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Jan 23, 2016 8:24 AM

Nov 2011
Hmm, I think the episode went back to the lighthearted and slice of life stuff again....

But seriously, it's like the guys had a drinking party and almost forgets about the war.
A lot of man service I hope pacing goes back to the main story again. I think Kuon also saw some naughty things...

Stark700Jan 23, 2016 8:39 AM
Jan 23, 2016 9:14 AM
Oct 2015
And Next week's Episode will be the one that turns against the will for Haku himself.


Though i laughed at the preview episode, what a lazy preview lol
Hana_KitsuneJan 23, 2016 9:38 AM
Jan 23, 2016 9:55 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
The swordsman's daughter is savage as fuck LMFAOOOOO

It was really nice to see everyone doing their part to try and make Haku feel better and at the end of the day, even though I do sympathize with him, I'm happy that he decided to move on and embrace his friends....All of the character interactions this week were great

This episode however is by far one of my favorites and these are the types of chill breather episodes that I feel are the best....The manservice and that naked dance that Haku was doing plus seeing the girls' reactions to the men all being naked had me dying of laughter lol....I feel for Kiuru and Haku so much xDDD

Great episode overall, but that PV for the next episode.....Ladies and gentlemen shit is about to get REAL AS FUCK if you know what that means from S1 O_O
TokoyaJan 23, 2016 10:02 AM
Jan 23, 2016 10:00 AM

Jan 2012
Couldn't enjoy this much at all, much too jarring a tonal shift after last week's slaughter, which it seems everyone just accepted as a part of war. I was disappointed by that, but I guess Haku's feeling a bit better so whatever. Hopefully some of this still gets addressed when the plot gets serious again.
Jan 23, 2016 10:07 AM
SHSL Good Luck

Apr 2015
Even though it seems to late to have episodes like these under the current situation, the epsiode was still pretty fun. Lol at all that manservice.

Jan 23, 2016 10:17 AM

Aug 2010
Nice ep keeping the serious aftermath but also giving some fun comedy and Haku character development.

Lol'd how Ougi keeps getting the bold part from Sacchan XD

I was wondering where The twins were but I guess it makes sense they were tied up lol

Dat naked guys scene where the girls went in tho. So much hilarity and Ruru probably died.

The guys really care about Nekone's thoughts don't they. 3 of them were destroyed by the "Fuketsu"

And Shinonon's "Look at all the danglies, Kiruru's the cutest one" was the final KO LMAO

I see DNA in the PV...
Jan 23, 2016 10:39 AM
Jan 2016
PTSS ? for what? kiling ants? what a weak lead.
Jan 23, 2016 10:58 AM
Jul 2018
Slow ep with fanservice.... but seems like the sci-fi stuff will begin in the next ep

removed-userJan 23, 2016 11:04 AM
Jan 23, 2016 11:02 AM

Jan 2012
Well battle is already over? Hope action will kick in back again soon...
Jan 23, 2016 11:05 AM
Feb 2013
I am with Aku on this one, the whole "well, it's just a general who turned into a monster and started to kill friend and foe alike, no big deal, so what's for dinner ?" attitude of the rest of the cast piss me off a great deal (and Yamato will stay the bad guy for me no matter what the série say latter)
Jan 23, 2016 11:11 AM

Sep 2010
There was a lot of Haku character development in this chapter. :)

Other than that, it was pretty funny episode. Still people call manservice a scene where character takes off their shirt... I wonder what they will call this. Naked dance was brilliant and the reaction of girls entering or rather not entering was just too much.

Well I don't really care about all of them but Kuon but Kuon's reaction was priceless as well... poor Haku... but Kuon's tail standing up like that it's been a while.

Now I wonder whatever we will once again have some episodes about nothing. Hopefully not, there are not that many episode left. I want an arc with characters from S01 now showing up... mainly Benawi and Oboro. Also if that arc would end up with meeting Hakurou at the same time it would be just too good! 10/10!

In any case I am now also wondering whatever Haku will get the 'power of the mask'. For one, even though Haku isn't completely helpless at fighting he won't defeat anyone but 'average solider' at the current state. Still the mask power and monster transformation, anyone can do it regardless of past. So if the shows will need Haku to do some fighting it will be that way. Now the question is whatever he will be doing any fighting... I perfectly fine with him staying the way he is.
Jan 23, 2016 11:11 AM

Jul 2009
Rurutie I totally feel you. Was that a dream? Fantasy? Abs ftw!

But seriously I'm disappointed that Haku never brought up the main point: That innocents were needlessly sacrificed and how no one seems to care about them. If was fully proven they could be saved/spared when the girls were fighting and yet when the job is left to the generals (specifically Vurai since we didn't really see it with others) innocents get slaughtered.

And something Ukon said bothered me. All he cares about is protecting the capital and the emperor. So what about the surrounding cities, the capital alone doesn't make up Yamato.

The girls' attempt at cheering up Haku was annoying. Hated it. Haku should've told them to fuck off. Especially Nekone. Always disliked her, but now I really despise her. There is nothing about her damn tsuntsun character to like. Nothing. Bitch even pushed him off an edge.

I feel like one of the key differences between Itsuwari no Kamen and the first Utawarerumono, is that the girls were more likable in Utawarerumono. Although I do like Rurutie, but that's probably just because I can relate to her.

Ougi's still the best boy. (Well close behind Haku).

EDIT; because Shinonon is also great. Her and her papa. Poor Kiruru.
InugirlzJan 23, 2016 11:15 AM
Jan 23, 2016 11:13 AM

Jul 2007
So as thought we see how the events changed Haku and how the overall atmosphere having returned to the capital changed for him. There's a strong contrast between his behavior in before this and during this. The episodes where he built up his peaceful life only strengthen the fact that nothing is the same anymore for him.

Everyone's interactions are normal(or more like Ukon puts it, everyone is acting normal and going back to light hearted life in order to forget it), but Haku can't move on from what he experienced. Even if he questions the idea of war changing people, its quite obvious that what happened already thoroughly changed him as a person.

At the same time we get some very nice foreshadowing for what is coming through the episode.

Easily a 5/5 episode that yet again shows that the build up done does indeed matter.

Next episode will cause a lot of bitching for people. Especially those who have not seen the first season.

Whyktor said:
I am with Aku on this one, the whole "well, it's just a general who turned into a monster and started to kill friend and foe alike, no big deal, so what's for dinner ?" attitude of the rest of the cast piss me off a great deal (and Yamato will stay the bad guy for me no matter what the série say latter)

You need to realize that everyone but Haku are used to this country. For them its normal. The generals and the people view Emperor as a god whose will is absolute.

Haku had nothing to do with this country. He knows nothing. So he has a lot more objective view towards it.

Inugirlz said:

But seriously I'm disappointed that Haku never brought up the main point: That innocents were needlessly sacrificed and how no one seems to care about them. If was fully proven they could be saved/spared when the girls were fighting and yet when the job is left to the generals (specifically Vurai since we didn't really see it with others) innocents get slaughtered.

Its pointless to bring that up?
He did not see what other mask generals were doing, so he can only really target his emotions towards Vurai. And Vurai is not here.
Although even then if you notice at the end of episode he is still acting differently around Ukon.

And something Ukon said bothered me. All he cares about is protecting the capital and the emperor. So what about the surrounding cities, the capital alone doesn't make up Yamato.

The Generals regard Emperor as god and his will is absolute. So yeah, their priority is Yamato's future and Yamato's prosperity.

AhenshihaelJan 23, 2016 11:17 AM
Jan 23, 2016 11:25 AM

Jul 2009
Fai said:

Inugirlz said:

But seriously I'm disappointed that Haku never brought up the main point: That innocents were needlessly sacrificed and how no one seems to care about them. If was fully proven they could be saved/spared when the girls were fighting and yet when the job is left to the generals (specifically Vurai since we didn't really see it with others) innocents get slaughtered.

Its pointless to bring that up?
He did not see what other mask generals were doing, so he can only really target his emotions towards Vurai. And Vurai is not here.
Although even then if you notice at the end of episode he is still acting differently around Ukon.

And something Ukon said bothered me. All he cares about is protecting the capital and the emperor. So what about the surrounding cities, the capital alone doesn't make up Yamato.

The Generals regard Emperor as god and his will is absolute. So yeah, their priority is Yamato's future and Yamato's prosperity.

I don't really think it would be pointless to bring it up though. If anything it could just be Haku confiding in Ukon since they're friends. He could have asked him if that's really what they commonly do, abandon citizens. Or ask if there really wasn't some other way. He was clearly dissatisfied with the way they did things but he never actually says anything about that part, just that he himself felt helpless. Ukon even asked him to get everything he was bothered by off his chest, but he chose not to include that part. I would assume Haku's lost some respect for the emperor/generals.

and that last part still doesn't explain abandoning other cities. Yamato isn't just one city so if they want their nation to prosper and they HAVE the power to do it, why be so merciless? Especially considering we've already seen that some of the generals are actually good people (specifically Oshutoru, who goes all out of his way to dress up as some Ukon guy and goes to distance villages to help out--as we saw in the beginning--He cares about the common folk, not just the capital and emperor.)

It's still possible to carry out the emperor's wishes without killing everyone.
Jan 23, 2016 11:30 AM

Jan 2016
This episode was awkward to watch, but since it's anticipated filler before the next big arc, yaoi-BL fans are probably in heaven watching this, I had to pause a few times to hurl. xD A generous 6.5/10 and 3/5 from me.
Elementary my dear Watson, Elementary...
Jan 23, 2016 11:35 AM

Jul 2007
> character development episodes
> filler

MAL will never disappoint me with this. Not with Steins;Gate not with this.
Jan 23, 2016 11:42 AM

Dec 2014
the guys go naked and the response. lol that line , "So guys also do the same thing we do..
Jan 23, 2016 11:45 AM
Jul 2018
An okay episode.

So this episode we have a bro's night out, to cheer up haku. Though some of the scenes in this episode will just fuel the fujoshi's -_-

I know this isn't really that much of a focus but I still hope that there will be romance Particularly a harem (though we're pretty close with the twins and Rurutie).

And that preview at the end! people who watched S1 will know why that sci-fi stuff here in a fantasy-like setting.
removed-userJan 23, 2016 11:51 AM
Jan 23, 2016 11:52 AM

Jul 2010
The boy's night out and the response from seeing it from cute to downright disgusting was quite funny.

The part where they said that despite how different everyone is outside of the battlefield, they're in unison while on one, it does remind me of a poem saying how most seniors have the same air to them while having a different history to everyone.

Haku's conflict was nice to see in a way, like a person from a time of peace having to see such devastating conflict with his own eyes and everyone seems okay with it. This episode did however showed a glimpse of how everybody is able to cope. It did show how maximization can have many takes as to how each general fought in battle, from rescuing the forced soldiers in an attempt to break ranks, to many others that at the time seems the most logical.
Jan 23, 2016 11:55 AM
Jul 2018
The girls' reactions were priceless when they saw the boys being naked!
Jan 23, 2016 12:00 PM
Feb 2013
Fai said:

Whyktor said:
I am with Aku on this one, the whole "well, it's just a general who turned into a monster and started to kill friend and foe alike, no big deal, so what's for dinner ?" attitude of the rest of the cast piss me off a great deal (and Yamato will stay the bad guy for me no matter what the série say latter)

You need to realize that everyone but Haku are used to this country. For them its normal. The generals and the people view Emperor as a god whose will is absolute.

Haku had nothing to do with this country. He knows nothing. So he has a lot more objective view towards it.

That was where my Yamato=evil come from, the people of this land can no longer see that needlessly killing their own is a bad thing because they really see the cunning old man as a god. So they believe they have some divine mandate to do whatever they want, and with the power to back it up on top of that, they can only bring trouble
WhyktorJan 23, 2016 12:08 PM
Jan 23, 2016 12:05 PM

Jul 2007
Whyktor said:
Fai said:

You need to realize that everyone but Haku are used to this country. For them its normal. The generals and the people view Emperor as a god whose will is absolute.

Haku had nothing to do with this country. He knows nothing. So he has a lot more objective view towards it.

That was where my Yamato=evil come from, the people of this land can no longer see that needlessly killing their own is a bad thing because they really see the cunning old man as a god. So they believe they have some divine mandate to do whatever they want and with the power to back it up on top of that, they can only bring trouble

Well to be honest they have been living with the same emperor for hundreds of years. Someone who does not change that long will eventually seem godly to normal people.

Even Ukon/Oshutoru stated that he does not think in terms of "what's good and what's bad" anymore.
Jan 23, 2016 12:05 PM

Jul 2015
Really fun episode. I love the SoL eps as much as the action filled ones here because of the character interactions. Nice to see not just the girls, but the guys cheer Haku up as well. Really excited from next ep preview. They showed some scientific work which comes from season 1 obviously. Hyped!
Jan 23, 2016 12:35 PM

Feb 2014
Fai said:
> character development episodes
> filler

MAL will never disappoint me with this. Not with Steins;Gate not with this.
literally. I'm not even sure why people are against these types of episodes anyway, I find them entertaining. If it was just action and war the whole time with no breathing room for the actual characters, it would get pretty stale. Kinda why I personally like this better than season 1.

Nevertheless if they spend too much time on characters, then that could cut into the time that could be used for the story to be told and which is why I'm hoping not too much is getting cut out and we get the best experience altogether.

And Steins;Gate was a good example to point out since everyone kept calling filler at the start though guaranteed if they didn't develop characters like they did, then the shock factor would've been less when certain characters got killed.
Tokoya said:
adapatations are not supposed to be carbon copies of source materials and until the anime community in general can accept that and judge an anime based on what it presents and how they handle every episode, these threads will continue to be filled with hate posts by purists
Jan 23, 2016 1:00 PM

Jan 2013
Great episode after the last one.
Liked the character interactions
Jan 23, 2016 1:05 PM

Mar 2013
This ep needed more manservice. Ukon is ripped af.

Literally all of the girls are annoying as sin, though... Literally every single one of them, they all have terrible personalities. I don't think whoever wrote has even met a girl before either. Like, why the fuck did they think opening a present of a bead thing in public would be "perverted"?

Rocksterrock said:
And Steins;Gate was a good example to point out since everyone kept calling filler at the start though guaranteed if they didn't develop characters like they did, then the shock factor would've been less when certain characters got killed.

I rly wouldn't put Steins;Gate on the same level as this show lmao, all of Steins;Gate's slice of life moments were endearing and funny, with all of the characters being genuinely likeable. The same definitely can't be said here.
Jan 23, 2016 1:36 PM

Jun 2010
This felt pretty basic AF.
seems my hype for this show has died.
<--- Who Your Waifus Look Up To --->
Jan 23, 2016 1:46 PM

Jul 2014
Awful, awful episode that I really hoped the series had finally moved past. How anyone can say there is even the slightest bit of worthwhile character development here is beyond me. Also, the comparisons to Steins;Gate are absurd, given that in Steins;Gate it was clear that everything was important and the characters were also actually likeable and interesting; the same really can't be said here, not even by the most extreme defender of episodes like this.
Jan 23, 2016 1:57 PM

May 2015
That was a hilarious episode. Guess we needed that bit of character interaction again after the battle. Pretty interesting preview there at the end. Looking forward to it.

Jan 23, 2016 1:59 PM
Sep 2015
I'm the only one here who thinks that 2006 Utawarerumono was way better?
Jan 23, 2016 2:05 PM

Jul 2007
Usagi_Rusak said:
I'm the only one here who thinks that 2006 Utawarerumono was way better?

In cramming 52 episode material into 26 ? Sure.
Jan 23, 2016 3:03 PM

Jul 2014
Usagi_Rusak said:
I'm the only one here who thinks that 2006 Utawarerumono was way better?

Seems more like more people prefer the 2006 Utawarerumono actually. Hell, I know I prefer it to this one by a long shot.
Jan 23, 2016 3:16 PM

Jul 2007
danieltortoisee said:
Awful, awful episode that I really hoped the series had finally moved past. How anyone can say there is even the slightest bit of worthwhile character development here is beyond me. Also, the comparisons to Steins;Gate are absurd, given that in Steins;Gate it was clear that everything was important and the characters were also actually likeable and interesting; the same really can't be said here, not even by the most extreme defender of episodes like this.

Hoo boy don't I just love it when people with rose tinted nostalgia glasses start throwing around logical fallacies without actual argumentation.

danieltortoisee said:
Usagi_Rusak said:
I'm the only one here who thinks that 2006 Utawarerumono was way better?

Seems more like more people prefer the 2006 Utawarerumono actually. Hell, I know I prefer it to this one by a long shot.

Pretty much every VN reader will tell you that Itsuwari is a far better adaptation while the previous one was merely "okay"(and horrible in the second half)

Stuffing 52 episodes of material into 26 and putting insufferable Erurshit into every single plotline while downplaying others is not something that makes a good adaptation.
Jan 23, 2016 3:29 PM

Aug 2015
Pretty fun episode. Not sure what to expect from now on, but looking forward to it.
Jan 23, 2016 3:30 PM
Oct 2015
Fai said:
danieltortoisee said:
Awful, awful episode that I really hoped the series had finally moved past. How anyone can say there is even the slightest bit of worthwhile character development here is beyond me. Also, the comparisons to Steins;Gate are absurd, given that in Steins;Gate it was clear that everything was important and the characters were also actually likeable and interesting; the same really can't be said here, not even by the most extreme defender of episodes like this.

Hoo boy don't I just love it when people with rose tinted nostalgia glasses start throwing around logical fallacies without actual argumentation.

danieltortoisee said:

Seems more like more people prefer the 2006 Utawarerumono actually. Hell, I know I prefer it to this one by a long shot.

Pretty much every VN reader will tell you that Itsuwari is a far better adaptation while the previous one was merely "okay"(and horrible in the second half)

Stuffing 52 episodes of material into 26 and putting insufferable Erurshit into every single plotline while downplaying others is not something that makes a good adaptation.

You really don't like Eruruu all that much, huh?

Well, I don't particularly like the way she's portrayed either in the anime version (she's best girl for me in the VN though). But I was more pissed off at how they watered, or downright cut, parts of the story in general (like Hakuoro's backstory, the prologue, and Urto and Yuzuha's side stories)

Anyhow, I'm still okay with this adaptation (Funjoshi hijinks and bromance antics included), but some episodes could have been handled MUCH better,and that one episode with Kamyu and Aruruu would have been better off not being made at all rather than being made the way it was, all things considered.
Jan 23, 2016 3:33 PM

Apr 2015
PericlesD said:
Slow ep with fanservice.... but seems like the sci-fi stuff will begin in the next ep


Okay, so I've seen season one and remember it pretty well, but I don't remember that part. I just remember that which was
Was that only in the VN or something?

Usagi_Rusak said:
I'm the only one here who thinks that 2006 Utawarerumono was way better?

I definitely think season one was better (I actually gave it a 9 with this season currently sitting around a 6.5). Unfortunately, VN players don't realize that you have to review the anime within a vacuum to be fair; it's an adaptation, not a clone copy. I always try to review anime within a vacuum away from the source material. Plus, some of the people disagreeing with you have Clannad, Toradora, and K-On rated as 1's...
GileonFletcherJan 23, 2016 3:42 PM
Jan 23, 2016 3:45 PM

Dec 2008
After the preview of the next ep, and having seen over a dozen of filler episodes with a war interjection, this series is getting finally interesting (the revelation in the first Utawarerumono blown me out of water, so I hope that the history will get a real kick).
Jan 23, 2016 3:49 PM

Jul 2007
GileonFletcher said:

Okay, so I've seen season one and remember it pretty well, but I don't remember that part. I just remember that which was
Was that only in the VN or something?

Where do you think

GileonFletcher said:

I definitely think season one was better (I actually gave it a 9 with this season currently sitting around a 6.5). Unfortunately, VN players don't realize that you have to review the anime within a vacuum to be fair; it's an adaptation, not a clone copy. I always try to review anime within a vacuum away from the source material. Plus, some of the people disagreeing with you have Clannad, Toradora, and K-On rated as 1's...

IF we ignore the source material. UTWR is a decent war story, which spends way too much time on its useless female lead. has weird sol episodes in the middle of war and which falls apart into incomprehensible badly paced nonsense in its last third where nothing makes sense.
Jan 23, 2016 4:00 PM

Apr 2015
Fai said:

IF we ignore the source material. UTWR is a decent war story, which spends way too much time on its useless female lead. has weird sol episodes in the middle of war and which falls apart into incomprehensible badly paced nonsense in its last third where nothing makes sense.

I could change a few words in that sentence and make it describe this second season perfectly. The last third made sense if you paid attention to small details. A casual watcher would for sure be confused, but a veteran like yourself should have managed (at the least with a quick one minute Google search for clarification).
Jan 23, 2016 4:24 PM
Jul 2018
GileonFletcher said:
PericlesD said:
Slow ep with fanservice.... but seems like the sci-fi stuff will begin in the next ep


Okay, so I've seen season one and remember it pretty well, but I don't remember that part. I just remember that which was
Was that only in the VN or something?

Is in the last episode of the first season
removed-userJan 23, 2016 4:27 PM
Jan 23, 2016 4:36 PM

Apr 2015
PericlesD said:
GileonFletcher said:

Okay, so I've seen season one and remember it pretty well, but I don't remember that part. I just remember that which was
Was that only in the VN or something?

Is in the last episode of the first season

"Briefly" is probably why I completely forgot about it. Thanks for the refresher!
Jan 23, 2016 5:08 PM
Dec 2013
Filler episode, but yeah, I didn't expect it to be so gay

But it's a nice change from all the other animes with girl fanservice

The battle/war thing was very short though, I expected a bit more, but oh well

Usagi_Rusak said:
I'm the only one here who thinks that 2006 Utawarerumono was way better?

Is it really? I tried watching the first episode and the animation put me off
Jan 23, 2016 5:55 PM

Aug 2013
Did Kiuru just got raped?
''Look at all the danglies!''
Oh, Shinonon...

Kuon was so cute right there. Haku didn't gave a shit about showing his dong.

It was nice to see Haku being shocked like that by what he saw. I was scared it wouldn't be the case because of the previous episode preview.
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Jan 23, 2016 5:55 PM

Aug 2009
Filler episode filled with fujoshit, not surprised.

Maybe they'll actually go back to the plot next episode, or they might spend more time dicking around, but I'm sure a lot of people consider this "valuable character development" lol

Also how much of a bitch is this guy? Haku seriously can't tell his harem to fuck off for a few hours so he can take a nap on his day off? He can't even be lazy properly. Then he gets pushed into the fucking river by a little girl. On top of that he gets his testicles crushed by Kuon... Holy shit this guy can't get anymore pathetic.
LoneWolfJan 23, 2016 6:39 PM

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Jan 23, 2016 7:44 PM

Feb 2014
Haku being serious and afraid in this episode.

LOLed at the manservice. The girls' reactions were priceless!

What's up with that lazy preview? I have seen S1 so it is gonna get serious.
tetrix1993Jan 23, 2016 8:12 PM
Jan 23, 2016 8:02 PM
Jan 2016
HARD WATCH, not in a good way mind ya. Those girls just had to tie up the twins, they are and Kuon are my Goddesses, and they just had to tie them up, poor twins. *sniff* Score: C-.

Are we done with the Onsen SoL, lets get to the good stuff already! XD Geez!
Jan 23, 2016 9:37 PM

Oct 2014
Wtf am I watching???

read from right to left
Jan 24, 2016 12:37 AM
Feb 2009
Usagi_Rusak said:
I'm the only one here who thinks that 2006 Utawarerumono was way better?
I totaly agree with you. The last couple episodes have been so awkward.
Jan 24, 2016 12:47 AM

Aug 2008
Sigh...back to SoL.
But it's important to remember that a movie review is subjective;it only gives you one person's opinion.

It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.If elitist don't exist, casual pleb and shit taste also don't exist.
Jan 24, 2016 1:48 AM

Jul 2007
LoneWolf said:
Filler episode filled with fujoshit, not surprised.

Character development =/= Filler

Maybe they'll actually go back to the plot next episode, or they might spend more time dicking around, but I'm sure a lot of people consider this "valuable character development" lol

Well yeah? Just because someone expected explosions to happen every five seconds does not change the fact that character development is far more important.
And yeah it was valuable character development. The whole episode was spent on Haku's change as a person as well as foreshadowing what will happen latter.

Also how much of a bitch is this guy? Haku seriously can't tell his harem to fuck off for a few hours so he can take a nap on his day off? He can't even be lazy properly. Then he gets pushed into the fucking river by a little girl. On top of that he gets his testicles crushed by Kuon... Holy shit this guy can't get anymore pathetic.

That just shows that he was not willing to do that. He wanted to feel better so he gave them benefit of a doubt, yet nothing really worked. You don't blow up at your friends from trying to cheer you up.

Zapredon said:
Sigh...back to SoL.

If there's on mal Idiocy Iwould LOVE seeing retired, its the "no explosions = nothing happened"meme.

tdwk said:
Filler episode,

You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it m eans.
but yeah, I didn't expect it to be so gay

There's nothing wrong with that. If anything, Yamato is based upon medieval japan and such relations were normal part of the warrior caste.
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