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No. 6
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Aug 25, 2011 11:17 AM
Apr 2008
Lots of new background info for Nezumi and No 6. Man this show is getting better and better.

Nezumi singing = win.

Karan (Shion's mom) crying at the end = T___T and the preview looks like real shit is about go down. I really want to know what those people are doing to Safu.
apolloisfineAug 25, 2011 11:32 AM
Aug 25, 2011 11:23 AM

Jun 2011
SHION'S FACIAL EXPRESSION(S) @ THE END!! Gah they made me giddy.
This show never fails to amaze me. When Nezumi began to sing...well that scene was just all around beautiful. I was a little upset that Karan was rejecting that man because let's face it. He's quite a catch and well being alone through tough times when you don't have to be is basicallt sabatoging yourself. WHY MUST EPISODE 9 BE A WEEK AWAY!?!?
Aug 25, 2011 11:30 AM

Aug 2010
femalegoblin said:
I was a little upset that Karan was rejecting that man because let's face it. He's quite a catch

I disagree all I thought when that scene came up was "Get off his mother!" lol

I couldn't stop smiling during Nezumi's singing performance. That was the best part of this episode. It was so beautiful. I won't even ask how he knew the rest of the lyrics. :P

It was so sad about what happened to his family. I hope they plan to reveal the other half of that story in the upcoming episode because that's important too.

Anyway great episode. I can't wait for next week!

Hey did anybody else get Avatar flashbacks?
keikanna44Aug 25, 2011 11:37 AM
Aug 25, 2011 11:33 AM

Apr 2010
Nezumi's singing was gorgeous ♥.♥
Great episode, now know a little more than before :D...
Aug 25, 2011 11:33 AM

Oct 2009
Elfana said:
I suddenly wonder... There are six places... And No.6 is one of them, right?
Is it this bad in all the other cities too?

Also... What on Earth are those people doing with Safu? It freaks me out...

Bottomline: I do not want to know at all eventually.
Also, as far as I can remember, I think No.5 was unaffected somehow.

Tons of background information this episode. Much needed. :)

Aug 25, 2011 11:41 AM

Feb 2010
Wow. Nezumi back story ftw.

The only part that made me a little ehhh was that he knew every word to the song after only hearing it a few times..

Anyways, GREAT episode. Things are really gonna be crazy next episode. It's getting real, people!
Aug 25, 2011 12:36 PM

Jan 2010
not bad at all really liking this anime. Next episode looks like shit goin to get real. Cant wait for next episode
Aug 25, 2011 12:45 PM
Aug 2011

Having to wait a whole week for the next episode that is XP But the preview to ep. 9 seems sooooo good and the fighting gets sooo much more extreme!! >:D The storyline is progressing and I can't wait till I find out what they're using Safu for!!! XD

Oh yh, does anyone know what Nezumi said that wisdom guy was to him after the bit where Nezumi and Sion gets dragged and Sion ask "Who is he?" :S Some reason, there was like no sub when it got to that bit :S
Aug 25, 2011 2:12 PM
Jul 2011
MusashiRose said:
Wow. Nezumi back story ftw.

The only part that made me a little ehhh was that he knew every word to the song after only hearing it a few times..

Anyways, GREAT episode. Things are really gonna be crazy next episode. It's getting real, people!
he's an actor and used to memorizing lines?? xD

anyway, initial (mostly incoherent, copypasta) thoughts this episode:

SAFUUUUUUU *brb crying forever*

yoming's looking pretty creepy in the previews there. :/ also, dude, you're moving WAY TOO FAST, that bordered on badtouch territory. *sniffs disapprovingly* i know you're grieving too, and you believe you've found 'another one of us' but still. NEEDS MOAR SPACE BAR

hahah i KNEW it, old man was just like shion! :3 LOL from the very beginning of their convo i was like "GDI stop it with the preliminaries and hurry the hell up i wanna know noooooowww"

nezumi's past was kind of expected. i think it's the OP that planted the ideas in our head--the cross markers and in falling trees. who else thought he wasn't from number six but from 'outside'? man, i really like the OP more now (yeah even the singing, it grows on you okay?!) shion and nezumi's backstory, plain for all to see. it just me or did all that talk on elyurias scream fantasy fantasy fantasy and not, you know, sf? well we were expecting no. 6 to be 'soft' sf from the beginning right, but still.

also, because it is hilarious and nezumi is TOTES AN IDOL SINGER Y'ALL:
jjoymAug 27, 2011 3:46 AM
Aug 25, 2011 2:12 PM

Jul 2010
Karan crying at the end was so sad. And Nezumi's singing is beast :O! I wouldn't be surprised if his seiyuu did alot of singing. Getting so interesting! And happy all the yaoi stuff is over ;p

Haha I soo did about the avatar flashbacks!
Aug 25, 2011 2:27 PM
Dec 2010
Another great episode !!!!
Nezum-chani singing was great xD
& we get to know about Nezumi-chan's past & the truth about No.6 .
Can't wait till the next episode is out !!!!
Aug 25, 2011 2:42 PM

Aug 2009
God Nezumi's voice is great!!!
Aug 25, 2011 2:55 PM

Jun 2010
Answered so many questions and left questions. Ohhhhhh the next episode looks interesting.

Aug 25, 2011 4:07 PM

Jul 2009
Fuck yeah, plot!
Don't forget.
Always, somewhere,
someone is fighting for you.
As long as you remember her,
you are not alone.
Aug 25, 2011 4:30 PM

Sep 2009
Looks like things are getting interesting again. Definitely looking forward to the next episode.
Aug 25, 2011 5:45 PM

Aug 2010
omg the ending almost made me cry T.T
can't wait for the next episode!! looks exciting
Aug 25, 2011 6:17 PM

Feb 2010
Ok, no offense but that was just really creepy. Like, the whole song with the weird fairy lady or whatever (not really a fairy, but for some reason I imagine her as a fairy. Don't ask, don't judge lol)

Anyways, Nezumi's singing was just beautiful.
Almost made me cry. But what did end up making me cry was the ending...well almost. I kind of watched this halfheartedly so that's probably why I have such a negative response and very uncertain sort of feeling. It just didn't
make me interested, it just kind of made me go 'okay, that's cool now hurry up and speed things up'. I mean, sure this episode gave a lot of answers and things are more understandable, but...I don't know.
Aug 25, 2011 6:39 PM
Jun 2011
I think I have no soul...I didn't feel any emotion at the end of this ep...I guess it's because I don't think Shion's actually going to die. If he does, then there's gonna be some major water works D:
Aug 25, 2011 6:48 PM

Sep 2009
I really liked this episode, but I felt so bad for Sion's mom at the end.

Was it just me or did they extend/alter the ending song? I think they did and I really like it, but I can't find it anywhere.
Aug 25, 2011 7:20 PM

Jun 2008
I dunno why but i cracked in Nezumi´s J-Pop karaoke moment XD
Overall, another awesome episode.
now we know Safu is somehow connected to Nezumi...
And Nezumi is from the people of the forest...hum...
poor Karan, i really pity her, but i pity more Safu. T_T

And Nezumi x Shion OTP FTW ~~~~

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Aug 25, 2011 7:32 PM

Feb 2011
This whole episode, just omg. I can't you guys, I just can't. All of these emotions are killing me. ;o;

And Nezumi's singing...oh god. ;o; Just oh god. ;o;

Anybody willing to read my review on this ep? xD;,

Aug 25, 2011 8:26 PM

Feb 2011
Elfana said:
I suddenly wonder... There are six places... And No.6 is one of them, right?
Is it this bad in all the other cities too?

Apparently not, if you'll remember the scene after Safu had cleared customs when returning to No. 6 that person she was talking too commented that she knew Safu was returning to No. 6 because she didn't freak out about the tracker wristband. That implies only No. 6 tracks its citizens to that level, so the other cities are (hopefully) saner.

otakuthon49 said:
Also... What on Earth are those people doing with Safu? It freaks me out...

Well going by the hints in the episode, I'd say they're doing a bit of genetic manipulation to try and get someone that can sync up with whatever Eculard (sp?) is. Since that seems to be some kind of nature spirit (notice how the water changed when Nezumi sung, also it was reacting to Safu's moods) I believe we have a true take over the world plot by the controllers of No. 6. They're hoping to gain control of Eculard and then use that to take over everything.

Enyo-chan said:
Was it just me or did they extend/alter the ending song? I think they did and I really like it, but I can't find it anywhere.

They did extend it this time, I'm not sure the ED single is out yet. I know the OP single is though.
Aug 25, 2011 11:39 PM
May 2011
Enyo-chan said:

Was it just me or did they extend/alter the ending song? I think they did and I really like it, but I can't find it anywhere.

The full song's been released a while ago.
Youtube keeps removing it tho.

@Crii- Nice review~ The plot is really moving now. Heh.

But wtf, is this Nezumi or Inukashi?
It's suppose to be Nezumi, right? Why the hell is his hair and clothes like Inukashi?
Aug 26, 2011 12:58 AM

Jun 2009
this show really kicks ass loved nezumis singing and cant wait for more
also hope too see more of nezumispast
and what the ghell are they doing with safu

hope that nezumi and shion dont die cause it looks they run straight to it
Aug 26, 2011 1:58 AM

Aug 2010
epiklow said:

It's suppose to be Nezumi, right? Why the hell is his hair and clothes like Inukashi?

LOL my first thought when i saw the scene was that exactly XD
long hair, torn up clothes random missing tooth made me chuckle a bit
the ending was quite emotional with the letter to Karan
Nezumi's singing was pretty well done but we still dont know how Safu has anything to do with the song though o_O needless to say itll probably be related to the whole "sample" thing they were talking about
the extended ending really made a big impact in the episode for me especially lyrics wise
Next epi: uh oh inukashi's crying, yoming going mental and tanks that shoot weird sound waves invading O_O; with 3 episodes left the finale is closing in =I
Aug 26, 2011 3:03 AM

Aug 2011
jjoym said: it just me or did all that talk on elyurias scream fantasy fantasy fantasy and not, you know, sf? well we were expecting no. 6 to be 'soft' sf from the beginning right, but still.

I thought this too. I love fantasy, but it seemed kinda out of place in this story. The world of No.6 seemed firmly based in the confines of science up till now, it was a bit jarring. I don't really like where the story's going...

And with Nezumi's singing, I was prepared to cringe at it, but his VA is a surprising good singer. And did Nezumi not notice that his singing was causing the water to glow? If it was me, I'd be freaked out, but maybe he experienced that kind of thing when he still lived in the forest.

And if Safu can hear that singing too, does that mean she's descended from the forest people? We never do see her parents... Maybe she's related to Nezumi and they're like long lost siblings or something. lol, that'd be so clichexD
SilverDemonAug 26, 2011 3:15 AM
Aug 26, 2011 4:55 AM
Dec 2009
OMG! I really love this anime and I'm excited to see more stuff that was revealed in this episode. I'm just sad that I can't read the manga because I'm sure I"m missing out a lot of the plot. =/ I guess I could wait for everything to be translated, but I'm so impatient when it comes to this stuff. D:

This may have been said, but has a single or CD been released yet for the anime? I've been trying to find out the name of the song that Nezumi and Sion danced to in ep. 5; it's such a beautiful song and I can't get it out of my head till I know the name of it so I can evutually own it. :3

Other than that, still waiting for the next episode so I can watch it; since I can only go off the anime, I'd say that I liked this one a lot since I finally got to see Nezumi's back story. I figured something like that happened to him since he had the "I don't trust anybody" attitude towards everyone. As for the relationship between Nezumi and Sion....I don't know what to say about that except I don't they love each other in a romantic way. I could be wrong, but the storyline (that I know of so far from only being able to watch the anime and no other sources) and the general feel of the anime doesn't make it seem like they love each other like that.

I would assume that they share a deep connection since Sion helped Nezumi when he needed help the most and the same for Sion. Then because they helped one another, I figure they had some sort of "trust" towards each other the reason why Sion wanted to follow Nezumi and why Nezumi allowed Sion to actually stay, cause when you think about it, Nezumi could've easily gotten rid of Sion right after he rescued him from the "government group" and never have a second thought about it. From all that they've been through, I would think it would be weird if they didn't have a deep bond that they have right now. Again, I could be wrong, but I don't see it gettin any farther than their bonds that they currently share.

But if it does <3
Aug 26, 2011 5:37 AM
Aug 2011
I dont understand a thing right now @__@
I think I missed out something... why approves sion the idea of destroying no.6 correctional facility (is it called like that? my english is know what I mean this thing in the middle of the city...)?

Pls explain me <<

nezumis singing was so beautiful <3
Aug 26, 2011 6:22 AM
Mar 2011
Oh god, nezumi's singing is just win ♥
So thats how nezumi got his scar :O quite sad to know about his back story :s

Safu being an experiment T-T, they better not do something horrible >:/

Karen crying... feel so bad >.<
But yeah, great episode but next week looks more epic. :D
Aug 26, 2011 6:44 AM

Apr 2010
omg!omg! ive been waiting for this moment! wahhhhh!!!I totally love Nezumi's voice.!!!!!.

i totally love him <3 <3

and..i didnt expect to be teary-eyed at the last scene !! T-T

anyway, the preview of the next ep is something to look forward to!!
Aug 26, 2011 8:08 AM

Dec 2009
Coze0x0 said:
I dont understand a thing right now @__@
I think I missed out something... why approves sion the idea of destroying no.6 correctional facility (is it called like that? my english is know what I mean this thing in the middle of the city...)?

Pls explain me <<

nezumis singing was so beautiful <3

Not sure if i understood your question, but Nezumi and Sion want to destroy it so they can save Safu and other people that are there.

& anyone know the name of the song Nezumi sang? I really want it. <3
Aug 26, 2011 9:55 AM

Jul 2011
LOL @ Nezumi karaoke moment, i just... as much as i love this show, i must say that scene is so CHEESY!! and also, isn't this anime suppose to be science fiction?

oh yeah, Safu can hear that song too!! is that mean Safu is one of the survivor too? hmm interesting...

good episode because lots of question is answered but i gotta give it 3/5 because of Nezumi's karaoke moment and because there's no passionate tongue kissing between Shion and Nezumi this time...
Aug 26, 2011 10:17 AM

May 2010
More info about No.6 past. Still wondering what did they do with Safu.
Nezumi singing was good and another version of the ED was win!!

Next episode seems awesome.

femalegoblin said:

Hey did anybody else get Avatar flashbacks?

Me!! :D
Aug 26, 2011 10:30 AM
Mar 2011

If this is what Nezumi looked like as a child, then I dont see ANY reason why Inukashi/"The Dog Keeper" isn't a guy. WELL, OMFG; they look identical here. HE MUST BE A GUY.

I am really worried about Safu. The fact that we can't see her face makes me think the scientists are mutating her into a kind of human queen bee thing named Elyurias the 2nd or some creepy sh*t like that. If that happened then I'd be all up for Nezumi x Shion. I was really disappointed when Shion's mother kinda rejected the detective like that. But I wonder if he really just wants inside her pants or something and that his whole objective is to rape her and then make her also "disappear". What if he works for the people who experiment on and kill all the unwanted civilians too. Probably not though, right? That was a nice song by Nezumi too. I don't know why people would cry over it though. This seemed to be the long awaited plot episode we wanted and not so much the emotionally stressful one. However some people still broke down few reasons at all...doesnt hurt anyone though. When I saw That kind of old man with the white hair I knew he had also survived he parisite bees. I think that he is Shion's father as well, maybe. We haven't learned anthing about that S's dad yet, so why not? He was in the same picture as Shion's mother. So I thinks he is anyways. Lastly, they shouldn't have told Karan that they were going to rescue Safu. It will just cause her to do something reckless like going after them and she'll probably die pointlessly. And that would just suck.

want more; want morer; want morerer
Aug 26, 2011 1:43 PM

Jul 2010
I love hearing Nezumi singing! *squeal*
Aug 26, 2011 5:59 PM

Jun 2008
oh my god

I want to know more and poor nezumi

I hope they save safu or something
Life is bittersweet can you live with that?
Aug 26, 2011 9:01 PM

Feb 2009
Am I the only one who reacts all "oh my, no musicals, please" here? I mean, it was a beatiful scene, but I don't know, maybe is just that I can't imagine Nezumi singing or whatever, because he is kinda of the quite badass type to me.

Well, episode 8 was good, but not one mindblow for me. They finally tell about Nezumi's past (ow, and it really looks like Inukashi, maybe both of them are from the forest and that's why she cares about he singing for her and stuff). About No. 6 past, it was a little progress finally, but we don't really know at all about the bees and Safu (oh my, Safu, are you alright?).

So, I liked it, but was not a revelation episode, so we just have to wait to see some action about saving Safu and destroying No. 6. I'm worried, because 20 minutes are such a short time (this episode passed in a blink of a eye), so I don't know if everything will be proper cleared for us.

Is there a sequel or something? Or it is really gonna end in episode 11?
loeyAug 26, 2011 9:05 PM
Aug 27, 2011 4:16 AM
Jul 2011
SilverDemon said:
I thought this too. I love fantasy, but it seemed kinda out of place in this story. The world of No.6 seemed firmly based in the confines of science up till now, it was a bit jarring. I don't really like where the story's going...

And with Nezumi's singing, I was prepared to cringe at it, but his VA is a surprising good singer. And did Nezumi not notice that his singing was causing the water to glow? If it was me, I'd be freaked out, but maybe he experienced that kind of thing when he still lived in the forest.

And if Safu can hear that singing too, does that mean she's descended from the forest people? We never do see her parents... Maybe she's related to Nezumi and they're like long lost siblings or something. lol, that'd be so clichexD
LOL i hearing words like "goddess" and "forest people" in my dystopina sf was a little weird, but i don't really mind. xD

as for nezumi, ahhh i love hosoya so hahahaha instead of complaining about how it's "good" but not "carrying away the soul" level, i will instead go oooh~ over the glowy lights. also his eyes were closed right?

as for safu hearing it too. :/ BONES U GONNA EXPLAIN OR I TORCH A BABY OTTER.

Fer-chan said:
Am I the only one who reacts all "oh my, no musicals, please" here? I mean, it was a beatiful scene, but I don't know, maybe is just that I can't imagine Nezumi singing or whatever, because he is kinda of the quite badass type to me.

Well, episode 8 was good, but not one mindblow for me. They finally tell about Nezumi's past (ow, and it really looks like Inukashi, maybe both of them are from the forest and that's why she cares about he singing for her and stuff). About No. 6 past, it was a little progress finally, but we don't really know at all about the bees and Safu (oh my, Safu, are you alright?).

Is there a sequel or something? Or it is really gonna end in episode 11?
well the dude dressed (beautifully) in drag and cries in front of an audience, so more ~artistic talent~ from him isn't all that jarring unlike some yandere autistics i can mention. plus with all the build-up, it would have been a cop-out for him NOT to sing. :D can you imagine the horde of angry fangirls?

inukashi--wasn't she just picked up by the doggies somewhere? she could have been from the forest too but most likely she was just another abandoned slum baby. ;__;

i wish they'd done this with more eps but it looks like bones is going for the finish line.
Aug 27, 2011 10:08 AM

Oct 2010
millo said:
LOL @ Nezumi karaoke moment, i just... as much as i love this show, i must say that scene is so CHEESY!! ...

..hee hee have to admit I second this. I was also preparing to squint my eyes but he sang pretty nicely. It's just that I'm used to Western singing techniques and being a fan of serious musical productions set my standard pretty high, and that wasn't... well, you get the point.

I feel like they can dump some moar info in this epi but they didn't. As in the creation of No.6 itself... I was expecting more intricate details, badass sociology terminologies and such but the exposition went for general. I didn't feel a sense of fulfillment at knowing Nezumi's past too, am I getting too dense, should I watch this epi once more, or could it be delivered better?

Nevertheless next one's gonna include one of my favorite scenes from the novel, maybe, so looking forward to it.
Aug 27, 2011 2:47 PM

May 2008
Nezumi's singing was pure win, I loved it~

I can't help thinking what is the connection between Safu and that Eriuleas or who... I think Nezumi is hearing her singing because he is one of the "People of the forest"~
Aug 27, 2011 4:24 PM
Oct 2010
Ora ora, revelations~...
omg I was 2 episodes late because I got no internet on that damn wood house because of that stupid trip... stupid vacations...I could finally catch up *sigh*

I wonder what kind of experiments they're doing on Safu...something to do with Elyurias maybe...who knows
hum...why does Safu hear the song too? maybe she does have some kind of connection...

yeah team united to save Safu...I though that old man was going to tell more about bee connection to no.6 but he said nothing D:
and well that scene with Safu and Shion, was that a flashback or her dreams? both maybe....

Last scene breaks my heart...poor Karan...
Next episode things seem to heat up...was that an attack from no.6 or something o.o?!
with 3 episodes to the end I can't help but shake my arms in the air and tremble: how's this going to turn out? w.w

Oh and Nezumi did great on that song, beautiful moment.
Aff I had to mention Nezumi's singing ...just because I had to.

Aug 27, 2011 4:50 PM

Feb 2009
So what's the link between Safu and Mezumi?
Aug 27, 2011 4:51 PM

Nov 2007
Meeting a man who named Nezumi, created No.6, and knows Karan?

Nezumi singing what he heard with Safu.

"Eriuriasu"? People trying to get her power for peace and Nezumi was the survivor of the species as her?

To make something with no conflict (utopia) = eliminate any conflict.

Youming investigate about No.6 because he lost his family.

Karan doesn't want Shion to do what he's going to do?
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Aug 28, 2011 12:48 AM

May 2009
Bringing in a folk plot with a powerful life-force filled tree. Urban to elvish.
Let's have singing and dancing around a bonfire! O.o
Ah well, nice singing. I liked the lighting up of the river. Filled the song with visual energy. :)
Safu, wake up already! So she's got forest-blood in her?
Lalala... Yay! More action coming up.
And more love from Nezumi to Shion? -.-

My heart goes to Karan. I SO wanna dig into her bakery though. :P
_____ _ _ ______

Within pain, there is desire.

_____ _ _ ______
Aug 28, 2011 1:36 AM
Aug 2011
I like Rat's singing voice, but I mean it was played up so much like it was like the best voice ever. I still enjoyed it and the song, kind of gave off the feel of the moment like in Pokemon's second movie when that girl plays Lugia's lullaby or w/e it was. Idk maybe that's just me but that's what it reminded me of lol.
Aug 28, 2011 6:22 AM

May 2008
This episode bored me to death... :|
Aug 28, 2011 10:53 AM

Jun 2007
I enjoyed this episode quite a bit. However looking back after three days I wonder what they are going to do from now on. I don't know the novels or manga, but looking at the pace of the last few episodes I feel like the only possible conclusion that could be reached within three more episodes would be a cliffhanger. (Comparable to Deadman Wonderland maybe?)

Actually I'm somewhat afraid of the possiblilty of it ending within those three following episodes ... maybe because I just can't imagine how that could happen without switching to a pace that would break the atmosphere apart. :/
Aug 28, 2011 12:48 PM

May 2009
Karan sure has it rough with her beloved son going on a suicide mission and with creepy guys adoring her near and far. Anyways, great episode. Nice to be able to finally fill in some gaps in information. The next episode looks pretty good. No. 6 isn't waiting either!
Aug 28, 2011 5:06 PM
Aug 2011
@Liinah thank you, but why isn't sion against destroying no.6 anymore? he dosn't seem to be interessed in finding a way to help safu without harming no.6...but in the other episodes he was like //omg destroying no.6 how can nezumi ? D<//
Aug 28, 2011 8:05 PM

Jul 2010
And out goes the "Yaoi" everyone was complaining or cheering about.

It's quite strange normally when I post on the No.6 forums, once it hits late Sunday here, there would be 120+ posts but right now I'm the 50 something commenter. Is the number so decreasing because there was no interaction with Nezumi and Shion, or is it because all of the homophobic people dropped this due to the last episode? .___.

They tried hiding Nezumi's reason for hating No.6 for so long. After I heard the story I'm like, "Yeah that's sad, but I've heard it so many times in anime!" Why does that song hurt their head though, not just Nezumi's but those chased from No.6 and Safu too (the experiment girl).

So I see Karan has a love triangle going on with Yoming and Rikiga ;) She may have been in that picture...but we have no idea what she's done to be in that picture.

I'm a guy, I'm straight but Nezumi's voice was sooo serenading lol
You may read this quote , "However, by that point you'll have been torn to pieces."
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