Little bit about me
- Lazy
- A Gamer
- Love 2D girls
- Dog lover
- Laid back
Mile Stones
100th Anime Completed: ?
200th Anime Completed: ?
300th Anime Completed: Kannagi DVD Special Date: 9/18/09
400th Anime Completed: Mai-HiME Specials Date: 4/29/10
500th Anime Completed: Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru Date: 12/24/10
600th Anime Completed: Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Girls Specials Date: 4/30/2011
700th Anime Completed: Natsumushi The Animation Date: 9/13/2011
800th Anime Completed: Usagi Drop Specials Date: 2/5/2012
900th Anime Completed: Another: The Other - Inga 7/14/2012
1,000th Anime Completed: Fairy Tail: Houou no Miko 3/9/2013
1,200th Anime Completed: Noragami: 3/25/14
1,300th Anime Completed: Futsuu no Joshikousei ga [Locodol] Yatte Mita.: Nagarekawa, Annai Shite Mita. 12/19/14
1,400th Anime Completed: ? (Don't know since I forgot about this lol fail I know -_-)
1,500th Anime Completed: Natsume Yuujinchou Shi 11/26/16
1,600th Anime Completed: Princess Principal 9/30/17
1,700th Anime Completed: Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka 3/29/18
1,800th Anime Completed: Seitokai Yakuindomo* OVA 9/21/20
1,900th Anime Completed: ? (8/22)
2,000th Anime Completed: Pending
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