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Dec 31, 2008 8:48 PM

Aug 2008
"Runaway Roux"

What the hell has gotten into Roux this ep? Even if they are in the middle of a war, she should allow Judau some time to grieve for his sister. He didn't even have the opportunity to recover her body. This is one of the things that erks me about this show. Sometimes the plot or the characterization just doesn't make sense.

Also, Glemy is a total moron & I have trouble understanding how he can be a main character or a threat sometimes. His actions are so dumb this ep that I actually feel sorry for him. Everyone under the age of 20 in this series needs a good "Gundam Slap".
Oct 14, 2010 4:02 AM

Apr 2009
I completely agree with Roux on this one. Kanashimi ni makenai de, Judou. You can't mourn forever, there's still war going and you have to do what you can. But i don't quite get why the hell Roux ran away. xD
Dec 15, 2010 7:13 AM

May 2008
x4m said:
I completely agree with Roux on this one. Kanashimi ni makenai de, Judou. You can't mourn forever, there's still war going and you have to do what you can.
I totally don't get Roux's point and yours either. He's just lost his sister a few hours back and you say "You can't mourn forever". Wtf really?
Puru was so cute here~
Jan 1, 2011 9:00 AM

May 2010
Nothing really didn't make sense to me here. Roux has always been sort of like this, and her temper was on edge already from the constant quarrels with Elle. And why was her running off a surprise? Would you really be read to face someone who just used you as a human shield? Glemy was a moron because he hesitated before slaughtering the girl he has a crush on? I really don't get what you guys are confused about...
“Money can't buy dere”
Aug 13, 2012 11:17 AM

Mar 2009
Okay, last few eps were very Gundam-esque and very good. They seemed to be trying way too hard this ep, trying to force that Gundam feeling. It just felt awkward.
This series is unique in the fact that some eps are fantastic, Gundam storyline, and some are just bad, forced comedy and drama.

Really just ready to get this over with so I can move on to Char's Counterattack and the OVAs that follow.

Urahara Out!!
Dec 20, 2012 5:39 AM

Jun 2012
Just when I thought Roux would become a new Bright, she does something retarded. Also, I thought Glemy was becoming more inteligent, but I think he still is this dumb guy.
Apr 27, 2013 10:32 AM

Oct 2009
Though i agree with Roux she was too harsh, dude just lost he's little sister for fucks sake!

I kinda feel like this is a excuse for Gelmy and Roux to get together :P
Feb 16, 2014 9:04 PM

Aug 2011
Wtf is wrong with Roux?
How did Beecha turn into one of the best characters and Roux into one of the worst ones in one fell swoop?
I don't understand. (Even Judau says he doesn't understand it in the intro for the next episode.)

I've been noticing that a lot of these characters are very haphazard and irrational.
Well, actually they are fairly decent and then in a matter of minutes they spiral out of control for no god damn reason
I bitch about this constantly because it keeps happening over and over again. That's one thing i'm just not feeling at all.

Won't give a pass just because it's the 80s either.

In other news, I liked it when Hyaku Shiki grabbed the core fighter.
standFeb 16, 2014 9:09 PM
Apr 14, 2014 2:19 PM

Sep 2011
this was a great episode and im really liking judau's character development as hes coming face to face with the horrors of war as well as the immediacy of his actions needed to help prevent more tragedy

on the flip side this episode showed how roux is easilly the worst gundam heroine yet and possibly the worst female character in the series with an unlikable and hypocritical personality and views as well as hindering what is otherwise a good section of storyline, she should be sentenced to a hundred bright slaps

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Jun 3, 2014 12:35 AM

May 2008
parfaited said:
Wtf is wrong with Roux?
How did Beecha turn into one of the best characters and Roux into one of the worst ones in one fell swoop?

I've been noticing that a lot of these characters are very haphazard and irrational.
Well, actually they are fairly decent and then in a matter of minutes they spiral out of control for no god damn reason
I bitch about this constantly because it keeps happening over and over again. That's one thing i'm just not feeling at all.

They have set up a way to end the Roux and Glemy plotline somehow. Plus, she hasn't had any character development...

Yeah, I agree with you. I've been noticing it since Zeta that characters act as the writer needs them to rather for any logical reason (or within their characterization). ZZ is just really obvious about its' bad characterization.
Dec 11, 2014 4:26 PM

Jul 2010
I'm having trouble for caring about any of these characters, I just find like 90% of them incredibly annoying and doing more stupid shit than any other Gundam I've watched so far. But I WILL try to finish this and just move on to Char's Counterattack because this is the worst.
Feb 5, 2015 8:13 PM

Jul 2009
Great episode!

Don't know what your complaining. Roux is just trying to remind Judau the realities of wars. Leina's death is sad, but if you can't move on and concentrate on the fight, many more deaths will come.

At least Judau didn't sulk for 3-5 episodes like Kamille and Amuro did.

Finally Puru admitted she can't replaced Leina, but she's willing to do anything to help Judau and in any way.

That's cheap of Mondo and Beecha using Roux like that. Of course Glemy being stupid almost got killed.

That Zeta music!!! Man the memories!!!

Can't wait for the next episode!
Aug 15, 2015 10:14 PM

Jan 2014
For the most part I'm on Roux's side.
While yea she's a bit harsh they are in a situation where they could be in battle at any time, a lot of people die in war and many are not going to get a couple hours of mourn time when a friend or family member dies.

I'm not surprised Roux ran away though, she gets treated like shit and no one ever listens to her, they just ignore her while doing their own stupid thing, I'd be frustrated too if I was her.

I'm also wondering how the hell Beecha and Mondo haven't been court marshaled yet, they betrayed the Argama twice(I think) and now they used their own comrade as a human shield. Like how the fuck do they get away with this shit?

Honestly I think every character in this show deserves a good bitch slapping.
Except for Haman she's cool ;)
Sep 11, 2015 1:49 PM
Jan 2015
Roux was being a bit too harsh for my taste so I really enjoyed Beecha and Mondo using her as a human shield. She needed to be taken down a few pegs.

Also found it strange she willingly ran off with Glemy when she seemed to be annoyed and put off by his constant persistence.
SAF88Sep 11, 2015 1:52 PM
Nov 27, 2015 12:31 PM

Sep 2008
I wonder if Roux is going to get killed in near future? :(

I hope not. She is cool. :)
May 22, 2016 4:19 PM

Jan 2014
What the hell is going on?

Roux has always had a short temper, but running away from her duties because she's mad with Judau grieving his sister or with Bitcha acting like a jerk makes 0 sense. She might be a bit of a hypocrite and hot-headed but she's always prioritized her duty over her own personal matters. The Glemy romance subplot is beyond ridiculous because they pretty much only talked once briefly and it was at a time when the show was literally a slapstick comedy: giving their relationship so much importance this far into the story feels cheap as fuck, to say the least. Speaking of cheap, why is Bitcha's (and by extension Mondo's) characterization suddenly taking a turn for the better and the writers have him worried about Aikido's well-being when only a few episodes ago he and his stupid partner in crime literally rigged their "friend"'s MS with bombs and never showed any sign of feeling remorse? Why is Puru still allowed to open her mouth?

Like parfaited and Sakarii said, the characterization and development of the main cast beside possibly Judau is just plain bad and unrealistic. At least the kids in Zeta were consistent in their idiocy.

It's a shame though: just when I was starting to praise the show for providing us with serious war drama, the stupidity that characterized the early episodes had to creep back in.
SapewlothMay 23, 2016 11:46 PM
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now!
Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
May 22, 2016 11:14 PM

Dec 2015
Beecha taking Judau's defense was absolutely unbelievable. Especially when it is clearly shown in the same episode that he is still true to himself (human shield "strategy")

Roux's way of acting about Judau is wrong in a sense but normal since she is a soldier and the eldest of the kids (only Judau is susceptible to grow up mentally above her). Too bad it is negated by her choice to run away instead of having the jerks reported to Bright (it's not like he cared anymore about their actions but it was worth a try).
Glemy's reaction proved me wrong: even after his gloomy conclusion last episode and his confidence in front of Haman, he's still the little blonde grunt he was at the beginning (but now he has a personal MS/MA and a high rank). But everything is perfect: only because of this bizarre episode, the girl and his "stalker" will finally be face-to-face, alone.
Funny enough, Glemy's subordinate see his incompetence.

Will the Argama hand Ple over for imprisonment?

Question: when I saw all those ships and the Qubeley back in Zeta, I thought the Axis Zeon had slowly rebuild an impressive military force. Now, I only see things (included heat weapons) who seem to come out of the One Year War and they don't look really effective compared to what the Federation had developed for the Titans or even the first beam weapons in 0079.

@mshea1213 Sorry to disappoint you, but Glemy's blind virgin attraction for Roux will be his most consistent trait until his end. ^^"
Rei_IIIJan 3, 2018 2:47 AM
Jun 22, 2017 1:43 PM
Jan 2017
Okay episode but these characters except Iino and maybe Judau at times have no sense of maturity they literally getting away constant stupid bullshit and full of angst for the sake of it and constantly being selfish screenplay Beecha and Mondo . Bright's gone soft and become enabler and punching bag for the crew.

Roux even though was harsh went about the wrong way, seems to be the only one truly mature to a degree so blame her, she's been getting increasingly having to put up with everyone's selfishness while she's the only "military trained" person in the Gundam Teams. Man I miss the Zeta team.

Glemmy character is literally just a white knight that his characterization and seen no real development
Temujin26SJun 22, 2017 1:52 PM
Nov 5, 2017 5:43 AM

Jul 2016
Very good episode, probably the best of ZZ till now.

Judau's recovered way faster than I thought... And I don't understand how he is not mad at Puru for what she said and for her behavior. I used to like her but she really crossed the line in the last episode.
Roux was really insensitive. So far into the series and I still don't know if I like her... But that's positive, it means she's a complex character, imo. I hope we will discover more about her and her way of thinking in the next episodes. Anyway, thanks to her for the first time I really liked Beecha (and almost liked Mondo)... I still don't get why they've not been punished for their betrayal or how everybody still trust them, though. Also, their tactic in battle was really reckless even if it paid off (but Roux was right to be angry).
Speaking of the battle, really liked that Toto lost his mobile suit! But I'd have liked it more if he didn't escaped the explosion probably, because I consider him one of the worst Gundam characters ever... The scene were he's abandoned in the desert though made me feel pity for him, I hoped for Roux to pick him up, lol.
Last thing, I liked the fact that this time the protagonists weren't able to save the situation, as the neo-zeon soldiers accomplished their mission before retreating... Less banal
Dec 31, 2017 6:44 AM

Jul 2016
SomaHeir said:

At least Judau didn't sulk for 3-5 episodes like Kamille and Amuro did.

Totally agree with this! And Kamille and Amuro's sulking was always around not wanting to fight because war was so cruel. They both finally came around, but we saw it drawn out over several episodes. With that said, I understand why Kamille and Amuro acted like that: they were kids. Judau really manned up in this episode.

Roux was totally out of fucking line considering his sister died only several hours ago. Why she was blasting him like that did not make any sense and was way over the top. Was nice to see Beecha stand up for the guy. Beecha using Roux as a shield was bold ass move, but the way she acted towards Judau.. I didn't mind it so much ;).

Glemy was turning into a heartless bad ass, but now he's turned back to his dweeb self in just one episode. Just get over Roux, dude. Plenty of other bitches out there.

And fuck Puru! By far the worst Gundam character in the entire franchise.
Feb 21, 2018 5:56 PM

May 2015

Wow, just when I thought that scumbag duo left all of their scummiest ways behind. At least Puru was brainwashed and has some side effect thus the reason why she is messed up because but Mondo & Beecha these m#ther*ckers are normal human beings they would make some good candidates for Titans, hope they get a scare so that they can change for real...
Sep 6, 2018 5:29 PM

Jun 2014
Roux has deserted! What will she do while alone with only that Core Fighter?

Mar 8, 2019 7:08 AM

Dec 2013
Roy_Focker said:

Wow, just when I thought that scumbag duo left all of their scummiest ways behind. At least Puru was brainwashed and has some side effect thus the reason why she is messed up because but Mondo & Beecha these m#ther*ckers are normal human beings they would make some good candidates for Titans, hope they get a scare so that they can change for real...

Yeah, they are kinda just mean for no reason whatsoever. Right now they are my least favorite characters but I'll wait to see if they will ever redeem themselves.
Apr 21, 2019 4:26 AM

Nov 2016
This episode cemented Judau as my favorite Gundam MC so far.

And I didn't mind Roux that much, sure, this is an extremely delicate matter and being sensitive would've been preferable from a personal perspective , but her point was valid. Furthermore, the environment demands a harsher tone rather than sugar coated words imo.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jan 1, 2020 11:58 PM
Feb 2018
Roux was being insensitive and annoying all episode. Judau lost his sister so recently and she's telling him to basically move on already. Then she runs away? These characters pale in comparison to Zeta or 0079 Gundam. 3/5
Jun 30, 2020 3:52 PM

Aug 2017
"We should be treating Elpeo Ple as a prisoner" - yeah Bright just about time, shouldn't have done that earlier.

And now Mondo said his full name for the first time. Again, during the launch, not in a casual conversation, which made dialogues in Zeta so weird.

What can I say about Beecha's tactics? xD Glemy fell onto his face hahaha.

Gotta appreciate that Tomino used a real location here.

I also should say that I enjoyed the infighting in this episode. It felt natural after Leina's death(?). Leaving a question mark because in the beginning Judau was saying that they didn't have enough time to search for her body, which looks like foreshadowing to me. I'm not sure if keeping her alive is a good idea though. Kinda conflicted about this.

Damn that Glemy's SCREAM my poor ears
St0rmbladeJun 30, 2020 3:59 PM
Aug 22, 2020 8:51 PM

Apr 2014
Roux has been annoying ever since she showed up tbh ... and everything that has happened so far is her fault all because she didnt killed the blonde haired guy smh.... and now we gotta waste eps on her running away while of course she takes the core for ZZ

some pretty annoying shit
"one step at a time"
Apr 9, 2021 7:55 AM

Aug 2017
Judau recovered faster than Kamille and Amuro, its better than wasting several episodes again with the same thing. I'm starting to like the drama in ZZ.
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We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Dec 15, 2022 1:45 PM
Dec 2015
It's strange that I supported Beecha in this episode: I think he was right about leaving Judau alone. Sure, he is a pilot, but Roux also abandoned her post going out alone against orders, so...
Mar 9, 2023 1:58 PM

Jan 2010
Yes Roux don't let the man grief his little sister and instead advocate him to lay more destruction and killing, that will do well. Excellent logic /s

Hope she doesn't come back lol

Apart from drama in this episode, I'm actually staring to enjoy ZZ these past few episodes though.
Sep 9, 2023 2:13 AM

Jul 2017
good, roux is starting to become annoying, like every gundam serie the girls at some point become slowly insufferable
''Touch the darkness inside me''
Jan 15, 2024 5:09 PM
Apr 2021
Oh boy, I'm worried about Judau. Leina's been his reason for living for seemingly most of his life, and she was his reason for fighting in this war too. Losing her suddenly like this is a much bigger gut punch than it would have been for someone like Kamille as well, since Kamille was steeped in loss since the beginning of Zeta, and the further losses just pushed him slowly over the edge. Speaking of which, using Riders in the Sky for Judau regaining his will to fight definitely doesn't seem like a good sign for his future. He may be back on his feet battle-wise, but it's fighting for fighting's sake, rather than for a goal like getting Leina out of the war. Fighting 'because it's the only way,' to end the war, is the trap Kamille fell into, and it led to his lack-of-self-preservation, cog-in-the-wheel mindset which basically got him killed.

Likewise, Puru taking on the role of Judau's little sister and reason for living is only a bandaid, and it's so unhealthily codependent it's basically guaranteed to lead to trouble later. I feel like this is definitely going to push them apart later, but man. It feels like they're both too naive to realize you can't just replace a person.

I don't think Roux is crazy for what she was saying this episode, although it's obviously not the right thing to say to someone who just lost their sister. It comes across as someone who's experienced plently of pain just like this, and has been bottling it up so she can keep serving unquestioningly. Feels good to get some more insight into Roux as a character, honestly. Her flying away at the end kind of seemed like some amount of guilt for what she said to Judau, although it's not fully clear her motivation yet. I wonder where she's going.
Mar 27, 2024 5:16 PM

May 2015
Judau is becoming more likeable character, sad that it has taken his sister's death for that development.

Roux is fine... I mean, everyone is on edge and can overreact from time to time. What is not fine are Beecha and Mondo still chronically doing some despicable shit and still treated as good guys for some reason, like wtf.

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