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Rokka: Braves of the Six Flowers (light novel)
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Aug 23, 2015 4:59 PM

Sep 2013
Am I the only one that hates chamo?
There's no magical spell to save someone's life.
Aug 23, 2015 5:01 PM

Nov 2014
KageNoAbisu said:
ttcchen said:

The heroes were chosen due to their ability, their strength, and their will to defeat the Demon God. Whether they are crazy or annoying doesn't matter. The goddess of fate only chose strong people. Besides, Chamo gained that "disgusting" power when she was seven. Can you imagine how much of an effect that can have on a child? Besides, seeing how strong she is, I bet she had been trained vigorously to reach her current level. Which means she has to puke everyday. Plus, she said that all these kyomas were beings she had consumed. Can you imagine a kid having to do that? All these elements probably made her "insane" and "blood-lusty." And I remember in one episode, she said she joined a tournament and accidentally killed her opponents. It's impossible for a kid to be mentally "normal" after having such a strong power.

Oh, I knew how they were chosen, that comment was just rant and not seriousness. And I do see your point, but Adlet went through hell and back as a kid as well and I don't see him itching to torture and kill people.

That's true.
Aug 23, 2015 5:01 PM
Nov 2007
ViciLockhart said:
Neji said:

W And only one brave had time to setup the trap and open the temple without breaking it. Mora!. She came in first and picked up the key. Her position gave her insight into everything in regards the temple (she shared in one of episodes) and nobody else could have done it. Other braves lacked knowledge of the temple details and didn't have opportunity (the key). Mora comes first picks up the key and opens the temple. She uses the key so all is good and then she closes the temple (nobody stated that the temple can't be closed with the key). She waits for the braves to arive and plants the fiend to trick one of them. Opening of the temple door would have been the sign to turn on the fog. She goes waits for Hans buys herself alibi which Adlet takes the fall. I don't know how they are going to solve the closed room puzzle, but this is the only logical conclusion I came up. Also as Adlet stated that pairing them up might be a ploy to kill more Braves. Pairing was Maura's idea and she selected Flamy (the one who is very sympathetic to Adlet) There are more hints but I might be overthinking it. Let me know what you think guys.

All cool but Mora was with Hans all the time;p

NO she wasn't she arrived the first one and picked up the key. The soldier says that. She waited and the first one was Hans which gave the alibi. She had plenty of time to do it while she was waiting for Hans.
Aug 23, 2015 5:07 PM

Nov 2014
I still thinking is Nashetania the 7th since episode 4.
Aug 23, 2015 5:17 PM

Nov 2014
Neji said:
ViciLockhart said:

All cool but Mora was with Hans all the time;p

NO she wasn't she arrived the first one and picked up the key. The soldier says that. She waited and the first one was Hans which gave the alibi. She had plenty of time to do it while she was waiting for Hans.

they said you can't close the door once it's opened. Meaning it will remain opened, nothing can close it.
That's why many people were complaining why make a door that can't be closed once opened.
Aug 23, 2015 5:18 PM

Mar 2010
Epicenter said:
I hope Chamo is somewhat playing mind games and not fully serious, I mean I really sort of liked her and it'd be a bit unlikeable if she really decided to kill everyone one by one until she found the culprit to let them out by death just because she's bored of waiting. I understand that as a last resort, and maybe she can defeat the demon god by herself, but boredom and so soon is ridiculous.

Dude she is a kid who is noted for usually doing what she wants because nobody has the power to restrain her. Mora is the only person she listen to unless you prove to be stronger than her.
Aug 23, 2015 5:32 PM

Sep 2012
Glad we got some more information this episode. So about the seventh, in my opinion:

1) Adlet is clear since we've seen it from his point of view and he proved himself to Hans in a way that could have very well led to his downfall. The theory about him being chosen by the demon or something would be absurd because he's not OP strong or anything - he's a trickster, ninja-esque MC. Definitely not our MC. And he took a hostage to escaped to buy him some time. They were basically about to kill him, and he couldn't figure out how to prove his innocence, so he got the hell out of there. Desperate move, but not at all unreasonable in his situation.

2) Hans is also clear as of this episode. He could have killed Adlet easily, but rather he tried to find out whether Adlet was the seventh or not through the illusion. Very thorough. He also doesn't know how to activate the barrier, it seems. I'm 99.9% sure it's not him. And it would be way too obvious.

3) Doesn't seem to be Fremy. They already explained it in the anime. I really doubt it's her. Her reason seems too legit, and with all the suspicion towards her, it would be pretty anticlimactic if it were her. Just doesn't seem likely. She's pretty honest too. I can't be positive it's not, but it's certainly doubtful. Tentatively cleared

4) Chamot is somewhat suspicious. But she's a brat - a violent brat. She doesn't have the patience to plan such a thing; though perhaps her powers could be useful for such a thing. Not sure of the extent of her capabilities though, so who knows? If she's a fake, then she's not the only one. I'd bet if she were, then Maura is also. My bet is that it's not Chamot though. Probably. Still suspicious though. Not cleared completely, but unlikely.

5) Goldov is suspicious. Kind of. Not very much though. If he were the seventh, then it would be to protect the princess. But with the whole jealousy thing, it seems that he wasn't quick to blame Adlet out of self-preservation, but simply out of jealousy. I was thinking that it could have been a bit of both, but I don't think so. He's still fairly suspicious though. Not cleared.

6) Maura is pretty suspicious. She knows the most about the seal and about other Saints. We don't know her powers yet as the Saint of Mountains (and I'm not going to spoil myself on it no matter how much I want to). She's pretty much the most trusted out of all of them, which makes her more suspicious. Who knows what she could be up to? Her position makes it hard to question her. Not cleared.

7) Last, but not least comes Nashetania. Also suspicious. She's quick to blame Hans - not thinking clearly, of course. She's a sheltered princess, who wanted to leave her kingdom and explore. Her reasons for being the fake would not be evil most likely (though she could be a yandere type, so maybe crazy). She should have either left Adlet behind or killed him on the way though. But she is just 18. I think she just developed attraction toward him, and didn't think clearly. She thought he was interesting, so she helped him escape. Not sure how she planed on dealing with the seven Braves instead of six if she is the fake. She could have not thought it through, and planed on blaming the most seemingly suspicious character(s): Flemy and then Hans. Furthermore, she is the Saint of Swords. We don't know the limits of her ability. Maybe she could have put the sword in without unlocking the chamber. The chance is there. Probably. Definitely not cleared.

Therefore, the most suspicious are Nashetania and Maura with Goldov as a close third. I'd say Adlet, Hans, and Fremy are clear, while Chamot is unknown.

Otherwise, I loved the Adlet vs Hans battle and the resulting bromance. The chemistry between them was my favorite part of the episode. They're similar in a way. Not OP, agile, crafty and more roundabout fighters in a sense. I mean, they have their differences, but they're kind of in a way cut from the same mold. Well, Hans is a genius, nimble assassin, while Adlet is a hardworking, tricky ninja. But in the end, they both got strong by their own means unlike the Saints, and they seem more down to Earth than the young and smitten with the princess to the point of relative annoyance Goldov. Goldov is the prideful, subservient soldier, while Hans and Adlet work by their own means, for their own means pretty much. That's how I see it.

The cliffhangers are slowly killing me though. These episodes are ending way too fast for me. This isn't even my favorite of the season and I started it pretty late (this past Friday), but it's very interesting to me. I'm enjoying it a lot even if the quality of it isn't that high.
vanellabean11Aug 23, 2015 5:53 PM

"It's a conversation through instruments. A miracle that creates harmony. In that moment, music transcends words." - Miyazono Kaori
"Laziness is the mother of all bad habits. But ultimately she is a mother and we should respect her." - Nara Shikamaru
"You think you're special? You're not. Everyone lies, everyone hides things... Nobody makes it through this life being completely honest." - Orihara Izaya
Aug 23, 2015 5:39 PM

Jul 2009
Zefyris said:

They didn't run out of patience really. Hans made pretty good points that were all backed up by Mora. Then Goldof let his jealousy talk and Adlet took a hostage which convinced Mora completely as well.

Personally I don't think the reason why Mora believes Adlet to be completely guilty is fair. If he was really guilty he wouldn't just take Fremy as a hostage, he would have just killed her. He had enough time to stick a needle into her to put her to sleep, he could have just slit her throat, especially considering she was more trusting of him. For the 7th, the whole point is the lessen the amount of heroes. Mora isn't being fair. He needed to take a hostage to escape that sitation.
Aug 23, 2015 6:22 PM
Jul 2014
I really liked the stuff with Hans, though I think the hallucination thing was just an excuse to shock the audience more than offer much of a satisfying conclusion to the conversation. He could have gotten the same results by merely feinting before delivering the killing blow.

The stuff with Chamot though... like, I dunno, her power is ridiculous. I'm really interested in learning how a marksman who has the ability to control bullets was unable to kill a 14 year old girl who relies on summons to fight. I was really expecting something else from her I guess, something that could realistically explain how a bullet to the head wouldn't be sufficient to kill her.

2) Hans is also clear as of this episode. He could have killed Adlet easily, but rather he tried to find out whether Adlet was the seventh or not through the illusion. Very thorough. He also doesn't know how to activate the barrier, it seems. I'm 99.9% sure it's not him. And it would be way too obvious.

Just to add to this, Adlet stated the previous episode that everyone is in danger because they are paired up and that any one of them could kill the other and pin the blame on Adlet. This logic directly supports the theory that Hans is not the seventh, as choosing to remain alone does nothing for him in the scenario where no one is killed by someone else. He cannot kill a pair because it would indirectly implicate himself(I think everyone accepts that Chamot would not require subtlety to kill the rest of them, so it wouldn't be her) and he can't kill Adlet because it would reveal he isn't the seventh. The only hole here is if he is set-in-stone paired with Chamot and he knows he can't assassinate her. Then his decision to go down this route makes some sort of sense.
Aug 23, 2015 6:31 PM

Feb 2011
Inugirlz said:
Zefyris said:

They didn't run out of patience really. Hans made pretty good points that were all backed up by Mora. Then Goldof let his jealousy talk and Adlet took a hostage which convinced Mora completely as well.

Personally I don't think the reason why Mora believes Adlet to be completely guilty is fair. If he was really guilty he wouldn't just take Fremy as a hostage, he would have just killed her. He had enough time to stick a needle into her to put her to sleep, he could have just slit her throat, especially considering she was more trusting of him. For the 7th, the whole point is the lessen the amount of heroes. Mora isn't being fair. He needed to take a hostage to escape that sitation.

If volume 2 is animated after this one, you will actually learn Maura's reasoning and its actually quite valid. Its a shame but theres a lot of small things this one season wont touch on that may be headscratchers for others but is elaborated very thoroughly in the books. Even the irrational actions and words of some characters is explained.
Aug 23, 2015 6:40 PM
Dec 2012
how are they going to finish this series at 12 episodes either make it 24 or rushed ending or cliff hanger
Aug 23, 2015 6:42 PM

Feb 2015

Always like the fight scene choereography in this show and that Adlet vs Hans fight was well-done.
Hans has an interesting way of figuring out the truth and I thought he really killed Adlet.

Chamot pukes a lot for someone so tiny. I never liked her but at least she has the skills to back up her threats.

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Aug 23, 2015 7:04 PM

Apr 2014
somehow this episode convince me to cheer demon lord team die human foolish Yussha who want to fight between themselve.
Aug 23, 2015 7:20 PM

Jan 2008
Oh dam, Chamot's ability was way off what I was thinking. Rofl.
Aug 23, 2015 7:50 PM
Mar 2014
animefan8800 said:
best girl Maura

Rinth said:
Every opinion is not equal. Some opinions are simply made out of shit.

nasuverse > your favorite anime
Aug 23, 2015 7:58 PM
Nov 2007
ttcchen said:
Neji said:

NO she wasn't she arrived the first one and picked up the key. The soldier says that. She waited and the first one was Hans which gave the alibi. She had plenty of time to do it while she was waiting for Hans.

they said you can't close the door once it's opened. Meaning it will remain opened, nothing can close it.
That's why many people were complaining why make a door that can't be closed once opened.

I re watched the episode and you are right, however my last thing is that Huns never uses keys so that is why he thinks the door will not be closed, but if the key is used it might be able to be closed. I do see the point and now I am even more intrigued.
Aug 23, 2015 8:03 PM

Feb 2010
by the time they find the 7th the demon god will have destroyed everything the easiest solution would be to find a way out then find the 7th by going into the demon land whoever does not get protection from the lands poison would be the fake right?
"among monsters and humans, there are only two types.
Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others." -Alice
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” David Hume
“Evil is created when someone gives up on someone else. It appears when everyone gives up on someone as a lost cause and removes their path to salvation. Once they are cut off from everyone else, they become evil.” -Othinus

Aug 23, 2015 8:16 PM

Sep 2013
Lots of BS from this episode a most of it from Hans and his idiotic dialogues. Chamot's power is pretty unique albeit disguting.

Im getting a feeling they will use The Terminator's plot twist where they erased the main's memory to infiltrate the humans.
"I have been wielding a blade since before your were swimming around your father's scrotum." - Kurou
Aug 23, 2015 8:25 PM
Apr 2011
Well, since the anime doesn't display the thoughts of the 7th for obvious reasons, the 7th is actually extremely psychotic. In the novel, during the hunt for Adlet, the 7th often thought with pleasure about what the faces of the other Braves would be like when Adlet turns out to be a real Brave after he gets killed. The 7th then thinks about how lovely it would be when they slaughter each other from suspicion. So, whoever the 7th is, don't even try justify their actions, no matter who they may be.

Looking forward to the next episode so much, the number one couple will be born.
Aug 23, 2015 8:30 PM

Aug 2014
That bromance Adlet & Hans !!

If Evangelion were Rokka no Yuusha the seventh would be Shinji.
Aug 23, 2015 8:34 PM

Jan 2012
omfgplzstop said:
animefan8800 said:
best girl Maura


Yup :D Well best looking imo anyway. :D
Aug 23, 2015 8:42 PM

Apr 2015
Xynic said:
I'm getting a feeling they will use The Terminator's plot twist where they erased the main's memory to infiltrate the humans.

I doubt that.
Aug 23, 2015 8:52 PM

Mar 2010
Inugirlz said:
Zefyris said:

They didn't run out of patience really. Hans made pretty good points that were all backed up by Mora. Then Goldof let his jealousy talk and Adlet took a hostage which convinced Mora completely as well.

Personally I don't think the reason why Mora believes Adlet to be completely guilty is fair. If he was really guilty he wouldn't just take Fremy as a hostage, he would have just killed her. He had enough time to stick a needle into her to put her to sleep, he could have just slit her throat, especially considering she was more trusting of him. For the 7th, the whole point is the lessen the amount of heroes. Mora isn't being fair. He needed to take a hostage to escape that sitation.

He need a hostage to escape in the first place. Killing her would just means he would die next after losing his leverage. If Adlet was 7th than keeping the heroes in the barrier as long as possible should be his priority, hence his action makes more sense here because if he dies then the barrier is gone.

Furthermore Fremy doesn't trust, she just not entirely convinced he's the 7th.
Aug 23, 2015 9:03 PM

Oct 2008
Goldov or Maura.
Goldov just wants to tag along princess not being strong enough to be chosen so fake his way made all this drama....
Maura prob made up rule for barrier hiding something?why is she the only oldest saint alive?
Aug 23, 2015 9:06 PM

May 2015
That fight with Hans was really intense. So unexpected at first because I didn't suspect him as 7th and then again unexpected with how it turned out to be an illusion.
For now the most suspicious are Nashetania and Maura. It seems like Nashetania just knows that Adlet isn't fake because she is the fake herself? But she somehow got attached to Adlet and doesn't want him to be killed or needs him as a part of her plan. Maura was just too adamant trying to persuade Fremy to kill Adlet... very suspicious.
Aug 23, 2015 9:17 PM

Dec 2014
Can they make Rokka no Yuusha 1 hour per episode.!?!? :)
The suspense is killing me. XD
(Also for Overlord and Gate jieitai.)

Hmmm can't they subdue Chamo?
Killing her though might be difficult and might worsen Adlet's situation...
(Cool power.)
Aug 23, 2015 9:28 PM

Jan 2014
Huge improvement in animation. That was a great fight between Adlet and Hans!

I imagined Chamo's power to be a bit more.... disgusting. But overall, a great adaptation.

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Aug 23, 2015 9:43 PM
Sep 2014
Omg guys this is really starting to remember to me, susumiya haruhi 2nd season. Really how more episodes are they gonna be like this?

Also im freaking out like the 1/2 of this fucking anime will be trying to escape from there? And guess what, i've already imagine that they were trapped like months so when they go out they will see that the fucking demon king had conquered all (it is my guess no spoilerino) but really guys how many episodes are they gonna be there?
Aug 23, 2015 9:43 PM

Aug 2013
omfgplzstop said:
animefan8800 said:
best girl Maura


What ? Can't handle the truth ?
Aug 23, 2015 10:03 PM
Aug 2015
Come check out my Post video on youtube!
Aug 23, 2015 10:09 PM

Dec 2010
...needs more episode !!!
Aug 23, 2015 10:53 PM

Jun 2015
Finally got to see Chamo's disgusting abilities this episode. She annoys me D:
At least Im glad its now known that Adlet isn't the 7th Brave.

Aug 23, 2015 11:47 PM
♡( •ॢ◡-ॢ)✧˖° ♡

Dec 2014
The last three episodes feel like 5 mins, didn't feel like 20 mins show at all. Such magic this show has.

(っ◔◡◔)っ 𝓘 𝔀𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓪 𝔀𝓸𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻𝓯𝓾𝓵 𝓭𝓪𝔂 ♥
Aug 23, 2015 11:57 PM

May 2015
chamot you disgusting little critter
Aug 24, 2015 12:02 AM

Nov 2014
hazerddex said:
by the time they find the 7th the demon god will have destroyed everything the easiest solution would be to find a way out then find the 7th by going into the demon land whoever does not get protection from the lands poison would be the fake right?
it doesn't work that way. They don't know how to deactivate the barrier, so their only way is to find the seventh and kill him/her because the barrier would deactivate if the activator is killed. Also, the demon God would be fully awaken 30days after the heroes get their mark. Meaning in the mean time, the demon God won't do anything. The heroes have 30 days to get to the demon and kill it. That's why the seventh trapped the heroes in the barrier so they can't kill he demon God while it's still weak.
Aug 24, 2015 12:15 AM

Apr 2012
I'm convinced it is either Mora or Nashetania. They both seem manipulative. Mora asserting her position as the leader of the group and doesn't seem as negotiative/ diplomatic no more.

There is just something off with Nashetania, and I find her more suspicious than Mora. Her suspicion just grows every week as the suspect list is thinning itself out. Though I don't have hard evidence for it, her concern for Adlet doesn't seem very genuine. Her unexplained fainting spell makes it look like she was trying to sell herself off as an innocent damsel in distress. By putting herself as the only person that seemingly trusted Adlet, she puts herself in a very safe spot away from suspicion. In a hypothetical situation where Adlet is killed or vindicated , she herself will seem like the least suspicious person out of the group because she was the only one advocating for him. There's no reason for her to openly turn on Adlet especially when everyone else is seemingly willing to do the dirty work of disposing him. Even her conversation with Goldof appears pre-meditated because he can vouch for her unbending support for Adlet. Her displeasure of his behavior, just reins in his loyalty to her.

Hans looks like a trustworthy person even if he engages in unscrupulous activities after his exchange with Adlet. I really thought Adlet was dead for a second there LOL. Got trolled. Chamot just gives 0 fucks about who it is and is just bored out of her mind lol. Goldof looks like he is just genuinely jealous and suspicious of Adlet.

Aug 24, 2015 12:18 AM

Nov 2009
Arcos said:
Wait didn't the other OP Fire Saint disappier a month ago (without being killed by Fremy?) Wasn't she the "boss Saint" until then? What if Maura killed her to become the highest saint so no one would think she is the seventh?

No, the OP Saint of the Sun has retired many years ago, giving her position to Mora, and went missing 1 month ago.

omfgplzstop said:
animefan8800 said:
best girl Maura


Mora is quite attractive, if you're into older women.
For starters, she's sane, for a Brave. Second, her breasts are the biggest. Third, her dress is rather stylish and actually makes sense.

ShinLore said:
Goldov or Maura.
Goldov just wants to tag along princess not being strong enough to be chosen so fake his way made all this drama....
Maura prob made up rule for barrier hiding something?why is she the only oldest saint alive?

There is no reason to think Mora is the oldest saint alive. The title of the head of all temples doesn't go to the oldest saint (though Chamo isn't getting it any time soon).
Mora is just the oldest saint among the braves, she's actually rather young, probably around 30 years old.

CJKDR said:
Zefyris said:

It has already been said, chamo can dig the hole herself. Fremy said episode 6 that she can tunnel through the floor. Her pets can tunnel easily. The problem is that, she cna tunnel, but she cannot put back easily things in place after creating a hole so she would leave behind her huge evidences of having gone through the ground.

Ok, let me rephrase thanks to your guidance:
Chamo + Someone that can fix holes.

In other words, Chamo + Mayan/Aztec Construction Worker. Mystery solved.

So, Chamo ate a whole construction crew? She just became a bit more insane with that.

JUMP-Senshi said:
How is Chamo so OP, I really don't get it? Aren't the powers bestowed with the yuusha supposed to be equal to each other?

Saint powers aren't equal (saints of salt or seals are unlikely to win a fight with more martial saints), and the actual power of a saint depends not only on the name of her power, but on the saint's talent (which Chamo has a lot of) and training.
Non-saints don't get any guarantees about how good they're gonna be. They can only say that they are the best warriors available.

Neji said:
ttcchen said:

I re watched the episode and you are right, however my last thing is that Huns never uses keys so that is why he thinks the door will not be closed, but if the key is used it might be able to be closed. I do see the point and now I am even more intrigued.

That's something I totally missed, thank you!

hazerddex said:
by the time they find the 7th the demon god will have destroyed everything the easiest solution would be to find a way out then find the 7th by going into the demon land whoever does not get protection from the lands poison would be the fake right?

Basically, they can't leave the barrier of fog (not to be confused with the barrier of salt protecting just the temple). Otherwise, they would've just went ahead and thought about the 7th on their way.
And their best option of leaving the barrier is to find the 7th and either kill him/her, or make them dispel the barrier.

kyled00m said:
Idea:I wonder if it's possible for fiends to posses the dead bodies of humans. Imagine possessing the dead body of a brave... You would have a mark from the goddess and look just like any other brave...

Doesn't seem impossible. But there are only 6 braves, where would the 7th come from in this case?
Aug 24, 2015 12:27 AM

Nov 2009
Can anybody explain how does this "hypnosis" work? Isn't Hans supposed to be a mundane person?

Zefyris said:
That's a... somewhat very interesting take on Chamo's juuma. Very far away from what I imagine them anyway. xD
Although I wanted to see chamo ridding her favorite giant slug. I also hoped to see the "smart mouse scout" too since it was definitely there, but we just heard the noise from it (that was definitely the first noise they heard when it was getting away).

Agreed on juuma's new look being completely unexpected. It took me by surprise as much as mesoamerican setting.
(in the novels, they're supposed to look pretty much the same as kyouma (demons), I think)
I don't dislike their new look. At least, it decreases the eww-ness of her powers.

trannon1 said:
Well, since the anime doesn't display the thoughts of the 7th for obvious reasons, the 7th is actually extremely psychotic. In the novel, during the hunt for Adlet, the 7th often thought with pleasure about what the faces of the other Braves would be like when Adlet turns out to be a real Brave after he gets killed. The 7th then thinks about how lovely it would be when they slaughter each other from suspicion. So, whoever the 7th is, don't even try justify their actions, no matter who they may be.

Looking forward to the next episode so much, the number one couple will be born.

Actually, we don't know if it is really what the 7th thought, or just said to increase dramatic tension.
Aug 24, 2015 12:55 AM

Feb 2014
Everyone guessing who the seventh is..

To me, Maura commanding Flamie to kill Adlet no matter what and Chamot attacking straight off the bat are most suspicious. Ugh, I'm curious what Adlet wanted to ask Chamot.
Aug 24, 2015 1:03 AM

May 2012
Ever since the first time they were looking for the 7th, I've set my eyes on Maura. She's too suspicious.
Aug 24, 2015 1:14 AM
Oct 2014
Best episode yet.

This one gives me hope that the anime will live up to at least some of our expectations. For the first time, the dialogues are well-written and do not feel dragged anymore. Whenever somebody says something, it makes perfect sense. The chemistry between Adlet and Hans is also pretty interesting.

Animation has significantly improved. Even the CGI monsters created from Chamot's vomit looks OK now.

The only issue is still the pacing. Really not much is happening. It still feels like people are doing things and oh hey, there is a fight. The parts with the Princess and the Knight as well as Fremie with Moira were not very well-done and seem like they put minimum effort to adapt those scenes.

Overall, the verdict is 4 out of 5. I can now look upon this anime more positively now.
Aug 24, 2015 1:44 AM

Aug 2015
bibotot said:
Best episode yet.

This one gives me hope that the anime will live up to at least some of our expectations. For the first time, the dialogues are well-written and do not feel dragged anymore. Whenever somebody says something, it makes perfect sense. The chemistry between Adlet and Hans is also pretty interesting.

Animation has significantly improved. Even the CGI monsters created from Chamot's vomit looks OK now.

The only issue is still the pacing. Really not much is happening. It still feels like people are doing things and oh hey, there is a fight. The parts with the Princess and the Knight as well as Fremie with Moira were not very well-done and seem like they put minimum effort to adapt those scenes.

Overall, the verdict is 4 out of 5. I can now look upon this anime more positively now.

That's an interesting way to look at Rokka; as an action show and not a mystery show I mean.
Aug 24, 2015 1:44 AM

Jul 2007
Its damn refreshing to see how this anime is handled. The fights have actual monologues(unlike certain other adaptations who claimed you CANT have inner thoughts in anime and should just add explosions, making the MC look like complete idiot) and the atmosphere is pretty much above everything else this year(or even last year) so far.

So far yeah, Maura and Goldof are the most suspicious. Chamo is just a psycho so I doubt its her. I would not let Adlet off the hook either because of how his backstory was handled. We do not know if the seventh is even self aware if Adlet's correct and there's an 8th person in the barrier who used the "7 instead of 6" for confusion.


bibotot said:

The only issue is still the pacing. Really not much is happening. It still feels like people are doing things and oh hey, there is a fight.

Its not an action show. The things you expect to be "happening" are not the focus.
Aug 24, 2015 1:55 AM

Aug 2008
I knew it it wasn't Hans. He was just too suspicious to be the real culprit so it had to be someone else. Out of the group, that only left Mora and Chamo as possible candidates.
Chamo seems to be someone with alot of straight-forwardness, and devoid of complicated thoughts, so that only leaves Mora as a possible schemer.

Based on her behavior in this episode, it's obvious she's the one the ring-leader here of the whole affair. But is she evil or does she have reasons to frame someone?

Also, there's only 4 episodes left. I'm pretty sure it'll with them just setting foot on Fiend land, with a panoramic shot of the sunset, and voice over of "And their adventures have just started.." at this rate.

Well, the novel seems interesting, so I might give it a go... If I ever learn Japanese :D
Aug 24, 2015 2:11 AM
Sep 2014
flannan said:
Can anybody explain how does this "hypnosis" work? Isn't Hans supposed to be a mundane person?

My guess is that there was no supernatural power involved. He just sets up the situation to make the person so certain he/she will be killed that the person actually imagines being killed.
Aug 24, 2015 2:14 AM
Jul 2018
Finally some more foreshadowing that the Maura is culprit.
Aug 24, 2015 2:42 AM

Jan 2015
Eewwwwww, chamot's power is digusting.
Aug 24, 2015 2:42 AM

Oct 2013
Adlet x Hans all the way! Outta the way Fremy!

thebrentinator24 said:
I'll admit I was scared at first when Hans made Adlet see that hallucination. I thought he was really the 7th, which a lot of people (myself included) were hoping wasn't the case because Hans being the 7th seemed too obvious, and I thought Adlet actually died. But then I realized that wouldn't make sense to kill the MC right now since the LN is still ongoing, and it wouldn't seem logical to carry on with a story whose MC is dead.

You're assuming that the story has a main character.

Malighos said:
God I hope Chammot dies. Such an annoying bitch. I think maura is the 7th at this time, or maybe chammot. Not a fan of either so don't mind. Still hope chammot dies.

Thank you!
Shadzzo said:
Hans is my nigga from now on... Also i hope chamo gets killed brutally.

Indeed, and indeed.

DmonHiro said:
1. Can't be Adlet because MC.
2. Can't be Hans because total bro.
3. Can't be Fremy because obvious.
4. Can't be Chamot because insane kid.

I mean, if Chamot WAS the 7th, she'd just have killed them already. She obviously CAN.


Or maybe she really is the seventh and just waited until they were all separated to kill them off one by one with the excuse of "Oh, I'm tired of waiting" rather than fighting them all together?

ScarRufus said:

To be honest, I was hoping they would portray her in an even more disgusting way. Also, disappointed with the magical hovering jyuuma -.- where is the slug that Chamo rides?

Jonny_Mhl said:
Arcos said:

Mfw the saint which was raised by demons becomes the most normal one.

Ironically that's how it looks.


So a person who was killing off strong candidates so she could become a saint is "the most normal one"????


Tylaen said:
KageNoAbisu said:

Oh, I knew how they were chosen, that comment was just rant and not seriousness. And I do see your point, but Adlet went through hell and back as a kid as well and I don't see him itching to torture and kill people.

Different circumstances make different people.

In the real world.

In the animu world, they can be the way they are "because animu".

Inugirlz said:
Zefyris said:

They didn't run out of patience really. Hans made pretty good points that were all backed up by Mora. Then Goldof let his jealousy talk and Adlet took a hostage which convinced Mora completely as well.

Personally I don't think the reason why Mora believes Adlet to be completely guilty is fair. If he was really guilty he wouldn't just take Fremy as a hostage, he would have just killed her. He had enough time to stick a needle into her to put her to sleep, he could have just slit her throat, especially considering she was more trusting of him. For the 7th, the whole point is the lessen the amount of heroes. Mora isn't being fair. He needed to take a hostage to escape that sitation.

Backed by.....? Nothing?

Fact: Demon King wakes up in 30 days.
i.e. if the 7th just holds the Heroes off for 30 days, the world is f*cked. Or it'll just be a heck of a lot harder for the Heroes to win.

Conclusion: Motive of 7th is still unknown, but killing a hero(es?) is not necessary in the grand scheme of things. (Yes, there is a grand scheme of things, if you had forgotten.)

trannon1 said:
Looking forward to the next episode so much, the number one couple will be born.

Lies. It is already alive! (Ik wat u mean tho & I can't wait either ;__;)

CookingPriest said:
Its damn refreshing to see how this anime is handled. The fights have actual monologues(unlike certain other adaptations who claimed you CANT have inner thoughts in anime and should just add explosions, making the MC look like complete idiot) and the atmosphere is pretty much above everything else this year(or even last year) so far.


CookingPriest said:
Chamo is just a psycho so I doubt its her.

It could just be an act, same thing with Godolf. They'd have to be bloody good actors, but still, possible.

Forgetfulness said:
Another episode where the mystery is not solved

Well... do you honestly expect it to be solved before the final few episodes?

Forgetfulness said:
At this point I don't even know who to suspect. Almost all of them have reasons to think it's them and I haven't found anything conclusive from what I've seen. It's probably there based on how LN readers are talking about it, but easier said when you know who it is

That's because everyone here is going the wrong way about this. You're all just guessing names based on motivations and whatnot, but the author could easily change/reveal the motivation of a character without you realising. Every member of the Braves has been accused so far. Unless the 7th is not in the cast, some of you are correct. What he can't change is what's already been said and done. Well, there would be plot holes if he did, and LN reader's wouldn't exactly have positive opinions about this story... anyway, try a different approach.
"There's no shame in falling down... true shame is to not stand up again!"

"Aah? Of course I won't miss!"

"My blood tastes like Iron."

"Run through the tape in life! Never give up! Run through the tape!"
Aug 24, 2015 2:50 AM

Aug 2015
All is going as Aizen planned;D
Aug 24, 2015 3:02 AM
Jul 2018
Adlet + Hans = BROTP || Fave characters, along with Fremy.

I was about 1% suspecting Mora to be the 7th brave. Now, by saying to Fremy to kill Adlet without a second thought if/whenever he'll pop up in front of her, my precentage of me suspecting her has widened.

Nashetania: "You're 16. You're still just a kid." SIGH. PLEASE, talk about yourself first missy. She's just 2 years older than Goldof, that doesn't make her any way mature.
I highly disliked that attitude of hers towards Goldof in this ep. I'm starting to feel sorry for the guy. He's kinda confused; he wants to follow the princess but yet she, reportedly, shows an interest in Adlet which makes Goldof jealous to core.

I believe Goldof's not the 7th btw.

Damn Chamo tho!
Like ew, ew, ewewewewewewewewew, ew, EW. She's disgusting AF OHMYGOD
removed-userAug 24, 2015 8:04 AM
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