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Sep 22, 2016 10:08 AM

Nov 2011
Whoa, this episode wasn't exactly what I was expecting especially the part with the delusions about the baseball.

Shun still uses his fists to do the talking. Surprisingly, they actually tried to get a game going. Not bad. I wish they put more time into it this episode but I did like a few of the plays. Wasn't very impressed by Shun though. On the other hand, I liked Takumi's pitching ability this episode.

Sep 22, 2016 10:02 PM

Feb 2015
I have to say that the animation and the movements are amazing, I was expecting to watch the end of the game and what happen to the guys because I guess that is not getting a second season, but it stoped just when Harada confronts Shugo.
A little disappointed in the end.
Sep 22, 2016 11:10 PM
Jul 2018
The ending was quite disappointed! Takumi's pitching ability was nice!

This show was so average!
Sep 23, 2016 2:09 AM

Aug 2015
Why I watched this anime?
Sep 23, 2016 3:56 AM

Dec 2008
I am rather displeased with this anime compared to the TV Drama and honestly, did they even announce a continuation any time soon, besides the small scene after the ED?
Sep 23, 2016 4:13 AM

Apr 2014
This was bad, like really bad. To much forced drama trough the whole series. Unlikable characters and this episode was the worst. Didn't enjoy this series much,

If this gets a second season, I am not going to watch it!
Sep 23, 2016 6:31 AM

Dec 2014
Underwhelming finale, Don't really know how else I can describe it.

They spent like 15 minutes for build up for the big game, And we got like 1 inning from each team in the last 5-6 minutes.
I did like watching Takumi pitch, Wish we could have seen more. Apart from that nothing else even stood out.

I knew they weren't gonna show us the matchup between Takumi and Kadowaki give the time left, I just knew the show would end with Takumi throwing the ball and it did. Though the sound post-credit suggests Kadowaki may have hit it but that cannot be confirmed.

Overall, I guess I just wasn't impressed at all. When I started it, I was expecting a mature sports show since it didn't look like your classic Shounen but most of the time it was just kids creating unnecessary melodrama on stupid issues. The bullying, The drama with the seniors, Takumi and Gou fighting and making up over and over again, Even the bit with Kadowaki and Shugo. You would think a couple of middle school kids could have fun playing baseball but apparently there's too much egotistical conflict for that to happen. There were only 2 episodes of baseball throughout the entire show as well and the last match was like 5 minutes. :|
Put simply there was no energy or zeal one would expect from a sports anime, Sure you can say that it wasn't present because this is supposed to be a mature take on baseball and how it affects the characters, But even then, Can you really call the drama and baseball that was showcased mature?

Lelouch0202Sep 23, 2016 6:38 AM
Sep 23, 2016 6:34 AM

Jun 2008
This was definitely my biggest disappointment of the season. what was the point in this anime?

Sep 23, 2016 6:38 AM

Jun 2011
Dull as hell. Do NOT watch this for the sport, the drama wasn't very good either. Just watch it if you want a natural sleep inducer.
I wish Cowboy Bebop never existed.
Sep 23, 2016 6:44 AM

Jul 2015
Shit anime and shit end. Do not watch it.
Sep 23, 2016 6:48 AM

Dec 2014
This series was so angsty it'd make Kiznaiver cry.

Prior to the season starting, I remember quite a lot of hype going towards this series, but all it'll be remembered as is "the baseball show where everyone was an asshole." And looking back, it was a series that had no idea what it was trying to do. The story was all over the place, and while by itself that isn't much a bad thing (series like Concrete Revolutio do prove that you can have a convoluted story and still be a really good show despite that), Battery felt like it focused it things seemingly on a whim, and in the end there wasn't much payoff. Takumi was an interesting protagonist, even if he was a douchebag to basically everyone else.

Yet despite this, it did have quite a bit of redeeming qualities (that Spiranix on reddit already pointed out in detail). Though overall, all I gotta say was that while I liked it more than Kabaneri, it paled in comparison to a lot of Noitamina's other series. It succeeded in its goal, but could've been so much more.

a 7/10 and that's a stretch
Sep 23, 2016 7:00 AM

May 2015
The first scene was creepy af...

The show had a lot of potential in the beginning as a relaxed SoL Sports mix. The first 2 episodes were great in that they focused completely on the characters, but as it started to focus on the drama between the schools it really went downhill, and the characters were rather neglected. Foundations were even set out for the development of our 2 MCs, but attention disappeared over time, as if the show forgot about them completely. The whole story line with Shugo and Shun didn't work as they were introduced late and the conflict between them was far too contrived. The show also didn't demonstrate that baseball should be fun well enough, even though this theme did occur from time to time. 6/10 (could of been 7 or even 8)
Sep 23, 2016 7:12 AM
Jul 2018
The situation between Shun and Kadowaki didn't make any sense. To be precise, almost nothing in this anime did. Most of the characters' actions weren't getting some reasonable explanation. Bit bothered that the kids looked more like high schoolers in appearance instead of juniors. Overall, a wasted potential of an anime. An underwhelming series with an underwhelming finish. 5/10 (Just being generous here, because I liked the visuals, animation, music and some of the character designs)
Sep 23, 2016 7:24 AM
News Team

Nov 2014
i mean, i know that its all about interactions with the characters but goddamnit
its prince of stride all over again. >_>

enjoyed it at first but the more we advanced the more it was boring, uninteresting and i didnt give a shit about the characters and their little drama.

Wasnt totally bad but definitly not worth your time

Sep 23, 2016 8:28 AM

Sep 2010
4/10. For animation, beautiful endings and Shun. Too much drama for middle schoolers. What was the point of this anime? A lot of fighting between the characters and nothing resolved at the end. Meh...
Sep 23, 2016 9:06 AM

Apr 2009
The problem with the drama is that it went absolutely nowhere, there was no resolution for the Takumi/Gou relationship, Sehia, the teacher, and when they introduced the two dudes from the other team, Gou and Takumi almost fell in background while they completely stole the show (In a bad way). The new dudes relationship didn't have any kind of resolution too.

I can only guess the studio stopped caring after a certain point and just started adapting one scenes after another by how bad the pacing/scenes flow was. Too bad the manga isn't scanlated past chapter 2, it seems much interesting.

Also the beginning scene.

Fucking WHAT.

Sep 23, 2016 10:06 AM

Jun 2013
Not that the rest of the series was very good, but this was honestly one of the worst endings i have ever seen, it just ended right in the middle of the game they had been hyping up for the last 5 episodes
Overall, this had a lot of potential but it was ruined due to ungodly amount of melodrama and characters that were annoying and did not act their age
5/10 one of the worst of the season.
Sep 23, 2016 10:18 AM

Sep 2011
What a waste of an anime. Was so boring and if you wanted baseball from this show... HAH.

Sep 23, 2016 11:12 AM

Jun 2014
Well that was extremely anticlimactic. We've been getting buildup for this game for practically the last half of the season and then we don't even get to see the full game.

Honestly, I can appreciate this show's attempt to focus on the more dramatic, slice of life aspect of being involved in sports, but this show made it really boring. I think I'll stick to sports anime that provide us with epic, action-packed matches, like Haikyuu. I guess this was good for relaxation purposes, but other than that, I can't think of any reason to give this more than a 4/10.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Sep 23, 2016 12:22 PM

Jun 2014
I really enjoyed this anime! I hate sports anime, so I didn't watch this for the baseball.

I really enjoyed the story and the growth of the characters. The change in Takumi from the beginning to the end wasn't drastic, but you got to see him start to form bonds with the others.

Overall I would watch another season if this got one. 8/10!
So glad that I'm not a huge manga reader, because the manga readers WHINE WAY TOO MUCH and have to RUIN every adapted anime for the ANIME ONLY WATCHERS!
Sep 23, 2016 12:25 PM

Jan 2011
lol. the entire series is just a big lol. takumi is probably one of the most annoying kids ive ever seen in anime and whats with that ending?! if this show gets a s2 i def wont watch it. also, seiha deserved better. stunning op/ed, but the drama, the shitty characters and their non-existent character development made it so HARD to enjoy it. 5/10.
Sep 23, 2016 1:03 PM

May 2010
The stupid ending. It must have been a manga advertisement, but all it's really done is probably kill any popularity the manga may have gotten.
Sep 23, 2016 1:14 PM

Sep 2015
hahahaha weird way to end a show
I do think the only good points are the backgrounds and the OP/EDS, anderlust's singer have a really nice voice

5/10, but a solid 1/10 for the story, it could have been a lot more better
Sep 23, 2016 1:32 PM

Jun 2014
tf kinda opening scene was that? tf kinda ending was that??
Sep 23, 2016 4:12 PM

May 2015
I'm not sure what to think of that ending.

Anyway, the show was fine. Nothing special and impressive, and it had a slow start. Guess I'll give it a 7. A lot of the characters were damn annoying in this show, though.

Sep 23, 2016 4:51 PM

Aug 2015
I was hoping this anime would surprise me but it didn't at all. It was boring and I didn't enjoy at all. 4/10
Sep 23, 2016 7:19 PM

Dec 2012
Alright game of baseball although we never got to see it to the end. Oh well.
Seems like Kadowaki was able to hit the ball in the end. Maybe?

Overall an O.K series I guess. So much drama & punching going on.
Guess I was expecting more baseball.

"I’ve set myself to become the King of the Pirates…and if I die trying…then at least I tried!" Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)

Sep 23, 2016 9:18 PM

Aug 2015
I love baseball, but that was not good. What a crummy ending. They could have done so much with it.
There is nothing that cannot be stolen by Mouse.
Sep 23, 2016 9:33 PM

Feb 2012
well that was bad 4/10 and i usually dont rate or watch low rate anime's(wouldve been dropped fast if i knew) but i was really expecting more has were other viewers
Sep 23, 2016 9:57 PM
Nov 2012
Fails at being a drama, fails at being a sports anime, just one big fail. I'm usually okay with sports anime, but this was so bad. It had some potential to be decent in the beginning, and occasionally showed those signs throughout the series, but at the end there was really nothing to take away from the series.
Sep 23, 2016 11:05 PM

Jun 2012
I had a feeling it was gonna end like that. Felt like all the episodes built up that final moment and they didnt end up showing lol. Still I enjoyed it, even with all the unintentional gay moments.
Sep 23, 2016 11:42 PM

Jul 2013
I enjoyed the series but it really went to hell after that random timeskip. And it looks like the manga and novel are never going to get translated =/

What was Shun's deal anyway? Seemed like more than jealousy.
Sep 24, 2016 2:00 AM

Sep 2014
Ehhhhhhh, what a disappointment. 8,C And it was the anime I was looking forward to in July.
No plotline was actually wrapped up in the end, but I'm glad Takumi and Gou managed to find some common language (though they're still not the whole way there).

Beginning of this episode was pure drugs. Just why did they put it there? xD Takumi will never be free of baseball. *Saw Main Theme playing on the background*

I was going to give this show 7 (mainly for Seiha and somewhat for Shun, though he started to really irritate me in the last ep). But that ending... idk. 6/10. One more episode could've redeemed it a slight bit.

Also, the prettiest EDs I've seen in a while. But it's not enough, of course.
Sep 24, 2016 3:05 AM
Mar 2016
This last episode was kind of weird, and the ending wasn't the best, but nevertheless I still loved the show a lot. A lot of the characters were pretty likable imo, it was more sol than most people would've liked I guess, but I was fine with it.

and it's not getting a second season, it was based off a novel and this is where the story ends.

Sep 24, 2016 6:56 AM
Aug 2015
baseball anime without full match of baseball on it? WTF man !!!! in the last minutes after credit.. the sound of ball hit , right?
Sep 24, 2016 6:49 PM

Nov 2013
Man, I don't know what happened here. Seeing as Tomomi Mochizuki (director and writer of Battery) has done some fantastic work in the past, I had high expectations for this show at the start of the season. Perhaps his style of directing wasn't the best fit for Battery. Maybe production issues were the cause. Regardless, something went wrong and this adaptation turned out to be quite the disappointment.

The first half of the show was at least intriguing, if imperfect. I interpreted the drama surrounding Takumi as a sort of allegorical depiction of the collectivist and rigid society of Japan. Unfortunately the show seemed to lose its focus midway through the show. In the end, nothing was really resolved and existing relationships never explored further. Also, for the show to end in such an ambiguous manner was baffling.

Honestly, I feel like there's some sort of subtext to the latter half of the show that I'm missing. It's difficult to believe that the director, with his knack for character drama, dropped the ball so hard on the last couple of episodes. Does anyone know if the source material ends like this?
Sep 25, 2016 12:19 AM

Mar 2008
i expected so much more out of this show. overall it was just painful to watch. i literally HATED the characters which rarely happens for me. i felt like the entire series was building up to something that never happened. i don't even know. 5/10.
Sep 25, 2016 4:40 AM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
Tien said:
Man, I don't know what happened here. Seeing as Tomomi Mochizuki (director and writer of Battery) has done some fantastic work in the past, I had high expectations for this show at the start of the season. Perhaps his style of directing wasn't the best fit for Battery. Maybe production issues were the cause. Regardless, something went wrong and this adaptation turned out to be quite the disappointment.

The first half of the show was at least intriguing, if imperfect. I interpreted the drama surrounding Takumi as a sort of allegorical depiction of the collectivist and rigid society of Japan. Unfortunately the show seemed to lose its focus midway through the show. In the end, nothing was really resolved and existing relationships never explored further. Also, for the show to end in such an ambiguous manner was baffling.

Honestly, I feel like there's some sort of subtext to the latter half of the show that I'm missing. It's difficult to believe that the director, with his knack for character drama, dropped the ball so hard on the last couple of episodes. Does anyone know if the source material ends like this?

Actually one dude rewatched the entire series and made very reliable points about a subtext. Makes real big sense and went over everyone's head probably (including mine)
Sep 25, 2016 1:16 PM

Aug 2013
It was a kind of joke, right?

Well, I watched it mainly because of beautiful art and animation, but I enjoyed it anyway. The ending just doesn't feel like a ending at all.
Sep 25, 2016 3:09 PM
Jun 2012
Wasn't it supposed to have a good story?
So why do i feel like i just wasted my time?
Sep 25, 2016 7:24 PM
Aug 2014
I love! But I need a second season!
Sep 26, 2016 2:27 AM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
Well this started out as one of my favorite anime of the season to being on the frustrating side ever since Mizugaki showed up. It was hard to watch this guy whenever he appeared on screen. But...

Smudy said:

Actually one dude rewatched the entire series and made very reliable points about a subtext. Makes real big sense and went over everyone's head probably (including mine)

This was an interesting read. Thanks for linking it. It is indeed persuasive, the evidence the user gave in his/her analysis. Most convincing part was in the beginning, where the user talked about the author of Battery and the character designer for the anime, who is also wrote Hourou Musuko. And honestly the pitching and catching thing, I facepalmed myself, I am familiar with those terms from reading several BL, so the "why baseball" part made sense. And other parts made more sense after reading the analysis, such as why Mizugaki is so annoying and why he looks like Takumi, which I had felt since his introduction.

But...while the evidence makes for a convincing argument, and it does make the story make much more sense, the theme really went over the majority of the viewers' heads. And I don't know, it might be due to the way it's directed? Maybe it's less subtle when reading the words instead? I know that's why the user said it's an allegorical tale, but damn, the story has to actually make sense too by itself, yet it feels choppy. Animal Farm, the classic allegorical story that almost everyone knows about (or er, at least people who grew up in English speaking countries), makes sense as a story even without the reader knowing knowing what the story actually symbolizes. I mean the reader might think it's odd to have animals as characters, but the plot makes sense. Here, Battery the anime feels like we're only getting glimpses of what's going on, there's odd time skipping, or events and scenes just don't really connect. It might be intentional, or it could possibly be time constraints, but either way, I feel like there could still have been more padding in the episodes, instead of what feels like bouts of anger shown by the characters once or twice in each episodes. Once again though, I can't really put my finger on why I think the theme went over my and other people's heads.

I also took the series too literally, from my posts in the earlier episodes, but so did everyone else who commented (not many comments though in the discussion threads). I thought it'd be an interesting tale looking into the psychology of Takumi, but by the end I could tell that that's not what the series was aiming for. I mean it is, if the "figuring out your sexuality" analysis makes sense to you. It's just that it's not in the same I was looking forward to seeing it to be. Could be wrong expectations, but also could really just be that the subtext was just too damn hard to figure out for the most of us. Also, not every medium translates well into another. I do wonder how many people who read Battery came to the same conclusion as the reddit user did.

edit: oops, I meant Mizugaki, not Kadowaki...
tingySep 27, 2016 2:54 PM
Sep 26, 2016 12:23 PM

Aug 2015
For me it wasn't that bad but still it really have some big flaws. For example characters look 'overly grown' for their ages and that destroys the very feeling that audience need for the show 'sympathy'

And we shouldn't forget that this anime's purpose is not giving us 'shounenesque ' feeling.

I didn't have 'wasting my time ' feeling. At least it was for me a good experience.

I get it. It's not the greatest or best but still I really like the atmosphere that anime gave to me and artwork was, in my opinion, was well made.

Sep 26, 2016 8:25 PM

Apr 2009
Smudy said:
Tien said:
Man, I don't know what happened here. Seeing as Tomomi Mochizuki (director and writer of Battery) has done some fantastic work in the past, I had high expectations for this show at the start of the season. Perhaps his style of directing wasn't the best fit for Battery. Maybe production issues were the cause. Regardless, something went wrong and this adaptation turned out to be quite the disappointment.

The first half of the show was at least intriguing, if imperfect. I interpreted the drama surrounding Takumi as a sort of allegorical depiction of the collectivist and rigid society of Japan. Unfortunately the show seemed to lose its focus midway through the show. In the end, nothing was really resolved and existing relationships never explored further. Also, for the show to end in such an ambiguous manner was baffling.

Honestly, I feel like there's some sort of subtext to the latter half of the show that I'm missing. It's difficult to believe that the director, with his knack for character drama, dropped the ball so hard on the last couple of episodes. Does anyone know if the source material ends like this?

Actually one dude rewatched the entire series and made very reliable points about a subtext. Makes real big sense and went over everyone's head probably (including mine)

Gou and Takumi are probably meant to be totally homos for each other given the author, but this is literally reading too much into it and reading a lot of things in a way that fits his analysis.

Not to mention he's basing his analysis on what look for all intent and purpose a bad adaptation. Battery already has a manga (The Takako Shimura one will be like 3 chapters long while the old one is currently resuming) and Takumi seems like a pretty different character on it, much less stuck-up.

Sep 27, 2016 5:08 AM

Jan 2011
I wanted to like it, but it just sorta ended up lacking any real direction.
Sep 27, 2016 6:08 AM

Apr 2009
MrMik1995 said:
Jin_uzuki said:

Gou and Takumi are probably meant to be totally homos for each other given the author, but this is literally reading too much into it and reading a lot of things in a way that fits his analysis.

Not to mention he's basing his analysis on what look for all intent and purpose a bad adaptation. Battery already has a manga (The Takako Shimura one will be like 3 chapters long while the old one is currently resuming) and Takumi seems like a pretty different character on it, much less stuck-up.

Umm OP even explained the "YOU'RE READING TOO MUCH IN TO THIS" part,honestly I thought the same but it convinced me.

Yeah, OK, but he still reading too much into it to fit his view of the story.

Then again, Indoctrination Theory and Rosatrice taught me that if you write a lot of shit, and you make it sound smart, a lot of people will fall for it. You could probably write an essay about how Boku no Pico is modern critic on gender dynamics, and some people will probably fall for it. But it still won't make it about that.

Just like Battery is really just a butchered adaptation of a coming of ages story with homoerotic subtext.

Sep 27, 2016 9:00 PM

Oct 2011
OMG it ended right there...
Please Season 2
Sep 28, 2016 6:09 AM
Jun 2008
I liked the series and the ending. Something different for a change.

If you watch sport animes only for the action then this obviously isn't for you.
Sep 28, 2016 8:05 AM

Dec 2012
Battery was good as an sport anime and a SoL. I liked all the characters interactions and how the baseball felt realistic without sounds or other effects than the ball and the baseball bat.
The ending was disappointing, at least I expected to see the end of the match. I hope to see a second season
Sep 28, 2016 1:20 PM

Mar 2009
Just put Noitamina out of its misery already. Gone are the days of shows like Honey & Clover and Nodame.

Worst baseball anime I've ever seen? I'd even take Ace of Diamond's constant baseball matches and cliffhangers over this. So many plot points forgotten in Battery. No resolutions. Unlikable characters with terrible personalities. Was there anything good about this show?
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