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Jun 4, 2010 9:59 AM

Feb 2009
Holy shit, this episode really gave me more than what I have expected. Probably one of the best so far~. I expected Abe getting injured sometimes but not that fast. Well, let's c what will the team with be like without Abe, or more like what will Mihashi be like... And damn, Mihashi was actually more reliable than I've expected.
Jun 4, 2010 11:41 AM

Jul 2009
Still waiting for subs...
Jun 4, 2010 12:25 PM

May 2007
Subs will probably take time.

But what happens without Abe....MAJOR SPOILER --------->
Jun 5, 2010 2:26 AM

May 2009
Damn that episode was intense, made me remember why I love Oofuri. Probably the best one yet this season for me.

And on the edge of sanity I stumble and fall.
Jun 5, 2010 3:35 PM
Dec 2008
Just got the script. Will time it late tonight after our club splits up for the evening(midnight or so). Then I'll hopefully finalize the script tomorrow night with my editors and have it ready Monday morning.
Jun 6, 2010 7:06 AM

Mar 2008
The episode was simply heart-stopping.
Seeing Mihashi stands firmly on his own somehow made me cry...It's like seeing a child bird fly out of its nest for the first time.
And Tajima is the man as always!
Jun 7, 2010 11:42 AM

Jul 2008
OMFGG. T______T Abeee ;__; I almost cried when he wanted to stand and didn't want to sit. It was so touching how Mihashi stands his own and with Tajima and others. Damnit I love Oofuri everytime ;;♥
Jun 7, 2010 12:58 PM

Sep 2008
Fantastic Episode. One of the most astonishing result of chara development on fiction ever created.

Bravo, I'm raise my hat for this episode. Brilliant writing.
Jun 7, 2010 1:00 PM

Mar 2008
They gotta win this game for Abe's sake ;__________;
Jun 7, 2010 1:12 PM

Dec 2008
Ah, man. Poor Abe got injured. He tried to make it seem like it wasn't as bad as it really was. I liked that he tried hard to not step on the runner. Really good episode.
How long would it take to earn 50 million yen, Karasawa? - Katsuya
No longer than it would take to get to the bank, provided I have a gun. -Karasawa
I'm through talking with you. -Katsuya
Jun 7, 2010 1:54 PM

Apr 2010
I love this series and these characters more and more. I was laughing at "nice batting Mizutani", touched to see Mihashi stand on his own, cheering for Tajima and the rest as they take on new responsibilities, and felt bad for Oki (hope he doesn't take too much of the blame on himself for Abe's injury). Wonderful episode.
Jun 7, 2010 1:57 PM
Dec 2007
fertygo said:
Fantastic Episode. One of the most astonishing result of chara development on fiction ever created.

Bravo, I'm raise my hat for this episode. Brilliant writing.

Writing was genius indeed, as usual I would say. And the adaptation by A-1 is simply perfect. By far the best effort by this young studio.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Jun 7, 2010 2:11 PM

Oct 2009
WTF. I got really teary eyed seeing Abe like that :(
Jun 7, 2010 3:08 PM

Aug 2008
Really good episode. I didn't really realize how selfish Abe is as a player until Tajima stepped in to his position and really made sure to settle the entire team. I had to even wonder why Hanai is the captain, because he just didn't do anything.
Jun 7, 2010 5:21 PM
Dec 2008
Actually, in Abe's case, he was truly down because he just broke his promise to Mihashi from the first series. He said he would never get injured and would catch for him all three years.
Jun 7, 2010 7:56 PM

Jan 2010
Wow, amazing episode! I like Abe and all, but I'm honestly glad he got hurt; now Mihashi can finally start some character development since he can't cling onto Abe like a lost puppy right now. I also loved how Tajima was so upbeat and bringing everyone's moods up. :)
Jun 7, 2010 9:20 PM

Apr 2008
This is already past the scanlated chapters so I'm loving this. LOVED Tajima as the catcher at the end and it just supported his spot on my favorite characters list. Great episode all around and cannot wait for the next one.
Jun 8, 2010 5:29 AM

Jul 2009
Taihaku said:
This is already past the scanlated chapters so I'm loving this. LOVED Tajima as the catcher at the end and it just supported his spot on my favorite characters list. Great episode all around and cannot wait for the next one.

I think I'll drop the manga. I am reading it but since there aren't too many people working on it I think I'll stop

Jun 8, 2010 8:57 AM
Nov 2008
Best episode so far!!! Got me to the edge of my seat!

I loved the character development brought along by the drama. It's really great to see Mihashi not being his usual self and even asked Tajima to rely on him. Abe, too, showed his vulnerability the moment the truth hit him hard. Tajima was simply calm and reliable during the whole process (which makes me think why Captain Hanai have yet to make any moves).

On the other hand, I knew Kurata is shady, and he even has a record to match. Even though Abe's injury was purely an accident, it didn't deny the fact that Roka wanted Kurata to play rough and injure the opponents. Argh.

Anyway, I can't wait for the next episode! Will God Tajima and the team manage to pull through and shut Bijou out? (Even though I hope this is the case, seeing that the series will probably end soon, my guess is that they won't make it far in the tournament. It's sad, but this makes the whole experience more realistic...)
Jun 8, 2010 3:22 PM

May 2007
cerulean18 said:
Anyway, I can't wait for the next episode! Will God Tajima and the team manage to pull through and shut Bijou out? (Even though I hope this is the case, seeing that the series will probably end soon, my guess is that they won't make it far in the tournament. It's sad, but this makes the whole experience more realistic...)

Read my earlier post in this topic......MAJOR SPOILER btw. I think the 2nd season will be 24-26 episodes. ;)
Jun 8, 2010 7:27 PM
May 2009
I think there's something fishy going on with the other team - specifically the catcher and that guy sitting in the stands. Hmm.
Jun 9, 2010 12:53 AM

May 2009
ridojiri said:
So what tournament are they playing?
I mean the National Koushien with 49 teams representing teams in each prefecture - with two in tokyo?
It seemed like the process they were going through, but that is 5 or 6 rounds of playing, not 7 or 8?

Isn't it the prefectural knock-out stage for who gets to participate in summer koushien?
CeskaJun 9, 2010 1:40 AM

And on the edge of sanity I stumble and fall.
Jun 9, 2010 1:36 AM

Jul 2009
.... A..A..b..e..


I hope Abe-kun gets better, it was so sad to see him injured. Maybe Mihashi will grow a bit now. Tajima is awesome, as always.

also, the title of this season is "The Summer Tournament Chapter" in English so.. guess :(

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Jun 9, 2010 9:56 AM

Nov 2007
This episode was so dramatic. I wouldn't have guessed that Abe'd get injured!

Not only did he break his promise with Mihashi (the one of neither of them getting injured or ill) because of that but his pride as a catcher was also crashed. :(

I feel so bad for him. Though I am glad to see Tajima being as hyper as always.
Jun 10, 2010 7:53 PM

Feb 2008
I loved Momokan's reaction to finding out that Mihashi doesn't shake of signs ; )
I'm a bit surprised that she hadn't noticed already though.

I'm glad to finally see a coach that'll bench an injured player in a sports anime
Jun 11, 2010 6:48 AM
Jul 2009
Jun 11, 2010 3:47 PM
May 2009
That. Was. EPIC.
Jun 12, 2010 2:05 AM

May 2009
I can't wait for the pair up of Mihashi and Tajima!! We can finally get to see Mihashi's calculations!!!
Oh gosh, this is SO exciting!!!

Yeah, Momo-kun not noticing it, she surprised herself. :P Wonder how she'll train Mihashi now. XD

_____ _ _ ______

Within pain, there is desire.

_____ _ _ ______
Jun 14, 2010 12:04 AM

Jul 2007
The play leading up to Abe's injury was pretty intense.
I'm relieved that the injury isn't too serious, the foreshadowing had me worried.

So far Mihashi seems to be taking it pretty well. I'm also glad to see that Tajima is the replacement catcher.
I'm really looking forward to seeing how everything goes from here.

Though, I'm bit shocked to see that the episode count for this season has been set to 13. I figured it would be 24-25 episodes long like the first season :S
Jun 14, 2010 9:54 PM

Feb 2008
Trie said:
The play leading up to Abe's injury was pretty intense.
I'm relieved that the injury isn't too serious, the foreshadowing had me worried.

So far Mihashi seems to be taking it pretty well. I'm also glad to see that Tajima is the replacement catcher.
I'm really looking forward to seeing how everything goes from here.

Though, I'm bit shocked to see that the episode count for this season has been set to 13. I figured it would be 24-25 episodes long like the first season :S

from what I'm told, we've already caught the manga. they're probably trying to avoid too much anime original material. though if they can keep the quality high, I wouldn't mind an anime original 3rd season.
Jun 18, 2010 12:50 PM

Aug 2008
NOOO! even though tajima will get the spotlight on him but abe!! ><
that bijou guy SHOULD fell bad for this!
Jun 18, 2010 10:12 PM

May 2009
Mihashi really impressed. Rather than panic or fall apart, Mihashi showed surprising resolve to get the remaining outs.

Tajima is great. He's got an infectious personality and is someone who is easy to rally around. Things would definitely be more unsteady without his presence.
Jul 3, 2010 4:38 PM

Apr 2009
Abe-kunnnnn. :(

I almost cried.
Dec 27, 2010 5:02 PM

Jul 2008
Abe ;_____; I felt so bad for him.

Jan 19, 2011 4:14 PM

Feb 2009
Noooooooooooo :O Should've stepped on that bastard's hand,damn it!

"Only the dead have seen the end of war".
Apr 16, 2011 7:46 AM

Mar 2009
Am I the only one REALLY SO FREAKING HAPPY that they averted having some evil opponent injure someone on purpose? I love how we got inside Kurata's head to see his struggle to stay a regular(something we don't get enough of in sports anime!) and overwhelming guilt for what he's already done. And even as Nishiura faces the game without Abe, I'm happy for the Bijou catcher-he got a coincidence that will allow him to stay a regular without cheating once again. It was the only possible happy end for him this game.
Aug 18, 2011 4:45 PM
Oct 2008
noteDhero said:
I didn't really realize how selfish Abe is as a player until Tajima stepped in to his position and really made sure to settle the entire team. I had to even wonder why Hanai is the captain, because he just didn't do anything.

I was wondering, how is Abe selfish? I think it's just that Tajima (normally being a hyper character) sensed that with the normal catcher being down, he wanted to make extra sure that everyone else wasn't badly effected by it...I think it's just a stark difference in personality because Abe is a little more of the calculating type than the outgoing type (even to his own amazement, as we saw earlier in the season). I'm not saying you're wrong, I just really love to analyze the hell out of characters, so I'm just interested in what you think:)
Sep 1, 2012 8:03 PM

Mar 2012
I'm surprised Mihashi was able to recover quickly and reaffirm himself after Abe got injured when he could have easily panicked and cowered. Having Tajima around also helped. Character development at work here!
Nov 2, 2013 2:44 PM

Jul 2012
brb crying

Anyway, great episode. Tajima is a God at everything, seriously. He's good at batting, throwing, running, observing AND running a team. Also, I'm surprised Mihashi wasn't completely in a wreck after Abe's injury.

Nov 25, 2013 5:40 PM

May 2012
Was not expecting Abe to be injured. When it happened, the 1st thing that came to my mind is that Roka and the Bijou catcher planned it (yet it seems it was really an accident). But glad that Tajima is such a strong character. Mihashi too.
rebelakumaNov 25, 2013 5:56 PM
Jan 6, 2014 6:18 PM

Aug 2009
Damn nice episode! the game is so intense, poor Abe getting injured :(
I was expecting something like that to happen. they were over emphasizing how much Mihashi relied on him, so it was going to happen. I love this anime so much. so realistic!

Jun 16, 2014 9:02 PM

Mar 2008
Oh my god Mihashi's maturation. He's still a long way to go - but I almost expected him to completely collapse with Abe getting injured. Is it merely his determination to stay on the mound? No, clearly it is something more.

Where is that S3...
Apr 24, 2015 11:36 AM

Aug 2013
Let's be honest, we saw that coming from a mile away. However the scene where Abe didn't want to let go of Mihashi's arm... It hit me so hard. :( Anyway, it was so nice to see that Mihashi was able to pull through even after Abe has been injured.
Oct 6, 2015 4:53 AM

Jul 2013
I had expected Abe to get injured since the moment he had made that ominous promise to Mihashi about being injury free for their entire high shool year but I didn't expect to see it so soon.
Awww....Mihashi has really come far T_T.
I had expected him to somewhat break down after Abe got injured but instead Mihashi somehow managed to pull through.I think Mihashi's developing bonds with his teammates might be allowing him to believe in himself some more and could be partly responsible for this determination to pull through despite Abe being injured.I agree that his passion for being on the mound probably factors in there as well.
Ironically,Abe is the one who seems to be taking it the hardest.Mihashi was even trying to encourage Abe by telling him he'll somehow manage to get the last two outs.I really hope Abe will be fine.
It was also nice of Mihashi wanting to support Tajima who isn't confident and inexperienced as a catcher and Tajima was really is great in trying to lift the moods of everyone and re-energize the team after losing Abe.
Mar 30, 2016 8:48 PM

Feb 2015
I knew it was coming and I've even read this part of the manga but it still hurts. Abe ;-;

I can't wait to see what kind of battery Mihashi makes with Tajima.
Apr 30, 2016 5:03 AM

Mar 2016
precious abe-kun gets injured ;-;
Nov 4, 2016 7:13 PM
Sep 2009
As suspected Abe got injured. Good thing they have Tajima who can motivate not only whole team but also Mihashi who is the hardest to connect with.
Mar 11, 2019 8:16 AM

Feb 2013
Damn, what I feared actually happened!
Nov 25, 2019 4:37 PM

Sep 2018
4 runs!!!
Abe !! T-----T It's weird to see Abe is not the catcher huhuhuh but big bro Tajima to the rescue!
Proverbs 4:23
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
Jun 14, 2020 3:46 AM
Aug 2012
Suddenty has stoked my mind: Mihashi became such a man !!! Wow he is so determined to act!
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