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Jan 22, 9:10 AM

Dec 2021
God bro this world is just so behind and stupid. Like, I refuse to believe to that a "child" found out about this magic before ANYBODY else has... like jeez.

And that dad has some serious problems. Like yeah, he let bro continue he research in the end, but he legit SAVED YOUR WIFE AND EVERYBODY THERE IN THE ROOM BECAUSE OF MAGIC... but you weren't gonna let hm continue researching it because....

Jan 22, 9:40 AM
Jul 2014
Nibba learned burning hands, nice

Goblin just sat there for like 10 seconds to let a little kusogaki burn him, interdasting
Jan 22, 9:40 AM

Mar 2021
Glad to see that Shion's mom is going to be OK.
Jan 22, 9:42 AM

Mar 2021
IzanaSolos said:
God bro this world is just so behind and stupid. Like, I refuse to believe to that a "child" found out about this magic before ANYBODY else has... like jeez.

And that dad has some serious problems. Like yeah, he let bro continue he research in the end, but he legit SAVED YOUR WIFE AND EVERYBODY THERE IN THE ROOM BECAUSE OF MAGIC... but you weren't gonna let hm continue researching it because....

Yh so far this show isn't making sense logically.
Jan 22, 9:54 AM

May 2010
What were they even barricading, the wall around the door? The door was completely free and let the goblin punch through instantly.

Never seen before thing happened but the father instantly knew it was magic. Clearly it had to be that childish babbling made-up word his son once used.

He has no clue what magic is, but obviously it's too dangerous for kids. Lets buy another sword instead.

You are always reading books, but nvm that.. howcome do you have knowledge a kid wouldn't know!
Jan 22, 10:03 AM

Sep 2021
Reply to IzanaSolos
God bro this world is just so behind and stupid. Like, I refuse to believe to that a "child" found out about this magic before ANYBODY else has... like jeez.

And that dad has some serious problems. Like yeah, he let bro continue he research in the end, but he legit SAVED YOUR WIFE AND EVERYBODY THERE IN THE ROOM BECAUSE OF MAGIC... but you weren't gonna let hm continue researching it because....
@IzanaSolos The story is literally purposefully made to be about the first people making magic in that world, of course the one looking for it is going to be the one to discover it.

With the way you perceive the dad not wanting him to continue his research, you sound like you're 12.
Jan 22, 10:10 AM
Sep 2015
Intense episode, I think this is one of the rare anime, if not the only one in my recent memory, to make goblin a scary monster again after other (isekai) anime make it look like a cannon-fodding monster, even goblin in goblin slayer (ss2) is not this scary.
Jan 22, 10:14 AM
May 2022
When one hears the word “Goblin” in a fantasy anime, your mind immediately jumps to the extreme of Goblin Slayer.
Jan 22, 10:32 AM

Aug 2013
The goblin scary/spooky vibes were portrayed quite well.

MVP dad.
Jan 22, 10:51 AM
Mar 2019
How no one had medical knowledge on the house?

I would guess the women and elderly on a independent village would know the basics of treating wounds. Like, if they dont know, then no one ever got injuried or the ones that got ust died before a medic reached the village. This just don't make sense to me.
Jan 22, 12:21 PM

Mar 2024
Reply to Zero0Two0
How no one had medical knowledge on the house?

I would guess the women and elderly on a independent village would know the basics of treating wounds. Like, if they dont know, then no one ever got injuried or the ones that got ust died before a medic reached the village. This just don't make sense to me.
@Zero0Two0 Well, yeah. Stitching wounds is first described in Egyptian literature 5000 years ago, and this looks like medieval Europe...
Jan 22, 12:37 PM

May 2019
Reply to IzanaSolos
God bro this world is just so behind and stupid. Like, I refuse to believe to that a "child" found out about this magic before ANYBODY else has... like jeez.

And that dad has some serious problems. Like yeah, he let bro continue he research in the end, but he legit SAVED YOUR WIFE AND EVERYBODY THERE IN THE ROOM BECAUSE OF MAGIC... but you weren't gonna let hm continue researching it because....
@IzanaSolos this story is about a 30 years old fantasy lover getting reincarnated into a world where magic doesn't even exist yet,how tf is that even confusing ?

Also,what his father did was pretty much the most logical thing a parents would do .
Jan 22, 1:09 PM

Dec 2015
their area is that stupid and impoverished that nobody knew any medicine at all or about sewing wounds or using booze to clean injuries? well... i guess the expected level of thought and technology in this region just plummeted in my expectations. i figured since his dad had THAT many books of different types that his dad spent SOME kind of funds bringing in experts in various fields. some to teach and have apprentices like herb witches or hedge doctors or heck even midwives in the European Middle Ages had more knowledge than that gaggle of villagers. none of those ladies sewed ANYTHING in their lives? just the one? when all clothing was made at home BY the people wearing it? if it ripped or got damaged, they patched it up themselves. not every village around had tailors and seamstresses or cobblers!

i don't know who is writing this... but they definitely dumbed EVERYTHING down to 'live in cave, hunter gather, ugh rock! stick! bang bang! unga bunga!' levels. even the weapons the guys used to attack the goblin nest were just farm tools! they didn't even wear leather body armor or padded gambesons made of layer upon layer of cloth sheets quilted together.

uggghhh... this stuff just doesn't make sense! you don't build a two-story house like that mansion without SOMETHING like engineering and structural knowledge and you don't keep a large enough or viable enough population going in one location to build that mansion without SOME medical ability to patch up injuries in some way.

their house's fence had freaking wrought iron or steel bars and spearpoints on it! that's a crap-ton of metal to just make the sections shown ON-SCREEN and just that length so far. that's alot of cash!

also? glass pane windows that thin... look at the goblin's foot on the broken glass. and clear! and that big!!! do you know how long it took the expert glass houses of Murano, Venice, Italy to figure out how to make panes of very clear molded glass more than a foot on a side? two generations! TWO! it took them over 100 years of stealing glass techniques from all over Europe, North Africa, and Persia/Asia along the Silk Road to figure out how to get to the point of making SMALL molded colored glass and blown glass pieces...

ugghhh being a history nerd is sometimes just so frustrating...
just an ol school American otaku enjoyin the life. don't sass me kiddies, i've been otaku probably since before you were born. leave me in peace and i won't bother you either.

Jan 22, 1:41 PM

Apr 2021
Reply to IzanaSolos
God bro this world is just so behind and stupid. Like, I refuse to believe to that a "child" found out about this magic before ANYBODY else has... like jeez.

And that dad has some serious problems. Like yeah, he let bro continue he research in the end, but he legit SAVED YOUR WIFE AND EVERYBODY THERE IN THE ROOM BECAUSE OF MAGIC... but you weren't gonna let hm continue researching it because....
@IzanaSolos If no one ever thought about it, why would they discover something that does not exit even in a concept in their minds? The kid only asked about it and looked for it, because he was from another life / world, and the father explained that it is not a thing in the world. I am sure someone could have discovered something had they looked for it, but remember only a select few can actually it as well, which limits the number of people that could discover it.
Note: I don’t lazily watch 3-5 episodes, biasedly compare to other anime, or unfairly judge by surface level similarities. With every anime I start, I watch the entire series, both Japanese Sub & English Dub, then judge each anime based on what they present, to give an honest and fair rating.

Jan 22, 1:50 PM
May 2021
mom got back injury
->let mom lying on back
son saved people using magic
->ban magic
P E A K writing 🔥🔥🔥
Jan 22, 1:53 PM
Sep 2011
I loved the goblin, they looked cool af.
Im kinda enjoying this anime, although I don't overthink stuff like others do.
Jan 22, 1:56 PM

Mar 2021
goblin looked pretty tough today

theres no medical knowledge in that village just weird

magic discovery by a kid was unexpected lol

poor mom got hurt but glad shes okay now

no wonder some episodes make you facepalm
Jan 22, 2:38 PM

Dec 2013
That goblin was so creepy, I liked his design and how malicious he was, I'm glad the mom is ok, she is pretty hot.
Jan 22, 4:19 PM

Dec 2021
Reply to AllySofya
@IzanaSolos The story is literally purposefully made to be about the first people making magic in that world, of course the one looking for it is going to be the one to discover it.

With the way you perceive the dad not wanting him to continue his research, you sound like you're 12.
@AllySofya "of course the one looking for it is going to be the one to discover it."... that's the dumbest thing I’ve heard lmao. It seems like the author just can’t write for anything, because there’s no way someone wouldn’t have noticed this magic aura or whatever he drained from the goblin in that episode on any other beast.

And honestly, if anyone’s the 12-year-old here, it’s the dad. The son literally saved not just the people there but his wife too, thanks to this magic. But no, he’d rather stop him from continuing his research on something that could benefit both the world and their family. Make it make sense.

Jan 22, 5:17 PM
Jul 2024
Man, these are goblins on steroids, except there brains appear nearly absent. More vicious & monstrous than those from Goblin Slayer but only interested in killing I assume. Basically just animals, not even large parties of them. Lucky for Shion & the Town!
Jan 22, 5:35 PM
Jan 2024
I'm watching it after finishing Mushoku Tensei and this anime is garbage, I'll keep watching it just because the season is bad and there's nothing to watch.
Jan 22, 8:18 PM
Jun 2019
I like what they're going for here, "Occult-otaku Tensei" with a pioneer edge, but the production quality is hurting it a bit. Maybe I'll enjoy the manga better. They're not likely to get a 2nd season from what I'm seeing currently, so it'll just be another "Want more? Read the manga!" adaptation, anyway.
Jan 22, 9:47 PM
Aug 2022
I honestly don't even want to make the effort of writing out how I feel about this anime. There are way better and more cleverly written isekai out this season to scratch the itch.
Jan 22, 10:05 PM
elk sensei

Oct 2013
This would be better if it wasn't an isekai. Create a story about a child who stumbles upon a power and starts researching it. I think the whole isekai part of it is just throwing thw whole thing into a jumble.
Jan 22, 10:58 PM

Jun 2012
The goblin: "Oh my goodness, this kid is crazier than I am!" Did someone order grilled goblin? I think it's a bit overcooked.
Jan 23, 12:06 AM

Jul 2023
The mother is quite the MILF. I thought Shion would try healing magic, but good thing knowledge of modern medicine is enough. It's quite a slow burn. Things may only get exciting aroung Episode 7.

And sorry, wincest-bait is over.
Jan 23, 8:54 AM

Sep 2021
Reply to IzanaSolos
@AllySofya "of course the one looking for it is going to be the one to discover it."... that's the dumbest thing I’ve heard lmao. It seems like the author just can’t write for anything, because there’s no way someone wouldn’t have noticed this magic aura or whatever he drained from the goblin in that episode on any other beast.

And honestly, if anyone’s the 12-year-old here, it’s the dad. The son literally saved not just the people there but his wife too, thanks to this magic. But no, he’d rather stop him from continuing his research on something that could benefit both the world and their family. Make it make sense.
@IzanaSolos You're not mature enough to understand the dad's point of view; hah.
Jan 23, 10:43 AM
May 2021
Dam this was the first time i felt a goblin attack that thrilling, that whole sequence of goblin attack on the house was really good. This was the best episode so far!
Jan 23, 10:44 AM
May 2021
phantomfandom said:
Intense episode, I think this is one of the rare anime, if not the only one in my recent memory, to make goblin a scary monster again after other (isekai) anime make it look like a cannon-fodding monster, even goblin in goblin slayer (ss2) is not this scary.

Facts, I never felt goblin to be a scary enemy in any anime till now lol, even in Goblin Slayer they were not that scary
Jan 23, 4:49 PM

Oct 2022
Better than I thought it would be

Some goblins have been spotted in the town and people are panicked, so then the father gets with a squad of dudes in black cloaks and tell the women and children to stay put- barricade the house, and they all ride off.

Okay I have a pretty big problem with this scene. First of all- goblins? Really?
Is anime so bored with itself and dried up of ideas that green goblins with creepy eyes are the only kind of threat they could think of for this fantasy world?
Second thing is- the strong men all fuck off, leaving the women and children behind in the house undefended. They make it evident that goblins are a huge threat, so this dude basically fucked off and left his family behind to go be a hero. Shion wonders what was up with the vibe around these guys before they left; so it gave the feeling like they deliberately abandoned them.

So of course Shion is the only one capable of doing anything, since it's a bunch of squeamish girls and he knows magic power; so he k'o the goblin, but not before it slashed his mother. The rest of the episode is daddy lecturing Marie and Shion to stop studying magic. And Shion gives his reason for why he wants to continue- he says "If I don't I'll be miserable!" ....... ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Really? That's like the worst reason you can give. It's selfish. Couldn't it have been, "I wanna protect my family" or something like that? No, because they are pretending this is an isekai fantasy, and that the boy had a prior life (that we didn't see)

4/5- better action, higher stakes
Jan 23, 8:37 PM

Feb 2021
Good episode, bounced back after the trash of e2.
Actually threatening goblins instead of just low level fodder is always great to see and it's nice to see a more basic spell instead of jumping straight to fireball. Also I want to fuck the mother.
Jan 24, 2:26 PM

Sep 2012
Yo this show is absolutely underrated
Trying to watch all available anime series so you won't have to anymore, the list of anime I can recommend is still in progress, tho
Jan 24, 7:16 PM
Jan 2022
man they want to make me angry this episode

first, our 30 yr old MC decides to freeze up like a scared kid and only act after his mom gets slashed up, while his sister (even if useless) at least had the courage to be proactive

then the dad... oh boi. You can and should protect your kid from doing something that may get them persecuted. in fact, I'm mad they didn't address making sure the witnesses stay silent. however, the whole "omg you did something as radical as discover fire, stop immediately" thing is stupid. it's like discovering fire, except he's smart and informed enough to know radical and dangerous stuff like fire or making weapons is potentially dangerous, but has merit for humanity. his actions post-capitulation verify this. he also accepts that shion is wise and intelligent beyond his years, but instead of a conversation with these factors in mind, he tries to shut Shion down. terrible plan
Jan 24, 11:49 PM
Nov 2018
I want another universe of this show where the end the father disowns him and the next episode is a time skip.
Jan 25, 9:06 AM

May 2015
this shit is good I can't understand the bad reviews
Jan 25, 6:52 PM
Apr 2023
Oka-san finally opened her eyes, just to get scratched by a wild pokemon, and gotten cup of a feel by a quack doctor
Jan 26, 10:48 AM
Jan 2024
A good episode this time around with some really solid tension.
I would not have been surprised if the mother hadn't made it,
so things were actually on edge there for a while.
Jan 26, 11:11 AM
Dec 2017
Reply to IzanaSolos
God bro this world is just so behind and stupid. Like, I refuse to believe to that a "child" found out about this magic before ANYBODY else has... like jeez.

And that dad has some serious problems. Like yeah, he let bro continue he research in the end, but he legit SAVED YOUR WIFE AND EVERYBODY THERE IN THE ROOM BECAUSE OF MAGIC... but you weren't gonna let hm continue researching it because....
@IzanaSolos I mean, someone has to be the first to figure this stuff out in a world with magic, and they've given a plausible reason why nobody else has yet (the vast majority of people can't see the magic, and the ones who can are little children, who aren't exactly famous for critical thinking and single-minded pursuits of knowledge requiring methodical research)
Jan 29, 12:41 PM
Apr 2024
I was gonna say that almost every adventure anime I've watched involved Goblin, but this one actually pretty scary looking lol

I am glad his father being supportive, and hopefully he will learn more about the magic in that world.
Jan 31, 2:41 AM
Mar 2012
props to the directing, one of the more thriller vibes goblin fights vs our non-op mc.
nice how Shion instruct maid skilled in sewing, instead of the usual mc doing everything.
that dad took some persuading, seems he knew more but was reluctant.
Feb 1, 6:16 AM
Mar 2021
amazing episode the mother protecting the sister and the mc isn't a naive child. waiting for the progress with the magic until it van create FIREBALL
Feb 10, 3:07 PM

Aug 2019
Reply to IzanaSolos
God bro this world is just so behind and stupid. Like, I refuse to believe to that a "child" found out about this magic before ANYBODY else has... like jeez.

And that dad has some serious problems. Like yeah, he let bro continue he research in the end, but he legit SAVED YOUR WIFE AND EVERYBODY THERE IN THE ROOM BECAUSE OF MAGIC... but you weren't gonna let hm continue researching it because....
@IzanaSolos Exactly lol the writing is a just a bit... off. Like I guess I can sort of get why maybe no one has discovered magic yet since only a select few people can see it, mainly children it seems, so maybe that could be why, plus the MC already had a basic concept of magic in mind, so glowing energy coming from monsters and the lake = magic... but come on surely SOMEONE in this vast world would have seen it too. Like, no one else saw the glowing energy and thought "yeah that's weird...", and just didn't bother to look into it?

Another thing, how does no one know anything about medicine in the house? The child seems way more useful than anyone else.

And 100% agree on the dad having some serious problems. It's stupid, and unnecessary, but it has to be thrown in there to have some "drama" and "plot", because reasons.

Also, why is this an isekai? Why is the MC some 30 year old virgin loser from another world who really thought he would unlock magic at age 30 just because he's a virgin? Was there any need for it? You can remove the isekai aspect and I don't think you'd be losing anything of importance...
Feb 11, 2:42 PM
Aug 2024
Way better than the dogpoo first ep
Feb 12, 1:31 AM

Nov 2013
Goblin was scary but animation this episode was meh at best.

I find it hard to believe villagers have no idea how to treat a wound. Like, they never got hurt doing various jobs?

I think that magic can qualify as offensive magic. Though it looks like it won't be very effective on other targets.

Goblin was conveniently too slow though. Probably slowed down due to MC plot-armor.
Mar 2, 12:29 AM

Jul 2017
As if the fairy slavery is a problem that's well ignored by adults, the sudden goblin attack ravaging on Marie and Shion's family that forces the latter to act with his magic, it's defintely one of those times where Shion must act in preference to save his mother Emma nearly being killed by the monster itself. And of course, since this magic is quite foreign, it may have saved everyone while scaring off those who saw for the first time, but Emma is clearly in grave danger protecting her children, suffering from massive blood loss.

And since their home village doesn't have anything close to the equipment that Shion needs to tend to Emma's wounds, he becomes the adult figure teaching the adults on medical recovery procedures (like maid Lia) whilst Gawain and his men does the rest to round up and eradicate the goblins, for the best. As expected, Gawain hears from Shion being capable of doing all the recovery and offense, but did not expect magic to be at the center of the issue, which inevitably causes conflict for a foreign entity that they've never witnessed before. Of course, Gawain forbids Shion to continue his research on magic, but he's clearly not going to relent, even if it means persecution, and thereby allows Shion to do so, which at least is permittable for a parent figure allowing his child to do so.

At least Shion found something to do, though how far would trouble come towards his footsteps?
Mar 5, 5:27 PM
Jul 2019
i get the magic thing, but bruh, surgery has been around for thousands of years, how do these bumpkins not know about it. must be set in Arkanar

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