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Kimi no Koto ga Daidaidaidaidaisuki na 100-nin no Kanojo 2nd Season
Jan 21, 7:01 AM
· Scored
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 11.6
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- Total Entries141
- Reread0
- Chapters1,480
- Volumes155
All Comments (4) Comments
I see you plan to watch Berserk. Don't miss out on it, it's worth your time. A great story about truth and betrayal.
Here is a quote from here: Michael Weaver, Entomologist at Virginia Tech says: "This (the bubbling) is fairly common when photographing insects after a rain or under damp conditions. The bubbles are water droplets. These are very desirable ornaments if you can take advantage of the natural light or use a ring lamp with a macro lens. There is a photographer in England, Miroslaw Swietek, who has used water droplets as a signature method for his work. His photographs are incredible!"
I didn't see a lot of information, though.