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Jan 4, 2012 1:12 AM

Jan 2008
keeetz said:
HatsumiShinogu said:
Honestly, right now, it can go either way.

Are you reading the manga or just watching the anime?

I'm keeping up with the manga although I can't seem to find Chapter 86. It came out on December 28 but there are no scans or summaries for it. :(

I think I'll just PM you my answer before some forum nazi will get mad at me for talking about the manga even with the spoiler tag on. <_<

Ok! I will be waiting for your PM. ^^
Jan 4, 2012 1:34 AM

Aug 2007
So that's why Arata was out of it. And why the heck is everyone for Chihaya x Taichi? Taichi has a girlfriend, guys. Besides, Taichi is nice and all, but who has Chihaya been mailing with since he moved? Yes, Arata. I bet both Chihaya and Arata are both just too happy with playing karuta that they'll put in some romance in the last episode. Well, or not.
Dutch anime blogger with a love for Ikuhara's antics and proper storytelling.
Jan 4, 2012 1:59 AM

Dec 2010
UG!!!! Why did I have to start this anime! I want MOREE episodes now! I watched all 13 episodes in nearly one sitting. Seriously not one episode bored me.

I hope we see Arata play competitively soon!
Jan 4, 2012 2:39 AM

Sep 2011
ok Chihaya got nervous or sick wtvr :\
a new gurl has shown up i'm getting curious /kinda
the most epic thing is ARATA HAS FINALLY SHOWED UP :DDDD
finally man i miss him ! *andhisaccent* <3
he's not my fav but any episode without him seems so idk .. empty? lol
ugh too bad Chihayafuru doesn't have a next episode preview :\
Jan 4, 2012 2:44 AM

Sep 2008
FUCK YEAH, Arata is back; him and his sexy voice.
The flashback was great and the episode was chock full of Arata.

I don't know if it could have gotten any better.
Oh wait, maybe if they won.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jan 4, 2012 3:54 AM

May 2010
Awesome episode!that black-haired girl looks interesting arata returned,I now have a better view of him since all I did see him was being emotional so far but this episode showed how he is really like.
Jan 4, 2012 4:10 AM

Oct 2008
Onii said:
This is hard to watch.

5/5 episode; Although I had a hard time watching the episode. They lost without showing any match too <//3

(Except for all scenes with Arata in it lol ♥♥♥)
Jan 4, 2012 6:30 AM

Dec 2007
marchefka said:
I don't agree with

Meddigo said:
That was ridiculously stupid.

I have much better expectations for this series than for them to pull the contrived exhausted/sick out-of-nowhere card.

We've known from the very beginnning that Chihaya is extremely emotional and sensitive an thus, a bit ustable. The Omi Jingu've put her through a lot of stress, don't you think? Mizusawa team are being talked about and a lot is expected from them. And we know that Chihaya feels greatly responsible for the team's win and failures. Quite unenviable position, isn't it? No wonder she couldn't stand the pressure.

When do we know this? Because as far as I know it has never once been mentioned. She didn't have any uneasiness when she qualified for Class A or at the Region/Prefectural tournament, so why at Nationals? It was most certainly out-of-nowhere. The only thing we knew was that at the end of a tournament she would simply collapse in exhaustion. That's after playing 10+ games a day, but here she faints before the first match was even close to completion.
MeddigoJan 4, 2012 6:33 AM
Jan 4, 2012 6:36 AM
Jan 2011
Arata X Taichi= Competition for Chihaya.
Jan 4, 2012 6:59 AM

Nov 2009
Why is there a rework on Arata's flash back?
I was so hoping to see their battle, and was anticipating the flashback to end faster and get back to the battle scene. In the end, the battle's not shown =(

Loves Taichi even more, even though Arata's back =3
Jan 4, 2012 7:29 AM

May 2010
This episode was kinda rushed but hopefully next episode will fill up some gaps.

Am I the only one here who thought that Chihaya would kiss Arata when she woke up?? -_-
Jan 4, 2012 8:16 AM

Oct 2011
Another great episode<3

I already love the new girl, she and Arata look so similar I'm wondering if they are related. I hope we will learn more about her soon:)
Jan 4, 2012 12:12 PM

Nov 2009


I really respect Taichi for letting Arata take care of Chihaya while he is in the middle of a match and rushing to finish it. He's such a good guy, damn it. Smart calculation, not based on emotions.
The new girl we saw is... HOT! Damn, she's so beautiful, but will probably be some kind of 'villain' to Chihaya.
The message in the end was so sweet.
And again - Taichi is the man! Love doesn't last, but when you have a chance to be next to the girl you love - go for it! Break other relationships sooner!
Jan 4, 2012 2:10 PM

Dec 2011
Arata's history, how and why he tunr out Karuta...
The epiusode wasn't as touching as others, but still amazing, new caracters are strarting to develope.
Jan 4, 2012 3:17 PM

Jul 2011
Stereoman said:
I'm still wondering where Taichi's girlfriend is.... o:

Maybe she got dumped or evaporated.
Jan 4, 2012 4:09 PM

Jun 2008
HatsumiShinogu said:
I mean, it is obvious that she always thinks of Arata and she is the happiest whenever he is in the picture but should we give up on ever seeing Chihaya and Taichi together?

I actually do think if she ever chooses, she will choose Taichi, because its a shoujo rule that the guy who does his best for the girl, usually wins her heart at the end. "the best friend who only wants her to smile", you know.

I actually like them together better, even if my fav character is Arata;D

Arata and his sexy voice, kyaaaaaa~~~~~

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Jan 4, 2012 6:32 PM

May 2010
EdenBaggins said:
Stereoman said:
I'm still wondering where Taichi's girlfriend is.... o:

Maybe she got dumped or evaporated.

She evaporated.
Jan 4, 2012 7:35 PM

Jul 2010
This was a good episode, although I was a bit disappointed too that none of the games were shown. The flashbacks did a nice job of showing what Arata has been up to all these years and the brief moment between Arata and Chihaya was really cute. His short appearance was such a tease, though! Based on the message and the gift he left for Chihaya, Arata won't be appearing again until he actually participates in a match, right? Hopefully Komano-san persuaded him to register for the individual tournament and he'll show up again in the next episode, but as of now that doesn't seem too likely. Oh well, we'll see!
Jan 5, 2012 7:52 AM

Dec 2011
Being Taichi is suffering...
Jan 5, 2012 8:53 AM

May 2009
I SO ROFL'd at that melodramatic theatric shot of Taichi holding Chihaya!! :))))
COME OOOON dude!!!! How LOW can the budget be for SUCH an AWESOME anime?!!
I mean, yeah, it was nicely drawn, but it was just tooo cheesy, that pose!

Ah! Arata got screen time!! =D But his actual meet up with them was barely a few seconds.. I wish there was more to see. Chihaya was so caught up with her position to lead the team and being unsuccessful at that that she totally blew her moment with Arata! I almost thought she was gonna kiss hug him when she woke up so suddenly! XP

And again :)))) at the Sudo x Chihaya moment! :D I kinda see him developing a crush on her, but with Taichi and Arata in the picture, I'd say he'll be like a big brother to her. :) I like the pair, despite Sudo's superiority complex. :))) LOL.

I liked the episode, but I thought the flashback took up a lot of time, not that I mind it, but just felt it lacked on the moments.

MissileSoup said:
Good episode, but Arata's flashback was pointless. Or rather, it made the episode where Chihaya and Taichi visit him pointless.

No.. I don't think it was pointless. It shows what all he went through. I remember many people complaining about Arata's guts or whatever about quitting karuta over his gradpa's death. Now that we see all that he had to go through, it shows us his character development, his inner conflict, esp. what made him quit karuta. I mean, his grandpa remembering his A-class tournament through his dementia, while forgetting about his own career, really was a big leap. Arata was overjoyed, and his gramps also seemed suddenly good. He took the risk while being encouraged. So... there you have it.

bootyjon said:

OMG!! I can't believe they didn't work those angles!!! The manga art looks so damn good! =O Looking at that manga scan, yeah, I think the anime lost that impact of the moment Taichi hands over Chihaya to Arata. That shock of holding her after so long... AH! They killed it. And I loved the top view that the mangaka used when the teacher rushes to her aid. Ah! They should've used it!!! It is so much more visually appealing!

keeetz said:

You forgot one more sweet moment:

and where Arata carries Chihaya and blushes that they're taking off Chihaya's clothes

OMG!! I CAN'T BELIEVE they took out so many essential moments!! They've only stuck to the basic ones! They are KILLING THIS!!

Please please please post up missed moments here at each episode discussion!
I'm not following the manga, would love to when I get the time, but I really don't wanna miss those!

AH! With so much cuts, I'm getting disappointed at the direction of this series. They're losing out the beauty of what the mangaka already had!

OH! And I wonder who that black haired chick is... :P The queen? Or someone to help Chihaya realise her feelings towards (maybe) Arata? hmmm..... :P I vaaaant mooooooaaarrrrr!!
KundaliniJan 5, 2012 8:57 AM
_____ _ _ ______

Within pain, there is desire.

_____ _ _ ______
Jan 5, 2012 1:23 PM

Nov 2011
Kundalini said:
MissileSoup said:
Good episode, but Arata's flashback was pointless. Or rather, it made the episode where Chihaya and Taichi visit him pointless.

No.. I don't think it was pointless. It shows what all he went through. I remember many people complaining about Arata's guts or whatever about quitting karuta over his gradpa's death. Now that we see all that he had to go through, it shows us his character development, his inner conflict, esp. what made him quit karuta. I mean, his grandpa remembering his A-class tournament through his dementia, while forgetting about his own career, really was a big leap. Arata was overjoyed, and his gramps also seemed suddenly good. He took the risk while being encouraged. So... there you have it.

What I meant was it made the previous flashback scenes pointless, not just the visit. The previous episodes already showed his inner conflicts. The only scene this flashback added was his grandfather's progress, so what was the point of the previous scenes? Either they should have slowly worked in the additional information like they have been doing, or leave out everything until this flashback. Doing both is just redundant, and lowers the impact.
MissileSoupJan 5, 2012 1:48 PM
Jan 5, 2012 1:52 PM

Apr 2008
Poor Arata!!!! But now he's hopefully back in business, Arata fighto!!!!!

Poor Ayase (nice save by Taichi though!!!! :P) but 'She looks like a beautiful girl because she isn't moving or talking.' ... XD
Jan 5, 2012 5:29 PM

Dec 2008
MissileSoup said:
Kundalini said:
MissileSoup said:
Good episode, but Arata's flashback was pointless. Or rather, it made the episode where Chihaya and Taichi visit him pointless.

No.. I don't think it was pointless. It shows what all he went through. I remember many people complaining about Arata's guts or whatever about quitting karuta over his gradpa's death. Now that we see all that he had to go through, it shows us his character development, his inner conflict, esp. what made him quit karuta. I mean, his grandpa remembering his A-class tournament through his dementia, while forgetting about his own career, really was a big leap. Arata was overjoyed, and his gramps also seemed suddenly good. He took the risk while being encouraged. So... there you have it.

What I meant was it made the previous flashback scenes pointless, not just the visit. The previous episodes already showed his inner conflicts. The only scene this flashback added was his grandfather's progress, so what was the point of the previous scenes? Either they should have slowly worked in the additional information like they have been doing, or leave out everything until this flashback. Doing both is just redundant, and lowers the impact.

I disagree. The flashback in this episode adds nuance to what we knew before. We knew why Arata was conflicted and we knew vaguely why, but we never knew the specifics. We knew his grandfather had a stroke and was undergoing rehabilitation from previous episodes. This episode showed us that he was doing quite well with his rehab but had a relapse and slipped into dementia to the point where he didn't know who Arata was or what karuta was.

Dealing with a person who has had a stroke is difficult. Dealing with someone who has dementia is difficult. Dealing with a person who has both? It's extremely difficult. And Arata took it quite hard because he was so close to his grandfather but also had to bear the responsibility of taking care of his grandfather, too. We also got the added nuance of the exact situation and feelings Arata had when he left his grandfather alone - the feeling of "Should I or shouldn't I?" and the split second decision he had to make.

I don't think the flashback in that one previous episode was made pointless with this episode's flashback. Part of the reason we (or at least, I) wanted Chihaya and Taichi to visit Arata in Fukui was to learn the reason why Arata quit karuta. For them to have left without an answer would have felt rather cheap and/or frustrating. We got the answer, but from Arata's neighbour rather than Arata himself, so we never got the full picture of what happened.
Jan 5, 2012 6:21 PM

Nov 2011
Aeterna said:
I don't think the flashback in that one previous episode was made pointless with this episode's flashback. Part of the reason we (or at least, I) wanted Chihaya and Taichi to visit Arata in Fukui was to learn the reason why Arata quit karuta. For them to have left without an answer would have felt rather cheap and/or frustrating. We got the answer, but from Arata's neighbour rather than Arata himself, so we never got the full picture of what happened.

This flashback showed what we learned from Arata's neighbor and more. If this flashback was going to happen, why did we need to hear it from his neighbor to begin with? After the visit, I remember seeing several flashbacks along the way as well (or were those during that episode?). Either way, I don't see why both were needed other than to appease Arata fans early on, as Arata played a minimal role between the visit and this episode.
MissileSoupJan 5, 2012 6:32 PM
Jan 6, 2012 11:30 AM

Mar 2011
Thinking the new girl is the current Queen. Definetly seeing her in an upcoming tourny!
Jan 6, 2012 12:23 PM

Jun 2009
I wish I had started this series earlier!!
I went to sleept at 5am because i watched all 13 episodes. After watching the first epoisode I just couldnl't stop. Thank god I don't have school until the 17th. XD
Jan 6, 2012 1:19 PM

Jul 2008
Jan 6, 2012 10:24 PM
Sep 2011
This is off topic, but I don't want to post a new thread, so...

The "real-world" Karuta Queen and Master Title Match is held today at Oumi Jimgu Shrine, and they are broadcasting on ustream now.

The Queen match has already over. The current Queen is a living legend; she became the youngest Queen in history at her age of 15, and she had been staying unbeaten for 7 years, winning all the best-two-out-of-three title matches with 2-0 straight. Today, the unbeaten record became 8 years.

They are broadcasting Master match now. The current Master is also a legend, for he has been holding the title for 13 years.

Edit: Finished. That was incredible... The Master made up a seven card deficit, and won!
kemkemmersJan 7, 2012 3:06 AM
Seeking for the essence of every important lessons in the film.
Jan 7, 2012 8:51 PM

Apr 2010
Hm... New girl rival? She reminds me of a female Arata.
Nice backstory for Arata, good to finally see him back. I was kinda disappointed when they lost though. I mean, that was fas, but I gasped with happiness when I heard that Komano got his first win. :)

I absolutely love how the characters have so much passion for karuta. I wish I had something like that.

Rand0mless's PokePet

Kuro the level 76 Umbreon!
Jan 8, 2012 5:35 AM

Apr 2011
kemkemmers said:

Thanks for that bit of info. I think it was relevant! ^^

I'm glad Arata is back for a bit of screen time now.

Still going for Taichi x Chihaya in the end :) <3 them both!
Used to be TheSethAffect
Jan 8, 2012 3:41 PM

Jul 2009
Oh god at first I thought the girl at the beginning was Arata and I was all WTF?!?!?!??!
Nice to see more of Arata's past in his flashback though. Wow, that must have really sucked for him X_X
Ah, didn't expect Chihaya to get sick. Would have liked to see more of their matches after though (like Desktomu's win!). So the team tournament is one day and after is individual? Reminds me of Saki lol :P
ARATA APPEARS LOL ;O I think he'll go to the individual one ... right?! So will the Sadist guy ... I burst out laughing at Chihaya's reacation LOL XD
At the end when the guy told him he had his grandfather's kurata ... REMINDS ME OF HIKARU HAVING SAI'S GO LOL ;P
Jan 9, 2012 2:25 AM

Apr 2010
Damn! Taichi is so smooth catching Chihaya like that ;) I kinda have a new found perspective for Arata, but still rooting for Taichi :P
Jan 9, 2012 8:41 AM

Jun 2009
Megame kun ginally wins a match, good for him.

Liked the Queen's character design, weakspot for shoulder-lenght black haired chars.

On the romance side:

Taichi: always there being awesome.
Arata: madning "giving-up-for-no-good-reason" and "Taichi-cockblocking" skills.

OFC Arata will win in the end, women just don't know how to choose. :D
Jan 11, 2012 3:44 PM
Nov 2011
This episode sucked. I mean seriously. I realize Chihaya got ill. Mystriously ill? Even if that happened in the manga, at least show the end of that first round. What a lazy way to tell a story.
Be thankful for those you have near who are dear
For time is not always kind to those who would be on your mind
Seize the day, some exclaim, but that which is past, no more shall have its day.
Jan 13, 2012 1:48 PM

May 2010
Yay! They finally got to see each other again. I'm curious where it's going to go from here.
Mar 6, 2012 2:01 PM

Feb 2010
Apr 5, 2012 11:37 PM

Sep 2011
Chihaya breaks down in every single game... she is so unstable... lol...
Apr 30, 2012 11:55 PM

Mar 2009
Chihaya needs to relax.
May 11, 2012 2:00 PM

Nov 2007
MusashiRose said:


GEEEEEE! Love this episode because there were a lot of ARATA SCENES! DAMN FREAKIN' HOOOOOOT! :DD
~ kYaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Jun 10, 2012 7:26 PM

Feb 2009
Arata is back, great :)

Although I can't relate to any of these characters, I love the feeling I am left with when watching this series.
Jul 14, 2012 4:02 PM
Jan 2012
Great episode, and it looks like Arata is back! Let the series progress!!
Aug 10, 2012 12:50 PM

Nov 2011
I don't know how karuta could get this epic, but they made it happen....

"I like to expose what people hide. I'm an intellectual rapist." - Furudo Erika
Jan 8, 2013 6:26 PM

Apr 2010
MusashiRose said:

Feb 17, 2013 11:25 PM

Jul 2009
amazing episode :D

it's good to have some flashbacks on how Arata ended like that

it's a shame Chihaya passed out due to nervousness and anxiety

it seems the Arata and Chihaya moments are about to begin .___.

and lol Sudo is disappointed that Chihaya underperform in her first national match.

even though i don't like the guy, im glad he actually took the time and visited her, despite being confused as to why is Chihaya is underperforming.

good thing Mizusawa team is hanging on, get your revenge Chihahaya!!!!!

also i can't wait for Chihaya vs Arata or Arata vs Taichi :)
Mar 18, 2013 8:13 AM

Aug 2010
I dont get did they win or lose? :O

I thought everything went too well.. Well, there's always next year.. and it'll probably be interesting then too when arata's inside the competition as well. Though if i were chihaya or taichi i wouldnt want arata as my opponent!

And that black-haired girl.. looks like she's the Queen..

And finally an Arata flashback! I really hope to see his karuta playing soon!
May 13, 2013 9:10 PM

Jan 2013
Good episode as always
May 25, 2013 7:04 AM

Nov 2008
The look on Taichi's face when Arata showed up ;__;
Jul 2, 2013 11:44 AM

May 2012
Poor Chihaya but well we did see Arata and it seems he'll be coming back! The tragic back story with his grandfather was quite sad but well the episode sure developed quite nicely so lets see what happens next!
Aug 5, 2013 11:48 PM

Sep 2012
Arata's accent is awesome imo.
Aug 13, 2013 9:11 PM
Jan 2013
I didn't like this episode. I can't tell what happened to her. And it's weird that they're like, no big deal, she just collapsed, and then later they take her to the ER, and then later, she's just tired, maybe, but no clear diagnosis. The earlier scenes made it seem like she might have had a stroke or something. So unclear and unsettling. >:-(
The loss was surprising, but not surprising, since their strongest player was out of commission, and I didn't think they'd go the route of loss and comeback after the win at the Tokyo regionals.
I hope the show doesn't have any other episodes as unclear as this one.
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