My name is Matthias and I´m 17 years old and I´m an anime watcher.
I am studying programming at a high school in Reykjavik.
My hobbies are anime, programming, playing the trumpet and music.
My rating system is like this
10/ - A must watch for everyone and is totally one of a kind.
9/- Its very epic and I recommend you watch it.
8/- Its great and I recommend you watch it.
7/- Its good and is worth watching, but it lacked excitement or something other.
6-1/ Is from ok to total waste of time.

A.k.a Must watch animes.(I will add to it when I am in the mood to do so)
1) Sword art online.
This anime is stunning it took me on an emotional roller coster trough my mind I cried and laughed and felt the same ways as the characters did in the show like I was one of the people in the show. The music is amazing and has amazing and translates the moments exstreamly well and takes you on that roller coster I was talking about. The story is also stunning and makes you stay up all night to watch it to the end. That is why this is a must watch and you will not see another one like this one.
Feel free to comment and ask me for recommendations :D.
Here´s a spoiler
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