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Nov 1, 2014 1:39 PM

Mar 2013
ZangetsuPriest said:
You can see that people aren't a bit interested in discussion or making a 'proper' post for an educated discussion and just dropping something in the forum for another reasons, like wanting people make angry comments or because they have certain tendency because some stupid "bias".

Welcome to MAL.
Nov 1, 2014 1:41 PM

Apr 2012
i swear every week there is a new set of priests lol

Nov 1, 2014 1:42 PM

Jul 2007
fairypriest said:
soo maybe its just crunchy rolls subs but its never explained that a piece of tombstone hit shirous back last eps.

It does not matter really. He was upclose to a nuke. There are thousands of ways he could have been hurt.
Nov 1, 2014 1:45 PM

Sep 2014

Imma just drop this here~
The sun is a deadly laser
Nov 1, 2014 1:46 PM

Sep 2013
notJune said:
mickdrew_99 said:

So you have no problem with the focus on characterization in this episode, but it's the execution that's bothering you, correct?
Yes, this episode further pushes the relationship between both Shirou and Saber and we get a nice introduction with Kuzuki. The things that bother me in the VN though is that for one I mean the cooking scene or Taiga & Sakura moving in, what does that do for the plot other than giving us more comedy scenes for the purpose of dragging the route out? They do nothing for the themes of the narrative, it would have been better had they instead here expanded on the archery scene where we learn quite a bit about Shirou's thematic role in the story. The PTSD scene felt clumsily handled too (this was the director's mistake) as the static and quick flashback came off as too strong.

The cooking scenes made up very little of the episode, and I don't see the problem with having them since it's part of establishing the setting.

You seem to be saying; it doesn't fit the plot, so it should be taken out but that is not the only thing this show is about. Shirou was an ordinary person who was just living his life before he was mixed up in the Holy Grail War, it would make NO sense if other areas of his life (Taiga and Sakura) were instantly abandoned because it doesn't serve the plot. Shirou's cooking and his relationships with Taiga and Sakura are part of his character, it would be stupid to pretend they don't exist.

This is the kind of story that's being told, your assumptions about what the story should be focused on is misplaced.
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Nov 1, 2014 1:47 PM

Apr 2014
CookingPriest said:
fairypriest said:
soo maybe its just crunchy rolls subs but its never explained that a piece of tombstone hit shirous back last eps.

It does not matter really. He was upclose to a nuke. There are thousands of ways he could have been hurt.
true but still it would've made sense for saber just to say something like "by the way you were stabed in the back by a piece of tombstone"
Nov 1, 2014 1:50 PM

May 2009
y123y said:
Just watch, this will become Fate/Stay Harem Night

But sadly, it wont be Archer's harem. It will be that boring male MC harem
I'm okay with this, but only if Kotomine joins the harem.
Nov 1, 2014 1:53 PM

May 2014
stAtic91 said:
y123y said:
Just watch, this will become Fate/Stay Harem Night

But sadly, it wont be Archer's harem. It will be that boring male MC harem
I'm okay with this, but only if Kotomine joins the harem.

Nah he'd be like the "Best friend" comic relief character who always complains about Shirou getting all the girls and giving him Smutty magazines.
Nov 1, 2014 1:53 PM

Jul 2013
Zeally said:
i swear every week there is a new set of priests lol

It's all the same people though.

y123y said:
Just watch, this will become Fate/Stay Harem Night

But sadly, it wont be Archer's harem. It will be that boring male MC harem

there's only like one love interest though, unless you'd also count Sakura as liking him

Would you also call Steins;Gate a harem?
And I mean that in the most sexually painful way possible.
Nov 1, 2014 1:54 PM

Apr 2014
Good episode. It gave some needed character development and portrayed all the characters correctly. Though, once again there are certain scenes I feel could have been excluded in favor of embellishing other scenes, but so far it's been incredibly faithful to the visual novel so I can forgive that, but if I was an anime-only watcher I might have thought it was somewhat boring.

I like how each episode has covered exactly one day in the visual novel so far, so episode 5 will cover day 5 and that means things will finally start to pick up. I remember that each route started off rather slow to me, but in faithful anime form it becomes that much more apparent. Even so, excited for the next episode.
Nov 1, 2014 1:54 PM

Aug 2012
Very 'meh' episode.
Nov 1, 2014 1:54 PM

Sep 2014
Would be so better if it was Archer/Harem tho...
The sun is a deadly laser
Nov 1, 2014 1:54 PM
Aug 2014
Im a little dissapointed with this episode and this anime in general... i finished fate/zero like 2 weeks ago and i finded it fenomenal! (9.5/10), so i had a lot of expectations on this one... but i saw more story and character development in one chapter of zero than in this 4 of stay night and i even finded more interesting waver velvet than any character of this one xD . I am not bored with the anime, it is fun to watch but its like that they spend more time in the kitchen or showing the school and girls related that answering what happened with the characters and story that lefted F/Z. Otherwise i enjoyed a lot the fights and animation of this anime i hope that soon it will get better and i liked the character of rin tohsaka even if she is a tsundere xd.
When this anime will start!?!? (sorry for my bad english ._.)
Nov 1, 2014 1:58 PM

Sep 2012
You can picture the exact moment Sakura's heart breaks when Saber "wins" the Shiroubowl

Right there
Nov 1, 2014 1:59 PM

Jul 2007
Melis8163 said:
Im a little dissapointed with this episode and this anime in general... i finished fate/zero like 2 weeks ago and i finded it fenomenal! (9.5/10), so i had a lot of expectations on this one... but i saw more story and character development in one chapter of zero than in this 4 of stay night and i even finded more interesting waver velvet than any character of this one xD . I am not bored with the anime, it is fun to watch but its like that they spend more time in the kitchen or showing the school and girls related that answering what happened with the characters and story that lefted F/Z. Otherwise i enjoyed a lot the fights and animation of this anime i hope that soon it will get better and i liked the character of rin tohsaka even if she is a tsundere xd.
When this anime will start!?!? (sorry for my bad english ._.)

IT already started 5 episodes ago.

Its not a "sequel to Zero"
Its not written as "sequel to Zero".

Zero is an expansion sidestory material that expands upon what you learn in FSN. Nothing more nothing less.
Nov 1, 2014 1:59 PM

Apr 2014
Melis8163 said:
Im a little dissapointed with this episode and this anime in general... i finished fate/zero like 2 weeks ago and i finded it fenomenal! (9.5/10), so i had a lot of expectations on this one... but i saw more story and character development in one chapter of zero than in this 4 of stay night and i even finded more interesting waver velvet than any character of this one xD . I am not bored with the anime, it is fun to watch but its like that they spend more time in the kitchen or showing the school and girls related that answering what happened with the characters and story that lefted F/Z. Otherwise i enjoyed a lot the fights and animation of this anime i hope that soon it will get better and i liked the character of rin tohsaka even if she is a tsundere xd.
When this anime will start!?!? (sorry for my bad english ._.)

It gets better, just be patient (the second cour is guaranteed to be amazing at the very least). Fate/Zero was written after Fate/Stay Night, so I recommend keeping an open mind and not expecting a Fate/Zero 2.
Nov 1, 2014 2:00 PM

Nov 2013
Speaking about Illya, when she was lying in water during a few seconds I thought I was watching Nadeko Sengoku from the last monogatari ... <3
Nov 1, 2014 2:00 PM

Jul 2013
y123y said:
Im just predicting. I havent seen any Fate anime before

So far he has the purple/blue hair chick after him. I predict that Rin will fall for him, and so will Saber

oh okay

yeah don't worry, it won't be harem stuff, as long as they don't give the wrong impressions like Deen did.

Though I could do with less Saber like in the OP.
And I mean that in the most sexually painful way possible.
Nov 1, 2014 2:02 PM

May 2014
SH4kun said:
You can picture the exact moment Sakura's heart breaks when Saber "wins" the Shiroubowl

Right there

Shtop it! Your hurting my poor Sakurafag heart :(

She'll get hers.. she'll get hers indeed...
Nov 1, 2014 2:08 PM

Mar 2014
Let the harem begin
Nov 1, 2014 2:15 PM

Apr 2011
the cooking scene lasted like 10 seconds. get over it.
Nov 1, 2014 2:22 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
The budget they blew on this series is astonishing. The animation is just film level quality. The guys over at Studio Deen watching this must be on the verge of commiting sepukku.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Nov 1, 2014 2:26 PM
Apr 2013
Very nice episode!.
And I love how finally Shirou is getting the proper presentation which he deserves. DEEN screwed him waaaaaaay too much.
Loved the Ayako and Shirou scene. That archery part was awesome. Oh boy if this goes on like this, when we ACTUALLY get to know Shirou's distortion it will be pretty epic.
And loved the SOL moments. They are part of Shirou's life, perfectly valid for a NORMAL man who just got thrown into a war. He cant just say to Sakura and Fujimaru who he consider almost like his family to simply -'Go out of house'.
And finally,... for people that say this is BORING since no fight... do people seriously have attention span of a 5 year old? I mean, is fighting the only thing war has? HELL NO... Wars would be finished in 10 days if they fought all the time.
AND... finally, for those comparing with FZ, and trying to say about 'dark and mature'...
1. Just 5 episodes, give it time.
2. Zero is prequel, FSN is first and orignal
3. Dark and mature=/= mature.
Just because FZ had 'Oh so dark' and 'Oh so mature' stuff, that does NOT make FSN bad. Really, what's up with anime viewers nowadays who consider SOL as unrealistic and boring?.. I mean reality is not just dark shit... Wars have both - Death and despair, Hope and prosperity. You cant just say- Only 1 thing exists...
And there I went into full philosophical mode... Dam

Next episode looks exciting :D
Nov 1, 2014 2:27 PM

Sep 2012
WrongPriest said:

Shtop it! Your hurting my poor Sakurafag heart :(

She'll get hers.. she'll get hers indeed...

But HF is Kotomine's route.
Nov 1, 2014 2:40 PM

Sep 2013
mirakura said:

Imma just drop this here~

That scene was so kawaii I literally died
Nov 1, 2014 2:41 PM

Jan 2014
Dat bathing scene sales boost.

Rin's scenes were easily this episode's highlights for me.
Nov 1, 2014 2:42 PM

Mar 2013
cupc said:
mirakura said:

Imma just drop this here~

That scene was so kawaii I literally died

I know dat feel.

I literally died once too. Suffered an aneurysm duo to witnessing too much stupidity in one post. 'twas more tragic than your case.
Nov 1, 2014 2:43 PM

Sep 2014
Clearly Shirou is smart for

:] Good episode overall.
Nov 1, 2014 2:44 PM

Jul 2011
mirakura said:

Imma just drop this here~

I have cancer now, she looks even more retarded than before
Nov 1, 2014 2:46 PM

May 2014
TiredAlex said:
Clearly Shirou is smart for

:] Good episode overall.

He trusts them therefore it's OK :)
Nov 1, 2014 2:47 PM

Sep 2011
Thread Cleaned

Remember, no spoilers in the episode discussion threads. You can talk about in the thread that Luna noted on the Opening post~
Nov 1, 2014 2:47 PM

Jul 2007
TiredAlex said:
Clearly Shirou is smart for

:] Good episode overall.

That's a japanese thing. Most of japanese people do not get how "foreign" names are structured(hence why you have all the weird names in shows like Gundam00 or AldnoahZero where they try to make up "foreign" names). There's a reason why they have an entire alphabet to spell foreign names.

If you told an average japanese person(even someone like Fujimura , an english teacher) that Saber is foreign western name, they would believe it.
Nov 1, 2014 2:56 PM

Jan 2014
Episode was okay-ish, even though I feel the pacing was pretty badly handled compared to the previous episodes (especially after last week).
The few scenes that I did enjoy (the Shirou/Ayako scene and Tohsaka being boss a Master) were actually quite good and would've benefitted from being expanded upon instead of being pushed to the last few minutes of the episode.

Oh, and I could've really done without the Illya service. Shit was fucking unecessary.

PS: Shiki Ayako was perfection.
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now!
Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Nov 1, 2014 2:59 PM

Nov 2013
GangstaPriest said:
PS: Shiki Ayako was perfection.
This so much.

I want a F/SN spin-off starring Ayako.
Nov 1, 2014 3:00 PM

Sep 2014
CookingPriest said:
TiredAlex said:
Clearly Shirou is smart for

:] Good episode overall.

That's a japanese thing. Most of japanese people do not get how "foreign" names are structured(hence why you have all the weird names in shows like Gundam00 or AldnoahZero where they try to make up "foreign" names). There's a reason why they have an entire alphabet to spell foreign names.

If you told an average japanese person(even someone like Fujimura , an english teacher) that Saber is foreign western name, they would believe it.

My point was that he

In other words, it was risky and a dumb move on Shirou's part since literally anyone in the city can be a master of a servant.

EDIT: Goodness, my edits are sloppy as hell today.
UrAFgtNov 1, 2014 3:04 PM
Nov 1, 2014 3:05 PM
Jul 2012
Loved this episode, as expected. Some people complain that nothing really happened. But you gotta realize that they're building up the story and characters. I think Ufotable's doing an excellent job.

Sakura being jealous.
Saber being cute.
Rin being Rin, saying she's going to kill Shirou.

That scene with Illya was unexpected, though.
Nov 1, 2014 3:05 PM

Jul 2007
TiredAlex said:

Except that neither you the viewer nor Shirou know anything about that. That question comes form the knowledge you are not supposed to have so its not a real question or a problem.
Nov 1, 2014 3:09 PM

Sep 2013
BotatoPriest said:
GangstaPriest said:
PS: Shiki Ayako was perfection.
This so much.

I want a F/SN spin-off starring Ayako.

Really surprised how likable she was in this episode. Never gave her a second thought as a character, but she was great here.
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Nov 1, 2014 3:09 PM
Nov 2013
Good episode, seems like a calm before the storm type of episode. Caster coming soon, if someone doesn't mind spoiling for me

Btw, Saber looked beautiful in that outfit.
Nov 1, 2014 3:11 PM

Aug 2012
Hideyuki Fukusawa's soundtrack for this anime is MUCH better suited for the low-key scenes and impending expositions than the very high-octane ones. Ep 1 and 3's was definitely good, but the Saber/Berserker in particular honestly didn't cut it, and it shows by having people notice the need of the soundtrack to change or get more intense, when the background music's job is to immerse you in the scene where you don't focus on the music itself but what it contributes to.

The prologue's soundtrack had the best application of battle music, with the piano motif when Lancer started started Archer's sword was honestly balls-to-the-walls chilling and clearly develops the pace of the scene without being overpowering like Kajiura or Sawano where only the music gets noticed in the scene. Even the guitar riff in Archer's theme emphasises how much of a badass Archer is without flaunting it due to the simplicity of the music yet having a strong implication behind it.

The great thing about him is that he is never excessive, and learning to control the music without being self-indulgent is the mark of a composer who has experience. This episode solidifies my opinion that the subtle and world-building music is where he really excels in, and only lacks in the 'oomph' sections when really needed. I think a collaboration with another composer to balance the OST would've worked, but I'll definitely take what I can get.
Nov 1, 2014 3:11 PM

Jan 2014
BotatoPriest said:
GangstaPriest said:
PS: Shiki Ayako was perfection.
This so much.

I want a F/SN spin-off starring Ayako.
I already got the premisce !

On a bright summer day, Ayako takes Issei on a date to a strange café run by suspicious looking pint size cat girls and there meets Ryougi Shiki and Kokutou Mikiya.

Major clusterfuck ensues.
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now!
Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Nov 1, 2014 3:11 PM

Oct 2013
Aquarius215 said:
Loved this episode, as expected. Some people complain that nothing really happened. But you gotta realize that they're building up the story and characters. I think Ufotable's doing an excellent job.

Sakura being jealous.
Saber being cute.
Rin being Rin, saying she's going to kill Shirou.

That scene with Illya was unexpected, though.

That scene was necessary to establish Illya's rationale briefly. In Fate route this is described in depth, so that scene kinda substitutes that.

It also has the effect of answering Fate/Zero people's questions.
Nov 1, 2014 3:13 PM

Nov 2013
r0ykun said:
Caster coming soon, if someone doesn't mind spoiling for me
Why wouldn't she? Is there a rule I missed that she should not be a woman?
Nov 1, 2014 3:14 PM

Dec 2007
Rinth said:
Aquarius215 said:
Loved this episode, as expected. Some people complain that nothing really happened. But you gotta realize that they're building up the story and characters. I think Ufotable's doing an excellent job.

Sakura being jealous.
Saber being cute.
Rin being Rin, saying she's going to kill Shirou.

That scene with Illya was unexpected, though.

That scene was necessary to establish Illya's rationale briefly. In Fate route this is described in depth, so that scene kinda substitutes that.

It also has the effect of answering Fate/Zero people's questions.

The content was absolutely necessary, but a few people will argue that Illya bathing was the unnecessary part.

I, on the other hand, am mature enough to understand that people bathe sometimes, and that an adult show can have risky scenes and have it not be pandering.

BotatoPriest said:
r0ykun said:
Caster coming soon, if someone doesn't mind spoiling for me
Why wouldn't she? Is there a rule I missed that she should not be a woman?

I think he means in relation to Fz. The answer to that: and this isn't a spoiler, is that they are not the same person.
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Nov 1, 2014 3:14 PM

Jan 2014
Rinth said:
Aquarius215 said:
Loved this episode, as expected. Some people complain that nothing really happened. But you gotta realize that they're building up the story and characters. I think Ufotable's doing an excellent job.

Sakura being jealous.
Saber being cute.
Rin being Rin, saying she's going to kill Shirou.

That scene with Illya was unexpected, though.

That scene was necessary to establish Illya's rationale briefly. In Fate route this is described in depth, so that scene kinda substitutes that.

It also has the effect of answering Fate/Zero people's questions.

That's just an excuse for fanservice, tho.
Nov 1, 2014 3:15 PM

Sep 2013
BotatoPriest said:
r0ykun said:
Caster coming soon, if someone doesn't mind spoiling for me
Why wouldn't she? Is there a rule I missed that she should not be a woman?

Might be mixing up Rider from F/Z with FSN.
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Nov 1, 2014 3:15 PM

Jul 2010
Praland said:
mirakura said:

Imma just drop this here~

I have cancer now, she looks even more retarded than before

RIP, good riddance.

Anyway, I liked the episode, it's one of the calmer moments before shit starts to hit the fan again. I didn't really have issues with pacing or anything of the sort, I thought it was quite well adapted. And not to forget, all that flab. Rin so fat.
Nov 1, 2014 3:15 PM

Apr 2010
This episode confirms that they're setting this up to be a prequel for Fate/Kaleid.
Nov 1, 2014 3:16 PM

May 2014
r0ykun said:
Good episode, seems like a calm before the storm type of episode. Caster coming soon, if someone doesn't mind spoiling for me

Btw, Saber looked beautiful in that outfit.

Are you mixing Fate/zero's caster up with this one? You usually get different Servants every grail war. Berserker should have made that apparent.
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