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Aug 1, 2015 3:54 AM
Aug 2008
dont worry. itami's 'defiance' or 'freedom' of doing not as ordered will be addressed in future episode.

how willbit be addressed? go read the manga or be patient and pray that it won't get cut.

pardon myvtypings. my PC have no keyboard
Aug 1, 2015 4:05 AM

Nov 2011
Lel,people still complain about the lack of violence. Its pretty clear that its not gonna be as dark as the manga. Its not like those thing make you feel happy watching it unless you have some weird fetish.

"Need more blood!" Why is no one geting raped?!" "Its difference than the manga so it suck!" oh come on.

If it was the other way around like, those violence only appeared in the anime rather than the manga, I'm sure there will be more complain about that.

Aug 1, 2015 4:48 AM

Feb 2014
Pina Co Lada...*snirk*...despite the amusing name, had an interesting background story of how she and her fellow female soldiers trained up to be what they are now.

Sadly, it seems that she lacks experience as a commander, having the JSDF guard one side of Italica, while the main bulk of the invading army breach the other side of the city. Poor Rory threw a cute strop after realising that the enemy weren't breaching their wall. XD

With the army breaching the city and already making the civilians all angry, I wonder how Pina can change this outcome of the fight. Hopefully the JSDF can help out before it's too late.
Aug 1, 2015 6:26 AM

May 2014
Enjoyed this a lot like usual.

All the 3 girls are amusing to watch, I especially like Rory and our little caster.

Hoping the anime continues to be this good! Keep your stuff together, A-1!

Aug 1, 2015 7:26 AM

Jun 2008
Mallony said:
>Taking command from a random princess you just met instead of following your superior's orders
Totally legit

Well to be fair they are kind of relaxed because they know their weapons can annihilate their enemies easily.
MonadAug 15, 2015 7:36 PM
Aug 1, 2015 7:31 AM

Jan 2015
Damn, i need the next episode
Aug 1, 2015 7:32 AM

Sep 2014
I actually liked this episode. Pina might turn out to be a decent character. But best of all is the fact that the Anime's finally serious now. Let's see how they're gonna save 'em.
Aug 1, 2015 8:20 AM
Jul 2014
Takuan_Soho said:

Pino is inexperienced. She had never had command in battle. She assumed that the enemy would attack the south gate because it had been destroyed, so she positioned her strongest assets (the men in green) there, but the enemy anticipated that she would do that and went after a weaker gate. "Decoy" was the wrong word, "bait" would have been better.

As for her understanding the "men in green"'s strength. She doesn't. She heard a rumor or two, but she really cannot understand or really believe what this meant. Which to be fair, is exactly what she should have thought. It is a reality several magnitude different than anything she has yet experienced.

Yea... I don't think so. She describes it herself as a suicide mission, and Itami describes the plan as drawing the enemy through a weakened position into an ambush at the second wall. It's pretty clear that she is attempting to sacrifice them. But yea, you're right, bait is a better word I guess. The only reason it wouldn't have been a suicide mission(and why they went along with it probably) is that they are capable of repelling 500 soldiers on their own more than likely.
Aug 1, 2015 8:20 AM

Feb 2014
Paulo27 said:
mangamuscle said:

Are you serious? 12 automatic rifles vs. 500 swords? I would only be worried about killing allied forces (the villagers) caught in the crossfire.
2 words: ammo limit. A soldier typically only carries about 150 rounds for his assault rifle in the field. Even in an optimal situation, it will take at least 10-12 rounds per enemy felled. It's better when the guns and possible additional ammo in the vehicles is added, but they'll still more than likely run out after taking out 25-50% of the enemy. If the enemy keeps coming after that, they will be in trouble. The real power of automatic weapons in this case is the psychological effect.

What what what???!!! um no. its not going to take 10-12 per enemy. do you know what automatic rifle fire does to the human body? never mind that the armor theyre wearing provides pretty much ZERO protection against a standard 5.56 round. We're talking at most 2-3 rounds per bandit especially since soldiers are taught to shoot center mass plus the possibility of rounds completely penetrating the first target and hitting the person behind them. lets not forget they have .50 cals on top of those humvees too and thats 1 bullet for ever 2 individuals if lineup properly lol. no theyd run out of cannon fodder long before they ran out of bullets especially when you consider that each magazine holds about 30 bullets.
Around and around the cycle goes.
Aug 1, 2015 8:57 AM
Jul 2018
What I noticed is that, the things they try to replace gore scenes with don't have ANY of the drama that those scenes had or any of the reactions, character dialogue, etc. They made you felt like you were there in the manga. You could feel the emotions, the suffering, etc. A-1 has done a poor job at censoring because they failed to make their censors feel engaging. Viewers are so disconnected from the series because it doesn't feel that bad. Raise your hand if the dragon scene in the anime has any impact AT ALL. DId you feel like 1/3 of the village died before the "enormous number of corpses card". A-1 is just telling a story in such a way that it sounds like : "This happens, then this, and then this, and then this" But they don't try to hype it up or make viewers feel engaged to the story. I don't need to see someone get ripped into a million pieces, but they should have tried to add some drama to make those scens just a little more engaging and make viewers understand the reactions, more than (this is what happens, then this reaction happens) Like I have seen "burning man" censors that last FAR longer than this series used. And the barricade-taunting scene this episode, they had a good reason, but they didn't expand on it because they were too afraid that it was "too violent". I DON'T need to see someone raped. I DON'T need to see a naked body. But please just keep the tension there or come up with a reason that actually makes you the viewer (and in this case, the people around that scene who also witnessed this but had no idea who this guy is) feel like you would react like how they did (aka make you feel fearful that this could happen to your friends or your family).

This anime pales so much from the manga. It's like a long summary of it (ironically having more detail). It just really doesn't have a connection level the manga brings. A-1 don't be lazy and TRY TO MAKE your censors good. Seriously, even if madhouse was under the same restrictions, they could still do a better job. Cause they care and actually know where to use drama, where to not and know how to make us feel ENGAGED.
removed-userAug 1, 2015 9:02 AM
Aug 1, 2015 9:17 AM

Jul 2011
salmon3669 said:
What I noticed is that, the things they try to replace gore scenes with don't have ANY of the drama that those scenes had or any of the reactions, character dialogue, etc. They made you felt like you were there in the manga. You could feel the emotions, the suffering, etc. A-1 has done a poor job at censoring because they failed to make their censors feel engaging. Viewers are so disconnected from the series because it doesn't feel that bad. Raise your hand if the dragon scene in the anime has any impact AT ALL. DId you feel like 1/3 of the village died before the "enormous number of corpses card". A-1 is just telling a story in such a way that it sounds like : "This happens, then this, and then this, and then this" But they don't try to hype it up or make viewers feel engaged to the story. I don't need to see someone get ripped into a million pieces, but they should have tried to add some drama to make those scens just a little more engaging and make viewers understand the reactions, more than (this is what happens, then this reaction happens) Like I have seen "burning man" censors that last FAR longer than this series used. And the barricade-taunting scene this episode, they had a good reason, but they didn't expand on it because they were too afraid that it was "too violent". I DON'T need to see someone raped. I DON'T need to see a naked body. But please just keep the tension there or come up with a reason that actually makes you the viewer (and in this case, the people around that scene who also witnessed this but had no idea who this guy is) feel like you would react like how they did (aka make you feel fearful that this could happen to your friends or your family).

This anime pales so much from the manga. It's like a long summary of it (ironically having more detail). It just really doesn't have a connection level the manga brings. A-1 don't be lazy and TRY TO MAKE your censors good. Seriously, even if madhouse was under the same restrictions, they could still do a better job. Cause they care and actually know where to use drama, where to not and know how to make us feel ENGAGED.

i just don't know how they're going to work with various bosses, specifically bunny girl and shit-head prince, unfortunately this is sold like a light shounen(when it really is a modern day GoT with some classic jap fantasy elements put in) so perhaps they DON?T want the viewer to feel like the characters... but still, if they mess up the scene with the prince, then there will be the confirmation if it sucks or not, but i don't even know if the anime will reach that point of the story...
Aug 1, 2015 9:47 AM

Dec 2010
...just notice that this anime will have 24 episode.
Aug 1, 2015 9:54 AM

Jul 2011
Animepsp said:
...just notice that this anime will have 24 episode.

oh well that isn't a problem then, if they make an episode every 2 chapters it'll be fine.
Aug 1, 2015 10:23 AM

Mar 2015
No Pina co Lada joke from the recon team? I was hoping for that.

I'd also like to applaud Risa Taneda for making every syllable sound oh so sexy
Aug 1, 2015 2:29 PM
Jul 2018
That was great and I can't wait to see how the fight will turn out next time, the preview looks cool!
Aug 1, 2015 2:32 PM

Jan 2013
Pina Co

That episode felt so fast.
Aug 1, 2015 2:53 PM

Dec 2012
Pretty funny name ;D The pacing was really great and that cliffhanger, IMO it's the best episode so far. I expected that Itami appears at the end, but no. he followed his orders, nice thing.
Aug 1, 2015 3:21 PM
Oct 2012
GSupernova said:
Takuan_Soho said:

Pino is inexperienced. She had never had command in battle. She assumed that the enemy would attack the south gate because it had been destroyed, so she positioned her strongest assets (the men in green) there, but the enemy anticipated that she would do that and went after a weaker gate. "Decoy" was the wrong word, "bait" would have been better.

As for her understanding the "men in green"'s strength. She doesn't. She heard a rumor or two, but she really cannot understand or really believe what this meant. Which to be fair, is exactly what she should have thought. It is a reality several magnitude different than anything she has yet experienced.

Yea... I don't think so. She describes it herself as a suicide mission, and Itami describes the plan as drawing the enemy through a weakened position into an ambush at the second wall. It's pretty clear that she is attempting to sacrifice them. But yea, you're right, bait is a better word I guess. The only reason it wouldn't have been a suicide mission(and why they went along with it probably) is that they are capable of repelling 500 soldiers on their own more than likely.

My two points aren't contradictory, she knows that the men in green are stronger than the city's token defenders (who are not professional soldiers), so they are her strongest assets. So for her it is killing (literally) two birds with one stone. If the MIG are normal soldiers then they will get wiped out and she can clean up the remnants of the attackers, if the MIG win, then she will be able to gauge their strength. Because she doesn't understand how strong the MIG really are, she is thinking the former is going to happen.

Something I am curious about was Itami suddenly understanding the language better and attributing it to hitting his head
Aug 1, 2015 3:24 PM

Jul 2011
Takuan_Soho said:

Something I am curious about was Itami suddenly understanding the language better and attributing it to hitting his head

Aug 1, 2015 4:38 PM

Jul 2014
Weekly reminder that Rory is best grill.
Aug 1, 2015 4:56 PM
Oct 2010
I just read a bit of the manga.. I wonder why they chose to make the characters look so much younger in the anime.
Aug 1, 2015 5:01 PM
Oct 2012
kataklism said:

No, this episode Leifei asked if Itami understood what Pina was saying and Itami said he got the gist. But what I was referring to is:
Aug 1, 2015 6:02 PM

Jul 2014
UHHHH I CANT HANDLE THE WAIT. This is why a show should just come out with all of its episodes at once
Shirayuki= Most Perfect Female MC ever
Aug 1, 2015 7:57 PM

Jan 2013
Yo manga readers, I have a question, Tuca Luna is a lesbian character ?
Aug 1, 2015 8:20 PM
Jul 2015
Damn, why there must be another cliffhanger?! I know why they do it, but still...

In this episode, we know how inexperienced is Pina. It seems Itami know that she want to use the bandits to get rid of his team like what her father did, but too bad he's more clever than the kings of the allied kingdom. Not mentioning the bandits are mostly consisted of the surviving allied army and know how strong is the Men in Green. So, they would rather ran away rather than charging in front of their 'Great Iron Cocks'.

For those who wandering why Itami didn't go to the east gate, because he's waiting for reinforcement. He's not an immature teenager who will boldly attacking and screaming around like an idiot. He's smart and a competent commander. And he's also an otaku, so he expected something beyond his imagination because this is a fantasy world (the wind mage is one of them). The other reasons maybe because he didn't know how strong is the force the Princess currently have in Italica. Or maybe he want to test her ability if she can be a threat for the JSDF or not. That's why he said "what are you going to do, Princess?".

Btw, I don't remember in manga there's a scene where Tuka 'interested' in Kurokawa, or maybe I skipped the page. I only remember the part where Lelei asked the sergeant major about the compass and map. Well, maybe A-1 want to bait some Yurizuri.
Aug 1, 2015 8:21 PM
Jul 2011
So Itami wants Pina to understand that instead of being enemy with Japan, being friendly is more beneficial I guess.
I don't think that is convincing considering Itami is a soldier.
Well, the Empire is obviously no match against current Japan after all.
Im thinking Rory responded to Itami as "Not to mess with Japan or see her wrath and the JDSF forces".
Equipment difference is like heaven to ground.
It is like Special Region is pretty much Japan's territory now since it is more advanced in every ways.
The situation is way too good for them.
Aug 1, 2015 9:11 PM
Jul 2015
rladls717 said:
So Itami wants Pina to understand that instead of being enemy with Japan, being friendly is more beneficial I guess.
I don't think that is convincing considering Itami is a soldier.
Well, the Empire is obviously no match against current Japan after all.
Im thinking Rory responded to Itami as "Not to mess with Japan or see her wrath and the JDSF forces".
Equipment difference is like heaven to ground.
It is like Special Region is pretty much Japan's territory now since it is more advanced in every ways.
The situation is way too good for them.

Yeah, that's right. But what makes everything complicated is the article 9 of the Japan Constitution. It's stated that Japan can't fight in foreign land without UN's permissiton. The other countries (e.g US, China, and Russia) used this article to press Japan. But the former Prime Minsiter proclaimed it as part of Japan's teritory since the Gate appeared in their capital.

This is what make this anime better than OC, for me. I don't know about the other peoples.
Aug 1, 2015 9:49 PM
Jul 2011
To Special Region, JDSF's military power is just too strong for them even though their equipments are not the recent.
So favorable to Japan since Special Region people ways of thinking is just too old styled.
While in the real world, people use more brains than brawn I guess.
No use fighting enemy forces that promises 100% loss than gain.
I wonder why the enemy still fight even though JDSF are way strong?

It really contrasts to how an army's existence is actually to harm the enemy country.
Since the Empire attacking Japan is a loss than gaining things from it.
So it gives them a impression that they cannot invade Japan.
Their difference in military power is too distant that no harm can be done, except for the civilans though.
So it is better for the Empire to surrender than keep fighting.
It makes me think there's no way Japan will lose, that's how this series is.
Aug 1, 2015 10:25 PM

Mar 2013
So far Rory is probably my favorite female MC, but I guess that can't be helped since she's gotten the most development with Itami so far haha.
Aug 1, 2015 10:48 PM

May 2013
rladls717 said:
So Itami wants Pina to understand that instead of being enemy with Japan, being friendly is more beneficial I guess.
I don't think that is convincing considering Itami is a soldier.

That is the exact line of thinking commodore perry had when he showed his cannons to japan and he was also a (naval) soldier.
Aug 1, 2015 11:26 PM

Dec 2014
Lol, Pina Co Lada.

Damn cliffhanger.
Aug 1, 2015 11:33 PM
Jul 2018

I swear there were more replies just yesterday.
Aug 2, 2015 1:59 AM

Jul 2014
aw man, cliffhanger!! Dx
way to keep me on the edge of my seat though, nice! :D
can't wait to see what happens next :o

Aug 2, 2015 4:08 AM

Nov 2014
Great episode, as usual. Can't wait for next week! Let's see how they handle Ride of the Valkyries.
Aug 2, 2015 4:50 AM
Jul 2015
IzayoiSk said:
Yo manga readers, I have a question, Tuca Luna is a lesbian character ?

[spoiler] She is a father-con character.
Aug 2, 2015 5:20 AM

Jul 2011
IzayoiSk said:
Yo manga readers, I have a question, Tuca Luna is a lesbian character ?

[spoiler] She is a father-con character.

(a lot of)other characters are though, that's probably why rory asked if tuka was interested in the medic.

Takuan_Soho said:
kataklism said:

No, this episode Leifei asked if Itami understood what Pina was saying and Itami said he got the gist. But what I was referring to is:

kataklismAug 2, 2015 7:52 AM
Aug 2, 2015 7:23 AM

Apr 2012
boring sao-tier shit with stupid jokes (he get hit by door - how funny!) and average graphics

mb i'll go and rewatch Garo instead
Aug 2, 2015 7:53 AM

Jul 2011
karneheni said:
boring sao-tier shit with stupid jokes (he get hit by door - how funny!) and average graphics

mb i'll go and rewatch Garo instead

iirc, it wasn't supposed to be funny in the manga... also it kinda becomes an habit of her to unwillingly harm itami, and it becomes kind of a plot point, kind of.
Aug 2, 2015 7:54 AM

Jul 2014
These so called "Fans" are getting annoying. "Need more blood, need more rape, need more death". For me it only enforces the opinion that most of the people which read the manga and complain here are sick in the head psychos which get off on blood like rory does.

If you dont like the anime adaptation, then get out and go read the manga, noone is forcing you to watch all of this.

I like this anime. The pacing is just right, balancing between the fighting and the relaxed bits. The story that is told still has that serious vibe while containing innocence.

I will repeat something again. A serious story doesnt need to contain a rape scene or killing with guts spilling everywhere to be serious. If a story manages to be serious and at the same time having comedy bits without the need of bloodbaths that story was created well.

If a serious story needs bloodbaths and rapescenes at every turn, then that story is not serious at all. It is how amateurs do their "serious" stories.
There is no "Good or "bad" anime. There is only different anime.
Aug 2, 2015 8:20 AM

Jul 2011
Dextix said:
These so called "Fans" are getting annoying. "Need more blood, need more rape, need more death". For me it only enforces the opinion that most of the people which read the manga and complain here are sick in the head psychos which get off on blood like rory does.

If you dont like the anime adaptation, then get out and go read the manga, noone is forcing you to watch all of this.

I like this anime. The pacing is just right, balancing between the fighting and the relaxed bits. The story that is told still has that serious vibe while containing innocence.

I will repeat something again. A serious story doesnt need to contain a rape scene or killing with guts spilling everywhere to be serious. If a story manages to be serious and at the same time having comedy bits without the need of bloodbaths that story was created well.

If a serious story needs bloodbaths and rapescenes at every turn, then that story is not serious at all. It is how amateurs do their "serious" stories.

i think nobody here is asking for more blood just for the gore, what we(or at least i) am asking is fidelity to the manga, not about the censor(the fighting scene of rory was fine to me, and i didn't see anything weird with the dragon fight) but let's take it like this:

a normal censor goes like this(example on average manga)

original:the character's hand gets cut off and he can't use it anymore(gory)

adptation: the character's hands gets all weird after a fight and he can' t use it anymore(not gory)

this instead is how it looks like it'd be for gate:

original:same case i wrote before

adaptation: the character says "meh, my hand feels a bit numb" and proceeds to use it normally.

don't know if i still got the point trough, but i'll say it: we don't care about the gore itself, but about what happens to the characters, it's fine if you don't want to show characters getting raped or killed, but let it be known, don't cut it out of the plot.
Aug 2, 2015 8:39 AM

Jul 2014
Really? You should read the comments, they are asking for it. THey are asking for it in every episode. Everything is told, notas much shown. One of the first episodes, introduction of Rory. No rape, yet implication and saying their goals. THeir deaths can be even seen, but are not gory.

And what happened with this "ok" censor by your definition? Every freak started complaining.

This anime doesnt show scenes like that. But it implies them, some of them may be missed. But only some.

What is important to the plot isnt cut out. The only thing cut out is rape and gory death scenes, but they are still talked about and implied.

Many manga purists complained that when Rory was inttroduced her motivations werent entirelyclear. Yet now in this episode she talks about it.

Manga doesnt = Anime.

Gore and rape doesnt = Serious story
There is no "Good or "bad" anime. There is only different anime.
Aug 2, 2015 10:03 AM

Jul 2011
" No rape, yet implication and saying their goals."

when? and i'm asking for a screen here 'cause i've seen the scene multiple times and i didn't see a strict implication of rape happened/willing to happen by those bandits. so either i'm blind or you're reading too much between the lines.

i have this feeling that you see those who ask for a bit more explicitness as idiots who know nothing, all of them, and while it might be tru for a couple of them(those that care only about blood) you still seem to have got this idea that then if something contains violence it automatically is badly written...

then i ask you, please give me proof that what you say is true about the "hints", and when you (don't) find it, come back and let's try being nice and calm again.
Aug 2, 2015 10:15 AM

May 2013
kataklism said:
what we(or at least i) am asking is fidelity to the manga

This is a light novel adaption, which is the original source material. If you like more the manga that is undestable, but people better resign to the fact that this is not a manga adaption.
Aug 2, 2015 10:29 AM

Jul 2014
Cant give you a screen as i am doing all my watching on my phone. But it is roughly about 9:18 timestamp. You can see a dead a naked girls body. If that isnt an indication of rape, then i do not know what is.

That is what i meant by implication of rape. And then they talk about their further goals of raiding (then the next logical conlussion is again, kill men, rape women).


I am not against explicitness by any means. But when people beg in every goddamn episode for things that are implied yet not shown (not bad) then i have a problem. Many of them are manga purists which follow the manga like a bible.

I am not saying that if something has gore and rape, that the story is bad. By no means. But people usually like to see the being of violence and gore as having a "serious" story, which is wrong.

A good example would be hellsing ultimate. Some people could say that its a "serious" anime. But it isnt. I mean really. You have british vampire fighting against goddamn nazis. Yea, the anime has a lot of gore. Yet its not serious at all.

And then we have something like toradora! Its a romcom. Yet it isa serious one. It tackles problems, such as parent/child relationships. Yet it contains no violence.

In the end, i am mostly anoyed with all of the begging to include gore and rape. It is there, it is implied. Just because you cannot see it in all its glory doesnt mean its not there.

Also this is not a personal atttack by no means. Its just my manner of wrriting so sorry if i was seemingly insulting or angry.
There is no "Good or "bad" anime. There is only different anime.
Aug 2, 2015 10:44 AM
May 2014
Dextix said:
Cant give you a screen as i am doing all my watching on my phone. But it is roughly about 9:18 timestamp. You can see a dead a naked girls body. If that isnt an indication of rape, then i do not know what is.

That is what i meant by implication of rape. And then they talk about their further goals of raiding (then the next logical conlussion is again, kill men, rape women).


I am not against explicitness by any means. But when people beg in every goddamn episode for things that are implied yet not shown (not bad) then i have a problem. Many of them are manga purists which follow the manga like a bible.

I am not saying that if something has gore and rape, that the story is bad. By no means. But people usually like to see the being of violence and gore as having a "serious" story, which is wrong.

A good example would be hellsing ultimate. Some people could say that its a "serious" anime. But it isnt. I mean really. You have british vampire fighting against goddamn nazis. Yea, the anime has a lot of gore. Yet its not serious at all.

And then we have something like toradora! Its a romcom. Yet it isa serious one. It tackles problems, such as parent/child relationships. Yet it contains no violence.

In the end, i am mostly anoyed with all of the begging to include gore and rape. It is there, it is implied. Just because you cannot see it in all its glory doesnt mean its not there.

Also this is not a personal atttack by no means. Its just my manner of wrriting so sorry if i was seemingly insulting or angry.

Well, staying close to the source tend to be a good thing.
You can only remove so much without changing the setting/mood.
I guess they have to rewrite this and that, or remove scenes altogether, because they
probably won't make sense without the violence.

Making something very violent into a disney all ages cartoon.. well..
Have faith in the Lord Fifth, gain eternal life! When the Lord Fifth appears, who dares to cause strife!
-- Lord fifth
Aug 2, 2015 10:53 AM
May 2014
mangamuscle said:
kataklism said:
what we(or at least i) am asking is fidelity to the manga

This is a light novel adaption, which is the original source material. If you like more the manga that is undestable, but people better resign to the fact that this is not a manga adaption.

Chances are the LN is even more violent than the manga.
Have faith in the Lord Fifth, gain eternal life! When the Lord Fifth appears, who dares to cause strife!
-- Lord fifth
Aug 2, 2015 11:48 AM

May 2013
konatachan80 said:
mangamuscle said:

This is a light novel adaption, which is the original source material. If you like more the manga that is undestable, but people better resign to the fact that this is not a manga adaption.

Chances are the LN is even more violent than the manga.

Most of the time when reading a novel all of the violence is just yout imagination, how detailed and bloody any scene depends on the people doing the adaption, there is not just one way of doing it right (or wrong).
Aug 2, 2015 12:05 PM

Jul 2011
"roughly about 9:18 timestamp. You can see a dead a naked girls body."

i've lost nearly 10 minutes watching this scene, this frame to be precise, and i don't see any girl, let alone a naked one.

given that everything else in your post resembles more of a rant about people rather than something related to our conversation, i won't answer to that.
Aug 2, 2015 12:16 PM

Oct 2014
Piña Colada LOL
Aug 2, 2015 3:43 PM
Jul 2015
konatachan80 said:

Well, staying close to the source tend to be a good thing.
You can only remove so much without changing the setting/mood.
I guess they have to rewrite this and that, or remove scenes altogether, because they
probably won't make sense without the violence.

1. The source is the LN,not the manga. In an LN, AFAIK, the only images present are usually in between chapters and or for certain events, and again AFAIK, In the mangafox forums there doesn't seem to be any evidence pointing toward any images in the LN that were exceptionally violent.Violence, in this case, is dependent on the person reading.

2.What will not make sense? The men charging off into their doom? They illustrated that perfectly well in the anime. They kept the part of dragging dead bodies of their comrades, albeit with clothes on and no women, but it is there. If you see your best friend's dead body being paraded in front of you surely you will be ticked off. These wave of emotion will be multiplied by the bandwagon effect. With everybody else around you getting pissed you yourself will get more pissed and eventually without proper training, as is the case in the anime with the conscript town militia, a lot of people will charge off into their doom.

The only case in which removing violent bits affected the anime was back in episode 3 when Rory was killing the bandits. However, this was not a very big issue because now it is resolved in her conversation with Itami.
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Poll: » Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri Episode 2 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )

Stark700 - Jul 10, 2015

339 by addictedtoliving »»
Dec 23, 2024 7:58 PM

» Any chance for this anime to get Season 2?

Han_17 - Nov 22, 2024

27 by OddOnes »»
Nov 23, 2024 2:35 PM

» Would I like this?

UberBat - Sep 17, 2024

15 by RobertsahDHDA »»
Sep 28, 2024 6:58 PM

Poll: » Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri Episode 11 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 )

Stark700 - Sep 11, 2015

163 by Kipo0007 »»
Jul 15, 2024 6:44 PM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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