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Aug 25, 2014 8:23 PM

Aug 2014
oooo3333Jun 20, 2015 2:57 PM
Aug 25, 2014 8:26 PM
Jan 2014
y123y said:
I have seen many critics about this anime. I love this anime. Its my favorite of the season because I enjoy it the following way:

Now, for everyone watching this show for the storyline, just stop. There is only one reason to watch this show, and it is for shipping / romance/ character relationships (whatever you want to call it). About 90% of the visions are pointless, so just stop. The only two "visions" that I care about are Yanagi crying and the two people that looked like they were going to kiss when Touko was brushing her teeth. The other ones, I could care less.

Its like when I was watching Asukara. I was just watching it for shipping, romance, and character relationships. I could care less about how were they going to unfreeze the sea and stuff.

Follow these steps, and you will love Glasslip.

Hey, Nagi-Asu had a great story!

But I agree with you about Glasslip somewhat. People should stop hating on it, it got a lot better after episode 5 or so.
Aug 25, 2014 8:38 PM

Jul 2012
^ Kaname is love, Kaname is life.

Anyway, I have some tips too:
1. Shut off your brain. This show will not explain anything rationally.
2. Enjoy the music and scenery.
3. Eat some cold desserts.
4. Look at some glass jewelry.
Aug 26, 2014 2:41 PM

Mar 2014
Good tips but how can anyone ship pairings if he doesn't know the characters? The series went straight to introducing the characters but none of them has been given enough importance or attention. We only know some main traits each of them has.
Aug 26, 2014 3:05 PM

Dec 2013
y123y said:
I have seen many critics about this anime. I love this anime. Its my favorite of the season because I enjoy it the following way:

Now, for everyone watching this show for the storyline, just stop. There is only one reason to watch this show, and it is for shipping / romance/ character relationships (whatever you want to call it). About 90% of the visions are pointless, so just stop. The only two "visions" that I care about are Yanagi crying and the two people that looked like they were going to kiss when Touko was brushing her teeth. The other ones, I could care less.

Its like when I was watching Asukara. I was just watching it for shipping, romance, and character relationships. I could care less about how were they going to unfreeze the sea and stuff.

Follow these steps, and you will love Glasslip.

Um, excuse me, but comparing Nagi no Asukara to this piece of *something* is highly insulting. :D Nagi had decent romance, normal drama and most of all - STORYYYYYY. IT HAD STORY. In Glasslip there is no story - none. My chair has more emotions and is more interesting than any of the characters there. Most of the episodes have only 5 minutes of some useful content. Other 20 mins are just useless scenery shots and etc.

I could go on and on. It is in no way comparable to Nagi no Asukara. It has way superior characters and drama + original setting.
Aug 26, 2014 3:09 PM

Dec 2013
YumeKagami said:
Well I have to agree, Nagi no Asukara is definitely more enjoyable of the two so far. But I have to wonder if Glasslip might be able to surprise us in the last 4-5 episodes.

Do you think it's possible the ending could completely blow you away? After all, it only takes one episode to completely change around an anime, taking Madoka Magica for example.

I wish.
Aug 26, 2014 3:11 PM

Dec 2013
y123y said:
robis798 said:

Um, excuse me, but comparing Nagi no Asukara to this piece of *something* is highly insulting. :D Nagi had decent romance, normal drama and most of all - STORYYYYYY. IT HAD STORY. In Glasslip there is no story - none. My chair has more emotions and is more interesting than any of the characters there. Most of the episodes have only 5 minutes of some useful content. Other 20 mins are just useless scenery shots and etc.

I could go on and on. It is in no way comparable to Nagi no Asukara. It has way superior characters and drama + original setting.

These are only tips, not solutions.

Well these are the best tips I have seen. How else are you gonna watch this piece of... But if you used ''the same tips'' on Nagi so you missed on quite a lot. It is no way perfect but it really good. And as I said, no way comparable to Glasslip ( what a stupid name ).
Aug 26, 2014 3:13 PM

Apr 2013
If you need to have tips to enjoy anime then it's not worth watching.
an egomaniac and a fool

Aug 27, 2014 10:37 AM

Jul 2012
YumeKagami said:
Do you think it's possible the ending could completely blow you away? After all, it only takes one episode to completely change around an anime, taking Madoka Magica for example.

No. Even in Madoka, it had some sort of build up, while Glasslip's already more than halfway done and stuff nothing is happening. Anything PA Works throws into the plot for Glasslip will probably not make sense either way because the first few episodes didn't support it.
Aug 27, 2014 11:06 AM

Apr 2013
This is basically nagi no asukara without any of the unique storyline/enviroment/characthers.

I'm not hating on this anime but after 2 episodes I just decided to stop watching it. I'm just tired of drama and the triangle love drama.
Aug 27, 2014 11:12 AM

Jan 2014
I agree to some extent tho. Hiro is the new Kaname for me, at least until the latest episode, focusing all my attention to him helps me ignore the existences of another Tsumugu (Kakeru) and another Manaka (Touko) here.
Aug 27, 2014 11:14 AM

May 2010
Such a shame when it could be so much more interesting if it was actually about glassblowing with romance as a side-plot.

This was actually my hyped anime of the summer season.
Aug 27, 2014 11:58 AM

Jan 2008
YumeKagami said:
But I have to wonder if Glasslip might be able to surprise us in the last 4-5 episodes.

Boy, would they surprise me if they had introduced plot in this show in those last episodes!
Aug 27, 2014 1:18 PM

Feb 2014
I haven't watched Nagi No Asukara, and I basically picked this anime up because I thought: "hey, it's summer, why not watch this?"

It was originally under just the "slice of life" genre, so coming into it, I didn't really expect much of a plot. But even so, I'm still not really enjoying this anime for a couple of reasons:

1. Even though it's marked as "slice of life", it's a pretty boring one. They try throw in bad romance drama basically at all times. Thus, that makes the slice of life aspects (e.g. the hike) more annoying because they're focusing too much on the romance drama!
2. Those misunderstandings make me roll my eyes. Thank goodness those are in the past *knocks on wood*
3. Personally, I feel like that whole "seeing into the future" stuff is really stupid. Not only is it cheesy, but it also makes the show less realistic. Like, why is everything realistic except the fact that these two teenagers have some sort of ESP.
4. I dislike most of the characters. Either they're underdeveloped or they've given me a reason to dislike them (like in episode 7 when
). Hiro is the only human character whom I actually like. The rest of them I either don't care for or dislike.
5. The romance drama is just plain bad. You can't just insert heated love triangles and friendship jealousies and expect the show to be amazing. And jeez, how inconsiderate to blame all your troubles on the new kid on the block.

The only aspects of this show I really like are the visuals, music, and Johnathan. Otherwise, this show just isn't worth it.
Noodle070Aug 27, 2014 5:31 PM
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Aug 27, 2014 10:06 PM

Jul 2012
wanderingplayboy said:
Hiro is the new Kaname for me, at least until the latest episode, focusing all my attention to him helps me ignore the existences of another Tsumugu (Kakeru) and another Manaka (Touko) here.

So true. I gotta say, Glasslip's characters are gross compared to Nagiasu's. I was fine with practically everyone in Nagiasu but for here...Not so much.
Aug 27, 2014 11:51 PM
Jan 2014
It's mediocre and that's all there is to it.
moving on.
Aug 28, 2014 11:51 AM

Aug 2011
You need to stop.
This is one of the dumbest threads ever.
An achievement by MAL standards really.
Aug 28, 2014 12:07 PM
Jul 2018
Comparing this anime to Nagi no Asukara is like comparing Steins;Gate to Boku no Pico. One Of them is a Masterpiece, the other a totally bad anime.

As for the Glasslip, well I can say that if there will be a major plot twist or something in next episodes, then this anime won't be a total crap but the way this is going now, it's totally a crap.
Aug 28, 2014 12:57 PM

Apr 2011
I like glasslip. I don't think it's amazing but its enjoyable. People claim it's a nagi asukara clone, even though I haven't see it, I don't like it should bring down glasslip.
Aug 28, 2014 2:35 PM

Mar 2009
But even the shipping and pairings are boring.

I'm watching this for Hiro and his sister(the only two characters that don't annoy me), and Jonathan. Fortunately, the next episode is titled Jonathan, so hopefully it's all about him.
Aug 28, 2014 3:13 PM

Jun 2008
Watching it for the shipping isn't going to make me enjoy this anime because the characters themselves are petty and unlikeable. I wish unhappiness for ALL OF THEM.

Everyone except Hiro anyway.
Aug 28, 2014 4:17 PM

May 2009
Can you stop attention whoring? No one here gives a shit about your shallow reasons for liking things.
Aug 28, 2014 4:49 PM

Apr 2014
Asukara had a great story, as people were saying.
But I don't really see why people hate it either. I think it's good. Nothing more or nothing less, but it definitely doesn't deserve a 3 and a 4 out of 10...
It's getting more and more interesting.
Aug 28, 2014 5:29 PM

Mar 2012
My tip: If you enjoyed it, watch it. If you didn't then don't watch it.
Aug 28, 2014 5:38 PM

Jan 2013
Don't bother...This anime goes nowhere.
Aug 28, 2014 5:46 PM
Jan 2014
y123y said:
Vooo said:
Don't bother...This anime goes nowhere.

DONT DROP IT!!!!! Only 4 more episodes to go!!!!

Aww, that's cute.
moving on.
Aug 28, 2014 9:43 PM

Jan 2012
In my opinion the main problem lies with the fact that it has no central focus. I am enjoying the anime, and I'm probably one of the few to do so, but mainly because I like Touko and Kakeru, if it wasn't for those two I'd drop the series entirely.

I think it would have been better if it started out as it did, because it had a pretty promising lead from episode one, then as it progressed they should have shadowed out the other characters and focused on Touko who has a passion for blowing glass, and Kakeru who when the two of them are together see visions and search for their meaning, while trying to tackle Kakeru's obvious parent issues, and the drama arising within Touko's group of friends where they are only side characters.

Instead the creators give us a series where it's only throwing us pieces of bones to the point that even if you collected them all you'd still not be able to put it together completely. Some of the pieces are big and jagged while others are small and you're not even sure where they go. It's trying to focus way too much on every character and I think that's where the problem is.

While I'll finish the series because I do enjoy the Touko x Kakeru pairing, I have to agree it could be much better. Sometimes I just hate it when the other characters appear and we get no progression on the Touko/Kakeru front.
Aug 29, 2014 12:35 PM

Jun 2010
y123y said:
parfaited said:
You need to stop.
This is one of the dumbest threads ever.
An achievement by MAL standards really.

Really? I think this is one of the greatest threads in this site. The compare and contrast, the ideas, the point of view. Its a really great thread.

It's a incoherent rage of a inconsistent kid arguing with patterned haters over the plot and the ending of a CURRENTLY AIRING series. Not to mention random baseless comparisons to NnA and other shows.
MAL never had a intelligent community, but this is definitely not "greatest threads in this site".
You enjoy the show? Good for you, m8. Me too. Now keep that to yourself and stop feeding the hate train.
Aug 29, 2014 1:14 PM
Apr 2014
you do understand that you could shut off your brain and ship characters for literally every single story ever told?
Aug 29, 2014 1:31 PM

Dec 2012
I've started guessing which moments they'll turn into stills for pseudo-emphasis. They crack me up each time because random doesn't even begin to describe why they exist.
Aug 29, 2014 7:39 PM

Jul 2012
Ratohnhaketon said:
I've started guessing which moments they'll turn into stills for pseudo-emphasis. They crack me up each time because random doesn't even begin to describe why they exist.


Ahri said:
In my opinion the main problem lies with the fact that it has no central focus. I am enjoying the anime, and I'm probably one of the few to do so, but mainly because I like Touko and Kakeru, if it wasn't for those two I'd drop the series entirely.

I think it would have been better if it started out as it did, because it had a pretty promising lead from episode one, then as it progressed they should have shadowed out the other characters and focused on Touko who has a passion for blowing glass, and Kakeru who when the two of them are together see visions and search for their meaning, while trying to tackle Kakeru's obvious parent issues, and the drama arising within Touko's group of friends where they are only side characters.

Instead the creators give us a series where it's only throwing us pieces of bones to the point that even if you collected them all you'd still not be able to put it together completely. Some of the pieces are big and jagged while others are small and you're not even sure where they go. It's trying to focus way too much on every character and I think that's where the problem is.

While I'll finish the series because I do enjoy the Touko x Kakeru pairing, I have to agree it could be much better. Sometimes I just hate it when the other characters appear and we get no progression on the Touko/Kakeru front.

I'm the exact same, except I only care about Yuki and Yanagi now.
Aug 29, 2014 8:39 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
TragicRomance said:
Such a shame when it could be so much more interesting if it was actually about glassblowing with romance as a side-plot.

This was actually my hyped anime of the summer season.

Saame. I guess it's my own fault for expecting to see something like this:

At least it made me interested in glassblowing for me to go and watch some glassblowing videos :D Such a cool art that I never thought about before.
Aug 30, 2014 3:22 PM

Sep 2008
I personally think the premise wasn't that bad but they leave too many things unanswered/unclear. They need to explain the vision/fragment thing a lot better and not just leave everyone mystified. Also there are maybe just too many things going on.

Ahri said:
In my opinion the main problem lies with the fact that it has no central focus. I am enjoying the anime, and I'm probably one of the few to do so, but mainly because I like Touko and Kakeru, if it wasn't for those two I'd drop the series entirely.

I think it would have been better if it started out as it did, because it had a pretty promising lead from episode one, then as it progressed they should have shadowed out the other characters and focused on Touko who has a passion for blowing glass, and Kakeru who when the two of them are together see visions and search for their meaning, while trying to tackle Kakeru's obvious parent issues, and the drama arising within Touko's group of friends where they are only side characters.

Instead the creators give us a series where it's only throwing us pieces of bones to the point that even if you collected them all you'd still not be able to put it together completely. Some of the pieces are big and jagged while others are small and you're not even sure where they go. It's trying to focus way too much on every character and I think that's where the problem is.

While I'll finish the series because I do enjoy the Touko x Kakeru pairing, I have to agree it could be much better. Sometimes I just hate it when the other characters appear and we get no progression on the Touko/Kakeru front.

Nice, you put into words what I was thinking. I keep wondering what went wrong with Glasslip when it started out as a really promising show. I feel like I don't even know who's supposed to be the main character now. Clearly you can't have 6 main characters in a 12-episode series. And the fragment thing was made to be an important theme from the outset, and it did take up a lot of time, but 9 episodes in and there is little to no progress on that. Someone was clearly not doing a good job sanity-checking the plot before putting the show into production.
kuityAug 30, 2014 3:31 PM
There's two kinds of people you can't win an argument against:
One - Too dumb to tell right from wrong.
Two - Too stubborn to admit they are wrong.
Aug 30, 2014 8:51 PM
Jan 2014
tingy said:
TragicRomance said:
Such a shame when it could be so much more interesting if it was actually about glassblowing with romance as a side-plot.

This was actually my hyped anime of the summer season.

Saame. I guess it's my own fault for expecting to see something like this:

At least it made me interested in glassblowing for me to go and watch some glassblowing videos :D Such a cool art that I never thought about before.

That video was honestly 10x more fascinating than the whole show.

I wish that was more of a part of Glasslip!
moving on.
Aug 31, 2014 1:00 AM

Sep 2010
The weakest SoL I have seen in a while it makes me miss Nagi no Asukara and Hanasaku Iroha a lot. We need more shows like that from P.A Works. Not this pile of trash and I really don't like glasses girl the Hiro guy deserves better.
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Aug 31, 2014 6:55 AM

Aug 2013
I shut off my brain but even on OFF mode, it still tells me how bad it is. I actually wish Glasslip's bad is the "So bad it's good" kind of bad.

Ratohnhaketon said:
I've started guessing which moments they'll turn into stills for pseudo-emphasis. They crack me up each time because random doesn't even begin to describe why they exist.

Hey that actually sounds fun! Might try that for next episode.
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Sep 1, 2014 9:56 PM
Mar 2012
im still trying to figure out whats going on .____.
Sep 1, 2014 10:01 PM

Jul 2013
i don't care about the characters at all which makes shipping hard though. also, the show stinks at showing romance and character relationships too imo
Sep 2, 2014 12:28 PM

Jun 2013
I think the main problem with this show is that people tried to say that this was gonna be the next Nagi no Asukara, Its nowhere near that level but i personally am really enjoying Glasslip its one of my favprites this season :)
Sep 2, 2014 3:14 PM

Jun 2013
y123y said:
SakurasouBusters said:
I think the main problem with this show is that people tried to say that this was gonna be the next Nagi no Asukara, Its nowhere near that level but i personally am really enjoying Glasslip its one of my favprites this season :)

This anime is my favorite of Summer 2014. Aldnoah Zero is a close second.

But this anime is also an example than hype can ruin an anime.

True, very true.
Sep 2, 2014 3:34 PM

Jun 2012
Its impossible to enjoy shit.
Sep 2, 2014 7:44 PM

Aug 2011
I still think it's quite boring, sorry :/

» Escapism.

Sep 3, 2014 6:10 AM

Mar 2014
Even if I did that, I think I'd still hate this anime.
If you need have a way to enjoy an anime, then the anime probably has something wrong with it.

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