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Mushoku Tensei II: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu Part 2
Mushoku Tensei II: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu Part 2
Jul 3, 2024 11:40 PM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 8
Mushoku Tensei II: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu
Mushoku Tensei II: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu
Jul 3, 2024 11:40 PM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 8
Shuumatsu Train Doko e Iku?
Shuumatsu Train Doko e Iku?
Jun 27, 2024 6:48 AM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 8
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Doku no Okurimono
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Sep 19, 2024 4:26 AM
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HamstersAreCool Jun 25, 2023 12:16 PM
hey, i hope you are doing well :3 what have u been upto
Kingofglory77 May 24, 2022 1:24 PM
Hello thanks for the fr. Nice to meet you
xAngelsThanatos Apr 10, 2022 11:15 AM
Ohayo me_here_me_there imouto-chan!
ShadedStar Jul 13, 2021 6:28 PM
I feel this -- I mean I'm even worse for replying to you just now, gomen T^T

I'm always tired, I sleep a lot lately which isn't good... but I really have been wanting to reply back, but I guess the really long message intimidated me aha xD (I mean I have a habit of doing that too, so don't worry.)

oh gosh, sounds creepy x'c

man it sucks when they cut out stuff from games/mangas in animes ;__; because Corpse Party was some great story telling going there.

hopefully they would, I felt like Umineko could have done better.

Higurashi is really great though 'u'

I played I think the 1st chapter and half of the 2nd one and couldn't anymore xD I hated the difficulty of it and the jump scares, so I continued with watching the gameplay on yt from where I left off, and it wasn't as bad lol

I'm not much for shooter games either, I prefer the class trials -- makes things interesting and plus it's super fun to do uwu

I never watched the fangan projects, but I should check into them more sometime.

I do love Nagito and Kokichi, but nothing beats my protag boys x'3

A MOOD !!! lmfaoooooo I always want to smack them, but I still love them.

editing with Danganronpa is so hard though, idk how y'all pull it off so well x.x

Kokichi is sure something :') he cracks me up. but I love my Saimatsu angst, and Kaede baby, ahhhhhh <'3

very sad !!! waaaaah, our hearts v.v I also love my Hajime x Chiaki.

makes sense, I mean I'm not a Angie fan but I do get where some do like her, and she is very beautiful. but Tenko, yeah wtf??? that was horrible, the trial makes me cry even more so for Tenko and how Himiko felt towards her death, like I know she felt that way for both of their deaths, but idk??? I feel like Himiko felt bad, because she never got a chance to apologize to Tenko for how she acted towards her, and didn't even get to say goodbye, and I feel like Himiko did really like Tenko, she just had trouble with saying it or expressing it *weeps* T^T

and true, I mean... I'm not a Ryoma fan -- but I do feel like he had it rough, with no one there or wasn't needed, it was just overall sad in general.

ofc here they are:

the Shuichi x Kokichi folder has 580 fanarts I think? it's a lot, so beware aha.

sorry for sending this so late, waaaaaah ;___; I sadly don't have Rantaro fanart saved v.v

yush indeed !!! <3 it's always fun doing that for friends ^^
ShadedStar Dec 17, 2020 12:04 PM
no worries there, I'm also late right now on this reply. rip x'c

I never played the game tbh, I only saw the anime... but man, the anime was gruesome xD I don't really get scared when I watch horror movies, but when I saw the nasty stuff, I couldn't help but cringe x.x although knowing there's a game now, does intrigue me. but since it's a game, I feel like I'd actually get scared aha.

book of shadows? what is that? :0

ohhhh, I shall check those out on steam then, since I do use steam to also play Danganronpa (even though I own them all on my PS4) xD

I finished Umineko before (the anime) but wasn't as crazy about it as I am with Higurashi. like idk.

I always shipped Tohru with Kyo tbh, maybe it's because Kyo is my type, idk. but I also love cats, they are my fav animal. and I just grew in love with Kyo x'c although I do have a lot of friends that also ship Yuki with Tohru or they love Yuki more than Kyo (character wise), but I ship Yuki only with Machi. but okay I also ship Kyo x Yuki (for the yaoi) shhhh ahahaha :'3

Kyo and Tohru's love is magic and beauty, I love them so much ♥

Shigure is wack... so I get that xD you never know what he's thinking or hiding.

I've also lived through Clannad, and cried so much (especially After Story) man x'c

s3 will make me cry too, I know it. Furuba feels T^T

well I liked DR 3 only for the characters, I wanted to see my boy Hajime and also Chiaki and Nagito... but they barely got any screentime, so that made me angry xD I feel Chiaki got more screentime than Hajime and Nagito, and that's not fair >.<

and idk, at the time I didn't know you were supposed to play the games before anything. but after playing the games, I realize they are all so much better than the anime.

fricken mood, I also came for the anime but stayed for the games. the games are my life now.

Hajime used to be my 1st fav, but now I'm torn... because I love Shuichi too T^T they are both husbando's to me xD and yup Hajime is so relatable but so is Shuichi, ahhhh

I also love Makoto though, idc if people think of him as a bland character, I love all the mains >.< and yup Makoto is what started the series, and ya know... he was my first fav before I knew of the other two.

I agree 100% on both of those lol -- I really loved the 2nd game so much, it was so well played out. ikr? for reals... everyone usually goes for Nagito and Kokichi, but they would be my 2nd fav after the mains, ahahaha xD 3rd one definitely has the best cast though, and the emotions throughout everything is real.

ikr? for reals!!! one of my friends kinda knows what will happen in trial 5, and they are on chapter 5 now, and are scared to continue as they are a huge Kokichi lover (they were also with Nagito) and man, she hated how everyone treated Nagito too. rip

yeah... I mean Kokichi may have had twisted ways of thinking or doing things, but I know he meant well (at least imo)

the mistreatment of Kokichi and Nagito were both real, and sad too T^T

definitely unappreciated v.v

I cried so much over Kaede's and still do when I play through it tbh, hurts my heart. I know Shuichi and Kaede would have been endgame as a ship, and idc I still ship them.

woah, I can't even with that ... wtf??? x'D

man... what Kokichi did to Gonta was screwed up beyond repair, ngl. I wasn't crazy for Gonta, but dang... that was just brutal.

but I know it's cuz Kokichi wanted to win and survive in his own way.

I feel that :'( only 3? in the 1st game, there was way more survivors. not fair T^T

if it's only those 3 that survived, then it makes me wonder though... if Shuichi would end up with Maki? since they both lost their respective loved one v.v

but dang, after re-playing V3... Tenko's death got me. at first I disliked her, cuz of how she is towards Men xD but... she was way better then Angie with her Atua bullshit imo, Angie honestly really annoyed me. but it's sad though because you can see deep down how Himiko actually cared for Tenko and has deep regrets for how she treated her and such. but ultimately, Tenko's death is what caused Himiko to mature I feel like.

I have fanart folders if you need xD just tell me what ship and I can see if I have it :'3 I have a huge SaiOuma one for sure, I also have Saimatsu and Hinanami, and some others (I do believe) x'c

I feel that. lately my inspo for editing has been extremely low x.x but I still push myself anyway. mainly for friend's birthdays or cheer ups, but man >.< draining for sure, but the things I do for my friends x'3

true true, the anime did her dirty, so did the game though. I can't even. Chiaki babyyyyy ;u;
ShadedStar Dec 5, 2020 5:35 PM
no worries! x3

for reals, I totally agree there! :'3

everyone is moving to discord, my skype was like... so dead, I actually deleted it now x.x

I do see that a lot of people go on zoom now too (cuz of schooling and other stuff now.) xD I never made one though.

fricken mood, I think I started Higurashi during my highschool years... it wasn't even scary to me, I really loved it. one anime that was just cringey though and just gross to me was Corpse Party, yeeeesh... things went ''too far.'' in that anime.

what... there's a Higurashi game? I want to play it... Higurashi is one of my fav anime, I want to re-watch the old one and watch the new.

oh my... I really need to get watching it soon then >.< I want to see the differences.

I get that. Lol. I like them both, but idk why but I favor Mion more. she's just too cute, I know she's also 'tomboy-ish.' but... I feel she also has a girly side too, which is hidden. and it's so obvious that Mion has those hidden feelings for Keiichi, and maybe Keiichi too deep down. but that's just my take on it xD although I do know Rena likes Keiichi too, hmm...

yup I do! uwu

man Kyo is my husband, I love him so much! ;u; I'm a huge Kyoru shipper <3 the anime is just so beautiful, the manga too and the old! (like yeah the older anime went in the wrong direction and isn't even complete, IDK... I just... love the older version for the comedic purposes and the graphics, I am a sucker for older animation. Kyo was so hot in that one (he is in the new one too though!) the manga I definitely recommend, I do feel like they skipped a few manga panels (probably not too important in their eyes) but golden Kyoru moments!!! ahhhh I was triggered T^T like, do not skip any Kyoru scenes!!! gahhhhhh

I still need to read the Fruits Basket another manga though (based off the kids) well idk if you know who ends up with who, but I won't spoil you there. you need to fully experience it yourself. a great Furuba experience :<

you will definitely cry during the finale though!!! so much goodness, angst, feels, and love. I can't even express it --

so many tragic characters and stories, indeed.

same ... I watched the 1st Danganronpa anime first, then I watched the Danganronpa 3 anime (with Hajime and all them) Hajime is one of my many anime husbando's xD but then I played the games, and god... by far they are so much better!!!

V3 is so sad, trial 1 made me cry. my babe Kaede, and Shuichi. I CRY INSIDE. my broken heart <'3

and Kokichi why did he have to -- :'(

I agree with all of that tbh, 100%. like V3 did not disappoint me at all, the ending wasn't bad either. I don't know why some people are just so salty that they take things way too far.

I agree... I'm just -- hella salty with the anime, because Hajime and Nagito weren't given much screentime at all -_-

but poor Chiaki baby <'3
ShadedStar Dec 3, 2020 12:05 PM
Hi Hi ^u^

well you don't have to tell me it if you don't want to, but was curious if you had a discord? xD

I love meeting new friends with similar interests such as myself.

Danganronpa is just ... one of the many fandoms, I love so much !!! ♥

also I see you also like Higurashi, you have good taste uwu (I still need to watch the new one though) ahhhh >.<

Keiichi x Mion is my OTP 'u'

{{ sorry if I write too much.
Smannies Jan 22, 2019 1:42 PM
Yes, that's exactly how i feel, right now my stomach is hurting so much because im nervous going to work tomorrow, its hard being at a new place.
I use electrical Currents to apply either zinc, nickel, or tin to metal objects to give them colors and corrosive as well as rust protection...
jobs alright, still learning :(
yeah I think I need something to spice my life so that I can survive this harsh world :(

Yeah starting a new job is though but i hope you can get a job with decent pay and be fun at the same time, You are a funny person tho so i'd hire you! maybe you can teach me some languages!

Darling was good I just remember the ending though which was abit of disappointing, but man is the main Heroine cool! if you got time, definetly worth it, I got alot of time to watch anything but I can't take alot of drama right now, I'm just a Fragile young lad right now :(
Smannies Jan 22, 2019 1:18 PM
Hey, yeah I just started my new job and it’s though, I don’t know many people I can lean towards but I’m managing.
I’m glad you have friends and family to help you!!

I loved zombie land saga overlord, bunny girl, asobi, grand blue, and many more !!

Smannies Jan 21, 2019 1:29 PM
Hey me here me there, how you been?
did you have any favorite animes/mangas from 2018? :)
fueyama Jan 2, 2019 3:41 AM
Thank you for accepting my friend request. Nice to meet you. ɷ◡ɷ
TEMPEST_RIMURU Dec 24, 2018 7:59 AM

TEMPEST_RIMURU Oct 31, 2018 7:46 AM
🎃 Happy Halloween 2018! 🎃
Smannies Jan 22, 2018 12:49 PM
Hey! No worries it's not like I sit desperate waiting to talk! *Cough*

ooooh! that's pretty cool, So you are a translator, teacher and also does Office stuff!
gotta say that I am Impressed, also a Diploma!?
I am sure you've worked hard for it and I am glad you enjoy your work, just don't drown in it!
I'm sure just giving your students a hug and tell them their great will get them to do their homework... yes i am simple it would have worked on me!

Well, my work is not really interesting, i've never been much for studying so i just went straight to working after school!
and i went straight into Industrial Manufacturing and Production and i do alot of different things in the company i work, but my main tasks are quite fun "sometimes"!!

I mostly Weld and assemble Automatic Security locks, and i do help the other part of the company with alot of surface finishing,
Surface finishing is kinda like industrial painting or whatever, we got these big cranes that pickup different Metal objects and materials > Dip them into huge tubs of Caustic Soda > Sulfuric Acid > Phosphate-zinc, and that makes them more rough and abit of black/grayish colour to keep them from rusting and such!
We also do more Zinc and Chrome finishers, which makes metals either Blue/Black/yellow/Chrome Colours!

ahhhh, sorry for my explanation, its hard to explain my kind of work in English but i hope you got some knowledge out of it!
It's a tough job, alot of heavy lifting and the Chemicals smells so foooking bad m8!
I end up so tired when i get home and it equals: Me > Couch (maybe eat)> Anime > Sleep zzzZZZzz

but yeah, not much more about me there, i dont usualy do stuff, call my friends now and then just to show that i still live, but sometimes i just think they dont care anyway so why even bother...
Smannies Jan 16, 2018 12:51 PM
Btw, what stuff do you do as a freelancer? It looks like it keeps you quite busy! Is it fun?
I want to know moooar!!!
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