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The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya (light novel)
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Jul 2, 2009 9:05 PM

Feb 2008
If we have to watch the same fucking thing ONE MORE TIME this anime is dropped. Seriously this is supremely boring as NOTHING changed, I might as well have not watched episode 4 as it was the same as episode 3. I can kind of understand the uniqueness or artistic expression trying to conveyed here, but this is going too far.

Kyon is a pussy.
Jul 2, 2009 9:06 PM

Feb 2009
hey guys watch while I milk a franchise until it shrivels up into a worthless pile of shit
Jul 2, 2009 9:19 PM

Jan 2008
I don't think I can really say what hasn't already been said or at least thought about, but...
They could have just cut this ep out: reason is there was absolutely nothing new in this except for slight animation variations/costume designs, and the line where Yuki said this would be the 15, 499th time. If they really needed more episodes to emphasize this fact that it continues to loop with slight variations, one ep was enough for them to restate it after the issue was brought up. By taking one more episode slot up than needed, they might as well !@#$ us over again with 15, 499 more episodes of the same mindless trash, replacing the episodes that really matter and the ones we want to see. Some of us viewers may be fanatic, willing to spend a tonne of money on anime, but we're not stupid; we get the point--moving on.

edit: I take that back--some hardcore "otaku" are stupid, particularly the hentai people that would (hypothetically) strip naked in public to either get attention, or repel people away from the lineup for a new release of an anime title. Another example would be those who'd buy ANYTHING relating to anime, i.e. an empty "collectible" tissue box with the picture of Haruhi on it, for the purpose of putting it up in a display case specifically made for it, all for some hundreds of dollars. <-for the record, that's happened, by the genius minds of official marketers.

...*ahem* ramen-packed rei design.
Estoy_GordoJul 2, 2009 9:35 PM
Jul 2, 2009 9:35 PM
Apr 2009
Waste of an episode. It's the same repeat of the previous episode. I'm disappointed. Hopefully, they at least end this arc in the next episode. I don't wanna watch this episode again.
Jul 2, 2009 9:46 PM

Jul 2008
I don't understand why Kyon can't just stop Haruhi, follow her outside, or call her later to change the loop. I mean it is not like it restarts after she leaves, it restarts at midnight.

And it is so annoying, this episode was EXACTLY the same as the last one.
Jul 2, 2009 9:49 PM

Aug 2008
Disliked the episode. Barely any animation here to be had, but most of all, they broke one of the very standard rules in comedy/storytelling: The rule of 3. You can do the same thing up to three times as long as the third time has a different outcome as the first. Basically, you can refuse something twice as long as it's accepted on the third. That is basically the mental threshold an audience has before they start throwing tomatoes...and they've passed it, without fail.

I'm bothered.
Jul 2, 2009 9:50 PM

Nov 2007
Rinse, Wash, Dry, Repeat
for 8 more fucking times you idiot.

Seriously now Kyo, this won't help you milk any more money out of this series.
Now move on to the good stuff; Sigh & Disappearance!
Also, release the 10th volume already!!
Jul 2, 2009 10:03 PM

Aug 2008
SealkidHaruhiism said:
atruong18 said:

howver, compared to ep12 and 13, i think the animation/drawing quality improved. ep12 was so-so. ep13 had a lot of distorting color effects (make it different?) and ep14 has the original coloring and a bit more detail.

Cause Kyoani had already finished K-ON!
ep. 14 was really good quality.

If you say one more fucking time that because Kyoto Animation have finished K-ON, that Haruhi's animation quality is better, I will explode. If I hear it one more time from ANYONE I will track them down and give them a long lecture about HOW IT TAKES MORE THAN A FUCKING WEEK TO COMPLETE AN FUCKING EPISODE. IT TAKES MONTHS TO MAKE EVEN ONE EPISODE, YOU DICKHEAD.

Annoying episode.

Jul 2, 2009 10:17 PM

Apr 2008
wee~ just imagine the character of SoS Dan~

it's feel like fashion char~ new yukata new swinsuit~ but i hate is episode~ XD
Jul 2, 2009 10:24 PM

Mar 2009
dude, what the fuck

i am so pissed off that kyoani is dragging this out EVEN MORE uggghhhh
Jul 2, 2009 10:27 PM

Apr 2009



^was my initial reaction -.-"

It would have been a 1/5 if this wasn't SHnY and KyoAni. Lol @ the troll.

Tamaki-san said:
Don't tell me they're planing to do Endless "Eight" episodes.

EDIT: Updated Schedule HERE.

Take a look at Tamaki-san's schedule. It's very accurate.

Jul 2, 2009 10:33 PM

Feb 2009
If it wasn't for the fact that this is Haruhi I would have dropped this series.

I only got into Anime 1 year ago so I've only had so wait 10 months for this, But if I had to wait 3 YEARS for KyoAni to come up with THIS I would be 15,498 times for pissed off than I am right now!
Jul 2, 2009 11:06 PM

Jan 2009
Somehow they made it watchable by using new animation rather than recycling it. But still, WTF?! It was exactly the same as the last episode. Very disappointed... It definitely should have been resolved this episode. It's like the producers are laughing at us, thinking, "We made them wait this long for a second season... fufufufu, let's air 4 episodes in a row where the same thing happens over and over again!" ';..;'
Jul 2, 2009 11:10 PM

Sep 2008
Chicken + Dictionary + Dictionary = CMC. Eeyup.
Jul 2, 2009 11:23 PM
May 2009
kaena said:
LOL it was funny how everyone on was yelling at kyon to
do something to haruhi.and when he failed to do so, everyones cursing at him.
ppl were yelling in chinese,spanish,english,japanese,korean,etc,
LOL i was cracking up at the ppl and frustrated at kyon at the same time

Where was it on

Maybe KyoAni entered a little infinite time loop within themselves and have to keep making Endless Eight episodes until someone says some magic words. Just a couple more thousand to go, possibly?
Jul 2, 2009 11:42 PM
Jan 2008
XD 1/5 stars is winning the poll right now...

Damn, two virtually identical episodes, lol...
Jul 2, 2009 11:45 PM

Apr 2009
this one made me as bored as Yuki. twice was enough, but 3 times and still no change, what a waste of an episode slot.
Jul 2, 2009 11:46 PM

Apr 2008
I only assume Kyoani wants us to sympathize with the overwhelming boredom Yuki must feel. That said, overwhelming boredom is not usually a good emotion to be feeling when watching something :/

Some part of me is perversely glad they are doing this, just because it is so odd, and because Haruhi does an amazingly good job at making the viewer feel what Kyon feels. Haruhi is an unusual show, and this is an unusual storytelling method. That said, it's still annoying and wasting time that could be spent much better. I'd say this is not a bright move overall.

If this is not resolved by next episode though, it will go from less-than-optimal to totally annoying and stupid. I assume Kyoani is not that dumb.
Jul 2, 2009 11:55 PM

Nov 2008
GAAAAHHHH!!! I really do hope they END Endless Eight in the next episode..
Jul 3, 2009 12:45 AM

Sep 2008
wow if they keep doing this over and over again, i may just give up on the anime. i mean come on 3 episodes in a row with the same stuff. they need to get their act together. if you run out of ideas at least mix it up. not the same material over and over. overall this anime is getting more and more borring each episode.

2/5 sorry The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya fans but you have to admit that this is getting too repetitive
Jul 3, 2009 12:58 AM

Feb 2009
My pokemon bring all the boys to the yard...
Jul 3, 2009 1:05 AM

Jul 2008
Come on, nothing new introduced in this episode. It's not like they didn't put effort into the episdoe since all of the clothing and positioning of the characters were different from the last episode, so the effort was there. I was severly second guessing whether I had started the right episode or not. Why are they playing with my emotions.
Jul 3, 2009 1:12 AM

Aug 2008
Previous episode was rather interesting, this one was simply boring. I only had one question in my mind: when Kyon will do something? 25 minutes wasted.
Jul 3, 2009 1:14 AM
Jun 2008
there was no point to this episode kyon's sister doing her homework was super cute and that was the only good thing fucking kyon just did the same thing.
Jul 3, 2009 1:17 AM

Jun 2008
SealkidHaruhiism said:
atruong18 said:
as everyone else said:
why 4 episode
kyon not doing anything
etc etc.

howver, compared to ep12 and 13, i think the animation/drawing quality improved. ep12 was so-so. ep13 had a lot of distorting color effects (make it different?) and ep14 has the original coloring and a bit more detail.

Cause Kyoani had already finished K-ON!
ep. 14 was really good quality.

What the heck does that have to do with the quality of the next episode?

I also pray that this is a lie
Jul 3, 2009 1:55 AM
Dec 2008
WTF. Kyon is a biotch. I wanna smash his head with a ripe watermelon.
Jul 3, 2009 2:03 AM

Jan 2009
Meh, I hope Kyon says something on the next episode or im going fucking nerdrage all over my house.

My Anime List. | 皆は見つけられる必要がある。 | Relentless.
Jul 3, 2009 2:09 AM

Dec 2007
Episodes 2-3 was alright beause there was actualy change. 3-4 were practically carbon copies with the exception of:

1) 15498 -> 15499. Oh wow so impressive >_>
2) Kyon went from shirtless lying down to seated wearing a shirt
3) Imouto-chan was doing her homework
4) Yuki's mask and yutaka has changed
5) they actually did karaoke and bowling. Oh wow

As a solid fan of the 1st season (a full 10 marks) and i liked part of the online parody version, this jsut blows. Pure trash and bull.
Jul 3, 2009 2:15 AM

Feb 2008
xandox said:
If it wasn't for the fact that this is Haruhi I would have dropped this series.

Exactly how I feel - I wonder how many viewers who are new to the series will be lost because of this gimmick.
Jul 3, 2009 2:23 AM

Feb 2009
Haha, KyoAni... You're willing to run Endless Eight for four fucking episodes, but you only give CLANNAD: Another World, Kyou Chapter 24 minutes.

Something is wrong with this picture. ._.
Jul 3, 2009 2:41 AM

Jan 2008
I must say, this is absolutely pathetic. Some parts of the episode had entirely reused animation, albeit maybe a second or two was changed around. Two episodes was completely enough to get the point that they're repeating the vacation over, and effect of the 14,498 repeats was big then. To do it again is just exasperating and boring. It's virtually the same as as recap episode, it's flat out lame, especially in a high-anticpated show that only has 14 episodes. Spending 3 or 4 episodes to do the exact same thing is a huge percentage of the show.
Jul 3, 2009 2:46 AM

Mar 2008
Well, that was really really daring doing exactly the same episode again.

Though it's really funny how they pretty much didn't reuse any scenes and even got a new voice over for this episode. I mean Sunrise etc. always reuse scenes over and over but they made exactly the same episode with mostly completely new material and voice acting. That's really KyoAni for you. ^^

They also kept me thinking: "Now something must happen, where is the bang, where is the start of a difference compared to last episode" over and over.
I suppose they succeeded with whatever they wanted to do with this.

Now you all got a glimpse of what Yuki is going through. XD

Nevertheless: Boring and not necessary. I didn't like it and I am pretty disappointed.
ForeverJul 3, 2009 3:41 AM
Jul 3, 2009 2:55 AM

Feb 2008
Forever said:
Nevertheless: Boring and not necessary. I didn't like it and I am pretty disappointed.
They are putting the fact it's boring right into our brains, which is kind of what Yuki is feeling. But yeah, not necessary. The only reason for doing this is that they want to finish with Disappearance and don't have enough material until that so they needed to stretch this out. If that was the case, maybe they should've just made the new season 13 episodes or something. Oh well, we'll see what happens next week.
Jul 3, 2009 2:57 AM

Nov 2007
omg >< you have got to be kidding me, Deja vu again? So I'm guessing the next episode will also be the same, but will Kyon be able to say the words?
Jul 3, 2009 3:05 AM

Sep 2007
Everyone who gave this episode more than 1/5 is a friggin retard. I could have just watched last week's episode again, it wouldn't have made any difference. Seriously, Nagato even mentioned several variations in past loops, would it have been so hard to use one of those variations instead of showing us the same thing again? Next week, I'll come here first and if people say it's still not the end, I'll just put it into my list without even watching it...because I already watched it three times!

Worst episode of any Anime I've ever seen... excluding School Days of course.
Jul 3, 2009 3:23 AM
Apr 2009
Oh, I get it, KyoAni. We're supposed to see the same episode as much as Nagato has lived it, right? Brilliant!


Anyone who has a 10 for this show after watching this episode is a retard. I mean, the first time I watched this episode I wasn't impressed, and now it's the third time.

Spade said:
Worst episode of any Anime I've ever seen... excluding School Days of course.
Uhhhh, no. school Days was better than the same boring episode of Haruhi.
Jul 3, 2009 3:49 AM

Jan 2008
I dont get it.
I just dont get it.
I mean, seriously, Kyoani + kadokawa ... I think we GET THE POINT! Yes, there was this loop. Yes, 15489 times. Should we know also watch this summer vacation and feel Yukis pain for about... 42342354 times? HELL NO!
I really cant see an explanation, as to why they are stretching this little story for 4 episodes. I think you can read this story faster than watching all 4 episodes of it. And it would be more fun.
So, people, read the novels...
Jul 3, 2009 3:53 AM
Mar 2008
Ahah, they're trolling all the fans, again.
Nice one, kadokawa.
Jul 3, 2009 4:03 AM
Jan 2009
Animanis said:
I dont get it.
I just dont get it.
I mean, seriously, Kyoani + kadokawa ... I think we GET THE POINT!

it's called running a perfectly good series and story into the ground, or bursting into flames like the Hindenburg

when i first saw that Endless Eights was going to be more than 1 episode i started to worry, when i saw that it was going 3 episodes i had nightmares about this, but now it's confirmed............... they will go 4, if not 5, 6, 7, 8 episodes of this

i wonder how long this goes on before angry otaku start setting company buildings on fire? :P
Jul 3, 2009 4:06 AM
Apr 2009
It's not the Eights that they're focusing on but the Endless part.
Jul 3, 2009 4:14 AM
Apr 2008
hmm after seein same thing 3 times.. i can feel nagato's pain =_=;;; except she saw it 15499 times xd
Jul 3, 2009 4:25 AM

Jul 2008
Tamaki-san said:


Jul 3, 2009 4:46 AM

Jan 2008
AznSensation said:
hmm after seein same thing 3 times.. i can feel nagato's pain =_=;;; except she saw it 15499 times xd

The difference is Yuki is a souless and emotionless robot, who cares if she was bored, she probably didn't give a shit. If she were truly feeling anything, she'd have found a way to off herself. All this is doing is annoying the viewers. And can you imagine, when the Japanese DVDs come out, it's guaranteed that at least one of them (since they only usually have two episodes) will be something like episodes 3 and 4, and a low low retail price of ~ 3000 - 4000 yen. It's absolutely gross.
Jul 3, 2009 4:49 AM
Nov 2007
Tamaki-san said:
Don't tell me they're planing to do Endless "Eight" episodes.

EDIT: Updated Schedule HERE.
Hmm, that is probably the most accurate schedule to date.

Jul 3, 2009 5:28 AM
Mar 2008
lmao xD
Jul 3, 2009 5:32 AM

Apr 2009
skimmed to prove that my review of the new season of haruhi was accurate.

this series is shit.

the writers and producers need to be hanged.

also, this is a type of fanboi-ism.

a rational human being would have dropped the series a while back, fans will continue justifying that this is "brilliant," and critics like me will facepalm.
tentacle_raepJul 3, 2009 5:36 AM
in your nostromo.

eating your crew.
Jul 3, 2009 5:36 AM

Mar 2008
wasting bandwidth aside, I'm not feeling too bad about this repeating thing...
maybe because I'm not a Haruhi diehard fan :P

Kinda feels like watching Higurashi
Jul 3, 2009 5:37 AM

Apr 2009
I am really disappointed too. Right now they are making pointless loops, featuring THE SAME THINGS. If only there were some different activities, it would have some sense, but right now... Oh really, what the fuck?

... and where is that goldfish yukata? >:[

Oh, and one more thing:

Though it's really funny how they pretty much didn't reuse any scenes and even got a new voice over for this episode. I mean Sunrise etc. always reuse scenes over and over but they made exactly the same episode with mostly completely new material and voice acting. That's really KyoAni for you. ^^

No, that is not working on the details. That is retardation. WHY make a fourth episode of something, that finished within one chapter of the book? No matter how good it will be, it still feels like an unneeded work.
SpierekJul 3, 2009 5:42 AM
Jul 3, 2009 5:42 AM

Apr 2009
Spierek said:
I am really disappointed too. Right now they are making pointless loops, featuring THE SAME THINGS. If only there were some different activities, it would have some sense, but right now... Oh really, what the fuck?

... and where is that goldfish yukata? >:[
it's like getting a gag gift for your anniversary.

you hope for a ring or a vacation, but get flip-flops.

except there's nothing more than the gag gift.
in your nostromo.

eating your crew.
Jul 3, 2009 5:52 AM
Sep 2008
but did anyone at least try to smile when koizumi said the same thing three times?
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