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Mar 31, 2015 2:07 PM

Sep 2010
Those last lines. "Kyou no kono hi." Implying that "this day" of a happy ending has also happened in the past? Maybe I'm reading into it too much.
Mar 31, 2015 5:22 PM

May 2013
Kinda typical ending for typical anime...

There is nothing more i can add at all..

If this gets 2nd season will i watch it? Maybe i will maybe i wont...

Anime these days got similar structure to types of these.. Main hero, hes special, got op power n stuff, fight between flat and big oh lets not forget loli (which is always nice i guess) problem is how you serve it and how much work you put in it as almost any studio can pull off half assed job like this nowadays >.>
Mar 31, 2015 11:58 PM
Jul 2012
Yup, saw that one coming. But really who didn't? From Haimura coming back right in the nick of time (wtf why with the two Russian girls? They relevant now?), to the super duper "I REMEMBER!" double past life fusion super secret Dark Arts step Lvl 15 limit break SSS rank badass OP move. Oh, and let's not forget the sudden "through the power of friendship" that caused the side characters to suddenly stop sucking. Like seriously? Everyone is totally useless without Haimura. Underwhelming crappy anime is underwhelming crappy anime.

Side character that only appeared in the first two episodes suddenly gets some more lines? What?

This would have been better if the principal and Russian boss joined the harem.

Only good thing about this episode is the drunken orgy line at the end. (Kanzaki spin-off series when?)

Satsuki still annoying.

And that rolling down the hill by Haimura at the end. Really? You sleep with a little girl 24/7 (except on Russian vacations), a hot British chick naked, probably did stuff with the two Russians (I can't think of any other reason why they'd suddenly appear with him), got violated by a hot senpai multiple times, witnessed Sofie naked more than once and have spent more than enough time with Satsuki, Urushibara and Elena, I could go on..... AND YOU STILL GO EHHHHHHHHHH?!?! LIKE A DUMB MC?!?! I know this is a harem after all, but really, I expected something less dumb and cliche at the end given how OP he is and his supposed relationship with the two from his past lives now remembered. How foolish of me.

Thank God it's over 5-4/10. At least I've seen worse....
No I don't read manga. Why? Because according to MAL manga readers, all anime is either: too rushed, too slow, anime original, or a terrible adaption. I like to enjoy anime for what it is, anime.
Apr 1, 2015 12:11 AM

Oct 2008
Whole series felt very rushed, not just the last episode. Terrible adaptation overall. The animation was not good at all, most of the fights were just panning and zooming and parts that were animated looked awkward.
Apr 1, 2015 4:26 PM

Oct 2011
Will Miss everyone. Moroho, Shizuo, Satsuki, and so on.
Apr 2, 2015 7:34 AM

Jan 2014
Malicre said:
sirflimflam said:

I'd really like to know more about Maya frankly. She was really under utilized and overly mysterious all the way till the end since her story is obvious later in the source material than the animation went... I'm always bummed out when adaptations end up that way. Frankly, I have doubts it'll ever get another season, so here's hoping someone translates the light novels...

It also kinda makes me sad he's so willing to kiss Shizuno but not Satsuki. Oh well. I don't know if that's supposed to hint that she's really the primary love interest and Satsuki is seriously just the attached little sister character (despite their romantic past(lives)). I wanted her to win :<

You might think that it isn't a big deal in their current lives because they aren't siblings but he still has the memories of satsuki being his sister, even if its in the past life that's still a big hurdle to get over.

Now its different with shizuno because she was his wife in the past life, which means all those feelings are still there, hell it wouldn't shock me if he had memories of them having sex.

We obviously don't know what memories he has from his past but its only natural for him to have more feelings for Shizuno.

@sirflimflam I agree on that part, anime needs a 2nd season... even thought some considers this a "meh"
@Malicre I agree too.. but that sex comment part was pretty funny though :D

L-Ryoshi said:
This show is so bad, it's great!
I love the over-the top qualities it presents!

Babe Ruth!

Super Seiyan Moroha!

Since when was SHE ever murderous? At herself maybe.....

I don't know, no one else does either! XD

Anime logic, nuff said.

They see me rollin' (down a hill), they hatin'~

Second season please, would watch for laughs any day.

cool comment post... I lol'd too much xD
Got something to live for, I know that I won't surrender,
A warrior of youth,
I'm taking over, a shot to the new world order
I Am Bulletproof. . .

Apr 3, 2015 11:03 AM

Apr 2014
That was boring....
The fight seem way too rush...
Dragon die in one swing....bullshit!
Overall score: 7/10 so so
Apr 3, 2015 11:03 AM

May 2012
the plot was interesting. the character could be more explained and developed. animation is just shit.

2 - for interesting plot
1- character
0.0001 for animationshit.

this show couldve been better if they have better animator or scripwriter.. i mean,, Í REMEMBER' is such a cliche phrase lol
“They stood together in a false intimacy, a nervous contact. And he was in love with her.”
― D.H. Lawrence, Women in Love

Apr 3, 2015 11:42 PM

Mar 2012
This series illustrates pretty well the glaring problems that generally plague most series in any given season, but whereas most series only have maybe 2-3 of these problems, World Break has the dubious distinction of hitting ALL the bad points:
- Inconsistent animation quality: even at best of times this series has just average quality, and most of the time it's clear they didn't pay the animator living wage
- Forgettable soundtrack: there's literally one track they use all the time for tense situations. It got real old by the end.
- Uninteresting main character: "I remember" ranks up there with "No, this is our fight, senpai" as one of the worst go-to lines in recent memory
- Weak support characters: we get that Moroha is supposed to be the badass here, but just how god awful the support characters are is almost indescribable; the fact that they tried to emphasize their personalities through various go-to lines and traits made them look even sillier
- Cliche occurrences: fairly obvious if you went through the series
- Unsophisticated plot: also fairly obvious if you went through the series

I'd be crying if I was the author, really. Chances are these problems reflect the inadequacy of the source material as well, but the LN was at least good enough to justify animation, and it got thoroughly botched.
Apr 4, 2015 2:32 PM

Jun 2013
Good show if you like harem anime. Animation and character designs could have been better. The annoying imouto was the one of the characters I disliked from the beginning. The Spell chanting was pretty cool though.
Apr 4, 2015 2:38 PM
Nov 2010
The anime was okay, but that's all. I liked some of the soundtracks and characters.
Apr 4, 2015 8:35 PM

Aug 2014
lol this anime.. Overall series was a joke already.
^+ for L-Ryoshi for the most glorious post. Exactly what I want to say while watching those scenes. xD

Moroha pls/10
Would watch season 2 for more laugh.
Apr 5, 2015 3:44 AM

Dec 2013
8/10 Entertaining series overall, would definitely watch a second season.

I've said this so may times that I don't know why I still even type it at the end of every season, but here goes...

Once again we get the slew of comments talking about how "unoriginal" the series was, or how it used cliche tropes, or even the whole "it had to be because the writers are just bad writers, or the source material is inadequate!" Are you fucking kidding me? I'd like to see you do better.

1. EVERYTHING is "unoriginal" these days, everything has been done. I once heard that the definition of originality is forgetting where you heard it the first time, and that couldn't be more true in today's entertainment. Everything has been done, every story has been told, every character has been written. It's all in the way it's presented, that's what makes it "original". This may have a lot of similarities with other series, it seemed to combine several actually. But, it wasn't a carbon copy of any one series in particular and thus could be considered to hold some "originality".

2. Cliche tropes... Just as stereotypes do, cliche tropes exist for a reason. They work, and they make the writing process easier when you have something to fall back on or baseline your design from. I'm a writer myself, you can't help but use cliches and stereotypes in any writing these days. Once again, I will point out, EVERYTHING has been done before.

3. Okay, sometimes the bad writing excuse is actually right. I'll give you that one. This one didn't have the greatest writing, but I wouldn't insult the writers or the source material just because you didn't like it. They're still doing better than any of us.

Stop trying to sound like you're some kind of top notch professional when you're making up your reasons for hating on something, be honest. Tell us that you didn't like because you thought it was silly, or that the characters annoyed you. Stop trying to sound like something you're not, it just makes you sound like a fool to those of us who have actually worked in entertainment and understand these things. Trying to put together a show that entertains every single person out there is impossible, there will always be people who don't like it because that's just part of the business- but I really get tired of seeing some desk chair amateurs trying to sound like they know something they obviously do not just because they've watched a lot of anime or read a lot of manga, light novels, etc.

Sorry... Kind of derailed there and ranted a bit, but damnit... That kind of crap irritates the shit out of me.

So. Overall this series was entertaining, kept me laughing and looking forward to the next big dues ex machina power up. It's definitely not everyone's cup of tea, but worth a second season that we'll probably never get. That harem was huge by the end though, my god man! Couldn't you just be happy with the lovely ladies you already had? LOL Go, Moroha! Lucky bastard even got Angela, sort of.
Odds are I'm not going to find my way back to a thread after my first post, it happens on occasion but not often. So, if I say something that offends you and you feel the need to force your opinion on me because obviously everyone should have your opinion or none at all, feel free to post it in the thread that I'll probably never see again. However, if you are interested in intelligent discourse, feel free to message me.
Apr 5, 2015 8:42 PM
Jul 2018
The_Bif said:
Stop trying to sound like you're some kind of top notch professional when you're making up your reasons for hating on something, be honest. Tell us that you didn't like because you thought it was silly, or that the characters annoyed you. Stop trying to sound like something you're not, it just makes you sound like a fool to those of us who have actually worked in entertainment and understand these things. Trying to put together a show that entertains every single person out there is impossible, there will always be people who don't like it because that's just part of the business- but I really get tired of seeing some desk chair amateurs trying to sound like they know something they obviously do not just because they've watched a lot of anime or read a lot of manga, light novels, etc.

Sorry... Kind of derailed there and ranted a bit, but damnit... That kind of crap irritates the shit out of me.

Apr 6, 2015 9:49 AM

Nov 2013
Oh man, dat animation. For a final episode, it was absolutely horrible. A complete mess. At one point Moroha is midair fighting the dragon. Next thing you know he is nowhere close to the dragon and standing on a balcony overlooking the hillside. How terribly inconsistent. I was mostly on board with this anime until this episode and it just feels rushed and lazy.

For those that watched Shirabako, it reminds me of Jiggly Heaven.
Apr 7, 2015 4:27 AM

Jan 2011
Definitely lots of questions about Maya though it seems like she'll only just be a loli dakimakura in Moroha's harem.

Overall, I liked the action scenes and the chants were nice touch though it has a super long casting time. Characters were ok for me. Definitely Shizuno over Satsuki, she was quite annoying IMO.

I mainly see the animes... so don't blame me for not knowing about the Manga/LN
Apr 12, 2015 3:39 PM
Jun 2010
wasn't that good, but very entertaining. 2nd season!
Apr 14, 2015 2:23 AM

Feb 2015
:) good anime
Love the past of Haimura and Shizuno
Naruto, SAO, SnO, Golden Time brings me to anime and manga
Apr 15, 2015 3:10 AM

Dec 2008
This anime almost ruined the medium for was so cutter...*sighs* writing of spells that are super powerful but waaay too short..summons that dont summon awe....boobs just to try and enhance the show...some big ones...and...lame characters and lack of backstory...but the boobs and some ecchi stuff made this a 5/10 lol
Apr 17, 2015 12:36 AM

Jan 2012
And so the battle against the ancient dragon is won. So yeah...this series was okay, certainly nothing great. The fanservice was easily the best thing about it, but it was even outdone in that department by Shinmai Maou no Testament this same season. It was simple and relaxing enough to watch though I guess. A perhaps generous 6/10.
Apr 17, 2015 1:47 PM

Jul 2012
Felt so rushed after the Russian stuff.
Apr 20, 2015 7:38 PM

Apr 2012
My initial thought after finishing this series was: "That was bad". That's never a good sign. Still, this show could be entertaining and pretty hilarious on occasion... while still being really bad at the same time. But, you know what? I would watch more of it. So here's to a second season of Magical Poetry & Boobs: The Anime.
Apr 22, 2015 5:00 AM

Jan 2013
Haha.. no idea what to say.. oh well would watch a s2 but i wont be disappointed if it doesn't come.

The fight scenes are awesome though.
Apr 24, 2015 2:26 PM

Oct 2014
Show was okay. Definitely much better than Diómedeas other anime "Unlimited fafnir". That shit sucked balls.

But yeh, this series had flaws. The animation was pretty damn bad through out. Art/Design was very generic.
I did like many of the characters though, especially Elena.

This gets a 6/10 in the end
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Apr 27, 2015 5:16 PM

Jun 2008
Other than the budget the last episodes of this show with the dragon where kind of not much of an interesting climax because as a villain it does nothing for us as the audience. We know nothing about him and considering it doesn't even talk or anything in the end it seems like just another monster of the week kind of deal with slightly harder level and nothing more.
Apr 29, 2015 7:21 AM

Jun 2014
This is no doubt a very bad adaptation. The pacing was so fast, lots of details were left out. The power up "I remember" was ridiculous, always felt like an asspull. The mc's transformation (weak in episode 1 turned,to ridiculously op) was unbelievable. He didn't develop at all, he just transformed into completely different character.

Shadowripp3r said:

The characters received NO character development throughout the series. It was basically just Moroha power up and defeat enemy.

so true

May 1, 2015 3:35 PM

Jan 2012
MC is OP as fuck.. good thing he turned into an alpha motherfucker, otherwise this shit would be boring

fun characters for the most part... can't comment on how bad their russian is though

cheesey typical ending aside, it was a fun watch overall

elena is fucking hnnnng

the quality is definitely lacking.. hopefully they get more funding for S2 if it's a go

dem writing skillz is cool as fuck.. i'd be imitating that shit with my friends if I was 10 years old for sure

May 17, 2015 3:20 AM

Jul 2012
That ending was pretty cliche and lame xD Made me laugh a few times though.
May 20, 2015 4:29 AM

Jun 2011
As usual for these kind of anime, the final episode felt really rushed. Seriously, I wonder why studios always do this. :/

Otherwise, I've enjoyed most of the show.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
May 31, 2015 7:18 AM
May 2012
Kinda lacking in art quality, but the ecchi was really good. The overall story was surprisingly good as well. One of those harems I've enjoyed this season.

May 31, 2015 2:10 PM

Jan 2010
Haimura is really OP. 8/10
Jun 2, 2015 1:15 PM
Apr 2015
I wonder if there will be a season 2?
Jun 4, 2015 8:18 AM

Jul 2013
I wasn't expecting this anime to be good and its 2x better than Absolute Duo and Fanfir (both of these shows had uninspiring characters and the story was boring).

I give it 7/10 and to be fair its better than 70% of similar harem anime series.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jun 8, 2015 12:27 AM
Apr 2013
Absolutely loved it, after all the serious animes this one was a breath of fresh air :D
Aug 6, 2015 10:12 PM

Sep 2014
L0L his final move is basically a wanna be saber's Noble Phantasm with gin's shikai on a 1 dollar budget.

I enjoyed it for the most part as in It was just something to watch so I can get by in the day. Just like taking a shit or piss.
Aug 18, 2015 12:35 AM

May 2015
I love the ending!! <3
Nov 26, 2015 4:34 AM

Sep 2013
Think the author is a hardcore chuunibyou, if this anime adaptation was to promote LN then I'll sure as hell would'nt read it.

Characters and plot were too generic, no surprise or nail-biting moments, and as if Moroha didn't have enough harem , he goes on stealing that English maid.....
Jan 17, 2016 9:16 PM

Sep 2015
Was so surprised when MCxwitch got more screen time together, I thought Pink is the main girl.

Maya is cute XD she narrated in past tense so it's maybe the Maya from her next incarnation? I agree about Maya and MC having connection in his past life (most probably the one right before their present incarnation). Wouldn't be surprised if it turns out she's (her past life) the reason MC's past memories are blocked.

I really enjoy the spell chanting scenes >.<
Jan 26, 2016 10:01 PM

Nov 2007
The animation felt old, but I really liked the story and the thrill of the incantation moments.
Feb 2, 2016 2:50 AM

Jul 2013
I could sage this forum with a giant wall of text stating why this show is shit, in all and every angles. But why would I do that? I have wasted enough time.

When the credits rolled, there should've been a note saying: "There were no adults harmed in the making of this anime"
Feb 28, 2016 10:07 PM
Jan 2011
This show has probably some of the stiffest animation I've seen since 07-Ghost, and I probably would have rated it a 4 if it weren't for the fact that I am currently on a cliche anime binge right now.

That helps with the rating, because for this specific show, my enjoyment was a 7 out of 10 so that is what I gave it. That being said, though, this show had a lot of potential to be something truly fantastic. The past life fighting plot line is actually really intriguing. Rather than just remembering something in a deus-ex-machina like fashion whenever he needs to defeat an enemy, we could have seen him dealing with past feelings or unrequited things from his past lives that haunt him to this day. Or perhaps trying to reconcile his light and dark sides. People he failed to protect as Flaga, or the number of deaths he inflicted as Shu Saura, taking a toll on his consciousness and causing him to question what the best path towards justice actually is. Perhaps, meeting a human enemy instead of that stupid dragon as a more tangible test of character growth.

The soundtrack gave us hints of a series far more epic and brooding than we got, and an idea that I hope an accomplished mangaka can pick up and develop/build.

That said, as a mindless anime with fighting and harems, this was exactly the kind of show I was looking to watch so I really didn't mind at all the direction they took. While I found the show very enjoyable, I just couldn't help but think of the absolute masterpiece this could have been.
Mar 4, 2016 9:34 PM

Jan 2016
I'm not here to review the show, but this show, it really left me stumbled, especially around Maya, what is her past life? Is that explained in the manga? If so, what's her relation to Moroha? Do Maya have a future with Moroha? :/ I hate when anime ends like that, but the plot was OK enough and I enjoyed it. . .

If there's anyone who knows about the manga version (only like 500-600 members for the manga tho...), are all these questions explained in the manga?
Mar 26, 2016 4:31 AM
Jan 2016
I hope the second season launching
Apr 23, 2016 8:41 AM

Jul 2009

Watching it dubbed made it deffinitely more enjoyable voices were absolutely spot on

Maya best grill
Aug 20, 2016 10:23 PM
Aug 2016
I don't know why, but this anime give me a lot of goosebumps when the MC is fighting.
Like the anime
Nov 7, 2016 9:31 PM

Jul 2015
Satsuki is so annoying. She ruined what could've been the best scene in this entire show: a kiss between Shizuno and Haimura... zz

caught in the wonder
Nov 13, 2016 7:37 AM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
Yukinoin said:
poorly paced story, inconsistent fights, decent cliches 6/10

Really, decent cliches?
Overall this is one of the worst battle harem anime I have seen, dunno how such an anime is rated so high, more than Absolutly Duo, which was, at least a bit better than this one.
Most episodes were really boring to watch but it had some cooler moments, like the fanservice at the beggining of episode 10, MC going bersker had nice animation (finally), and I liked the thing about past memories, but it was used too cheaply here.
The whole product feels cheap, which is a waste with such a concept like this, if only if the story and characters were better executed (but I guess that is also a problem in the LN).

Shizuno x Moroha was enjoyable, shame they couldnt kiss at the end due to Satsuki.
I also liked Angela, she had some nice fanservice there, and was one of the least annoying characters. MC was one of the most bland MCs I have ever seen too. Elena was enjoyable before officially joining the harem, then got bland.
Tokiko Kanzaki was so perverted, it was enjoyable to see most of her scenes.
While they were dumb, they were enjoyable. I like dumb harems as long as they are enjoyable to watch for me, this one had very little of enjoyment considering all the stupidness it had.

Weak anime but not bad to watch if you are boring without anything else to see I guess, and it got better with time, afte such an horrible start.
So 5.8 = 6.

FatalGaze said:
Good show if you like harem anime. Animation and character designs could have been better. The annoying imouto was the one of the characters I disliked from the beginning. The Spell chanting was pretty cool though.

Spell chanting used CGs to move their fingers, which was better than anything they would be able to drawn with the poor level of animation the series suffers from.

Forgot to mention the whole Ancient Dragon think was trash, poorly explained about why this asshole keeps appearing. He just keeps appearing through history to kill the MC waifuus. YESSSS....
PlaycoolNov 13, 2016 7:47 AM
Jan 11, 2017 11:01 AM
Jul 2018
That fight felt pretty rushed. Overall though it was decent. Better than many other harems, which I congratulate it for, but the art style was pretty meh. Characters were meh, but I liked Satsuki. MC was pretty generic. It was a fun ride though. 6 or 7/10.
removed-userJan 11, 2017 11:30 AM
Feb 2, 2017 12:24 PM
May 2011
super meh anime

thought it was going to get better after he started torturing the guy and smiling, but apparently that was either an act or he forgot he did that.

but that annoying sister-but-not-really Satsuki really drags the entire show down.
Apr 26, 2017 3:26 PM

May 2015
Well, the last episode was pretty cheesy, not surprising though. It's kind of how these types of anime are. I guess I liked it, but I was hoping for a little more interesting end. I liked how people have memories from their past lives, it also made a good excuse for the harem. Not really a lot of suspense knowing how it’s going to end from the beginning but overall this was a good anime.
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