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Jun 4, 2016 7:51 AM

Nov 2011
Mm so Noriko is more open about her past. I think the flashbacks speaks a bit for itself especially with that prominent scar. Noriko and Katsuhira shares a strange relationship but imo, they are also similar in ways with their personality and indifferent view of the world around them.

Felt bad for Nico this episode D:
Tenga also really snapped but then again, everyone should of saw it coming. Shit got real. Pain everywhere because of human emotions.
Stark700Jun 4, 2016 8:46 AM
Jun 4, 2016 7:54 AM

Nov 2007
Continuing with last ep. Conversation shown to others where main guy mainly stalks about his memory. He begins to feel pain as he remembers the past when she begins to talk about it. Oh, so the scar from the previous experiment is on his heart.

Voice from the heart spoiling out and everyone is in pain (somehow main guy is not from the group.. Does that mean he's still just link to the previous group including mysterious girl?). The result is painful, even for the guy who usually enjoys pain feels painful with pain.

This week's narration for ED CM is the mysterious girl.
tsubasaloverJun 4, 2016 8:53 AM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Jun 4, 2016 9:04 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
My God this episode was fucked up

All this emotion, pain, anger, depression, sadness and broken hearts.....My body wasn't ready....And I feel so bad for Nico, Honoka and Chidori

And my goodness Katsuhira....The amount of changes that this guy went through due to all the revelations in this epsiode was just shocking for me and ended up kicking me in the balls and leaving me just blank
TokoyaJun 4, 2016 9:08 AM
Jun 4, 2016 9:07 AM

Jan 2012
Angst: the episode, and boy did it suck to sit through. Poor Chidori. :( Plus more of the flashback I was dreading and didn't want. Definitely the worst episode so far. The show officially entered "chore to sit through" status, but with just 3 more episodes sit through it I shall. Hopefully the aftermath/recovery episodes aren't as bad as this was. I'll hafta lower my score if they are. I suspect this'll turn out to be the series low point for me though.
animefan8800Jun 4, 2016 9:12 AM
Jun 4, 2016 9:12 AM

Dec 2010
Not a fan of todays and last weeks episodes. Really messed up stuff, wasn't enjoyable at all to watch.

Wonder now how the characters are gonna recover from all that...
Jun 4, 2016 9:16 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
animefan8800 said:
Angst: the episode, and boy did it suck to sit through. Poor Chidori. :( Plus more of the flashback I was dreading and didn't want. Definitely the worst episode so far. The show officially entered "chore to sit through" status, but with just 3 more episodes sit through it I shall. Hopefully the aftermath/recovery episodes aren't as bad as this was. I'll hafta lower my score if they are. I suspect this'll turn out to be the series low point for me though.
I disagree....Yeah it was hard to watch, but I would much rather for all of this stuff to come out in the open without all the bullshit of "Oh I really like said person but for the sake of being selfish and or considerate for the other people involved, I'll just shut up and be quiet about it"

That's not how the real world works and you are accomplishing nothing by bottling up all of those feelings and quite frankly the truth

What matters now is where things goes from here and how they deal with this situation now that everything is out on the table
Jun 4, 2016 9:18 AM
Oct 2015
animefan8800 said:
Angst: the episode, and boy did it suck to sit through. Poor Chidori. :( Plus more of the flashback I was dreading and didn't want. Definitely the worst episode so far. The show officially entered "chore to sit through" status, but with just 3 more episodes sit through it I shall. Hopefully the aftermath/recovery episodes aren't as bad as this was. I'll hafta lower my score if they are. I suspect this'll turn out to be the series low point for me though.

I agree. The whole time they where outside the only thing I was thinking was "and all this melodrama is all due to a insignificant high school love triangle..." Its a shame because the whole scene in the rain from an aesthetic standpoint was gorgeous.
Jun 4, 2016 9:18 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
When did Trigger start making teenage love dramas?
Jun 4, 2016 9:19 AM
Jul 2018
I feel bad for Nico, Honoka and Chidori.

It was sad to see every of the Kiznaiver members feeling the pain, the anger, depression, sadness and broken hearts.
Jun 4, 2016 9:23 AM

May 2016
Don't know what to think about this episode at all... I guess it was good because things started getting serious and they showed the consequences of showing emotions/thoughts with your friends, especially when love is involved.

However, it felt like too much forced drama: how in the world is the pain of losing a friend enough to leave you on the floor under the rain for a whole night? Why was Honoka so affected by it when she's so cold? Why wasn't Yoshiharu orgasming?
Jun 4, 2016 9:24 AM
Jul 2018
So this episode continues last week's tone shift from an intense slice-of-life comedy to a full-on character drama. It's safe to assume some viewers will appreciate the shift while others will resent it (I mean, take a look at the other replies), but it at least proved TRIGGER can be somewhat serious.

Personally, I loved the tonal shift. I was eager to see the show take itself a bit more seriously, especially considering its premise, and it delivered spectacularly. Only the madmen at TRIGGER can visualize the pain of being stuck in a love triangle this strongly, and it really helped to articulate the emotional climax.
Is it forced drama? I'd say no. It's been hinted at throughout. Plus, every story is forced. Wonderful episode, truly the highlight I've been waiting for.

The show still needs to answer why Nori and Kaz can't feel pain, however.

Edit: grammar. Added a sentence about the 'forced drama' argument.
removed-userJun 4, 2016 9:28 AM
Jun 4, 2016 9:25 AM

Jan 2012
Tokoya said:
animefan8800 said:
Angst: the episode, and boy did it suck to sit through. Poor Chidori. :( Plus more of the flashback I was dreading and didn't want. Definitely the worst episode so far. The show officially entered "chore to sit through" status, but with just 3 more episodes sit through it I shall. Hopefully the aftermath/recovery episodes aren't as bad as this was. I'll hafta lower my score if they are. I suspect this'll turn out to be the series low point for me though.
I disagree....Yeah it was hard to watch, but I would much rather for all of this stuff to come out in the open without all the bullshit of "Oh I really like said person but for the sake of being selfish and or considerate for the other people involved, I'll just shut up and be quiet about it"

That's not how the real world works and you are accomplishing nothing by bottling up all of those feelings and quite frankly the truth

What matters now is where things goes from here and how they deal with this situation now that everything is out on the table

I suspect that you're right, but I don't really give a shit. I don't watch anime for realism(though can enjoy/appreciate it at times) or to be reminded how the real world works, and usually not for angst. Almost definitely not for angst. Them all growing and becoming friends, or drifting apart...watching either development isn't gonna be enjoyable for me, barring something amazing happening, but I'll finish this to finish it. Watching this show was probably a mistake on my part, but eh, whatever, a misfire or two regarding what I think I'll enjoy a season is to be expected.
Jun 4, 2016 9:26 AM

Oct 2010
Tokoya said:
animefan8800 said:
Angst: the episode, and boy did it suck to sit through. Poor Chidori. :( Plus more of the flashback I was dreading and didn't want. Definitely the worst episode so far. The show officially entered "chore to sit through" status, but with just 3 more episodes sit through it I shall. Hopefully the aftermath/recovery episodes aren't as bad as this was. I'll hafta lower my score if they are. I suspect this'll turn out to be the series low point for me though.
I disagree....Yeah it was hard to watch, but I would much rather for all of this stuff to come out in the open without all the bullshit of "Oh I really like said person but for the sake of being selfish and or considerate for the other people involved, I'll just shut up and be quiet about it"

That's not how the real world works and you are accomplishing nothing by bottling up all of those feelings and quite frankly the truth

What matters now is where things goes from here and how they deal with this situation now that everything is out on the table

I'd argue that it's actually more realistic for people to bottle up their feelings than to confess in such order like in this episode. Everything feels so fabricated (I get that it's the Kiznaiver experiment but still...) and it's like each character had a cue of when to confess.

It's more realistic when it's like how Tenga was helping Chidori with her crush on Agata: when only a limited amount of people knows that Person A has a crush on Person B and tries to help Person A but Person A doesn't directly confront Person B.

I don't get the importance of the Kiznaiver experiment within the realm of the anime by the way. Did I miss something? I could've sworn it was implied there was never a successful experiment. Why would people "happily offer their children" for it?
Jun 4, 2016 9:28 AM

Jan 2012
MikeFromThe516 said:

I agree. The whole time they where outside the only thing I was thinking was "and all this melodrama is all due to a insignificant high school love triangle..."

This too. And that guy deserved much worse than a kick to the sack.

Parisbelle said:

I'd argue that it's actually more realistic for people to bottle up their feelings than to confess in such order like in this episode.

I also agree with this to an extent. It's definitely how I'd react. But when I said Tokoya was probably right I was referring to the claim that this accomplishes nothing and getting things out in the open probably is better. Not that I'll enjoy enduring it.
animefan8800Jun 4, 2016 9:36 AM
Jun 4, 2016 9:28 AM

Aug 2014
I personally started hating Sonozaki even more at this point I just want her to die to be honest , poor Nico , Chidori and Honoka
Jun 4, 2016 9:33 AM

Nov 2015
My face during the hole episode

Jun 4, 2016 9:34 AM

May 2010
Really not a fan of the direction this show took.
I expected something else and am now very disappointed.

My own fault. i should have dropped this long ago simply for the reason that "shit aint going nowhere" and this teenage drama really doesnt entertain me at all.

disliked the episode.
KerozinnJun 4, 2016 9:39 AM
Jun 4, 2016 9:35 AM

Jan 2015
Thanks to Sonozaki, Tenga the dense finally get to know Nico's feeling toward him. Not to mention that Kizna effect are going far more... Crueler for now able to know and spill a Kiznaiver's feeling.
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Jun 4, 2016 9:40 AM

Oct 2010
animefan8800 said:

Parisbelle said:

I'd argue that it's actually more realistic for people to bottle up their feelings than to confess in such order like in this episode.

I also agree with this to an extent. It's definitely how I'd react. But when I said Tokoya was probably right I was referring to the claim that this accomplishes nothing and getting things out in the open probably is better. Not that I'll enjoy enduring it.

Yeaaaah, in terms of plot progression, I see why this episode happened. But for a show that's reliant on character development, you'd think there would be better coherence.

Then again, everything in this show has become so forced, omg. Why do I even bother.
Jun 4, 2016 9:49 AM
Jul 2018
Parisbelle said:
animefan8800 said:

I also agree with this to an extent. It's definitely how I'd react. But when I said Tokoya was probably right I was referring to the claim that this accomplishes nothing and getting things out in the open probably is better. Not that I'll enjoy enduring it.

Yeaaaah, in terms of plot progression, I see why this episode happened. But for a show that's reliant on character development, you'd think there would be better coherence.

Then again, everything in this show has become so forced, omg. Why do I even bother.

I knew this episode was going to spark some polarizing opinions regarding its tone shift. I, for one, is happy that they finally took the show out of its intense slice-of-life comedy zone and turned it into a full-on character drama (see my previous reply). Finally, the premise and setting are used to their full potential.

As I said, they've been hinting at the love triangle from the summer camp episode or so.
As for the climax itself, TRIGGER's lack of subtlety proved a double-edged sword. On the one hand it happens extremely abruptly, on the other hand it's so exaggerated and painful that it hit me hard.

But let's not forget the most important sentiment here: TASTE IS SUBJECTIVE. I can see why you feel it's forced and melodramatic, but the gut-punch was big enough for me to roll with it.
Jun 4, 2016 9:50 AM

Oct 2015
Drama, drama, and more drama! People warned about Mari Okada...

The episode starts off as I predicted with Tenga and Nico finding a broken Chidori and Nico having her heart broken as a result well. As also expected, Chidori's stand out role in this episode is to yet again repeat "Kacchon" throughout her appearances and pine for his attention. Everybody's love is exposed to cause more conflict and seemingly out of nowhere Tenga has a personality change and starts wailing on Katsuhira because Chidori likes him while Nico looking like a choking hamster starts to resent Chidori for Tenga's affection. If Nico's feelings were going to play such a substantial plot device it should have been properly fleshed out instead of those three one-second hints in episodes 5 and 7 so it feels more genuine. Here it just feels like they're playing up her cute factor to garner pity points. Similarly, Tenga knew full well Chidori liked Katsuhira, who had an interest in Noriko, and was trying to get them together.

Next, Maki regresses back to her gloomy, anti-social persona to add to the drama and the combined melodrama knocks them all off their feet as they cling to their kokoros.

The best part of the episode was the scene between Noriko and Katsuhira which was abruptly interrupted by Chidori's heralded drama. I actually liked this scene despite my lack of investment in either character. It very much interests me how the surviving children of the first Kizna Experiment turned out. Noriko herself, not the experiment, is the key to opening up Katsuhira. He finally feels something due to the past she opened up for him while at the end of the episode Katsuhira proves incapable of feeling anything with the others Kiznaivers. Makes sense as the past shared with Noriko is what meld him into what he is now. He hugs her willingly and cries in her arms for the forgotten friends he had showing his growth. Chidori wants him to hug her like he hugged Noriko which he does, only for her to resent him for doing so.

Chidori's a mess man, and she's turning everyone else into a mess as well. As the male researcher seemed to be provoking.
MoonStar9Jun 4, 2016 9:55 AM
Jun 4, 2016 9:56 AM

Sep 2015
Poor Nico ;w;
Weird episode but I appreciated it
I thought they all die because of the pain
Jun 4, 2016 9:56 AM

Aug 2013
Simply awesome. I have nothing else to add. In the beginning I was very skeptical about this show (even more after special episode, but they said that characters are fully hand drawn and it got my attention), but wow. 5/5

Too bad that most of people here can't see it, because they started it thinks that it will be an another mindless action or gore show.
In the other side many people which would definitely like it, didn't start watching it for the same reason, so it will end as highly underrated series.

Btw, the poll shows something totally different than posts.. OK.
HidenNinpoJun 4, 2016 10:01 AM
Jun 4, 2016 10:11 AM

Jun 2014
This episode really reminded me why I can't stand love triangles. It adds so much annoying drama that just ends up being frustrating to sit through. I'll admit this was an emotional episode, but it didn't really do anything for me, personally. It seems like the meat of the story is coming to a conclusion, so I'm interested to see how these last 3 episodes close things out.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Jun 4, 2016 10:14 AM

Sep 2008
Why can boys be so dense?!

Anyways poor Chidori and Nico.

Tenga pissed me off this episode yeah he likes Chidori and what not but really he didn't even run after Nico. -_-

Dem feels was strong in this episode overall a good episode.
Jun 4, 2016 10:15 AM
Oct 2013
What happened? Last week's episode was fine and then I come and watch the new episode. Too much emotions. I did not sign up for this.
Jun 4, 2016 10:18 AM

Dec 2014
rsc-pl said:
Btw, the poll shows something totally different than posts.. OK.

As in it has more favorable reception in the polls?

Anyway, the ways the story developed here were quite interesting admittedly. And apparently touching someone's Kizna mark causes them to release their inner thoughts to those connected to them. Huh.
Jun 4, 2016 10:22 AM

Oct 2013
That wasn't so bad... the serie became far better than what I expected.
Now we know every characters here have a love interest between them.
Except Hisomu, because the only reason why he's here is to laught at him when it's time to laugh.
TitadouJun 4, 2016 10:25 AM
Jun 4, 2016 10:26 AM
Jul 2012
I actually think this episode was astonishing and very well executed...I like the twisted way the show is turning all makes sense and the foreshadowing was real throughout the series. This episode executed the nature of human behaviour really often happens when there is a small group of people spending lots of time together, there also tend to appear lots of feelings being it love or hate.
What happened this episode showed the dangers of the Kizna experiment...when the subjects start to share even emotions, it can become really messy and twisted...and as I said earlier, I found the execution of it really powerful and painful. The experiment should lead people towards peace and this episode was like crushing this ideal. I got goosebumps to be honest. Also, I don't really think this show is only is not as straightforward as lots of other shows are, there is lots of hinting and symbolism as I see it.
And maan, all the Noriko and Katsuhira scenes are so amazing! I can't wait for revealing more of their past. I really like Noriko's character...she surely seems cold but there must be a reason to it, I am really curious about the cause.
Jun 4, 2016 10:28 AM
Jun 2014


Ittaiii yo.... :'(
Jun 4, 2016 10:32 AM
Nov 2014
Ironically the ones that are 'broken' aren't the ones that are a mess.
Chidori, Honoka and Nico, yet Katsuhira and Sonozaki aren't.

Honoka's trauma ripped open again.
I feel Nico's feelings where to subtle to be so important.
Chidori, well sigh....

I personally never liked Tenga, always seemed like the person I wouldn't want to be friends with (and overhyped). This episode only reconfirmed that.

But the thing that bugs me the most is that nobody of these 'friends' bothered to ask why Katsuhira can't feel pain (or has white hair for that matter).
Or that they find out he was in the kizna experiment, yet nobody liked it to him not feeling pain, realizing everything they have been through he had been through before.
Guess they always were selfish people. only caring about themselves, not even minding that you rip open other peoples trauma's in the process.
I can understand it if you don't feel pain after all it has no value so you don't even know what you do to them. Not to mention there is that gap emotionally so you'd want to cross it and be "normal".

Sigh. Personally I think Tenga is the biggest ass, way more than Sonozaki.
Hell I don't even get the Sonozaki hate, for all we know she is dying and wants to know whether she mattered to anyone, wanting to know whether her life actually mattered to anyone.
I can't even recall a thing Tenga did that helped others. I mean the "help" he gave Chidori sure as hell wasn't help. He didn't even bother to even talk what Katsuhira understood of love or talk with him for that matter. Not running after Nico didn't help his case either.
Maybe someone can refresh my mind? I am probably being to biased right now, since I can't help but see him as a hypocrite.

Katsuhira looked like he was willing to jump off the building in order to stop their pain.
& Hisomu best character I guess? ....

Despite it being forced, I prefer the drama over the comedy. Comedy felt way to inappropriate for a theme like this, would have loved if the theme was even darker and less slice of life, but I guess that's personal opinion.
Jun 4, 2016 10:34 AM

Nov 2012
Ohhhhh Katsuhira x Noriko :(
Jun 4, 2016 10:36 AM

Jun 2015
What the hell this episode was so frickin' good it made me cry a bit (and that didn't happen since Ao no Exorcist the movie so yeah pretty rare)
Jun 4, 2016 10:39 AM
Jul 2013
The shift in tone in this episode just changed this an anime from an okay series to a really good one. It was about damn time that shit became serious.
Jun 4, 2016 10:39 AM

Jul 2014
Ah... this episode was horrible. Damn teen angst taking it to another level, this'll be a good showdown against Oregairu. Seriously getting tired of shiz like this. Fcking Tenga being a hypocrite tho, when Nico was all "give him to me" I was "no bitch, give him to me, I wanna kick that bastards ass"
Jun 4, 2016 10:43 AM

Jan 2016
Dumbest episode yet.
Felt like I was watching twilight
I hate every character except for Katsuhira who got beat up for absolutely no reason
Jun 4, 2016 10:46 AM

Dec 2009
Something tells me that teacher is the true antagonist. Pushing the Kizna experiment too far.

Looking on the birght side, everyone knows each others feelings. As Katsuhira said, The rain is stopping.

On the negative side, this episode hurt. Tenga, Nico, and Chidori were all a mess, Honoka opened the wounds that just started to heal, and Katsuhira still doesn't understand the feelings of others even though he can hear their hearts.

People are more complicated than what they may be saying. Just because Chidori says to hold her, doesn't mean you should. Just because Tenga says to go after her doesn't mean he wants you to comfort her. So much is lost in translation. The Kizna system can't convey everything.

Where the show moves forward in the last 3 episodes will be interesting. They have to resolve the love pentagon that is going on, they have to resolve Honoka and Yuta in the group, and the inability for Katsuhira to understand. No to mention Hisomu as an anomaly and Nori's feelings as well.

We are in for a bumpy ride to the finish.
Jun 4, 2016 10:52 AM

Apr 2015
I think whether you love or dislike the show at this point depends on your connection with the characters since this is main focus of this show..

For people that just can't with the characters or had not enough time to create a bond with them, this might come off a melodramatic and over the top.

On the other if you were able to connect with them then this might be the best episode so far because it emotionally affects you.

Two camps that have to understand each other's opinion more than usual.

Personally I liked the episode but that just because I'm fast to connect with characters :).
Jun 4, 2016 10:54 AM
Jul 2018
With every episode released, my opinion of this show is dropping more and more. Such a shame considering how excited I was around the 4 or 5 episode mark! It's probably because I don't really buy into all of the love drama... When they were focused on just being friends, it was so much sweeter!

I'll finish the series, but I can't imagine giving it more than a 6/10 at this point. :,(
Jun 4, 2016 10:54 AM

Sep 2014

The sun is a deadly laser
Jun 4, 2016 10:57 AM

Oct 2013
Jesus fucking christ i was at the edge of my set the whole time. Fantastic episode.
Code Geass is the most fun anime of all time, objectively speaking.
Jun 4, 2016 10:59 AM

Oct 2013
toralos said:
With every episode released, my opinion of this show is dropping more and more. Such a shame considering how excited I was around the 4 or 5 episode mark! It's probably because I don't really buy into all of the love drama... When they were focused on just being friends, it was so much sweeter!

I'll finish the series, but I can't imagine giving it more than a 6/10 at this point. :,(

Youve gotta be kidding me. This show started mediocre or worse and kept getting better each episode. Literally never seen such shit taste on this site before.
Code Geass is the most fun anime of all time, objectively speaking.
Jun 4, 2016 11:01 AM

Oct 2012
Oh god this episode killed me emotionally. I hope they wrap this up nicely or in a satisfying way by the last ep
I can't even deal with all this pain anymore, it's literally making me feel like I'm a Kiznaiver too because it freaking hurts like heck to watch these characters go through this.
Glad Urushii kicked Yamaji where it counts, he totally deserved it.
"If I don't have to do it, I won't. If I have to do it, I'll make it quick."
- Oreki Houtarou
Jun 4, 2016 11:02 AM
News Team

Nov 2014
Jun 4, 2016 11:03 AM

May 2015
How much I love the dialogues between Katsuhira and Sonozaki zzz zzz zzz
At least it recovered in the second half, probably best comedy of the season (imo).
zalJun 4, 2016 11:18 AM
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Jun 4, 2016 11:04 AM

Mar 2015
All these bad comments, i thought that the poll would be bad...
seems like the ones that don't like the episode is the ones that are commenting...

So crazy.

And oh my god Okada, more pls.
Jun 4, 2016 11:08 AM

Jan 2015
Great stuff.

Great episode
Jun 4, 2016 11:10 AM

Feb 2014
wowww this was such an awesome ep ^^ first decent one so far hahah
Jun 4, 2016 11:12 AM
Mar 2013
I kinda want to feel for the characters and this episode but it just wasn't?? handled all that well??? Sure enough, the Kacchon+Nori-chan bit was the most interesting, because they're slowly being fleshed out throughout the plot but the other characters still felt quite one dimensional. I think this series would've had more impact given they had more episodes to work with but

Especially for Nico and Tenga. If they perhaps had little flashback moments that pinpointed the moment they fell in love and the moments they felt pain because of it would have have helped with all the romantic drama.

But I guess they're done with the Kizna project (If I remember correctly?) So let's see how Okada Mari decides to end this emotional trainwreck.
Jun 4, 2016 11:15 AM

Feb 2015
Sigh. I'm not a fan of emotionally draining shows especially when the main issue is love. Meh only 3 eps left.
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