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Taboo Tattoo
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Jul 25, 2016 10:28 AM

Nov 2011
Whoa, Lisas's fighting style is actually kinda cool in a way. Combining fast movements with firearms against Iltutmish. Fight felt pretty fast and Risa got overwhelmed..

I noticed they're keeping the censors to a minimal so that's a plus...

Not very impressed by Justice this episode, he could of done more with the powers he had.
Jul 25, 2016 12:10 PM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
RIP house, thanks Seigi XDDDDD
Jul 25, 2016 12:14 PM

Jan 2012
Okay, I REALLY don't like cat girl. >:(

Lisa does indeed have gloriously massive tits, but she's got nothin' on Touko's! XD Happy she and Seigi are still good, no unnecessary drama.
Jul 25, 2016 12:15 PM

Jan 2015
It feels like that Schrodinger Cat is too mush for Lisa to handle alone. And it really is. It's not his fault but If only Seigi can arrived faster.
For a second there, I thought it was a sexual harassment. LOL
[url=]convert gambar online
Jul 25, 2016 12:23 PM
Jul 2018
I don't really like that cat girl!

Justice accidentally destroyed Bluesy's house.
Jul 25, 2016 12:38 PM

Nov 2014
I was like, "Oh, cool, a black guy..." Then he gets killed a minute later. At least he wasn't the first one to go—as usual.

They can fly now? Nice.

More badassery. I really like Il's sword.

Lmao at Seigi trying to use Void Maker to remove just a door and accidentally removes half of the house.

I don't get what's motivating the villains in this show, but whatever. It's still fun.

Jul 25, 2016 12:44 PM

Sep 2015
It was a serious and dark scene, and they showed Lisa's mobile wallpaper ...
that unnecessary thing ruined the mood
Jul 25, 2016 12:45 PM
Apr 2014
The tone of this show is all over the place.

Still enjoying it a fair bit, just... a bit odd to me.

That rabbit though :c
Jul 25, 2016 1:01 PM

Feb 2014
5/5 for little cat and rabbit ...
Jul 25, 2016 1:09 PM

Oct 2007
The bad directing in this episode really shows. I'm unsure what to think of this, it seems all over the place.
Jul 25, 2016 1:22 PM

Nov 2014
Of course i was going to take a screenshot :3
No drop crew, Loyal husband, sadomasochist, H&E bully, AWC fan. Click sig for n00dz!
Jul 25, 2016 1:33 PM

Feb 2015
my god Lisa! not only she is cool, she is hot if i look at her more closely lol.

overall, it was a pretty intense episode imo with the action. kinda sad to see Lisa got beaten so easly like that tho but damn her rage face is so freaking cool too. if exposing MC's exsistence would be a big problem not only to him but to izzy too, i wonder what will happen in the next episode xD looking foward to it :D

DAT Rabbit tho xD best scene from this episode (?)
Jul 25, 2016 1:36 PM

Dec 2014
They have a character literally named Justice.

I can't help but laugh at that for some reason.
Jul 25, 2016 1:52 PM

Dec 2015
I can see the Touko death flags already... Cat girl reminds me of Yami from To Love Ru
Jul 25, 2016 1:53 PM

Oct 2014
The Tone of this ep was thrown all over the place. Also, some fight scenes were kinda eh...
Jul 25, 2016 2:01 PM

Aug 2013
This chapter went kinda fast, kinda like the manga. Only thing is keeping me interesting is Iltutmish. Looking forward to next weeks episode. And finally the Princess will arrive!
Jul 25, 2016 2:16 PM

Feb 2015
not a bad episode let down by some horrendous CGI when MC was jumping from building to building. Most of the budget seems to go into the fights which are decent. MC seems like a typical Shounen protagonist, spouting the usual 'Im going to save everyone' nonsense,
Jul 25, 2016 2:49 PM
Jul 2018
This show is pretty violent. Anyways cool episode, still liking the fight scenes
Jul 25, 2016 2:50 PM
Mar 2016
R.I.P for those Army guys, Lisa may have put up a fight, but Iltutmish was just damn too much for her.
Jul 25, 2016 2:52 PM

Apr 2014
In this episode, it almost makes me want to drop...Akatsuka's thinking of thing isn't wrong, but he should know better when Iltutmish tried to kill him the last time.
Agh, why do most good anime with good story end up having such a lame piece of shit MC.
Jul 25, 2016 3:20 PM

Feb 2016
That poor bunny. He barely made it when the MC destroyed the house....
Jul 25, 2016 3:29 PM

May 2015
The MC is jumping from building to building like some sort of superhero, lmao.

Decent episode. The fight scenes are still solid, but the character names are getting more stupid, though, lmao.

Jul 25, 2016 3:41 PM

Jan 2008
I think the dialogue in this show was written by a random shounen phrases generator.

Despite the enemy showing up to their 'secret base' (that poor traumatised rabbit) and trying to kill Seiji specifically - his identity is apparently still a big secret. *sigh*

Makes about much sense as his 'triggeless' tattoo having a trigger.

This show is so bad it's amusing.
Jul 25, 2016 3:43 PM

Jan 2011
WTF did I just watch? All the problems people brought up who dropped it after one or two episodes have been fully exposed along with some crappy animation to boot. My lord this episode was bad. Where do I start? Also getting sick of these anime having strong female characters and they're not the main character.

wicked_liz said:
I think the dialogue in this show was written by a random shounen phrases generator.

Despite the enemy showing up to their 'secret base' (that poor traumatised rabbit) and trying to kill Seiji specifically - his identity is apparently still a big secret. *sigh*

Makes about much sense as his 'triggeless' tattoo having a trigger.

This show is so bad it's amusing.
LOL!!! Another anime that starts off good that takes a nosedive into the shitter.
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
Jul 25, 2016 3:54 PM

Jan 2008
The women aren't really strong, they're all clearly designed towards a certain fetish. They're all waifu material with minimal characterisation.
Jul 25, 2016 3:58 PM

Jun 2016
Its pretty bad but I'm still enjoying it. Feels like a Suda51 game made into an anime.
Jul 25, 2016 4:12 PM

Dec 2009
The fight scenes are just so amazing with all the dynamic views being shown off, the battle between Il and Lisa was just as good as the manga, though I'm bit disappointed they cut the part where it showed how Il stopped Lisa's suicide bombing attempt.
Jul 25, 2016 4:22 PM

Jan 2011
wicked_liz said:
The women aren't really strong, they're all clearly designed towards a certain fetish. They're all waifu material with minimal characterisation.
I can see for Tuko and the Yandere, but Bluesy is full of win...why isn't she the main character? Siegi is falling into the same pitfall every main male lead does in this type of anime.

hentaimoney said:
Its pretty bad but I'm still enjoying it. Feels like a Suda51 game made into an anime.
Uh...suda 51 games have better writing than this trainwreck. Suda 51 actually knows what character development and storytelling is.
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
Jul 25, 2016 4:24 PM

Jun 2016
MasterHavik said:
wicked_liz said:
The women aren't really strong, they're all clearly designed towards a certain fetish. They're all waifu material with minimal characterisation.
I can see for Tuko and the Yandere, but Bluesy is full of win...why isn't she the main character? Siegi is falling into the same pitfall every main male lead does in this type of anime.

hentaimoney said:
Its pretty bad but I'm still enjoying it. Feels like a Suda51 game made into an anime.
Uh...suda 51 games have better writing than this trainwreck. Suda 51 actually knows what character development and storytelling is.

Its the closest thing I can think to compare with it, it just feels like a really dumb but fun anime game. No hate on Suda btw hes a genius.
Jul 25, 2016 4:28 PM

Jan 2011
Not a bad comparison we can call this a poor man's Suda 51 anime.
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
Jul 25, 2016 5:57 PM

Jul 2014
Ok, the transition of this chapter felt weird but still, I enjoyed it.
Jul 25, 2016 6:07 PM

Dec 2011
I can kinda see that this episode's pace felt bad compared to the previous episodes... although I still like Il. >.<
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Jul 25, 2016 6:12 PM
May 2016
I disliked. Onward 4th episode and the main char is doing close to zero action..
He knows how to fight..he posses the best tatto..power..etc..And everyone else is not letting him to have some action..Just watching 4th episode i realize that i'm gonna spend another 4 at least episode until we're gonna see some development of the main char...but really 8 episode from 12..just to see main char...getting simply training just for the last episode...Sucks.

Sadly the story is becoming an alt char protagonist story where the main char is getting an 2/10 points being inactive until last 2 episodes...
Jul 25, 2016 6:21 PM

Sep 2013
Damn....I loved the first episode of this show, but each ep since then has gotten progressively worse. Not enjoying it anymore....sigh

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.
Jul 25, 2016 7:46 PM

Sep 2011
Talon184 said:
Damn....I loved the first episode of this show, but each ep since then has gotten progressively worse. Not enjoying it anymore....sigh

My thoughts exactly. The character who was supposed to be pretty old is acting like a pre-teen right now. It's like the writer forgot that she is supposed to be the mature one. It's getting extremely painful to watch, and the voice acting just keeps getting more and more subpar. With the exception of Saitama, Furukawa Makoto is a very subpar voice actor. All of these generic leads are if they resort to straining their voice to express emotion instead of actually yelling. That shit sounds terrible.

The worst part about everything is that the tattoos in question are taking second seat to shitty drama.
Jul 25, 2016 8:21 PM

Jul 2016
I think seigi is just lack of fighting experience with people who have tattoos.

Life is empty without anime

Jul 25, 2016 8:37 PM

Dec 2014
Decent episode, Fairly intense though.

Il just completely wrecked the house, Even Lisa didn't stand a chance. Wonder how Il blocked Lisa's bomb. :o

That Izzy picture <3

The whole scene with Touko saying she wanted to know more about Seigi and eventually Seigi getting motivated felt kinda forced to me.

It was funny when Seigi used Void Maker on the entire house instead of the door, That poor rabbit XD

Hopefully Seigi and Touko can make a difference after that break out in the upcoming fights.
Jul 25, 2016 9:55 PM

Jan 2013
Don't get the motivations of Seigi's to escape like that.
Alright episode
Jul 25, 2016 11:57 PM

May 2016

The rabbit has seen some shit...
Jul 26, 2016 12:14 AM
Jan 2016
I don't know why, but I can't really enjoy this anime. There's something that just feels seriously off about it. Maybe the fact that the MC is seriously boring to death, with all the typical tropes of:
- A super-kind friend of justice. In order to drive the point home, they even name him Justice.
- Accidentally gets super powers, which are better than anyone else's super powers. Talk about luck.
- Is (comparatively) weak in the first episodes
- Turns out to have super potential because reasons
- Becomes OP in no time
- Is completely oblivious to his friend's love AND her humongous tits. I mean seriously, you don't have to be a pervert, but such a rack on a high-school student should raise some eyebrows, even in the anime world.
- Doesn't ask questions. He has no clue what is going on around him, but he only asks questions when directly faced with a problem he doesn't know how to handle *right now*. Other than that, he seems to be fine with being in the dark.

The other characters?
We of course have the childhood friend who is apparently in love with the main character because of how "nice" he is.
We have the mysterious girl who introduces the MC to the masquerade, who I bet is going to become a love interest somewhere down the line.
We have a weak exposition guy who also works as mission control whose only characteristics is being quirky and perverted.
Jul 26, 2016 1:07 AM

Jul 2016
heinrich6745 said:
Of course i was going to take a screenshot :3
How can you take that?when I watched the animation,this scene is censored...

Life is empty without anime

Jul 26, 2016 2:37 AM
Dec 2014
Isn't it funny how no matter how much people hate on shows like this one in particular they always seem to waste there energy trying to hate on an anime and vent to the world like anyone actually cares about there opinion , no ones has a clue as to who you are and no you opinion does not hold any weight. Why not try to enjoy the work the animators and artists do instead of spouting crap and wasting energy on hating on something. Just don't watch it and keep your mind to yourself

Looking at all you haters above ^^^^
Jul 26, 2016 3:00 AM

Sep 2014
Swordarc said:
heinrich6745 said:
Of course i was going to take a screenshot :3
How can you take that?when I watched the animation,this scene is censored...

I watched it uncensored. Maybe you are watching a censored version?

Im surprised so far, the fight scenes are pretty damn nice. Also lots of sexual harassment. I like it XD

This anime in generell has lots and lots or stereotypes and cliche-like story points. But then again, which anime doesnt? Its executed rather entertaining imo.
Comander-07Jul 26, 2016 3:03 AM
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Jul 26, 2016 3:07 AM

Jul 2016
ozzynothing said:
Isn't it funny how no matter how much people hate on shows like this one in particular they always seem to waste there energy trying to hate on an anime and vent to the world like anyone actually cares about there opinion , no ones has a clue as to who you are and no you opinion does not hold any weight. Why not try to enjoy the work the animators and artists do instead of spouting crap and wasting energy on hating on something. Just don't watch it and keep your mind to yourself

Looking at all you haters above ^^^^
Comander-07 said:
Swordarc said:
How can you take that?when I watched the animation,this scene is censored...

I watched it uncensored. Maybe you are watching a censored version?

Im surprised so far, the fight scenes are pretty damn nice. Also lots of sexual harassment. I like it XD

This anime in generell has lots and lots or stereotypes and cliche-like story points. But then again, which anime doesnt? Its executed rather entertaining imo.
ya,i totally agree with you.I also made a complete review on how nice this anime is,you may take a look for reference.

Life is empty without anime

Jul 26, 2016 4:50 AM
May 2016
Seisen Cerberus: Ryuukoku no Fatalités like im watching that anime .

Main char in both anime has grow up by learning to fight....Still when the time comes ~Seisen Cerberus...main char is defeated like 1st 5 episodes by the lowest powerful monster...slime...
~Taboo Tatto ... main character until 1st 4 episodes is near the death by a single wind blow while he shows that he want to become miss Peace....

In both animes secondary chars are way powerful and have way more action than the protagonist we gonna end up with an Main char showing hes power on the last episode...

So while i didn't read manga the anime goes that ...Main char is gonna beat to the death until 11 episodes...and then last episode is gonna be the winner ...Really until now all im seeing is an copy paste for Seisen Cerberus: Ryuukoku no Fatalités...that aswell was an mediocre...

E.g (At least we are seeing action from any other char rather than main one_)
Jul 26, 2016 7:40 AM

Jul 2008
wicked_liz said:
Makes about much sense as his 'triggeless' tattoo having a trigger.

From what I heard, this is just a bad translation: it's not triggerless but something else (this Anime in general seems to be lousily translated).

Swordarc said:
I think seigi is just lack of fighting experience with people who have tattoos.

Seigi is a spoiled brat who fails to understand that the real world does not equal to civilian Japanese life.
Jul 26, 2016 8:01 AM
Feb 2015
SleepiBunny said:

The rabbit has seen some shit...

He'll get use to it, along with the house.
Jul 26, 2016 8:18 AM
Nov 2015
I can't help but cringe through the whole episode. Though the animation is good, I'm not a fan of anything else. This episode pretty much showcased 2 things: violence and boobs.

Jul 26, 2016 8:24 AM

Oct 2015
animefan8800 said:
Okay, I REALLY don't like cat girl. >:(

She is very irritating at the moment.
Nayrael said:

Seigi is a spoiled brat who fails to understand that the real world does not equal to civilian Japanese life.

The MC is not up to the mark. I feel the level of this Anime has come down.
ixarising said:
SleepiBunny said:

The rabbit has seen some shit...

He'll get use to it, along with the house.


Fake people have an image to maintain. Real people just don’t care.
Jul 26, 2016 9:22 AM
May 2009
Darkblaz3r said:
Seisen Cerberus: Ryuukoku no Fatalités like im watching that anime .

Main char in both anime has grow up by learning to fight....Still when the time comes ~Seisen Cerberus...main char is defeated like 1st 5 episodes by the lowest powerful monster...slime...
~Taboo Tatto ... main character until 1st 4 episodes is near the death by a single wind blow while he shows that he want to become miss Peace....

In both animes secondary chars are way powerful and have way more action than the protagonist we gonna end up with an Main char showing hes power on the last episode...

So while i didn't read manga the anime goes that ...Main char is gonna beat to the death until 11 episodes...and then last episode is gonna be the winner ...Really until now all im seeing is an copy paste for Seisen Cerberus: Ryuukoku no Fatalités...that aswell was an mediocre...

E.g (At least we are seeing action from any other char rather than main one_)

I wouldn't be putting this on the same level as Seisen Cerberus as of yet, mainly because I thought Seisen Cerberus was terrible and this point I think this show is mediocre.

I also don't think the main char here is as useless as the main char in Seisen Cerberus. The main char here has shown that he has some fighting capabilities (and I assume that windblow was pretty strong as it was from a strong enemy) and he's already shown some of that hidden power with void maker. While the main char in Seisen Cerberus was so weak it was funny (his level of stupidity and recklessness also added to how funny it was), with examples including:

I wouldn't normally be defending the main char like this (who I also think is a pretty mediocre main char so far) except that I think the main char in Seisen Cerberus was so bad I don't think any character should be compared to him.
AquaHazeJul 26, 2016 9:46 AM
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