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Mar 2, 2012 12:07 PM
THIS IS AN ANIME ONLY DISCUSSION POST. DO NOT DISCUSS THE MANGA BEYOND THIS EPISODE. ---------------------------------------- New spell is activated. Shana's and the flame hazes' objective is finally made clear. -- To give the new world a law not to eat the humans. Maybe I misunderstood something, but I thought Xanadu's purpose was to make a world where that wouldn't be necessary? Meanwhile Yoshida has a conversation with Johan about their objective. Interesting, if the spell already is being altered, how will they further continue to change it? It was implied that it would destroy/ change both Shana's and Yuji's plans for Xanadu. Either way, a good and informative episode, I can't wait to see what happens, and how each and everyones plan will unfold. |
Mar 2, 2012 12:19 PM
man so much stuff is goin on its so confusing XD i just want those gods to die ... i also thought that the new world wouldnt have humans O.o |
Mar 2, 2012 12:40 PM
We should give the flame hazes, except the four gods of the motherland, more credit for not simply destroying Xanadu and killing the tomagara. Xanadu was only suppose to provide unlimited power of existence, so they wouldn't need to eat humans. However that doesn't stop them from eating humans or wanting to. Remember Xanadu is an near exact copy of Earth so there are humans in Xanadu. I would think Yuji and the SoF would have a contingency plan in case the tomagara ignored their order against eating humans, but if not they're far more naive than I thought. |
Mar 2, 2012 12:41 PM
The explanation of their intentions were confusing. So they want to terrify the denizens so that they don't return to eat humans? Kind of wired, after all I thought that they would no longer need to eat humans since they would have "paradise." The preview killed the excitement that I was feeling when the truck exploded. Anyway, Lerajie and Orobas make a nice couple. |
ClementIVMar 2, 2012 12:46 PM
Mar 2, 2012 12:42 PM
I had trouble making out what i thought of this episode. First Shana reveals a actually decent new rule instead of some BS like i thought she might and that was for them to not eat humans in the new world; so all sounds good right? but then Yuji dislikes that law... why? i honestly don't know but it seems like its because it would change the Denizen nature, if they have unlimited existence they don't need to eat humans, and also as a former human Yuji shouldn't want them to either, it goes against what he was saying earlier that he would prevent them from eating humans with his authority when he was talking to Yoshida. Then we get more... "interesting" logic, the Flame Hazes despite getting the altering completed seek to kill everyone possible before they go to the new world simply to send a message to future generations? If it is a "law" wouldn't the law take care of not each humans without any message, but even if it didn't... does killing everyone really solve anything? the fact that it came from those "gods" that i just really dnt like (the crying psycho just needs to die :/) didn't help matters either. I've been following the plot this entire time; but it seems like i misunderstood somethings this episode because they way it sounded; or rather the way i heard it makes the logic of both Flame Hazes and Denizens sound contradictory. I guess i should re watch it; to reconfirm what i got out of it. abaanda said: man so much stuff is goin on its so confusing XD i just want those gods to die ... i also thought that the new world wouldnt have humans O.o It was said a while ago; that it will be a "exact" replica just with unlimited existence, thus making it a paradise. |
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Mar 2, 2012 1:39 PM
Understandably, the Snake of the Festival, was pissed off that Shana and the others have managed to change a law in Xanadu. Something he's been planning for over millenniums. But it was a good plan nevertheless, because the Flame Hazes were living on borrowed time. |
Mar 2, 2012 1:59 PM
I can't believe no one has commented on say...the last 15 seconds of the episode yet. I hope they didn't all die, and did I miss something? Where is Rebecca? and if she's not in the series anymore which was the last episode she was in o.o I don't remember her dying or anything...she has to be my 2nd fave character besides Shana. @DarkneX: Xanadu will have humans I believe since it's a perfect replica of Earth. And Shana doesn't have anything against Xanadu as such, it's more about the fact that it's a temporary fix for the problem and no a permanent one, Yuji believe it will be a permenant fix, while Shana wants a better method. (Or at least that's how I see it) |
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Mar 2, 2012 2:09 PM
Ok, the logic holes in this ep were not as bad as I thought they were from reading the posts that were here, and first off I want to say I am very happy to see that Shana's plan was actually an idea! SoF being pissed off at Shana's plan is understandable, but still daft. Sure her idea is warping the base fundamentals of crimson denizens up untill now....but not for any negative reasons, infact it' good as it should rule out any problems if they make it back somehow. HOWEVER FFS can the "gods" hurry up and get nuked or something? jesus they're worse than Margery in season 1, especially that stupid water one, just her presence is like nails on a chalkboard. And the fact that they're pretty much killing for the sake of it is pathetic. all in all, yerp definitely some messed up logic going around this ep, but it was still a solid one I'd say, though someone over at J.C staff needs to learn how to make spoiler-free previews.... |
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Mar 2, 2012 2:37 PM
-FlameHaze- said: @DarkneX: Xanadu will have humans I believe since it's a perfect replica of Earth. And Shana doesn't have anything against Xanadu as such, it's more about the fact that it's a temporary fix for the problem and no a permanent one, Yuji believe it will be a permenant fix, while Shana wants a better method. (Or at least that's how I see it) That's not what I meant. I know that there will be humans as Yuji himself said that the tomogaras wished for world like this one. What I was surprised about was that it would be a world where they would continue to "eat" humans. When I thought it would be a world where that problem was fixed, via Reiji Maigo or something like that. I can see how they think creating a world where they can "eat" from an almost unlimited source would be a paradise. This also futher explains the Flame Hazes reasoning. It isn't right per se. While the real world is without any problems the "paradise" Xanadu has taken upon the problems of the real world. I guess the most confusing part was that I thought Yuji would want to create a world where no human was needed to be eaten. While this episode says otherwise. |
Mar 2, 2012 2:43 PM
DarkneX said: @drknex what with the crazy proffesor is sale father? is it true or there is something else about the proffesor and sale connection?-FlameHaze- said: @DarkneX: Xanadu will have humans I believe since it's a perfect replica of Earth. And Shana doesn't have anything against Xanadu as such, it's more about the fact that it's a temporary fix for the problem and no a permanent one, Yuji believe it will be a permenant fix, while Shana wants a better method. (Or at least that's how I see it) That's not what I meant. I know that there will be humans as Yuji himself said that the tomogaras wished for world like this one. What I was surprised about was that it would be a world where they would continue to "eat" humans. When I thought it would be a world where that problem was fixed, via Reiji Maigo or something like that. I can see how they think creating a world where they can "eat" from an almost unlimited source would be a paradise. This also futher explains the Flame Hazes reasoning. It isn't right per se. While the real world is without any problems the "paradise" Xanadu has taken upon the problems of the real world. I guess the most confusing part was that I thought Yuji would want to create a world where no human was needed to be eaten. While this episode says otherwise. |
Mar 2, 2012 2:54 PM
@elior1 Apparently the professor made Sale into a Flame Haze for an experiment but the professor deemed Sale as a failure. |
Mar 2, 2012 3:07 PM
Mar 2, 2012 3:11 PM
I'm surprised but pleasantly so, I was expecting the whole idea of disrupting Xanadu's creation on the part of the Flame Hazes to actually be to destroy it. But implementing a rule to protect the humans that would live there is not actually too bad an idea. However I can understand why Yuji or more importantly the Snake of the Festival is angry about it. Xanadu being altered in anyway from the Tomogara's wish means it's not the paradise that they wished for. It's not a world without laws and because of that, it will change what they are in a sense. I agree with what others said about there being infinite existence anyway and why would they need to eat humans but... Tomogara have spent the last few millenia doing just that, it would be difficult for them to change right away even with the existence present. The best example I can give is relating it to us, we need Water to survive however we prefer something with flavour in it do we not? Perhaps the existence of humans is something similar in that regard. What Shana has done in essence has said "You cant drink anything but water!" which would make it feel more like prison than paradise. To merely exist is not a paradise and I believe that is why Yuji still fights. The gods however need to be stabbed through the head...they are just cold blooded murderers all of them...there truly is no need to fight now generally and they seem dead set on mass genocide of the tomogara. Not a bad episode, glad that Shana's plan has a bit of substance to it instead of just trolling Yuji. |
Mar 2, 2012 3:27 PM
Riptos said: I'm surprised but pleasantly so, I was expecting the whole idea of disrupting Xanadu's creation on the part of the Flame Hazes to actually be to destroy it. But implementing a rule to protect the humans that would live there is not actually too bad an idea. However I can understand why Yuji or more importantly the Snake of the Festival is angry about it. Xanadu being altered in anyway from the Tomogara's wish means it's not the paradise that they wished for. It's not a world without laws and because of that, it will change what they are in a sense. I agree with what others said about there being infinite existence anyway and why would they need to eat humans but... Tomogara have spent the last few millenia doing just that, it would be difficult for them to change right away even with the existence present. The best example I can give is relating it to us, we need Water to survive however we prefer something with flavour in it do we not? Perhaps the existence of humans is something similar in that regard. What Shana has done in essence has said "You cant drink anything but water!" which would make it feel more like prison than paradise. To merely exist is not a paradise and I believe that is why Yuji still fights. The gods however need to be stabbed through the head...they are just cold blooded murderers all of them...there truly is no need to fight now generally and they seem dead set on mass genocide of the tomogara. Not a bad episode, glad that Shana's plan has a bit of substance to it instead of just trolling Yuji. Very interesting; it would definitely explain why Yuji got upset at the change in his paradise; and also at the same time show the Flame Haze's reasoning for what they are doing; however like you said the God's message really is just a cover up for genocide; and also even now i still side with Yuji because like i posted when debating the subject of who was right Flame Hazes or Denizens a few episodes back; Thousands of years of paradise (because even worse case scenario it would take thousands of years before anything actually happened) is better than an eternity of crap. The Flame Hazes are still singular minded but at least now i can see some reasoning in there actions unlike before; so good episode. |
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Mar 2, 2012 4:39 PM
3 more ep to go, and this is going to be intense. |
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Mar 2, 2012 4:51 PM
I wonder what happened in the end. Seems like Sairei no Hebi was shocked about what happended to Kzumi, who was in the car (IF he knew she was in there) I'm wondering if he still needs her, as it does not seem like she still did help him in any way till now. But I don't agree with everyone hating the gods. They are doing a great job of giving us some beat'em'up action :D And their reasoning isn't that wrong.... Anyway enjoyed that episode. |
Mar 2, 2012 5:33 PM
This is kind of dragging on now. |
Mar 2, 2012 6:00 PM
olee said: I wonder what happened in the end. Seems like Sairei no Hebi was shocked about what happended to Kzumi, who was in the car (IF he knew she was in there) I'm wondering if he still needs her, as it does not seem like she still did help him in any way till now. But I don't agree with everyone hating the gods. They are doing a great job of giving us some beat'em'up action :D And their reasoning isn't that wrong.... Anyway enjoyed that episode. Dat beat'em'up action... Water girl throwing some water animals everywhere Chair sitter having totems that suck people Old guy throw green lasers Real great job... No. Just kill them turds of the world. |
Mar 2, 2012 6:30 PM
I don't see what's so hard to understand? Paradise is going to be an exact copy of the current world, thus all the humans will be copied for them to be EATEN. They think this is Okay 'cuz none of the "real" humans will die. Of course the Flame Hazes don't want ANYONE to be eaten and make this new law. The Four Earth Gods are relentlessly attacking the Denziens (sp) so they'll always remember their cruel losses during this fight. Thus hoping this will be passed down from generation to generation...hopefully becoming something as a "history" that the people of the new world will learn that eating = A BAD THING TO DO, 'cuz humans die, Denziens die, and Flame Hazes die. So let's no longer eat people and make this a "Taboo". The Red Lobster dude understood what they were trying to do, and instantly knew it was bad to their cause. Think of it as a morale attack. 'cmon's not that difficult to use your brain a little x_x |
Mar 2, 2012 6:57 PM
Fatentity said: I don't see what's so hard to understand? Paradise is going to be an exact copy of the current world, thus all the humans will be copied for them to be EATEN. They think this is Okay 'cuz none of the "real" humans will die. Of course the Flame Hazes don't want ANYONE to be eaten and make this new law. The Four Earth Gods are relentlessly attacking the Denziens (sp) so they'll always remember their cruel losses during this fight. Thus hoping this will be passed down from generation to generation...hopefully becoming something as a "history" that the people of the new world will learn that eating = A BAD THING TO DO, 'cuz humans die, Denziens die, and Flame Hazes die. So let's no longer eat people and make this a "Taboo". The Red Lobster dude understood what they were trying to do, and instantly knew it was bad to their cause. Think of it as a morale attack. 'cmon's not that difficult to use your brain a little x_x I think you are misunderstanding; some people were questioning the logic behind it; not what they were actually doing, Also the "Gods" reasoning for killing all the Denizens is seriously broken; so while some may talk about it like (the Red lobster dude lol) said its doesn't justify what they are doing it, and its just a cover for there sadistic actions. Riptos explained it well; that the new world is a "exact" replica of the current one but with endless existence, so the Denizens won't have to eat; but at the same time just living in itself isn't paradise; they want "flavor" in it; which the Flame Hazes want to take away thus making it more or less a prison; because while the law seems reasonable, the Flame Hazes don't really give a crap about the Denizens, if they did they would have tried something like Yuji is doing a long time ago; If Yuji didn't want Shana to stop being a Flame Haze it might quick have possibly never have happened. Another thing, the Flame Hazes keep going on and on about how if they eat in the new world there will be issues because the Flame Hazes will be cut off thus no intervention; they rarely mention that it would take thousands and thousands of years before something might happen. The Flame Hazes in majority only care for there pride; many are old war maniacs; you need not look farther than the stupid nun. |
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Mar 2, 2012 10:53 PM
Ok, Shana's plan makes sense, she doesn't trust the denizens not to eat humans despite not having a reason to do so anymore, so she's pacing a restriction (though I think she could have negotiated with Yuuji instead of explaining after the fact.) Now, the Gods' reasoning is... just weird... it would only make sense as a warning so that the denizen don't try to cross from Xanadu into the real world just to eat humans. Of course, why the hell would they do that in the first place? Xanadu will be a far better world for them, even with the non eating restriction... I think they just want to kill the denizens, that's all. It would be better if they just said it was revenge for all the things they have already done, instead of for some warped reason. They cannot admit that they are simply blood thirty avengers, which at least regular Flame Hazes admit to be. -FlameHaze- said: I was slightly shocked there, until the preview that is. It completely ruined the cliffhanger... I think sometimes they simply shouldn't put a preview, but oh well...I can't believe no one has commented on say...the last 15 seconds of the episode yet. I hope they didn't all die, and did I miss something? Where is Rebecca? and if she's not in the series anymore which was the last episode she was in o.o I don't remember her dying or anything...she has to be my 2nd fave character besides Shana. |
"Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain" Friedrich Schiller |
Mar 2, 2012 11:41 PM
Yoshida is so important to the good guys; did you see how many people are needed to protect her? Did you see how many enemies went after her? Just goes to show that she is the best female in the show. |
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
Mar 2, 2012 11:46 PM
I think Yuji (who's a dumbshit) should have a negotiation with Shana. Now that I know she isn't stupid like I thought she was, I believe that her idea was THE BEST IDEA EVER. Hell it's next to this one! I didn't even think she would come up with such an awesome idea! The Denifags can have a world of their own (with unlimited existence) but with one rule stating that they can't eat humans? THAT'S AWESOME SHANA! Why would they even need to if there is unlimited existence in the first place? This would merely be enforcing peace. So what the shit is the SoF problem with that? In fact they should all try to use something called DIPLOMACY. Ever heard of it? On the preview side: AH FUCK! Damn you Kazumi! I wanted you DEAD! When I saw that car go BOOM I ![]() But when I saw the preview and saw Kazumi perfectly fine I ![]() |
Golden_DarknezzMar 2, 2012 11:50 PM
"Ogon’ po gotovnosti!" |
Mar 3, 2012 12:13 AM
time for my weekly rant The 3 gods need to die ASAP. Flame Haze = Catholic Church and Templars Episode was ok. I just keep seeing more bullshit the flame haze side pulls off. Somebody who read the manga/novel or w/e this comes from send me a pm about the spoiler. If Flame Haze side win this series will get a 1/10 from me. LOL |
Mar 3, 2012 12:31 AM
This episode felt like it dragged. It almost redeemed itself at the end, until I saw Yoshida, probably still very alive, in the preview for the next ep. |
Mar 3, 2012 2:25 AM
ciddypoo said: It almost redeemed itself at the end, until I saw Yoshida, probably still very alive, in the preview for the next ep. yeah that was a real downer :/ |
Mar 3, 2012 4:58 AM
Another stupid episode. Yuji is quite the pussy and the story in the hole isn't entertaining at all. FAIL |
Mar 3, 2012 9:39 AM
Yuji is gonna troll them all, hard lol. People are totally underestimating Snake of the Festival Yuji's extent in power. A god is a god. All it needs is the word of god. |
bla bla bla The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.Niko-kun said: On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard? |
Mar 3, 2012 10:30 AM
wakka9ca said: Yuji is gonna troll them all, hard lol. People are totally underestimating Snake of the Festival Yuji's extent in power. A god is a god. All it needs is the word of god. Look forward to it then; it would shut a lot of ppl up lol |
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Mar 3, 2012 10:30 AM
wakka9ca said: Yuji is gonna troll them all, hard lol. People are totally underestimating Snake of the Festival Yuji's extent in power. A god is a god. All it needs is the word of god. Shhhhhh lol, your vague spoilers are too accurate! I knew the rings wouldn't destroy the new world being created because of what you said last week! xD |
Mar 3, 2012 10:32 AM
everbody how whants to know how shakugan no shana will end can look at my profile onder the yuji and shana picture is a spoiler button with the detailed story how its gonna happen if you whant it from the start where the last episode end just send me a comment ;P ( tell me what do you think of the end) |
Black-FlashMar 3, 2012 11:30 AM
Mar 3, 2012 10:37 AM
HawthorneKitty said: LOGIC.....this makes noneYoshida is so important to the good guys; did you see how many people are needed to protect her? Did you see how many enemies went after her? Just goes to show that she is the best female in the show. i seriously do hope you were joking with this |
Immahnoob said: Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit, tokiyashiro said: Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me |
Mar 3, 2012 10:56 AM
DJIzzyIzzyHitler said: HawthorneKitty said: LOGIC.....this makes noneYoshida is so important to the good guys; did you see how many people are needed to protect her? Did you see how many enemies went after her? Just goes to show that she is the best female in the show. i seriously do hope you were joking with this Same here.....She is NOT important >_>.....She should've been incinerated in that fiery car of doom. |
Mar 3, 2012 7:47 PM
How is Dantalion still alive? He should have been killed a season and a half ago, he really bugs me. Hopefully Chiara will do it. I'm thinking the ending might be rushed considering the amount of characters still left with 3 eps. I knew the preview would ruin the suspense but watched it anyway. Anime previews always do. I'm waiting for Centrehill returning and trolling everyone. |
Mar 4, 2012 9:45 AM
Am I the only one who doesn't really pay much attention unless it comes down to Shana and Yuuji and Kazumi and the main cast getting screentime? Everyone else just bores me. |
Dont touch me I'm in despair. |
Mar 5, 2012 7:15 AM
so why yuji is angered by shana action ? doesn't it make his job easier that the tomogara won't eat anymore ? the 4 gods need to die ASAP. their reason in killing tomogara is pathetic. Why would they(4 gods) need to make example of them when tomogaras cannot eat humans anymore in the new world ? |
Mar 5, 2012 1:11 PM
I was quite confused about what was going on with Johan and Pheles, and what they were going to do. I don't know if my memory is fuzzy from the last episode, or what. But, Pheles and Johan are in a dream-world? And Johan's going to disappear? And they're going to alter something in the plan for Xanadu on top of what Shana did? Anyone mind explaining? xD |
Mar 5, 2012 3:00 PM
Been busy all week but I finally watched the episode, and i LOVED it. I will never understand why other people here dont think the same. Am I the only one who actually finds every other confrontation outside of Shana/Yuji enjoyable? Anyways Shana finally announced her plan for Xanadu, at this point destroying it is pointless so might as well try to make it as safe as possible to prevent any future disasters. People wondering why the Snake is mad at such a change have to remember that his sole purpose is to grant the wish denizens have prayed to him for years. Their wish is to live in an identical world to the one we have now, only with free flowing PoE to avoid pointless human eating. However just because there is PoE to use that doesn't mean that eating humans is now impossible, the process still exists and there WILL be people that will use it regardless. Shana's new rule pretty much made it so eating humans is impossible, it would be like trying to defy basic laws of how the universe works. However this alters the original wish of Tomogaras and as the God who lives to grant that wish, such an action is unforgivable. How would you feel if you put huge amount of time and effort into creating something only for someone from the outside suddenly come and change it for you? As for the Gods of the Motherland...I have no face right now...I could understand and explain the views for Sophie, and most of the other flame hazes, but these guys right here are beyond reason. I dont think I've yet to see someone as bloodthirsty them even amongst the craziest of the Tomogaras on both seasons. I understand what they are doing, they are pretty much giving all the denizens their "punishment" for having eaten humans for all of these years, they will slaughter them just so in the future those that were here to witness it can say how their old lifestyle was wrong, or at least thats the message they want to send them. But the message is writen in blood. As for Pheles and Yohan and Yoshida. You could consider them the third variable in this war. Much like Shana altered the laws of Xanadu to prevent humans from being devoured permanently, Yohan as well has something to add to it it seems and that item Pheles build reluctantly is what will make it a reality. Its already apparent that he is going to die after fulfulling that goal, but as he said he plan to "leave something behind" and that "its a method by which a king once overcame death". If those were not enough hints as to guess what his plan is, then I have no hope for you lol The ending is almost here, the story is about to climax and all the battles are heating up, those that say how "nothing really happened" this episode are beyond hope...I dont know about you but Im loving this season more every week. |
game8910Mar 5, 2012 3:04 PM
Mar 5, 2012 7:57 PM
Lol the 4 Gods' logic is pretty shitty. "Oh, let's go mass murder a bunch of guys, so then the future inhabitants for the new world will forever hate their elders/leaders for taking the pussy path and not fighting the Flame Hazes." So Yuji will never have control over them because they'll just be on a riot. At least that's what I think there reason is. Either way, summary of the episode: "Don't hold back..." Then 19minutes of filler. Sigh. |
Mar 5, 2012 11:26 PM
Mar 6, 2012 3:04 PM
Mar 8, 2012 6:12 PM
Yeah, the preview killed the "cliffhanger". Good episode, just 3 episodes to go. |
Mar 8, 2012 6:47 PM
1) Is it me or Shana didn't make it clear if the new rule makes it explicitly IMPOSSIBLE for the Denziens to eat humans or not. Because, even if a new law is created, it doesn't necessarily mean that one cannot break the law (i.e. murder is forbidden by law, but it doesn't stop anyone from doing it). Of course, nor Shana, nor Yuuji can't predict the outcome of the new world. The new law may be added, but a loophole may appear. Note that Shana is aiming for long-term solution. 2) If the law doesn't make it entirely IMPOSSIBLE for Denziens to eat humans, then here comes the 4 Gods' role: To make it a trauma for the Denziens such that they won't even try it in the new world. It may be evil, but that's for the "good". This is what they call as necessary evil, and I can understand them for it. Though I agree with Ribersal that it is somewhat a ridiculous idea, and that it doesn't justify the gods for a massacre. 3) I think that the desires of SoF and Yuuji doesn't completely overlap. If it was Yuuji, he should stop. Why hurt Shana more when she gave a better solution? Didn't he join Bal Masque because of the fact that he himself had a first-hand experience of seeing someone being eaten by the Denziens (Yukari Hirai), and if he fights against that law, he will appear as a hypocrite. If it was Snake of the Festival, then I can understand why he will disagree with Shana. The Denziens were used to eating humans, and banning them to do so will frustrate them. But it doesn't mean that they should be allowed to do so. A bad tradition is bad. This may be a necessary suffering for them, in order to maintain the harmony between the three worlds. |
Mar 8, 2012 7:51 PM
Lol, the tomagara's will never catch a break will they? Killing them so they will not eat humans? Wouldn't that just provoke them in starting new wars? |
Mar 8, 2012 7:53 PM
I'm guessing the law is like a law of nature not a legal law, so the denziens will actual lbe incapable of eating humans, but only in the new world, so that is where the attempt to create a taboo against eating humans comes in, without it some of them would just come to earth and eat humans |
Mar 8, 2012 9:19 PM
stupid_name said: Congratulations in getting it. Crimson Denizens already know ways to sidestep from their world to the human world by using power of existence. In a world where Power of Existence is abundant, do you really think rebellious or particularly amoral ones won't try to invade Earth to eat that which is denied to them in their new world? Sure, the 4 Gods (one of them especially) just seem to be grasping at straws for an excuse to kill them en-masse but it's also a necessary evil in ensuring they fear the protectors of Earth. By carving the absolute terror of Flame Hazes in history they'll be reluctlant to ever attempt to return to Earth. Would this plan work? Who knows, fear has never been the most ever lasting way of prevention, but the alternative (nothing) will really just leave humans at the mercy of the Denizens if they ever deicded they wanted a tasy human meal.I'm guessing the law is like a law of nature not a legal law, so the denziens will actual lbe incapable of eating humans, but only in the new world, so that is where the attempt to create a taboo against eating humans comes in, without it some of them would just come to earth and eat humans If you put it eloquently it's easy to grasp the motivations, but the show has been really bad at explaining itself properly. Probably because one or two of the good guys just can't seem to shut up about killing killing and killing. |
Mar 9, 2012 2:41 PM
imo if this rule is applied "can't eat humans" many of the tomogara will not want to go to the paradise at all. Kind of ruins Yuji's plans of stopping the fighting as it will still continue unless everyone leaves for the new world. I think Yuji is only trying to save the humans of this world anyway. |
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Mar 10, 2012 1:42 AM
yuji was like don't hold back to his wolf frand then done. ??????? then bus explodes. |
Mar 10, 2012 1:58 AM
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Poll: » Shakugan no Shana III (Final) Episode 4 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 )KimChanx3 - Oct 28, 2011 |
185 |
by removed-user
May 17, 2024 10:40 AM |
Poll: » Shakugan no Shana III (Final) Episode 24 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page )game8910 - Mar 23, 2012 |
479 |
by HHD1996
Feb 18, 2024 10:36 PM |
Poll: » Shakugan no Shana III (Final) Episode 7 Discussion ( 1 2 )game8910 - Nov 18, 2011 |
78 |
by Estefan
Jan 27, 2024 4:56 AM |
Poll: » Shakugan no Shana III (Final) Episode 11 Discussion ( 1 2 3 4 )game8910 - Dec 16, 2011 |
158 |
by burntlettuce
Feb 27, 2023 8:42 AM |