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Dec 29, 2012 8:27 PM

Jul 2012
what a fucking waste of time
Dec 30, 2012 12:43 AM

Dec 2012
WOW! the Episode 12 is just WOW! What a turn of events. Gonna read the manga now!
I guess the next season is Medaka Box : Minus

Dec 30, 2012 8:42 AM
Feb 2012
Kumagawa... Kumagawa. Kumagawa! <3 Nothing else to add.

As for the overall series; the Abnormal arc was handled nicely so it's worth an 8/10 score in my opinion. Now they may go and animate the Minus arc as well (but being realistic, it won't happen).
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. - Albert Einstein
Dec 30, 2012 9:35 AM
Jul 2012
Holy shit, that episode was awesome. Probably the best thing that happened this season.
Dec 30, 2012 9:53 AM
Oct 2011
Just marathoned the manga up till the end of Not equal arc.Dafuaq did i just a good way.Wish they could continue the anime.
Dec 30, 2012 10:29 AM

Jun 2008
Shaduge said:
well that was strange

Indeed. Considering this was another of the strange bullshit trolling endings Gainax love i guess there won't be another season.

And wtf was with the artwork proportions. Overly big hands and heads with extremely thin bodies for the girls. Why was it like that?

So this introduction girl is a big boss. Hearing her speak her abnormalities was ridiculous though. Even Goku has nothing on that bitch.
Dec 30, 2012 11:01 AM
Aug 2011
barmar said:
Just marathoned the manga up till the end of Not equal arc.Dafuaq did i just a good way.Wish they could continue the anime.

"That wall" was smashed to bits.

And just continue. Also, things will be getting very FRESH soon.
Dec 30, 2012 1:55 PM

May 2007
I finished off season 2, episode 11 finishing with
and episode 12 doing a story from the Good Loser Kumagawa, which I'm not actually familiar with, I questioned whether it was anime-only but since there's a new novel by Nisio called "Medaka Box Gaiden - Good Loser Kumagawa Novel Version", maybe it's not the case because it does
I'm also super glad to see Najimi Ajimu, she's another one of my favourite characters from the Medaka Box universe and

The last episode of season 2 sorta had a more "unique" Gainax feel to it, in the sense, I only recall GAINAX doing these sort of breaking the wall things as well as sorta foreshadowing that there might not be anymore Medaka Box anime, which I hope isn't the case.

I personally want a 3rd season and very soon too, there's enough material for it too.

Season 2 was pretty intense from the get-go compared to the slow build-up in the first season. The anime as always is following the manga pretty closely.

Hence, my score for Medaka Box Abnormal is 9/10.
Dec 30, 2012 3:25 PM

Jun 2010
This episode was the worst yet.

And I don't mean just the fact I feel like killing something whenever I see Kumagawa "Overrated" Misogi again. No, okay, let him have an episode to himself, whatever.


They spoil who Anshin'in is, the fact that she's behind the Flask Plan, her absurd number of skills, her relationship with Kumagawa... They spoil Kumagawa's All-Fiction, despite the fact it should've been revealed during the fantastic (spoiler) instead, they make him make those evil expressions, while he's the guy who smiles innocently all the time and also - this episode's ending could not happen, considering

THEY DO EVERYTHING WRONG! That's an achievement, guys, seriously.

Mogami-kun said:
Speaking of being alone with an opinion, I'm also that one guy who can't stand Kumagawa. Why? Well not because of who he is, but because ever since the first episode aired, no matter where I was or what kind of discussion was going in, one thing was sure. Everything would be soon derailed into something like "Kumagawa is the best character ever written, everything else about Medaka is shit" (exaggerated, but you get my point). I don't think I know any other fictional character with such a huge fan base. He singlehandedly ruined the franchise for me. Just wanted to get it off my chest, no offense to those who like him, or to him.

Thank you so much for existing. Seriously.
ewormDec 30, 2012 3:33 PM
Dec 30, 2012 10:36 PM
Oct 2011
Gash_V-D_Hetchum said:
barmar said:
Just marathoned the manga up till the end of Not equal arc.Dafuaq did i just a good way.Wish they could continue the anime.

"That wall" was smashed to bits.

And just continue. Also, things will be getting very FRESH soon.
Yup,definetly wont be droping this.It's great that it does not the follow the usual shonen action/fighting pattern....well sorta.
Dec 31, 2012 3:40 AM
Apr 2011
Wow, Ajimu Najimi is so kawai and mysterius, i want Seasion 3....

Edit, forget to rate this seasion, for me , i give 9/10
Dec 31, 2012 7:09 AM

Feb 2010
Everytime I hear Ogata Megumi's voice, my mind reacts with "Otonashi-san!!"

damn it Angel Beats.
"Your taste is shit cause you like what I hate. Believe me I have 1000 cartoons that I rated with less than 5."

Jan 1, 2013 9:31 AM
May 2012
....What? I haven't read the manga so maybe that's why i felt this way. Last episode was still good btw.

Overall second season of Medaka Box was really good, focusing on the Flask plan and the fights that occur every episode was thrilling, I've enjoyed this as much as the first season..

Still, i am bugged by that last episode, 7/10.
Jan 1, 2013 10:41 AM

Aug 2011
GuiltyKing said:
Now they may go and animate the Minus arc as well (but being realistic, it won't happen).

If there's something that Gainax has, that is money. Be sure that if they want to, the next arc will be adapted soon, lol

» Escapism.

Jan 1, 2013 11:38 PM

Jun 2009
..."horror" should definitely be one of the tags bc/these characters are so twisted; they seriously freak me out a bit.
Jan 2, 2013 10:12 AM
Nov 2010
So, that was the legendary Kumagawa.

Dude was funny and seems like an ok character.

Also Kumagawa's philosophy, I can already imagine how someone can turn it upside-down on him.
Jan 2, 2013 12:40 PM

Feb 2011
LOL dat Gainax ending! I swear, if the entire series was a lot more like this episode, I sure as hell would have enjoyed Medaka Box a heck of a lot more.
I'm a douche. Deal with it.
Jan 4, 2013 9:24 PM

Jul 2010
this season made up for all the garbage the first season was worth.

Jan 5, 2013 6:42 AM

Sep 2009
watched 1st season Medaka Box, wasn't really that into it. Watching 2nd season, became a little more interested. Watched last 2 ep of S2, immediately marathon'd manga to current chapter. Having said that:



DeiviJan 5, 2013 6:52 AM
Jan 8, 2013 5:02 AM
Nov 2010
Wow, nice episode. Not sure if there'll be another season. I may check out the manga instead.
Jan 31, 2013 8:09 AM
Dec 2010
What was that supposed to be - spin off special ? :D

Not bad show but I liked 1st season more. There're tons of "lets fight strongest number-labeled of enemies with crazy powers" shows. Maybe that's why. Of course i'm not gona say it was not done well, it was done well because it kept me watching till the end and I liked it, it just went little bit elsewhere then what i expected from it after watching 1st season.
Sent with Mal Updater
( Currently interested in OP MC genre. Recommendations are welcomed, preferable those yet not on my list )
Mar 26, 2013 1:19 PM

May 2012
Like thought the ending of the second season was in the last episode, this was more of an introduction of the perhaps coming third season... introducing some brand new characters that might be presented later!

I'm not a huge fan if anime season end like this but well the global anime until episode 11 sure was great! Really nice anime in general had a nice watch with some epic action! If there ever would be a third season I'd love to see it!
May 12, 2013 7:23 PM

Jan 2012
lmao @ reaction to when red was erased... "what color will mean stop now?"

strong random final boss appearance

strong lack of lost-for-words-epic battle animation

a bit disappointed but enjoyed the series quite a bit

May 29, 2013 7:29 AM
Aug 2012
first of all they better have a 3 rd season or i will kill every one in the world.

oh and that all nvm
May 29, 2013 7:37 AM
Aug 2012
dragowolfdw said:
first of all they better have a 3 rd season or i will kill every one in the world.

oh and that all nvm
Abnormal barely made enough to buy the staff members a cup of coffee each.

Third season is impossible. =/
May 30, 2013 5:52 PM
Jun 2012
wow it was really an odd way to finish a season. I just want to know what was the name of music which plays at the end of episode 12( and somewhere in the episode) I know it was a classical music part but just dont know the name of it.
Sep 13, 2013 2:44 AM

Dec 2010
alphastigma117 said:
what the fuck did i just watch.

Anshin'in was super cool tho.

My overall assessment on Abnormal would go like this:
1. Characters. +1. Well, while there were some pretty annoying characters(like Medaka and Naze) we still got Zenkichi(who's enough just by himself), Kouki, Maguro(a great addition to the series), Kei(well, he was cool), Myouri, Nekomi, and the list probably goes on. The lack of Shiranui was noticeable tho. Also I'd say that Kumogawa's appearance was, to say, disturbing and unsatisfying because of the fact that his presentation served as the ending to the show(not to mention the lack of Season 3).
2. Atmosphere. Can't say there was much of an atmosphere, although I was here for the very battles.
3. OST. Can't say it was anything special as well.
4. Animation. +1. I like the style, the gainaxing aside.
5. Background story. +1. We got so much background story and all of it was AWESOME.
6. Storyline. +1. The storyline itself was good in my opinion.
7. Ending. +1. Can't say I like it for an ending that does not get followed by a next season. But I guess I should judge the anime for the relevant season and not for what comes(or comes not in the case) after it.
8. Drama. +1. It was on a pretty good level in my opnion.
9. Overall affect. Unfortunately the very season couldn't give off a good overall feeling for me. It was boring/annoying at some parts.
Bonus(extra) point for: +1. The fights, I guess. They were pretty good and exciting.
Overall score: 7/10. I resent the lack of Season 3..
MeritasSep 13, 2013 2:56 PM
Oct 5, 2013 3:55 AM

Jun 2011
parfaited said:
Oh look.
The best episode of this series was in fact the one episode where Medaka didn't show up at all.

HeavenlyUser said:


I rated episode 1 - 11 a 1/10, but this episode deserve a 9/10, Good Loser Kumagawa is just too epic for words!
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Oct 7, 2013 1:30 AM

Jan 2013
Really great season. Needs another.
Oct 7, 2013 7:37 PM

Jul 2010
Ok, i'll go read manga now, since Japan has poor taste (as most of the time) and almost noone there bought Medaka Box Abormal, so i won't be seeing 3rd season ,_,
Oct 18, 2013 6:40 AM

May 2013
origingally want to give it a 6/10 but +1 for explaination which season 1 doesnt have

therefore overall ****************** 7/10 ************************
Dec 29, 2013 6:19 AM

May 2012
I finished both season 1 & 2 in 3 days

I hope it gets a 3rd season. I love this anime
Feb 9, 2014 1:04 AM

Jan 2014
hi, can anyone tell me the song when the Sky Turn Red?
"This is boring...I'm bored..."
Feb 16, 2014 10:19 PM

Apr 2009
Henestly dont understnd why they made it the way they did. (not everyone reads manga) i was monstly blown by the amount of fail. Why coulfnt they jsut end it nicely instead of throwing a randon spisode they could have used next season? if there's ever one that is.
Mar 7, 2014 9:53 PM

Aug 2012
Honestly, this series barely scrapped by with a 7 on my rating system (to summarize, it got a 6.6, meaning had it got one point lower it would've gotten a six, which is probably more fitting for the series) & I'd credit that probably to the last episode being an enjoyable affair, albeit an inconclusive one. Honestly, my favorite scene this series was probably Kumagawa's appearance at the end of the last episode. Such a fantastic moment.

Truthfully, I preferred the first season over this one. It's flaws are a lot more easy to overlook when the series is just a comedy (barring the last three or so episodes). Even though Unzen was a very weak villain, he was still better than the awful Oudo or the equally bad Naze. Did like Maguro so not all new characters were poor or anything. I don't know, I still enjoyed aspects of this pretty well (despite issues that normally would bother the hell out of me), some moments I really loved (Medaka saying she loves Zenkichi & Kumagawa's appearance) & I still laughed a good amount of time (Maguro during the Naze bit of the plot mostly but I also really got a kick out of Medaka desparately trying to get Kikaijima to appreciate the cuteness of animals [odd, I know]) so I don't feel to bad for it sneaking by with a 7 but it's definitely one of my lowest 7's.

Doubting we'll be seeing the Minus arc animated anytime soon which sucks. Suppose it's about time to read the manga because I do want to see the much lauded Minus arc & Kumagawa already interests me as a character.
Apr 11, 2014 6:23 AM

Nov 2011

Strangely, despite being divorced from context so far shown in the anime, it really is a treat for the absurdity fielded, starting from Anshin-san and coming to an end with Saki.
All were warned, so no excuse if you do not like.
Practically to know what will happen in the anime series, you have to wait for the third season.
But I hasten to read my manga as I have heard, it is much better than the anime series.
Final score of 6/10!
Jun 11, 2014 5:17 PM

Dec 2008
If that is really it, even though season 2 was far better than season 1, I was stil lgreatly disappointed about how cruel and dumb the ending was. What a dick teast of an ending. Still, 5/10
Jul 7, 2014 12:46 PM

Dec 2013
what a bull shit filler. -1 point
Aug 3, 2014 1:03 PM

Feb 2012
Mogami-kun said:

Speaking of being alone with an opinion, I'm also that one guy who can't stand Kumagawa. Why? Well not because of who he is, but because ever since the first episode aired, no matter where I was or what kind of discussion was going in, one thing was sure. Everything would be soon derailed into something like "Kumagawa is the best character ever written, everything else about Medaka is shit" (exaggerated, but you get my point). I don't think I know any other fictional character with such a huge fan base. He singlehandedly ruined the franchise for me. Just wanted to get it off my chest, no offense to those who like him, or to him.

You. I like you.

I didn't much like this episode either. I'm also not really a fan of Kumagawa, and hearing everyone gushing about him isn't helping my opinion. - anime | manga | reviews
Sep 24, 2014 12:32 AM

Sep 2014
I'm quite disappointed that they can't make S3.. I understand though.. Budget is a big factor in making anime.. It's still kinda sad.. Guess I'll read the manga from here..

~ 7/10 ~
Nov 2, 2014 4:36 AM
Jul 2014
It was meh. :/ I want to see romance between medaka and the treasurer.
Dec 7, 2014 7:17 PM

Sep 2014
I have a few mixed views regarding this episode and the series entirely.While I vividly enjoyed this and its prequel its that same old cliff hanger final that seems popular in today's anime. But is it really all that bad? If they give you a season 3, 4, or even 5 just to give an answer to a question already given would you be surprised? I just think the reason they do cliffhangers is just to keep your imagination at works. What a damn good series 10/10.

"Honestly... it kinda doesn't matter where I go... whether I'm alive or dead... I'm still pretty dandy."
Jan 5, 2015 4:48 AM

Nov 2014
Ugh. Believe it or not, not everyone reads the goddamned manga. GTFO with this BS nonsense only manga readers will understand or give fucks about. Also, gushing about a character like that really is a turnoff, seriously... I already want to hate him solely based on this thread. >.>
Quality Queen.
Feb 11, 2015 1:38 AM

Nov 2009
Going to miss this show, I thought the first cour was great but Abnormal was just as good if not better so I think I will read the manga in the future.

Kumagawa is a scary character as well, I didn't expect him to be this strange.
Mar 21, 2015 3:40 PM
May 2013
What a cliffhanger...
I disliked the 1st season but I kinda liked this one and this Kumagawa and this episode intrigued me so... is not Kumagawa's fault that I'm picking the manga .
Mar 22, 2015 12:57 AM

Aug 2014
What the fuck did I just watch. Weirdest vaguest ending ever. I'm more confused than when I started.
May 26, 2015 2:15 PM
Sep 2014
While first season was good until the last fight, this one was just pain to watch.
90% they did this season (11 episodes) made absolutely no sense. Script was so retarded that i wanted to dig my eyes out. 1 minute fight then 10 minutes of talking, explaining their tricks and attacks, then all moral talk and shit. Classic shounen crap. Animation and soundtrack was good though.
Episode 12 was good, finally seen some action that its not just talk.
Jun 27, 2015 4:47 AM

Jan 2015
Very good troll episode, I liked the fourth wall breaks and this new character, Kumagawa. I hope they make a season 3 but I doubt they will, I'll just read the manga. Really loved this series despite having a bad first season! 9/10 from me!
Oct 4, 2015 10:58 PM

Jul 2015
9/10 Epic Anime That Now I Love And I Hope That They Make Season 3 Fast And I'm Going To Read The Manga Awesome 😆😆☆♤♡♢♧○
SaiD90Oct 4, 2015 11:02 PM
Dec 17, 2015 11:28 AM

Aug 2014
stand said:
Oh look.
The best episode of this series was in fact the one episode where Medaka didn't show up at all.
I second this
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