeeze every last dollar from my existent. And woah....woahh... Woah! ... 4.86... dayum. Well, I finished 35 games in the last year of my O levels and still got 7 As.
Screw that, aye. GS seems like a bigoted site. It's borderline zionist. But well, they're lucky to have some really good members.
I'm indifferent to labels. Couldn't care less about them and that's precisely why no label is demeaning to me. My 12 year old cousin calls me a 'chawal' and that's the word we use for almost everything. Just like English people use 'fuck' for everything. But chawal doesn't mean that. It has ... no meaning really. We just use it to denote anything 'bad'. And I'm okay with that nick. And don't go around praising me right after patronizing me, makes me feel like you have a personality disorder...or maybe I have.
Got my lessons last year. But thanks for reassurance. I needed that.
Such nice laifu. I hope I make it through these tribulations. Damn all these tests and Colleges.
And you played neither? Sometimes I think you're a borderline retard.
Warranty even means something?
There's only Gamespot then. I'm not much on the internet these days either. Bad days approaches sire. Gotta take shelter in my books. This is the only place where I'll check in regularly though not as much as before. Just leave a comment and all is well.
I get what you mean. But really, sandnigger sounds cool is more of a term associated with 'Muslims' now. Whether you're from Pakistan, Arab or Persia you'll be a sandnigger. And that's the best part about it, people will call you a sandnigger regardless of your sectarian affiliations. Normally, people will say "Persians are Shia Muslims", "Arabs are Sunnis" etc. At least there's one label that unites us all regardless of it being related to Islam or not.
Don't patronize me. I'm a strict follower of ''A head for an eye".
There's a term called 'my girlfriend' too. But, she doesn't exist. HA!
I get tired of new games pretty quick. This whole year, I've been on an RPG binge. And trust me, there's no better RPG than Dark Souls (The Witcher 3 stands equal). It just becomes such a personal experience, you cannot help but marvel at its sheer beauty. Do thyself a favor, play it.
The only trend I see is the trend of phones. I'm grump like that.
Nobody cares about EDL. I like the word sandnigger. Makes me feel like I have a separate identity.
Sandnigger is used for African Americans? really?
Start playing Dark Souls now. Screw the backlog. There's no such thing as a backlog.
You see, that's my problem. I don't even know what exactly is trendy. Iphones, HTC, Huawei, Samsung or whatever they are - they all look the same to me. I'm a simple man, I see a smartphone and I run away from it. But well, I'll take your word. I'll get one if I'm able to gather the money.
That's a proof of being a true sandnigger. Salutes.
I hardly let any dust inside mine. It just runs hot naturally. It's like, mother nature's gift in winter and God's wrath in summers.
Why haven't you played it?
We have a lot of local products that offer excellent smartphones at lower prices. It's just that, I couldn't be bothered. I don't know, I just start hating everything that's trendy. Usually, for no other reason than 'it's trendy'. Just an idiosyncrasy I suppose. Or if I'm not lucky, then it might as well turn out to be a disorder.
Woah that's a cool laptop. What could actually cause the problem?
btw, I finally modded Dark Souls enough to be able to play it... I think I'm putting every other game on hiatus... I don't know, I'm just a sucker for Dark Souls type of games.
If only we had that much money. We live off of scraps. And we're pretty grateful for that.
Which one was it?
The only problem is getting those $100. Even if I get them, I doubt I'll spend them on a smartphone. I'd probably get a ram or a heatsink. Y'know, priorities and all.