Draco_Nightmare's Profile
- Last OnlineAug 30, 2024 4:46 AM
- GenderMale
- BirthdayApr 19, 1996
- LocationNew Delhi,India
- JoinedMay 4, 2015
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Heya Guys Whats Up!!!!I love Anime and would definitely Like to see More of it!!! I like exploring different genres of Anime to Enjoy the Art better!!!
I Look forward in Making New Companions, Acquaintances and Friends here!!!
My Fav Line for Anime is AIA i.e.
!!!!Anime Is Awesome!!!!!

My Original and Favorite Quote!!!
Anime Stats
Days: 93.8
Mean Score:
- Total Entries318
- Rewatched0
- Episodes5,645
Manga Stats
Days: 0.0
Mean Score:
- Total Entries2
- Reread0
- Chapters0
- Volumes0
Anime (5)
Character (10)
All Comments (95) Comments
lazy so no banner
named these randomly so you'll see some later editions first or vice versa
save and re-host. write here if there's any problems
decided to catch up with naming cards yesterday(13th October)
1,222 cards in 10 hours plus break. I'm insane...
now if only I can do the same with claim banners..once I get somebody to resize pics for me XD
this batch contains everything I've done that still needs delivering
minus editions where the templates/finished cards were left in my computer hard drive - using laptop atm
my recent cards are pretty basic since the gfx tools I use are in the hard drive as well
some cards were remade since I was in a hurry the first time around
card editions
find your cards under your usernames or the names you wrote in your requests
⊹ _ to C ⊹ D to F ⊹ G to J ⊹ K to L ⊹ M to N ⊹ O to S ⊹ T to Z ⊹
total requesters: 197
total editions: 13
total cards: 1,973
★ Lilybeth's Card Workshop
★ Official Member Cards ★ Cards ★ 86
♫ if there's a problem, let me know and I'll fix it ♫
♫ Ctrl + F to find your cards ♫
first part of super late delivery. sorry it took so long, i broke my arm and it got hard to type >_>
[spoiler][color=#9A2EFE]Lilybeth's Card Workshop[/color]
✦ Touken Ranbu SE ✦ Cards ✦ 78
✦ Mecha RE ✦ Cards ✦ 64
✦ Braids LE ✦ Cards ✦ 93
✦ Casual Clothes SE ✦ Cards ✦ 32
✦ Peace Sign LE ✦ Cards ✦ 72
✦ Long Ponytail SE ✦ Cards ✦ 49
✦ Happy Birthday Kyrex SE ✦ Cards ✦ 49
[color=#9A2EFE]✦✦ Official Member Card - #84 - #127+Extras ✦✦[/color]
★ Please save and rehost, deletion takes place in 2 weeks.
★ Thanks allot for requesting <3
★ [u]Cloud Atlas[/u]
★ Opening Edition: Final Fantasy
★ Cards
All resources used in banner and cards belong to their respective owners.
Banner looks pretty bad >< Should work with gifs more because this is the first thing I made with gifs
Green Hair Monthly Edition | Cards | 95
Holding Hands Special Edition | Cards | 105
Cherry Blossoms Weekly Edition | Cards | 143
Purple Hair Monthly Edition | Cards | 122
Heterochromia Weekly Edition | Cards | 119
Feather Special Edition | Cards | 95
Black and White Special Edition | Cards | 164
500+ Special Edition | Cards | 108
Pink Hair Monthly Edition | Cards | 95
Roses Special Edition | Cards | 55
Cloud Atlas
Fire Special Edition | Cards | 66
200+ Special Edition | Cards | 63
Attempt at your own risk.[/size]
Too lazy to upload elsewhere; I love dropcanvas too much lol :P
Thanks for requesting! :) |So sorry for the lateness ><
Reminder that in some editions, I requested no dashes, underscores, and numbers. I got them anyways. So when I was naming, I removed them. Didn't like that? Should have followed what I said if so, just deal with it. ><
Post limits also existed.... so if you posted past them.... you got nothing (unless you used MLC). Read all cardmaker rules, next time.
Please save and re-host as soon as possible.
Use Ctrl + F to find your cards (unless you want to do it the hard way....)
Any problems (misspelled usernames, wrong card, can't find card) notify me immediately.
Random Blah about the cards
Just skip this part if you haven't tried guessing my fav colour in DC's Pink Hair ME.
There's a lot of text and unnecessary things I wrote....
[spoiler]Time for the moment of truth!
[size=88]-Chie when looking at the guesses-:
-Holy mother of blue..... Ummm.... that's a lot of guesses for the colour blue..... Umm..... that's a lot of extra cards to name if you all got it right. Umm.... what if I told you guys that my favourite colour..... is.....
I use pink and blue a lot, yeah, I know.....misleading people I think because of that you guessed wrong, thinking "Chie seems to use blue and pink a lot! Those must be her favourite colours!" or "That was easy- her fav colour definitely has to be blue, cuz she uses it a lot."
=Starting to feel really guilty=..... I don't use red a lot because I love it and I don't want to taint the colour by using it in my horrible works.
[spoiler]So no actually got it right.... I thought at least one person would get it right. No one did ; - ; well, try again next time? ; - ;[/spoiler][/spoiler]
★ Please save and rehost, deletion takes place in 2 weeks.
★ Thanks allot for requesting <3
★ [u]Namine's Cafe[/u]
★ No Game No Life RE
★ Cards
▲ never got to fix this banner in the end lol ▲
Use Ctrl + F to make things easier. c:
[ C A N V A S #1【# - L】] ★ [ C A N V A S #2【M - Z】]
:: NOTES ::
I was supposed to add more editions, but decided against it at the end. x.x
Next delivery will take a while, though the contents will be considerably less, hehe.
The cards will stay in my external drive for a long time, so if the canvas expires, just drop me a message if you still want to save your cards. c:
@Haruchan-: I used both Haruchan- and Miki07 for the filenames for your cards, gomen. >,< Just use Ctrl + F for it to be easy, sorry again. T_T
@Sapphire: Gomen, I used 'Sapphire-san', 'Sapphy', and 'Sapphire' for your cards x.x I guess it was because of the rush OTL
【 Username :: Edition :: Your Comment/Question :: my reply.】
Please save and rehost within 14 days.
Ctrl+F to find you cards.
If there is any problems with the cards, please contact me.
Thank You for Requesting!!! ^___^
Dear Clouds Deliveries!
[size=120]☆ Card Maker : Nikki ☆ Wonderful Card Deliverer : turtlebandit ☆