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Jun 26, 2016 8:28 PM

Dec 2012
Luluco plot twist:

Jun 27, 2016 12:50 AM

Jun 2014
It was a bumpy ride, and the finale could've given us a bit more, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. I kind of want to see a SoL spin-off with the cast now, with Katsuhira/Noriko's relation ship progressing and all the other (to be) pairings progressing as well. Seeing Nori-chan's smile at the end as the last thing from the anime also made me happy.

8/10, since I enjoyed watching the characters so much.

Jun 27, 2016 1:01 AM

Jun 2014
I really loved this show, and I'm gonna miss it a lot...
I wish it ended a little better. it just kinda... stopped.
IT was a happy ending. and I LOVED the characters. I just wish there was... more.
Be sure to message me if you quoted me and want me to respond! Just give me a link to the forum, because usually I leave my comment, then leave the forum.
Jun 27, 2016 1:09 AM

Sep 2009
Decent ending but nothing too memorable. I initially picked up Kiznaiver thinking it had an interesting concept going for it but it was unfortunately overshadowed by all the melodrama. Still like it anyway for the heartwarming scenes and comedic moments here and there. 7/10.
Jun 27, 2016 2:50 AM

Jul 2012
Well... I guess all is well that ends well.

In the end, almost everyone in the group got a happy ending. (So thats good right......)

Overall, this series was about a 7.63/10 in my book but on MAL round up to 8/10.

~Great episode!!!
Jun 27, 2016 6:19 AM

May 2015
love sonozaki tho
Jun 27, 2016 8:40 AM

Nov 2011
In the end all is well that ends well. I was not expecting who knows what the final, now the most thorough explanations or something that it pointed to push the storytelling to talk about something other than the human relationship shown so far, it was far-fetched. Too bad there was not any of that, but the fact remains that the management of the characters, even superficial, I liked a lot, especially I liked very much the character of Nico, just wish the anime series is relatively short-lived. I wonder if there will ever be a second season.

For now, my vote is 7/10

P.S. Great the opening.
Jun 27, 2016 9:33 AM
Jun 2016
I was hoping for a more satisfying ending where everyone gets a happy ending but some things are left like Nico not getting the guy she likes or the emotionless friends have little screen time that disappointing me but it was ok 7/10
Jun 27, 2016 10:56 AM

Apr 2016
I have expected more from the last episode in many ways, but it was okay...
Jun 27, 2016 11:04 AM

Apr 2015
Our girl is quite crazy to say the least.

The speeches were really annoying. Cringey friendship talk.. I literally just read two minutes worth of the subtitles. Kacchon's lines and the overlaps were good though.

Fabulously, beautifully animated, skilfully scripted(most of the time) dialogue, and with the Trigger charm. Yet, the premise meandered quite a lot, was confusing, and failed to completely satisfy, the ending was too simple. Emotions floating this way and that, were effectively transmit towards the viewer but they were infused in plastic settings and situations. Some connections between the characters were varyingly touching but some of them didn't have enough appeal. I liked the MC couple, the others were meh. The last scenes felt a bit hollow. Wanted to write a dramatic review, but decided not to. 6/10
Jun 27, 2016 12:30 PM

Jul 2015
So that's why Katsuhira and the other people in the lab were like that? Because she held in their pain for the sake of thinking that if she releases them, she'll be alone? Kind of selfish. Glad to see everything work out in the end, especially Katsuhira x Sonozaki ahhh.


caught in the wonder
Jun 27, 2016 1:21 PM

Feb 2016
Ugh, this was all over the place.
Tenga: "I still haven't forgiven him". For what dude? You were the one being inconsistent and selfish, he doesn't owe you anything. Get out of your "I am flawless" fantasy. You are by far the biggest scum in the group.

Sonozaki went full psycho. Her behavior is not even remotely believable.

Sonozaki and Katsuhira's relationship has been uninteresting from the very beginning and it was the same in this finale too. Tenga and Chidori's relationship was way too forced. Too bad most of the people will suck it up because it their "OTP" no matter how shit the plot behind it is.
Jun 27, 2016 1:23 PM

Aug 2011
I honestly didn't expect Hisomu and Nico to become the best characters in this considering they were quite irritating in the beginning, especially Hisomu.

Nico always did her best to help keep all of the them united and Hisomu actually took the time to listen to Katsuhira's troubles unlike Chidori who would only scream and cry at him or some shit.
Jun 27, 2016 6:03 PM

Oct 2013
Despite accepting all the ridiculousness of this show, I still couldn't help but feel that the ending was a bit corny.... Well... I guess that is to be expected when the show's plot is focused around on how to make friends.

Also a bit disappointed with the huge and very noticeable drop in animation quality in the later half of the episode (after they got out of the water). Not the greatest episode for me though I did enjoy the last few minutes of post story fan service. Nori-chan is clearly the reason to watch the series, she was the best girl by far.

Overall, the show was probably a 7/10 for me.
Jun 27, 2016 7:48 PM

Sep 2015
I seem to be in the minority here, but I absolutely loved this anime. The music was top notch, the character's were interesting, I loved the animation style, the concept was interesting. I thought it ended well giving enough closure to each character. Not to mention KatXNori are like the best couple ever. The bridge scene could have been shorter, but in the end I wouldn't change this anime it's amazing how it is. I give it a 9/10, it knows how to hit the feels button and man it's really good. I haven't watched an anime where I connected so much with the character's as I have with this show. Not to mention the opening and closing songs were amazing!
QcK_Dagger_HeaTDec 26, 2016 9:18 AM
Jun 27, 2016 9:46 PM

Jul 2009
That was fun and all, but can we have a show where the childhood friend actually wins?
Don't forget.
Always, somewhere,
someone is fighting for you.
As long as you remember her,
you are not alone.
Jun 27, 2016 10:19 PM

Sep 2015
wheresthehandle said:
That was fun and all, but can we have a show where the childhood friend actually wins?

Didn't we get that though? Nori was Kacchon's childhood friend. Nori has known Kacchon longer than Chidori has.
QcK_Dagger_HeaTJun 27, 2016 10:48 PM
Jun 27, 2016 11:44 PM

May 2014
HOOO BOY I just finished this series I LOVED it. This episode tied a lot of things together really well, but as someone who can't let go after the anime is finished, I want to know more about our wacky unique characters and i'm actually SO MAD LIKE THE MOST MAD I'VE EVER BEEN AT AN ANIME that Chidori and Tenga seem to have ended up with each other in the end. UGHHH I was really rooting for Nico because I feel as if she fits with Tenga a LOT more than Chidori does to anyone.

The moment between Honoka and Yuta in the credits was really cute, and Sonozaki's 180, returning her to a "normal" state really made me like her a lot more.

It would be really awesome to get a special episode or two that let us know more about the characters and how their relationships blossom. I would even say a second season would make this anime better, but I have no idea what they could even make it about since the Kizna System is destroyed now. But anyway, i'm especially interested in Hisomu and Nico as characters. I can see them being closer friends than anyone in the group, and I guess now that I think about it I can see them being lovers too because they click really well.

I REALLY want to see Katsuhira learning to deal with feelings again and seeing him change and become more interesting and likable. Same with Sonozaki.

These are the most interesting, fun, and dynamic characters I've seen in a long time. These guys make me want to write/read crappy fluff fanfiction about them that makes me feel all gushy inside and fangirl like a 12 yr old!

Short series make me so sad guys, I feel like crying. I really hope that this series gets continued in some way. because 12 episodes will never be enough for these dudes

So in the end, I give it a 9/10 because my heart is unfulfilled and the ending wasn't good enough for me. I want MORE DAMMIT!
Jun 28, 2016 12:14 AM

Aug 2010
I don't know what I even expected. 3/10
Jun 28, 2016 6:46 AM

Jul 2010
For me, 10/10.
From the first episodes, everything changed. If the first episodes I was bored, and generally not for itself, then the farther into the forest - the better I become "firewood". The idea captured the mind, the plot pleasing events.
And the characters, as it suddenly became his, family and loved ones. I love these guys, and the last episode turned it into an axiom for me. Beautiful, atmospheric, interesting, bright and unforgettable anime. I loved him from the arch about Honoka, and now just train sure. This anime was able to touch my soul. And this, for me, means a lot and shows the quality of this work. To reconsider? Of course!
May be some anime?
Jun 28, 2016 7:59 AM

Apr 2013
Forced as fuck. Now let Kamina go back to piloting his big robot and Esdeath to being a leader in medieval setting!
Jun 28, 2016 11:20 AM
Dec 2013
Overall I thought this series was fine, I mostly only ended up watching it to see the pairings, but they all felt relatively forced so I didn't really feel much by the end of the show.

Jun 28, 2016 2:44 PM

Nov 2009
This was a bit anti-climactic for me. I don't like the direction they took Sonozaki, although considering the backstory that was built up I can't come up with a better way off the top of my head. I very much still enjoyed the entire series. I preferred the build up to the ending, and until this last episode I would have given it a 10.

If only it hadn't been so rushed, though. I would have liked more time to develop the characters, so I feel it would have been better as a 2-cour. Looking forward to more Trigger in the future.
Jun 28, 2016 2:47 PM

Apr 2015
The whole friendship concept always makes me cringe so hard, I almost broke my neck during this episode...

Sonozaki's smile was really cute tho.

Jun 29, 2016 7:02 AM

Jun 2015
Rule of thumb: First girl always wins, childhood friend never wins. Couldn't they break this rule sometimes?
I ended up watching this show 'till complete, even though there was already no hope for Chidori, my ship sank deep..

The Kizna System is a totally absurd idea. How the hell can she control over the whole city just for the sake of this goddamn experiment? And just where did all of those cosplayers come from? Did they even get paid? *sigh* I wish I could live in this city, and make bonds with everyone ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
The plot execution is mediocre, the characters are quite generic, the ending is kinda predictable, but I found myself quite enjoying this. I like the concept and the philosophy behind this. A solid 8/10.

vyktar said:
Overall I thought this series was fine, I mostly only ended up watching it to see the pairings, but they all felt relatively forced so I didn't really feel much by the end of the show.


I didn't expect this coming XD
Jun 29, 2016 2:30 PM
Apr 2016
i have mixed feelings on this episode. on one hand i liked it because i can relate to how noriko was feeling alone, but katsuhira's rescue speech didnt sounds like a means for chemistry between the two. he sounded more like he was trying to show her he cared about her as a friend, not a romantic interest. most of the chemistry in this show has felt awkward. i saw nothing between nico and tenga, not even anything between tenga and chidori. tenag and chidori seem more like a best friend couple. heck, he was even trying to be her wingman and help her get with katsuhira. all that romance stuff in the friend group just kinda took away from the show.
Jun 29, 2016 2:59 PM

Apr 2009
It was a unique show that teetered on the verge of kitsch, and hid its weaknesses with a veneer comprised of an interesting visual art style, above average soundtrack, and a well executed theme of "emotions reign supreme". Still, it was terribly paced throughout its course, the story is a complete joke in and of itself, and the friendship card was played in an obnoxious way quite a few times.

The beginning was really weak, the middle of the series was not half bad, and the ending - while flashy and vibrant - was a cheap, illogical, and inane play on emotions that overshot by quite a tad.

I enjoyed the ride, but am not a big enough fool to be swept away with a cheap card trick. It's worth a 6 boosted by 1 for being an original show - a rare feast these days and definitely worth a nod of approval.

7/10 from me.

Jun 29, 2016 4:08 PM

Mar 2016
I don't know if it was predictable or not... I usually don't make conclutions until the very end so idk.

This end gave me the feels, that confession... Katsuhira omg
Really happy with how the characters evolved, especially Honoka & Chidori. Nico too, she's best girl without a doubt <3

I really liked Hisomu here, all he said was from his masochist side but also were accurate to the situation lol.

So Noriko now understands she doesn't need any system or intermediators to be connected to everyone, finally!

So about the ships... They were predictable of course... Not that I mind! I needed more of Yuta x Honoka so bad... Their last scene was so cute <3 <3 <3

Chidori x Tenga x Nico... Tenga's expression was a poem lmao. Chidori is still trying to forget her feelings for Kacchon, but is close enough... sorta.
Nico is so mature, as Hisomu said... Dealing with unrequited love is not easy and I really felt her pain in latest episodes when everyone noticed she had feelings for Tenga. I wished they were together tho...

Anyway! Really liked it until the end, I need more of these characters... Hope we get more than a OVA, at least two, idk just want... More.

9/10 from me!
Jun 30, 2016 12:28 AM

Jul 2015
Bleh. A bland, boring, and predictable ending.. 5/10
Jun 30, 2016 6:16 AM
Jun 2016
OMG is what was the ending. It was rushed.. It should have been Katsuhira and Chidori... Well i understand that if that happened then sonizaki would have to either die or smthing.. but that was very unsatisfying.. but overall (expect the ending) was a great anime 8/10...... GOD DAMN IT WHY?!?!?!?
Jun 30, 2016 8:38 AM

Apr 2014
Heh, They manage to put an okayish ending despite the previous episode was messed up.
Well, at least I enjoyed watching this show as a whole every week.
Anyway, I'll rate this anime a 7 (or 8?) out of 10 score overall.
Haters always gonna hate.
Jul 1, 2016 1:01 AM

Jun 2015
I liked the idea of the show but I feel like it could have been executed better and the ending was abit rushed.
Jul 1, 2016 8:12 AM

Jun 2009
3/10 Shitfest anime
Jul 1, 2016 11:17 AM

Sep 2014
Kiznaiver was a lovely surprise in my opinion.
Feelings are present all the way, mainly in last episodes (especially the ninth). ♥
The Opening and the Ending was awesome ! I'm listening at least once per day.
Characters are appealing, in particular Tenga and Niko. ~
On the other hand, I love the ending as much as I don't like it, 'cause it was ruched, although match as part of the story.
So, for me ▬ 9/10
PerfectDiaJewelJul 1, 2016 11:23 AM
Jul 1, 2016 11:25 AM

May 2015
This anime is rather nice altogether. Not specially perfect, but that looks.
Jul 2, 2016 4:02 AM

Nov 2015
It was a fine show, Nori and Katsuhira are together now reunited with thier old friends. 6/10

Jul 2, 2016 7:53 AM
Jul 2008
I might have missed this but did they explain what really happen in the past? The scene where Noriko ready to jump from a tower. Did she really jump? Did that jump triggered the vegetable state? Did that jump made the boys' hair white?
That scene is repeated multiple times, so I think it's quite important..
Jul 2, 2016 3:58 PM

Feb 2013
I quite enjoyed this show. I thought it was really good.

Jul 2, 2016 5:40 PM

Mar 2009
Despite Nico not being paired with anyone, I still hope she finds happiness and has happiness for the rest of her days. She deserves it for being the kind soul that she is. Yuta x Maki is cool I guess, simply for the reason that I want Maki to be happy after everything she's been through. Didn't really care for the other relationships.

Nice way to end it with Nori's smile. I didn't hate the show like most people, but it sure was melodramatic at times, thanks to Okada Mari. Cool premise, but in the hands of a better writer it could have been made into something special. Still a lot better than Okada's other effort this season! Trigger in general had a good season.
MormegilJul 2, 2016 5:44 PM
Jul 2, 2016 11:37 PM

Feb 2014
I disliked when they over exagerated in this episode (it all started at the end of epsiode 11 - share the feelings with the people of the World and all that fuss).

Well, this anime IS exagerated, forced, and full of relationship conveniences (I don't even know how they get Niko to like Tenga, it just came out of nowhere) just to make the melodrama happen.

Vi-Jul 3, 2016 8:26 AM
Jul 3, 2016 1:31 AM

May 2015
That was a really good ending. Sonozaki's smile melted my heart <3
Also, Katsuhira x Sonozaki became officially canon! Yessssssss!!!!
Kinda wanted Hisomu and Nico to become canon too though :/
Overall, I really, really enjoyed this anime.
Jul 3, 2016 7:50 AM

May 2014
Jesus fucking christ that was one of the worst shows I've seen in the past couple years. It had an alright premise along with interesting/funny characters, and I actually thoroughly enjoyed their interactions for the first few episodes, but holy shit it just took a nosedive after that. Once it started getting bad, it just didn't stop and each passing episode was immensely worse than the last.
Jul 3, 2016 11:27 AM

Jun 2015
I kinda hoped Sonozaki would just die from falling off the bridge. How did they survive that anyway?
Meh ending for a meh anime that started out promising and then fell flat.
Jul 3, 2016 2:17 PM
Apr 2014
OK that end was really weird but I have to say the execution was good. They had an idea and managed to deliver it. Meaning soundtrack, dialogue, etc.

Still would have liked a different way to end the show. But as much as I would have hoped for a different end at least I can stay with my score because the level of execution saved it from being entirely terrible.

And Hisomu was still the best. Really should have gotten more lines!!
Jul 3, 2016 9:58 PM
Jul 2016
Man I just really wanted this show to be good, but it just didn't get to the level that I thought it would. Half of the main characters annoyed me, the plot was confusing and most of it didn't have to do with the actual kizna system being in action except for in the beginning, and the ending felt rushed, not to mention a little cop-out ish with the random pairings (the only of which I liked was honoka and yuta). I really liked Nico and Tenga as characters, but Chidori was annoying a lot of the time, Nori consistently pissed me off, Hisomu was creepy and forgettable, and there was not nearly enough Yuta to remember him by. My biggest gripe of the entire series is that Katsuhira is the protagonist of this story, so you are supposed to root for him, but he has zero redeeming qualities and no personality to connect with for most of the show. I know that that is sort of the point because his pain was gone, but regardless, I need someone I can really connect with. Okay now that I've bashed it, I'll give it some good qualities too. The art was really pretty and totally the style I like to see. The opening was bomb. The character designs were all really cool, the hair especially. The concept is really clever and different. Finally, it does give a good message about friendship and what it truly means, and I think that does a lot for it.

TL;DR: The show had a lot of good potential, but it fell flat in the face of deep character choices and deadlines. 6/10 (one point for the bomb ass opening... also for Nico because she was the only character I really enjoyed.)
taektrashJul 3, 2016 10:02 PM
Jul 4, 2016 4:06 PM

Aug 2014
Even Nico honestly doesn't care about Sonozaki-san, no matter what kind of tragic figure she is.
Nico FTW!!

Wasn't the best ending considering how rushed and cheesy it was but I can live with it.

Seems like some ships are confirmed : Katsuhira x Sonozaki, Maki x Yuta (best ship) and Himosu x Pain (second best ship), while some are uncertain like : Tenga x Chidori and Tenga x Nico (I'm personally vouching for this one)

Like I stated in the first episode, I really digged the fact that Trigger decided to amp things up in the animation departement. Hopefully they keep up this type of quality in the future.

Overall I had a few problems here and there with the show (mostly the story and some characters) but it was a decent watch.
Jul 4, 2016 10:39 PM
Dec 2013
Despite the plentiful negativity for this show circulating in the community and the harsh criticism of its ending, I actually found it to be quite enjoyable. There were a lot of things this show did wrong, or just didn’t do at all, but even despite that there were a lot of things it did do right. Not to mention, this show was just enjoyable to watch, and did at least explore some surface level seinen and psychological elements. It wasn’t bad!

Yes, I definitely agree that more character backstory and history could have been shown, but I don’t necessarily agree that it was needed. A lot more could have been told about literally every character, but we knew enough about each of them that the show was still interesting to watch and we could still see a character do something on-screen and go “Yep, that’s just like ____!” Besides, the show was only a one seasoner, if you actually expected thorough character development for every single one of them, the whole damn show would have been backstories and character arcs, with no room or time for plot of any kind. Why only the bitchiest character in the show got close to a full character back-story arc is beyond me, but oh well. I don’t think we needed any more than we got for the plot to make sense and to still put a smile on, at the very least, my face at the end, because seeing Sonozaki smile had a pretty damn hard hit on me, and that alone speaks tomes.

As far as the plot goes, I think Kokoro Connect managed to do a noticeably better job of the whole ‘connecting friends on a deep, personal level’ thing. That being said, this show still did it well and provided a lot more comedy than Kokoro Connect did, as opposed to heart-wrenching seinen drama, which is great in its own right. My Katsuhira x Sonozaki ship sailed, and it sailed well, at the end so I was pretty happy about that. However even though I did ship them I don’t think it would have made a difference at all as to my opinion of the show had it not happened. The ending was satisfactory for me and closed up most of the loose ends in the show that I actually cared about. Something was actually accomplished over the course of the 12 episodes, and that was nice.

Do I believe it could have benefited from being planned at 24 or more episodes, as opposed to the 12 it got? Most definitely! I think it would have done a lot better had it taken its time to really explain the plot well as it went, and develop the characters more. But what’s done is done. Also the opening for this show and the soundtrack boosted my enjoyment of it way higher than it would have otherwise been. All in all 9/10. Trigger… doesn’t disappoint me. Then again, it’s way harder to disappoint me when it comes to anime than it is to please me, so that isn’t saying much haha
Jul 5, 2016 5:35 PM

Jan 2012
SKP138 said:

Nori-chan finally smiles and it was cute, but how is she not in trouble? She practically held a city hostage by attempting to force the Kizna system onto them....She also turned off the city's power and destroyed a bridge. Oh well.

Well, I guess you could say, that would never have happened if that same city didn't hold a project to experiment on children. The pain they put her through during those years of her life is punishment enough lol

Personally, I really enjoyed this anime. It's not perfect and there was a lot of flaws, but it was decent and I felt satisfied when watching it. I think this anime would have been executed a lot better had it been given 24 episodes instead of 12 since there was many things they could have gone further into detail with. The 19 kids who were experimented on, those two patients who mentioned being connected to nori (who everyone seems to have forgotten??? what happened to them?), the parents who allowed for the experiment to happen, why nori even bothered to promote the kizna system if she knows first hand how badly it fucked up, an expansion on the other characters back stories (except Honoka, who got quite a long one) would have been nice so that we could sympathize with the characters more. So many things they could have explained but didn't.
While i like the love triangles going on, I feel like they focused on that too much and should have put that aside (literally) to focus on the bigger problem. Tenga and Chidori getting together was a good idea but I don't think Nori and Kacchon was necessary since they already had that bond from the start.

The rest of it was really good, good enough for me to put the cons past it and enjoy the anime for what it is.

Characters: 7/10
Plot: 9/10
Execution: 4/10
Animation: 6/10

Opening song: 1000/10
Club Aerosol
Jul 5, 2016 7:45 PM
Jun 2016
Why did she have to blow up the bridge. I feel like that was kind of unnecessary, maybe because it just needed some action or something. But I don't think Noriko spent that much time with everyone else anyway or created much of a relationship with them. I really liked this series. I thought it got better as it went along. I also thought it would touch more on the seven deadly sins, but I guess that was only mentioned as the reason why those were picked.
Jul 6, 2016 1:56 AM

Oct 2008
Last episode was rushed as hell! but definitely not a trainwreck. Ah oh! good OST also!
All of them are still friends even without the Kizna System
LOL @ Chidori, she's still getting so worked-up when everytime Kacchon and Nori flirts!
Hisomu still chill & relaxed!
Tenga is getting it on with Chidori!?
poor Nico...she's the one who got nothing...
And Honoka discreetly accepts Yuta.

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