Well Well. I promised to say something about myself like year ago. So i think its finally time =D So... I'm 24 year's old guy from cold Finland where hot summer might last 5 weeks. Funny isn't it? I graduated end of May and got papers of Cheff. Yeah i studied cooking^^ I'm easy going guy and understands humour pretty well. So don't be afraid to say something! I might go wild sometimes but don't be afraid i don't bite you guys... Maybe just little bit (; I'm host of the Pyro Games here. They are normal forum mafia games but i named my hosted games as series of Pyro Games. So if you are interested or see somewhere Pyro games... Don't hesitate and join the fun! (:
How did i get here and how did i start anime? Well.. we need go back to 2013 september. I was celebrating friend's birthday. We were kind a drunk. Since i was at my old hometown. I couldn't go to home sleep. So i called my good old friend and asked can i come there to sleep. He said yeah sure why not. Then i did go there. He was rewatching SAO. I was like wtf is that. He said of this one anime called SAO. I did sit down and watched the episode and he explained many things about it. Fun thing is for years i didnt like anime cause the language. (I had seen DBZ as dub and silverfang and some child animes like yugioh, muumin, and pokemon... but in finnish.) So we finished that SAO episode.... he asked you wanna watch other episode.. I was.... sure. Then we watched that.
Next day when i returned home. I went to my own room and thinked.... Should i watch it or not. After couple hours i went to the internet one anime site and searched Sword Art Online. I started it, I liked it and i finished it. That time it felt like yeaaah this is best show ever. I need to see more! After that i went to net and searched similiar animes to SAO. I found out that Accel World happens in same universe. So i watched that next... After that... happened quite big change.. I started Clannad.. That was time when i felt so many feels with anime. I cried with Clannad. After that i watched Kanon, Air, Angel Beats....Beautiful times. After that crazy emotional roller coaster. I went to internet find some good horror animes. i found one vid what really helpful
Click Here if interested. I have seen many of those series included in that video.
At some point. Since i used notepad list to keep track with watched anime and animes what i were watching. I needed a better place. So i went to internet and searched animelist. Aye i found MyAnimeList. I was curious and made account here and made list. I was quite happy since it made it easier for me to keep track with anime. 1st months kind a went i was just using this place as keeping track with anime. Soon i thinked maybe i should check what else this site have. And now that i have been here over year. I have found many new friends and meet a lot people. I can say every where friend on my list is important. Even if i dont talk with all of you and with some more than with others. Cause friends are what makes you stronger and supports you. Thanks for that <3
I never did write here on my profile since i didnt know what to write. But looks like i got quite much text! (:
Mandatory military service done (4.1.16 - 16.6.16) Now a reservist!

All Comments (1595) Comments
MAL will always be special to me, I met a lot of great people and the love of my life here. It's good to see that some of these people, like yourself, are still using the site. Here's to another year 🥂
Oh yeah, it's crazy how fast time flies by.
I just stumbled across your profile and saw your impressive watchlist. I am glad that you accepted the request ^^