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Ore dake Level Up na Ken Season 2: Arise from the Shadow
Ore dake Level Up na Ken Season 2: Arise from the Shadow
Mar 23, 6:00 AM
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Tokyo Revengers
Tokyo Revengers
Feb 8, 11:13 AM
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Tasogare Out Focus
Tasogare Out Focus
Jan 12, 3:16 AM
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Watashi ga Motete Dousunda
Watashi ga Motete Dousunda
Oct 14, 2024 11:53 PM
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Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist
Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist
Oct 14, 2024 11:52 PM
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bloodfire00 Nov 14, 2019 10:09 AM
HAHAHA, I really win for longest time now :p I'm really sorry, I went MIA for the summer and I'm just getting caught up now. I was so busy with work I barely had time to sleep but it's much slower now.

Ugh, I've done the push back button thing too, or even worse go to submit the comment and the internet drops out and the message is gone forever. Now I copy the message before I hit submit.

I'm doing good now that I can sleep but I feel like I've mostly become a vegetable with no motivation. It's like my body is making up for all the exhaustion by making me do nothing. I feel like I'm just pulling out of this funk now, Hence me finally replying to you. I think I should be back to normal just in time to eat myself into a coma for thanksgiving Lol You should come visit now, New York is the best around the holidays. I feel I've said that to you before, but since you're not listening I'll say it again :p

I definitely need that mobile gaming addiction treatment. No matter how exhausted I was I still forced myself to play the game, if that's not addiction I don't know what is. I didn't talk to friends, go on MAL or even sleep much but I made sure to click on those stupid ships on my phone. Lol Although my addiction hasn't overcome my cheapness yet, I still haven't spent a dollar on the game :p

It sounds like most of the shows you watched had crap endings. I didn't mind the Mob Psycho ending, not as good as the first season but not bad. I was reading the Promised Neverland Manga before they made the show and I was happy that they didn't ruin it. It matched up pretty well just a little less gory. The second season should be better as long as they don't ruin it, some bad shit happens. I didn't get to see One Punchman 2, How was it? Since we talked last I would say Shield Hero and Demon Slayer were my favorite shows. I was reading the Shield Hero manga too and they didn't mess it up too much except that in the manga they treat him even worse than in the show. If you haven't seen them you should check them out. Today I'm super happy because they are showing the Konosuba movie in the theaters here and I have tickets for tonight. They are doing 2 showings and the first one sold out everywhere around the country super fast and I barely got tickets for tonight. I would've never thought there would be that many weebs that wanna go see it Lol

So true, everything has a down side, if we had teleporters we could never say we can't be there. Now I'm not so sure I want them, I hate going anywhere and if I didn't have an excuse I would need to tell people directly that I don't want to go to their stupid event Lol

Kamuinoyume-sama it is from now on :) That's kinda long though, can I just call you Kami-sama? Oh, wait, that's god, you're not god are you? Cause if you are I have a long list of complaints Lol How bout Yume-sama? Well I got my diploma so I'm officially a college graduate but I'm still working on my AWS stuff now that I can focus again. How's work been for you?

Hopefully it didn't rain on the last trip to the mountains. I hate weekend trips, just like you said, by the time you get settled in it's time to leave. If I'm doing something like that I always try to get there on Thursday so I can get some extra time in. No vacations for me this year but we should be going to Anime Boston in April, so I have that to look forward to.

I think your transcribing was great except you left the part out about your secret crush on me which is a good thing since I don't think my girl would be happy about it :p Lol

Seriously though how have you been? Any new and wonderful developments in your life? I hope everything has been going well and you've gotten over your vacation fatigue. Hopefully you won't try to beat my record of how long it takes for you to reply and I promise to do better next time.
bloodfire00 May 13, 2019 7:45 AM
I think I win for longest time between replies Lol I kinda went MIA for a month while I worked on my final project but now it's done YATTA! Now I just gotta hope for a good grade.

Thanks for the imaginary birthday cake picture :P The only problem is that's it's vanilla and I like chocolate better Lol
Mobile games are a plague that suck up our lives. Do they still have a hold on your soul? I'm playing Astrokings which is basically a space mmo war game. You build your planet and fleets and then attack other people. I'm constantly worried that I'm gonna get attacked while I'm at work.

Did you get to binge any of the past shows? Last season turned out better than expected and the Chika dance was stuck in my head for weeks. Your Name just seemed boring to me and I really didn't get into the characters, especially the guy. I couldn't even root for their relationship because they hardly knew each other.

I would love to make a few people disappear permanently, actually probably more than a few. Teleporting to space would be cool but you just better make sure your power would still work once you got up there. I would probably teleport to Japan so I can save on the travel expenses. I'm cheap and that shit it expensive Lol

An OKR master? Does that mean I have to start calling you kamuinoyume-sama :p I'm glad you're going to be doing something you like. Work is starting to get busy for me and I'm not happy about it, I'm gonna be so tired. But I just need to get my AWS certifications then I can get out of there.

How has everything else been going? Anything new and fun happening since our last talk? I was boring as usual but I did get to go to a small local Con. It was ok but nothing special, it couldn't make up for the fact that I didn't get to go to Anime Boston this year :(

Have a great day and hope to hear from you soon. Don't be like me Lol
bloodfire00 Mar 25, 2019 11:09 AM
This is getting bad for me now, I'm using two phones at the same time for the game I'm playing so I could create another account to have a second planet. I think I need help Lol

Glad to hear your mom is doing better, sucks that it had to happen during the holidays. We basically did the same thing we always do, eat a ton of food and go into comas Lol That's pretty much how I spent my birthday last week too. I had a junk food weekend where I ate nothing but pizza, kfc and ramen, it was amazing! Oh, and I had birthday Ice cream cake twice, I'm dying just thinking about it.

Have you been watching Mononokean? I think I like this season more than the last one but I just know they're gonna leave a cliffhanger about his dad and then it'll never have another season. Did you get to watch Yakusoku no Neverland? I haven't been watching too many shows this season but it's one of my favorites. I think Kaguya-sama is my favorite show from this season, the Chika dance hooked me. Btw, did you see Your Name? I watched it the other day and I can't figure out why people love it so much. I think Koe no Katachi and Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai were much better.

I'm surprised they don't promote the whole vampire thing more. I think it would be the first thing anyone I know would think of if I mentioned Romania. The tourism would be huge, maybe the government considers it embarrassing. I wouldn't mind tv here to be stuck in the 90's, most of the crap on tv sucks. Especially all the reality crap like the kardashians.

Yatta! You're not leaving me behind Lol I don't mind waiting a while for your replies. As you can see I'm not the best at quick replies right now either.

I wanna see a new trick, post a video of you making someone disappear or maybe teleport yourself here or at least teleport me there:) The only way I could figure out a rubix cube was by cheating, I took off the stickers and put them back on in the right order Lol If I could learn one trick it would be one that let me win money in the casino :P I've been really boring lately as well, yesterday on my day off I sat around my house and couldn't think of anything I wanted to do. I just stared at the game on my phone all day.

How has everything been at work? Have you progressed at all with the programming? I'm focused on looking for a new job now that I'm mostly done with school. I gotta get out of the place I'm in as soon as possible but it's tough finding something that also pays well. I'm betting on winning the lottery, it's like 725 million dollars right now. Wish me luck and if I win I'll send you gift :)

Hope you're having a great day, talk to you soon :)
bloodfire00 Feb 6, 2019 11:02 AM
Welcome back :)

I don't really play gatcha games but I have a few other games I'm playing so my phone is constantly running. I think I'm gonna burn it out Lol I also starting playing Tera online and I'm spending way too much time on it.

I'm good, same as usual. How was you're holidays? Did santa bring you anything good :) How's work been going, I know you were saying how you wanted to get into developing, have you been able to make any progress?

I figured I'd try to poke you to wake you up, I guess it didn't work.

The mother in that show was a total bitch, she abandoned her daughter and went to raise some other kid, then eventually comes back and says hey, wanna come live with me and the other kid not hey I'm back and gonna stay with you, my real daughter. Damn! Nah, I didn't watch Banana Fish, maybe one day.

I actually have Yagate Kimi ni Naru in my ptw so I get to it soon then we can drown in all the yuri together Lol

This season so far I'm watching Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari, Mob Psycho 100 II and Yakusoku no Neverland. Now that you're supposedly done with your gatacha are you going to start watching again? If so are you looking forward to anything?

How can the mythical home of Dracula not have supernatural shows? You would think people would be hunting for things all the time. What kinds of shows are popular there?

I hate losing friends online, they just seem to fade away never to be heard from again :( You know that line sounds like you're trying to dump me for someone new. Don't go! I can be new and exciting, I promise Lol What do you want me to do? I'm sure I can do some tricks like juggling or pretending to be funny Lol
bloodfire00 Dec 31, 2018 10:22 AM
bloodfire00 Dec 25, 2018 9:42 AM
bloodfire00 Dec 5, 2018 11:26 AM
bloodfire00 Oct 25, 2018 10:16 AM
I try not to succumb to despair but it doesn't always work. One of my other friends is my despair buddy Lol Speaking of Persona I tried to watch the Persona 4 anime the other day and omg is it so bad. Two episodes and I was like nope can't do it. Did you watch that one?

One of my other friends said to watch Banana Fish as well so I'm definitely gonna have to check it out. Did you watch Hanebado, because I did. It was ok but I hated the mother so much. She may be the worst mother in the history of anime. Let me know if you watched it because I wanna vent about her but I don't want to spoil anything.

What Yuri show are you watching? I don't mind Yuri as much as Yaoi. Toaru Majutsu no Index is good and I know it's no Railgun but they're always crossing over so I don't mind. Episode 2 of Zombieland Saga was so funny, you really should check it out. This season isn't the greatest but they are making up for it next season. There are so many shows I need to watch, I have no idea how I'm gonna do it.

I've heard of some of those basic programing games to help you learn the language. I know they make some for kids too, my niece who's 5 used one and made this program that changes the directions of this little animated character. But me I can't program for shit Lol I'll leave the programming to you. I'm sure you'll do great and hopefully it'll open up some new opportunities for you.

That's good that the program was easier than expected. I wish I could find a good teacher like that, they make everything easier. I don't think I've had one since highschool. I had a math teacher that made everything so easy and one day he spent the whole class just drawing a tree on the board Lol

She is a lot of fun and much more outgoing than me which makes having friends easier. Most of the time I just don't want to deal with people but she kinda forces me to do things, which isn't a bad thing. I'm not into the ghost hunting thing and they always tell me not to come anyway since I would scare the ghosts Lol She and her friends have captured a lot of so called evidence and experienced things. I don't know if they had the show Ghost Hunters there but it was popular here for a few years and she used to hang out with them and go on hunts with them. I'm sure she could find ghosts in Romania since she seems to find them everywhere.

You have more friends from NY? Then how could you even think of going somewhere else. We'll all get together and create a big welcome kamuinoyume club. We'll throw a party when you arrive and get drunk off our asses Lol I hate when you lose contact with someone you've been talking to for a while. It happens here on MAL a lot and I always miss them :( Yes, melting streets in September! I think it was like 110 out, so hot!

Yup, Halloween is almost here! My house is all haunted and ready to go, we have our big party this Saturday :) This year I'm going to be Zach from Satsuriku no Tenshi and my girlfriend is just being a broken doll. You should come to the party.

Hey look, I replied much faster this time Lol Hope you're doing great and talk to you soon :)
bloodfire00 Oct 8, 2018 7:58 AM
I'm so sorry for the late reply, I got the flu and it took forever to go away because I still had to work. I just had no energy to do anything after work other than lay on the couch. I'm feeling better now and work has slowed so I should be on more regularly.

Sounds like your summer was very productive, at least in an otaku way Lol Normal people would probably say you wasted it but we know the truth :P I haven't played any games in forever, summer is my busiest season of the year, I'm so looking forward to autumn.

I didn't watch Bannana Fish or Hanebado! so when you watch them let me know how they are. This past season of shows wasn't that good, other than Shingeki no Kyojin and Overlord. Are you going to watch anything this season? The new SAO and Goblin Slayer are the ones I'm looking forward to and I just watched the first episode of Zombieland Saga and it's totally not what I expected. It's actually a comedy, it was really funny and it may be my surprise show of the season.

It sucks that you didn't get any extra money, they should have at least given you some kind of bonus for passing. If you have more skills you should get paid more. Maybe you can use them to get a better job at another company. If you enjoy programming you should go for it. I took Java and C++ and I have to say I'm never going to be a programmer. There's too many things that don't make sense to me, I was always tying to make things work logically instead of the round about way of the programming language.

It's too bad that the trip got cancelled, family stuff always gets in the way of fun. I went to England with family and friends and the family part caused some problems. I think you should be able to do both trips, you could even take extra time and do it as one large trip. It's easy to get from one to the other. Good luck on trying to save up, I know how hard it is. How was the course your manager gave you? I full month sounds like a lot of work.

My girlfriend loves to visit old castles and historical places, so that's most likely what we would be doing anyway. That and looking for ghosts, she's into all that ghost hunting stuff and goes on a couple of trips a year and then of course we would have to visit my Romanian MAL friend :)

Well, the first stop on your American trip better be New York, you already know some locals :P Orlando is only good for Disney and Universal other than that there's nothing there. I do love Universal since it has the Harry Potter world, maybe I can meet you there. Miami is fun if you like the beach and clubs, the clubs there are some of the best. The rest of the area is kinda sketchy. Honestly, Vegas is a total waste of time and money. Everything is super expensive, crowded with tourists and it's hot as hell. When I went it was September and the streets were actually melting. As for California it depends were you go, San Diego and San Fransisco were nice, but unless you want to just see touristy stuff I would avoid LA, it gets kinda dangerous there at night.

How has everything been since we last talked? Anything new and exciting happening?
Again, I'm really sorry for taking so long.

I promise to do better form now on. Have a great day :)
bloodfire00 Sep 7, 2018 3:17 PM
You're sorry for your late reply, look how long this took me. I'm really sorry, I kinda went MIA when MAL went down. I was so busy with work during the summer that I didn't really check in to see when it came back. Now that it's mostly back to normal I should be around again. I missed our conversations, so again I'm really sorry it took me this long to reply. How have you been?

I'm sorry to hear that you didn't have a wonderful birthday. I didn't know when your birthday was or I would have sent you something. I hope you at least got some good presents.

Did you enjoy the summer seasons shows? Honestly, because I was so busy I hardly watched any. I watched Darling in the Franxx, My Hero, Food Wars and the SAO side story. Darling in the Franxx turned out to be much better than expected and I was happy that the SAO story was good. I was worried they would just throw something out there just to use the SAO name but I enjoyed it a lot. Are you watching any shows this season?

Cute maids and exotic cakes, how could we lose. There has to be some cat eared ones, I refuse to do anything with maids if there aren't some cat ones Lol You need to come here and help me get this business plan off the ground. We can be partners and split it 50/50 but honestly you'll just wind up with all my money because I'll be spending it on all the cute maids Lol
Yatta! I'm glad you passed your training. Did anything bad happen to the people that didn't? Do you get more money because you did? I think you deserve more money!

Are you still planning to go to London this month? If you do I wanna hear all about your Harry Potter experiences and then we can compare notes. They had a Harry Potter marathon here last week for the whole week on one of the channels. I think I saw each one 3 times, I'm Harry Pottered out for a while Lol

I'll be waiting for that America visit or maybe I'll visit Romania first, either way I hope we will get to meet one day :)

Again, I'm sorry for taking so long to reply and I hope you had a great summer and got to do some fun stuff, which I wanna hear about btw Lol
Here's a hug to make up for the long wait

Have a great day, hope to hear from you soon :)
bloodfire00 Apr 8, 2018 9:23 AM
Thank you for the birthday wishes but while your portion of the pizza and cake were happily devoured by me, I wish you had been here to enjoy them :)

We're gonna lay the smack down on the disappointing anime making bastards Lol I would love to go to Japan in the spring but we're planning to go in the Fall because the spring is more expensive and has a lot more tourist.

The good thing about dirt poor countries is that usually things are cheaper so your money goes further. Sweden sounds nice and I heard it's really pretty but if I was going to go to another country to work I would pick Japan. We've actually looked into it and if you have $50,000 dollars to start a business and can get a Japanese partner it's possible. My girlfriend has her own baking business and I think something like an Italian American style bakery might work there because it would be something different.

Ugh, Good luck with that training. At least I didn't have to take a test at the end of mine. Why do they have to make these meetings so horrible, if they made them fun people would get much more out of them. I'll be here to console you when you get back, so let me know how it goes.

It snowed here again too, nothing had bloomed yet so the plants are fine but spring it taking it's time once again. People are talking about it skipping spring altogether. Rome! really, that's so cool. Italy is one of the places I really want to go. I have family that have been there but I haven't had the chance. Sadly they said the same thing about the garbage, they said Venice was worse. But they still loved Venice, I guess you have to take the good with the bad. Did you get to see the Coliseum? That's something I wanna check off my bucket list.
I have family that live in England so I've been to London. When it comes to how London is it depends on your perspective. When you see it on TV it looks like this big amazing city but being from New York when I went there it seemed small. The one good thing is that everything is close together. We were able to walk most places from where we were staying. If you have a chance there is a bar called The Cauldron that you should go to. It's all Harry Potter magic, you get to make your own potions and then get drunk on them Lol You get a wand and a bunch of other stuff. But if your going to England you better not miss the Harry Potter studio tour. It was the best part of the whole trip, seeing all the sets and getting to interact with everything was awesome.

Maybe if you go on the tour you'll be able to find one of those bastard wizards and show him what us Muggles can really do. They basically depend on their magic to bluff their way through life. That's why Hermione, Harry and Ron were able to beat them. Both Hermione and Harry were educated by muggles and Ron's dad was a muggle expert. Even Voldermort couldn't stand up against basic elementary school education :P

Have you watched any of the new shows inside your fortress yet? I got to see the first two episodes of My Hero at Anime Boston which they premiered even before Japan! Other than that I've watched the Sao side story.

The maids were super cute, I didn't see any butlers and yes some of them had cat ears :) As for skirt length I guess it was regular anime cosplay length, above the knee. This is starting to sound kinda pervy, I didn't know you were a closet maid loving ecchi Lol I didn't here them call anyone master but they did come sit with you at your table after they served you tea and cupcakes. If you come next year you can get them to call you master :P Besides that you'll get to hang out with me and buy merch.

Btw, did you watch Sora yori mo Tooi Basho last season? I just binged it and it was so good at least to me because I love moe. It reminded me of K-on. If you want some good moe I recommended it.

I hope your doing great, talk to you soon :)

bloodfire00 Mar 19, 2018 1:10 PM
It can be both but I'm gonna say it's real life getting in the way. Real life is nothing but trouble :P I know what you're saying, games can just drag you in sometimes. I started playing Minecraft again after almost a year and now I'm playing everyday. Next season better not disappoint, if somehow it turns out bad I'm flying to Japan and kicking some anime ass Lol Wanna come?

I'm glad that your job is going well, now I just need you to find me one :P I can't wait to get the hell out of this place. I just had to go to Arizona for 4 days to take stupid training classes, that's why it took a while to reply. The whole trip was horrible and a total waste of time. I almost quit while I was there. At least I had my birthday to look forward to. I was such a kid that day and spent it eating pizza and ice cream cake. I know how much you love them so I saved you some but you didn't show up. I had to eat your share, I feel so fat Lol

Now I have to get back on the bike with the horrible seat. I think the person that designed it was like super skinny and didn't realize that they were making it so us normal people could use it. Bastard! You ride it without sitting down? You must be in much better shape then me. My legs would probably die after a half hour!

I think I spoke too soon about the weather. We've had 2 major storms here since last time we talked and there's another one possible for Wednesday. Winter is like fuck you I'm not going yet! I need those good wishes again. I hope the weather has still been better for you and your favorite season is really on its way. I'm getting ready for my allergies to kick in Lol

60 is a little young, you gotta at least make it to 65 :P I know they're working on ways to cure senility so maybe it will be mostly gone by then. I never want to be that way either, luckily for me it doesn't run in my family. I don't expect to live that long, but there's a shot. With my family we either die from cancer or live forever. My great grandparents lived into there 90's but my grandparents only lived into their 60's so we'll see. No matter what I don't want you to go too early, as a matter of fact you are not allowed to go before me! I'd be too sad :'( So get working on fixing those bad habits :P

I agree that the world would be fine if it found out about all the wizards but the wizards couldn't handle it. They're all too stuck up thinking their better then the rest of us. If the world just went ok and moved on after they came out it would hurt their egos too much. But still I wanna be a damn wizard Lol I'll be waiting for that dedication.

Too bad the ending sucked, I just hate it when you go through the whole thing and it just falls flat. And on top of that now you gotta grind through more to get the trophy. That sounds so like my girlfriend, I buy her stuff because she says she wants it and then never plays it. I wind up playing the games and then trading them in and she doesn't even know they're gone. You never know they might use some of the cutscenes, hopefully it won't be disappointing.

We're going to be total hermits next season. I'm hoping they do some premiere episodes when I'm at Anime Boston next week. Last year they premiered Attack on Titan and My Hero Acedemia. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Btw, did I tell you their having a maid cafe this year? I can't wait! If they are dressed up like cute catgirl maids I think I might pass out from the cuteness Lol

Have a great day! Talk to you soon :)

bloodfire00 Feb 26, 2018 10:14 AM
HAHA Games are always a problem or maybe it's real life that's the problem? How's Persona 5?

I didn't take the job. It just didn't seem right for me. I do have a few other applications out there and have been sending out my resume. Hopefully I'll find something soon and get to get out of this stupid job. I have to be out by mid April. I can't take another summer here. How has work been for you?

At this point liposuction sounds good. The exercise bike hurts your butt and it has to easier than dieting Lol I'm doing ok on mine just cheating too much like you. I've gone to a lot of birthday parties recently and I just can't resist pizza and cake. Please help me :p

Winter is beginning to let up here. We actually had a day in the 70's this week. It was nice but didn't last long. At least we haven't been below freezing for a while. It most definitely must have heard me and headed your way. You can thank me later Lol I hope you haven't been sick as well. You need to stay away from those sick people. Did you get to make a snowman? I would have to say Autumn is my favorite season. Pretty much for the same reasons you like spring. But Autumn means summer is over and Spring means it's coming and I don't like summer. It's just too hot.

Bad habits are so hard to break. Maybe we should just give in and let the bad habits take over. We might be happier that way :P

True the gods might be more help but them seem busy lately. Maybe their watching something good on TV and just need to binge it. Lol If you find out how to become a wizard you better tell me. None of the secret society shit that says you can't tell us non wizards about it. I better get a phone call. If you're a wizard I figure you could find my phone number :p

Well the Persona 5 anime comes out next season so I guess you got your wish. You better finish the game before then or there will be all kinds of spoilers. This seasons shows are meh. Next season looks amazing. I don't know why they put so many good shows in one season. I'm gonna have to lock myself in my room and not come out until the season is over to be able to watch them all.

I hope you're having a great day as well. Talk to you soon :)
bloodfire00 Jan 24, 2018 2:31 PM
Thanks for the info on the QA job :) I'm going to consider it and talk the people I know there. I'll let you know what happens.
As long as you're enjoying the game that's all that matters. Too many people get overly critical of things and forget they're supposed to be fun. Although I definitely was happy when they came out with the Mass Effect patch. The ending was much better. Hopefully FFXV will get a worthy ending.

Why are diets so hard? We should just be able to tell our bodies what we want and then it does it. That's another technology they to get working on already. Riding the stupid exercise bike is just way too much work. Then they say I can't eat Doritos. No way is anyone taking my Doritos Lol Stay strong though it'll be worth it in the end. Maybe :P

I wouldn't mind sending you some of my winter if you want it. It warmed up some the last couple of days but it's supposed to get cold again by the end of the week. At least they haven't said anything about snow. oops I shouldn't have said that. Now we'll get snow for sure Lol
A buttload is a measurement of any kind of liquid that can be put in a barrel so I guess official you could get a buttload of snow. They totally need to start using that on the news. Instead of inches or whatever the weather person can just tell everyone to get ready for a buttload of snow. Best weather report ever Lol

Good for you working on your bad habits. Now if I can just work on mine. Even right now I'm sitting on my leg and my body refuses to change positions. Stupid body!

The government never does anything we want. Maybe if we tell them that the shouldn't give us the money, they'll actually send us a ton of it. It could work, you never know :P

Btw, are you watching any shows this season? I'm watching a couple but for the most part I haven't seen anything great. Just wanted to know if there is anything you are into.

I hope you're having a great day as well :)
bloodfire00 Jan 17, 2018 9:15 AM
You took ages? Look at how long this took :p I had family in from England so we spent most of our time with them and once they left I got super lazy and didn't want to do anything. Congrats on getting the PS4! I'm kinda jealous but I'm skipping this console generation and hoping for some amazing stuff in the next one. I heard a lot of people don't like FFXV, I'm glad you're enjoying it. I haven't played a Final Fantasy since Lightning Returns and it wasn't that good.

Being inside the game is my hope for the next gen of consoles. I can't see a tech issue that is keeping us from at least having advanced AR that changes our surroundings into some kind of game or online environment. I can't seem to figure out why this isn't a thing yet. You would think companies and advertisers would be jumping on this. Imagine you're wearing glasses that are attached to the internet through your smartphone and you are walking by a store and it displays an ad made just for you based on the things you like or there's a kind of RPG where you have to collect items and some of them are given away in certain stores. Think of the foot traffic that would be driven to that business. The technology is available right now so I don't understand why we don't have this. Sorry, that's just my little rant.

Thanks, I'll need all the luck I can get. I've been doing ok on the diet but I cheat a little too often. I just love food, why's it have to taste so good Lol I'm rooting for you as well :)

I think companies just think that this how they've always done it so why change. They don't know how to get the best out of their employees. Also I know with my company they have this feeling that since they're paying us we should be there even if there's nothing to do so they feel like they aren't wasting money on us. It's so stupid.

The storms haven't cleared up much. In fact it's snowing right now. Also it's cold as fuck! We've only had a few days above freezing in the last couple of weeks. How's it going there, did you get your buttload of snow yet? Btw did you know that's an actual form of measurement? It blew my mind when I found out :P

You gotta try and get out of those habits. I don't want you to be in pain, but who am I to talk. I have a bad habit like that too. I always sit with one leg under me. By the end of the day my calf and ankle hurt but if I don't sit like that I feel uncomfortable the whole time. It's really weird. They really should just give us a whole bunch of money. Just think of all the jobs we would create hiring people to compensate for our laziness. It would be a huge boost to the economy Lol

I'll try to reply quicker next time as well. The funny thing is now that I'm back at work and school I'm actually faster to respond since I can't be so lazy. Btw, How do you like working in QA? I had a job offer the other day to work QA for a company that creates Apps. I'm not sure if it's something I want to do and the pay isn't much more than I make now but it would get me into the industry I'm planning to work in once I graduate.

Hope you're having a great day :) Talk to you soon, Hopefully :P
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