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Mar 27, 2011 7:11 PM

Apr 2010
chrislongden3 said:
Shit just got REAL

Mar 27, 2011 7:17 PM

Apr 2010
Captain-Z said:
Jacut said:
Captain-Z said:
3 words
"this is shit"
Bones has lost all of there luster haven't they?

Actually, almost everything Bones has made in the past five years has been utterly shitty except Brotherhood, Darker and maybe Skull Man. They stopped making interesting animes after Eureka Seven, I really don't understand why and it still baffles me but that's basically it. On top of that, Star Driver is directed by the awful Takuya Igarashi, so I for one didn't expect anything out of this anime.

To come back to this episode, it was like the embodiment of boredom mixed with an epicness of confusion.

Hell I hated DTB Brotherhood is well brotherhood its #1 for a reson
but were are the good stuff like wolfs rain.
To be honest SD isn't even the worst thing Bones has ever made its GOSICK. (IMO anyway)

Oh HELLLLL no. You did not just say GOSICK was Bones worse anime. GOSICK is a great and very entertaining anime if you sit down and watch it. It has great characters, story, and music. Even if you think its bad, It is not Bones WORSE anime.
Mar 27, 2011 7:32 PM

Jan 2010
WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING? 24 episodes later and they still haven't explained SHIT.
Mar 27, 2011 7:41 PM

Oct 2010
It's so hard trying to get what's going on in the show since everything isn't explained well. But still, I almost don't want the next episode to come. . .if it ends bad, it's gonna ruin it for me. The only way that Star Driver will end well is that if everyone dies.
Mar 27, 2011 7:45 PM

Feb 2010
nubmonk said:
WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING? 24 episodes later and they still haven't explained SHIT.

I think they have, but in such a way that only a large group of dedicated people working in unison could possibly decipher it. I assume episode 22 was their form of an explanation, but I don't know. I barely remember these people's names.
Mar 27, 2011 8:03 PM

Jan 2009
Monad said:
I'm confused. What exactly is she gaining by sacrificing her seal? Is she doing so that Sugata can have mecha revived? She's doing whatever she's doing for him, right?
And what about him? What exactly happened in that conversation? She seemed like she had no expectations from him and she was already satisfied with just that kiss. Did he promised nothing? Is she devoting her life to him and he has no intention to stay by her side? Didn't he joined the Crux to protect her? With her now sacrificing her seal it doesn't seem that way. So what is he doing there?
And why were the maids supposed to kill him? Did they have a mission to watch over him so he can't resurrect his mecha?

Please someone explain because i don't get what the hell is going on. The episode was quite entertaining this time but i was with a WTF face when it ended.

from what i understand Keito joined the Crux because she felt Head will kill Sugata, so Keito pretended to go along with the plans of Head but Keito will make chance for Sugata to revive Samekh in order to defeat Head later on, kinda whats happening now

remember Keito's seal holds the key (4th phase) for the cybody revival with just the drivers will, so in order for Sugata to revive Samekh then Keito's seal have to be broken

thats just my observation on this
Mar 27, 2011 8:07 PM
Jul 2018
_Neeka said:
It's so hard trying to get what's going on in the show since everything isn't explained well. But still, I almost don't want the next episode to come. . .if it ends bad, it's gonna ruin it for me. The only way that Star Driver will end well is that if everyone dies.

Mar 27, 2011 8:46 PM
Feb 2009
damn 2nd last ep already :( i know ima miss waking up on sundays and watching star driver..
Mar 27, 2011 9:43 PM

Jul 2008
memeki said:
_Neeka said:
It's so hard trying to get what's going on in the show since everything isn't explained well. But still, I almost don't want the next episode to come. . .if it ends bad, it's gonna ruin it for me. The only way that Star Driver will end well is that if everyone dies.

Even if they don't really die, a "reset button" would most probably be pressed towards the end of the show, and we'll be back to ep 1 with no Star Drivers or Glittering Crux. LOL
Mar 27, 2011 9:58 PM

May 2010
Wow, after 23 episodes, there's finally REAL plot movement. But its all to late thought. This show has been handled pretty badly and I was right about a rushed ending, hopefully it will redeem itself though and actually explain things, which I highly doubt.
Mar 27, 2011 10:08 PM

Jun 2008
entropy13 said:
memeki said:
_Neeka said:
It's so hard trying to get what's going on in the show since everything isn't explained well. But still, I almost don't want the next episode to come. . .if it ends bad, it's gonna ruin it for me. The only way that Star Driver will end well is that if everyone dies.

Even if they don't really die, a "reset button" would most probably be pressed towards the end of the show, and we'll be back to ep 1 with no Star Drivers or Glittering Crux. LOL

So it would be like the end of RahXephon?
Mar 27, 2011 11:11 PM

Aug 2008
Looks like the rest of this is gonna be settled in Zero Time. Kinda shocked by what Wako said during the previews, too. Early in this series I was always waiting for this show to make a dark turn, and it never did. I'm not sure it's ever going to do that, but it's still not too late.

Mar 27, 2011 11:16 PM

Nov 2009
YO WHAT THE EFF. wako pulled the most higurashi ish face evarrr. i feel like keito is still losing somehow. sugatas a dick. im sorry i fucking hate his guts. takuto should just commit a double murder suicide and take all those other bastards down with him too. i dont think this show could have a better ending. definitely needs way more time. nothingggg is going to get explained with head and takuto and wako will inevitably pick no one. dammmmmnnnnnitttttttt
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Mar 28, 2011 12:26 AM

Aug 2010
HawthorneKitty said:

Oh well, at least Keito and Sugata delivered with the KISSU scene!

I couldn't have phrased it any better myself.
Mar 28, 2011 1:28 AM

Jan 2009
Well, Sugata×Keito is definitely better than Takuto×Anyone.
Though I still want moar Sarina.
And way to go, Kanako, I knew you weren't completely useless ヽ(´ー`)ノ
Dat bgm that started playing Sugata took off his mask.
And I didn't expect Keito's mark to be sealing Samekh away. Oh well. ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
And now I'm not quite sure anymore what exactly Sugata is planning.

Except for a good fight (meaning one that doesn't end instantly), I'm expecting way too much Wako in the last episode. I hope I'm wrong.
Well, all that's missing really would be a new Zero Requiem.
OosranMar 29, 2011 1:16 AM
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Mar 28, 2011 2:05 AM

Oct 2010
Again, are these people seriously that stupid that they can't tell the identity of a crux member just because of those masks?

Oh and Keito is way more deserving of Sugata than Wako for being probably the only girl in this series who's actually faithful to her love.

I await the final battle in the next ep
Mar 28, 2011 2:57 AM
Jul 2018
SolidSnakeUS said:
entropy13 said:
memeki said:
_Neeka said:
It's so hard trying to get what's going on in the show since everything isn't explained well. But still, I almost don't want the next episode to come. . .if it ends bad, it's gonna ruin it for me. The only way that Star Driver will end well is that if everyone dies.

Even if they don't really die, a "reset button" would most probably be pressed towards the end of the show, and we'll be back to ep 1 with no Star Drivers or Glittering Crux. LOL

So it would be like the end of RahXephon?

If Tauburn starts spewing out rainbow lasers, I'll laugh.
But if they can pull that off in 24 minutes along with everything else, I'm game.

I'm still kind of hoping for Takuto to beat the crap out of Head and Sugata before they break Wako's seal and screw the island over, though. Or just, you know, for him to punch Head a few more times whatever happens. The guy deserves it.
removed-userMar 28, 2011 3:00 AM
Mar 28, 2011 3:16 AM

May 2008
yayyyy so why did sugata join the other side again?

and and and ... oh watever i hope the next episode would be a good finale

Awesome Sig by Lailide
Mar 28, 2011 3:58 AM

May 2010
Captain-Z said:
3 words
"this is shit"
Bones has lost all of there luster haven't they?

Mar 28, 2011 5:12 AM

Sep 2009
Lefake said:
Again, are these people seriously that stupid that they can't tell the identity of a crux member just because of those masks?
They are stupid in a lot of aspect in this show. Basically the producers wanted to depict the characters as being brain dead or he really though that the audiences are brain dead.

DonKangolJones said:
I was always waiting for this show to make a dark turn, and it never did
Same here. With the characters and with their past and the present situation, somewhat a drama-ish show could have been made *sigh*

So, 24 episodes without explanation of what the hell is happening~ fail show.
Anyways, Sugata looked hot in the Crux costume.
Again; damn Wako die already~ had enough of your Bella version >.>
Mar 28, 2011 5:32 AM
Oct 2007

This show is so simple yet so intriguing. I do hope everyone dies next week though the interview state otherwise.

I do hope for a second season. This series show a new platform to try on mech niche so people either love or hate instantly.
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Mar 28, 2011 8:21 AM

May 2010
I don't know what to say anymore.

Guess I'll just save it for the last ep.

The risk of a rushed ending is probably high.
Mar 28, 2011 8:44 AM

Jul 2009
Shit got fucking real.
Don't forget.
Always, somewhere,
someone is fighting for you.
As long as you remember her,
you are not alone.
Mar 28, 2011 11:25 AM

May 2010
:O wtf was that kiss :@@
and why did Sugata join Crux ??
Mar 28, 2011 11:29 AM

Jun 2009
LelouchSugata with a "live on" words for KallenKeito and then a kiss? Major Deja Vu.

Well, last episode. It's not that good of an anime but I certainly enjoyed it. I agree with Wako in the preview though. Should have never met Takuto because all the girls in this anime are definitely superior than her.
Mar 28, 2011 11:58 AM

Jun 2009
So that why she had the ship for lol never thought that!

And again: SHIT JUST GOT REAL. Can't wait for last ep and the preview gonna kill me soon.

Mar 28, 2011 1:01 PM
Mar 2009
Wow, Watanabe has a surprisingly motherly/protective side to her.

So...what...? Keito let her seal get broken because she's finally "Got eternity" with Sugata? Wtf does that mean? How does that warrant her seal being broken? Maybe she also wants to leave the island?

My god, this episode and next episode look so rushed. Looks like a "free-for-all-brawl" shall commence. Looking forward to what hax Takuto and Wako will pull out.
Mar 28, 2011 1:18 PM

Mar 2009
It's Sugata vs. Takuto after all.
Mar 28, 2011 4:45 PM

Aug 2010
wheresthehandle said:
Shit got fucking real.

That was seriously my exact thoughts.

Mar 28, 2011 5:50 PM

Jul 2010
Oosran said:
Well, Sugata×Keito is definitely better than Takuto×Anyone.

I'm expecting way too much Wako in the last episode. I hope I'm wrong.
Completely agreed. I'd love for Wako to die in the final episode, but at the same time then we'd have a bunch of people crying, "Oh noes, Wako died!1!! I cried; saddest ep evarrrr~"

Akatsubaki said:
Captain-Z said:
3 words
"this is shit"
Bones has lost all of there luster haven't they?
I normally love shows done by Bones, but this has to be one of their worst.

Linalee-Stratos said:
Lefake said:
Again, are these people seriously that stupid that they can't tell the identity of a crux member just because of those masks?
They are stupid in a lot of aspect in this show. Basically the producers wanted to depict the characters as being brain dead or he really though that the audiences are brain dead.
Ugh, I know! You know, this episode wasn't so bad until it hit that point. Wako's OMGWTFBBQ face at Keito and Sugata removing their masks was just facepalm-worthy to the max. How do you not recognize your childhood friends?! This whole time I was trying to tell myself it was a nudge-nudge, wink-wink we all know who you are situation, but no, they really didn't know they were in Kiraboshi I guess. *Sighs*

Complaining aside, I have to admit that the OST for this show is its best point. Not only the maiden songs, but the music that plays in certain scenes is really amazing. Keito and Sugata on the docks was nice, and so was the lame reveal that "sounded" epic just because of the music.

Keito's gotten a lot of points these last few episodes. She's climbing up to one of the better characters in this show. And she crushes Wako. Sugata and Keito all the way.
Mar 28, 2011 8:23 PM

Sep 2009
Pretty exciting episode. I'm wondering what some of these characters are trying to do though.
Mar 28, 2011 9:37 PM

Jun 2010
Can't wait for next episode.
Mar 29, 2011 6:44 AM

Jun 2009
Wow. That was awesome. I have a feeling the ending of this series would not be happy one. Damn I can't wait for next episode!

Mar 29, 2011 9:58 AM
May 2009
Now what to do for a week after watching that nice episode.
Mar 29, 2011 10:23 AM

Aug 2010
I think the crux masks/costumes are supposed to be obvious only to the viewers, just so we can tell who is who. It's the same with most secret identity characters in comics and movies.
Mar 29, 2011 3:59 PM

Nov 2009
I have a feeling Sugata has an idea of how to help Wako and Takuto. I didn't really understand the scene at the shrine, but from the looks of it he isn't really doing it only to protect her.
Mar 29, 2011 6:08 PM

Sep 2009
can't wait for next episodeeeeee going to kill me having to wait xD

Mar 29, 2011 6:46 PM

Dec 2010
holy fuck it was a good episode wtf is sugata doing?????? the suspense is killing me
- Marissa Chan!
Mar 29, 2011 10:25 PM
Aug 2009
Mar 29, 2011 11:33 PM

Feb 2010
After this episode, I am wondering: WTF is Sugata thinking...?
Mar 30, 2011 12:49 PM
Jan 2011
Ok, so Kieto has had her seal broken to summon the biggest cybody in Zero Time, so does this mean that it's gonna be Sugata Vs Taktuko?
Mar 30, 2011 5:45 PM

Sep 2007
I've seen the whole series in 3 days, and now... I have to wait for the final episode to come out! This is insane.

Mar 31, 2011 12:43 PM
Jun 2010
Waiting on Keito's album.
Mar 31, 2011 12:46 PM

Sep 2009
I loved it, BUT I'M SO CONFUSED D:
Mar 31, 2011 9:19 PM

Sep 2009
Apr 2, 2011 12:24 AM

Jul 2007
Man I been waiting since sunday for this episode. Lol 6 months ago my friend had to talk me into watching this, I am so glad i did.
Apr 2, 2011 3:32 AM

Dec 2009
So i'm guessing Keito gave up her mark so Sugata could have his cybody, and i'm guessing his going to help out Taktou because I really can't see him turning on Wako in the 2nd last episode.

The whole thing kinda fustrated me, but Sugatas pretty hot in that outfit, so I guess it makes it up to me... kinda... I think...
Apr 3, 2011 11:42 AM

Oct 2010
This shit just turned serious...
Apr 9, 2011 5:24 PM

Jan 2011
What's with all the love triangles? I felt like I was watching an episode of a weekly soap opera.
May 17, 2011 4:36 PM

Jul 2010
Omg a cliffhanger! O.O" Takuto vs Sugata = Epic Battle! I don't know how they're planning on ending the anime, I hope all 3 of them will end up -kinda- happy at least...
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