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Dec 30, 2011 3:58 PM

Jun 2008
According to their official press release, NIS America has licensed all four seasons of Natsume Yuujinchou.

The format and date for the series' release has not yet been announced.

Source: NIS America press release
FloreteDec 30, 2011 4:03 PM
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Dec 30, 2011 4:17 PM

Jul 2010
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!! FINALLY MY WISH HAS BEEN GRANTED AT LAST!!! But with a price: no English dub. Awww! Oh well, better than nothing, right? Yaaaaaaaaaay!!! I am SOOOO gonna pester my parents to buy me all four seasons!! I don't care if they're gonna potentially be crazy expensive! I'm getting this show NO MATTER WHAT!!
Dec 30, 2011 4:21 PM

Sep 2010
Well fuck.......well there goes a marvelous series I won't be adding to my collection. Especially after the way they treated Pandora Hearts by adding some kind of lighting to it that made it all grainy looking. >_>

Wish Sentai would have got it, but alas I guess not how disappointing. Oh well I still got CR and fansubs.
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Dec 30, 2011 4:27 PM

Aug 2007
Finally!! I will buy every DVD. Its about time Natsume got licensed.
Dec 30, 2011 4:29 PM
Apr 2008
OMG yes finally! Sub-only is really how this show should be and seeing NISA's past licenses (Katanagatari, Toradora) and how pretty amazing the boxart is..i'm so stoked to buy this.

Thank you NISA!!
Dec 30, 2011 4:30 PM
Dec 2011
Interesting. I'll be putting all of this on my PTW now.

Edit: Is this show that good? Does it make you tear? Is there some love?
-MikaDec 30, 2011 4:34 PM
Dec 30, 2011 4:32 PM

Aug 2010
Now... if only I lived in the US...

Good news to however can buy it... (Planning to import...)
I'm the king... of Fujoshi Land!!
Dec 30, 2011 4:35 PM

Dec 2009
That's interesting. I loved these series (:
Dec 30, 2011 4:44 PM
Apr 2009
I'm interested in that anime.
Dec 30, 2011 4:56 PM

Aug 2011
nextday said:
Seems like NIS is like the only good NA licensor left nowadays. They have the best boxes too.
not sure if srs.
Dec 30, 2011 4:56 PM

Jul 2010
Dec 30, 2011 5:04 PM

Sep 2010
DraconisMarch said:
nextday said:
Seems like NIS is like the only good NA licensor left nowadays. They have the best boxes too.
not sure if srs.

I hope not. Sentai, Funi, and Bandai are waaay better imo.

NIS's subs are shit I seen their subs of Working!! on CR and the subs for half the series flash off the screen as soon as the character starts a sentence. If you are going to release subbed only series for the love of god please do it right. If it were not for the preinum boxsets people probably would just turn the other way and import or continue to download BD quality fansubs from the net.
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Dec 30, 2011 5:22 PM

Oct 2008
Good. Actually, not good, I'm already poor enough.
the Imaginary and the Real can never mingle.
Dec 30, 2011 5:22 PM

Jan 2010
I don't buy anime to watch it, so I love NIS's premium boxset releases and I'm really glad they got one of my favorite series. Definitely gonna get every release.
"My tables-meet it is I set it down
That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain."
Dec 30, 2011 5:25 PM
Apr 2008
Although I love Natsume to bits and am very happy just to hear it's been licensed, is NIS really a bad company? I've been waiting so long for it be be brought over here but I don't want to feel any doubts about it...

Edit: Read further on some issues about them to find that they seem okay. I'll definitely be buying day one. ^^
jellofuzzDec 30, 2011 6:26 PM
Dec 30, 2011 5:49 PM

Jul 2008
I will buy this. I will save money, get a job, anything. I love this series so much.

Dec 30, 2011 6:24 PM
Jun 2008
uh don't most of ya realize nisa they do NOT dub their animes!!!

besides i'm still waitng for toradora dub.
you either with ANIME or against the anime
Dec 30, 2011 6:44 PM
Jul 2018
Dec 30, 2011 7:06 PM

Jun 2008
nextday said:
Roloko said:
DraconisMarch said:
nextday said:
Seems like NIS is like the only good NA licensor left nowadays. They have the best boxes too.
not sure if srs.

I hope not. Sentai, Funi, and Bandai are waaay better imo.

NIS's subs are shit I seen their subs of Working!! on CR and the subs for half the series flash off the screen as soon as the character starts a sentence. If you are going to release subbed only series for the love of god please do it right. If it were not for the preinum boxsets people probably would just turn the other way and import or continue to download BD quality fansubs from the net.

What I mean is that they actually license good, quality shows. Now that you mention it, Bandai is still pretty good too.

Sentai just seems to be licensing everything lately, regardless of quality. Funimation grabs some good stuff, but they also license a lot of harems and other unwanted shows.

Aniplex of America gets good stuff too, but I hate them due to their outrageous pricing.

I'd think licensing the good + bad is better than licensing just the good, at least for us. After all, someone obviously wants their harem if they keep coming.

But yeah, I'd sooner judge licensing companies by the quality of their release than what they actually license. Companies like Sentai and FUNimation pretty much make their living with DVD and Blu-ray sales of the anime they license, so their releases are more likely to be simple, especially when they also dub all (FUNi) or a lot (Sentai) of what they release. Companies like NIS America, Aniplex of America, and Right Stuf mostly license either niche stuff like Aria the Animation/Natural/Origination or the random big sellers like Madoka and are more likely to have sub-only releases but with more high-quality boxsets and extras. NIS America is one I've never bought from, though, so I can't judge the quality of their release.
Dec 30, 2011 7:38 PM

Jan 2011
HNNGGGG does not even begin to describe how hard i want this BoxSet!
Dec 30, 2011 8:30 PM

Apr 2008
-Mika said:
Interesting. I'll be putting all of this on my PTW now.

Edit: Is this show that good? Does it make you tear? Is there some love?

The first season is very good. The second season is good as well (especially episode 10. I remember that one being especially well-written). After that, it kind of repeats itself, but if you like more of the same thing with your favorite shows, then this is one to check out. It gets my recommendation.
Dec 30, 2011 8:32 PM

Apr 2008
Wow, I'm surprised on a lot of levels! Surprised that this show got licensed, seeing how it's so quiet, and surprised by the fact that I haven't heard the fans clamoring for it all this time. Maybe I'm missing something. In any case, it's nice to see this kind of show being brought over to U.S. shores. It's a nice series and maybe it'll find some new life over here.
Dec 30, 2011 10:14 PM

Sep 2008
Looking forward to this! =3
Dec 30, 2011 11:15 PM

Mar 2010
Oh wow, congrats!!♥

Dec 31, 2011 1:43 AM

Apr 2010
NIS releases are actually pretty decent. While they had some issues with the earlier releases, the more recent ones are fairly good.

Whats important is the pricing is fair and the boxes are #1. Plus they come with extra stuff which is always nice.
Dec 31, 2011 2:49 AM
Jul 2011
Curse Funi for not getting there first! They could have dubbed this so well.

Still yay, importiing time
Dec 31, 2011 5:01 AM

Jul 2008

I am fine without dubs. I wouldn't watch them anyway.
Dec 31, 2011 9:04 AM

Nov 2008
nice to see that they have such a good taste cause it's a really nice and interesting anime. I can't wait to watch the 4th season too
Dec 31, 2011 12:09 PM

Jan 2011
Awesome news~! :D
I've been waiting for someone to actually pick this us, and it had to be NISA, which has beautiful packaging. Hopefully it's a DVD/BD combo pack so that I can enjoy this show in all its HD-goodness, if not, then I'm still buying this since I love the series.
I expect to see some serious eye-candy with these boxes >:3
Dec 31, 2011 2:31 PM

Jun 2006
8D Sweeeeet~!

it's about time.
Dec 31, 2011 3:44 PM

Mar 2009
windy said:
lol fuck i am poor
Jan 2, 2012 4:14 PM
Apr 2008
Hurray! I'm so glad to be able to support the creators of this marvelous series. Hopefully they will do a good job bringing it over.
Jan 2, 2012 10:17 PM

Jul 2010
Omg, omg, omg, super excited!
I don't even care if I have no money, I am buying thisss.
And all four seasons too? Yesssss.
Jan 3, 2012 12:58 AM

Apr 2010
I'll be sure to check this one out. ;D
Jan 3, 2012 4:04 AM

Aug 2011
Redfoxoffire said:
nextday said:
Roloko said:
DraconisMarch said:
nextday said:
Seems like NIS is like the only good NA licensor left nowadays. They have the best boxes too.
not sure if srs.

I hope not. Sentai, Funi, and Bandai are waaay better imo.

NIS's subs are shit I seen their subs of Working!! on CR and the subs for half the series flash off the screen as soon as the character starts a sentence. If you are going to release subbed only series for the love of god please do it right. If it were not for the preinum boxsets people probably would just turn the other way and import or continue to download BD quality fansubs from the net.

What I mean is that they actually license good, quality shows. Now that you mention it, Bandai is still pretty good too.

Sentai just seems to be licensing everything lately, regardless of quality. Funimation grabs some good stuff, but they also license a lot of harems and other unwanted shows.

Aniplex of America gets good stuff too, but I hate them due to their outrageous pricing.

I'd think licensing the good + bad is better than licensing just the good, at least for us. After all, someone obviously wants their harem if they keep coming.

But yeah, I'd sooner judge licensing companies by the quality of their release than what they actually license. Companies like Sentai and FUNimation pretty much make their living with DVD and Blu-ray sales of the anime they license, so their releases are more likely to be simple, especially when they also dub all (FUNi) or a lot (Sentai) of what they release. Companies like NIS America, Aniplex of America, and Right Stuf mostly license either niche stuff like Aria the Animation/Natural/Origination or the random big sellers like Madoka and are more likely to have sub-only releases but with more high-quality boxsets and extras. NIS America is one I've never bought from, though, so I can't judge the quality of their release.
I don't care if they license both good AND bad shit as long as the good's still coming.

My only problem with FUNimation is them only licensing the first season of an anime and not touching the rest. (Higurashi and Hell Girl namely. >.>)
Jan 3, 2012 1:41 PM

Jan 2008
This was one of the anime top of my list that I wanted to be licensed! This is super awesome news!
Jan 3, 2012 8:14 PM

Aug 2009
Great job NIS, finally something I actually want to buy :]

Jan 4, 2012 3:38 PM

Jul 2009
What took so long?
It has amazed me for years why a good quality, popular anime failed to get aknowledged by the West.
Can't wait until this lot is avaliable. :)

Anyway, I hope this firm doesn't have any form of influence on this series.

Mar 13, 2012 2:11 PM

Jun 2011
Ekvi said:
Great job NIS, finally something I actually want to buy :]

Same feeling I have. Too many average licenses these days and not enough treasures like this. Can't wait! Thanks, NISA!
Mar 27, 2012 11:29 PM

Apr 2007
Natsume Yuujinchou is one of my favorite anime by far =) I am so glad that NIS picked it up, but it would have been nice to have a dub with it...but i'm not gonna complain about this one! If it comes in that awesome premium packaging, I am so getting it!! ^_^
Mar 31, 2012 12:43 PM

Jul 2011
I want to buy this so much!! I hate dubs so... thank god there's going to be none.
Jun 15, 2012 12:36 PM
Feb 2009
Aw. Thanks so much NIS for picking this show up! I've been wanting a dvd/blu-ray release of it SO bad and I was begging Funi to pick it up but well, Funi's choices are just so bleh. And I love the box designs that NIS do. They're very nice. PLUS, Natsume Yuujinchou is one of my favorite animes.

I'm going to collect them all so I'm excited :D I've never bought from NIS before but I was wondering if they'd be releasing only the DVD? I want Blu-ray release.
Jun 30, 2012 7:11 PM

Jun 2012
Looks like it's a DVD only release.

Also looks like the Premium Edition will be the first two seasons in one box, with goodies.

For like 70 Dollars.
Jul 2, 2012 1:07 AM

May 2008
Just bought this, heck yeah! I have to say it being $52 is not too bad for what they're offering. It's too bad it's not a Blu-ray release, though.
Jul 3, 2012 7:36 AM

Jun 2012
I'm waiting to see if NIS offers a pre-order bonus on their site before deciding if I want to order from them or RightStuf.

The price difference is a bit but, I'm a sucker for bonuses.
Aug 22, 2012 8:12 PM

Mar 2008
I'm really glad NIS picked it up. No dub is a perk for me. (No chance of the the series being butchered, wewt!) It'll be nice to finally be able to get my hands on the anime! <3 As well as support the industry a little.

Is there an estimated release date for seasons 3 and 4 yet?
isikaruAug 22, 2012 8:15 PM
Aug 30, 2012 1:56 PM

Jun 2011
No, but it won't be until early 2013. NISA said they are done with their 2012 solicitations at Otakon.
This topic has been locked and is no longer available for discussion.

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