Rating Scale:
10: Has stuck with me for weeks and months after finishing it. A show that had some deep emotional impact or connection with me. Full of things to love, though not necessarily perfect. A 'subjective masterpiece' of a show.
9: Again, full of things to love, but just without the prolonged connection on that personal level. Nothing that really bothered me. A fantastic show.
8: A really good time. Likely appealed to me on an artistic or conceptual level, but probably didn't quite strike me on a personal level. Lots of things to love, but had some decent flaws. A great show.
7: Overall enjoyable experience. Had some things I really enjoyed though likely didn't have much beneath the surface to look into. A good show.
6: Above average. Probably had some things I liked, though a lot I also disliked. Would watch more to see if it got better but wouldn't hold my breath. A decent show, with potential.
5: Middle of the road. Didn't appeal to me, but I could see why others would like it. Likely was flawed on some critical issue like art/design, dialogue, directing, pacing, characters. An okay show.
4: Sub-par. Boring, could maybe see why others would like it, but at this point I actively dislike it.
3: Uninspired, unimaginative, poorly written, poorly conceived. Probably has one small 'redeeming' quality.
2: Bad enough to laugh at, but not in the way 'The Room' can be laughed at. Get it away from me.
1: Garbage.
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