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Apr 16, 2017 8:23 AM

Nov 2011
Welp, Croix definitley has something sinister planned. I don't think Akko is even slightly aware of it. It's too bad Croix takes advantage of Akko as she is clueless.

Urusla's entry to save Akko is badass. Really glad to see her taking the risk and going in there by herself while showing some impressive skills. Urusla also proves herself that she still has a lot of talent from her Chariot days. (not sure if she is stronger or not in the present timeline though)

Pretty tense episode.
Apr 16, 2017 9:15 AM

Apr 2010
Seems the bond between the two teachers is complicated.
And it's clear who the target is of the new teacher.
It also seems that Diana is on to something and i won't be surprised if she is able to find out Shario's true identity.
Anyway things are getting interesting.
Apr 16, 2017 9:16 AM

May 2015
OMG I'm teary T___T

Akko and Ursula are my all time favorite characters.. and this episode was just so damn beautiful.. bye, i'm going to sit in a corner and cry
Apr 16, 2017 10:06 AM
Feb 2017
Everything is coming together.

- A travel to the past.

- A young teacher determined to save her student.

- Another mystery slowly getting solved bit by bit.

- The bond between two generations blossomed.
Apr 16, 2017 1:05 PM

Apr 2016
Well this ep wasnt as good but at least we got some time with the ultimate girl Chariot.
Apr 16, 2017 7:51 PM

Jan 2011
Is the subbed episode out yet? If so, where my friends?
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
Apr 16, 2017 7:51 PM

Nov 2016
This second half is killing it, I'm really liking this a lot more than the first half
As my last post said Croix was looking to see how powerful was Chariot and she did, also I said that Diana might help "defeat" Croix, she seems worried about this new technologies and she doesn't trust her, because of this distrust she wants to know about the past of the new teacher, how was her and what were her goals.
I'm repeating this again, in the opening it is made clear that although Akko and Diana are rivals they will end up working together probably to stop this change that Croix is looking in magic, and also I will say that maybe Diana, Akko, Croix, and Ursula might fight together to defeat some greater evil (I think this would be really interesting to watch because of the similar situations these girls had).
LWA is really interesting and I expect a lot from the next few episodes, this is one of the few anime that actually keep my attention and makes me want to think what is going to happen next. A lot of people criticize the series for its first episode and I agree they're too slow, but they need to be like this for the viewer to be interested in the characters and in their futures. Hoping that they keep the excellent work that they have been doing.
Apr 16, 2017 9:32 PM

Oct 2008
Chariot was awesome fighting all those minions!
Prof Ursula finally had a serious talk with Akko with regards to the words that she needs to discover...but still Akko is still slow on noticing that she's none other than the Shiny Chariot!

Apr 16, 2017 9:33 PM

Feb 2013

gedataApr 16, 2017 9:40 PM
Apr 16, 2017 10:00 PM

Jun 2015
Croix is definitely plotting something sinister. Akko wasn't aware what happened when she awoke. It sucks she was taken advantage. Urusla's entry to save Akko was very cool. She still got it.
Apr 16, 2017 10:23 PM
Feb 2017

Lost my shit when Ursula went boss-mode.

The new teacher too, despite how sinister she is I cant help but like her. Hopefully her motivations and actions do justice to the character she is so far.

Also im betting somewhere along the line Akko and Diana will mirror Chariot and Croix. At the start of the episode I even had the feeling that Akko would become like Croix, by advancing magic into the next age, and as a plot twist having diana actually become like chariot by keeping magic as magic. I cant see diana turning into croix.
Dream will be Diana and Akko teaming up and actually becoming friends through their rivalry like Simon and Viral from TTGL or something.
Apr 16, 2017 11:01 PM
Luny Tunes

Feb 2012
The subs on that one particular scene was pretty clever. xD

Ursula-sensei was really awesome using her magic powers to dodge the hazards and save Akko. The second half of this episode was just so damn beautiful along with the BGM. Akko learns the secrets about the seven magic words and the only thing missing is for her to learn the true identity of Chariot, who is already standing in front of her. :) The bond shared between these two characters was heartwarming and very captivating.
Apr 16, 2017 11:07 PM

Dec 2013
What a beautiful bonding episode between Akko and her favorite sensei.
And seeing Ursula with her long red hair... I'm in love <3
Apr 16, 2017 11:10 PM

Jul 2010
the fight scenes <3
Apr 16, 2017 11:13 PM
Dec 2013
I absolutely adore this series. This reveal is really beautiful.
Apr 16, 2017 11:19 PM

Sep 2013
Ursula going full Chariot mode and cleaning house was awesome! According to Croix, Chariot is a barely a shadow to her old self. Jeez, I wonder how strong she was 10 years ago.

After that display of magic and strength from Chariot, Croix was still not impressed. This more than likely means that even Chariot isn't a threat to her anymore. I'm really interested in their history as well.

Things are getting very interesting and I am stoked for the next episode. I wonder how Croix and Ursula will coexist in the same school. At the same time, Diana is doing her own thing and is looking into Ursula. Now Akko is on the hunt for the remaining words.

5/5- Great episode. I hope we get a Croix vs Chariot battle at some point.

Apr 16, 2017 11:33 PM

Jan 2013
Goodness I'm not sure what this show is doing. As much complaining as there was for the episodic episodes (and I was one of them (Although more for the quality rather than the fact that it was episodic)) this seems to be even worse.

I don't get the reason behind this whole 7 words plot. Why do they have the revive the 7 words? Why does it react to the 7 words? Why those words? How in the world did Akko even know some of the words in the first place? It's such a vague and weird plot that it feels like it's shoved in there for the purpose of having a plot.

And then there's Croix. It's so clear from when she came in that's supposed to be evil. Because technology is evil right? Well no but that does seem to be an annoyingly common trope. But the new professor does always have to be evil. And she's Chariots old rival. Just like Diana and Akko! Where have I seen that before? (Oh right a bunch of shows like to make parrells like this.)

And then suddenly Chariot is a super spy type of badass who can infiltrate a hideout? I thought this was a magic show, not a spy show? Idk whatever you'd call it. It's not necessarily bad but it does feel a bit out of place at least to me.

I'm getting frustrated with this show. It has wonderful visuals, art, and animation but the characters are flat as cardboard and the introduced plot is shallow, forced, and derivative. While the show can be charming and interesting at times, it also is equally frustrating to see the weak basis that this show is mired in.

sighs Oh well.
Apr 16, 2017 11:45 PM

Dec 2012
Nice episode.
Modern Technology is something alright.

DAMN Ursula is awesome. Finally get to see her as Chariot. She is really beautiful.
Taking out those stone statues was cool.

Interesting info on the Grand Triskelion.
4 more words to go.
"I’ve set myself to become the King of the Pirates…and if I die trying…then at least I tried!" Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)

Apr 17, 2017 12:14 AM

Jan 2015
Whoops, Ursula almost spill it when Diana ask about her acquaintance with Croix.
Now Akko's finally received a "Task" to recover the remain four Words. and to reveal the Identity of Ursula? Meh, that can wait later. xD
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Apr 17, 2017 12:22 AM
Apr 2017
I am guessing Croix put in some form of mind control. Because previously she wasn't able to use the Shiny Rod, she probably reached the conclusion that she just needed to control the wielder. That's my guess as to what Croix did to Akko while she was unconscious.
Apr 17, 2017 12:24 AM

Jan 2009
Ursula/Chariot is badass and Croix said she is so weak now too huh? i wonder how strong Ursula/Chariot was 10 years ago

and my biggest question about the Words have been explained by this episode, i keep wondering in the past on why Ursula/Chariot mentioned the exact Words for Akko to say, but according to this episode simply reciting the Words will not revived them so Akko is the chosen one to revive those Words
Apr 17, 2017 12:38 AM

Aug 2013
So basically Croix and Chariot were the former versions of Diana and Akko. Croix being the prodigy and looking down on Chariot, but then being awestruck and blinded by her passion and personality. Main difference between Diana and Croix, is that the former is just a snobby bitch who favors tradition and aristocracy (speaking of which, I LOVED that scene in the previous episode where Akko calls out Diana for being aa snobby aristocrat who doesn't give a shit about normal people and how Diana got genuinely distraught at hearing the truth) , and Croix was the silent prodigy who turned out to be super greedy (and now evil). I assume rather than using the reconstruction magic to just make the world have more replenished magic, she has a sinister ulterior motive to shape the world around her and according to her type of magic.

Chariot was super badass as well. Looked sick af when she took off her glasses to keep fighting. First time seeing her outfit under the robe too, it looks good on her. AND WHEN IS SHE EVER GOING TO FUCKING REVEAL THE TRUTH TO AKKO! GODDAMN GIVE ME THAT SCENE ALREADY!!!!
Apr 17, 2017 12:51 AM
Aug 2016
so. freaking good.
it's been 1 month since every episode is the best and the follower is even better.
Apr 17, 2017 1:13 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
LWA is really going up and about again. Fantastic episode really
Apr 17, 2017 1:34 AM

Jan 2015
This was stunning visually wise.

Croix still looks beautiful as always. We finally get to see Chariot in action

Fircoal said:
I don't get the reason behind this whole 7 words plot. Why do they have the revive the 7 words? Why does it react to the 7 words? Why those words? How in the world did Akko even know some of the words in the first place? It's such a vague and weird plot that it feels like it's shoved in there for the purpose of having a plot.

Have you even followed the episode
Apr 17, 2017 2:12 AM

Jul 2016
I never picked up on it until now, but Trigger really has a thing for acrobatic-action-redheads

On a more serious note that was an amazing episode. The animation was top-notch as always and I'm getting more and more curious about Croix.

Here's my mini-theory: Croix wants control of the Shiny Rod in order to bring Yggdrasil back to life and usher in a new age of magic, preferably with her in a ruling position but grew jealous when the rod chose Chariot instead of her.

By the end of the series, even if they do revive all the words, I don't think Ygdrasil will come back. It'd be funny if the Nine Ol'e Witches were playing a prank and the Shiny Rod is just a really elaborate dud.

Speaking of funny, isn't it kind of hilarious that Akko has been in close proximity to Chariot for over half the school year and has no idea that it's her, whereas Diana can find out her identity in 10 minutes just by cracking open a yearbook.
Apr 17, 2017 2:16 AM

May 2016
I absolutely refuse to believe that this and the first half of this show were written by the same person.

It's starting to look genuinely good.
Apr 17, 2017 2:35 AM
Jun 2011
Fircoal said:
Goodness I'm not sure what this show is doing. As much complaining as there was for the episodic episodes (and I was one of them (Although more for the quality rather than the fact that it was episodic)) this seems to be even worse.

I don't get the reason behind this whole 7 words plot. Why do they have the revive the 7 words? Why does it react to the 7 words? Why those words? How in the world did Akko even know some of the words in the first place? It's such a vague and weird plot that it feels like it's shoved in there for the purpose of having a plot.

And then there's Croix. It's so clear from when she came in that's supposed to be evil. Because technology is evil right? Well no but that does seem to be an annoyingly common trope. But the new professor does always have to be evil. And she's Chariots old rival. Just like Diana and Akko! Where have I seen that before? (Oh right a bunch of shows like to make parrells like this.)

And then suddenly Chariot is a super spy type of badass who can infiltrate a hideout? I thought this was a magic show, not a spy show? Idk whatever you'd call it. It's not necessarily bad but it does feel a bit out of place at least to me.

I'm getting frustrated with this show. It has wonderful visuals, art, and animation but the characters are flat as cardboard and the introduced plot is shallow, forced, and derivative. While the show can be charming and interesting at times, it also is equally frustrating to see the weak basis that this show is mired in.

sighs Oh well.
ursula told akko why the 7 words need to be revived in the second half of the episode after the battle. akoo knew the first word becouse ursula told her in the first episode the outher 2 was explained in the second half of the episode as well. it becouse the rod reacts to the strong emotions of the wielder
Apr 17, 2017 2:43 AM

Sep 2015
Fircoal said:
Goodness I'm not sure what this show is doing. As much complaining as there was for the episodic episodes (and I was one of them (Although more for the quality rather than the fact that it was episodic)) this seems to be even worse.

I don't get the reason behind this whole 7 words plot. Why do they have the revive the 7 words? Why does it react to the 7 words? Why those words? How in the world did Akko even know some of the words in the first place? It's such a vague and weird plot that it feels like it's shoved in there for the purpose of having a plot.

And then there's Croix. It's so clear from when she came in that's supposed to be evil. Because technology is evil right? Well no but that does seem to be an annoyingly common trope. But the new professor does always have to be evil. And she's Chariots old rival. Just like Diana and Akko! Where have I seen that before? (Oh right a bunch of shows like to make parrells like this.)

And then suddenly Chariot is a super spy type of badass who can infiltrate a hideout? I thought this was a magic show, not a spy show? Idk whatever you'd call it. It's not necessarily bad but it does feel a bit out of place at least to me.

I'm getting frustrated with this show. It has wonderful visuals, art, and animation but the characters are flat as cardboard and the introduced plot is shallow, forced, and derivative. While the show can be charming and interesting at times, it also is equally frustrating to see the weak basis that this show is mired in.

sighs Oh well.

Have you even followed the series? You saying: "How in the world did Akko even know some of the words in the first place?" , well I guess not.

From what I see this genre is not suitable for you.
Apr 17, 2017 2:47 AM
Feb 2017
Episode 15 Analysis
- First off, the relationship between Little Witch Academia and the World Tree has finally been proven correct. The first scene after the opening clearly foreshadows Yggdrasil’s role in the overall plot. Noticed on the Ipad that Amanda is bitterly tapping, it shows an array of symbols or map of sort and compared it to a certain map regarding worlds of Norse cosmology, it show to us the seven of the nine realms. It is unknown where the remaining two are but it might be related to the overall plot. If you look into the history of the worlds more, you could see that each realm has an overall theme that matches the characters.

Constanze: Svartalfheim – The realm is home to Dwarves who are master craftsman and since Constanze builds machines as a hobby, she fits right in.

Diana: Vanaheim- The realm is home to the oldest of Gods, the Vanir who are masters of sorcery and able to predict the future. Recalling Diana’s lineage and her ability to predict the future, diana’s role would be this one.

Sucy: Jotunheim – While there isn’t a lot to talk about but one important thing to note is that Loki lived in Jotunheim. Seeing as Loki was a trickster, it would related to Sucy own tendencies to play pranks on Akko.

Lotte: Alfheim – Alfheim is home to the Light Elves who are regarded as guardian angels and the ones that inspired art and music. This fits well with Lotte who has a passion for her Night Fall novels and the song she possessed in the Enchanted Parade.

Akko and Andrew: Midgard – Midgard is obviously the world where Akko and Andrew live in. One important thing to learn that there is a path called the Rainbow Bridge which connect Midgard and Asgard. Although Akko would be a likely candidate, on the other hand Andrew’s time with the rookie witch allowed him to open his eyes and see the magical world beyond just the arts.

- Moving on as Akko ascend the tower, we could see pictures of creatures that reflect Croix’s character.

Manticore – One trait the could be seen is the chimeric nature of the Manticore reflecting Croix’s goal in combining magic and science into one power.

Cobra – Cobra represents the deceitful nature which Croix used in tricking everyone to believe in the teachers’ incompetence and the heroic image she placed herself but since the Cobra has several species known for spitting, it represents how she much loathed the old traditions of magic or those who usurped her.

Spider – Spider meant the patient and tactical nature. Croix had a long time to develop her technology and was been in touch with Luna Nova’s current woes she used to her advantage in discrediting the teachers and be the hero that Akko needed to advance.

Stag – Stag is a sign of power which matched her goal in seeking the Grand Triskellion.
Apr 17, 2017 2:48 AM

Jan 2017
This time Ursula's performance was amazing, I didn't expect this anime to have tha t kind of fighting scenes
Karasuno Fight!!!
Apr 17, 2017 3:09 AM
May 2015
iSaturnine said:

Lost my shit when Ursula went boss-mode.

The new teacher too, despite how sinister she is I cant help but like her. Hopefully her motivations and actions do justice to the character she is so far.

Also im betting somewhere along the line Akko and Diana will mirror Chariot and Croix. At the start of the episode I even had the feeling that Akko would become like Croix, by advancing magic into the next age, and as a plot twist having diana actually become like chariot by keeping magic as magic. I cant see diana turning into croix.
Dream will be Diana and Akko teaming up and actually becoming friends through their rivalry like Simon and Viral from TTGL or something.

That' exactly what I thought. I was searching the comments just to see if somebody else thought the same way. To tell the truth I was really scared that professor Croix would delete Akko's memories of Chariot, that moment when she woke up was so intense for me... Even till the end of the episode I was thinking something bad will happen and Akko will forget about her passion for magic and go the paths of evil. Diana is becoming more and more likable. I just hope they don't turn Akko evil, hope that she stays dumb and naive till the end, 'cause that's what she is :D
Apr 17, 2017 3:58 AM
Sep 2012
Great episode, Ursula is Chariot mode, super bad ass and hot.

The people different reaction to this modern magic is very telling, Amanda doesn't seem to like it, neither does Diana's group. We find out more about Croax and Chariot past, Croax was the Diana of her time, while Chariot was the Akko of her time. Though I hate to say it, a lot of Croax about modern magic makes sense, I hope she is genre about that.

I am calling now, Diana is going to find out Chariot before Akko, thought Akko had some guts and just told her already, Croax already knows, no excuses. But the info Akko found out that is enough for one day.

And Ursula said these Nine Ole Witches readings no one can read in like forever, we all know who is going to figure that out, who can understand dragon, it is Diana obviously. In the end, Akko will be the brawn being the choosing one and have the heart, while Diana is the brain that help her out.

I do think one difference between Croax and Diana, Croax is very selfish and not modest, she took full credit for what all the students phrasing her for, didn't even try to act humble, Diana she is less selfless maybe to a point of it being a burden because that allows people to walk all over her and she is humble.

Now that what will happen I don't know, but I think we might getting break from plot next week, we need a cool down episode.
Apr 17, 2017 4:03 AM

May 2015
Fircoal said:
Goodness I'm not sure what this show is doing. As much complaining as there was for the episodic episodes (and I was one of them (Although more for the quality rather than the fact that it was episodic)) this seems to be even worse.

I don't get the reason behind this whole 7 words plot. Why do they have the revive the 7 words? Why does it react to the 7 words? Why those words? How in the world did Akko even know some of the words in the first place? It's such a vague and weird plot that it feels like it's shoved in there for the purpose of having a plot.

And then there's Croix. It's so clear from when she came in that's supposed to be evil. Because technology is evil right? Well no but that does seem to be an annoyingly common trope. But the new professor does always have to be evil. And she's Chariots old rival. Just like Diana and Akko! Where have I seen that before? (Oh right a bunch of shows like to make parrells like this.)

And then suddenly Chariot is a super spy type of badass who can infiltrate a hideout? I thought this was a magic show, not a spy show? Idk whatever you'd call it. It's not necessarily bad but it does feel a bit out of place at least to me.

I'm getting frustrated with this show. It has wonderful visuals, art, and animation but the characters are flat as cardboard and the introduced plot is shallow, forced, and derivative. While the show can be charming and interesting at times, it also is equally frustrating to see the weak basis that this show is mired in.

sighs Oh well.

Did you even watch the series? wtf

Akko knew the first 3 words thanks to Ursula. When Ursula was giving advice to Akko on life lessons she mentioned those words in order to explain to Akko important things in life. And Akko remembered those, and happened to use them in the right time on the right place. If you watched the series, you would know.

And they just literally explained in this episode why Akko has to find seven words.

Since all the 7 words are something only a pure heart could acchive, I guess those words are some kind of a security thing, so not everyone could use the great power of Shiny Rod.
Triskellion is a very powerful skill, it could either destroy or save the world depending on the wielder. That's why someone who wants to use it needs to revive the 7 words as some kind of a test, to see if they are worth using the greatest power. And when a person passes the test by reviving all 7 words, they get the ability to change the world.

I don't know if you are trolling everyone here, or you're just dumb? Because if you had watched the show, you wouldn't ask such stupid questions, when everything is literally explained.
Apr 17, 2017 4:21 AM

Dec 2015
wow, Chariot has some serious ninja skills, all running on the walls and doing awesome flips and whatnot.
Apr 17, 2017 4:27 AM

Jan 2011
Fircoal said:
I don't get the reason behind this whole 7 words plot. Why do they have the revive the 7 words? Why does it react to the 7 words? Why those words? How in the world did Akko even know some of the words in the first place? It's such a vague and weird plot that it feels like it's shoved in there for the purpose of having a plot.
Magic is dying. Revive the 7 words could unlock the sealed world-reconstruction-magic / Grand Triskelion that possibly bring new era of magic. "Why those words?" Well what's wrong with some sealed magic could be unlocked with some words/spell? Those words is actually written by the sealer, Nine Old Witches themselves, but none could read/activate them, until now.

Reason why does the 7 words react to Akko (or Chariot back then), thats what Croix wants to know too in the first place. But yeah its gotta be the spiritual things, like Croix said, the Shiny Rod is reacts to high levels of spirit energy. Gotta be person with pure heart or something. But its still vague imo, so I think, so far, the exact reason is unknown/will be revealed later.

TheGreatMizuti said:

Speaking of funny, isn't it kind of hilarious that Akko has been in close proximity to Chariot for over half the school year and has no idea that it's her, whereas Diana can find out her identity in 10 minutes just by cracking open a yearbook.
If I were Akko, at most, I would be suspicious but thinking Ursula is Chariot is too ... far? Akko has never seen the red-haired Ursula anyway (the most obvious clue Ursula=Chariot we got as viewer). And I dont think Diana knows it yet. Ursula is not listed in yearbook doesnt automatically prove that she is Chariot, just means that Ursula is suspicious lol. Diana also doesnt know that who tells various things about Shiny Rod to Akko is Ursula.

Different story if Diana checked all the student who attended school together with Croix at the same time (be it classmates, juniors or seniors) and searched out how they're doing in the present. If the only missing person is Chariot, then it possible to suspect Ursula=Chariot, but thats need a lot of time.
Apr 17, 2017 4:46 AM

Mar 2016
that was a great episode
Apr 17, 2017 4:52 AM

Feb 2014
I was worried about what Croix was doing to Akko once she was able to gain access to her memories. Thankfully, she didn't do anything serious to her and Ursula also timed her arrival right too when she was caught by Croix's systems.

Speaking of which, Ursula's assault on the New Moon Tower was wonderful to watch. The animation was flowing beautifully and Ursula was tapping into her Chariot-like form just so she wouldn't get stopped. It looked really awesome. =)

Eventually, Ursula finally spoke to Akko about how the magic used to be connected around the world, thus giving witches infinite power that they wanted. It's now a lot weaker than it was during those days, but Akko only has four spell words left to uncover. Ursula herself knows three of those words, but not the last one.

Honestly, I did think that Ursula would finally reveal to Akko that she is Chariot, but sadly, that didn't happen. I'm sure when the timing is right again, Ursula will tell Akko about her past at last.

Once again, the visual animation during the important between Akko and Ursula was really nice to see. =)
Apr 17, 2017 5:01 AM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
Fantastic animation when Chariot fought the monsters and that little sequence with the leylines.

Great episode, no magic fight yet. Good decision, they keep that for later.

Akko now has the determination, that was awesome.
Apr 17, 2017 5:02 AM
Sep 2016
Besides Croix little sinister planning and her plan for the world reconstruction. I'm glad that Chariot came to Akko's rescue, seeing her try her hardest when she is very weak magic wise really made me smile. I loved how Chariot waited by Akko's side till she woke up and showed her everything she needs to know to be set on the right path. Seeing Chariots smile toward Akko is also amazing and bubbly as well.
Apr 17, 2017 5:33 AM

Dec 2009
Croix being evil looks like a red herring, anyways, one of the best episodes so far if only for the Chariot's fight scene
Apr 17, 2017 6:02 AM
Sep 2012
Jonesy974 said:
Main difference between Diana and Croix, is that the former is just a snobby bitch who favors tradition and aristocracy

When in this series has Diana has acted like snobby bitch. What series are you watching? Just give me an example, and don't give me OVA stuff that is non canon or because Akko thinks she is, the last two episode is evident, Akko is not the best judge of character.

Seriously why the Diana hate, she is as awesome as Akko.
Apr 17, 2017 6:21 AM

Nov 2011
A really nice important step in the main story. I was expecting a more somber tone during the episode, however the story has proved fairly close to so far seen canons. There is not only Akko during the episode, but Diana, proves to be much more interesting than it was before, and guess that the situation of not well clarified inconsistencies. Really interesting the part about the mystery that surrounds the main story. Beginning to worship the ending, a bit less than the opening.
Apr 17, 2017 6:29 AM

Jul 2016
furuuru said:
Fircoal said:
I don't get the reason behind this whole 7 words plot. Why do they have the revive the 7 words? Why does it react to the 7 words? Why those words? How in the world did Akko even know some of the words in the first place? It's such a vague and weird plot that it feels like it's shoved in there for the purpose of having a plot.
Magic is dying. Revive the 7 words could unlock the sealed world-reconstruction-magic / Grand Triskelion that possibly bring new era of magic. "Why those words?" Well what's wrong with some sealed magic could be unlocked with some words/spell? Those words is actually written by the sealer, Nine Old Witches themselves, but none could read/activate them, until now.

Reason why does the 7 words react to Akko (or Chariot back then), thats what Croix wants to know too in the first place. But yeah its gotta be the spiritual things, like Croix said, the Shiny Rod is reacts to high levels of spirit energy. Gotta be person with pure heart or something. But its still vague imo, so I think, so far, the exact reason is unknown/will be revealed later.

TheGreatMizuti said:

Speaking of funny, isn't it kind of hilarious that Akko has been in close proximity to Chariot for over half the school year and has no idea that it's her, whereas Diana can find out her identity in 10 minutes just by cracking open a yearbook.
If I were Akko, at most, I would be suspicious but thinking Ursula is Chariot is too ... far? Akko has never seen the red-haired Ursula anyway (the most obvious clue Ursula=Chariot we got as viewer). And I dont think Diana knows it yet. Ursula is not listed in yearbook doesnt automatically prove that she is Chariot, just means that Ursula is suspicious lol. Diana also doesnt know that who tells various things about Shiny Rod to Akko is Ursula.

Different story if Diana checked all the student who attended school together with Croix at the same time (be it classmates, juniors or seniors) and searched out how they're doing in the present. If the only missing person is Chariot, then it possible to suspect Ursula=Chariot, but thats need a lot of time.

So far Akko has shown no indication that's she's suspicious of Ursula. And it's more so the opposite. If Ursula IS listed in the yearbook, it would be proof that she's Chariot because Diana could easily recognise the younger version of her childhood idol coupled with Ursula's name (this is assuming Ursula is her real name and not another alias). If Diana makes that connection then she'll also know that Ursula is the most likely person to be giving Akko info on the Shiny Rod because Chariot is the most heavily associated with it
Apr 17, 2017 8:43 AM

Aug 2012
-Wait do the teachers know about Ursula
-yeah this won't end well
-huh, seems like croix instantly recognized chariot
-is this the ringed city
-those drones had awful aim

Hoo man, nothing new happened this episode other than Chariot returning to form and beating down some gargoyles. I guess they also explained the seven Words to Akko, as well as explicitly state that Chariot and Croix attended the school together, but these things are hardly something to dedicate a whole episode to. Even then, Chariot's fight against the magical summons weren't too impressive because it progressed really slowly. The important magical stuff in previous episodes always had a ton of movement, but the tower climbing scene seemed to have a bunch of empty shots. It really does feel like a recap episode, especially with all the flashbacks, which is pretty disappointing.
Apr 17, 2017 8:46 AM

Sep 2009
I am very happy that I decided to stick with this anime as I wasn't so sure after watching the first episode that I would enjoy it. But then I read comments on here and I gave it another week and I was hooked. One anime that I look forward to every week.

Chariot's battle in the New Moon Tower was very fun to watch and even if Chariot isn't as strong as she was ten years ago, she looks pretty strong to me. Maybe she's holding some power back too.

Another great episode.
Apr 17, 2017 8:54 AM

Jan 2013
furuuru said:
Fircoal said:
I don't get the reason behind this whole 7 words plot. Why do they have the revive the 7 words? Why does it react to the 7 words? Why those words? How in the world did Akko even know some of the words in the first place? It's such a vague and weird plot that it feels like it's shoved in there for the purpose of having a plot.
Magic is dying. Revive the 7 words could unlock the sealed world-reconstruction-magic / Grand Triskelion that possibly bring new era of magic. "Why those words?" Well what's wrong with some sealed magic could be unlocked with some words/spell? Those words is actually written by the sealer, Nine Old Witches themselves, but none could read/activate them, until now.

Reason why does the 7 words react to Akko (or Chariot back then), thats what Croix wants to know too in the first place. But yeah its gotta be the spiritual things, like Croix said, the Shiny Rod is reacts to high levels of spirit energy. Gotta be person with pure heart or something. But its still vague imo, so I think, so far, the exact reason is unknown/will be revealed later.

Thank you. I get it more now. Basically it's spell protection, that makes a lot more sense than whatever I was thinking of beforehand.

It probably reacts to Akko because of her energy and positivity. As said the shiny rod works with emotions, and as we have seen Akko is very emotional.

Thank you to the people who tried to help with my confusion. I have been watching the show. Obviously I would try to type out a whole bunch of words for a show I haven't watched. I don't even hate the show, I just am disappointed with some facts about it.
Apr 17, 2017 9:09 AM
Oct 2007
This is getting real interesting. Everything is finally coming together!

Mirroring Diana and Croix while Akko and Chariot is indeed brilliant. I think Diana will most probably turns out differently from Croix by the end of the story though.
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Apr 17, 2017 9:39 AM

Sep 2015
Fircoal said:
And then there's Croix. It's so clear from when she came in that's supposed to be evil. Because technology is evil right? Well no but that does seem to be an annoyingly common trope. But the new professor does always have to be evil. And she's Chariots old rival. Just like Diana and Akko! Where have I seen that before? (Oh right a bunch of shows like to make parrells like this.)

And then suddenly Chariot is a super spy type of badass who can infiltrate a hideout? I thought this was a magic show, not a spy show? Idk whatever you'd call it. It's not necessarily bad but it does feel a bit out of place at least to me.

You seem to think "anime" in a very wrong way , my fellow member. Firstly no one ever say that technology is evil. Which the same goes to Croix, Im not sure how you can be so clear she is supposed to be evil before this episode. Saying this is common trope or saying bunch of shows like to make parrells like this, I hope you can enlighten me how many or what show look similiar. Even if there are, you make it sound like every anime in the world look the same, you are bored with it.

Akko & Diana only a tiny bit like Diana & Croix. 1stly op literally explain it all, Diana & Croix goes side way and Akko & Diana did go side way but linking hand instead. Diana only think less of being competitive, she has real noble chivalry and always at her best. Not only that Diana is not arrogant, she actually think Akko's team has a shot in winning the moonlit witch by breaking Baharowa sad curse few episodes back. Most importantly, Diana is not evil. Diana doesn't like technology Croix bring, but Ako does.

You think it in a wrong way during Chariot breaking in to the tower. She doesn't act like spy and not infiltrading, Chariot literally rushing in to save Akko. She is using magic, how else is she going to save Akko? Its literally magic fight.

Fircoal said:
Goodness I'm not sure what this show is doing. As much complaining as there was for the episodic episodes (and I was one of them (Although more for the quality rather than the fact that it was episodic)) this seems to be even worse.

I don't get the reason behind this whole 7 words plot. Why do they have the revive the 7 words? Why does it react to the 7 words? Why those words? How in the world did Akko even know some of the words in the first place? It's such a vague and weird plot that it feels like it's shoved in there for the purpose of having a plot.

I'm getting frustrated with this show. It has wonderful visuals, art, and animation but the characters are flat as cardboard and the introduced plot is shallow, forced, and derivative. While the show can be charming and interesting at times, it also is equally frustrating to see the weak basis that this show is mired in.

sighs Oh well.

Including this seperated comment, not joking & no offence, there is something wrong with how you watch an anime.
valvravetruthApr 17, 2017 9:45 AM
Apr 17, 2017 9:40 AM

Jan 2017
Absolutely amazing episode. Still a little frustrated we don't get the Chariot reveal to Akko yet but I guess that will make it all the more satisfying later. Really good episode that had really good action as well as a lot of information answering a lot of questions. The final scenes were really well done, really shows Akko's journey.

This is right on the cusp of my favorite anime this year already and it still has so many episodes left!
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