Not sure if got your add or sees your presence on Discord.
@ Steins;Gate 0
Yayy! I have something to look forward to now; something that may re-spark my anime watching perhaps (*´▽`*)
@ Nursing
Ofc, we're not doing tube and insertions on real people just yet... takes much more training than just learning the concept. We do only the simpler things on fellow classmates, such as taking vital signs (heart rate and whatnot). Though soon my group will be assigned to a healthcare setting with real people, in which we'll be starting with bottomfeeder work: bathing and bedmaking (which isn't so bad but, gotta start somewhere!) lolol
@ Kara no Kyoukai
Niceu! I miss the KnK movie series (•̪●) But we both agree that Saber still best girl/servant yeah?
Oh and if you do decide and/or manage to get Discord+account up, add my user: 🅻🆄🅽🅰#1481 (copy-paste or w/e). I'll reward you once you get to this step.
Also, Luna is actually my in-rl legal surname now. Long story short but I changed my birth name successfully! I like to go by my first name in rl or with close friends, but for online I think Luna has a much cooler vibe~
Just look up Discord lmao. It's pretty straightforward. It was designed for gamers, by gamers, yet is mindful of pretty much everyone and everything. Innovative features and updates, constantly being improved, and very modern yet fluid. It also makes link and image sharing easier than a jiffy, whilst having the option to turn off image previews on the mobile app, in case you have limited/slow data. And them pins, that make it easy to trace oneself back in time!
Funny that you got into anime during the time I've been out of it ◔◡◉
I know you may or may not have much interest in non-anime shows but... Game of Thrones though... I'd place GoT just right below Steins;Gate but above all of my other favorites :scream:(emoji)
@ Nursing
Already learned how to do wound care on pressure ulcers and soon learning to do nasogastric tube insertions and management~ If curious of what I just talked about, Google the italicized terms at your own risk!
Btw I don't have an anime waifu anymore... other than fave chars, that is (albeit few). That's how out of anime I have gotten lmao! And probably won't care for such 2D fantasies anymore now that I have life and big responsibilities ahead of me. I do want to get back into casual Steam gaming though; waiting for the next (hopefully significant) sale on Danganronpa V3 (˘◡˘)
If you ever consider getting Discord, it would make the chatting between us wayyy easier. Discord is very low-data and mobile-efficient and simply friendly overall~
@ anime: Oh really? I'm totes out of the loop with anime atm...
School is keeping my mega busy :cryemoji:
@ private convo: I have hell days coming up, so I shall get back to this a little later!
I quit right around the time I went hiatus from MAL. The game was getting repetitive and was also power-creeping at an obnoxiously alarming rate (as if nearly to urge even the casual players to start throwing cash at IS) -.- but I guess I could say it was fun while it lasted!
Final thoughts: Bridelia was definitely my best unit out of any team / I really like the Dancer limited ver. of Azura, she's a goddess in that outfit/art! (and of which I did obtain her for that banner) / still hate horse emblem, personally.
I do have some other things I may possibly share with you, but of which would have to be composed within the message section, when I find the time.
How have you been these past months? I didn't watch any anime whatsoever... but I did start getting into some TV series, especially Game of Thrones ♡
@ Lyn pull
Wow, congrats on the luck of redemption extra hero Lyn! I'm personally not going for another of her after my disaster with Tana LOL. Plus, even if I did manage to get another Lyn, it'll most likely be a "fk you boon, -Atk!" or something alone those lines...
Although, I'm trying for Hector atm. Wanting to get Distant Counter inherit over to my perfect boon/bane Camilla (w/ Emerald Axe) to make her into the ultimate blue bait+killer a.k.a. "Reinhardt/Camus? Never seen them on these maps nowadays!" Additionally, a DC Camilla makes some Challenge Maps way more possible.
@ Seals
Hardy Bearing does negate your own Vantage (not Desperation, I think). Usually, your squishiest chars shouldn't run Vantage anyway so it wouldn't be a problem; i.e. my Bridelia uses it now which allows me to safely finish off Hectors/Amelias that my Olivia actually doesn't 1-round about 50% of the times damn goad/hone armors...
@ Ishtar
I saw the vid. She's quite cute and her voice style isn't overdone (as in, like overly tsundere or ojou-sama or of that nature LOL). The pink top she's wearing reminds me of a pink baseball jacket I just bought (ღ˘◡˘ღ)
- JoJo reference: What was it exactly? Was it the chariot thing that turned into a giant skull weapon?
Ugh, freakin' FE:H sure knows how to keep me at 0-5 orbs lately for the past 6 weeks (´ᗣ`)
I managed to clear all of the Lunatic Paralogue chapters for Chain Challenge! I basically did the very final Paralogue and while my 1st team got mutilated halfway through, I had 0 deaths on my 2nd team... dem synergy~
Yay new Lyn hero! This about 2/3rds makes up for my failing to obtain Tana... ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶
Brave Heroes Lyn skill analysis:
weapon - the +3 speed and naturally high 14Mt means you don't necessarily need to run Brave Bow, especially if you can double the enemy whereas with Brave Bow you're less likely to attack again (8 less spd for this option)
special - moonbow/luna are options, but like with Bridelia, Draconic Aura is stronger against general non-armor units
assist - depends on team's needs
A slot - Swift Sparrow is very rare and also excellent as Lyn is quite squishy and should be focusing on initiating. this synergizes with the next skill:
B slot - Sacae's Blessing... quite broken, no explanation needed about why there couldn't be a better skill for her!
C slot - depends on team's needs, but her current one is okay
Why you may wanna inherit Brave Bow anyway: with how common armor teams are atm, you can easily quad the faces of Hector/Effie/other and not have to eat any retaliation! A +Atk boon would be ideal in this case.
I may or may not try to go for another Brave Lyn since the free default one is neutral stat-ed ॓_॔
Oh lord, that is just... I can't do anything over C/D-cup LOL.
@ new banners
I'm going for Lyn as well, as I need another colorless teammate and I love her more than Lucina (I also like Lucina though); not to mention, rider Lyn's B skill is kinda broken from first glance: Sacae’s Blessing (B)
If foe has sword/lance/axe, foe cannot counterattack. -Cannot be inherited- ◔◡◉
All Comments (500) Comments
@ Steins;Gate 0
Yayy! I have something to look forward to now; something that may re-spark my anime watching perhaps (*´▽`*)
@ Nursing
Ofc, we're not doing tube and insertions on real people just yet... takes much more training than just learning the concept. We do only the simpler things on fellow classmates, such as taking vital signs (heart rate and whatnot). Though soon my group will be assigned to a healthcare setting with real people, in which we'll be starting with bottomfeeder work: bathing and bedmaking (which isn't so bad but, gotta start somewhere!) lolol
@ Kara no Kyoukai
Niceu! I miss the KnK movie series (•̪●) But we both agree that Saber still best girl/servant yeah?
Also, Luna is actually my in-rl legal surname now. Long story short but I changed my birth name successfully! I like to go by my first name in rl or with close friends, but for online I think Luna has a much cooler vibe~
Funny that you got into anime during the time I've been out of it ◔◡◉
I know you may or may not have much interest in non-anime shows but... Game of Thrones though... I'd place GoT just right below Steins;Gate but above all of my other favorites :scream:(emoji)
@ Nursing
Already learned how to do wound care on pressure ulcers and soon learning to do nasogastric tube insertions and management~ If curious of what I just talked about, Google the italicized terms at your own risk!
Btw I don't have an anime waifu anymore... other than fave chars, that is (albeit few). That's how out of anime I have gotten lmao! And probably won't care for such 2D fantasies anymore now that I have life and big responsibilities ahead of me. I do want to get back into casual Steam gaming though; waiting for the next (hopefully significant) sale on Danganronpa V3 (˘◡˘)
If you ever consider getting Discord, it would make the chatting between us wayyy easier. Discord is very low-data and mobile-efficient and simply friendly overall~
@ anime: Oh really? I'm totes out of the loop with anime atm...
School is keeping my mega busy :cryemoji:
@ private convo: I have hell days coming up, so I shall get back to this a little later!
I quit right around the time I went hiatus from MAL. The game was getting repetitive and was also power-creeping at an obnoxiously alarming rate (as if nearly to urge even the casual players to start throwing cash at IS) -.- but I guess I could say it was fun while it lasted!
Final thoughts: Bridelia was definitely my best unit out of any team / I really like the Dancer limited ver. of Azura, she's a goddess in that outfit/art! (and of which I did obtain her for that banner) / still hate horse emblem, personally.
I do have some other things I may possibly share with you, but of which would have to be composed within the message section, when I find the time.
How have you been these past months? I didn't watch any anime whatsoever... but I did start getting into some TV series, especially Game of Thrones ♡
Wow, congrats on the luck of redemption extra hero Lyn! I'm personally not going for another of her after my disaster with Tana LOL. Plus, even if I did manage to get another Lyn, it'll most likely be a "fk you boon, -Atk!" or something alone those lines...
Although, I'm trying for Hector atm. Wanting to get Distant Counter inherit over to my perfect boon/bane Camilla (w/ Emerald Axe) to make her into the ultimate blue bait+killer a.k.a. "Reinhardt/Camus? Never seen them on these maps nowadays!" Additionally, a DC Camilla makes some Challenge Maps way more possible.
@ Seals
Hardy Bearing does negate your own Vantage (not Desperation, I think). Usually, your squishiest chars shouldn't run Vantage anyway so it wouldn't be a problem; i.e. my Bridelia uses it now which allows me to safely finish off Hectors/Amelias that my Olivia actually doesn't 1-round about 50% of the times damn goad/hone armors...
@ Ishtar
I saw the vid. She's quite cute and her voice style isn't overdone (as in, like overly tsundere or ojou-sama or of that nature LOL). The pink top she's wearing reminds me of a pink baseball jacket I just bought (ღ˘◡˘ღ)
- JoJo reference: What was it exactly? Was it the chariot thing that turned into a giant skull weapon?
Ugh, freakin' FE:H sure knows how to keep me at 0-5 orbs lately for the past 6 weeks (´ᗣ`)
NOT including the latest Brave Hero chapters. but will probs clear this one soonish~
Yay new Lyn hero! This about 2/3rds makes up for my failing to obtain Tana... ٩(-̮̮̃-̃)۶
Brave Heroes Lyn skill analysis:
weapon - the +3 speed and naturally high 14Mt means you don't necessarily need to run Brave Bow, especially if you can double the enemy whereas with Brave Bow you're less likely to attack again (8 less spd for this option)
special - moonbow/luna are options, but like with Bridelia, Draconic Aura is stronger against general non-armor units
assist - depends on team's needs
A slot - Swift Sparrow is very rare and also excellent as Lyn is quite squishy and should be focusing on initiating. this synergizes with the next skill:
B slot - Sacae's Blessing... quite broken, no explanation needed about why there couldn't be a better skill for her!
C slot - depends on team's needs, but her current one is okay
Why you may wanna inherit Brave Bow anyway: with how common armor teams are atm, you can easily quad the faces of Hector/Effie/other and not have to eat any retaliation! A +Atk boon would be ideal in this case.
I may or may not try to go for another Brave Lyn since the free default one is neutral stat-ed ॓_॔
... and then this sht happens:
Just about ready to fking uninstall this fking game.
Dancers work much better with non-horse units, I think. I have yet to find use for a team with a healer, but it is viable to setup with one~
Dem maxed out SP & HM: trained your waifu really well / Mae is a beast and can almost 1-shot Nino / awsm blue mage as well > though now I'm running Lancebreaker on her due to how common Effies (w/ wary fighter) and Camus's are...
My horribad luck continues! fking 8% total chance for a 5-star now, with only 2days+1x hours left -_-
Oh lord, that is just... I can't do anything over C/D-cup LOL.
@ new banners
I'm going for Lyn as well, as I need another colorless teammate and I love her more than Lucina (I also like Lucina though); not to mention, rider Lyn's B skill is kinda broken from first glance:
Sacae’s Blessing (B)
If foe has sword/lance/axe, foe cannot counterattack. -Cannot be inherited- ◔◡◉