I rate my anime by how much it entertained me or affected me.
Made me laugh, cry, physically facepalm for one of the characters and ect..
Core of the show must be the story or the setting of it, i do take animation and sound into account too but anime is made to entertain people so if i felt good with the series you will see high rating unless some series were just not entertaining and i pushed myself to finish them.
But normally using 3 episode rule i find most of the shows pretty entertaining, im just simpleton like that
My rating system is relatively simple:
Every show i watch starts with score of 7, its a baseline that would fit most of the generic budget / storytelling series
The better show did entertaining me the better the score it will get
Care for better explanation? Check under the spoiler..
Sometimes bit weaker shows might show up in higher bracket because we lack decimal rating so a show that would been 7.5 after big internal debate might end up at 8
Score of 8 means that storytelling / pacing / art was above your average show but other aspects dragged it down or that was just all it could offer
Score of 9 means show was great and i enjoyed it quite a lot however it lacked something that would "touch" me or absorb me into it
Score of 10 means that the show was exceptional and managed to affect me to be a truly memorable watching experience that i would come back to later again
Only shows that i think are truly special will end up here
Score of 6 meant that show was just bellow average but still managed to pull through, however this stage is where story of the series would be the core disappointing factor
Score of 5 and bellow is either in dropped list or i forced myself to finish the show in hopes it would redeem itself but it failed miserably to be even considered bellow average.
Its something that i question the reasoning behind having an adaptation
Of course there are times when i start watching series but realize i hit something that is heavily made for female audience or completely not for my tastes so i dont really add them to dropped list because i dont see the point..
However my Dropped List is a special place for shows that i truly hate / irk me in many special ways
For me these shows would be considered a torture method of some sorts and i honestly question the mental stability of people that would enjoy something like this
You can easily tell how my tastes have changed over the years as ive matured by my ratings because today i wouldnt rate some of the shows i gave 9 or 10 as im generally more strict than i was back then
My time is limited and i cant really revisit every show i have watched to give it a more appropriate score, but if i revisit the show i give it more appropriate score
Times i re watched "OG" FLCL: 14 (Updated at 2024-04-18)
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