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Nov 20, 2015 12:55 PM

Sep 2009
Went into this with low expectations because I didn't want to get hyped for this and have it blow up in my face. I haven't even watched Digimon since Tamers. Besides a couple episodes of Frontier.

Overall, it wasn't bad. Probably could of been a bit better but the nostalgia really did kick in at certain points. Tai's problems did get a bit annoying through it, I knew he'd probably break out of it eventually but eh. Not my cup of tea though I see where they were coming from. Really enjoyed Mimi and Izzy in the movie so far.
Nov 20, 2015 12:56 PM

Mar 2015
Lil-Bird said:
Same here, I thought that was a neat addition. Probably because she needed a boost since she didn't become Angewomon at all, but I'm not complaining, it was cool to see.

Yeah there were few things that were cool to see. Other Digimon also looked very cool in action. That said, I think they might have concentrated too hard on how cool it will look instead of having something...more. I guess it's depth what I'm talking about. It was just so average IMO. Like, the only people who will like this are Digimon fans I think. I was hoping this could transcend that but, as things stand, that won't happen.
Nov 20, 2015 1:01 PM
Dec 2014
Pretty average to be honest. I was hoping for 1/4 introduction and rest adventure/action, instead I got 3/4 introduction/unnecessary scenes and 1/4 action (which wasn't even that great). Tai became a wuss and there was unnecessary drama with Matt.

Not gonna lie, with all the blushing to me it seems like the new girl got introduced just so they can pair up everyone and have happy ending.
Matt + Sora; Izzy + Mimi; Joe + his waifu pillow girlfriend; Kari + TK; Tai + the new girl.
Nov 20, 2015 1:04 PM

Apr 2013
BliuBliu said:
Yeah there were few things that were cool to see. Other Digimon also looked very cool in action. That said, I think they might have concentrated too hard on how cool it will look instead of having something...more. I guess it's depth what I'm talking about. It was just so average IMO. Like, the only people who will like this are Digimon fans I think. I was hoping this could transcend that but, as things stand, that won't happen.

No, I agree, but this is the first of six movies, it's just setting everything up. Things should be picking up by the next one, but I'm personally going to hold off on finding some holes in the story until we have four or five movies under our belt (or maybe after the third one comes out). Things have been set up, questions have been brought up, so we should expect getting answers sometime around the halfway point. I feel, though, we'll become really concerned when we're approaching the fifth movie and there's no sign of things being cleared up.
Nov 20, 2015 1:12 PM
Oct 2014
The Alpha vs Omega was awesome!
Nov 20, 2015 1:16 PM

Feb 2013
Oh man when Tai saw Matt and Sora together he instantly turned around STABSTABSTAB
Lol Joe saying he has a girlfriend even got Izzy to stop talking.
At first glance it kinda seems like Mimi has something for Joe but its Mimi no wayyy
IzzyxMimi all the way

I see people saying that Meiko is Tai's love interest and im what say wut?
I see her as Joe's girlfriend lol

"No sorry, I was just hungry."
Tai you're the best.
Lol when they made it so Tai and Matt went on the ferris wheel together hilarious
Mimi taking pictures of them too this girl 3 kawaii 5 me

When the orchestra version of digivolving song came on, ooof so epic.
Screw 02 kids I hope they dont have a role, I even like Meiko more and theres only like 10mins of her.
I enjoyed this.
Nov 20, 2015 1:16 PM

Mar 2015
Lil-Bird said:
No, I agree, but this is the first of six movies, it's just setting everything up. Things should be picking up by the next one, but I'm personally going to hold off on finding some holes in the story until we have four or five movies under our belt (or maybe after the third one comes out). Things have been set up, questions have been brought up, so we should expect getting answers sometime around the halfway point. I feel, though, we'll become really concerned when we're approaching the fifth movie and there's no sign of things being cleared up.

I really hope so. I'm still keeping my expectations low. I get this was meant for setting things up, but it still wasn't that interesting for me. If I wasn't a fan of Digimon, I'd think this was pretty bad to be honest. Oh well, glad you enjoyed it more.
Nov 20, 2015 1:32 PM

Jun 2011
Raydnt said:

I see people saying that Meiko is Tai's love interest and im what say wut?
I see her as Joe's girlfriend lol

People are saying that because she blushed when she stared at Tai. Now, what does that imply?
Nov 20, 2015 1:35 PM

Apr 2013
Theorder14 said:
Raydnt said:

I see people saying that Meiko is Tai's love interest and im what say wut?
I see her as Joe's girlfriend lol

People are saying that because she blushed when she stared at Tai. Now, what does that imply?

I took it that she recognized him, nothing more, nothing less (she moved into the same apartment complex, right?). Besides, they just barely started interacting with each other. I'm going to wait a few more movies before I decide whether to ship the two or not.
Nov 20, 2015 1:40 PM
Jul 2009
Lil-Bird said:
Theorder14 said:

People are saying that because she blushed when she stared at Tai. Now, what does that imply?

I took it that she recognized him, nothing more, nothing less (she moved into the same apartment complex, right?). Besides, they just barely started interacting with each other. I'm going to wait a few more movies before I decide whether to ship the two or not.

She was staring at him a few times. Right before she sat besides him in the classroom, and right after she split from Taichi's group at the end. She definitely seems to have an interest in him, though we still don't know if that interest is romantic or something else. Regardless, I can see why some people think there is potential for a pairing between her and Taichi.

Also, she can't be Jou's girlfriend because she just moved from Tottori.
1idd0kunNov 20, 2015 1:48 PM
Nov 20, 2015 1:41 PM

Mar 2015
*Sigh* Why do Digimon Adventure fans only care about shipping people? I'm out of this shit, m8. Too boring. Have fun...
Nov 20, 2015 1:42 PM
Jul 2009
Nov 20, 2015 1:57 PM

Apr 2014
Shit. This was so nostalgic

Not much to say but I'll wait until I've watched all the movies to make a full judgement. There were some derps in art and animation but that's to be expected. The Omegamon and Alphamon fight was pretty cool btw.
1idd0kun said:

I can see it happening.
Nov 20, 2015 2:04 PM

Aug 2011
BliuBliu said:
*Sigh* Why do Digimon Adventure fans only care about shipping people?

Don't you know that the second best option to resort to when you can't find love in real life is to ship fictional people?

Hikari x Takeru <333 Kyaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
Nov 20, 2015 2:07 PM

Sep 2014
...........knew this would happen.
So the main question isn't how cool will abu/gabu -mon evolution look or who the main villain is, it's who will get inside Sora's panties.
Whats wrong with you people?

Also they didn't show evolution scenes in episode 4, wtf.
Besides Butterfly and Brave Heart this wasn't digimon, it was a fucking highschool drama, which some people here obviously prefer.
3rgoNov 20, 2015 2:28 PM
Nov 20, 2015 2:13 PM
Oct 2014
It was also very interesting to see Huckmon too! Wonder what his purpose will be?
Nov 20, 2015 2:37 PM
Nov 2015
Yeoun said:
sooooooooooooooooooooo Dissapointed.......
Nov 20, 2015 2:38 PM
Jul 2009
The_Deceiver said:
...........knew this would happen.
So the main question isn't how cool will abu/gabu -mon evolution look or who the main villain is, it's who will get inside Sora's panties.
Whats wrong with you people?

Sorry people don't want to talk about what you want. That's life for you.
Nov 20, 2015 2:46 PM

Sep 2012
I'm kind of disappointed that they didn't show the full evolution for Omegamon.

You all say Taichi needs to man up, but none of you saying that probably knows what it's like to be the one that might take the life away from someone. It's not as easy as animes/movies/shows/video games make it out to be. The guilt from accidentally taking a life/multiple lives away? Innocent lives that have nothing to do with it? Get off your fucking high horses.

I'm on the same boat of saying that Taichi just moping around isn't going to solve anything. It'd probably be better off immediately fighting off the infected Digimon so less damage is caused. But he was a naive kid when he fought them the previous times in the real world. He's 17 now, so he's starting to see everything as a whole and not just bits and pieces of it. He's finally realizing the dangers of it all.

In the end, they probably could have handled his worries a bit better and save time for other things, like those evolution scenes for Omegamon. There was too many blank shots of Taichi's face and those flashbacks in that last episode. All that time could've been used for evolution scenes. >:Y

Friends are there to lend a hand when you can’t do something on your own. It’s not one person doing all the work protecting everyone, we help each other when in need. That’s what friends are for.
Nov 20, 2015 3:06 PM

May 2015
the nostalgia gave me shivers

and taichi just annoyed the hell out of me just do it dude !

and the service is quite strong

Nov 20, 2015 3:13 PM
Jul 2018
Tri is shit. Bland character animation, dull script writing, and introduction of the new character was unnecessary. Now I just pretending Tri is never existed. Toei ruining sequels since stone age.
removed-userNov 20, 2015 3:18 PM
Nov 20, 2015 3:19 PM

Oct 2015
Raydnt said:

Lol Joe saying he has a girlfriend even got Izzy to stop talking.
At first glance it kinda seems like Mimi has something for Joe but its Mimi no wayyy

"No sorry, I was just hungry."
Tai you're the best.

SERIOUSLY. What was that scene with Izzy talking and talking without realizing that everyones already making plans and discussing something else? But the fact Joe has a girlfriend caught his attention. Hilarious XDD
And btw I also thought that Meiko would be Joeys girlfriend, they do look good together but for me it was always Joe x Mimi

Taichi was the best. His behaviour regarding eating was the best ! "Oh sorry, can I eat that Sensei?" "You have already bitten into it" xDDD

And I do hope that the guys of season 02 arent dead. I was wondering what happened to them. I know that we already have this large group of protagonists but it'd be nice to at least see them somehow.

(Ps. That Teacher is too cool)
Nov 20, 2015 3:25 PM

Jan 2010
> "Gatomon" way to go, Crunchy...
> Joe = worst character on this movie
> Taichi bitching around the whole episode 4 deserved a good punch in the face

Aside from those points, it was a great nostalgia bomb. Can't wait for the next 4 episodes.

Also, Mimi BEST CHAR! Mimi x Izzy pls Toei. Or at least Hikari x Takeru. DON'T LET US DOWN ON THIS!
Nov 20, 2015 3:33 PM

Feb 2013
So what is Taichi afraid of killing dangerous monsters that literally respawn as eggs immediately after death?
Nov 20, 2015 4:10 PM

Jun 2008
I like the movie, but uh...what the hell happened to the 02 crew?! Clearly 02 happened, since TK is using the D-3 Digivice. So why do none of them mention them? Did Alphamon erase them from existence or something? TK was even on that "Worldwide Digidestined" site, yet not even an off-hand remark "maybe we should get Daisuke"?

Nov 20, 2015 4:56 PM

Dec 2014
They didn't even MENTIONED Daisuke and the others.

The four episode goes through what, 3 days? Their friends have been missing for THREE days and it's like nothing happened. Aren't Hikari and Takeru supposed to be in the same class as Daisuke? It just doesn't make any sense them not checking out with the rest of the kids to help out.

The 3D's are there, so wtf?

It was SO disappointing.

Bad pacing. Bag writing. Bad direction. Bad animation. Bad music direction.

Did we really need Meiko? What was the point?

The only good thing in this mess was Mimi. Her writing just saved it for me. And I kind of love the fact that they gave Tailmon status as a Champion level back. All the voices seem to be on point as well. Aside from Taichi's and Hikari's, I couldn't even tell they changed actors.
Nov 20, 2015 5:00 PM

Jun 2014
Alright so I just watched the first movie (aka the first 4 episodes) of Digimon Adventure Tri! OMG I loved it! Never watched Digimon before, but I am definitely gonna go back and watch the older animes. (Yeah I was more of a Pokemon person)

Don't know why everyone is bitching about the characters being so different from before. Do people not realize that they were 12 in the original and now they are teenagers? What person ever stayed the exact same way they were when they were kids? People change when they grow up and so do their personalities, their friendships and their lives!

Can't wait to see the next 4 episodes (aka Movie 2) next year!
So glad that I'm not a huge manga reader, because the manga readers WHINE WAY TOO MUCH and have to RUIN every adapted anime for the ANIME ONLY WATCHERS!
Nov 20, 2015 5:00 PM

Jun 2008
Hold up, was just made aware of this:

So the 02 kids do get another mention from the strange organization. Who are aware they are missing.

Yet the 01 cast doesn't say anything? It can't be laziness if they bothered to include this scene!

Nov 20, 2015 5:00 PM

Dec 2014
It was pretty good. Doesn't compare to the original, but still good. I really don't think they should've introduced a new character though. Well, whatever. I'm just glad the Digimon 02 kids seemed to have died or something lmao.
Nov 20, 2015 5:10 PM

Aug 2009
The best part, for me, was how they really seems more mature but, yet, the same person. I liked how Taichi/Tai and Yamato/Matt are still always fighting each other xD

Since I watched Adventure, I admit I never re-watched the series, so I forgot a lot of things, like, for me, Sora wasn't a love interest of Yamato..

That OST, though.. <3
Nov 20, 2015 5:16 PM

Feb 2013
gedata said:
So what is Taichi afraid of killing dangerous monsters that literally respawn as eggs immediately after death?

He is afraid that because the battles they might kill civilians.

Nov 20, 2015 5:23 PM

Oct 2015
The reason why this is still worth watching is mimi.
Nov 20, 2015 5:44 PM

Feb 2013
What to say...
Not sure what to ship for... Sora x Taichi? Sora x Yamato? Or Taichi x Yamato?

How could no one apart from Yamato notice that Alphamon was clearly no opponent for a bunch of Champion level Digimon? Quite a waste of Anime time. Sure Omegamon looked really cool but felt like fanservice. One might also ask why all the others didn't even try the Ultra level here.

I guess it was Alphamon who defeated Davis, Yolei, Cody and Ken in the opening sequence... Where are they though? Just somewhere in the Digiworld? Why? How? o__O
What I actually mean: Veemon is cool. Bring him back!

The soundtrack was awesome. They used all the familiar tracks... That felt really nostalgic.
Animation and CGI were nice to look at. The digivolution sequences looked especially awesome.
But the plot... Apart from destroying Odaiba multiple times nothing really happened. If this was a normal weekly Anime than that would've been okay. But for a movie it was really weak.
You know something is off when the only thing you keep wondering about is where the hell are the main characters from Adventure 02?
Nov 20, 2015 5:51 PM

May 2014
Digishit Adventure...
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Nov 20, 2015 5:57 PM

Jul 2013
Well, this was amazing, i seriously dont get people. i even dare to say i like the characters desing more.
Tai´s character arc was not a problem for me, and seemed logical, even explained, and his reasoning was not out of place, he is not a kid anymore, and he is not letting the rush of the moment blind him, Yamato IS right that Taichi needs to fight, that way they can avoid less damage that what alredy is being done, but is understandably he would pause and look at the sutiation, a lot of damage WAS done while Kuwagamon chased him after all. The whole thing about blaming the digimon and Taichi and co feeling over the situation really does gives a better light at Taichi´s decision over being a diplomat for the Digital World.
And really, Tai was not the problem in the movie, the real problem is actually the fact that despite having hard time they tried to contact Joe, but make no effort to get Daisuke and the others, how Tai is so sad that no one is going to his football game, but doesnt even thinks of the idea of calling Daisuke or company. The most offensive one being Takeru and Hikari, i mean, they are in the same year as Daisuke dint even remembered he existed. i know that maybe they will work on that on the future, but putting those scenes at the beginning to ignore them after that, yeah.
But other than that, i still loved this. It will be a 9/10 from me

This scene was awesome

Reymon698Nov 20, 2015 6:23 PM
Nov 20, 2015 6:10 PM

Nov 2011
its not quite digimon without yamato and taichi bitching at each other

nevermind sora x yamato/taichi from the look of this first part it seems taichi x yamato are destined for each other
earnshaw30Nov 20, 2015 6:52 PM

We're all Wednesday arent we?
Nov 20, 2015 6:27 PM

Mar 2012
it's nice... but idk if i would like it if it hadn't the nostalgia factor anyway
it was kinda boring anyway but at least it's better than the other sequels so yay and mimi is still the best character of the show
Nov 20, 2015 7:01 PM

Jun 2014
Izzy still textwalling in the middle of their argument made the movie for me.
Nov 20, 2015 7:15 PM

May 2013
I'm kinda disappointed, there were too many flaws in the movie. Anyways it feels so good to see taichi and the others again
Nov 20, 2015 7:16 PM
Aug 2010
Reymon698 said:
This scene was awesome


This scene tho...

Pretty good!

darkares said:
Hold up, was just made aware of this:

So the 02 kids do get another mention from the strange organization. Who are aware they are missing.

Yet the 01 cast doesn't say anything? It can't be laziness if they bothered to include this scene!

Two Iori Hida...
DuniaDeltzuNov 20, 2015 7:37 PM
Nov 20, 2015 7:43 PM

Jan 2013
Some people reviewed this badly because some evolutions didn't have animtion! What the actual f*ck?! The animations of evolution are first unrelated, because that takes up story development space for like 1 full minute and not having thos animations is cool. because that's fake. How it really happens is in a blink of the eye their bits and data mix up and transform into their advanced form. That's Digimon. I'm not a child anymore so I am so grateful that they only used the animations once for nostalgia's sake and no just do it like they should. Imagina if freeza from dragon ball z had a transformation sequence. C'mon guys, this is not sailor moon, and I really don't want this to continue being a typical childish cartoon. This is supposed to be a more serious and mature concept. I grew up so it's natural I want digimon to grow up. It grew up, that's awesome, how can someone criticize it on something it clearly improved on? Since when does evolution sequences are appealing? That's childish.
Nov 20, 2015 8:00 PM

Feb 2011
darkares said:
I like the movie, but uh...what the hell happened to the 02 crew?! Clearly 02 happened, since TK is using the D-3 Digivice. So why do none of them mention them? Did Alphamon erase them from existence or something? TK was even on that "Worldwide Digidestined" site, yet not even an off-hand remark "maybe we should get Daisuke"?

I feel better after reading that I'm not the only one who found that weird, you can see Hikari's for a second as well. Tri is supposed to take place in a timeline where 02 never happened (or that's what I had read in the past) but then why do them both have the D-3 digivice?

Since we can see the name of the others in the beginning and all, I think (and I hope) we'll know more in the next OVAs. It's not necessary to put a screen showing everyone's names if we are not going to know more about what happened to those whose location is unknown. I mean, that is directly connected with the antagonist and the reason why all those digimon are going to earth now.
Pop bites itself.
Nov 20, 2015 8:21 PM

Jul 2013
xsayux said:
[Tri is supposed to take place in a timeline where 02 never happened

This was never confirmed and the at least 2 scenes make clear 02 did happened, but yeah, its still pretty damn weird no one would even think of calling them for assitance, hell, it could have only been at the beginning with Tai asking for them to go to the soccer game and just that would have been fine.
Nov 20, 2015 8:37 PM

Jun 2011
I was more pissed off about Jo not doing anything over Taichi's wangst.

Actually his wangst is there to segue in his personality for 02. He wasn't exactly Mr. Cool Leader there either. So yeah, not really their fault when the source sequel established that characterization. Oh and you know, for the fujoshit to draw more risque art of Taichi x Yamato because why the hell not?

Animation was really subpar despite them delaying and hyping it up. I assume they've had production issues and it shows. Very, very choppy animation, awkward shots, primitive CGI (lol the digivolutions) etc. I'm not a snooty film snob, but I can tell the overall product is unpolished. Hopefully they improve this for the BD release.

The music was the best out of this movie. Glad they brought back Butter-fly, Brave Heart and I Wish and updated it for Tri. They were clearly aiming for nostalgia which is a nice treat as a welcome back to the Digital World. Major props.

Overall, I wouldn't say it's bad, but can't say I was totally wowed either. Still an enjoyable watch, if not for seeing the whole gang back again.
AhegyaoNov 20, 2015 8:58 PM
I wish Cowboy Bebop never existed.
Nov 20, 2015 8:41 PM
Bunnies 🍓

Jan 2013
I return feels trip to the nostalgic show most of us grew up watching. Nice to see Kuwagomon back. Like Greymon said, he was sure stronger, a lot stronger than when he faced him back in the Digi World. Kuwagomon took them fire ball blasts like they were nothing. I wonder why Taichi didn't tell Agumon to Digivolve to MetalGreymon at least, it appeared like Kuwagomon was slightly stronger than Greymon.

One thing I noticed was Kari didn't have her new Digivice and Gatomon didn't evolve to Neferimon. She just stayed in her base form.

Davis and friends got taken out too easily. Aren't Vemon+Wormon able to reach the level of like Omnimon when they combine their power?

Also, Alphamon is said to be one of the Royal Knights, no wonder it was so strong.

Nov 20, 2015 9:17 PM

Jul 2012
The show wasn't a masterpiece but other than a few nuisances it was a decent anime.

The Good

The Neutral

The Bad

Can I just say that I hope Izzy's American friend is Willis from Colorado and I hope that it is a nod to the movie. The hype and nostalgia is real. Can't wait for the rest of the series.
Nov 20, 2015 9:19 PM

Mar 2014
Daisuke lot died, is that why Taichi is like that
Nov 20, 2015 9:20 PM

Oct 2008
To me, this movie is not about the plot at all. That's still being set up. This movie is a reunion. As the title aptly puts. It updates the world and gives us a new look at the characters, the Digimon, the evolutions, the fights. That's all I wanted. That's all I need.

They still have plenty of time to set up the plot (for those who care about such things).
Nov 20, 2015 9:31 PM

Jun 2013
Clash of two Royal Knights!
Omegamon showed he is the most poweful digimon and force Alphamon runs away.
Can't wait for their re-match. Omegamon is always my favourite digimon.
ryanstrikeNov 20, 2015 9:38 PM
Nov 20, 2015 9:40 PM

Jul 2013
AMAZING. People kept dreading the horrors of this sequel so I went in with no expectations but I loved it! Even the new girl Meiko is likable and I can roll with her as a new Chosen Child.

Taichi's characterization I thought was great. Yeah it was annoying, and I sided with Yamato the whole time...and the fact that he just saw some crushed cell phone made it seem melodramatic, but worrying about inadvertently hurting others is legitimate. I thought he was a good blend of himself from 01 and matured sensibility through aging. He's still fun-loving and go-getter Taichi, he's just more conscientious because he's learned to think of others more as he's grown up. Even in the first season he kind of learned to do that. Honestly I thought his character was portrayed better here than in 02. I'm glad the drama didn't last long though and he resolved to fight for the sake of protecting everyone! That Taito bonding at the end of the 4th ep. <3

Koushiro's crush on Mimi is for me because it's the one couple I never shipped despite being a multishipper. But I find his personality more enjoyable now than in the past so I can roll with it. I find myself liking him more here - they did a good job with him imo. He's still analytical, but not as robotic. Although the scene where everyone is having a separate conversation while he's still talking was funny LOL. sunshine my angel my QUEEN. She looks so good and I loved her character. She's got that spunk back from 01 that I felt got kind of downplayed in 02. Her design...her personality...everything is perfect. I get so hyped whenever I see her. I can't believe she's only a 1st year - I didn't realize she was younger than the main trio.

Jyou had a smaller role here. Exam stress must be rough and it's like him to worry like that, but at the same time I hope he comes back to the group soon. I want to see Gomamon evolve! I'm sure he will during the next movie/set of episodes. Didn't expect him to have a girlfriend lol. I thought this scene was hilarious:

Meiko I enjoyed. Her character didn't get an overwhelming amount of screentime, and you can tell while she may be a point in the plot the movie centers around the original 8 kids and their new adventures in high school. Her Digimon is cute and the design doesn't seem as over-the-top as I thought when I saw the initial design. And while she seems timid, she doesn't seem spineless given the way she stood up to Alphamon. I just hope she's a standalone character and not an inserted love interest for Taichi.

And wow the revamped OST!! I think the I Wish ending is my favorite...I need to download it ASAP. And I had just wiped Brave Heart and Butterfly from my library while cleaning up my data...but now I want to download the new versions because they sound so good! Whenever they play I get hit with nostalgia.

Hopes for the future...hopefully Meiko remains just a new character and not a love interest. I want to see the other Perfect/Ultimate Digimon! Seeing MetalGreymon and WereGarurumon for 2 seconds was cool and all...but I want to see the other ones. Maybe even their megas! With Agumon and Gabumon...I feel like Omegamon will be the main Digimon battling but who knows. In the original it was mainly WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon so maybe it will be the same...I wouldn't mind seeing them some more. I just know I have to see Lilimon and Angewomon! My two faves. <3

The art style I really first thought was "I love Tsuritama" lol. But I really do love it! I just wish the animation quality was better...the fights are great but I feel like some other things I saw moved too slow or seemed a little choppy. So hopefully that gets fixed later on.

Good start. I'm giving this a 9/10. :) I LOVE DIGIMON
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