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Days: 293.9
Mean Score:
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- Completed1,148
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Days: 61.1
Mean Score:
- Reading25
- Completed590
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- Plan to Read401
- Total Entries1,073
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All Comments (424) Comments
As for the 1/2 thing it was most just to I guess shield myself in case people come after me lol. Again I don't really want to get into some toxic debate. I get people have different experiences and I don't represent them but I just fail to see the argument. It assumes again that gay men or bi men don't fetishize or idealize relationships when we do. I mean anyone that has looked at bara art which tends to be way more male dominated would realize how much toxic relationships exist in those works. Even the idea of the seme uke fetishism again ignores how often bi and some gay guys are very into more effeminate partners for similar dynamics. Most crossdresser stuff is mainly made by men (to a point where they ignore some of the appeal by just making them look almost like women) whereas female yaoi fans like the more bi shonen designs.
Ultimately I understand wanting more grounded stuff and as I actually spend more time looking at more SFW shonen ai titles it seems there are more titles getting praise for how they handle it like Given and Umibe no Étranger (which I am planning on watching soon). I just feel that it's really presumptive that only women are responsible for said unrealistic writing or idealization of less than ideal things. Or that female fans of yaoi don't want more wholesome and realistic depictions either.
Do toxic and bad fans exist yes they do. There are yaoi fans that fetishize real life gay people and that is unfortunate. Should those that do enjoy it but respect real life relationships deserve the same association I don't think so. As for shonen fanbases IDK maybe cause the fans tend to be likely younger but yeah when people think the toxic fujo it's usually from fandoms like that.
I don't think art isn't reflective of your own worldview but often you still need to actually know what that person's world view is before you starting pairing the two. It still isn't as big a factor as people make out to be in my opinion and it again assumes you even agree with it or agree with it in totality. It's very presumptive and just encourages attacks on the fan rather than a discussion of the art itself.