Jan 1, 2017 5:17 PM
Okay, I just want to ask: why so much hate for Yurio? A lot of people call him a poorly written character. Not enough screentime despite being MC. Nearly not enough character development to make people forgive his first impression. Him winning Gold at GPF made things even worse, because somehow it destroyed his character. Alright then, fair enough. But can someone please explain in further detail? Because Yurio, despite not having enough screentime, did went through character development. I'm using episode 4, episode 9, episode 11 and episode 12 as my proof here. Not trying to bash or anything, but I just need to understand more on why people hate him. I don't love him, but I don't hate him either. I just think the hate is a bit unwarranted if it's due to the reasons stated above. He did went through character development. Sometimes, I think he's better written than Viktor, who is so freaking perfect even the way he cried is like crystalline pearls dropping on his lap. |
Jan 1, 2017 5:35 PM
I can't speak for other people, but personally, I'm not the biggest fan of his character. But I definitely don't hate him. The thing is though, aside for Yuri Katsuki., Plistesky has had, arguably, the most amount of character development and backstory, his character was fleshed out as much as it could be in a 12 episode series. So I don't really agree with the people who say he's had poor character development. That aside, I know a lot of people who I've talked to about this say they have a problem with Yurio's general attitude. Even his biggest fans should be able to admit, he's a bit of asshole to pretty much everyone and shows little respect to people like Victor and Yakov, his seniors and people who have helped him become as good as he is. Some people just don't like that archetype. You can argue that it's because he's a moody teenager, and that's true, but it still doesn't stop it from being really off-putting. Him winning gold at the grand prix, I've heard a lot of people say that was bad writing, and at first I thought so too. But honestly, they made Yurio pretty OP since day one, and him winning gold is supposed to be a reflection of him being the next Victor. Also, the way they wrote him winning, showing through his routines that he had come to appreciate the people in his life, and that his attitude towards Yuri was just his own way of motivating Yuri to keep improving etc. I think they handled it well and at the very least he looked like a gracious winner. I guess because this attitude of his never really changes, though we do see softer sides of him, people think he hasn't had "character development". Those people don't understand the concept of character development. Also, people are just really attached to characters like Yuri K. and Victor, who Yurio has a habit of provoking. That's just my two cents. |
NanoRinJan 1, 2017 5:41 PM
Anime was the catalyst of my life's downward spiral. Joining MAL was the nail in my coffin. Every day I keep screaming into the void, but god just tells me to shut up. |
Jan 2, 2017 1:48 AM
NanoRin said: I can't speak for other people, but personally, I'm not the biggest fan of his character. But I definitely don't hate him. The thing is though, aside for Yuri Katsuki., Plistesky has had, arguably, the most amount of character development and backstory, his character was fleshed out as much as it could be in a 12 episode series. So I don't really agree with the people who say he's had poor character development. That aside, I know a lot of people who I've talked to about this say they have a problem with Yurio's general attitude. Even his biggest fans should be able to admit, he's a bit of asshole to pretty much everyone and shows little respect to people like Victor and Yakov, his seniors and people who have helped him become as good as he is. Some people just don't like that archetype. You can argue that it's because he's a moody teenager, and that's true, but it still doesn't stop it from being really off-putting. Him winning gold at the grand prix, I've heard a lot of people say that was bad writing, and at first I thought so too. But honestly, they made Yurio pretty OP since day one, and him winning gold is supposed to be a reflection of him being the next Victor. Also, the way they wrote him winning, showing through his routines that he had come to appreciate the people in his life, and that his attitude towards Yuri was just his own way of motivating Yuri to keep improving etc. I think they handled it well and at the very least he looked like a gracious winner. I guess because this attitude of his never really changes, though we do see softer sides of him, people think he hasn't had "character development". Those people don't understand the concept of character development. Also, people are just really attached to characters like Yuri K. and Victor, who Yurio has a habit of provoking. That's just my two cents. Alright. Your points were definitely valid. Regarding Yuri's character and his tendency to be a bit of a Jerk Sue, as some of my friends call him, it is true that he was quite rude, and some of his rude actions were definitely worthy of a bitchslap. Characters are almost never reprimanding him for it, merely handwaving it as typical moody, jerkass teenager behaviour and that he'll grow out of it eventually. I get this point. It's true. The only time we ever see someone actually truly getting mad at Yurio was in Episode 10's beach scene with Viktor and Yuri. So, I guess I kinda understand this point. It doesn't matter that he was a rather gracious loser (as seen in Hasetsu Ice Skate event and when he lost to JJ in the Rostelecom Cup) or that despite being an arrogant little shit, he never did quite toot his own horn (I'm looking at when he broke Viktor's record and when he won Gold at the GPF. His happiness with breaking Viktor's record was kinda short lived, to be honest. And he didn't even look happy when he won gold. The face he made when he was placed no. 1 on the podium didn't look like a person who won gold and made a brilliant senior debut.) It is off putting to most. Maybe I'm the wrong one, because I saw it as endearing O.O What kinda made me a bit baffled is when people say he had nearly not enough character development. I saw quite a lot for a season with 12 episodes. His Agape performances, him trying to cheer Yuuri up in Episode 9 in his own way and his final FS at the GPF, is definitely what takes the cake. Especially when he won gold. With the way he's portrayed, you'd think Yurio would start screaming in joy to hell and back when he'd won, which is a bit how I thought what would happen if JJ won. JJ would definitely tell everybody and their grandmother that he won. But we didn't see Yurio doing that. He looked a bit dissatisfied/unhappy about it. And I agree with your point about Yurio winning gold. To people, he's like the second Viktor or something. So, I wasn't salty about it when he won, I saw it coming from the moment episode 11 aired. And it wasn't an asspull at all to me. If Yuuri really did win gold and get married with Viktor by the end of episode 12, I would be happy/dissatisfied with it. Because them marrying would be too soon. Just like them getting suddenly engaged is also too soon. And Yurio winning gold stopped Yuuri from retiring, and our main pairing did not separate because Yuuri did not retire, which gave more chance to talk whatever unresolved problem they had. So, Yurio actually made the ending better. Mixed feeling about the ending is a definite yes, but it paved way to hopefully more character development to work on in S2. I admit, if you were to put Yurio beside Yuuri and Viktor, Yurio doesn't seem all that likeable comparatively. But no need to hate him, guys. Without him, Viktuuri wouldn't have stayed together until the end. Nevertheless, thank you for your opinion. It was definitely appreciated. But I'd like to hear more on what other people want to say about him. |
Jan 2, 2017 8:02 PM
Considering the fact that he's introduced as an angsty, loud teenager barking at poor Yuuri as he's crying in the bathroom stall, I don't find it difficult to believe that a lot of people hate Yurio. I hated him for sure, the same way I hated Rin in Free! and Sailor Mars for yelling at Sailor Moon. But somewhere later in the season, Yurio's skating is what drew me in. I can't say I like him as a character, but I love watching him skate. I think some people who complain about "character development" really feel that a character hasn't developed in the way that they wanted. And some of the people who hate him probably wanted a feel-good story in which Yuuri won gold. Yuuri was the underdog and in their eyes, Yurio was the obstacle keeping the underdog from winning. |
Jan 2, 2017 8:05 PM
Yurio is a tsundere of the male variety. Not everybody likes tsunderes. |
Jan 2, 2017 10:17 PM
Huh? People hate him? I liked him. I wasn`t bothered by his rude attitude at all. In fact his attitude was that ,what made me like him. And I also liked Yuri and Victor. I found those three guys to be very likeable. |
Jan 4, 2017 3:14 AM
Because he is GAY... |
Jan 5, 2017 8:12 AM
Thanks for the people responding to my question. So far, the reasons that people give me on why they don't like our angry little kitty is because: 1. His angry, disrespectful attitude. 2. Him winning gold, preventing the very much anticipated wedding we all want as well as preventing our lovely katsudon from winning. 3. He's a male tsundere of the violent type. (Well frankly, I think I prefer male tsunderes over females any day. Though this is a matter of personal opinion so.... :) ) 4. Because he's a closet gay (????? Please explain. I don't get this point. It's fine for Viktor and Yuuri to be gay for each other, but not Yurio? O.O ) 5. His first impression. (Boy, people will never be able to stop bringing that up will they? I guess first impressions really do last!) 6. He did not go through enough character development. That's it, so far. Anything else people would like to add? And remember, please no bashing. I made this post to begin with because I would like to see things from my friends' perspective. They don't like Yurio, and whenever I ask why, they kept on answering, "Because he's terrible, Sophie! Why can't you see that?" ....It almost escalated to a point where I was fighting with them about this. I don't want to keep fighting, thus I would like to see things through their eyes. I don't hate Yurio (I kinda like him. He looks like he could kill you, but he's actually a cinnamon roll to me XD), but they want me to. So, I would kinda want to reach a compromise with them by trying to understand why. I can never get a coherent answer when I'm asking them. MAL is about the only way to go now for any coherent answers on anime, I guess. |
Jan 5, 2017 8:16 AM
Swagernator said: Because he is GAY... ....????????? Because he's gay? Would you mind explaining in further detail please? I don't get this point. |
Jan 5, 2017 8:27 AM
Yakysann said: Huh? People hate him? I liked him. I wasn`t bothered by his rude attitude at all. In fact his attitude was that ,what made me like him. And I also liked Yuri and Victor. I found those three guys to be very likeable. Well, you'll be surprised to know that there are people who hated him. I swear, whenever I go to a forum discussion on their favourite character or on episodes 10, 11 and 12, there has to be at LEAST around 7 people on that discussion thread who claimed they hated him. Whenever I asked why, the only answer they throw at my face is, "Because he's terrible." I don't really get their way of thinking, thus the reason this post exist. Let us all understand why they hate him. We may not think alike, but that doesn't mean we can't try not to understand them. teaknight said: I liked him a lot, hes an interesting character. Yes, I like him too. Definitely never a boring moment with him. He's quite entertaining to watch, though I do have some minor grievances about him. Still, that does not deter any form of entertainment I had on watching him. mascarpone said: Yurio is a tsundere of the male variety. Not everybody likes tsunderes. So, it's a matter of personal opinion, too? Alright then. That point does hold value. He does give major tsundere vibes. sooyong said: Considering the fact that he's introduced as an angsty, loud teenager barking at poor Yuuri as he's crying in the bathroom stall, I don't find it difficult to believe that a lot of people hate Yurio. I hated him for sure, the same way I hated Rin in Free! and Sailor Mars for yelling at Sailor Moon. But somewhere later in the season, Yurio's skating is what drew me in. I can't say I like him as a character, but I love watching him skate. I think some people who complain about "character development" really feel that a character hasn't developed in the way that they wanted. And some of the people who hate him probably wanted a feel-good story in which Yuuri won gold. Yuuri was the underdog and in their eyes, Yurio was the obstacle keeping the underdog from winning. Ahh, people will never stop bringing up that first impression, will they? Really, despite his charcter development, people will always bring up that horrible first impression. But, I think it's understandable. Some first impressions last forever. Again, it's a matter of personal preference? Because he did not have a 180 personal change? Alright.... that counts too, though I still think if Yurio became more like Yuuri, he wouldn't be Yurio at all. But personal preferences, is something that can only be changed by the person itself, so I guess I'll take this as a point too. The feel-good story is definitely something I can relate to. Although I did mention seeing Yurio winning gold before episode 12 aired, I was hoping for Yuuri to win too. It doesn't matter if it feels cliché or typical, I wanted Yuuri to win after all the failures he went through. So, despite my prediction being true, I did have mixed feelings about it. Another point to add then. |
SophieSSSJan 5, 2017 9:28 AM
Jan 5, 2017 8:49 AM
I didn't like him in the first episode, seemed like an asshole |
Jan 5, 2017 9:06 AM
It isn't just "tsundere vibes" he is a Tsundere. He does everything Asuka does in Evangelion, only instead of not being allowed to beat the Shinji- Yurio actually was allowed to beat Yuri despite main character plot armor that is normally granted. Yuri is a reverse character development Shinji. Victor is Kaworu who isn't a betrayer but still way too perfect. You can't tell me I am wrong. |
The anime community in a nutshell. |
Jan 5, 2017 9:39 AM
Jonouchi-Katsuya said: It isn't just "tsundere vibes" he is a Tsundere. He does everything Asuka does in Evangelion, only instead of not being allowed to beat the Shinji- Yurio actually was allowed to beat Yuri despite main character plot armor that is normally granted. Yuri is a reverse character development Shinji. Victor is Kaworu who isn't a betrayer but still way too perfect. You can't tell me I am wrong. ...You know, that is a good parallel. I can actually see that. I can actually switch their places and see it happening. I don't know why, but I find this so accurate, it's hilarious. I can't argue with you there. So, not 'Tsundere vibes', but actual 'Tsundere' then? Alright. I stand corrected. Thanks for the input, and the good laugh you gave me with the parallels. Definitely appreciated. |
Jan 5, 2017 10:06 AM
As someone who isn't a fan of this show, Yurio were the character I liked the most and were the reason why I finished watching the show. Is he the perfect character? no. But I felt that he got the most character development in the show, even surpasing Yuri and viktor |
Jan 5, 2017 10:30 AM
swebartender said: As someone who isn't a fan of this show, Yurio were the character I liked the most and were the reason why I finished watching the show. Is he the perfect character? no. But I felt that he got the most character development in the show, even surpasing Yuri and viktor This. Thank you. Thank you so much for saying this. He doesn't have to be perfect. And arguably, he did got the most character development in the show. ...Did Viktor even have character development? All I got was hinted slight depression problems, and the 'love and life' monologue in episode 10. Aside from that, nope. |
Jan 5, 2017 10:37 AM
SophieSSS said: Jonouchi-Katsuya said: It isn't just "tsundere vibes" he is a Tsundere. He does everything Asuka does in Evangelion, only instead of not being allowed to beat the Shinji- Yurio actually was allowed to beat Yuri despite main character plot armor that is normally granted. Yuri is a reverse character development Shinji. Victor is Kaworu who isn't a betrayer but still way too perfect. You can't tell me I am wrong. ...You know, that is a good parallel. I can actually see that. I can actually switch their places and see it happening. I don't know why, but I find this so accurate, it's hilarious. I can't argue with you there. So, not 'Tsundere vibes', but actual 'Tsundere' then? Alright. I stand corrected. Thanks for the input, and the good laugh you gave me with the parallels. Definitely appreciated. When I started thinking that Yuri on Ice was my new favorite series, I decided to dig into why... turns out, there are some similar staff...Most noticeably the character designer for Yuri on Ice (and the animation director for End of Eva) which is why I keep thinking they look like those three lol. So far Yuri on Ice has not dethroned Eva for me but it got damn close. And I started examining comparisons. I felt better knowing it was not just in my head. There was a reason and it was probably intentional as it is another off label shonen ai that got censored. |
The anime community in a nutshell. |
Jan 5, 2017 11:19 AM
SophieSSS said: swebartender said: As someone who isn't a fan of this show, Yurio were the character I liked the most and were the reason why I finished watching the show. Is he the perfect character? no. But I felt that he got the most character development in the show, even surpasing Yuri and viktor This. Thank you. Thank you so much for saying this. He doesn't have to be perfect. And arguably, he did got the most character development in the show. ...Did Viktor even have character development? All I got was hinted slight depression problems, and the 'love and life' monologue in episode 10. Aside from that, nope. I would even say that all the side character got more character development than Viktor. The only thing I know from him is that he won gold medels, he have bad memories, he own a dog and he love Yuri. Other than that... nope |
Jan 5, 2017 11:58 AM
Viktor got some development, but for his character I think it was more about revealing character than developing. Viktor characters and his motivations were revealed quite slowly which is why there were so many Viktor is evil, using Yuuri or having cancer and dying theories around. At first Viktor was portrayed certain way, but especially ep10 changed that portrayal. He wasn't story's playboy, who was there to seduce Yuuri for his own benefit and then leave him. Then overall I think Viktor's characters arc went from being lonely to finding love and finding motivation to skate again. He changed for happier for sure instead of just smiling cheerfully outside. Personally for me Viktor's development went different way than I was thinking since I was expecting him to retire really and rather than getting motivated- finding himself content with retiring and cheering new generation. But to me there still was development in the character and hopefully more in second season. |
Jan 6, 2017 8:42 AM
KomaDoll said: Viktor got some development, but for his character I think it was more about revealing character than developing. Viktor characters and his motivations were revealed quite slowly which is why there were so many Viktor is evil, using Yuuri or having cancer and dying theories around. At first Viktor was portrayed certain way, but especially ep10 changed that portrayal. He wasn't story's playboy, who was there to seduce Yuuri for his own benefit and then leave him. Then overall I think Viktor's characters arc went from being lonely to finding love and finding motivation to skate again. He changed for happier for sure instead of just smiling cheerfully outside. Personally for me Viktor's development went different way than I was thinking since I was expecting him to retire really and rather than getting motivated- finding himself content with retiring and cheering new generation. But to me there still was development in the character and hopefully more in second season. Well, when you put it that way, I guess it makes sense. Since Viktor was already virtually perfect, I guess making him a kinda mysterious character at the start and then slowly unveiling him works too. Just because I said Viktor was too perfect, doesn't mean I hate him. I was kinda hoping for more. But when you explained it that way, then I guess I can agree with that too. That's the thing with YoI. It makes me want to see more. It's nice that this show managed to get me emotionally invested, but I do get frustrated because of it. XD |
Jan 11, 2017 8:01 AM
Ppl hate plisetsky? I thought they were a minority in this fandom. I wouldn't say I hated Yurio but there were times when he was being hella rude and i didn't really appreciate it. I've come across many male tsundere who are hella likeable. Yurio was just very edgy most of the time. Yes,i know he has a reason to be mad at Victor and Yuuri but it doesn't neccessarily mean i'll overlook him being rude all the time. There were instances I found him cute though. (When he fanboyed at the tiger shirt, when he glomped his grandad, when he met yuuri wished him a happy birthday and smiled as he spoke about pirohskis). but his mean side outnumbers his "cute" side. |
Jan 11, 2017 8:20 AM
I think it has to do with the disdain the Tsundere characters have garnered over the years, and the fact that he is literary an angry teen character which rubs a lot of people the wrong way. I personally love him (even if I'm salty he won gold instead of Yuuri). But I've always loved Tsundere type characters (the exception being Rin Tohsaka). So, I suppose it comes down to personal preferences. There are plenty of people out there who hate Yuuri and Victor, so it should come as no surprise that Yurio also gets his fair share of haters. |
Jan 11, 2017 8:27 AM
He was being pretty rude to other characters. So that's why. Plus, he is Katsuki's rival. And people like Katsuki. I still love him though, mostly because I think he is the best skater of the bunch. He deserved that gold. |
Jan 22, 2017 8:48 AM
NanoRin said: That aside, I know a lot of people who I've talked to about this say they have a problem with Yurio's general attitude. Even his biggest fans should be able to admit, he's a bit of asshole to pretty much everyone and shows little respect to people like Victor and Yakov, his seniors and people who have helped him become as good as he is. Some people just don't like that archetype. You can argue that it's because he's a moody teenager, and that's true, but it still doesn't stop it from being really off-putting. Him winning gold at the grand prix, I've heard a lot of people say that was bad writing, and at first I thought so too. But honestly, they made Yurio pretty OP since day one, and him winning gold is supposed to be a reflection of him being the next Victor. I kind of like Yurio despite his terrible attitude... I just find tsundere brats kind of hilarious, and it's refreshing to hear Kouki Uchiyama do his deeper voice again (he used it originally for Kagura in Aquarion EVOL). However, the whole thing about being a "moody teenager" and winning the championship, in my opinion, was much better handled in Future GPX Cyber Formula from 1991. Main character Hayato is a 14-year-old boy with a typical teenagey attitude; most of the time a nice kid, but get on his nerves and he has a rebellious temper tantrum - his character development, how he improves both as a driver and as a person, is incredibly well-written. In my opinion, Yurio winning gold would be considered "bad writing" when compared to Hayato's development from a complete failure to a champion racer. ...Granted, everybody in this series gets more development than YOI characters do. Could be because it's a longer series, but I'm certain it's due to Sunrise just having better scriptwriters than most studios. XD |
"Everything is idiocy if you choose to look at it in the proper light." -Belgarath, Pawn of Prophecy (David Eddings) My Candies: |
Jan 22, 2017 9:22 AM
@Beldarius I think it's entirely unfair to compare the development of the de facto main character in a 37 episode series to that of a deuteragonist in a 12 episode anime and then chalk it up to "better writing". That aside I understand where you're coming from and I do think YOI would have benefitted greatly if it had more episodes to work with. |
Anime was the catalyst of my life's downward spiral. Joining MAL was the nail in my coffin. Every day I keep screaming into the void, but god just tells me to shut up. |
Jan 23, 2017 8:28 PM
Hmm... I definitely don't hate him but I like the other MCs a lot more. It just bugs me that he seems to be so rude to the other characters and nobody really seems to mind that much. That boy needs to be taught some manners lol. I really didn't like him at the end of ep 10 and in ep 11 as he rubs Victor's retirement and Yuuri's less than perfect SP in their faces. Although I agree, he's definitely an interesting character and its easy to forget he's only 15 and this is probably the result of immaturity combined with some sort of inferiority complex under victor. You basically have to devote your whole life to skating at that level and we see both other MCs deal with that. It wouldn't surprise me if lashing out is the way Yurio deals with the stress is lashing out. Also if he didn't have a shitty personality, he'd be unbearable as a character with basically no flaws. |
Jan 23, 2017 8:51 PM
I hate tsuderes. Yuri is rude to everybody and for no good reason. He's the worst character on this show. |
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Feb 1, 2017 4:47 PM
I dislike him because hes a violent, angry asshole. He could have recovered from that first ugly impression(bathroom scene),but he just kept being nauseating episode after episode. I was fed up with his character by episode 8, and by 10 I wanted someone to punt his little disgusting, jerksue ass in the ocean. Victor why did you disappoint me. Writers will deliberately make a character with a repulsive and violent personality, and yet want us to like or love them.I cannot understand this mindset. I wouldn't like, or want to be around, a person like that in real life so why would I adore the anime equivalent? JJ is a narcissist but a nice person, and yet gets treated like he’s horrible. Yurio is a bastard, but gets treated like a little skating prince that can do no wrong. This kind of 'logic' makes no sense to me. Tsunderes(especially if they are mains) sour a show for me. Rin(Free) annoyed me. One of the reasons I dropped Toradora was because one of its main jerks.The Legend Of The Legendary Heroes had a lot of problems, and Ferris was strongly one of them. She was intolerable. Rin( Fate/Zero/Unlimited Blade Works) was also a constant frustration to bare. I hate this archetype, and would love if it disappeared completely. |
fantasynight04Apr 2, 2017 8:26 PM
Feb 3, 2017 12:40 AM
I actually liked him and I'm not angry that it ended with him winning gold, obviously I wanted Yuri K to win but Yuri P worked super hard and deserved it...he comes across as having a bad attitude and being an asshole but I think he's a good guy, like how he gives Yuri K the pork cutlet bread things and even remembers it was his birthday coming up. |
Feb 3, 2017 11:34 AM
As other people have already said before me, he is written to be an ass. I will echo the JJ thing though, I've seen a lot of hate for him and I don't get it. So he's confident in his abilities and he shows off, what's up with that? He works hard why not be proud of it? With Yurio though personally I dont hate him. I understand to some degree why he acts like that, but that doesn't mean I condone it. I was an asshole at 15! Yurio just reminds me of a jealous child whose just been made a big sibling and wants all the attention. |
Feb 6, 2017 8:53 PM
he embodies all of the stereotypical tsundere characteristics that i do not like. theres other ways to show a character with a dark/sad backstory that this |
Feb 7, 2017 6:22 PM
Ummmmm I for sure don't hate yurio. I mean sure during his first appearance he comes across as a bitch. But then you find he is kinda like Weiss from RWBY. He is just lonely and searching for someone to hang out with. though he is insanely competitive, he supports yuri katsinski in some scenes. It's sad he's jealous of those who score higher than him. But this occurs often. He's definitely not the best ice skater. But he's one of the best and has potential to become the best. This is a possibility we otta anticipate for in coming seasons. |
Jul 26, 2017 5:43 AM
Personally, I'm not the biggest fan of the character for several reasons: One, the bullying. Since the start of the series, I wasn’t fond of his character because of it. Maybe it was because of my own experiences with bullying that I saw his actions as CLEARLY being bullying, especially to Yuuri (emotionally and physically and yes, I get that Yuuri was being a better person by not stooping so low as to retaliate or acknowledge the bullying but still). He fat-shames, talks down at people and generally comes across as THE BIGGEST CUNT (and his apparent admiration for Yuuri be damned because it doesn’t save him from the impression I got of him of being an asshole.) Next, the notion that he has communication issues and no social skills and “he’s just a kid with hormones” and he’s embarrassed to call Yuuri by his name, but I hate it when people perpetuate the notion of being young equates to being allowed to be mean to everyone else JUST because you have uncontrollable hormones. There are a lot of teenagers out there who are hormonal as fuck but can still be a decent human being (I know he’s fictional but hear me out, okay?) Lastly, his role in the story. He just seems so... extraneous. Like, the anime didn't need a bratty teenager who is better, prettier and whatever than the rest of the cast who also seems straight out of a shounen jump sports manga. I mean, I can picture the entire anime going according to plan without him. So yeah, I think I really do just hate him. |
Aug 13, 2017 1:51 PM
cuz he acts like a realistic bratty teenager of his age, whos life is all about competition and arts. It was the same with shinji from evangelion; the guy reacted pretty realistically, just like a teen would in such a situation, and ppl hated that, cuz ppl like heroes who they can admire, and not ones who remind us we would most likely piss ourselves if somebody put us in an evangelion :D |
Sep 26, 2017 10:08 PM
Just saw this post after looking up YOI again after hearing about the movie announcement. I have several reasons why I go between hating and just disliking Yurio. Like other people have said: 1. He is a bully. Literally, the first time we see him interacting with the protagonist, he goes out of his way to kick a person who is already down. He has never even MET Yuri. He just hears crying and instead of leaving, confronts this stranger who he then notices is the person who shares his name and verbally eviscerates him, telling him he's basically not worth his name and worthless. They've never met before this. So I don't understand how people can say he was encouraging him. He told him to retire so basically everyone could just focus on Yurio the next season. Horrible first impression. Some fans might get over that, but then, we get our, and as far as Yuri knew his own as well, second impression of him. He invades Hasetsu. That is technically the second time we see Yuri and Yurio interact before episode 10, right? So, we see this self-righteous prodigy asshole teenager who bullied the protagonist when we first met him show up uninvited at Yuri's HOME where he insults him and calls him fat. Yuri did gain weight, but that is none of Yurio's business. Yuri is now FORCED to be a good host to this kid because his family expects it and he is Victor's teammate. Then, Yurio forces a competition between them to see who Victor would coach. He is about to crush Yuri's dream: interacting with his idol. I understand Yurio felt betrayed and robbed that Yuri got his coach, but even if Yuri did drunkenly ask Victor to be his coach, it was Victor who after not calling Yuri to arrange this coaching or anything during the time between the banquet and Hasetsu to confirm he would do it and instead committed to Yurio to coach him , drops Yurio to all of a sudden go to Japan because he was "called there". Yuri didn't ask him to do that after that one time. Victor chose to. So it's not Yuri's fault, but Yurio acts like it is. And I suppose since he is a teenager, I might be able to forgive that, my knowledge he never apologizes for anything. He just sort of starts being nicer to Yuri because he actually sees how hard he works, but he doesn't apologize for the past bullying and no one calls him out on it and it's just brushed under the rug and Yuri just accepts it and everyone expects him to. THAT pisses me off. He might have grown as a character later, but he never owns up to past actions and no one in the anime expects him to. That is unacceptable to me. 2. He is a skating god. Someone said it earlier, but he was OP from the start. I understand they want a Victor 2.0, but he literally does jumps his body shouldn't be able to yet, relearns ballet he gave up before in a short amount of time and then performs more gracefully with a better step sequence than the MC who has been working with his ballet instructor for years? His final program was better, yes and he did deserve that score, but did he deserve to win in his debut year compared to other characters? No, I don't think so. He deserved to beat Yuri, yes because the show gave Yuri an inferior program and I was fine with that, but there were other skaters who were just as good at skating that the anime ignored for plot. Call me controversial, but JJ could have won. However, the anime wanted to punish him for being a narcissist and arrogant, but reward Yurio for the same thing. I think people hate JJ because Yurio does. JJ may be cocky, but at least he doesn't call the other competitors names for no reason. 2b. Yurio is almost perfect. If you ignore his irrational anger, Yurio is portrayed as a perfect character. He's beautiful (bishonen), graceful, talented, interesting, can be sweet (with his grandfather and Otabek) and funny (when he's not being a bully)and is seen by some as adorable. The show pokes fun at his rage by comparing him to a grumpy kitten, so his anger flaw is nullified by that because the anime makes it a reason you should love him, aka tsundere. Also, he gets what he wants and hardly ever loses and a character who always wins is something I never liked. He's like an angry Victor. Instead of a Russian Prince, he's an "adorable angry fairy." I don't like how Victor's faults are ignored, just like I don't like how Yurio's are ignored. That's one way to make me dislike a character. Give them clear flaws, but don't ever have anyone call them out on it. 3. The fans and shipping. I feel like more people like Yurio more than Yuri which really upsets me and I will get to why later. I read fan fiction. However, I've stopped reading YOI fanfiction, because it's almost impossible now to read a story, usually Victurri, without Yurio or more specifically otayuri. It might become canon or might not, but I hate the pairing. I prefer them as platonic friends and Yurio can be gay sure, but his fans ignore that he is still a child and otayuri is seriously everywhere. In the background of Victurri fanart, in YouTube videos unrelated, hinted at in stories, everywhere. I know that isn't the character's fault, but it is partially the anime's fault by making Yurio blush all the time he's around Otabek even though they are just supposed to be friends. 4. He shares the name with the protagonist and is being set up to take over as MC. This isn't confirmed, but the way the anime presents him in a way that you are supposed to love him despite his bad attitude, the fact the MC thought of retiring so soon and Yurio is just starting his career, he shares the same first name spelling and all, may or may not have a love interest, and more? It suggests to me that if the series is longer than 2 seasons, Yuri K. might become a secondary main character, and Yurio would be the main character. Is that so bad? When they present him as flawless and perfect even with his flaws and he's a bully I don't like and they pitched the show as having one protagonist? Yes. Sure, I really would like to see an arc where he goes through puberty and it negatively effects his skating. The losses that season (realistically he should lose while his body is changing) might humble him and show real problems in the skating world. However, do I want this to become the Yuri Plisetsky show? No. Will it probably eventually? Yes. Will I watch it? If there's otayuri, no. If he has no romantic interest for several years and actually loses or stumbles in competition like real skaters once in a while? Most likely. If they wanted two protagonists, they should have pitched it like that. Him taking over would be like if Ash's rival in Pokemon was being groomed to be the new protagonist. Yuri K. still has so much potential as a profound character. He has a mental illness, anxiety, and body issues, which can still be explored so well in an anime with a sport that focuses a lot on aesthetic. I felt like the anime developed the Victurri relationship more than Yuri's growth as a person, so unfortunately I think Yurio grew more individually than Yuri did. That shouldn't happen. Yuri is supposed to be the protagonist. Those are my main reasons for disliking Yurio. In summary: he starts off as a bully who is never reformed, his bad behavior is promoted, he is overpowered, over sexualized and over popularized by fans, and the anime suggests he will usurp Yuri K as the protagonist eventually. Maybe the movie will change my mind, but I doubt it. |
BiloopaloopSep 26, 2017 10:24 PM
Sep 26, 2017 10:11 PM
I don't know I found him to be more entertaining than Katsuki. Maybe it's the fact that the focus on him somewhat diminished as the series progressed and then he reappeared? In my opinion they should've spent more time on him and less on trying to stress the relationship between Victor and Katsuki, Yurio was more capably an interesting character and Katsuki's flaw was that he was always a little bland by my standards. |
Sep 26, 2017 10:22 PM
I really liked that brat in the end. He was one of the "very angry and very cute"-characters I like very much. XD he got very likeable, when he interacted with his grandpa and in later episodes to me. Biloopaloop said: 2b. Yurio is almost perfect. If you ignore his irrational anger, Yurio is portrayed as a perfect character. He's beautiful (bishonen), graceful, talented, interesting, can be sweet and funny and is seen by some as adorable. The show pokes fun at his rage by comparing him to a grumpy kitten, so his anger flaw is nullified by that because the anime makes it a reason you should love him, aka tsundere. Also, he gets what he wants and hardly ever loses and a character who always wins is something I never liked. He's like an angry Victor. Instead of a Russian Prince, he's an "adorable angry fairy." I don't like how Victor's faults are ignored, just like I don't like how Yurio's are ignored. That's one way to make me dislike a character. Give them clear flaws, but don't ever have anyone call them out on it. Tbh, I never saw him that way. ^^" He isn't just overly and irrationally angry, he is also so overambitious. He is literally consumed by his ambition and takes every single failure harder than everyone else there. That's the reason why he is so angry imo in the first place. |
Sep 26, 2017 10:36 PM
Maneki-Mew said: I really liked that brat in the end. He was one of the "very angry and very cute"-characters I like very much. XD he got very likeable, when he interacted with his grandpa and in later episodes to me. Biloopaloop said: 2b. Yurio is almost perfect. If you ignore his irrational anger, Yurio is portrayed as a perfect character. He's beautiful (bishonen), graceful, talented, interesting, can be sweet and funny and is seen by some as adorable. The show pokes fun at his rage by comparing him to a grumpy kitten, so his anger flaw is nullified by that because the anime makes it a reason you should love him, aka tsundere. Also, he gets what he wants and hardly ever loses and a character who always wins is something I never liked. He's like an angry Victor. Instead of a Russian Prince, he's an "adorable angry fairy." I don't like how Victor's faults are ignored, just like I don't like how Yurio's are ignored. That's one way to make me dislike a character. Give them clear flaws, but don't ever have anyone call them out on it. Tbh, I never saw him that way. ^^" He isn't just overly and irrationally angry, he is also so overambitious. He is literally consumed by his ambition and takes every single failure harder than everyone else there. That's the reason why he is so angry imo in the first place. Towards the end of the season, I did like him more yes. His anger became less cruel because Yuri acknowledged him as a friend, so sometimes he could be considered teasing. That's true. But that doesn't excuse all that happened before that the anime and characters gloss over. Are we supposed to ignore that and just accept he's grown without him actually showing responsibility? I understand he's 15, but shouldn't it be encouraged to own up to mistakes when we're young so we don't get stuck in an unfavorable attitude as an adult? Also, your idea of his overambition being a flaw is interesting and valid and I can see that. But, unless it's pointed out by other characters or leads to his downfall in some way, it can't be seen as a flaw. His anger and impatience and frustration had a downfall once to my memory, when he's performing in Hasetsu on Ice and almost has Agape but grows impatient and angry. We can see that caused him to fail, but I don't completely remember anyone in the show acknowledging that. If the anime let's him continue to be overly ambitious without consequences, then they aren't presenting it like a flaw and won't treat it as one. Yuri's anxiety was shown as a flaw several times, as was JJ's arrogance, and I think Mickey's codependence on his sister (I think). As of now, the show portrays Victor as flawless and Yurio as almost the same way. At least to me. |
Sep 26, 2017 10:43 PM
spuukiebuugi said: I don't know I found him to be more entertaining than Katsuki. Maybe it's the fact that the focus on him somewhat diminished as the series progressed and then he reappeared? In my opinion they should've spent more time on him and less on trying to stress the relationship between Victor and Katsuki, Yurio was more capably an interesting character and Katsuki's flaw was that he was always a little bland by my standards. I agree that they should have spent less time on the relationship between Yuri and Victor. But, I think they should have replaced it with more time on developing Yuri as a character with his own independence, unless they're going to use his dependence on Victor as a flaw which I see it as, instead of spending more time solely on Yurio. Yuri was supposed to be the protagonist, but compared to Yurio he is not as memorable to some. That's partly why I dislike Yurio so much too. The show let him overshadow it's own protagonist. I don't think Yuri K. was bland as much as less blatantly interesting as an individual when compared to other vibrant independent characters. Phichit, for example, is a great character who stood out with little time, as did Georgi however depressing, and Minami, etc. They had individual stories and personalities that revolved around their own individual goals. As did Yurio and Victor. However, the anime made Yuri K. so obsessed and dependent on Victor that his individual self and goals are tied into Victor's so much that over half or at least half of his life is defined by idolizing Victor and living in his shadow. Yuri K. is not Yuri without Victor and that is a major flaw to me. I don't know if they meant it to be one, but it is and I hope it's explored more in the movie or the next season. |
BiloopaloopSep 26, 2017 10:49 PM
Sep 26, 2017 11:05 PM
Biloopaloop said: Maneki-Mew said: I really liked that brat in the end. He was one of the "very angry and very cute"-characters I like very much. XD he got very likeable, when he interacted with his grandpa and in later episodes to me. Biloopaloop said: 2b. Yurio is almost perfect. If you ignore his irrational anger, Yurio is portrayed as a perfect character. He's beautiful (bishonen), graceful, talented, interesting, can be sweet and funny and is seen by some as adorable. The show pokes fun at his rage by comparing him to a grumpy kitten, so his anger flaw is nullified by that because the anime makes it a reason you should love him, aka tsundere. Also, he gets what he wants and hardly ever loses and a character who always wins is something I never liked. He's like an angry Victor. Instead of a Russian Prince, he's an "adorable angry fairy." I don't like how Victor's faults are ignored, just like I don't like how Yurio's are ignored. That's one way to make me dislike a character. Give them clear flaws, but don't ever have anyone call them out on it. Tbh, I never saw him that way. ^^" He isn't just overly and irrationally angry, he is also so overambitious. He is literally consumed by his ambition and takes every single failure harder than everyone else there. That's the reason why he is so angry imo in the first place. Towards the end of the season, I did like him more yes. His anger became less cruel because Yuri acknowledged him as a friend, so sometimes he could be considered teasing. That's true. But that doesn't excuse all that happened before that the anime and characters gloss over. Are we supposed to ignore that and just accept he's grown without him actually showing responsibility? I understand he's 15, but shouldn't it be encouraged to own up to mistakes when we're young so we don't get stuck in an unfavorable attitude as an adult? Also, your idea of his overambition being a flaw is interesting and valid and I can see that. But, unless it's pointed out by other characters or leads to his downfall in some way, it can't be seen as a flaw. His anger and impatience and frustration had a downfall once to my memory, when he's performing in Hasetsu on Ice and almost has Agape but grows impatient and angry. We can see that caused him to fail, but I don't completely remember anyone in the show acknowledging that. If the anime let's him continue to be overly ambitious without consequences, then they aren't presenting it like a flaw and won't treat it as one. Yuri's anxiety was shown as a flaw several times, as was JJ's arrogance, and I think Mickey's codependence on his sister (I think). As of now, the show portrays Victor as flawless and Yurio as almost the same way. At least to me. Thanks. :D Tbh, it's easy for me to see character flaws and I overinterpret sometimes traits as big flaws or something. I thought that the Japanese Yuri reacted to the pressure with a depression and Yurio reacted to the pressure, because of his temperament (and age maybe), with anger. From my point, his anger motivated him and got in his way at the same time. And yeah, he had this downfall one time. And he is an asshole sometimes. I mean, that's a flaw too. I really don't care about correct behavior so much, because many little and big flaws make characters more human. As long as they aren't on the "Light-level". XD It wasn't so "serious" to me that he had to take responsibility for it. I mean, I personally shrug such things off in real, when a person behaves in a better way now, as long as it hasn't done big damage. I absolutely agree that Victor seems a little bit flawless, but he was too likeable to care about. XD Tho I also thiink about Victor that he just doesn't want to show them, because he made this super-popular personality for the public. That made him quite lonely and then he met Yuri, who was interested in him. Also, he is a little bit dorky in general and in social situations, I think. Sometimes it seemed to be hard for him to relate to Yuri and to do or say the right thing to him imo. |
removed-userSep 26, 2017 11:19 PM
Sep 27, 2017 12:04 AM
Maneki-Mew said: Biloopaloop said: Maneki-Mew said: I really liked that brat in the end. He was one of the "very angry and very cute"-characters I like very much. XD he got very likeable, when he interacted with his grandpa and in later episodes to me. Biloopaloop said: 2b. Yurio is almost perfect. If you ignore his irrational anger, Yurio is portrayed as a perfect character. He's beautiful (bishonen), graceful, talented, interesting, can be sweet and funny and is seen by some as adorable. The show pokes fun at his rage by comparing him to a grumpy kitten, so his anger flaw is nullified by that because the anime makes it a reason you should love him, aka tsundere. Also, he gets what he wants and hardly ever loses and a character who always wins is something I never liked. He's like an angry Victor. Instead of a Russian Prince, he's an "adorable angry fairy." I don't like how Victor's faults are ignored, just like I don't like how Yurio's are ignored. That's one way to make me dislike a character. Give them clear flaws, but don't ever have anyone call them out on it. Tbh, I never saw him that way. ^^" He isn't just overly and irrationally angry, he is also so overambitious. He is literally consumed by his ambition and takes every single failure harder than everyone else there. That's the reason why he is so angry imo in the first place. Towards the end of the season, I did like him more yes. His anger became less cruel because Yuri acknowledged him as a friend, so sometimes he could be considered teasing. That's true. But that doesn't excuse all that happened before that the anime and characters gloss over. Are we supposed to ignore that and just accept he's grown without him actually showing responsibility? I understand he's 15, but shouldn't it be encouraged to own up to mistakes when we're young so we don't get stuck in an unfavorable attitude as an adult? Also, your idea of his overambition being a flaw is interesting and valid and I can see that. But, unless it's pointed out by other characters or leads to his downfall in some way, it can't be seen as a flaw. His anger and impatience and frustration had a downfall once to my memory, when he's performing in Hasetsu on Ice and almost has Agape but grows impatient and angry. We can see that caused him to fail, but I don't completely remember anyone in the show acknowledging that. If the anime let's him continue to be overly ambitious without consequences, then they aren't presenting it like a flaw and won't treat it as one. Yuri's anxiety was shown as a flaw several times, as was JJ's arrogance, and I think Mickey's codependence on his sister (I think). As of now, the show portrays Victor as flawless and Yurio as almost the same way. At least to me. Thanks. :D Tbh, it's easy for me to see character flaws and I overinterpret sometimes traits as big flaws or something. I thought that the Japanese Yuri reacted to the pressure with a depression and Yurio reacted to the pressure, because of his temperament (and age maybe), with anger. From my point, his anger motivated him and got in his way at the same time. And yeah, he had this downfall one time. And he is an asshole sometimes. I mean, that's a flaw too. I really don't care about correct behavior so much, because many little and big flaws make characters more human. As long as they aren't on the "Light-level". XD It wasn't so "serious" to me that he had to take responsibility for it. I mean, I personally shrug such things off in real, when a person behaves in a better way now, as long as it hasn't done big damage. I absolutely agree that Victor seems a little bit flawless, but he was too likeable to care about. XD Tho I also thiink about Victor that he just doesn't want to show them, because he made this super-popular personality for the public. That made him quite lonely and then he met Yuri, who was interested in him. Also, he is a little bit dorky in general and in social situations, I think. Sometimes it seemed to be hard for him to relate to Yuri and to do or say the right thing to him imo. I see what you mean about his anger being tied to the pressure of competition. I can see that when you explain it, like he's cold and angry and pushes people away because that's how he competes and responds to so much pressure? I can accept that. I wish the anime showed that more clearly though. Yuri's anxiety is directly shown relating to the pressure of competition. They need to do that for Yurio and people might like or identify with him more because right now he seems angry for no reason other than to be angry. Also, you said you don't mind asshole characters because people are flawed and I get that too. I like asshole characters too, but only when they have acknowledged their unwarranted mistakes and jerkiness and move forward. Like, if they had been a jerk to the protagonist for years and suddenly are redeemed, I can accept that if they have earned their forgiveness and actually apologized. Draco Malfoy and Severus Snape are examples of characters who are redeemed improperly to me and who I can never technically like because of it. They were cruel to Harry for no reason for years, never acknowledged their behavior or apologized, yet he forgave them and the author and books redeemed them. They had tragedies happen to them, so they were worthy of redemption according to the author, but to me personally and how I personally view forgiveness, they didn't earn it yet because they were never sorry, or never acknowledged they were. Do you get what I mean? I can't accept someone is sorry unless they actually say and show they are. It's the same thing with Yurio to me. Maybe his words hit more personally to me because I suffer from general anxiety and depression and his cruelty started in the middle of a panic attack for Yuri, but that and his purposeful name calling when he knew Yuri was sensitive about his weight was something that needed to be sincerely apologized about for me to forgive him. Like, I cannot completely like him as a character until he does that. It might seem weird, but it's how I am. He doesn't have to be perfect, but if he does this one thing and then doesn't behave that way again, I can like him. As for Victor, I think his biggest flaws are his self-absorption, inability to communicate properly and his tendency to assume things and dramatasize things. Like, all of the drama in this anime could have been avoided if Victor just used social media that he has (since the show displays his instagram) to find someone who, if not Yuri, at least knew his coach,which someone should because it's not that big of a community, so he could get to know Yuri. Maybe not coach him, but get to know him instead of pining from afar and then selfishly assuming the first thing he sees from him is personally and direcrtly about himself, Victor because of the one moment they had, and rush off abandoning his responsibilities to surprise someone he has not seen or communicated to in months about something he does not even know with certainty he remembers. I think the show could acknowledge this by showing us and Yuri that hey, actually all of your couple fights are not only caused by Yuri's depression and anxiety but also Victor being himself and assuming without communicating. |
BiloopaloopSep 27, 2017 12:10 AM
Sep 27, 2017 12:40 AM
Biloopaloop said: I see what you mean about his anger being tied to the pressure of competition. I can see that when you explain it, like he's cold and angry and pushes people away because that's how he competes and responds to so much pressure? I can accept that. I wish the anime showed that more clearly though. Yuri's anxiety is directly shown relating to the pressure of competition. They need to do that for Yurio and people might like or identify with him more because right now he seems angry for no reason other than to be angry. You're absolutely right with it, if I think it through, I guess. Biloopaloop said: Also, you said you don't mind asshole characters because people are flawed and I get that too. I like asshole characters too, but only when they have acknowledged their unwarranted mistakes and jerkiness and move forward. Like, if they had been a jerk to the protagonist for years and suddenly are redeemed, I can accept that if they have earned their forgiveness and actually apologized. Draco Malfoy and Severus Snape are examples of characters who are redeemed improperly to me and who I can never technically like because of it. They were cruel to Harry for no reason for years, never acknowledged their behavior or apologized, yet he forgave them and the author and books redeemed them. They had tragedies happen to them, so they were worthy of redemption according to the author, but to me personally and how I personally view forgiveness, they didn't earn it yet because they were never sorry, or never acknowledged they were. Do you get what I mean? I can't accept someone is sorry unless they actually say and show they are. I don't know what to think about that... I really dislike too much moralization in stories, but it seems that way, when the story forces them to show that they are sorry. It's more for the audience: "See, that's right and that's wrong." ^^" Tho I love character development, I want them to stay the same person they were for their "basics" or their core, because I personally don't believe that people can change THAT much. Uhm, I don't know how to say it: I like them for what they are and don't want to have a sheep in their place. XD Also I don't like the idea of "they MUST become better humans", because of that. Imperfection and incorrect behavior make them to a character and I think you can't rip off all bad behaviors etc... (For these cases, I think, that was more about who Harry is as a person. I mean, what was with Dumbledore? He forgave him too.) I also can absolutely understand where are you coming from tho. Biloopaloop said: It's the same thing with Yurio to me. Maybe his words hit more personally to me because I suffer from general anxiety and depression and his cruelty started in the middle of a panic attack for Yuri, but that and his purposeful name calling when he knew Yuri was sensitive about his weight was something that needed to be sincerely apologized about for me to forgive him. Like, I cannot completely like him as a character until he does that. It might seem weird, but it's how I am. He doesn't have to be perfect, but if he does this one thing and then doesn't behave that way again, I can like him. I can understand what you mean. About that... I'm always happy about every trait, which makes a character more believable. I mean, imo almost all / all people are to a certain extent "assholes" and I don't say that to complain about everything; more the "I accepted this and I'm 'okay' with it (and it's interesting)"-way. XD (Personally, for me, it's in most cases hard to piss me off, but if someone goes beyond that line and achieves this, I'll never forgive them. ^^") I also think this tsundere-behavior is more like a running gag and always much exaggerated as slapstick comedy / typical Japanese comedy in anime. That's the reason why I wasn't so serious about his "I kick Yuri"-behavior either and all these things. Biloopaloop said: As for Victor, I think his biggest flaws are his self-absorption, inability to communicate properly and his tendency to assume things and dramatasize things. Like, all of the drama in this anime could have been avoided if Victor just used social media that he has (since the show displays his instagram) to find someone who, if not Yuri, at least knew his coach,which someone should because it's not that big of a community, so he could get to know Yuri. Maybe not coach him, but get to know him instead of pining from afar and then selfishly assuming the first thing he sees from him is personally and direcrtly about himself, Victor because of the one moment they had, and rush off abandoning his responsibilities to surprise someone he has not seen or communicated to in months about something he does not even know with certainty he remembers. I think the show could acknowledge this by showing us and Yuri that hey, actually all of your couple fights are not only caused by Yuri's depression and anxiety but also Victor being himself and assuming without communicating. I absolutely agree. That's a great character analysis. ^^ I haven't seen some of these things. Thanks. AND I love Victor's bad communication skills. XD See, he has flaws. He is also thoughtless and "ruthless". Not on purpose. He is just thoughtless. He promised smoool Yurio so much and I think, he didn't understand in that moment how much his words actually meant to that little boy. |
removed-userSep 27, 2017 12:52 AM
Sep 27, 2017 1:17 AM
Maneki-Mew said: I can understand what you mean. About that... I'm always happy about every trait, which makes a character more believable. I mean, imo almost all people are to a certain extent "assholes" and I don't say that to complain about them; more the "I accepted this and I'm 'okay' with it"-way. XD (Personally, for me, it's in most cases hard to piss me off, but if someone goes beyond that line and achieves this, I'll never forgive them. ^^") I also think this tsundere-behavior is more like a running gag and always much exaggerated as slapstick comedy / typical Japanese comedy in anime. That's the reason why I wasn't so serious about his "I kick Yuri"-behavior either and all these things. I think you got to the root of most of my anger with Yurio. Whenever I become attached to characters in fiction, I expect things from them that I would from humans. Like, character A is unapologetically an asshole and everyone acknowledges this except for character B, but B has reasons which are explained and make sense but everyone else knows A is an asshole and calls him and treats him like one? Okay. He doesn't have to suddenly change, especially without reason and growth. Characters can be grey, dark, light, neither, all, complex, simple, etc for me as long as there is a reason for their development or an opportunity for me to witness that epiphany moment. Even not having a reason is a reason to me. But the character can't do something for no reason but be treated like they have a reason when they really don't. However, if I feel that one of my favorite characters or any character was wrongly treated for no reason, like in real life for family or myself, I will hold a grudge against the offender until it is rectified. I know you're right, and Yurio will never apologize probably because it's against his character type and I suppose that would be okay if I didn't already have a grudge against him. Like, he could rescue all the Siberian Tigers or start a weight loss camp, but unless he acknowledges the thing I'm holding a grudge for, I will still dislike him. He can grow, but if he or no one else ever acknowledges his brat past, I can't get over it. My brain knows it's illogical, but my heart is invested. I think that's why I stopped watching a lot of anime, actually. I have unrealistic expectations for moral growth because I expect for the characters to be developed, but most characters aren't in animes. They are archetypes with little differences, but their behaviors are the same. And I suppose it upsets me the most, because I like to see people learn and experience consequences and grow stronger in the real world, but most animes don't do that because I guess it's more about the story than the characters. Anyways, sorry for so many posts. But thank you for your detailed and insightful responses. I've come to realize that unfortunately because they did make him a tsundere, he will stay that way and most likely won't be developed to be more than his archetype. I suppose that's fine, as long as he doesn't suddenly become the main protagonist. |
Sep 27, 2017 2:13 AM
Biloopaloop said: Maneki-Mew said: I can understand what you mean. About that... I'm always happy about every trait, which makes a character more believable. I mean, imo almost all people are to a certain extent "assholes" and I don't say that to complain about them; more the "I accepted this and I'm 'okay' with it"-way. XD (Personally, for me, it's in most cases hard to piss me off, but if someone goes beyond that line and achieves this, I'll never forgive them. ^^") I also think this tsundere-behavior is more like a running gag and always much exaggerated as slapstick comedy / typical Japanese comedy in anime. That's the reason why I wasn't so serious about his "I kick Yuri"-behavior either and all these things. I think you got to the root of most of my anger with Yurio. Whenever I become attached to characters in fiction, I expect things from them that I would from humans. Like, character A is unapologetically an asshole and everyone acknowledges this except for character B, but B has reasons which are explained and make sense but everyone else knows A is an asshole and calls him and treats him like one? Okay. He doesn't have to suddenly change, especially without reason and growth. Characters can be grey, dark, light, neither, all, complex, simple, etc for me as long as there is a reason for their development or an opportunity for me to witness that epiphany moment. Even not having a reason is a reason to me. But the character can't do something for no reason but be treated like they have a reason when they really don't. However, if I feel that one of my favorite characters or any character was wrongly treated for no reason, like in real life for family or myself, I will hold a grudge against the offender until it is rectified. I know you're right, and Yurio will never apologize probably because it's against his character type and I suppose that would be okay if I didn't already have a grudge against him. Like, he could rescue all the Siberian Tigers or start a weight loss camp, but unless he acknowledges the thing I'm holding a grudge for, I will still dislike him. He can grow, but if he or no one else ever acknowledges his brat past, I can't get over it. My brain knows it's illogical, but my heart is invested. I absolutely understand. ^^ and nobody can like or accept every single character. You are also always invested with your feelings for a character and everyone has their personal taste for characters. ^^ Biloopaloop said: I think that's why I stopped watching a lot of anime, actually. I have unrealistic expectations for moral growth because I expect for the characters to be developed, but most characters aren't in animes. They are archetypes with little differences, but their behaviors are the same. And I suppose it upsets me the most, because I like to see people learn and experience consequences and grow stronger in the real world, but most animes don't do that because I guess it's more about the story than the characters. I really don't think so. There are stereotypes and more developed characters everywhere, also in novels and movies. It's not just about what the author thought, I think, it's also about how you as a person want to see them, based on your own personality, personal values and experiences with real people. Tbh, I also like the "character development gone wrong / not the way the audiences wanted it". ^^" Because it's just so unreal sometimes, when there is a constant and linear character growth. Humans aren't exactly like that imo. We will do the same mistakes again and again for example, when there is a good reason (and the best reason is for a loved one ofc) or just because humans got used to their habits and we follow them etc... and we are also all imo highly irrational. I think, I don't have high expectations towards anyone, besides of SOME basic decency. XD Biloopaloop said: Anyways, sorry for so many posts. But thank you for your detailed and insightful responses. I've come to realize that unfortunately because they did make him a tsundere, he will stay that way and most likely won't be developed to be more than his archetype. I suppose that's fine, as long as he doesn't suddenly become the main protagonist. Why sorry? I really liked it. ^^ It's nice to have a more in-depth-discussion with someone, who accepts your different point of view and wants to explain theirs. XD And MAYBE sorry for my bad English? I try! ^^" |
removed-userSep 27, 2017 2:18 AM
Jul 28, 2019 4:08 PM
Its mainly because of his attitude and Yuuri being the protagonist who was prevented from winning what everyone assumed is 'his right' by the end by the very person who first brings him down at the beginning. There's lots of reasons why Yurio is never reprimanded, with him being a child and adorable tsundere being the most widely stated. But I think the real debate comes from who people relate to more. While Yuuri is the clear underdog with issues like anxiety and weight gain, that a lot of people can relate to, as well as this awe and determination regarding Victor, his idol, Yurio is the prodigy with an attitude problem. Since we see more of Yuuri, we know where his problems stem from and how he grows and deals with them. On the other hand, we don't see as much of Yurio, and only the fans who like him, probably, try to imagine the reasons behind his attitude instead of accepting the "he's a child and tsundere" reason. The show creators have stated that there's some darkness in his childhood. the fact that he sends money home and fans can see that he mentions loving his grandfather over his mother with his father barely mentioned. This indicates some level of child neglect, heavy tragedy in the loss of his parents and/or possibly abuse, depending on how dark you go. Compared to Yuuri, he has much less love in his life. Its enough to see that most adults of the series let his attitude go and while he's rude to Yakov at times, both him and Lilia are very fond and proud of him, possibly indicating a good relationship otherwise (he does live with them). He seems to also be raised by fairly severe people, even his grandfather, while lovely, is a bit severe, while both Yakov and Lilia definitely are. On the other hand, Mila and Victor, who seem to be his surrogate siblings and role models and very sociable people, seem to tease and appreciate him, most of the time his anger comes from their teasing. And while Mila is seen with Yurio more, we see Victor being a bit fickle at times (though imo, and its been head canon-ed by many, that they're very close and he isn't necessarily trying to hurt Yurio, as much as he thinks Yuuri needs him more and visa versa, compared to Yurio). When it comes to Yuuri, not only is Yurio extremely awkward at dealing with his feelings, but he also seems to expect more from him considering the kind of person Yurio is himself. While he doesn't really fail throughout the series, the way Yuuri reacts to his GPF loss and the way Yurio reacts to his Hatestu on Ice competition is very different. While the former performed worse, he lost to many worthy opponents, yet in the latter, Yurio gives a technically great albeit lacklustre performance, and the junior champion and prodigy loses to the boy crying in the bathroom, interpret either loss as severely as you will; imo both are pretty profound and hence invoke negative emotions, with Yuuri being sadder and a sore loser but nice, and Yurio graciously losing but maintaining a bad tempered grudge. Yurio's especially mean to Yuuri in the beginning due to that^ as well as jealous regarding Victor's attention. Imagine your prize sibling, someone you bond with, and considering you're not great at building bonds, suddenly finds a new and shiny SO and ignores you? That's how Yurio felt. It's not an excuse for being a vile brat though. Mostly, combining all this, people have a harder time relating to young, near-perfect prodigies with a potentially dark past, compared to benign, anxiety-ridden, shy, sweet underdogs. Especially when, at the end, the prodigy improves as well and finally wins. So Yurio is the next Victor, whats wrong with that? Have you seen figure skating win tables? The same names go on for a whileeeee. Its the same with JJ, lots of people dislike him. I for one really liked him. He constaly patronises Yurio, so I see why he gets mad, but JJ is really good at what he does and fairly sociable. I was really upset during episode 11 because while the pressure is very real, JJ was arguably the best skater there, right next to Yuri P., both near prodigies, with Yuri K being that amazingly motivated underdog who found new inspiration in his love. Tbh, if Yuuri K had won over Yuri P and JJ, I would have flat out rejected any play at realism. Look at their progress, in real life, you don't suddenly have things happen. I do think Yuri K stood a very good chance, but the way they showed the story progress, it was obvious that for a realistic, non-fan service end, Yuuri had to get close enough but not win. There are plenty of people who dislike Yuuri too, and Victor maybe, though arguably Victor is used more as a device to further either Yuri than actually do much himself. There's also the problem of Otayuri, which I find hilarious. Imo, its near canon and once its been a little more time, we'll see it on-screen. As for underage, I find it so funny because its not underage in Russia after 16, which Yurio is in the end, but also that US shows have plenty of kids dating in high school and the difference between a young junior and old senior is the same as Yurio and Otabek. Look around you, how many times have you seen 15 year olds around you date? Lots. Besides, they're both shy and awkward, I say their relationship is full of hand holding and cheek pecks and possibly some lip pecks until Yurio is 18 for sure, and perhaps even beyond. They make too big a deal out of it. I don't think there's too much hate in the fandom, so all these reasons to hate any character are very much personal opinions and nitpicking. |
kraykraykatJul 28, 2019 4:19 PM
Jan 26, 2022 11:29 PM
He's a loud-mouth, violent asshole. People said that he had character development but i didn't see any development. |
Nov 25, 2024 12:27 PM
SophieSSS said: Okay, I just want to ask: why so much hate for Yurio? A lot of people call him a poorly written character. Not enough screentime despite being MC. Nearly not enough character development to make people forgive his first impression. Him winning Gold at GPF made things even worse, because somehow it destroyed his character. Alright then, fair enough. But can someone please explain in further detail? Because Yurio, despite not having enough screentime, did went through character development. I'm using episode 4, episode 9, episode 11 and episode 12 as my proof here. Not trying to bash or anything, but I just need to understand more on why people hate him. I don't love him, but I don't hate him either. I just think the hate is a bit unwarranted if it's due to the reasons stated above. He did went through character development. Sometimes, I think he's better written than Viktor, who is so freaking perfect even the way he cried is like crystalline pearls dropping on his lap. The series is a bit rushed so i can understand the "not enough screentime" complaints, i would've also liked to see more of the characters, that said the series does a good job in character developement with the limited time it had Yurio's my fav characters, and imo the best skater in the series, so well deserved win |
DigiCatNov 25, 2024 12:34 PM
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