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Dec 9, 2014 1:33 PM

Oct 2011
So I randomly came up with this idea.
Basically, you'll give the user above you a mafia alias/codename, coverup, and backstory. The backstory can be however long/short you'd like.


Zymf said:

First post!

Soren333 said:

Codename: One-horn
Coverup: Freelance Magician
Backstory: Zymf is a lone mafioso who works as a hitman. He'll take any target if the money is right, and has no affiliation with any mafia clan. Always kills victims with a horn through the back of the skull till it protrudes through the forehead

Grave_Robber said:

Soren "C.U.D.D.L.E.S." McGee
Codename: C.U.D.D.L.E.S. (Cute Until Dealing Death; Leaves. Everyone. S----)
Coverup: Toy shop owner
Backstory: CUDDLES works for one of the Irish Triad, but often engages in his own personal....playthings. He has a workshop located behind the store where every so often you can hear chainsaws and screams drowned out by a Vocaloid song constantly on repeat. No one knows what the "S" in CUDDLES stands for, but rumor has it that you'll find out right before. You know.

Note I did 2 varying versions.
Whoever posts first can do me. <3
Also, you can connect players to each other in your backstory if you'd like!
Feel free to participate as much as you'd like, just try to wait until at least 2 users are coded before you go again. Thanks!
MaiTaiDec 9, 2014 1:39 PM

Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Dec 9, 2014 1:44 PM

Jan 2014
Codename: The Jungle
Coverup: Chef at some local resteraunt
Backstory: During day time Maitai works as chef at resteraunt. She is quite skilled and people loves her food. But during night time. She is skilled assasin and codename is The Jungle. That name cause last thing what victims hear is... TO THE JUNGLEEE!
~I am just one sadist who supports friends~
Dec 9, 2014 2:01 PM

Mar 2014
Codename: Copper Wire
Coverup: Cop at the local district.
Backstory: Always the ever deceitful person, The_Pyromaani convinces everyone he works on the side of good. But when it comes down to it, if you ever find a dead body with no evidence on who did it, it was probably him.
"I am the Bone of my Sword
Steel is my Body and Fire is my Blood
I have created over a Thousand Blades
Unaware of Loss,
Nor aware of Gain.
Withstood Pain to create Weapons, Waiting for one’s Arrival
I have no Regrets. This is the only Path
My whole life was Unlimited Blade Works"
Dec 10, 2014 3:21 AM

Mar 2009
Codename: The Prince
Coverup: Maid Café Owner
Backstory: xanic (A.K.A the prince) runs a maid cafe in the Akihabara district of Tokyo, he's one of the most prominent Yakuza members in Japan. He has a personal harem which doubles as an army, all the hostesses in his Cafe are part of his "harem".

Lulu ❤ | My MALoween Candy
Dec 10, 2014 9:00 AM

Jul 2013
Codename: Debt Collector
Coverup: Funeral Director
Backstory:Grave_robber, the daughter of a funeral director, was left with quite a debt after her parents celebrated their own death with the most extravagant and expensive funeral ceremony in history. Encouraged by the godfather who attended the spectale, she is working hard to expand her business and break into new markets. Since her direct affiliation with the mafia began, the all-inclusive services and onpoint timings of her company makes it popular throghout the country. There were never complaints from her customers and the graves she made were beautiful. She is an often-seen guest in High Society and is friends with quite a few doctors and gold traders.

Random Anime Blogs | 1 2 3 4
Dec 10, 2014 10:06 AM

Aug 2012
Haha this seems fun :p
Codename: Lee
Backstory: Taken in by the godfather as a homeless boy, Lee, the name given to him to begin life anew, and also his codename. Lee was trained to be an assassin, owing his life to the godfather, he works hard as one of the top assassins, however the godfather uses Lee as a mere weapon.
Dec 10, 2014 12:01 PM

Oct 2011
Codename: D.J. T.N.T.
Coverup: High School Drop Out/Underground Radio Host
Backstory: There's a few mysterious about the ever allusive yet quirky TNT. People always wonder his true occupation during the day, but at night, he hosts a weekly underground radio show from an undisclosed location. His speciality is making at home bombs out of every day house hold items. He is said to be a genius despite having no more than an 8th grade education...probably because the classes were so boring....or probably due to a severe chemical "accident" in chemistry class. After the incident, TNT was reported working exclusively for an unidentified mafia gang lord.

Dec 11, 2014 7:34 AM

Mar 2014
Codename: Vega Lyra
Coverup: A daughter of a rich family (Ojousama)

Codename: Altair Aquila
Coverup: Your regular NEET

Backstory: Up front, Altair and Vega move in different circles and live in different worlds. But behind the scene, they are actually the leaders of a powahful mafia 'family' whose members were recruited from the players of the mafia games they host online. That being said however, they do not see eye to eye about everything and will disagree with the other just for the sake of disagreeing, so they keep out of each other's way and only meet during the 'family' meeting, which is held on the seventh day of the seventh month every year. How they manage to keep the 'family' going is anybody's guess, but it may have to do with them both suffering from ombrophobia.
Dec 12, 2014 5:06 AM

Mar 2009
Ombrophobia! Hahaha, poor Bomby & Fluffy Tuffy!

Codename: Europe
Coverup: Local Artist (Sculptor)
Backstory: Not much is known about the lover of Lee(x_at_home), Zuu. His Greco-Roman style sculptures have been sold to unnamed private collectors for millions of dollars.

Lulu ❤ | My MALoween Candy
Dec 13, 2014 12:40 AM

Mar 2014

Codename: Coffin
Coverup: Vampire impersonator
Backstory: Actually believes she is a vampire.
rikuDec 15, 2014 4:37 AM
"I am the Bone of my Sword
Steel is my Body and Fire is my Blood
I have created over a Thousand Blades
Unaware of Loss,
Nor aware of Gain.
Withstood Pain to create Weapons, Waiting for one’s Arrival
I have no Regrets. This is the only Path
My whole life was Unlimited Blade Works"
Dec 15, 2014 3:44 AM

Mar 2014
This one is for Grave.

Codename: -
Coverup: -
Who needs a codename when her very name is enough to make anyone tremble? Grave's upfront business may be a funeral parlour (tagline: death doesn't come cheap), but it's the economic plus legal side of her mafia business instead of a camouflage. Grave believes she were a vampire-supergirl after being bitten by a vampire bat, has watched Hotel Transylvania for the 99th time, sleeps in a coffin, and will kick anyone who dares criticise Edward Cullen in front of her. She's gentler to girls however, as proven by how she willingly welcomes The Prince's (aka Xanic) maids into her dwelling if they get into row with him over their salary (even if they are Team Jacob).
Dec 15, 2014 7:41 AM

Oct 2011
Let's make sure that you have to do one for the person directly above you. If you wanna include someone else, that's fine too, but the person who posted before you must be included.

Xanic & Zurel
Codename: Jekyll & Hyde "Heidi"
Coverup: Blind Traveling Doctor and Nurse (Villains)
Backstory: You may not want to answer the door when these two come to visit. Dr. Jekyll is a nutty, blind "doctor" who stages all accidents to look like some sort of suicide. His partner in crime, Hyde (affectionally called "Heidi" by Jekyll) assists him faithfully, but is seemingly deaf and/or mute. The two, however, seem to communicate flawlessly. Heidi, gender unknown, wears a traditional candy striper uniform. Jekyll? His monocle (which is useless), fedora, and 3 piece suit, complete with doctor's jacket.

Well...the whites of their uniforms are the faintest of pink now. Wonder why.

Dec 17, 2014 12:55 PM

Mar 2009
Codename: Mouth Of The South
Coverup: Auditor
Backstory: Mai works in one of the Big Four(google it), she has a CPA and an MBA. MaiTai handles the finances of the Georgia branch, her often witty & sarcastic comments have earned her the nickname, mouth of the south. See Fluffy! I can take a real nickname and give it a fun story! now give me money miss auditor

@Zuu, thanks for the story! How'd you know about the prince's girls? Have you been watching me? XD

Lulu ❤ | My MALoween Candy
Dec 18, 2014 9:44 PM

Jun 2013
Codename: GraveDanger
Coverup: Grave keeper
Backstory: Grave was a clutz, she earned her nickname because anyone that happened to be around her was immediately put into grave danger. Whether it was spilling coffee on the boss, or accidently firing off her gun at the most inconvenient times (RIP Billy).. It was eventually decided that she would be better off in a more 'secluded' area of work. So they put her undercover as a grave keeper, from there she happily kept an eye on the other mafia's work.

lol meh.
Dec 26, 2014 7:24 PM

Jan 2014
Codename: Dark Requiem
Coverup: Psychologist
Backstory: As a child, Yume was tortured by the darkest of nightmares due to a past trauma: a murder he witnessed before his eyes at the tender age of 3. This murder forever shaped his view of humanity, and as Yume grew older and became involved in the mafia, Yume has always instilled the same nightmarish fear in his victims in revenge against humanity. In contrast, when alone, Yume can be heard singing the same lullabies that managed to calm his nerves as a young child and lull him to sleep, which when combined with his cruelty earned him the name "Dark Requiem."

And your avatar makes you look so innocent. :P
Jan 2, 2015 10:30 AM

Mar 2009
Codename: Sugar & Spice
Coverup: Assistant Professor (University of Cambridge)
Backstory: Prof. Elaina Gravano teaches English Literature at the University of Cambridge. She's 2nd in command to her brother Christopher; head of the famous Gravano family. She generally has a calm demeanor but has be known to become rather aggressive and violent in "special" occasions.

Lulu ❤ | My MALoween Candy
Jan 13, 2015 5:43 PM

Dec 2013
Codename:The Bodysnatcher/Undertaker
Coverup: The world renowned wunderkind doctor.

Grave got her start rather young; growing up in extreme poverty made her not only want to help other people (she saw extreme suffering) but also meant that her family lacked access to a conventional education. However she was determined to become a doctor with access to world renowned medical facilities, conducting research and working pro bono for the poor. Unable to afford anything for poor grave, her father did the only thing that he could do – steal some bodies. So he began robbing graves with her at his side. Needless to say grave was an eager pupil. And she got very, very good at taking people apart.

Soon grave became very good at robbing. And killing. Because she couldn’t leave her papa to the vagaries of the police, right?

Eventually, with her connections she got a fake master’s degree. With some robbing I mean borrowing she gained enough cash to pay her way through medical school. With her unmatched precision in surgery she soon became world renowned; grave, however never forgot her roots. With so many people suffering she always needed new experimental subjects methods of medicine. Besides using other humans was so much easier to make advances. So she accepts jobs for contract killings…

So grave continuing making sure that the scum of the world got new, nice graves. And that they contributed something to society. She would make sure to be the best doctor she could be! with the help of a high body count

and that turned out way more creepy than I meant. Sorry grave

Jan 14, 2015 7:41 AM

Dec 2013
Codename: IV, Number four.
Coverup Cafe owner

Growth spurt didn't last long for this lass. Stuck at 1 m 45, leaves a usually bad impression on people. Going through school and later her job of assistant detective work, found out her skill in the flow of information, she tried to manipulate it, and succeeded in establishing a reasonably dangerous organization. But soon became bored and retired as an information broker. Parents are unusually understanding even going as far to help her out.

Now working for a crime syndicate, no complaints about life, running a small cafe on the side.
Jan 14, 2015 9:00 AM

Mar 2009
Codename: Papa
Coverup: Radio Host
Backstory: Famous for his pizza references, John Beegles is one of the top 10 radio hosts worldwide. He first gained fame for being a victim of the infamous loversgate incident, which helped propel his radio host career. This painful memory he often uses to bond with his listeners and spread his "unique" ideologies and views.

@sasameiv, that story is most untrue, you must not believe the rumors. I shall pay a visit tonight to discuss things over a cup of tea(coffee for you).

Lulu ❤ | My MALoween Candy
Jan 22, 2015 8:40 PM

Dec 2013
Oh goodness that’s not scary at all ; v ; You can’t kill me now mwhaha since I’m part of Grave no Harem. You’re already learning my secrets primarily that I’m addicted to coffee though I like tea as well though I am told I’m a “Tea Snob” according to others

@MrHawkeye The irony is so funny since I’m actually in the 99th percentile for height :P I’m so down with being an informant and running a café with amazing coffee though hopefully I don’t leave bad impressions in real life ^.^

Here we go~

codename: The Yandere
Coverup: The sweet schoolgirl that plays amateur detective and is super helpful and knowledgeable. We all know the one~

Backstory: It is universally accepted that grave gets attached too easily and is generally too nice to others. Her uncle taught her sword skills and she became a nationally ranked fencer. Thus from a young age she was surrounded by adoring fans. Unable to form solid connections due to her popularity, grave became intensely possessive of the few people she connected with. While she is willing to share with others in her personal harem, she will attack anyone that stakes a claim otherwise. It’s rumored that she carefully sharpens her two katana, one for each hand, as she plots murder. Then she shows up at the door. People stay mysteriously missing should they mess with her…

Grave's scary~ :P

Jan 25, 2015 10:32 AM

Aug 2013

Codename: The Dreaded Loch-Ness Monster
Cover-up: Over fifty years of fooling people into believing in the legend of an extremely large under-water beast in the great Loch-ness.
Backstory: It was 1946, a year after the end of the great war, and Nessie had just about had it. She was sick-and-tired of all the killings and bloodshed going on in the surrounding countries of Europe, so she decided to find haven under the murky waters of the great Loch-ness. Little did she know, that the mafia had set up their under-water recruitment office in that exact location, and Nessie was a perfect candidate for a life of crime. Who would want to mess with an enormous, fresh-water dwelling, possible mafia-dinosaur? I know I certainly wouldn't, and I don't think you would either.
"If you look for a ghost, you'll find one."
Jan 25, 2015 11:16 AM

Dec 2012
Kewl :D - And I'm in the OP to ^^

Vier (German = 4)
Coverup: Claims to be just a normal girl who likes to watch anime on her computer when, in reality, she is using all the time on trying to infiltrate various international money and security departments.

Backstory Sasameiv came poor but loving family in the countryside. She was the cuttest loli in town and grew up to be both smart, beautiful and charming young lady. While she was on a school trip in japan, she was abducted by Scythe Master and was then trained to be an excelent assasin able to hack into any system, infiltrate enemy buildings while acting as an elegant bussines woman and take then assasinate CEO's and other important people in the most cruel yet undetectable ways. Has earned billions of dollars through many years of being in operation, but she enjoys killing and sees it as a hobby.
Feb 7, 2015 6:53 AM

Dec 2012
Codename: Casieel
Coverup: A bakery/restaurant/pub owner in downtown.

Backstory: Casieel aka Ceal was from the slums in a town called XseccSiel(Sec-Seal) and had his/her whole family killed by brutally being tortured in from of them at the age of 9. After the vicious attack poor Casieel had to bury his/her family by with their bare hands. Wandering the streets for weeks stealing food and barely getting by. One day casieel is attacked by a random man. The man tries to rape casieel but he/she snaps and stabs the man over 200 times completely destroying him. sitting next to the corpse crying casieel is greeted by an ominous figure. Wary Casieel picks up the knife and with a wild look prepares to attack the unknow person. Casieel lunges forward and in an instance is put in a sleeper hold. He/She looks up to see a woman with dark hair choking her/him out. The woman says "Did you do this child" and releases. Casieel knowing he/she has no chance answers "y-yes". the woman says "I can tell you're broken and have no family, and the look in your eyes is perfect. It screams pain and misery. That can be put to good use. come with me and I will free you from your daily torment. or stay ad deal with more scum like the man you killed who tried to rape you". Casieel surprised the woman knew says. "You saw?" The woman says "I did, and I can train you so this never happens again and you can provide for yourself. when you get older I will give you a job" Casieel is scared and wary but agrees. The woman say "I am Selleese and your suffering is over, but your journey has just begun". Casieel is turned into an assassin and has killed over 400 hundred people by the age of 13. by 17 Casieel is know as one of the deadliest assassins in the world. Working for Selleese his/her savior taking on the identity of a shop over in the heart of downtown.

Mar 5, 2015 2:12 PM

Dec 2012
I had a rough childhood.. :D
Mar 5, 2015 7:02 PM

Feb 2015
Killer pegasus
Mar 5, 2015 7:56 PM

Dec 2014
Codename: Green Death
Cover-Up: High end competitive archer
Back story: After watching too much Arrow on CW, EmperorAkashi also known as Green Death, picked up archery as a sport. Easily excelling at it, he decided to become a vigilante like his favourite hero. Things go south however, when he missed a shot which caused an innocent life to die. The guilt overwhelmed him and drove him into insanity. He was eventually recruited by the mafias who promised to cure his insanity as long as he shoots for them
Mar 6, 2015 6:46 PM

Dec 2013
I had fun reading Zymf’s and Lucian’s early thoughts about me. :)

Onward ho!~

Corrupted Purity:
Codename: Yuri Lover The Red Avenging Angel
[/b]Coverup:[/b] A delinquent youth roaming around the tidy streets of Singapore

Corrupted Purity always felt a need to rebel against the expected social norms. From a young age he plotted his youthful rebellion and even had an associated theme song (he’s such a planner :3) But his contrarian façade was just because of his deep, unsettling loneliness and desire for human contact and passion for yuri shows so eventually, when he snapped, it was bound to be impressive.

He joined up with the mysterious Purple Army only to lose it after accidentally harming an innocent (after all inside he was a good kid). Deciding to make society feel his pain, he joined up with the mafia and dressed in all red (better to hide all the blood with) and attached red wing-like appendages to illustrate his divine “justice” . He had fallen under the influence of the elusive "Jack" who just became "God" of this new world or so it was claimed....
sasameivMar 6, 2015 6:49 PM

Mar 7, 2015 3:57 AM

Nov 2014

Codename: Reaper of love
Coverup: Butcher in a shop in little Italy.

Backstory: She is from a rich family of business owners, her father was always taking loans from the mob when shew was a baby. He was always late on his payments so they killed her mother and took her away from him and raised her as their own She was trained to defend her self and showed remarkable progress from a young age as an assassin.

But one day on a mission to protect a man who was being hunted by the other mob family´s. She fell in love with the man she was supposed to protect. Witch let to his death since the son of her current mob master of the Karote family, did not approve of this and killed him. Witch lead to her ultimate rage, she is responsible for the death of the whole Karote family, she killed all of them while holding a picture of her dead lover.
Mar 7, 2015 5:03 AM

Dec 2012

Codename: [Blank] (like in NGNL)
Coverup: Intellegent professor working at a hospital

Backstory: Since you were a kid, you've always loved cutting in living things to see how they agonize in pain. Back then, you'd only get to cut in small animals like frogs or birds, because if they were to big like dogs and cats, you knew that your parents would find out. Your parents were affraid of your "interrests" and would scold you every time they found dead animals around the house, so you learned how to keep your "opperations" secret.
You graduated from university as a doctor and biologist and since then you have had close ties to the mafia. Everytime the mafia need to get some information out of someone, they'll send them to you, so that you can torment them to tell you everything they know, and even after that you'll keep tormenting them untill they die.

... This is so much a Dexter rip-off, I know x.x
Mar 7, 2015 5:29 AM

Dec 2014

Codename: The fifth unicorn
Coverup: An innocent pony

Backstory:Lions. Eagles. Narwhals. Horses. Long ago, the four creatures lived together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the narwhals attacked. Only unicorns, master of all four creatures, could stop them, but when the world needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years passed and my brother and I discovered the new unicorn, a horse named Zymf. And although his mafia skills are great, he has a lot to learn before he's ready to win any games. But I believe Zymf can be the best mafia in the world.

-Plays awesome music-
Mar 7, 2015 7:45 AM

Dec 2014
Nice sig Zymf >.<
Mar 7, 2015 7:45 AM

Mar 2014
Mar 7, 2015 7:49 AM
Silly Loy '3'

Jun 2014
Yes, it's certainly Signature worthy :3
Mar 7, 2015 8:03 AM

Dec 2014
Aww... I feel so touched...
Apr 20, 2015 10:03 PM

Dec 2013
Onward ho!~ There is no way I compete with CP's description with Zymf, I'm not even going to try >.<

Corrupted Purity:
Codename: Yuri Yandere
Coverup:[/b] A great debater

Corrupted Purity always felt a need to find love in their life, even they were a bright young'un. His unmatched ability at wordplay made him a excellent debater and a conniving salesman but he could b=never find anything that truly moved him. Without a connection to the product, it was hard to wheel & deal. The he started watching anime. He watched Angel Beats, didn't cry. He watched Anohana, didn't cry. Nothing could touch his heart. Then he found the holy grail: yuri. Ever since, he has distributed and helped spread yuri awesomeness around the world through smuggling and leading a global supply chain with a little convincing persuasion using forceful methods and plans to convert most of the world and reap the profits. Just don't insult CP's favorite genres or he may do a full on yandere~ ;)
sasameivApr 20, 2015 10:06 PM

May 17, 2015 1:55 AM

May 2015
Codename: Hellbroker
Coverup: A vegetable vendor

Sasameiv A.K.A. Hellbroker is the a state, staus and material dealer from the netherworld itself, posing as an innocent vegetable vendor she deals with people Firearms as well as demons who r in need of something menacing from hell. Her true coverup as not been detected yet and agents sent to bring info on her detailed actives have gone missing from many days.
Hellbroker remains on the run doing abt in her business as a vendor for both vegetables and hell.
Draco_NightmareMay 17, 2015 2:15 AM

Aug 20, 2015 12:35 PM

May 2014
Draco Nightmare
Codename: The Shadow of Inferno or Inferno's Shadow for short
Cover-up: A Barbershop Owner

Bio: In the small town he lives, everyone knows him as the quiet, yet friendly barber, who runs his own small business, but beneath the facade, he is a ruthless killer. He is the reincarnation of the black dragon Níðhöggr(Nidhogg), and was abandoned as a baby. Somehow surviving on luck alone, he was taken in at the age of five, by the most feared crime boss in Europe, and raised as his dog. Whenever he is called upon, a town that didn't pay its protection fee, burns to the ground, even world leaders, must pay for their protection, or risk the obliteration of their entire country.
Aug 21, 2015 1:35 PM

Oct 2011
Codename: 1337
Cover-up: Part-Timer @ Geek Squad (Best Buy Store)

Bio: A genius from birth, 1337 got tangled into an online gambling ring by the age of 7 due to boredom during his long summers at his grandmother's estate. During college, at the age of 13, his dad went bankrupt, and 1337 dropped out of school to tend to his dying grandmother while his father was jailed for tax evasion. Now virtually penniless (no pun intended), 1337 spends his day's fixing Windows Vista and his nights pilfering hundreds of thousands of dollars, donating most of it to animal shelters. Boy, does he love animals. He has "1337" tattooed on the back of his neck. Fun fact: 1337 is rumored to be the hacker who exposed several celebrities and politicians who had Ashley Madison accounts. Think of him as a Digital Robin Hood of sorts.

Apr 15, 2017 8:52 PM

Aug 2014
This is me necro'ing a really old thread.

Codename: Waterfall
Cover-Up: Unknown
Backstory: MaiTai's backstory is largely mysterious. Due to an unfortunate glitch, no player has been able to complete her character arc. During a chase, the player must attempt a daring jump between two buildings, but the hitbox of the second building is shifted in game and the player falls to their death, watching MaiTai run away in the distance. All that is known about MaiTai is that she has a signature hairstyle, but knows how to dissapear into a crowd with alarming speed.
Be like this seal. It is a happy seal.
~Review Guidelines~ | ~Recommendation Guidelines~ | ~Mafia Society~
Apr 15, 2017 11:48 PM

Dec 2014

Codename: necroassassin
Cover-up: High school band geek
Backstory: On the outside, everyone loves PentaFlare, he is bright, cheerful and fun to be around with. He is great with any and all instruments and adored by his teacher and classmates alike.
Come nightfall, the boy everyone loved turns into monster, he goes to the local forum cemetery and desecrates old posts, bringing them back to live. Some say it's sacrilege to summon some necro god of the forums, others say he does it just for pure pleasure... But every forum user knows... Once their post has not been touched for at least a month... To be aware of the necroassassin. *Cue lame horror soundtrack*
Aug 26, 2017 12:36 PM

Dec 2012

Codename: TaintedInnocence
Cover-up: An innocent highschool boy who is shy around the girls and always polite to the adults.

Backstory: You lost your parents when you were very young amd went to live with your grandmother. She was kind to everyone and cared for you very much. You always wanted to make her proud, so you studied hard in school and you never got into any trouble. When you started in high school, your grandmother started getting really sick and so, everyday you followed her to the hospital in the morning and brought her back home with you as soon as you finished school. You also took care of all the cleaning and cooking, since your grandmother was too weak and senile. Your classmates however, thought you were a total wierdo and they laughed at you every time they saw you walking pass with your old grandmother. She always told you that you should just leave her by alone, but you wanted to be there for her like she had always been there for you.
One day as you passed the school, the bullies came over and took away your grandmothers tripod, which also tore off her pacemaker and then they started waving it around in the air. Frantically you tried to stop them, but you were too weak. While you tried and tried to tell them about the pacemaker and your grandmothers illness, she soon fell to the ground and her heart stopped working properly. Although it was their fault entirely that your grandmother died, the police and the school said that it couldn't be helped and that it was just an unfortunate accident.
You had much more time on your hands to hang out with friends, go to parties and meet girls after your grandmothers death, but still nobody wanted to be affiliated with the likes of you. You were too weak, too timid, too innocent and boring. That's when you knew things had to change and you also hadn't gotten your revenge on the bullies yet! While you kept up your innocent attitude at school, you started meeting up with gangsters and other criminals after skyfall. They provided you with the tools and the drugs that you needed for your meticulous plan of revenge.
Apr 20, 2023 4:17 AM

Dec 2012
Bump! This was a nice game!
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