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Jan 17, 2015 2:48 AM

Nov 2011
Definitely had a lot of emotions this episode. The physical scars left on Birk's face after that beating is just cruel and I feel bad for what happened to him. Again, the show highlights human emotions when it comes to feuds and rivalries.

With the momentum it had from the previous episode, I thought this was well done to portray the aftermath.

Jan 17, 2015 2:23 PM

Dec 2011
I love how the story keeps on pointing at elements we have seen along the way -- the dungeons, for instance. Ronja's flashback of her first meeting with Birk almost seemed like a trance, and reminded me of the scene with the unearthly ones, except it was Birk who was whistling and laughing and telling her to 'come over', and this time she's fully awake, and there's no one to stop her.

I feel really bad for Ronja. She knew she would be hurting her father (and thus, herself) and still jumped for Birk's sake, and now she got disowned too? :'(

Only noticed now that Undis was hinting that Birk and Ronja will not see each other as siblings for long... 0_0

I kinda regret watching the movie now... should've done that after all this is over...
Jan 17, 2015 3:48 PM

Mar 2012
Ronja's leap in this episode was the coolest thing in the series so far. Would have been even cooler if the preview at the end of the previous episode hadn't totally spoiled it :)
Jan 18, 2015 4:16 PM
Jul 2018
There's a lot of emotions in this episode.

Ronja is jumping for Birk's sake and let Borka captured her.

Good to see Birk and Ronja went back to their parent's side.
Jan 18, 2015 4:24 PM

Jan 2013
Another sad episode...Ronja jumping to Borka's side and therefore protecting Birk...
poor Ronja and Birk.

Jan 18, 2015 5:06 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
Things continue to get more depressing after last week's episode ;__; Ronja did what she could to help Birk, because putting anyone, much less an innocent child, in such conditions is just horrifying to imagine begin imagining. But who knew of all things, Mattis begins to spout that he has no child. WOW. This guy, why in the world is he so damn stubborn? I guess having his own child disagree with him so strongly could break him, and hopefully after some in his own thoughts, he will come around it.

The scene of the exchange was really touching, how Birk and Ronja looks at each other, each saying that they have been saved by the other. That they are siblings. I think Birk is also disappointed in his parents, as he told them not to touch him. But yeah, what's so bad about playing with another child? Too much brainwash from previous generations, jfc. Next episode...are they running away from home? :o
Jan 18, 2015 5:51 PM

Jul 2010
Quite the emotional episode and with an amazing soundtrack!

I actually really enjoyed the conflict as Ronja jumps towards the enemy side. Mattis with him thinking of it as a betrayal from the leader's perspective. As much as he wants to give in more, it was enough by allowing the exchange to happen. I feel sort of bad for Mattis, just how would a parent act when his child does the most shockingly bizarre thing from his point of view. Course what Ronja did was the right thing, still it must have quite its toll as Ronja witnesses that Mattis doesn't want her anymore.

At the actual exchange with Birk announcing their relationship and straight out defies his parents that is mad about it. It was another amazing scene to not only realize their bond but also the distance that stands between them.

Running away? That sounds pretty interesting to be honest!
Jan 18, 2015 7:42 PM

Mar 2012
Wow. Mattis really disappointed me here.
Well, extreme cases needs extreme resolutions, and I`m happy Ronja did what she did.
But, anyway, why is Borka so angry about Birk`s friendship with Ronja? Wasn`t he a friend of Mattis when they where young?
(also don`t really get why Birk is so angry at his parents, his father and Lovis are the most reasonable in all of this).
Jan 18, 2015 9:12 PM

Jun 2008
Another depressing episode but it was soo good. I am loving this show more and more.
tingy said:

The scene of the exchange was really touching, how Birk and Ronja looks at each other, each saying that they have been saved by the other. That they are siblings.

I loved that scene so much.
Jan 18, 2015 10:02 PM
Jul 2014
Touching episode. I really liked the ending track. ;-;
Jan 18, 2015 11:53 PM

Jul 2011
Kiarika said:
Wow. Mattis really disappointed me here.
Well, extreme cases needs extreme resolutions, and I`m happy Ronja did what she did.
But, anyway, why is Borka so angry about Birk`s friendship with Ronja? Wasn`t he a friend of Mattis when they where young?
(also don`t really get why Birk is so angry at his parents, his father and Lovis are the most reasonable in all of this).

Essentially Ronja just outright rejected him and everything he stand for. His pride was broken. Though his reaction also surprised me. I expected him to be more stern, since his reaction last episode was so determined.

Borka isn't like Mattis, but he fundamentally understand that their clans are not meant to mingle; they're enemies. And the scene from when they were young - as children grow up they realize a lot of things (that they did wrong in youth), life gets complicated and it's not just a matter that can be easily ended. They were naive as children.

Birk was angry, I think, because he hates the entire situation, because he's never held any ill-will towards Ronja and them, and doesn't intend to. And he likes Ronja (Undis hinted at this~kufufu). He's also angry because his parents/clan just don't understand his feelings or that Ronja saved him. Notice that Ronja also rejected her mother (the most reasonable character) because of these feelings, and she's also heartbroken. How could Mattis and them understand her relationship with Birk so easily? Otherwise she would have told him that Birk was her brother from the start and the issue would be resolved. It's just not that easy. Birk and Ronja just want to be left alone (and they feel isolated). I think the feelings really bubbled up when Birk revealed that they were siblings. Birk couldn't hide their relationship anymore, and Ronja was crying the whole time from being overwhelmed with relief and heartbrokenness. Because she lost her relationship with Mattis, but Birk still sees her as a sibling despite what he went through. She's conflicted and upset.

It hurt me when Birk didn't turn around after Ronja was called his name though. >__<

Best episode yet. Topped last episode's emotions easily. I freakin' love this development.

I loved the scene where they reveal that they're siblings. My heart actually swooned. And Undis saying what all of us are thinking (Birk x Ronja~kufufu <3). To see Birk mad for once really adds to the impact of the situation as well. It really surprised me when he defied and lashed out at his parents, letting Ronja know that he still thinks of her as a sibling. Even though Ronja tends to be the more expressive one, she just a few words. She's happy but sad at the same time. But I'm extremely happy that Birk holds no grudge, and that he still likes Ronja. (More so that he expressed it!)

Ah, I rewatched that scene a good 5 times.

Next episode, elopement!! Why must I wait weekly for this!? Argh...
MirorinJan 19, 2015 12:06 AM
Jan 19, 2015 8:40 AM

Jan 2014
Hmm i see.. Mattis is completely lost is grieve and confusion. It was so awesome to see Ronja jumping across the gap. I hope this hatred from Ronja and Birk, will make their parents think differently.
Looking at the preview, at least Ronja and Birk meets again ^^
Jan 19, 2015 2:14 PM

Apr 2012
Ronja Powa!

A shame Mattis had to take it so hard, I wonder if they'll ever be able to forgive each other. We're off to a new adventure next week.
Jan 19, 2015 6:34 PM

Oct 2012
Last few epiosdes Mattis is just a jerk
Jan 19, 2015 6:54 PM

Oct 2013
Another outstanding episode. The series just keeps getting better. As I have said before, people dismissing this for snobbish reasons are missing out.
Jan 19, 2015 7:16 PM

Nov 2013
Wow Ronja was brave to face her father like that! I'm happy that her relationship with Birk didn't change. And in the preview they're running away together?? I'm not sure if that will turn out very well...

Jan 20, 2015 8:40 AM
Jan 2015
shirenz said:
Wow Ronja was brave to face her father like that! I'm happy that her relationship with Birk didn't change. And in the preview they're running away together?? I'm not sure if that will turn out very well...

Yes they are running away to the woods and they have 10 ep more to make it more dreadful

Jan 20, 2015 9:06 PM

Nov 2007
These two episodes have been some heavy contrast to earlier episodes. I wonder if these episodes were this tough in the book.
Jan 21, 2015 2:59 AM

Aug 2011
Ronja's jump and the soundtrack during that scene were perfect.
Soundtrack really stood out in this episode.
The last bit of music was beautiful and chilling at the same time.
Just about felt goosebumps when the lyrics went I might just... kill you.

Really strong follow up to the previous episode.
Definitely lived up to it and that was not an easy episode to live up to.
Jan 21, 2015 7:42 AM

Oct 2008
early rebellion is such a marvelous thing!

Jan 21, 2015 7:48 AM

Apr 2008
I love how the story and lyrics in the lullaby is changing and advancing to suit the situation. This show is an atmospheric gem, an underrated one that I'm glad I decided to stick with.
Jan 21, 2015 12:36 PM
Jan 2015
Orangevision said:
These two episodes have been some heavy contrast to earlier episodes. I wonder if these episodes were this tough in the book.

Yes, in broad terms, but insults and threats are more "weak" "dra åt pipsvängen" roughly translated "get lost and never come back" instead of "go to hell" Astrid Lindgren's books do never make references to Christianity or use insult as bastard.

Mattis are portrayed as a more "good" character in the book, part there Birk was denied medical care or Louis is thrown do not exist in the book.

Ronja have a shade of darkens, she rage and demand/ wish that Mattis thrown out alll the Borka brigands from the castle (before she become friend to Birk) and that make it harder/impossible for Mattis later to understand Ronjas motiv, and Ronja is hit by "be careful what you wish"
Jan 21, 2015 12:45 PM

Jul 2008
This ep was so good. I felt bad for Ronja but by god Mattis you took this further then I thought you would...

But what Birk said to his parents was amazing. Hey, even his mother knows what the future holds. ¬w¬ hehehehehehe
Jan 21, 2015 2:12 PM

Dec 2011
tellafus said:
Mattis are portrayed as a more "good" character in the book, part there Birk was denied medical care or Louis is thrown do not exist in the book.

Really? But I do remember this scene to be in the movie. And I heard that it was faithful to the book. Was it something just added to the movie and the anime decided to take inspiration from?
Jan 22, 2015 6:20 AM

Oct 2011
the jump scene was so epic *w*

is just my impression or the preview of the next episode always spoil the things a little in this anime? ^^'

should be a stunning surprise to the viewer to found that Mattis kidnapped Birk in the last episode (but, they already show in the preview... so we already know what waiting when Ronja come back to the castle)...
the same thing with her leap in this episode
Jan 22, 2015 9:55 AM
Jan 2015
SaneSavantElla said:
tellafus said:
Mattis are portrayed as a more "good" character in the book, part there Birk was denied medical care or Louis is thrown do not exist in the book.

Really? But I do remember this scene to be in the movie. And I heard that it was faithful to the book. Was it something just added to the movie and the anime decided to take inspiration from?

It interesting what you remember after 25? year or more not remember, did re-watch the movie today, some parts did I have crystal clear memory of and recall perfect of but I totally forgot that Mattis is that big of a jerk, who thrown Louis, and in rage Louis is hitting the brigand who catch here.

Overall its much darker than I remember
tellafusJan 22, 2015 11:10 AM
Jan 22, 2015 4:57 PM

Dec 2011
tellafus said:
It interesting what you remember after 25? year or more not remember, did re-watch the movie today, some parts did I have crystal clear memory of and recall perfect of but I totally forgot that Mattis is that big of a jerk, who thrown Louis, and in rage Louis is hitting the brigand who catch here.

Overall its much darker than I remember

Oh no I only watched the movie a month or so ago (and replayed it twice)... I was impatient and just have to find out what happens after episode 4! Ah, so it did happen in the movie... there are really nice scenes I can't wait to see in the anime :D
Jan 23, 2015 2:10 PM

Dec 2012
SaneSavantElla said:

Oh no I only watched the movie a month or so ago (and replayed it twice)... I was impatient and just have to find out what happens after episode 4! Ah, so it did happen in the movie... there are really nice scenes I can't wait to see in the anime :D

While discussing the movie I have to say that pretty much everything that happens after the scene in the mist have blown the movie out of the waters for me! Since they have more time in the anime they can really work with the ideas of the book way more than in the movie.

As all Swedes who heard of this I was very worried when this was announced, but this is by far one of my favorite shows right now! As always, kudos Studio Ghibli!
The 2002 Tokyo Mew Mew adaptation is not as great as you remember it being.
Jan 23, 2015 4:30 PM

Dec 2011
Crez said:
While discussing the movie I have to say that pretty much everything that happens after the scene in the mist have blown the movie out of the waters for me! Since they have more time in the anime they can really work with the ideas of the book way more than in the movie.

As all Swedes who heard of this I was very worried when this was announced, but this is by far one of my favorite shows right now! As always, kudos Studio Ghibli!

I agree, they had time to flesh out the other characters too (I wouldn't have remembered half of the robbers' names otherwise). I believe the details of the anime were from the parts of the book not shown in the movie, and I'm excited to see more of those come alive!
Jan 28, 2015 2:38 PM
Jun 2014
It was a very good episode i think.

i loved the fact that Ronja jumped over to save Birk (even though it was a absolute betrayal to Mattis). I also think that the part where Mattis outright disowns Ronja was awesome(deserved it tbh) to and to be honest really set the mood.
over all very good episode.
Jan 31, 2015 11:59 AM

Dec 2014
Kiarika said:

But, anyway, why is Borka so angry about Birk`s friendship with Ronja? Wasn`t he a friend of Mattis when they where young?
(also don`t really get why Birk is so angry at his parents, his father and Lovis are the most reasonable in all of this).

Because when Ronja jumped Hell's Gap, Borka immediately did to Ronja what Mattis did to his son- minus the beating- and Birk had to stand there and watch as his father put a rope around her while his mother yells at her for having Mattis as a father. Ronja stuck her neck out for him and that's the treatment she gets from his parents. Then the scolding during the hostage exchange only put salt on the wound. He hates the feud and doesn't want any part of it.
AnnaSartinJan 31, 2015 12:03 PM
Feb 6, 2015 9:43 AM

Oct 2011
This episode was so intense, I loved it! I'm really angry at Matttis right now, he's being a total jerk. Ronja and Birk are just perfect.
And, like everyone else already said, the soundtrack was unbelievable, it really stood out!
DeskachanFeb 6, 2015 9:49 AM
Apr 19, 2015 4:17 PM

Oct 2012
Well. I can't imagine Ronja makes up with Mattis anytime soon. And he acted like jerk this time again, it seems even his men thinks of him lowly now. He is offended for nothing, for his hurt pride.

So right now it all boils down to how fast he puts himself together. And it seems that Birk and Ronja tries to runaway.

Too bad, this series soon reverts to happy mode like nothing had happened.
May 16, 2015 2:12 PM

May 2012
Damn epic episode, really didn't expect this kind of development but I like it!
Sep 12, 2017 7:39 PM
Jun 2013
This episode broke my heart, mended it, and broke it again.
Apr 18, 2018 4:30 PM

Feb 2017
Too emotionally charged for me. Mattis got BTFO though.

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