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Feb 4, 9:03 AM

Nov 2011
The conflicting ideals between Hana and An is kinda interesting imo. Both have different insights on their books.

Meanwhile, Hana continues to make friends around the club and school. It's in part of her nature as one of the main characters.
Feb 4, 9:03 AM

Feb 2019
Hana continuing to grow up every episode!! So proud of her.

Hana not liking how her voice sounds and not wanting to listen to it is SOOOOO REAL OMG. I go through that every week when making YouTube videos. I HATE listening to my voice for 20 minutes after my editor sends it back so I really feel here there lol. Like Miiko said, it is one of those thing you just gotta deal with.

An go an episode without being a bitch challenge. Ok, you don't like the book so what? This not your recording asshole. Let Hana read what she wants. so glad Hana confronted her and stood her ground. It's not just about winning. You want to enjoy what you're reading too otherwise it's pointless. Calling the senpai advice "stupid" when they're better than you is also a choice lol.

I think her reasoning for being nasty to Hana is so weak too. So Hana reminds you of your friend who was basically better than you so now you’re gonna be nasty to her? If you’re taking out your own inadequacies on others rather than trying to get better no wonder you aren’t where you want to be lol. All’s well that ends well tho, Hana did a good job of breaking through to her. Got her 2nd friend.

Also, we not gonna gloss over that “I want you to love me!” Damn you Takeda sensei with your yuri bait, go full yuri or stop teasing me 😭
Marinate1016Feb 4, 12:19 PM
Feb 4, 9:51 AM

Apr 2016
Man, i like that Hana-chan is getting more and more confident with what she likes, but damn, this way with this pace and she'll be reading a lesbian smut in front of people in no time. "Still waters run deep", lmao.

Considering how she is, the way she confronted Natsue was admirable, its just that Natsue needs that stick to be removed from her ass.
Feb 4, 10:15 AM

Mar 2021
So great to see Hana grow and gain confidence she is amazing especially with how she confronted Natsue.
Feb 4, 11:26 AM

Aug 2020
wow, i love this anime even more

the noise , music that can bring more emotions, the animation can make you travel

but the work of the seiyuu in this anime are amazing, I'm not an actor but we can really feel that you must have talent to produce something like that

i enjoyed the character development, also well done

can't wait to see the next episode...
otakuweek (100k Followers) on insta for News /best recom etc

just have a look, you won't regret it...

Link below:
Feb 4, 12:26 PM
May 2022
An really needs to get punched in the face by someone at this point, she’s just bullying Hana by trying to force here to conform to her ideals
Feb 4, 12:44 PM

Apr 2021
Aw man ... is this yet another anime that draws me in with nice animations and an interesting beginning ( the reading of poetry ) ... only to completely change the story to something else ( "high school drama" , "competition focus" , "political issues" ) ?

I was really hoping that it would be focused on reading the written works aloud, but they don't have her reading that often any more in the show, which is sad, because the female MC voice actress has such a nice voice when reading poetry.

Then Episode 5, took a strange turn, now it is a "girls love" story?
Yeah, I know she said to be friends, but the Sub dialogue was really suggestive.
That is just another side issue that will distract from the reading that started at the beginning.

I really hope that they get back to reading more often in the show, because that was the main interesting thing about this show.
Note: I don’t lazily watch 3-5 episodes, biasedly compare to other anime, or unfairly judge by surface level similarities. With every anime I start, I watch the entire series, both Japanese Sub & English Dub, then judge each anime based on what they present, to give an honest and fair rating.

Feb 4, 2:53 PM

Jun 2012
I want to read it too!
Feb 4, 5:28 PM

Jul 2022
One word to describe An: BITCH.

She can give her opinion to Hana, sure, but directly insulting her tastes and choices? That's a whole other level. And then when Hana gives her own opinion that An should choose to recite, An suddenly gets angry. That was completely hypocritical.
In the end, Hana's persistence in wanting to befriend An paid off, and they made peace while sticking to their original choices. But honestly, I still find An super annoying. Meanwhile, Hana is a little ray of sunshine and is constantly improving.

I'm really curious about An's ex-friend. I'm not sure if she'll be relevant to the story, and I highly doubt it'll be Shura. Plus, Akiyama gives off serious "hiding behind a mask" vibes, and I want to know what's up with him.

This anime is still a hidden gem for me - the music is awesome. And honestly, I think it would be hard to get a dub out of it. Not because of popularity, but because the voice actors' interpretations when reciting are on another level. A dub would lose a lot of that impact.
Feb 4, 7:04 PM
Feb 2024
I think that was the strongest episode thus far, the others have all felt like they were dragging to various degrees but this one felt like it was paced well and the conflict was interesting.

The book that Hana wants to read "Counting the Blue Spring" is apparently a real book that was written by the series author, I can't find much on what it's about though.

I always find it funny when An pushes Hana to read Metamorphosis because I can't help but think of the doujin of the same name, the thought that that's the thing that will win the competition is pretty amusing.
Feb 4, 7:31 PM
ザクシャ イン ラブ

Aug 2016
Hana-chan worked really hard to get good enough so that she would be recognized and accepted by Natsue, as someone who has what it takes to achieve results doing what she likes. The more I think about it, the more fitting is Hana's choice piece of Takeda Ayano's "Aoi Haru wo Kazoete". Not only does Ayano get to highlight another one of her works, the story has lots of parallels that could emphasize Hana's personality and love for something that she is willing to give her best efforts at.

Feb 4, 7:35 PM
ザクシャ イン ラブ

Aug 2016
Reply to deltahalo241
I think that was the strongest episode thus far, the others have all felt like they were dragging to various degrees but this one felt like it was paced well and the conflict was interesting.

The book that Hana wants to read "Counting the Blue Spring" is apparently a real book that was written by the series author, I can't find much on what it's about though.

I always find it funny when An pushes Hana to read Metamorphosis because I can't help but think of the doujin of the same name, the thought that that's the thing that will win the competition is pretty amusing.

The book that Hana wants to read "Counting the Blue Spring" is apparently a real book that was written by the series author, I can't find much on what it's about though.

Here are some translated overviews I was able to find on the Takeda Ayano work. Source (

"This is a story of high school students who are neither children nor adults, but are still in the process of growing up. Although high school students have a strong impression of sparkling youth, they struggle to find their own identity and clash with friends in the process, and not all of their memories are glorious. There are also many bittersweet memories. In this story, these girls spend their high school years in a state of emotional turmoil. Some go straight, others take detours, and still others take twists and turns. They live their lives in various ways, yet their dignified and clear appearance is very dazzling."

"A collection of short stories . The author's somewhat fetishistic sensitivity to the details of delicate depiction captures a high school girl's vision of the world she sees and the world she is now discovering, and the relationships among the characters gradually build up in a chain of events. Although the story is somewhat honors student-like, a character suddenly appears in the latter half of the fourth story, and we enjoy the author's specialty, “a strong high school girl mixed in with a raw high school girl”. The last part of the story takes us one step further into the other side of daily life. While it seems to cut out the unchanged everyday life, the series of works takes us out of the hearts of high school students, little by little, step by step."
Feb 4, 8:48 PM

Jul 2021
Narizor said:
One word to describe An: BITCH.

Yeah, she's so irritating that she doesn't even work as a character for me.

I get that she's an extremely competitive and driven person, and that she finds Hana annoying and wants nothing to do with her. But it's not enough to just ignore her or act cold towards her, she has to belittle Hana's skills as a beginner, tell her what to do, call her attitude towards recitation "stupid," and call her offer of friendship "useless."

It's so ridiculously hostile and hurtful that she doesn't feel like she fits in this cast of characters.

I'd buy it if she's a third-grader (like a certain character in a fellow seasonal, Medalist), but this is a high-schooler that's competed on a national level? How did she even survive middle school with that kind of attitude?

The way she apologized to Hana and became friends with her (sort of?) was unsatisfying and not really convincing. Hana's happy reaction to this made her character look silly as well.

It's good that there's a character foil to Hana, but An in this episode was just too much. Maybe she'll keep developing as a character...
Feb 4, 8:48 PM

May 2019
I thought Hana was trying a bit too hard in trying to make friends with Natsue as I figured she can prove herself with either winning or placing high in the NHK Cup and then getting Natsue's attention thereafter. Also, Natsue is doing what she prefers by choosing announcing rather than being "forced" to so I'm glad that was acknowledged. On that note I'm curious to see how they both do in the NHK Cup.
Feb 4, 9:07 PM
Mar 2015
Winning is not everything It is the only thing
Feb 4, 9:36 PM

Mar 2018
the instrumental ED is so nice.
Feb 4, 9:40 PM

May 2019
My faith in this show has returned back. With her persistence, Hana finally managed to break Natsue's shell with her reciting. Absolutely can't say to such face lmao. Good job Hana for trying to befriend Natsue.

Feb 4, 11:00 PM
Jan 2018
This show is really done in all respects except for the main character Hana being the annoying stock anime/manga "is in high school but has apparently never talked to anyone in her life and can't open her mouth without her voice quavering", I like that the club includes bitchy girl who is way too into it and people who don't give really care about competing. Meta reference to the author's other work is amusing
Feb 5, 1:43 AM
Lilium Gardener

Jul 2011
Reply to landofthekwt
Winning is not everything It is the only thing
@landofthekwt If you ain't first, you're last!
Feb 5, 2:09 AM

Jul 2024
"You should read The Metamorphosis."

I spit my drink when I heard that. I'm sure she's most likely referring to Franz Kafka's classic, but still.
Feb 5, 3:27 AM

Feb 2014
I can relate to Hana when it comes to hearing your own voice through a recording device. The many times back in school when I had voice dialogue in school plays made me embarrassed to hear my own voice when I heard the recordings of it. ^^;

Thankfully, that didn't effect her too much with her passion for doing recitations of the novel that she chose. I was disappointed in An with her stance of disliking Hana's choice and going too hardcore with the "Winning is the only thing that matters" mentality, but Hana stuck to what she believed to be the right thing to do and her seniors gave her helpful tips for improving her recitations.

All of that practice paid off when she did one recitation towards An in the school grounds and was able to get through to her. Their talk along the pretty coastline did showcase a bit more of An's past and how she had a friend who was similar to Hana who was chosen to play the junior high NHK nationals over An. She might have a long way to go in terms of character development, it was nice that An did acknowledge Hana for what she strives to do and isn't so hostile over her now.
Feb 5, 7:06 AM
Oct 2023
I'm just stuck up on the honor student's Akiyama talk about minimal work for maximum results via efficiency. Why would he join something like a broadcast club with only one major competition in the year? He risks getting a bad performance plus he has cram school and has shown to be very aloof from the club. Even if he was good at it, it is clear this show has an emphasis on effort. His talent won't carry him far.

If he wanted easy success, student council is much more appropriate, that or ditching school and working solely on this contest. He already is smart, if he needs a boost in his resume for the big Tokyo life, he needs to ace the NHK broadcast competition. That is of course, what he means by cram school, is cozying hard up to Kichijouji sensei. If that is the case, then he'll be interesting for sure.

Good on Hana for forcefully befriending Natsue. Good on Natsue for being relatively honest about her true motives. Hopefully she never loses, or gets suckered into to doing recitations, unless of course if she finds out later, she is good at it.
Feb 5, 8:19 AM

Jul 2023
Looks like there's some improvement with how Hana recites to warrant some cool visualisation. She is also making headway into turning An into a friend. Hell, there's a yuri bait this episode between them. lol
Feb 5, 7:18 PM

Jan 2022
Oh, what a beautiful and sweet episode. At first I was thinking that Natsue doesn't like that book because it's a yuri story (that sounded funny in my head) and then Hana just basically declare that she loves her ?? LMAO. Now that she practiced a lot of recitating, she accepted her friendship which is very epic. Very beautiful voice and visual in the last recitation too. Excited for next week episode !
I like everything, ok
Feb 5, 7:26 PM

Jan 2022
Reply to six20
I'm just stuck up on the honor student's Akiyama talk about minimal work for maximum results via efficiency. Why would he join something like a broadcast club with only one major competition in the year? He risks getting a bad performance plus he has cram school and has shown to be very aloof from the club. Even if he was good at it, it is clear this show has an emphasis on effort. His talent won't carry him far.

If he wanted easy success, student council is much more appropriate, that or ditching school and working solely on this contest. He already is smart, if he needs a boost in his resume for the big Tokyo life, he needs to ace the NHK broadcast competition. That is of course, what he means by cram school, is cozying hard up to Kichijouji sensei. If that is the case, then he'll be interesting for sure.

Good on Hana for forcefully befriending Natsue. Good on Natsue for being relatively honest about her true motives. Hopefully she never loses, or gets suckered into to doing recitations, unless of course if she finds out later, she is good at it.
@six20 I would guess that since the anime showed us his hand getting crisped as a reaction means that there is more in this character that may be seen at first. It's gonna be interesting if we get to dive further into this character that's pretty outshined by other club members so far.
I like everything, ok
Feb 6, 8:45 AM
Oct 2023
Reply to rikiki109
@six20 I would guess that since the anime showed us his hand getting crisped as a reaction means that there is more in this character that may be seen at first. It's gonna be interesting if we get to dive further into this character that's pretty outshined by other club members so far.
@rikiki109 Yes, I would like to see expansion onto what makes him tick. He's the smart one, yet his actions at first glance don't make sense to me at least. He asks sharp questions and sensei vouches for him being logical at least, so I want to know more of if he's just talk, or his actions bring him further in whatever goals he has. Since he's obviously put to the side a lot, I like to pay attention to the little things he does manage to do.
Feb 6, 11:45 PM

Nov 2012
Reply to perseii
Narizor said:
One word to describe An: BITCH.

Yeah, she's so irritating that she doesn't even work as a character for me.

I get that she's an extremely competitive and driven person, and that she finds Hana annoying and wants nothing to do with her. But it's not enough to just ignore her or act cold towards her, she has to belittle Hana's skills as a beginner, tell her what to do, call her attitude towards recitation "stupid," and call her offer of friendship "useless."

It's so ridiculously hostile and hurtful that she doesn't feel like she fits in this cast of characters.

I'd buy it if she's a third-grader (like a certain character in a fellow seasonal, Medalist), but this is a high-schooler that's competed on a national level? How did she even survive middle school with that kind of attitude?

The way she apologized to Hana and became friends with her (sort of?) was unsatisfying and not really convincing. Hana's happy reaction to this made her character look silly as well.

It's good that there's a character foil to Hana, but An in this episode was just too much. Maybe she'll keep developing as a character...
@perseii Exactly! An really is irritating. She is rude and disrespectful even to her senpais. She acts polite (saying hellos and other stuff), but then you see she does not mean it - she belittled the club and its members when she talked with Hana.

And she is also a jealous coward and is lying to herself while being pompous about it. She said that her friend who did the club activities for fun was better than her in the competion, so she switched to announcing. Also she does not want to hear anything about that friend. But then she say it was her own choice. What nonsense. She is running away from her friend and from recitation because there was someone who happened to be better than her and she is salty about it.

It would be a different story if she realized she is not that suited for recitation during that competition and changed to announcing without any hard feelings towards people around her. Even if she was a bit harsh and unfriendly because she is competitive, it would be fine, but she is terrible. She did not even say whether she wants to pursue this field as a career. If not, than why would you even participate in a club if you are not having any fun?
☩☩☩ MALoween 2024 ☩☩☩

Feb 7, 1:16 PM

Jun 2019
perseii said:
Yeah, she's so irritating that she doesn't even work as a character for me.

I get that she's an extremely competitive and driven person, and that she finds Hana annoying and wants nothing to do with her. But it's not enough to just ignore her or act cold towards her, she has to belittle Hana's skills as a beginner, tell her what to do, call her attitude towards recitation "stupid," and call her offer of friendship "useless."

It's so ridiculously hostile and hurtful that she doesn't feel like she fits in this cast of characters.

I'd buy it if she's a third-grader (like a certain character in a fellow seasonal, Medalist), but this is a high-schooler that's competed on a national level? How did she even survive middle school with that kind of attitude?

The way she apologized to Hana and became friends with her (sort of?) was unsatisfying and not really convincing. Hana's happy reaction to this made her character look silly as well.

It's good that there's a character foil to Hana, but An in this episode was just too much. Maybe she'll keep developing as a character...

First rodeo? I feel like this character with this set of personality traits and extremism is like a stock archetype in anime.

There is always (okay, not literally always, but very much often enough so as to be noticeable) this super prideful - at least in terms of the external image they project, and strict character who borders on total fanaticism insisting that they will "NEVER" acknowledge the main character for not taking their special thing seriously enough or over some extremely minor perceived slight or offense or barely perceptible inconsequential thing that the main or some other character said or did once that set them off on a bloodlust warpath. Until they somehow do the right invisible unspecified thing or combination of steps to redeem their honor in their eyes and gain their respect, at which point the mean and angry character does a 180.

Though they sometimes still maintain a cold facade, on and off or all the time, as a front and defense mechanism, but now they have an established soft spot for our main character. Mileage may vary.

It must be a Japanese cultural thing.
WatchTillTandavaFeb 7, 1:22 PM
Feb 8, 12:09 AM

Jul 2021
Reply to WatchTillTandava
perseii said:
Yeah, she's so irritating that she doesn't even work as a character for me.

I get that she's an extremely competitive and driven person, and that she finds Hana annoying and wants nothing to do with her. But it's not enough to just ignore her or act cold towards her, she has to belittle Hana's skills as a beginner, tell her what to do, call her attitude towards recitation "stupid," and call her offer of friendship "useless."

It's so ridiculously hostile and hurtful that she doesn't feel like she fits in this cast of characters.

I'd buy it if she's a third-grader (like a certain character in a fellow seasonal, Medalist), but this is a high-schooler that's competed on a national level? How did she even survive middle school with that kind of attitude?

The way she apologized to Hana and became friends with her (sort of?) was unsatisfying and not really convincing. Hana's happy reaction to this made her character look silly as well.

It's good that there's a character foil to Hana, but An in this episode was just too much. Maybe she'll keep developing as a character...

First rodeo? I feel like this character with this set of personality traits and extremism is like a stock archetype in anime.

There is always (okay, not literally always, but very much often enough so as to be noticeable) this super prideful - at least in terms of the external image they project, and strict character who borders on total fanaticism insisting that they will "NEVER" acknowledge the main character for not taking their special thing seriously enough or over some extremely minor perceived slight or offense or barely perceptible inconsequential thing that the main or some other character said or did once that set them off on a bloodlust warpath. Until they somehow do the right invisible unspecified thing or combination of steps to redeem their honor in their eyes and gain their respect, at which point the mean and angry character does a 180.

Though they sometimes still maintain a cold facade, on and off or all the time, as a front and defense mechanism, but now they have an established soft spot for our main character. Mileage may vary.

It must be a Japanese cultural thing.
@WatchTillTandava What characters are examples of this "archetype"?

Even if she is an archetype, she's still annoying and feels out of place to me. She's rude to basically everyone and looks down on everyone. No one else comes even close. And everyone seems to just shrug..? And Hana's the one who should be more considerate and try to be friends?

It's also weird that the show itself seems to imply that she's just a little tsundere and needs to be broken out of her shell, rather than an abrasive jerk with serious insecurity and anger issues.

The show seemed to be setting itself up as a mostly-grounded, good-natured club-activities story, and then this cartoonish villain shows up, only to immediately back down anyway...
Feb 8, 11:30 AM

Jun 2019
perseii said:
What characters are examples of this "archetype"?

Even if she is an archetype, she's still annoying and feels out of place to me. She's rude to basically everyone and looks down on everyone. No one else comes even close. And everyone seems to just shrug..? And Hana's the one who should be more considerate and try to be friends?

It's also weird that the show itself seems to imply that she's just a little tsundere and needs to be broken out of her shell, rather than an abrasive jerk with serious insecurity and anger issues.let

The show seemed to be setting itself up as a mostly-grounded, good-natured club-activities story, and then this cartoonish villain shows up, only to immediately back down anyway...

I guess now that I think about it, it could be considered like a more extreme form or subtype of the tsundere. In some series which are a lot less peaceful school club Slice of Life series, like with ones involving warriors and fighters, sometimes it even involves lethal violence and is more of a martial discipline thing.

Regardless, I do find her a little annoying, but I think it's just a case where I'm so desensitized to it at this point that it truthfully didn't bother me or I didn't actually notice too much. I felt as if I knew in advance that this character would be an aggressive and rude jerk for however long - however many episodes, then our main character would say or do something or the hidden right combination of things to suddenly soften her heart and win her over, at which point she would become somewhat more tame.

There seems to be a cultural mentality around it which has seeped into their art and anime, in which if someone is extra tough on you or immediately doesn't like you for whatever undisclosed reason, it must be because you're not doing enough to fit in and show them your positive qualities.
Feb 8, 1:27 PM

Jul 2021
Reply to WatchTillTandava
perseii said:
What characters are examples of this "archetype"?

Even if she is an archetype, she's still annoying and feels out of place to me. She's rude to basically everyone and looks down on everyone. No one else comes even close. And everyone seems to just shrug..? And Hana's the one who should be more considerate and try to be friends?

It's also weird that the show itself seems to imply that she's just a little tsundere and needs to be broken out of her shell, rather than an abrasive jerk with serious insecurity and anger issues.let

The show seemed to be setting itself up as a mostly-grounded, good-natured club-activities story, and then this cartoonish villain shows up, only to immediately back down anyway...

I guess now that I think about it, it could be considered like a more extreme form or subtype of the tsundere. In some series which are a lot less peaceful school club Slice of Life series, like with ones involving warriors and fighters, sometimes it even involves lethal violence and is more of a martial discipline thing.

Regardless, I do find her a little annoying, but I think it's just a case where I'm so desensitized to it at this point that it truthfully didn't bother me or I didn't actually notice too much. I felt as if I knew in advance that this character would be an aggressive and rude jerk for however long - however many episodes, then our main character would say or do something or the hidden right combination of things to suddenly soften her heart and win her over, at which point she would become somewhat more tame.

There seems to be a cultural mentality around it which has seeped into their art and anime, in which if someone is extra tough on you or immediately doesn't like you for whatever undisclosed reason, it must be because you're not doing enough to fit in and show them your positive qualities.
@WatchTillTandava Okay, I can see this kind of character in a delinquent anime or a boxing anime... Like Windbreaker or something. "I don't like your face, you're nothing, and I'll beat you up" kind of deal.

Interesting point about Japanese culture placing the burden of "fitting in" on the target/victim. I've also seen this kind of rhetoric in certain stories about bullying.

Even considering the cultural context, I can't help but feel this thinking is unfair and sometimes harmful... Often the anime themselves point this out, so maybe it's not necessarily widely-accepted in Japanese society (I hope).
Feb 8, 9:34 PM
Oct 2024
Pretty nice now that they're friends. I hope we start getting better episodes because this is starting to get boring. No offence to those who love this anime, but I don't really like this show all that much.
Feb 9, 12:51 AM
Sep 2024
Episode 4/5

I was honestly bored for about 12 minutes in this episode due to the fact that Hana wanted to force a friendship with Natsue, but in the end it wasn't as bad as I imagined. Because I realized that Hana just wants someone who likes what she likes as a friend, and it's clear that natsue is hiding trauma from some event, and that's exactly what she explained at the end of the episode. That explanation along with Natsue's acceptance of Hana made me feel so good watching this, I liked the words that each one used, and also It's beautiful to see Hana socializing more and trying to read what she really likes and not what would be "easier". In the end, what made me like this episode was the way it ended, without needing to prolong this dilemma between the two girls, everything was resolved in a very clear conversation about each one. That was very nice you know

That scene of Hana reciting somehow seemed so precious to me, I liked the rigid way in some parts of the recitation and also the parts where her intonation was more melancholic and sentimental, she really fell deep into recitation just to have natsue's friendship, it was really admirable
Feb 9, 9:25 PM
Oct 2024
I've loved episode of this show so far. I just always feel something wonderful about it. I know the 'prove yourself to your rival and become friend's trope is generic, but I just love the way they do it in this episode. Rather than just immediately become friends, Natsue and Hana just start to understand each other better. Natsue understands better why she doesn't like Hana and that she's probably being unfair to her. While Hana understands much better why Natsue refuses to follower her passions.

Rather than suddenly becoming besties, it sets up the opportunity for these two to become friends in the future.

I also love all of the dramatic reading animation. It's always so subtly amazing. Rather than being loud and bombastic, the mix of the quiet sound-effects, the soft background music, and the great voicework is all just enough to bring me into the scene feeling the winds or rains. 10/10 favorite show of the year so far.
HyperklathosFeb 9, 9:29 PM
Feb 10, 6:14 AM
Apr 2023
I loved that Hana is becoming more and more confident day by day. But I truly despise characters like Natsue. The teacher actually said the right thing a few episodes back that she is full of herself. Hana please do not get desperate to be friends with her. Natsue has a big inferiority complex. However, I am liking Touga very much. I hope something develops between him and Hana. He is very helpful to her.....
Feb 24, 7:41 AM

Jan 2017
"You should read The Metamorphosis." & "I appreciate that you recommended The Metamorphosis for me"

NGL my mind was thinking about something different here...

It's also nice to see Hana taking some huge steps in character development. She finally starts believing in herself.
Mar 6, 9:47 AM
Nov 2018
As cute as this episode was, low key i'd run from Hana also, she's low key coo coo.

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