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Apr 20, 2009 3:30 AM

Apr 2009
The raw of episode 3. Enjoy. :)
Apr 20, 2009 8:03 AM

Jul 2007
Oh, I really enjoyed this episode, probably because of what I found a brilliant direction choice in the dialogue parts.Even though there were many of them, I was never bored looking at just two people talking.
The budget is still as low as ever, but the director seems to know what she's doing and where (and how) she wants the story to proceed.
I also liked Li Ren's many expressions throughout the episode, the changes of locations and Ono Daisuke as Eugene **. Very convincing at the moment, let's see how it develops.
Apr 20, 2009 4:15 PM

Jan 2009
I liked this episode. The police thing was EPIC! What I liked: *Li Ren caring so much for Kajika he lock her in her room. *Kajika escape! That was good especially with the dogs since they listen to her and protected her. *Li Ren calling the police cars/helicopters of all of New York! *Eugene having problems with detectives. Li Ren rescue. More problems for Eugene....apparently he might not the heir to Vorkan business. Hahah too bad for him me say. *Me not buy it's not his fault for suicide of girls. Me think he did not express properly at all so girls kill themselves because they think not worth themselves. Me have same problem here in Japan for sex until I say to them Shinto Priest. Some don't care so is more complicated. XD
What I did not like....a lot:
*Eugene seducing the maid girl working inside mansion where Kajika lives.
*Eugene acting all innocent when he not.
*Toranosuke failing at stopping Kajika. Again he fails.
*The heart beat that Eugene do something to Kajika (empty room, that is nowhere and they are alone).
*Li Ren not punching Eugene. Too bad.

Epic is epic in cop mobilizing with helicopters.

I am all for Kajika x Li Ren! SO CUTE! I loved this part!
Apr 20, 2009 11:59 PM

Jan 2009
Damnit, that naivness from Kajika's very annoying, it reminds me of Albert from Gankutuou. Well, we saw another side of Li-Ren, it was a bit creepy to be honest, he was all that cool, charming and sexy now he looked like a freak when he found out that Kajika was in that car with Eugene. And in my opinion he was just fucking overreacting, i mean... he organized a whole perimeter around New York :/ Geez. Anyway now to Eugene; he is -quite clearly- just teasing Li-Ren, as i saw that he did that signal with his fingers to him -i lol'd there- he obviusly took away Kajika just for the fact that this could annoy Li-Ren, but he realized on that house that he likes her.. When he was all alone i emphatyzed with him, he is just a lonely but yah i must addmit that he is kinda weird, and now more knowing the fact that he made 3 girls kill themselves.

The animation on this episode was very cool, the character movements were more fluent this time than before. The CGI scenes was fantastic.

Seriusly, i love the fact that Kajika's personality is unique, Strong, decided and good will and not a smishmash of bullsh't tsundere I/E Kugimiye Rie characters but... For the fricking love of a sack of diarrea; she is being ultra childish, i hated when she runned away to meet with Eugene. I don't know why she still insist on him, at least she left behind the 'Mustafa' thingy wich was very annoying, i felt relieved when she called him by his name.

And now we met Carl; WHOOOO HOO! I was waiting for Jun Fukuyama to make his show up. So whats with the Fang group and the Rosenthal company? I see political drama comming trying to destroy the Burnsworth.

Anyway overall i loved this episode, nice character development and the Li-Ren/Kajika's scenes made me felt warmy.
MikiyoApr 21, 2009 12:05 AM

My Anime List. | 皆は見つけられる必要がある。 | Relentless.
Apr 21, 2009 1:23 AM

Oct 2008
no wonder li-ren loves kajika :D

but its getting more interesting and we finally saw the 2nd man in this i am waiting the last guy who is most charming for meh =P
Apr 21, 2009 4:01 AM

Jun 2008
this episode is good,.,.I've seen Li-ren's different kind of expression

I'm waiting for the last guy his so cool and charming,.,.
Apr 21, 2009 8:00 AM

Jan 2009
Tamaki-san said:
Damnit, that naivness from Kajika's very annoying, it reminds me of Albert from Gankutuou.

Ya, she bothers me a lot.

Toranosuke fails too.
Apr 21, 2009 12:34 PM

Jun 2008
I'm officially tired of Kajika, but will stick around for the guys. Li ren showed a new side of him. It didn't really surprise me that he's super-possessive and controlling. He loves her, he thinks Eugene is dangerous, therefore he goes crazy when she disappears with Eugene. Unfortunately this adds to my belief that he's going to end up the protective big-brother type. There's no way he'll get her in the end.
Apr 21, 2009 2:08 PM

Nov 2008
Yeah, Li-ren overdid it, alright. Wtf, 100+ police cars + helicopters? Truly shows he cares about Kajika, though. Loved his angry expressions, hehe.

I can't stand it that Kajika actually decides to follow that jerk Eugene. She can be quite dense. After hearing he was responsible for the death of 3 women, I would think again.
Apr 21, 2009 3:49 PM
Dec 2007
seimei said:
Oh, I really enjoyed this episode, probably because of what I found a brilliant direction choice in the dialogue parts. Even though there were many of them, I was never bored looking at just two people talking.
The budget is still as low as ever, but the director seems to know what she's doing and where (and how) she wants the story to proceed.
I also liked Li Ren's many expressions throughout the episode, the changes of locations and Ono Daisuke as Eugene **. Very convincing at the moment, let's see how it develops.

What you said exactly, I won't waste more time writing something up as you've said everything :)

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Apr 21, 2009 6:59 PM

Apr 2009
I pretty much fell off my seat at Li Ren's reaction to Kajika leaving. -_-'' Can't overdo it much more than that.
Apr 21, 2009 7:18 PM

Jan 2009
stickymochi said:
I pretty much fell off my seat at Li Ren's reaction to Kajika leaving. -_-'' Can't overdo it much more than that.
People rich... /Facepalm isn't?

My Anime List. | 皆は見つけられる必要がある。 | Relentless.
Apr 21, 2009 9:20 PM

Aug 2008
Well, this wasn't a bad episode, but since it's all driven by Kajika's childish whims, I can't really like it either. I guess if I look at this as an anime version of The Hills, I can get over a lot of the issues I have and just see it as a vapid rich people completely out of touch with reality show and find the entertainment there.
Apr 21, 2009 10:03 PM

Jun 2007
desolato said:
Yeah, Li-ren overdid it, alright. Wtf, 100+ police cars + helicopters? Truly shows he cares about Kajika, though. Loved his angry expressions, hehe.

I can't stand it that Kajika actually decides to follow that jerk Eugene. She can be quite dense. After hearing he was responsible for the death of 3 women, I would think again.

Haha the over-the-top-ness is what made this anime quite funny.

Seriously though if Kajika is gonna act like that following Eugene around she's not the anime character i first took her for.

I'm at an inner loss as to whether to put up with this for 39 episodes. I want to like it more...

I've Been Watching Anime for 20 years now. Can you beat that?
Apr 21, 2009 10:35 PM

Jan 2009
I dont want Kajika to turn into the stereotypical shoujo heroine but from the looks of this episode she will... Im also annoyed by this whole Mustafa thing she has going on her naive manner can be very very annoying

Will continue to see the guys though mainly li ren
Apr 21, 2009 10:43 PM

Jan 2009
tsuki77 said:
I dont want Kajika to turn into the stereotypical shoujo heroine but from the looks of this episode she will... Im also annoyed by this whole Mustafa thing she has going on her naive manner can be very very annoying

Will continue to see the guys though mainly li ren

She is not the typical airheaded neither the tsundere shoujo heroine stereotypical. But she is annoying as fuck acting like a child.

My Anime List. | 皆は見つけられる必要がある。 | Relentless.
Apr 22, 2009 1:10 AM

Apr 2009
what a bunch of rich people!
PM me and let's be friends.
Apr 22, 2009 2:47 AM

May 2008
YES finally im starting to get into the show gonna keep watching woohoo

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Apr 22, 2009 11:23 PM

Jan 2008
I like this episode. LOL @ Li Ren's behavior. He shows deep attachment to Kajika. And, wowow with the number of police cars and choppers. Total awesomeness of rich people really.

Apr 23, 2009 9:17 PM

May 2007
ani said:
Seriously though if Kajika is gonna act like that following Eugene around she's not the anime character i first took her for.

I'm at an inner loss as to whether to put up with this for 39 episodes. I want to like it more...

Yeah, I feel the same way. Personally, I didn't like this episode... and I really wanted to. In theory, this series should be my favorite of the new season! In reality, I'm seriously contemplating dropping after three episodes. Meh.
Apr 26, 2009 3:37 PM

Jul 2008
Kajika is annoying me as well.
Eugene would annoy me, but his voice is sexy. So I'm alright.

I want to see how the characters develop, so I'll keep watching. This show isn't fantastic, but it isn't horrible.
Apr 26, 2009 10:34 PM

Jul 2008
Lieila said:
I like this episode. LOL @ Li Ren's behavior. He shows deep attachment to Kajika. And, wowow with the number of police cars and choppers. Total awesomeness of rich people really.

yeah great episode^^ there's nothing that rich people can't get^^ XD
Apr 27, 2009 5:59 PM

Aug 2008
It wasn't that bad at all. However, it isn't good too either.

I guess it will take more than a couple of episodes for me just to stir up my interest for this show. I'm not sure if I can digest the political aspect of this show. Nevertheless, I will still keep watching.

Apr 28, 2009 10:25 AM

Nov 2007
The police cars and choppers were ridiculous 9.9 Then again, so are a few other things in this show, ha ha. (Like Eugene being only 19 going on 20! I definitely had him pegged as older. I wonder how old he was when the first girl committed suicide o_o)

I guess right now I'm only watching this show for the boys (and the crack value), but I'm still hopeful that the plot will surprise me by being good.

[avatar from Tales of the Abyss]
Apr 29, 2009 1:48 PM

Jul 2007
Everybody in this series is a little bit loony. When I acknowledge that will make the series ridiculous by nature, I like it more.

For some reason, every time people start long, vaguely complex conversations I'm surprised. When will I learn that this is a series full of talking? :p

This series has such late eyecatches. o_O

oh, these little earthquakes
Apr 29, 2009 3:09 PM

Oct 2007
wow that was one hell of a huge search party XD
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Apr 30, 2009 3:13 PM

Mar 2008
Where's Japan? I demand she goes back to Japan :/.
Apr 30, 2009 3:22 PM

Jul 2008
Kajika is still pretty annoying. I'm hoping she'll stop acting that way eventually. She compares everything in her life to being on that island, but then again, what kind of parent just drops their kid off on an island? So, I give her a pass on her being annoying because of it. Hopefully, it'll actually play a part in the series later on.

At the end, when they said Eugene's dad wasn't his real dad, I was just like "okay and...", but then I remembered that these are rich people and something like that is actually very scandalous.
May 2, 2009 10:52 PM

Dec 2007
This episode is good because it have a wonderful story and interesting plot. Kajika needs to remove her thought about her life in an island in her mind, in my option. She is an interesting character, though.
May 3, 2009 2:39 PM

Jun 2007
Ooook. Kajika annoyed the hell out of me this episode.
Hope she doesn't keep up her childish act. >_>

Li-Ren is yay though!

May 3, 2009 11:38 PM
Lead Admin
Faerie Queen

Aug 2007
madeinakihabara said:
I'm officially tired of Kajika, but will stick around for the guys. Li ren showed a new side of him. It didn't really surprise me that he's super-possessive and controlling. He loves her, he thinks Eugene is dangerous, therefore he goes crazy when she disappears with Eugene. Unfortunately this adds to my belief that he's going to end up the protective big-brother type. There's no way he'll get her in the end.
This is probably the closest to what I'm thinking.

Power goes out, and she jumps in a car with a dangerous man, who she herself says is only doing it to piss off Li Ren. Well of course Li Ren is going to pull all stops to get her back. He's slapping back at the fly that's irked him, and showing him who has more power. Over-reacting? No. He was making a statement.

But then he tells her to go to Paris... Ugh, he's totally going to get cast into the big brother role.

I'm sorry, but I don't like Eugene. I felt a bit of pity for him when his brother first came in, but he just irks me. Maybe it's not his fault, maybe it's because the way Kajika acts around him. I thought she was interesting character in the first episode, too. Now, the only reason I'm still watching this is: 1) for Li Ren; and 2) because I'm really hoping for a good shoujo story to emerge somewhere.

On the bright side, at least she only said Mustafa 4 or 5 times this episode.
May 30, 2009 1:18 PM

Jun 2008
In my opinion this was a waaay better episode than the last one. It didn't annoy me at all. ^_^ I like Eugene's personality and also the ending of the episode. What happens next?! Dundundun. xD
Sep 5, 2009 6:34 AM

Aug 2008
Why are the Crunchy Roll episodes subbing his name as Lee-Leng when his name is Li Ren?

The end was so dramatic. Why does it even matter if he's his son or not?

Mikiyo said:
Eugene; he is -quite clearly- just teasing Li-Ren, as i saw that he did that signal with his fingers to him -i lol'd there- he obviusly took away Kajika just for the fact that this could annoy Li-Ren

I agree. I thought that was pretty funny of Eugene. It's Li Ren's fault for telling Kajika and Eugene to stay away from each other. Eugene had no prior interest in the girl.
May 11, 2010 2:42 PM

Nov 2008
The maid should be executed and kajika is just fucking stupid... now i know why they changed the director!!
Apr 21, 2011 2:39 AM

Feb 2011
somehow i enjoy watching li ren being jealous
Jun 6, 2011 9:04 PM
Jun 2011
lol I saw the pic of Eugene’s mother and the first thing I thought was "He was a she?!?". Other than that, I thought this was a pretty good episode. =)
May 5, 2013 11:26 AM

Mar 2011
yes yes Kajika is so annoying e.e

I'm sticking for the bishies for now

*continues watching*
Aug 28, 2013 6:38 PM

Aug 2011
Nvm they do deserve each other. A bunch of rich snotty kids who are both a little touched in the head.

Look at Li Ren uncovering the family secrets, and lol at the police search.
Jul 3, 2017 7:10 AM

Aug 2008
So this show is going to be about a fourteen yr old girl finding "love" with twenty yr olds? Japan sure mainstreams its perversions. Kajiko has an irritating personality as well. But she's cute so no doubt fun times ahead with the jailbait (though these men are rich so no chance of jail for them).
Jul 31, 2017 4:46 PM
Aug 2014
Who cares if Eugene is not a legitimate son as long as his father accepted him as such.

So there were 3 woman who died around Eugene after telling them to kill the person they love or themselves. Either Eugene attracts a certain type of woman or Eugene is a seriously bad influence.
Apr 14, 2018 4:41 AM

Aug 2010
Discount Mustafa could really use some therapy. And what's with the maid? Just because some rando on street smiled at her, she decided to risk her job and possible jail time
Jun 1, 2021 2:47 PM

Jan 2021
I really enjoyed this episode,
Its getting a bit more interesting
Oct 20, 2022 5:21 AM

Jan 2021
The bodyguards were useless. I hope they can recruit bodyguards who are more agile, fast and have energy.

And yeah? When Kajika said she hate the new Li Ren then I wish Li Ren can stop caring about her. Like just seeing her from a far so she'll take her responsibilities of herself by herself. I understand that he likes her but this ojou-sama is irritating. So what if she grew up on an island? That doesn't change the fact that she's Burnsworths' only daughter, many people don't hesitate to try to trick her and put Burnsworths in danger. She is indeed a brave girl but her naivety irritated me.

And she needed to use her brain that the circumstances, the situation as well as the treatment she received when she was on the island and now she is in the city must be different.

Jul 3, 2023 9:44 AM

Jan 2021
Lee-Leng is hot. Kajika is so naive. She looked a lot tougher and smarter in the first episode. It’s as if someone else took over her character development or something:(

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