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Bungo Stray Dogs
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Nov 18, 2016 5:50 AM

Nov 2011
Oh poor Kyouka, the despair continues in her life...

Looks like Atsushi got captured and the Guild has their own twisted plans. I think the episode captured the thrill of what I had expected. Glad to see that creepy kid Yumeno captured though. I think they adapted chapters 28-29 pretty well for the episode on most parts in particular the music and Lucy's role. Impressive.
Nov 18, 2016 6:02 AM

Mar 2016
So hyped for this .

My life won't be complete unless I see Lovecraft's full on Cthulhu form animated , not just a shadow.

Nov 18, 2016 6:25 AM

Nov 2007
She is determined about working for the main group but with her dark instinct, he still got caught. Long hair guy from Guild met that creepy boy. lol @ his imagination of having fun. The main guy is caught to get a book for special power, and Guild plans to use the doll to cause confusion to the world. Poor the owner of the doll, he's been used.

Hanazawa-san's character, who lost her position for fighting, is painful. She seems to give him chance to stop it. It seems like Mamo's character expected him and set those smoke. He also saw Mafia is a group who is on their side in terms of wanting to protect Yohokama.
tsubasaloverNov 18, 2016 7:14 AM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Nov 18, 2016 11:39 AM

Mar 2016
Sigh. CR again with delay of english subbing (they announced a delay).
However, i watched the episode still . As a manga reader, it was nice to see most scenes getting adapted . Also i like how the anime emphasized atsushi enhanced tiger vision . It wasn't very clear in the manga until they mentioned it in ch41. Also they adapted the scene of atsushi's hopelessness and communication with his inner tiger (i guess that's what it's called) really well. Poor Margaret will never wake up . Hawthorne resigns from the guild . Though i would have liked to see this while atsushi was being attacked by Twain, but it can't be helped .

But at least Lovecraft humouring Q was funny af as in the manga until he went berserk .

More importantly, next episode we're getting fuckin Soukoku (Double black) !! The fangirls probably can't wait . 2 chapter adaptation next episode . Glad they'll give this chapter justice. The most hyped and awaited battle .

Btw some great shots in this episode .

Herman Melville unleashing the moby dick in stealth mode .

Them cute Tom and Huck assisting Twain lol. i like how upbeat mark twain is

Shishou_23Nov 19, 2016 5:33 AM
Nov 18, 2016 2:19 PM

Mar 2016
casla98 said:
where can i watch it subbed? i can't find it anywhere

The sub isn't out yet . CR announced it'll be delayed .
Nov 18, 2016 3:41 PM
Sep 2015
Any idea when the english sub will be out? I know about the delay but I was wondering if a date had been announced
Nov 18, 2016 7:54 PM
Apr 2016

Poor Q, he doesn't deserve any of this. I see many people hating on Steinbeck for doing that, but guys, he really didn't have a choice. I don't think he wanted to do that either. He has to finish his job or his family will starve.
ireallywantcakeNov 18, 2016 8:10 PM
Nov 18, 2016 9:23 PM
Jul 2014
Crunchyroll announced it was released 20mins ago:
Nov 18, 2016 10:09 PM

Mar 2014
Oh my GOD THAT WAS AMAZING! I loved the action and everything that was tied into it. I don't get the Japanese author references, but man when new Guild members pop up and their abilities get introduced I just laugh my ass off! Moby Dick? Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn? I called it! This season is so genius and hey hype is so great! Yooo Dazai is SUCH a genius. I'm sure he already knew what Atsushi had in mind... he just wanted to hear it for sure. BUT HELL YESSS I WANT TO SEE DAZAI WITH THE PORT MAFIA AGAIN! THE HYPE IS SO GREAT I WANT THE NEXT EPISODE ALREADY T_T
Nov 18, 2016 10:39 PM

Dec 2012
Splendid episode.

Poor Kyouka unable to protect Atsushi.
Woah Herman summoned Moby Dick that goes into stealth mode. Well that's helpful.

Lovecraft & Q are creepy & weird, but Lovecraft takes it up a notch.
Argh that laughing doll.
Nice to see Lucy again & help Atsushi escape. Would be nice to see her after this.

Mark is a good shot. Dazai to the rescue. Yokohama is safe for now.
Alliance with the Port Mafia. This will be interesting.
Santoryu_XBurnerNov 18, 2016 10:47 PM
"I’ve set myself to become the King of the Pirates…and if I die trying…then at least I tried!" Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)

Nov 18, 2016 11:06 PM

Jan 2015
Tsukizono said:
I think so too, but still can't forget about Kyouka who came and meet with Atsushi first.

When more than one "madness" meet in one place. Maybe just for the shadow for now because it maybe focus on two "Ladies" comeback for now, Kyouka and Lucy. Just a guess though. LOL
MasceraNov 18, 2016 11:09 PM
[url=]convert gambar online
Nov 18, 2016 11:43 PM

Mar 2016
Nov 18, 2016 11:46 PM

Sep 2009
Tsukizono said:

Agreed! Lucy was amazing here, I was blown away. :)

The conversation between Q and Steinbeck was depressing. Both of them are victims of their own circumstances. "God exists. But He doesn't love you." was a really realistic point of view.

I gasped at the title of next week's episode.
Nov 19, 2016 12:22 AM

Jun 2015
Poor Kyouka. Her life seems to get worse and worse. That Moby Dick ship blew me away. I wasn't expected it. It looks so cool. The Guild almost destroyed Yohokama with that creepy doll, but Dazai saved the day. Q experienced a lot of pain against Lovecraft. It was nice of Lucy to help Atsushi escape. Both of them had terrible pasts. An alliance with the Port Mafia sounds very interesting.
Nov 19, 2016 12:56 AM
Apr 2016
I noticed something:

In the manga it was Lucy who gave Atsushi the idea for the alliance, but it was removed in the anime:

Also they deleted the Tachihara baby scene too.
Nov 19, 2016 12:59 AM

Dec 2015
It's a good episode. Can't wait for the next episode tho >w<
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Nov 19, 2016 1:56 AM

Aug 2013
The litness awakens
Don't believe the hype.
Nov 19, 2016 3:35 AM

Mar 2016

She also said how sinister mori is by describing that the look in his eyes alone made her tremble In ep 12. They also changed the part where the hallucinations were starting getting to atsushi and put it in the end where he was reaching the doll . Also the part where kunikida gets cursed and restrained , but dazai still mentions that later in chapter 31 so no qualms .

Btw Fitz saying little princess and boyfriend lol. It's kinda sad that kyouka proved kouyou right in this episode. People just don't like steinbeck messing with their baby Q lol. But his words were more or less expected as it doesn't only describe Q only but himself also since he is forced to do this treacherous and evil job as an ability user just for the sake of supporting his family
Shishou_23Nov 19, 2016 3:48 AM
Nov 19, 2016 3:55 AM
Apr 2016
DragonSlayer_19 said:

She also said how sinister mori is by describing that the look in his eyes alone made her tremble In ep 12. They also changed the part where the hallucinations were starting getting to atsushi and put it in the end where he was reaching the doll . Also the part where kunikida gets cursed and restrained , but dazai still mentions that later in chapter 31 so no qualms .

Btw Fitz saying little princess and boyfriend lol. It's kinda sad that kyouka proved kouyou right in this episode. People just don't like steinbeck messing with their baby Q lol. But his words were more or less expected as it doesn't only describe Q only but himself also since he is forced to do this treacherous and evil job as an ability user just for the sake of supporting his family

Oh yes I almost forgot about the Kunikida part. I always thought the purpose of the 1st light novel being adapted is for viewers to understand that scene, but it seems like they deleted it. I really liked the conversation between Q and Steinbeck, it really gives more insight on Steinbeck's realistic views of life like the characters in his works.
Nov 19, 2016 4:01 AM

Jan 2016
Awesome episode! I found a new faovrite paring for this series: Atsushi x Lucy!
Nov 19, 2016 4:13 AM

Dec 2014
Great episode.

The Moby Dick shots were amazing, Especially when it turned transparent.
Damn, that's one heck of an emergency plan. Destroying Yokohoma.

Lucy was really cute this episode. :3

Atsushi's enhanced his power eh? Wonder what more he can do.
The destroyed city was depicted really well, I think it looked even better because of the twilight lighting. Though these zombie citizens straight out remind me of games. xD

Couldn't help but smile when Dazai started walking towards Atsushi at the end.
Port Mafia- Agency alliance incoming? Next episode is gonna be hype.
Nov 19, 2016 4:31 AM

Dec 2014
well that was something.... Atshushi kun was really something.....The shows gets better and better
Nov 19, 2016 4:38 AM

Apr 2010
To think that this creepy girl (Q) can actually being cute. Wow, they really love characters with tragic past. Though I guess it makes sense, in a way.

The guild's head... Isn't he afraid to burn the book with the whole city? I wouldn't say his idea was very wise.

Lucy! It took me some time to recall who she is. I want her to leave the Guild just as Kyoka left the Port Mafia.

Coparation! I wonder how it's gonna work and it Dazai's secret will be discovered.

And I must say, it's funny that the author who wrote the quote Atsushi noted, was of his own self (the writer, if to be more correct).

Nov 19, 2016 4:41 AM

Jul 2007

I touched upon that last week in how it is funny to see the show to contrast Lovecraft, an embodiment of western surreal on guild's side, against Yumeno Kyusaku, the embodiment of japanese surreal on port mafia's side. As well as how this season is intent onto contrasting various similar writers with each other and weighing the themes in their works against each other. So it is only fitting that this week we had scene where Yumeno Kyusaku's very human and very psychological surreality is contrasted against Lovecraft's eldritch and abnormal definition of madness. What is more horrifying? The fear of the known, the instinctual fear that comes from our own self? Or the fear of the UNknown, the fear of the things that our brain and our consciousness can't possibly ever comprehend?

Lucy M Montgomery also literally becomes the real Montgomery's Anne with the characterization present in the story. A lot of Anne's characterization is focused on her self-hatethe book parallels and emphasizes that via Anne thinking her red hair is a curse that makes others view her with disdain). She lashes out at people, she wants to escape the life she lived, she wants to not be defined by who she is. And just like Anne, Lucy in the show is haunted by and wants to escape the trauma of her past, which is a direct parallel to Atsushi's own struggle with his traumatic childhood and self-hatred. Is Atsushi the Gilbert Blythe to Lucy's Anne? While the show seems to have narrative indications towards that, only the time will tell. Atsushi's development certainly shares certain details with Montgomery's Gilbert in that both characters essentially are forced to overcome their obstinate nature and mature. And the realization in this episode at how similar they are and Lucy's seeming fear of Atsushi's fate rings true with Anne's realization of what her fear of losing Gilbert means in Anne narrative too.

We also are introduced to Mark Twain and Herman Melville - two arguably INCREDIBLY famous English writers. Just like pretty much anyone in Japan can name Osamu Dazai, pretty much anyone in USA will have a vague idea of who Lovecraft or Twain were or what was the basic plot of Moby Dick.

Melville is not shown to do much in this episode apart from his ability being literally the creature of his most famous work, which makes sense in a way.

Likewise Mark Twain being a sniper and basically tech savvy makes perfect sense too as Twain in real life was known as kind of nerd for technology and inventions - Twain was best friends with Nikola Tesla after all He also nearly went bankrupt because of his fascination with technology too. Its also damn fitting to pit Atsushi trying to gain his freedom against Twain because the theme of Freedom is quite common in Twain's writings. Its a double-layered meta aspect too because the idea of Twain being thwarted by a boy striving for something the real twain wrote about is VERY ironic - which is ironic in on itself because irony is common narrative device in Twain's writings too! Meta-ception.

Having Melville and Twain be part of Western team facing off against japanese writers is also kind of interesting as the theme of race is prevalent in their works. Which is even more made clear with Fitzgerald labeling the japanese as "barbarians". I already talked before about Fitzgerald's views on other races and the unfortunate quotes he has made in real life, so I won't repeat myself here, but it is certainly fascinating. There are also hints at Fitzgerald's obsession of keeping his possessions in check, doing everything to protect his status no matter the cost, which is also common theme of Fitzgerald's Gatsby character and The Great Gatsby narrative. What can we do for money? Is giving up your humanity worth it to protect your status?

Its also hilarious to see the show be very self-aware in meta sense as Atsushi quotes the quote about regret and then realizes he has no idea who wrote that - which makes sense as that quote and it's origin is quite commonly discussed in literary circles and nobody really has any firm idea on who actually wrote it first and variations of it appeared through the ages in various literary and entertainment works. There are dozens of books, movies, shows, etc who have some similar lines to that, but there's no concrete evidence on where it originated.

Likewise the end of episode was very poignant:
"The head may err, but never the blood."

I think this is also the first time the narrative has an author-based-character quote the actual author the character is based upon. Nakajima Atsushi, the character, quoting Nakajima Atsushi, the author works as a very strong punch-line to end this breath-taking episode.
Nov 19, 2016 4:42 AM

Mar 2016
Lelouch0202 said:

Atsushi's enhanced his power eh? Wonder what more he can do.

Couldn't help but smile when Dazai started walking towards Atsushi at the end.
Port Mafia- Agency alliance incoming? Next episode is gonna be hype.

The scene of atsushi was symbolic to the very core. Atsushi has been known to go full tiger mode sometimes when he's driven into despair and hopelessness like ep 3 against akutagawa, but here it was more. Just prior his meeting with his inner tiger, Atsushi has always viewed his tiger side as nothing but a curse . That's why his tiger jumped on him cause he denies him . When atsushi came on terms with it and accepted his tiger self . It actually allowed him to save himself effectively telling him stop pittying yourself for having me .
Shishou_23Nov 19, 2016 7:05 AM
Nov 19, 2016 5:49 AM

Dec 2014
Now they're reaching the climax now. And dang, if this show deserves credit, its probably in the action scenes. Very fun, and sometimes unique from time to time.

Also, anyone know where Atsushi's tiger thing came from? Did the actual Atsushi like tigers, or did he write about them? This had to come from SOMEWHERE, so that's why I'm asking.
Nov 19, 2016 6:11 AM

Mar 2016
Burger-Meister said:
Now they're reaching the climax now. And dang, if this show deserves credit, its probably in the action scenes. Very fun, and sometimes unique from time to time.

Also, anyone know where Atsushi's tiger thing came from? Did the actual Atsushi like tigers, or did he write about them? This had to come from SOMEWHERE, so that's why I'm asking.

According to what I've searched (and anyone can correct me if i'm wrong), The real nakajima atsushi wrote about classical chinese topics in some of his works . "Moon over the mountains" is one of his works (it's consistes of several stories) where an unsuccesful man who complains about his unhappy fate is turned into a tiger , so it kinda fits.
"The head may err, but never the blood" is taken from the real nakajima atsushi's book "Light, Winds, and Dreams" . As fai said , it's quite funny and interesting how the anime is aware of it . It's basically atsushi quoting his real self .
Nov 19, 2016 6:11 AM

Nov 2016
I only came here to say that Dazai is the man.
Nov 19, 2016 6:11 AM
May 2016
Awesome episode, an alliance of Agency and Port Mafia. Looking forward to it.
Nov 19, 2016 6:13 AM

Jul 2007
Burger-Meister said:
Now they're reaching the climax now. And dang, if this show deserves credit, its probably in the action scenes. Very fun, and sometimes unique from time to time.

Also, anyone know where Atsushi's tiger thing came from? Did the actual Atsushi like tigers, or did he write about them? This had to come from SOMEWHERE, so that's why I'm asking.

Nakajima Atsushi wrote mostly short stories inspired by chinese folklore.

One of his short stories , Sangetsuki(Also known as Tiger Poet) is a Jekyl and Hyde type of story about a chinese government official obsessed with poetry. He abandons everything striving to dedicate himself to poetry, however unable to achieve it, he succumbs to madness and turns into a giant tiger, loathing his very existence and his failure as a poet.
AhenshihaelNov 19, 2016 6:17 AM
Nov 19, 2016 6:22 AM

Jun 2013
So Kyouka comes to save Atsushi from Francis who is surprised at how barbaric this land is with little girls wielding knives and attacking. Anyone would be surprised to see a little girl killing people with a knife. Kyouka calls the police to protect themselves from the Mafia and the Guild, but the Guild pulled a fast one on them and informed the police that there's a 14 year old kimono clad murderer roaming around these areas. And Atsushi gets caught and the Guild flies off in Moby's Dick.

The Guild's plan was pretty horrendous. They trapped Q in vines connected to all the trees in the city and each person who hurts a tree in any way gets cursed and then put under mind control when the doll is ripped. And all those controlled people start destroying the city. The Mafia is helping maintain order because if this city goes down, it takes their livelihood with it. This gives Atsushi the idea to work with them against a common enemy.

Nice to see that crazy one returning here. She turns over to the good side after Atsushi connects with her. Also, Atsushi quoting lines from his own book was nice.
Nov 19, 2016 7:12 AM

Dec 2014
the moment tha whale appeared my mind was screaming GI JOE!! SHIELD!!

Nov 19, 2016 7:47 AM
Oct 2016
Why do I have a feeling that we are going through 10 chapter per 5 minutes..... :/

Nonetheless, entertaining series so far.
Nov 19, 2016 8:21 AM

May 2015
Damn, it's getting really good! I have nothing else to say other than how much I'm enjoying this show more than the first season. Can't wait for next episode.

Nov 19, 2016 8:56 AM

Jun 2014
This anime got me waiting impatiently for the next episode each week holy moly
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Nov 19, 2016 9:57 AM

Jul 2014
Well, there was A LOT going on in this episode, possibly too much, but boy did it work really well. Only thing I'm perhaps frustrated by is the latest development with Kyouka, but I'm sure that can somehow be resolved before the end. Also, it should be very interesting to see the Port Mafia and the Agency working together to stop the Guild and protect the city.

Can't wait for next week's episode now.
Nov 19, 2016 10:01 AM

Apr 2016
I wish I could understand the whole author jokes.

But also without, find the series very interesting. Atsushi now looks much stronger and finally acts like a firm member of the dedektives. The inner tiger reminds me strongly of Naruto (which also mohten themselves also at first not so synonymous).
Nov 19, 2016 10:36 AM

Jun 2015
Another great and enjoyable episode.
Its nice to see Lucy again and hear her seiyuu Kana Hanazwa who's my second
favorite seiyuu again.

hmm so the leader of the guild is still trying to get his hands on atsuchi
good think Kyouka was here though
its nice to see that Kyouka views the agency as her home now though

But atsuchi still finds her mentors words haunting him
oops it seems that Kyouka's identity has been leaked to the police
and that her plan of using the police as a shield backfired

hmm so that girl from last time Louisa is the guilds strategist eh
damn the guild have an endless amount of talented personal in their ranks

Damm the power of moby dick that allow them to summon a whale like a plane lol
Lol lovecrafts thought of having fun with q is completely different to what
she has in mind lol

lol a dog in the shape of tentacles
lol Q's idea of madness was exceeded by Lovecrafts version quite easily
well its nice to see that Nathaniel the pastor survived his injuries
hope Margaret does as well
and it seems Nathaniel wants to operate by himself to restore Margaret's honor

So it seems that the guild master does care about his men
but i wonder what the emergency plan is
judging from Louisa's expression its something explosive
lol so Lucy was reassigned to a maid now that her powers are known eh
So the guild is looking for a book that Atsuchi should know about eh

Tree guy's powers are really something though
being able to use the senses of every tree in the city
wow holding Q and Atsuchi hostage the guild really are something

And as expected the e plan is a serious one as well
Using Q's powers to curse the town and destroy it if Atsuchi doesn't tell them
what they want now thats a one hell of a threat

One that is already beginning thanks to tree guys words
now the city will be full of zombies as well as fire soon
wow Lucy sure had it tough for her childhood
hmm so Atsuchi and Lucy are kindred spirits eh
in that both had horrible childhoods mixed with abuse
maybe he can charm his way out with Lucy

When Lucy points out just how Atsuchi is getting to the ground
it really puts into perspective just how brave Atsuchi actually is
nice he managed to convince Lucy to help him
man Atsuchi is good with the ladies lol
now he has two girls already by healing their mental scars

Lol even the port mafia are out in force holding back the cursed
so Marks power is his animated dolls then eh
one captures the target's range while the other launches the projectiles

And it looks like Atsuchi has awakened his true power
geeze the scene on the ground looks like hell
And man Dazai just shown up in the nick of time and defused the situation
Man Dazai has incredible foresight to plan this far ahead
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Nov 19, 2016 12:04 PM

Mar 2013
Great episode.

I laughed hard at Q's scene with Lovecraft lmao

I just hope Koyuka doesn't go back to dark side again.

Nice scene with Lucy. MC, don't forget to save her.
Nov 19, 2016 1:12 PM
Jul 2018
Great Great Great!!!! I really love this anime very much!!!! Bones ROCKS and as well as this anime as well!
Nov 19, 2016 1:21 PM

Jun 2016
Wow another amazing episode, this is by far so much better than the first season.
Nov 19, 2016 1:46 PM

May 2015
I really feel bad for Kyouka. Even with all this going on, the police were still worried about her serial killing in the past. She just wanted to help. I hope she'll be able to not have to worry about her past at all some time in the future. And I'm really excited to see the Agency and Port Mafia team up next week.
Cross-country >>>>>>>>>>>> Every other sport
Nov 19, 2016 1:47 PM

Jun 2013
that Moby dick sure is something
Nov 19, 2016 2:03 PM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
Lucy helped Atsushi escape! Woah, damn.

Dazai to the rescue again!

Alliance incoming!
Nov 19, 2016 2:23 PM

Dec 2015
Oh My Godddddddd, this show got SO much better since its first season and is starting to become my absolute favorites of this season (tied with Euphonium). Every character that is introduced is just so original and fascinating and their designs are some of the best I have seen in a while. This episode felt almost like a movie for me with STELLAR visuals and brilliant heartfelt and heartbreaking moments. Every character in this show have such rich characterization and background that I almost think they all deserve a spin-off series on their own. There is just so many good things this show is doing that I almost lost count. The fact that each of these characters are based off Japanese and Western authors with clever references that tie perfectly into their presentation is just the cherry on top (lol @ Mark Twain and Herman Melville making their debut). Starting the first season way back in Spring 2016, I never imagined that this show would once again redefine what anime meant to me (The first time being FLCL :p). Anyways, I just really hope that this show doesn't plateau and start getting worse in its last 4 episodes but with the cliffhanger at the ending, I seriously doubt this will be the case.

Also, Lucy has now replaced Kyouka for being best girl of the series.
"Anime is trash and so am I."
Nov 19, 2016 3:22 PM

Sep 2013
This was really awesome! I was fine when they cut the scene where Lucy gave Atsushi the idea to form an alliance. I felt like it was better to just randomly have that pop into his head after watching Port Mafia defend the city.

I feel terrible for Kyouka. Whatever she does, she just can't escape her darkness. Things keep piling up on her over and over.

4/5- Almost every single scene was intense. Felt a little rushed but it was still great.

Nov 19, 2016 3:37 PM

Aug 2015
Best episode of Bungou Stray Dogs this season by far!
Nov 19, 2016 3:46 PM

Sep 2015
Omg is the Atsushi X Kyouka ship for me converting to Atsushi X Lucy???

Atsushi is one with his White Tiger power now???

I really hope Kyouka is okay ;-;
Nov 19, 2016 7:10 PM

Jan 2016
ahhh Soukoku next episode my fangirl mode is HYPERACTIVE.

Still, they removed the scene where Kunikida asked Dazai about the handprint, I really wanted to see it animated.
There is only one passion; the passion for happiness.

- Denis Diderot
Nov 19, 2016 7:38 PM

Oct 2016
demn eventhough some scenes are different from the manga, the emotions are still there specially when lucy helped atsushi to escape .. finally next episode will be awesome
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