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Jul 13, 2008 6:49 AM
Oct 2007
I hope there wasn't anyone left in that house that got crushed..

8/10 anyway
Sep 12, 2008 11:47 AM

Apr 2007
BlueYoshi said:

I'm tempted to give 10/10, but it's really nowhere near a Masterpiece, though very entertaining to watch. 9/10

As far as usage of sound goes, it is certainly a masterpiece. The series had its flaws, but no other anime I've ever seen used sound the way Ghost Hound did. And then there's the subjects it delved into. Name another anime that revolves around things like OBEs and lucid dreaming. Fucking awesome. The characters weren't annoying (at least for me) and the art was good too. Maybe not a masterpiece in every category, but you have to give it credit for the subjects it explores and the unique way in which it uses sound.
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Sep 18, 2008 2:05 PM
Sep 2007
Wonders me how nobody else mentions that the anime pretty much lost its creepiness and horror aspect at the second half. :| At least I can't remember many creepy scenes from there on.
Nov 6, 2008 8:37 PM

Oct 2008
Great ending and i'm glad it was happy ending ^^ okay it was a bit rushed but still okay i'd like to give a 9.5 but that's impossible :P so 9/10 will do it lol ^^
Dec 13, 2008 10:32 PM
May 2008
Well, pretty good anime in my opinion, good ending and overall amazing story.
People, c'mon just don't go blaming the end and the "unanswered questions" not everything in life has an answer, just try to figure them out yourselves ;]

Gotta say it's the first anime i got scared at (episode 12, damn skinny ghost that appears in front of the councelor) so it gets a lot of points for that
I give it a 8/10, since last half got a little overtechnical and lost its creepiness, as roysen said >_>
Looking forward for more series like this one

Dec 25, 2008 8:41 PM

Nov 2008
hmm for me.. I liked It.. but yeah too many un-answered things.. like a basic one.. how come simple people could see the spirits?.. but some couldnt.. and whats the deal with him not being able to see his sisters face In his dreams?... on a side note.. I remembered from episode 21.. that he was able to say Miyakos name like nothing, but In this one and the ones before 21 he couldnt, he always stopped at "Mi-" ...

Jan 9, 2009 4:14 AM

Jan 2008
Kinda disappointed in the series. It was solid entertainment, well made, but the further I watched the more quality it lost.

Characters turned into caricatures/exposition devices (what was the point of the old wanderer? The mayor? The weird dude working at that Bio place? Masayuki's mother and her inexplicable character change in the last episode?), plotlines turned conventional (intriguing industrial esponiage plot overshadowed by stupid cult shenanigans with a baddie from a Scooby Doo episode) and overall the show lost the eerie horror/thriller elements that made me like it in the first place.

All of the revelations were anticlimactic to say the least and the last five minutes of the last episode were so contrived I was almost laughing in disbelief. Gather around everyone for a curtain call!

What I did like was the sound editing (no match for Boogiepop Phantom), Masayuki's relationship with his father's romantic interest, the fact that the three boys werent typical 'friends' but rather thrown together through circumstance, and I also liked the psychologist character even though he too ended up a walking talking exposition device.

The show turned me onto Mayumi Kojima at least.
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Feb 16, 2009 1:09 PM

Apr 2008
Overal: 10/10

Very nice series ^^
Feb 19, 2009 6:04 PM

Jun 2008
Just watched the last episode. Consequence: I'm confused.

But actually I did not expect anything else from Nakamura - or more precisely that's the reason I started to watch in the first place - so it achieved it's goal and it's exactly the way it should be.

I also join the "it was rushed" fraction.

Actually I don't get the point of the last few episodes all together. *so confused*
Apr 24, 2009 2:37 PM

May 2008
Pretty good ending although there was still a few things I would've liked it to clear up, but still pretty good. Solid overall so 8/10 for me.
May 19, 2009 3:55 PM

Dec 2008
I felt the ending was a bit rushed but overall this was very entertaining. It was an interesting take on the astral world as well. Kept me interested throughout. I was a little unsure on what score to give this series, wasn't the best but wasn't bad either.

Overall I decided on a 7/10.

May 24, 2009 5:10 PM

Dec 2007
yep, ending wasn't that good. but it's happy, a very unexpected thing from such a dark anime.
but I totally loved Masayuki. he's alive from the very beginning to the very end. Fukuyama is a genius after all, to create such a vivd character with unique speech and intonations.
Sep 30, 2009 4:30 AM

Apr 2009
Good ending,,but the anime start to fall in the midline,,
I get bored at episodes 10 onwards,,

I wish they just stik to the main plot,,14 episodes will do..

anyways 8/10
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Dec 1, 2009 4:20 PM

Aug 2008
Indeed an anime that looks unbiasedly at the possibility of whats really happening in the series. Without using fancy words, Ghost Hound introduced scientific and spiritual explanations i.e, a Possession-Shaman or Dissociative Identity Disorder, Astral Projection or a mind trick. Both perspectives of either psychological disorders or using the collection of cultures who believe that spirits and gods are the cause of altered mental states such as those. The beliefs of multiple dimensions viewed through Taoism,Shinto and Shamanism. Although a theory not used in the series, I was reminded of the Gaia Hypothesis, elements that somewhat have similarities to Shinto and Shamans' belief about the networking of the world. Used to explain the world as a unified superorganism. While sneaking in the theory of multiple dimensions from a Quantum Theory " Holographic Universe" or the spiritual approach of "The Unseen World" to the possibility of Brian Whitworth's outlandish idea we are all inside virtual reality. In any case we forget our conscience is filtered through our subjectivity and that is why I enjoyed the unbiased approach of concepts and philosophies implicated in this series.

As for the ending it seemed a little rushed and left some matters unexplained, one answer I'd like is why Sanae's personality changed at episode 21 when she was talking with Kei at her burned down residence. It was strange for me to see her act so cold to Kei about Masato. Sanae's expression seemed like she wasn't regretful of what happened. Kind of suspicious but then again she has endured 11 years of sorrow losing some part of herself in the midst of her despair.Another question is why Makoto's father killed himself after the kidnapping of Taro and his sister Mizuka. More questions than that but all unaswered probably due to budget matters.
Dec 31, 2009 1:23 AM
Oct 2009
disappointed..typical lame shonnen happy ending..
the beginning of the series was interesting..but later the show just fell off... i knew they wouldn't be able to answer all the questions....
Jan 7, 2010 8:58 AM

Jun 2009
I see some users here share my sympathies. I, too, found the series interesting and somewhat unique until it hit the episode 19 mark.

Then it crumbled with the last 2 episodes. I mean seriously, characters gathering and hatching a plan? I thought I was watching Digimon for a second.

As soon as the dialog lost its intellectual properties in episode 21 I thought to myself "Yep, there goes the perfect score."

I wish they would've focused more on the Taro and Mizuka kidnapping arc and closed the series with that instead of relying too much on the Dai Nippon Bio and Ogami cult for story progression.
Jan 21, 2010 5:54 PM

Nov 2007
I would have been even better if it had 2 more episodes so they don't rush things this fast...

amazingly good series overall...
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Jan 30, 2010 5:05 PM

Dec 2008
That was just awesome. I love this series.

I definitely loved it when the mudslide happened to the house and then a huge rock fell on it. That was nice.
How long would it take to earn 50 million yen, Karasawa? - Katsuya
No longer than it would take to get to the bank, provided I have a gun. -Karasawa
I'm through talking with you. -Katsuya
Feb 7, 2010 9:01 PM
Sep 2009
I guess I'm a little late to watch this series but I really enjoyed it. I understand why most people feel that many questions went unanswered. If you only watched one episode a week or so then it would be hard to remember some of the things already discussed in previous episodes. Most of the things that are hard to understand after the finale can probably be understood after re watching because they never made everything clear on the last episode. The answers are all over the place but I don't think anything was left out. At least nothing major. I finished this series not long after I started so I'm pretty confident that I understood everything that happened. Something was missing from this anime though, and I don't really know what it was. The last episode actually reminded me of the ending episodes of Higurashi because of the focus on friendship and everyone coming together to help someone they care about. As well as other things. Anyway, I think I'll give Ghost Hound a 9/10. That might be too generous but I'm in a good mood after finishing it.
Mar 31, 2010 1:17 PM
Jul 2009
I was expecting something crazier... like the sister turning out to be that one lady, or having some one go insane... or ending the credits with masayuki's father licking someones foot.
all in all the ending was happy... just not as funny as it potentially could've been : )
Apr 18, 2010 11:56 AM
Oct 2008
The ending felt rushed and inconsistent with the tone of much of the rest of the series. Too many questions just left dangling with no resolution. Could have been a lot better, and should have been.

Oh well, it's not enough to make me dislike the rest of the series.
May 14, 2010 2:23 PM

Apr 2010
garytek said:
I wish they would've focused more on the Taro and Mizuka kidnapping arc and closed the series with that instead of relying too much on the Dai Nippon Bio and Ogami cult for story progression.

My thoughts exactly.

I felt like the show started with so much promise and the psychology aspect was fantastic. I loved the characters as well (Masayuki!!!) and the character development was very well done, as each of the three main boys begin to overcome their past trauma and start to heal. But then the last few episodes...I'm fine with unresolved questions, but I just felt like everything suddenly took a bad turn and it ended as a completely different show than it promised to be even as far as episode 19. Too bad. It could have been so much more.

8/10 for now. If the ending continues to irk me, it will probably go lower.
Jun 17, 2010 6:50 PM

Jan 2008
Is it just me or were we all waiting for that landslide to hit Taro and co?

And by the way I had a few minutes pondering the Miyako conversation where she says:

'Taro...I'll always be watching over you from the Unseen World.'

which presumably is a continuation from what he said before, that she is the reincarnation of his sister.
Then he tells her that his sister lies within himself. And she is happily herself again.

I was certainly bewildered by the ending but there was one pleasant surprise that saved it from oblivion:

She was tearfully happy after being told she was very much herself by Taro, and Taro in particular...


Jun 30, 2010 6:28 AM

Mar 2009
I didn't find anything scary, but this was a good series. Lol Makoto was asked to smile when taking the photo with them.
Jul 9, 2010 6:49 PM

Jul 2009
Beatnik said:
Kinda disappointed in the series. It was solid entertainment, well made, but the further I watched the more quality it lost.

Characters turned into caricatures/exposition devices (what was the point of the old wanderer? The mayor? The weird dude working at that Bio place? Masayuki's mother and her inexplicable character change in the last episode?), plotlines turned conventional (intriguing industrial esponiage plot overshadowed by stupid cult shenanigans with a baddie from a Scooby Doo episode) and overall the show lost the eerie horror/thriller elements that made me like it in the first place.

All of the revelations were anticlimactic to say the least and the last five minutes of the last episode were so contrived I was almost laughing in disbelief. Gather around everyone for a curtain call!

Pretty much sums up my thoughts.
Jul 16, 2010 9:25 PM
Apr 2008
I agree with everything said before: rushed ending, lost creepiness, but still damn good. I'm not that worried about unanswered questions though, since this IS a psychological anime.

Zashiki-warashi said:
Another question is why Makoto's father killed himself after the kidnapping of Taro and his sister Mizuka. More questions than that but all unaswered probably due to budget matters.

That question WAS answered. You could go back and watch the latter episodes since I'm not very good at explaining, but what basically happened was: Makoto's grandma used connections to get the kidnappers to give Makoto back, and take Tarou's sister (and Tarou as well coincidentally) instead. After his sister died, and Makoto's dad found out about it all, I'm guessing he felt extremely guilty etc. and decided to kill himself.
Jul 30, 2010 9:30 PM

May 2010
Sounds effects were masterpiece. Overall, the atmosphere this series set was a very unique. Nice and lovable characters, I'm gonna miss them. Certainly a 10/10.
Aug 2, 2010 11:08 PM

Dec 2009
AvatarTotoro said:
I felt like the show started with so much promise and the psychology aspect was fantastic. I loved the characters as well (Masayuki!!!) and the character development was very well done, as each of the three main boys begin to overcome their past trauma and start to heal. But then the last few episodes...I'm fine with unresolved questions, but I just felt like everything suddenly took a bad turn and it ended as a completely different show than it promised to be even as far as episode 19. Too bad. It could have been so much more.

Perfect, you hit the nail on the head. I feel like seperating the beginning and ending of this show and giving them two different ratings. Because it really did start off wonderfully and I'm not sorry at all that I watched it.

AniOta said:
Sounds effects were masterpiece.

Aug 12, 2010 10:22 PM

Dec 2008
Ending entered my top 5 corniest anime endings ever when you were least expecting it.

When starting this anime, I thought I was going for a creepy/eerie/psychological trip up 'till the monsters in the lab episode (and that was a couple of episodes after the last previous creepy scene, which was the psychiatrist's hallucinations in the school hallway with the little girl... now that was a true epic 'wtf' with a face that gave me a smirk and chills at the same time).
I can't even count Makoto's mom 'creepy' face as bad, although that's purely subjective. It's just a woman who was broken down psychologically.

Then I don't know... I was hooked so I watched the entire show in one go, but what made it so appealing with it's non-mainstream elements were basically gone. And then, it became a 'oh my god, look at that amazingly HAPPY ENDING' that gave me an '...err, what?' reaction.

I agree with Peppa_Jack and AvatarTotoro, it feels like I've watched two different animes basically; just had to let out my small frustration. I think it died out around halfway though, by episode 19 I was already getting annoyed because I was hoping that it wouldn't turn out like it nevertheless did. Unlike what some previous posters thought, the show went downhill for me when it lost it's creepiness factor.

I'll be looking out for corpses now when I hear flies; one of the biggest impressions for the 'horror' part of a 22 episodes series being the first few seconds of the first ep is kind of sad though, no?
The psychology and medicine aspects were very interesting, I'll be looking some elements that were brought up more in detail on my own (the episode names will be a good enough source for starters). I didn't know everything which was what made it more interesting: 'Hopeful Monster' seems like an interesting concept (if it exists? I doubt it doesn't, I'll see someday), besides that the name sounds epic and made me think of the masterpiece anime Monster itself.

Character developments were very nice. Sound/Music really got you in the mood (foot steps at a regular interval, followed by the entry of different instruments to make a sort of remix -> really well done), and art was not a problem at all. Other things that come up to mind first for the horror part are first episode 4 with the white skinny figured in the hallway of the hospital at one point, then it was just creepy/mysterious when they were in OBE (got used to that, making it dull, way too fast) especially with the black figures.

"That "Snark" in the Abstract (Unseen) World may be my real self, and my physical body here just a hologram."
Second half of the quote made me nostalgic for SE: Lain.

I'll get better with a morning/day of sleep when it comes to the huge disappointments though, so I don't care anymore.
HakoriaAug 12, 2010 10:50 PM
「Godspeed You! Black Emperor」
Aug 25, 2010 5:48 PM

Jul 2009
Other authors should take a hint from Shirow about how to write endings. Not every title has to have some overdramatic, over-written finale. This final episode got the subject matter across; Miyako needed to be rescued. It was simple as that. This ending may have come off as lackluster in short term, but think about all that accomplished leading up to it. There wasn't any further closure needed in some of the sub stories because at this point, it's trivial. A fantastic ending in my eyes and I wish a lot more anime would be this well written all the way through.
Nov 4, 2010 12:27 AM
Apr 2010

I'm a little confused. Happy...but confused.

Overall, it was an extremely enjoyable watch.
Nov 8, 2010 3:54 AM

Nov 2009
I'd still like to know more about Makato being a wolf god. Or something.

It did feel a liiiittle rushed, but still a very good ending for a extremely good series. I am impressed for the whole.
And the rock jsut landing on the mudpile that killed the Ogami house, was pure lulz. Comic win as. XD
Dec 21, 2010 12:56 PM

Apr 2010
I really enjoyed this anime.

Taro reminds me so much of Natsume (of Natsume Yuujinchou). I like this kind of character, so pure and innocent though many bad things occurred in his past. I'm not really sure if it's a realistic character, but it was just so enjoyable watching his and the other's stories.
I'll definitively rewatch it to understand it better.
Jan 31, 2011 9:19 PM

Oct 2010
This was a very interesting series from beginning to end. I though Taoru would a better speech with Miyako to slap some sense on her or maybe a more chaotic outcome from the spirit rather than a random "retribution."
I really loved how the story build up and the end was pretty standard happy ending.
I think the reason why some topics might seem unanswered was probably because everything was just a series of random events, that by chance end up influencing each other (they talk about it on ep 21). No one was really a master mind tailoring this story for 11 years. It was just people been greedy and willing to do anything to succeed.

Feb 9, 2011 6:57 PM

Oct 2008
Feels kinda rushed. And lol, they end with "Not dead but inside my heart LOL"
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~
Mar 10, 2011 12:04 PM

Aug 2009
A cheesy happy ending. But I still liked it, so 4/5.
I expected this episode to be intense, sometime like Shiki. But I guess they just went the generic way of ending an anime series.
7/10 for the overall series. Beginning was very interesting, the middle was incedibly tense and entertaining but the last couple of episodes and all of the revelations were disappointing.
Apr 22, 2011 5:09 PM

Jan 2010
THAT has got to be the most senseless anime I've watched in my 19 years of existence.

I've read a lot that it was a slow-paced anime and stuff so I sucked it up despite being an impatient person because it had a high rating but WTF... When I got through the last episode I was like WHAT?? WTF IS THAT! WHY IS EVERYONE SUDDENLY BEING SO CHEERFUL AND WHY IS MICHIO FLYING AROUND HOLDING THOSE TURKEY-LIKE SUPPOSED TO BE EXPERIMENTS. WTF.


WHAT HAPPENED TO TARO AND HIS SISTER'S CASE! That was supposed to be the story WTF.
May 24, 2011 4:48 PM

Jun 2009
Yes as I thought they left so much things unanwsered.....but I somehow feel ok with that. It was nice :D
To be honest I have to say it I expected a ending a little better from this but this one is ok 2 I guess.
Jul 3, 2011 7:58 PM

Nov 2010
The ending felt like it was rushed...
What a let-down; I was expecting a much better way to be used to end off this great series.

Is it just me, or am I the only one to notice that practically every single important character in the series meeting up at the exact same spot seemed like a huge coincidence?

I'm docking off 1 point for the ending; Other than that, I enjoyed the series tremendously for the many thought-provoking moments it compelled me to explore. ^^
"Love is power. Give it to another and you will bring bliss. Friends, criminals, strangers, and even yourself. All is reborn when you forgive, love, and understand."
Aug 30, 2011 7:44 AM

Oct 2010
Ah... I don't know whether there'll be anyone posting below me after all this time, but whatever.

I won't deny I love this anime. A lot. As I won't deny how seemingly short-stretched their plan for this series was.

Knowing the creators, you see, somehow I imagined them discussing something sophisticated, cold-blooded and straight awesome for the ending as the initial plan, but since this is supposed to be an anniversary project or maybe cause they didn't wanna drown themselves in more despair on stories they decided to go for the heart-warming and positive. Lol WTH am I talking about. Ok I'll stop talking about this for now.

The loss of horror is quite a shame since I'm so fond of creepiness, however human hearts are damn well drown to happiness and peace, I just can't muster enough words to complain about the ending. Yes, it felt deus-ex-machina-ed. Yes, things are far too pretty for the majority opinion. Yes, it's disappointing that they weren't making a clear closure and the characters were left with less awesomeness they they firstly had. Ah well.

Hmm, guess I found the whole 'she's alive in my heart' truly lame, though. I never believed in such pretty words, no matter how much it popped up in modern storytelling. When people die, they die, what's exciting is about how you deal with it.

The best part of this series was when it started the questions. That had me at the edge of my seat. The rest I enjoyed with my back laid.

But, man, I still love it. Geez.
Mar 11, 2012 5:51 PM

Nov 2010
Haha.. I don't know why everyone's clinging to get all their questions answered.
Watching this anime was pretty much going through life. Lots of questions, lots of mysteries, lots of confusing things happen.. but are they always answered? Nope!
The essence and the feel of the last episode, pretty much wrapped it up for me.
There are lots of things that makes you struggle in life...
but those kids pretty much conquered themselves and their fears and doubts.
That was the main point of the story-- almost told in an abstract way with its supernatural elements.

If you noticed the flow of the episodes, none of the events that took place in the episodes before were really built up upon. It just leaves you a bit dumbfounded, but if you shut off your head for a bit and stop overthinking things, then the "answer" you guys seek is quite clear.

I loved this series. Beautiful, not quite a masterpiece (and masterpiece having many different definitions to me anyways), but very very enjoyable. A series to enjoy daydreaming and speculating about to keep your ends of reality away from you. Wonderful (:

I'm looking forward to sleeping to night.
May 1, 2012 5:19 PM
Oct 2011
ShikaSinine said:
I'd still like to know more about Makato being a wolf god. Or something.

It did feel a liiiittle rushed, but still a very good ending for a extremely good series. I am impressed for the whole.
And the rock jsut landing on the mudpile that killed the Ogami house, was pure lulz. Comic win as. XD

IMO it wasn't about him being anything special, it seemed like the soul traveling concept borrowed concepts from real astral projection (many in fact) and one of them being the fact that one's shape is determined by one's will, so he could look like a 3 headed gorilla if he wanted to.
VoidianMay 1, 2012 6:11 PM
Jul 28, 2012 11:17 AM

Oct 2009
Decent sniper ending
Surprisingly simple, though.
It's the sound that makes this anime what it is.
Sep 10, 2012 11:15 AM

May 2010
Hope this can clarify some of the questions asked. Some posts were too long, so I didn't really read through them. But feel free to ask, I will try my best to answer them. Keep them in point form, and if possible, short pls. lol.

Before you go on... everything written here are based on observation and inference. So they may or may not be the 'correct' answer. But then again, what is right, and what is wrong? :9

1. Why is the title GHOST HOUND?

The full title is 神霊狩 GHOST HOUND.

神霊 (SHINREI) literally means "Holy Spirit". The sub group I watch from translates them as "spirit" which is also correct since they don't look holy IMO. Apparently whoever is responsible for naming it translated it as ghost.

狩(KARI) or 狩猟 (SHURYOU) both means "hunt", and hound is a kind of dog that hunts.

Since "Ghost Hunt" is taken, they use "Ghost Hound" instead.

My guess: This show is somehow "hunting of spirits?" So far, so good? :D

2. Is Makoto a wolf god?

No, he isn't. He is a student who can do astral projection, and happens to choose that 'form'. If you say that he is a wolf god because of that, then Taro will be an 'unknown extinct animal god', and Masayuki a 'gundam god'?

For others who thought so because his grandmother mentioned "INUGAMI" in episode 12, she actually use that line to spite Makoto. Since she rarely gets to her point (lol), you need some inference to understand what she says. For those who can't remember, this is how their conversation goes:

犬神 (INUGAMI) are literally translated as "Dog God", not wolf god.
大神 (OOGAMI) literally means "Big God", the fansubber translate it as "High God" which sounds better than "Big God". It is also Makoto's family name.

3. So why she uses the term "INUGAMI"?

Well, she doesn't know the term astral projection, so it is just a way used to describe the 'thing'. Seriously, anything scientific like 'an empty can moving on top of a small puddle of water because of wind' will be described by her as 'it is moved by the god'.
It's just like:
- When a well dries up, they think they had angered the god.
- When they see something long in the sky (the fight between Biooid and the spirits), it's a Dragon God.
- When they see some shadow that looks like a dog, but not a dog, it's a Dog God.

4. How come simple people could see the spirits?

There are people who can see spirits in real life, and some who can't. There are also people who are able to see them at some point in time, and later lose the power to see them. Those people don't have to be priest or anything; they can be simple people.

5. Why is Taro not able to see his sisters face in his dreams?

Dreams are never crystal clear. It is difficult to remember faces of people in your dreams, especially those you never seen in real life. In this case, the three-year-old Taro can't remember his deceased sister's face, so she is a 'blur' in his dream. I can somehow relate to it because I dream of my deceased grandparents before, and I can't get their faces simply because I don't REMEMBER how they looked like. But, somehow, I know who is who. lol.

6. Why is Taro able to say Miyako's name like nothing, but wasn't able to before that?

He kept "Mi-" because he have the urge to say "Mi-zuka" whenever he sees Miyako; thinking that Miyako is Mizuka's reincarnation.
He was able to call her name like nothing... I'm not really sure, but these might be one of the reasons:
- After he gets to recall the look of his sister through the mirror, he is able to conclude (somehow) that Miyako is NOT Mizuka?
- Or may be like most protagonist, they always are able to get something done when they're in a pinch? :P

7. Why do they have superpowers as projections?
I don't really get this question. But if you mean (a) Why do they have superpower when they project?

Some said that you can control your dream, so why not superpowers? It's a difficult study though. Changing their 'forms' is one of the possible abilities. Flying is absolute.

If you mean (b) How can they do astral projection?

OBE is one of the "possible" things said to happen to certain individuals.

8. Who/What is the person/thing that was communicating with Taro?

My guess is: It's Taro's homunculus, since he knows Taro best :P

9. What was that portal?

After the 'RYUUJIN' enters the portal, dark clouds gave way, and rays of Sun slowly peak through... It is just like thunderstorm means bad omen, Sun shinning upon Earth is believe as "the end of the bad".
Now, the 'portal', is may sound lazy, but it possibly means: Tada, the 'bad things' are gone, and everything is resolved xD "rise and shine". Where does the portal leads to? Don't matter.

10. What was the Ryuujin(Dragon)?

Biooid vs spirit that looks like dragon. It is NOT a RYUUJIN (龍神) literally translated as "Dragon God", just a look-a-like. Refer to point 3 on top.


By the way, I think many had left this part out... Miyako is actually possessed by, Noriko Kabata, the servant of Oogami household :P surprised?

After reading this, do you think this anime is BETTER than you thought? :P
Hope you do, because I find this anime AWESOME +_+
LuzeeSep 11, 2012 2:53 AM
Oct 17, 2012 11:45 AM

Jan 2012
another fucking piece of shit anime

goddammit I knew I should've stopped after watching the episode with all the colorful bugs and shit

fucking shit..
Jan 21, 2013 1:32 PM

Nov 2011
Yup, the show is over.

Glad everything is back to normal now and Miyako is officially back. Overall, a good series and the horror wasn't forced unlike some other shows. It definitely reminded me Shinsekai Yori quite a bit but besides that, a good series overall:


Luzee said:
Useful analysis

Well, that cleared a lot of things up :3
Jan 23, 2013 9:20 AM

Aug 2012
Too many questions still unanswered. I was expecting to know more about the hostage taking and else. And the plot derived a lot from the beginning, but in a bad way, that's a pity. I gave the overall a 6/10. It was mainly a good anime.
Mar 15, 2013 8:06 PM

Jun 2012
it was interesting but i had my hopes to high since some people said i would get the same feeling as in higurashi which was clearly far from that. anyway it feels something is missing but its not bothering me probably cause it had no real climax in the end but doesn't make it bad. i am confused if i should give it a 8/10 or 9/10 but i think i go for a 9/10 cause it is not a basic story and was worth to watch as fast as i could.

and people who say that the thing in his head was his sister is wrong around 17 to 20 minutes in episode 20 its clearly said i know you not my sister bla bla bla then its said if your not my sister then who are you?? on which she answered i suppose i might be the person who knows you best. (in other words it would be he him self or rather his brain cause who know him better then he him self or his brains since your brains make you do all things so they know all about you like where to sent a signal and how to get there. could also be a image of his mind cause he was able to teleport to the brewery in another episode by using his mind so probably its a image of his mind cause the things inside it seems like something they had shown in the brain a few episodes earlier the reason it is a female would be his mind was on his sister so a female so could explain it.)
"When a flat-chested loli hugs you, she holds you closer to her heart"
"--I am a single bullet. It has no heart. Therefore, it does not think. It just flies straight towards its target."
May 20, 2013 8:11 PM

May 2009
STM said:
A cheesy happy ending. But I still liked it, so 4/5.
I expected this episode to be intense, sometime like Shiki. But I guess they just went the generic way of ending an anime series.
7/10 for the overall series. Beginning was very interesting, the middle was incedibly tense and entertaining but the last couple of episodes and all of the revelations were disappointing.

Yep, completely agree with this post. Episodes 19, 20 and 21 gave away the fact that this anime was gonna end on a down note. I mean, the final episode was probably one of the shittiest endings I've ever seen in anime. It was almost like it was written by a completely different author. I loved the story's build-up, and I didn't mind certain plot holes that were never explained, but this generic, clichéd ending completely ruined it for me. Too bad.
Jun 1, 2013 12:11 PM

Jul 2012
This is one of these animes I wish were way longer. Ending was kinda shitty and halfassed. I really liked the characters and the plot. If it was a manga, it could have been at least longer, since serialisation is easier.
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