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Date A Live (light novel)
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Jun 8, 2013 6:46 AM

Nov 2009
Epic episode!!!

Kotori was so cool in various scenes and she resembles Black Rock Shooter with her cannon. A very nice design for her spirit form and more details are revealed including Shido's resurrection ability from Kotori's powers from 5 years ago. I've heard that the LN have more information on this but it seems like Kotori, Mana and Shido had their memories erased by a certain someone so it will be interesting to see who did this in the future.

Kurumi was owned by Kotori and those eyes that she had were fiery and scary. I wonder if we will see Kurumi again and I hope we do and perhaps she will come back as a better person to Shido. I enjoyed the scene with Tobiichi taking full advantage of Shido while alone and the sucking his finger scene with the apple was so funny. Glad to see Kotori getting more attention than just commanding from behind the scenes.

Looking forward to the date that she will have with Shido as she doesn't have much time to withstand her spiritual energy and it seems like it will take place in the swimming pool so will be interesting to see in the next episode!!



Jun 8, 2013 8:00 AM

Jan 2013
epic episode ^^ dat fight between Kurumi and Kotori.
Jun 8, 2013 8:14 AM

Aug 2010
Great episode, the first few mins were just awesome. I guess pretty much every fight scene involving Kurumi is xD. As much as I love Kurumi I didn't mind seeing her lose. Kurumi really needed an ass kicking. She had to be put down. She better make her return one day though.

So by the looks of it Kotori is the strongest spirit.

This arc is turning out pretty good, Kotori is a pretty interesting character. Origami was cute this episode too.

Ragna92Jun 8, 2013 8:19 AM
Jun 8, 2013 10:22 AM

Jan 2010
What an incoherent mess this episode was. And alas, the show has pretty much become one as well. It feels like they're just making this up as they go along and are now just flailing about. And while it might be because of the pacing, most of the characters are really shallow, e.g. Tohka adores Shidou and she's always hungry. That really isn't a character. It's too bad because she's on the verge of being very likeable. The only character who has held any real interest for me is Origami. Now they've introduced an unpleasant conflict for her. Sigh.
Jun 8, 2013 11:31 AM

Mar 2012
The fanservice kinda ruined the serious atmosphere imho..
Keep moving forward
Jun 8, 2013 1:05 PM

Jun 2013
not fair i want a hug too!!
Jun 8, 2013 3:29 PM

Jun 2012
Mockman said:
What an incoherent mess this episode was. And alas, the show has pretty much become one as well. It feels like they're just making this up as they go along and are now just flailing about. And while it might be because of the pacing, most of the characters are really shallow, e.g. Tohka adores Shidou and she's always hungry. That really isn't a character. It's too bad because she's on the verge of being very likeable. The only character who has held any real interest for me is Origami. Now they've introduced an unpleasant conflict for her. Sigh.

^I pretty much agree. There is a point where Shidou is so perfect a character that his actions are very unthoughtful and I dislike such perfect characters.

Jun 8, 2013 6:33 PM

Mar 2013
Another great episode! It's buuilding up towards a great finale hopefully.

I agree that the pace is kinda too fast though... And it's stupid that they wasted an episode on a filler. I think the main problem is that they introduced way to many characters for 12 episode anime so there is basically no time to give the characters any kind of personality.
Jun 8, 2013 7:11 PM

Apr 2012
Wicked ep! Kotori is such a boss! lawl at shido getting in in the guts, ouch.
Origami... Your chance girl! She made the most out of it xD having shido spoil her all day.
Also! Red Rock Shooter! even her cannon looks like brs's rock cannon.
The Art of Shipping is no mere game. It can be small skirmishes to huge nation size wars.
Of course some will claim their ship is the BATTLESHIP but they all do. This is why battles occur because of factions fighting each other to justify their favourite ship.
And thus SHIP to SHIP combat occurs almost anytime even now.
Beware, Threading into the Shipping battlefield will be bloody.... What are you waiting for?
Jun 9, 2013 5:21 AM
Feb 2012
AkinoBlade said:
Wicked ep! Kotori is such a boss! lawl at shido getting in in the guts, ouch.
Origami... Your chance girl! She made the most out of it xD having shido spoil her all day.
Also! Red Rock Shooter! even her cannon looks like brs's rock cannon.

first impression of Kotori when she made the grand entrance was Flame Haze Shana then the BRS cannon or maybe Nanoha's Divine Buster
Jun 9, 2013 7:45 AM

Oct 2012
Kotori is so much powerfull but also she look so damn hawt in her spirit form it's really cool.
The part of Shido and Origami oh god that was funny as hell. So now Shido will have to date Kotori YES dream came true XD. Well anyhow the episode wasn't bad but i wanted the battle to last longer between Kurumi and Kotori but it was still great we learned quite some in the episode.
One thing is i don't know if noticed but when Kotori is talking about her past and we get to see the flash back it fit with Origami story of tragedy (where she lost of parent) and the thing i asked myself is do Shido as some past (still unknown since he doesn't remember is past) with Origami since in the first episode she seemed to knew well about him and stuff but he doesn't remember her from that time ?
Anyway can't wait for the next episode to air....!
Jun 9, 2013 3:36 PM

Oct 2012
So Kurumi got away.

And we went slow again. This episode was dedicated mainly to Origami but her seduction felt a little bit forced. After great Kurumi arc this episode felt a little bit boring but there were some good scenes also.

So, Kotori has 2 days of life before she dies in explosion? And she killed Origami's parents, that's bad.

2 more episodes left, I can't believe this series is almost over, I like it so much!
(and next one would be dating one I guess)
Jun 9, 2013 10:13 PM

May 2012
Dat lack of Tohka.

But you gotta love Origami.

Good episode and this new arc just got interesting. Wondering how things are going to end.
Jun 10, 2013 11:33 AM

Oct 2012
this has it all! wincest, flat chested lolifanservice and erotic finger licking goodness!

^ Why isn't this updating...
Jun 11, 2013 6:22 PM

Jan 2012
I thought I'll get more action in this episode...
Jun 13, 2013 2:15 AM

Sep 2012
this was good. cant wait for 11.
Jun 13, 2013 4:24 AM
Oct 2007
Jun 13, 2013 9:25 AM

May 2011
Welp Kotori just became my favorite girl in this series. Her spirit form is amazing and she is just so cute. It is sad to see what she is going through right now though, fighting internally against her spirit self and uncertain about what horrors she caused five years ago :(. And I just loved this look of hers.

Lol Origami was fucking great this episode. And oh damn at her hate for Kotori.
Jun 14, 2013 8:27 AM

Jun 2013
Kotori now became my favorite spirit (taking out Tokisaki's place) , Her backstory and Her situation too also makes me even more Fav. her >.<

But still, Origami's Killing desire for her makes me wonder how would the story ends... not that Origami can overpower her tho...
Jun 14, 2013 9:10 PM

Jun 2013
GAHHH!!! I really can't stand Origami, I really hope she doesn't mess Kotori, though that's probably what's gonna happen considering the incident and the hate.
Jun 18, 2013 5:10 PM

Sep 2012
i love how at the end Origami tried to seduce Shidou,
she cracks me up at her attempts.

Also i like how Origami called Kotori's spirit form Eefret as in Final Fantasy its called Ifrit, pretty cool.
Jun 19, 2013 7:40 AM

Oct 2012
Lol @ Origami's "tsk"
Lol @ Origami's sudden fall
Lol Origami & Shido @ lift
Lol @ Origami licking Shido's finger

Well I like Origami especially her VA xD
Next ep, wow it's become romcom :)
I hope Kurumi making appearance too!!
"Signature removed"
Jun 20, 2013 6:47 PM

Sep 2011
NihonFalcom said:
Bai Kurumi ;___;
fak u Kotori u fakin wannabe Shana skank

*AHEM* I'm not butthurt or anything.... NOPE.


This anime is holding Kurumi back.
Jun 20, 2013 8:49 PM

Oct 2008
OriginANIME said:
NihonFalcom said:
Bai Kurumi ;___;
fak u Kotori u fakin wannabe Shana skank

*AHEM* I'm not butthurt or anything.... NOPE.


This anime is holding Kurumi back.

I agree. The male lead has less personality that a rock with moss growing on it, Origami is just useless and annoying to me and the other girls fawn over the male lead far too much.

Kurumi on the other hand was pretty badass.
Her method of incantation (short and long guns to indicate the time) was pretty awesome and her character design as well as spell animations were really well done.
She honestly has such a unique fighting style that she is a memorable character for the short time she is on screen.
She also has the attitude to boot.

Skimmed the anime until episode 9 and 10 and just kept rewatching Kurumi's fight scenes.
Jun 26, 2013 9:53 AM

May 2011
Looks like it's starting to get serious :3

Love Origami's personality haha
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jun 28, 2013 1:03 AM

Jun 2008
Gotta admit this anime has gotten better even though the original premise still doesn't make a lot of sense.
Jul 26, 2013 4:18 PM

May 2012
Well that was pretty interesting, some great action and some really really bold action from Origimi! Still a pretty decent episode, it reminded me a bit of Black Rock Shooter!
Aug 15, 2013 8:32 PM

Nov 2012
The fighting scene was a bit short, it looked like Kurumi could have done something more.
Aug 23, 2013 6:42 PM

Jun 2011
Wow not even halfway past this episode, but the dude is so annoying.

And another thing that I hate about series like these is, there is a character who's strong enough to take out everyone, but there is another character who is part of the main cast, who is stronger (in fact, easily overpowered) than the one stronger than everyone else, which is kind of ridiculous. Bleh, and the MC is still so fixated with saving the evil, sigh.

There is another reason as to why I hate this guy, he's always expecting the girls would come and save his ass every time he did something reckless, like falling down from the rooftop of the school, blocking Kotori's gun protecting Kurumi. Is this guy freaking sane? He freaking tried to commit suicide, and if no one is there to save his ass he would be in the other world now. SO FUCKING RIDICULOUS.

Best girl : Yoshino. Edit: Or Origami lol.

Anyway this is the turning point for me, turned worse that is. Disappointed all in all, but there are only a few more episodes, so I'll be completing this
ToG25thBaamAug 23, 2013 7:00 PM
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Aug 26, 2013 3:11 AM

Aug 2009
This is like a rollercoaster ride.

Star of this ep: Origami.

Tohka needs more screentime :C
Sep 17, 2013 5:14 PM
Mar 2013
I love how bold Origami is with Shido! If only more girls would act like her instead of falling into the "can't spit it out" trope (along with most male MCs).

I agree with the others about Origami, she definitely made me laugh several times.

Also, I have to say, Kurumi iss the best antagonist so far. She has almost all the
right parts ranging from her evil smile and creepy voice to her killer outfit and sadistic personality.
Oct 24, 2013 9:55 AM
May 2013
After episode 6 this anime looked so average.
Needs more Tohka and Yoshino.
Forgetfulness said:
Turn them all to ashes, Ryuujin Jakka! Oh wai-

I see what you did there.
Nov 21, 2013 9:29 AM

Aug 2012
Kotori > Kurumi


Dec 19, 2013 8:12 PM

Jun 2013
Bye for now, Kurumi. I hope I can see you in the future.
Waha, Kotori! You look like Shana!
Origami took advantage of Shidou... yeah.
Dat cliifhanger in the ending.
OHMY... the culprit for her parent's death is Kotori?!
But Kotori did not intend to do that, right?
Wahaha, 2 more episodes!
I guess I'll just watch the next ep later. I don't want to finish this series so quickly.
Feb 14, 2014 2:17 AM

Dec 2013
*sits down in confusion, not wanting to trust what my eyes would see anymore and ditches judging everyone by sight* what...the.... *becomes more vulnerable to suprises*
Feb 23, 2014 9:35 AM

Jun 2013
For me, the strongest spirit is kurumi.
Mar 15, 2014 10:05 PM

Aug 2013
Mmm, so we could theorize that Spirit are originally ordinary human that after a certain event have gained some crazy power. Kotori didn't exactly said that, but I remember that Tohka didn't knew who she was and what she was doing on earth.

There is still the mystery around Shido. Why does he have the power to collect Spirit power? Maybe it's linked to what happened to Kotori?

Anyway, I understand why they were both in shock after Kotori telled him what he will have to do. They lived years together as sister and brother and now he have to go out with her and seduce her, that kinda fucked up.

Poor Origami, she have to be really aggressive if she wanna get Shido attention xD
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Mar 21, 2014 8:41 PM

Mar 2014
Kurumi's gone awol after the fight and now Shidou must date Kotori otherwise some uh ohs!
Can't wait to see those two go on a date. :3

Origami is desperate as all hell. Go away!!

Hope nothing bad happens to my Kotori-chann~~
And I need some more screen time for Tohka, she has been put on the back burner :c
Mar 30, 2014 3:27 PM
Jan 2014
Tohka feels kinda left out indeed.
Jun 9, 2014 8:24 AM

Jan 2013
Kotori <3 Omg she is so cute <3 woow :D
She was born as human but a few years later became a spirit......very strange.Now Shidou must make Kotori fall in love with him and them kiss her,if he don't do that they will loose her forever because she will transform in a spirit that can't be controled.
Mana have also only 10 years because she have too much power,they must tell her about that and try to save her.
Origami had some fun with Shidou xDD so Kotori killed Origami :( but she didn't wanted that,it was just out of control.
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Jun 27, 2014 2:23 PM

Jan 2009
Nice origimi fanservice

Jul 26, 2014 12:54 PM

Dec 2013
Origami, lol
Aug 29, 2014 6:00 AM

Jul 2013
When Mana came and revealed that she's Shidou's blood related sister then I thought Kotori was adopted but now she said she's definitely born to the Itsuka family so.... incest route! dafuq.

oh June 11 is my birthday.. that's nice!
Oct 17, 2014 12:00 PM

Aug 2014
Poor Kotori-chan, she suffered when she was a little girl, and now she's a spirit. Also is so cute!
Maloween 2017
Main Candies
Nov 12, 2014 8:22 PM
Bunnies 🍓

Jan 2013
Origami finally encounters the Flame Spirit, but she doesn't know who it is. All hell would have broken loose if Shido told her it was Kotori.

So Kotori has 48 hours left until her spirit form takes full control over her.

Nice wayt to take advantage of Shido. Origami licking his finger lol

Nov 18, 2014 7:40 AM

Sep 2014
The episode sure was nice, didn't see the sibling thing coming before. Kinda don't like the way how Kurumi's case is suddently left unfinished but whatever.
Also once again this annoying bitch Origami, my god ;_;
Mar 27, 2015 6:16 PM

Nov 2009
This series has been great but since Kurumi's introduction its just went up a whole new gear in my opinion, Really looking forward to seeing how this season ends.

Origami is such a shit character though not in a personality way or anything shes actually quite funny to watch and her antics are great its just her motives, The fact that shes been supposedly training for the chance to kill the fire spirit yet in every spirit encounter shes been pretty much fucking useless and has been defeated every single time, in other words if she goes one on one with the fire spirit she would lose again no ifs or buts, she has been shown to be an incapable fighter all season so when she suddenly announced shes going to get revenge I laughed pretty hard and maybe if they hadnt made her look so bloody weak throughout the whole show I would be able to take her seriously but nope.
haydnwrightMar 27, 2015 6:27 PM
May 14, 2015 9:07 AM
Nov 2014
Damn...random plots strikes again XD. Not much Kurumi in this episode sadly.. but Origami being lewd was gr8.
Sep 3, 2015 10:34 PM

Jul 2014
Sabermon said:
Wow Shindou is an asshole treating Tohka like that after Tohka spent her entire time beside him. The situation does not excuse his a-hole attitude.

The situation was actually understandable. He was just hit with the fact that his little sister may become a psychopathic killer, and he's the only one who can save her. that's alot to take in. Of course he'd need some alone time to think it over.
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