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Monogatari Series: Second Season
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Jan 17, 2014 7:47 AM

Oct 2012
Good OST in the beginning, the way they harbored the flashback is totally awesome, those drawing look amazing. So nonetheless her first servant wielded heart span shit. That shadow sure is dangerous.
Jan 19, 2014 7:56 AM

May 2012
Well that was a very nice and lovely backstory of Shinobu, quite nice they even changed the art and what not! Pretty lovely episode I must say!
Feb 14, 2014 9:32 AM

Oct 2013
Terrible episode.
Apr 16, 2014 11:00 AM

Aug 2013
That was a sad story... Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade (where the fuck did that name came from by the way?) had mostly a lonely life. She both failed as a goddess and as a vampire.

I was not really a fan on how the story was told (like a scroll being unrolled), I found it a bit repetitive.

I like how she stopped mid-way of her story to tell Araragi to put on some clothes xD
Keep it classy.
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Apr 27, 2014 5:48 AM

Oct 2013
dat wood block print style
"Urushibara Ruka. The mannerisms and voice of a woman... No... More feminine than any woman. But he's a guy. Taller than Mayuri, but so very thin... But he's a guy. Looks great in a miko outfit... But he's a guy. It's already twilight And yet, it's so hot. The cicadas are crying. But... He's a guy."
May 3, 2014 1:29 PM

Aug 2012
What the heck was going on with Mayoi in the second-to-last scene in the ending animation.

That is pretty terrifying.
Jun 3, 2014 9:01 PM

Mar 2014
Shinobu's backstory telling was so great!!
The Origins and history of the "Watari swords" was also been told.
Darkness.. nothing new... except for the fact that it almost killed Shinobu and that Original apparition killer leaving her with the hand/wrist of the apparition killer.. lol!!
She Revived him but he commit suicide like "I believe i can fly" on his mind when he stupidly jumped like an idiot on the sunlight. (atleast that is what I can think)
Oh.. so after she revived him .. he gained his memories before he died ... He was angry because of that then he commit suicide after a bunch of chit-chats. He is mentally-ill in some point from all that confusion and deranged situations . "Kiss-shot" is the only good he spoke.
"A Demon's Soliloquy" -A Befitting Title for the Legendary Strongest Vampire's Monogatari.
That Ending.
Good Episode!!! Shinobu-wise!!
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Aug 16, 2014 5:15 AM

Jan 2014
ThreePercent said:
What the heck was going on with Mayoi in the second-to-last scene in the ending animation.

That is pretty terrifying.
lol.i watched this episode more than 20 times but i never realized it :D:D what is she doing?Break dance? :D
Dec 19, 2014 5:44 PM

Jan 2014
This episode was probbably one of my favorites out of all the Monogatari series.
Dec 30, 2014 5:20 PM

Oct 2014
wtf Shinobu, there are no polar bears in Antarctica...
Jan 7, 2015 4:13 PM

Jan 2013
Gorgeous episode
Feb 18, 2015 3:57 PM

Mar 2009
Well it wasn't THAT interesting imo but it was beautifully done.
Mar 5, 2015 7:57 AM

Nov 2011
Again, they managed to fool me with a narrative is interesting, but that has not hit the heart of the matter, or how to stop the anomaly dark.
Narration enjoyable to follow both the dialogues for tables used to tell the story, they were drawn in a divine way.
Episode overall much nicer than the last.
Apr 2, 2015 8:02 PM

Jun 2014
Loved the interpretation of shinobus story really felt like a legends. Great artwork and her narrating it was awesome. Also have a feeling all this has something to do with nadeko...
Apr 4, 2015 8:49 AM

Nov 2014
Shinobu: The God of Infodumps
Aug 19, 2015 11:59 AM

Jul 2014
Somehow, this backstory episode wasn't as boring as I thought it would be.

Sep 20, 2015 1:05 PM

Mar 2012
I loved it. My favorite anime though, so it's granted I adore all ep's.
Does anyone know the name of the song at the end?
Oct 2, 2015 12:09 AM

Sep 2014
A moment with Shinobu. Ep 18.

Plot: Turning the clock once more, Shinobu describes her first appearance in Japan. From a silly mistake in Antarctica, to a jump to japan where she became a god. There she met her first minion vampire and the original owner of the Apparition Killer blade. After sometime that "darkness" was made and caused worshippers to disappear and nearly kill Shinobu. After the escape, she made the OS "original specialist" her minion. It did not end well. At all.

Character: We have the spotlight on Shinobu and it was wonderful. Her past self was slightly silly (seriously going to Japan before realizing there are no people there thus making her weak and almost die to MoS jumping from Antarctica to Japan). Her meeting of the OS was nice and the build up to the darkness was well explored.

And the end of her first minion definitely delivered a powerful blow to Shinobu. I won't say that she was best or good friends but seeing you save someone and have them curse you and suicide themselves in rebuttal is just brutal. As Koyomi said, Shinobu couldn't get on with people as a "Vampire" or as a "God". She was to be alone.

Shinobu also delivered some great world building.

The parts where she mentioned almost dying due to lack of human awareness was a good reminder that Oddities need people to survive. Not even the King of the Hill Kiss-shot is immune to this. Plus the idea of Shinobu not regaining power as a "Vampire" but just holding the spot as a "God" plays into the idea that "perception" is the key for Oddities. Similarly that Shinobu herself has such great effects that she messed with the eco-system of Oddities in that time.

Animation/sound: The old Japanese scroll pictures conveyed the backstory well enough and made for weird sense of Show and Tell.

5/5. It was a great story to be told despite being a downer overall.

I go where I wanna go, even if its into Oppai.
Nov 6, 2015 3:59 PM

Oct 2012
Wow, that really sad story about Shinobu, she really isn't as bad as it seems. She has good heart, Kiss-Shot. Have to say I really liked arte styl of this episode and whole Shinobu's backstory.

And what a surprise, I haven't thougth Kokorowatari had its opposite Yumewatari. A sword to revive monsters what a twist. I just wonder why it was even metioned.

Interesting to finally know that it is Shinobu who unwittingly creates aberrations by her own presence. I guess this applies only when she does bad things though as no evil energies were accumulated when she was doing good deeds. Which is kinda ironic. The same applies to their modern city I guess. I just wonder if everyone who knows her is in danger.

Hmm, so in the end.. is that darkness bad part of Shinobu she threw aside in Japan? And is Araragi descendant of original aberration killer?
Jan 15, 2016 11:10 AM

Sep 2015
The artwork in this episode... Just sublime... And that was such a sad story about Shinobu's past.
Mar 7, 2016 7:28 PM

Mar 2015
That was one of my favourite Monogatari episodes in the series so far. I'm surprised so many people don't like it as much. The amazing storytelling and crazy events is what makes this series so good, but so many people want action.
May 3, 2016 4:21 AM

Jul 2008
Oh dear, Shinobu can't stop this thing either. Yeah they're screwed.
Aug 28, 2016 9:45 AM

Aug 2013
Hmmm the backstory was nice but a bit mundane. Now let's go back to the main story.
Sep 24, 2016 5:57 AM

Apr 2013
I expected to see adult Shinobu animated, I am disappointed >.<
Nov 16, 2016 5:26 PM

Sep 2015
I feel sorry for Shinobu ;-;
Feb 13, 2017 10:50 AM

Aug 2016
Shinobu <3, good episode. 5/5
Feb 21, 2017 2:58 AM

Sep 2016
shinobuuu lovee lovee the story of how her past came to be
Facta Non Verba
Jul 2, 2017 5:09 PM
May 2012
i really like the art
Sep 6, 2017 5:09 PM

May 2014
I liked this episode way more than the last, and I had to stop the episode multiple times to save those gorgeous illustrated frames to my laptop *o*

What I really liked about this episode is how Shinobu's narrative style reflects that she's speaking to Araragi and not the audience and that's something I've not seen from the story yet.

Poor Shinobu sure had it hard in the past!
But hey, at least she got Heartspan out of the whole ordeal...or at least a replica of it.
The whole darkness business is unsettling, but there's gotta be some reason why it turned up now. Something to do with Hachikuji, maybe?? Or maybe the whole Route X thing screwed stuff up and drew the darkness back to Shinobu.

Also wondering what the significance of both Araragi and The Original Apparition Killer calling her "Kiss-shot" really is. Is he his ancestor or something?
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Oct 8, 2017 5:23 AM

Jun 2016

Ohmygod. Finally, Shinobu's backstory during her prime and it was so sad. What the fuck. Poor Shinobu, she's been through a lot.

Fucking Shaft. Those art works were glorious.

Hot damn, Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade in her prime. I can't even. ;-; I'm a girl, but hot damn, Shinobu, you're fucking gorgeous.

This episode made me want to watch Kizumonogatari already. Gaaaaah.

10000000000000000000000/5 for this episode alone. Ugh. I fucking love you, Shinobu. I guess meeting Araragi is a blessing for Shinobu. D'awwww. Araragi, please take good care of Shinobu. ;-;

"Maybe he's trying to take a shit, but the shit just won't come out."
Captain Levi, 2014
Apr 27, 2018 12:50 PM

Dec 2016
For the darkness to nearly kill an in her prime Shinobu makes me scared as fuck. That thing has got to be the strongest thing in this series up to this point, can't wait to see Araragi talk it into submission lmao
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Sep 10, 2018 10:01 AM

May 2018
Another great episode, wow...
"No matter where you go, everyone's connected." Iwakura, Lain.

Feb 19, 2019 1:34 PM

Jul 2012
I thought we would get a lot more questions about the "darkness" answered, but she only encountered it for a short while. I also thought Shinobu was closer to her first minion than what was told, but still, I really enjoyed learning about her first visit to Japan and about the original Aberration Killer. The art for the story was also really nice.

I wonder how we'll be dealing with the "darkness" now? And I'm guessing when we do learn more about it, it'll answer some questions about what exactly happened to all the people of the villages.
Feb 20, 2019 5:21 AM

Jun 2017
That's how Shinobu came to Japan, again, and met Araragi. So her first minion was pretty much useless after all.
“What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil? Or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?”
― Lelouch Vi Britannia
Apr 29, 2019 12:04 PM
Apr 2016
Hearing Shinobu's story was intriguing, it was rather sad honestly, but really good. The "darkness" thingy seems to be REALLY damn serious, let's see how Rararagi copes with it...
May 19, 2019 12:16 AM

Dec 2018
A pile of bad energy eh?

From what it seems all Shinbou want is some companion.
He who smiles in a crisis has found someone to blame.
Mar 6, 2020 7:27 PM

Mar 2018
Episode provided a lot concerning Shinobu's past. Still don't know what the "darkness" is yet, but I'm sure the later episodes will cover it.

Floating Around...

"You're loved as deeply as the ocean reaches"

Aug 26, 2020 1:50 PM

Aug 2019
that art work with Kiss-shot completely naked was 10/10
Aug 28, 2020 11:44 PM
Mar 2018
man if i didnt watch kizu before this, i would be confused as hell. anyways cool backstory. so the darkness thing existed in japan b4 as a gathering of dark energy and likes to swallow ppl whole. hm
Sep 14, 2020 7:56 PM

Apr 2019
Well there may have been no OP, but Shinobu's backstory certainly made up for that.

I found her backstory and how she was viewed as a god to be really interesting. And I've also always wanted to know the story behind her first minion, kinda sad tbh.
The art style in which her backstory was told in, fits the setting really well.

Overall, I think it was a nicely done backstory episode.

Sep 16, 2020 4:34 AM

Jun 2020
Showing Shinobu past was so interesting it was a great episode.

I have nothing to say since this episode is all about Shinobu's past about her first minion°>
Jan 29, 2021 7:42 AM

May 2014
I am speechless. What a great in-depth past. It's good to know more about Shinobu. She was an unfamiliar character. I knew she had a minion before, from one of the previous seasons, but I never imagined their relationship was this deep. It makes you feel sorry for her, FOR REAL.

Although she loved her first minion, I think Araragi is superior to her since he isn't the guy who blames a person if something horrible should happen to him. I guess it's understandable from the "Aberration-killer's" perspective, however, it's very unfair to blame something groundless on Shinobu just because she is a vampire. Then again, she turned him into a vampire, so that's understandable from his side. Nonetheless, a similar event happened to Araragi too, so that won't justify him.

I love the metaphor they use here
Having an empty seat for her first minion, the "Aberration-killer". Also, having a ray of light on her seat and the empty ones is also a great way to show who the past is about, and somehow connect them together. Shaft, I see what you did here, and it was a clever move.

Anyways, I am glad she found Koyomi. He is a person she can talk to, even deep emotional conversations like these.

Also, there are two moments that watched my eye. So sweet when she is curling her hair while she is telling him her past

A great ep. I can't wait to see what Araragi's response is and how they are planning to deal with the negative energy.
Jan 29, 2021 7:46 AM

May 2014
Nachtwandler_21 said:
Baddie007 said:
FUCK, Wtf did they jump to a Shinbo back story, instead of finishing the Nadeko Medusa part?!

Because it's the same in novels. Wait for Koimoniogatari. It'll be finished there.

Tnx. I am glad it will be picked up again. xD
Mar 9, 2021 8:51 AM

Oct 2016
Really great episode! The way they did Shinobu's backstory was really great, it really felt like a Japanese legend or something. Also, that few seconds of Shinobu talking like a radio host was really great lmao.

Shinobu's story is pretty damn sad though, I think if that darkness thing didn't come she probably would have been content with being the village's God or at least she would have for a long time, but it was cut short. "Darkness" is really terrifying if it can just rip off like 3/4ths of Shinobu's body just like that.

So, there was no negative energy forming even with Shinobu staying in the village for a while. I am assuming those negative energies were also devoured by the "Darkness", but where'd it even come from to begin with.

Really feel bad for Shinobu though, but I guess the Original Aberration Killer's reaction was understandable. Still, he at least called Kiss-shot at the end of his life and the only other one to call her Kiss-shot was Araragi. I guess that explains why she didn't like being called Kiss-shot in Kizu. That's why Araragi is definitely the best thing to ever happen to Shinobu, and I guess it also applies the other way around. That was really fantastic.
Jun 3, 2021 10:36 AM

Feb 2020
I find it a bit of a shame that they chose to make Shinobu narrate her story over simple drawings. I mean, said drawings were beautiful, but I think the impact would've been much bigger if we got to see the events by ourselves. I'm saying that yet I was addicted to Numachi's narration in Hanamonogatari, so I son't know what exactly was missing here but there was something. There definitely was something because while I'm not as interested in Shinobu herself as I initially was, I still strongly like Kiss Shot, mostly due to how beautifully tragic she is, so I definitely expected to feel more than that when her backstory would come.
Sep 1, 2021 5:40 PM
May 2020
that apparition killer was a lil twat in the end
May 6, 2022 1:22 AM

Jan 2015
Best psychology discussion.
Awesome style which kept me glued on top of the incredibly engaging history of Shinobu, really atmospheric. Sad end.
Oct 26, 2023 2:53 AM
Jul 2018
Oh wow, so this episode is about Shinobu's origins. This episode was too short though! So she came to Antarctica, huh? Damn, she really was powerful in her time. The King of Apparitions title befits her. I'm amazed at how she almost destroyed the continent of Africa. So her first minion, was actually created when she bit his wrist/hand in Antarctica.

So she only came back to Japan six months ago?? I thought it's at least been a few years because many stuff has happened in this series. It must be like that when you deal with apparitions, huh? I wonder if she'll tell Araragi about how she became a vampire as well.
Dec 15, 2023 2:27 AM
Jul 2018
What an interesting episode this was -w-
Jan 24, 2024 9:28 PM

May 2021
Never realized that we never had a Shinobu backstory until now. Not much animation but more than made up by this.

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