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Jan 4, 7:14 AM

Nov 2011
Damn, now Joletta had to take torture but luckily escaped. She doesn't deserve that.

I think this is another interesting character study of Novak and how he felt about the fate of his family. There's also perhaps more depth into the heliocentric theory and its secrets. Just interesting to see how everything is developing.
Jan 4, 8:14 AM

Apr 2014
With the loss of this dearest daughter. This could be a great turning point for Nowak. Well, actually, Jolenta is still alive but Nowak didn't know anything about the fact.
The way Badeni hid his own research was very amazing. No one wouldn't think about it before.
Jan 4, 8:29 AM
Apr 2018
that ending.... now the torch is pass over . absolute cinema
Jan 4, 8:37 AM

Jun 2012
Let's have faith in companion Grabowski!
Jan 4, 8:39 AM

Jan 2022
They almost got me to cry like a baby! It moves me to think how those gloves remind me of the tiktok video about the father pondering his 40 year wind of wires. Then how 60 guys got tattoos on their heads just to be promised some bread in the future. The implications this show is hitting!
Jan 4, 8:53 AM

Jun 2019
Man.... seeing the BOOKS. And, how far Badeni went with his research and to preserve it made me teary-eyed. The conviction he had for this even tho acted like he never cared. What a great man you were, Badeni. Absolute legend. It was beautiful.

And, the cycle continues. Now, it's Grabowski's turn to find out the truth of the universe. Whereas, Nowak is mouring the death of his daughter which was staged by another guy. That poor kid was killed for no reason. RIP. Hope, Jolenta stays safe wherever she is for now.
Jan 4, 8:54 AM
Sep 2015
Brilliant episode. I've to say that the title of the episode is very thought-provoking. Is it my turn? is clearly about the successor of the theory, but who could that be? Could it be Nowak's daughter Jolenta that successfully escaped? Could it be Nowak himself? Could it be the priest that send the info to the church? Could it be those beggars after receiving education?

And of course, Nowak turning 180 degree if the church kill his daughter is one of the possible outcome that I predicted, but this anime goes furthur and had Nowak turn 180 degree while his daughter is actually still alive!
Jan 4, 8:56 AM

Jan 2024
Even for how terrible Nowak is how many innocent people he tortured and killed it was never for his own will. He simply did what he was taught and belived. And for all that the same church just for petty power grab took away her daughter.
He didn't deserved that.
The backstory with smol Jolenta was so wholesome. Even as a terrible person he is great father who didn't brainwash her and let her live freely. It's really sad that same glove is not with Jolenta anymore but atleast even if he doesn't she is safe. I hope they meet someday.

Thanks red haired unnamed young inquisitor for you brave sacrifice. The fact that he got burned like a criminal by people who are actually that shows how low humanity can go.

But holy fk Badeni with such an ace up his sleeve. He used those beggers Oczy feeded just to keep some research left behind. Tattooing in the head for 60 people creating a BOOK, genius..🙌
Grabowski seems good and open atleast their efforts are not completely wasted.
Usual cinema🙌
Jan 4, 9:12 AM

Jan 2009
Another great ep, although a bit too dark at the start

Next week we will have a new op face...
Jan 4, 9:16 AM

Jul 2023
That Badeni bastard! I quite like him. Too bad, he died.

Jolenta's father, even though he is saddened by her supposed death, seems incorrigible. He will always go after heretics.
Jan 4, 9:18 AM
Mar 2022
Was expecting Jolenta to be the start of the opening now, guess not?
Jan 4, 9:26 AM
Feb 2020
Dont think his name was ever mentioned,but gotta shout out the newbie inquisitor for sticking to his believe instead of following their personal gain.I so wish he told his buddy about Antoni so Novak will do him in.

Was half expecting to reveal Novak caught on Antoni was lying,but guess his head wasnt in it.Sad af flashback showing how good of a dad he was.

Glad to know Badeni wasnt caught instantly and managed to leave the letter.He rly pulled some Golden Kamui shi on the beggars,Oczy must've gave away tons of bread for this.Ngl,it was unexpected and kinda hype Grabowski is taking the mantle since he wasnt even in the OP.
Jan 4, 9:34 AM

Apr 2021
badeni what the fuck did you do to these poor beggars
Jan 4, 9:36 AM

Jul 2016
Maybe the real orbs were the heads of the homeless we shaved along the way.

But seriously, Badeni has officially one-upped Rafal for research preservation method of choice, and seeing Oczy's selflessness bearing fruit in the end was gratifying.

Also, it's amazing how they managed to make the boogeyman of two generations' worth of MCs someone you can't help but feel sorry for.
Jan 4, 9:36 AM
Feb 2017
I'm nitpicking but I think it would have been better if the last half of the last episode and the first half of this one were switched or at least rearranged a bit. Losing Badeni, Oczy, and Jolenta all in one episode and leaving us at Nowak's breakdown would have been insane. Still great as always though
Jan 4, 9:52 AM
Oct 2021
Justice for Jolenta. She didn't even have a single dialogue before passed away 😭. Badeni pulled out a big brain move to pass the torch. PEAK AF
Jan 4, 9:52 AM

Nov 2023
Genuine 5/5

Obligitory Antoni is evil post.

Smol Jolenta blaming god is exactly what a child would say and shouldn't go unnoticed.

Jolenta voicing the transition card especially after all that flashbacks and Nowak breaking down... just makes this hit just a little bit closer to home.

I was wondering for the longest time how count piast book would play into this.

No one was expecting Oczy book to be preserved in such a way.
Jan 4, 9:57 AM
Apr 2020
Homeless: That yellow bastard do something to our head
Me: thinking he had a fetish and lit a candle on their head
after the reveal
Also Me: Close enough

Seriously who would've think of such move, that was really brilliant from badeni. Also i still dont understand novak, i though he knows when someone is lying, is that a lie? well whatever it is i can confidently say he would definitely switch side, and im relieved that we finally got a strong ally.

Jan 4, 9:58 AM
Jul 2021
Oh. My. God. What the F? I knew Badeni had some backup plans, but I never imagined something like that.! Now Grabowski’s gonna inherit the content of the book, wonder how he will manage that.
Jan 4, 10:14 AM

Sep 2013
Jolenta's fate legit broke me, her death was probably so graphic they didn't even gave us a speck of it, i really hope that atleast she didn't burn alive.... these religious authority using holy text as munition is probably the most horrific thing you can ever do, truly despicable, scared of theories really shows how unstable the whole thing is.

Anyhow didn't expect the priest to be the successor, hope he has a better fate than our main characters from before but i sadly doubt it (also Badeni's a mad genius with that tatoo thing)
Deep dark fantasies
Jan 4, 10:49 AM

Aug 2020
another great ep

it was almost too short for me

so they are so supposed to be good human but they can burn somebody without any hesitation...
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Jan 4, 10:50 AM
Feb 2019
I love how this show is not centred to one character but a single theme. Side character takes center and elevate the storytelling to other levels.
Jan 4, 10:56 AM

Jan 2017
While I found the backup plan of Badeni ludicrous, it somehow makes sense: You can easily burn books, but with people you encounter resistance and the possibility to sin by wrongfully accusing someone. The folk will ask questions, when like 50 beggars burn for heresy. Also, the best thing is even if they are tortured they don't even know, what their contents are, since they can't read.
Jan 4, 11:01 AM
May 2021
that's real dedication
Jan 4, 11:13 AM

Feb 2019
Holy fucking shit what an episode.

Last week I wrote about the brown haired new recruit being the first true Christian/Catholic we’d seen from the church and a couple of people jumped down my throat saying “we don’t know if he’s really a good guy or if he just didn’t like the particular way the inquisitors were doing things” well, now we do. Dying in place of someone who was gonna be killed just so the priest could get a promotion is as Christian as it gets. RIP

So Nowak IS human after all. Never would’ve imagined we’d see him cry and breakdown like that. You almost feel bad for him after all the pain he’s inflicted on others and families he’s ruined over the years. The flashback sequence to him getting angry at Jolenta for criticising God and then regretting it was rough. In just that one scene we see he’s always struggled with balancing his work and home lives. Probably feels a lot of regret about not spending more time with Jolenta and talking to her now. But wonder if she’ll ever show back up , really loved her character. Glad she’s alive tho!

The fucking irony of Buddy offering his condolences and acting like he did Nowak a favor when he killed an innocent inquisitor and lied about his daughter to get a promotion 😭 that dude is going straight to hell. Such an annoying character

THE TWIST AT THE END. Using humans as living books is fucking brilliant by Badeni. The medium for storytelling doesn’t matter, as long as you keep the story going wow. Those tattoos had to have been painful though. Grakowski continuing the legacy would be the perfect way for him to make up for accidentally snitching on Badeni lmao
Marinate1016Jan 4, 11:59 AM
Jan 4, 11:13 AM

Oct 2013
Nowak is such a well built Antagonist, I almost felt sad for him, but he did get a taste of his own medicine.

"I SHAVED 60 BEGGARS HEADS TO MAKE A BOOK " - I can see the Youtube views rolling in. But in all seriousness, is it complete luck that this system would work at all. What the hell was Badeni Smoking? To painfully tattoo 60 peoples heads, who are highly likely to die of diseases, that roam around, that will not mention it to anyone else and find the right person specifically 1 month after not receiving bread.
Jan 4, 11:15 AM
May 2015
Golden Kamuy vibes again, but more literal this time!
Jan 4, 11:15 AM

Apr 2016
a new great surprise, used the heads how pages!!!
Jan 4, 11:22 AM
Oct 2020
Joletta managed to escape but Nowak thinks she's truly dead. Honestly that whole thing with Nowak in the beginning and then his memories of his daughter was done beautifully.

So the next is the priest in the same church as Badeni. Grabowski, it is your turn now I guess. Sorry, but there's no MC plot armor in this story. Badeni turned those beggers into books.

Also RIP the inquisitor apprentice kid. He was a hero for a bit.
RexnihiloJan 4, 11:30 AM
Jan 4, 11:49 AM
Aug 2018
Novak might actually be one of my favorite characters periodic hoping he starts to resent the church
Jan 4, 12:32 PM

Nov 2022
Wow... why was them shaving their heads and saying "we are pages of a book" in front of Grabowski so EPIC?

And we've never seen Nowak so conflicted before... but honestly fuck him. Jolenta deserves better and Nowak can cry his eyes out all he wants, seeing how he chose faith over his own child.

To think there are still people that to this day would so blindfully follow a doctrine of no factual basis... ugh.
Jan 4, 12:33 PM

Apr 2021
>Jolenta's fate legit broke me, her death was probably so graphic they didn't even gave us a speck of it
>Justice for Jolenta. She didn't even have a single dialogue before passed away
>Losing Badeni, Oczy, and Jolenta all in one episode

did some of you watch the episode? antoni staged her death by killing and burning the kid who helped her escape.

Jan 4, 12:39 PM

May 2024
Another perfect episode as usual.
We kinda see now that the big antagonist is Antoni after all. Nowak is still an amazing antagonist, now that we see his flashback with Jolenta (who isn't dead btw, i feel like people missed the point of Antoni's plan) I almost felt sorry for him.
Now, how amazing is Badeni's character development, it keeps going even after his death now that we see that he started to care for the beggars (even if it's kinda because of his plan). Speaking of his plan, that was not only a GENIUS move but so beautiful to see their legacy and knowledge alive

Halloween candies:
Jan 4, 1:03 PM

Jul 2017
The method of research preservation was over-the-top and insane but quite fitting for Badeni, his development really shined through to see his influence on this episode in the end. And although Jolenta escaped, Novak's cold-blooded nature throughout the show couldn't handle the 'loss' of his daughter and showed humanity on the inside, he's caused pain and grief for many people and families in his role as an inquisitor but now that his daughter is no longer there by his side, that pain still showed through. The theme of turns continues to pass through as it was Rafal's previously, then Badeni/Oczy's and now Grabowski's potentially to discover the 'truth', I love that the main character in the entire series is a theme and the series commits to it strongly still, which I like.
Jan 4, 2:15 PM

Jan 2022
KOTFTW said:
Nowak is such a well built Antagonist, I almost felt sad for him, but he did get a taste of his own medicine.

"I SHAVED 60 BEGGARS HEADS TO MAKE A BOOK " - I can see the Youtube views rolling in. But in all seriousness, is it complete luck that this system would work at all. What the hell was Badeni Smoking? To painfully tattoo 60 peoples heads, who are highly likely to die of diseases, that roam around, that will not mention it to anyone else and find the right person specifically 1 month after not receiving bread.

To be fair there is a possibility he didn't tattoo the beggers, but instead stamped the contents of the books to their heads. Similar to a printing press in the 16th century.
Jan 4, 2:16 PM

Jan 2022
zbikk said:
>Jolenta's fate legit broke me, her death was probably so graphic they didn't even gave us a speck of it
>Justice for Jolenta. She didn't even have a single dialogue before passed away
>Losing Badeni, Oczy, and Jolenta all in one episode

did some of you watch the episode? antoni staged her death by killing and burning the kid who helped her escape.

lol qoute them to call them out 😂😂😂
Jan 4, 2:26 PM

Jul 2022
Nowak was a ruthless and relentless inquisitor; some might think he deserved to suffer for "losing" Jolenta. However, in this case, I don't think so. It was all due to the machination of the guy who hates Nowak. If it were any other situation, I would accept it and think she should suffer for all her "work", but this is different. The guy who helped her escape to Jolenta is a true hero, and he certainly didn't deserve what happened to him: he was used to hurt Nowak.

Badami was certainly crazy to use that method to preserve the research. But this is thanks to Oczy, in a way, because without him, Badami would not have left his texts. Even Badami, who once believed that only the elect deserved education, posthumously asked Grabowski to teach beggars, or rather, "books." My guess is that Grabowski will not be the next to continue research on heliocentrism, and that Jolenta will take over, possibly with Nowak's help to get even.
Jan 4, 3:59 PM
Oct 2017
Reply to ropiel
Jolenta's fate legit broke me, her death was probably so graphic they didn't even gave us a speck of it, i really hope that atleast she didn't burn alive.... these religious authority using holy text as munition is probably the most horrific thing you can ever do, truly despicable, scared of theories really shows how unstable the whole thing is.

Anyhow didn't expect the priest to be the successor, hope he has a better fate than our main characters from before but i sadly doubt it (also Badeni's a mad genius with that tatoo thing)
@ropiel she didn't die weren't you paying attention
Jan 4, 4:25 PM

Jun 2020
Badeni is really an amazing person and gives me goosebumps about his greatness even without him.
Jan 4, 5:30 PM
Feb 2020
New heretic just dropped
Jan 4, 5:51 PM

Apr 2012
as cool as it was, I'm not buying the twist at the end. Just minutes ago the beggars talked about how they don't really trust Badeni, but then decided to do so because they liked Oczy. And now we're to believe that these beggars let Badeni shave and tattoo their heads? Eh.
If you haven't watched "Fantastic Children", don't talk about "best anime". Thank you.
Jan 4, 6:17 PM
Sep 2024
Nowak now finds himself lost, in disbelief at what fate has done to him. The same destiny that God, according to him, reserved and preserved him and his daughter for will now not come true. Jolenta's supposed death brought Nowak to tears and deep pain, I honestly don't like Nowak, but in a way I felt a little sorry for him.

In the second half of the episode, Badeni's genius was put to the test. Through beggars whom he named after books and whose heads would be the pages, Badeni manages to preserve his study and determination. It remains to be seen whether Grabowski will take this study forward.

Episode 4/5
Jan 4, 6:22 PM

Nov 2010
  • Though stupidity of religion has been depicted a lot as cruel acts in this show, also beautiful facet of religion was rendered by the inquisitor again who helped Jolenta.
  • Though the superior's talk for the risk of heretics was done to misdirect others.
  • Badini's phantom image with compelling tone of voice while his letter was read is anime original direction. nice.
Jan 4, 6:25 PM
Jul 2024
Reply to KOTFTW
Nowak is such a well built Antagonist, I almost felt sad for him, but he did get a taste of his own medicine.

"I SHAVED 60 BEGGARS HEADS TO MAKE A BOOK " - I can see the Youtube views rolling in. But in all seriousness, is it complete luck that this system would work at all. What the hell was Badeni Smoking? To painfully tattoo 60 peoples heads, who are highly likely to die of diseases, that roam around, that will not mention it to anyone else and find the right person specifically 1 month after not receiving bread.
@KOTFTW dont give mr beast ideas
Jan 4, 6:26 PM
Jan 2022
Magnificent chapter, the final was astonishing… absolute cinema.
Jan 4, 7:05 PM
Jun 2020
Let's give the young inquisitor respect he deserves
Jan 4, 7:54 PM

Jul 2017
The nice Inquisitor kid getting himself beaten the 2nd time after letting go of a heretic once, this crime of his will not be tolerated, as it could affect humanity at the largest. And to label Nowak's daughter as a heretic, while using their own fellow kin's body as a burning stake to show that nothing could be done, the loss of Jolenta hit him pretty hard, for what was a heinous staged attempt by the Church to break him down even further.

Nowak may be a harsh Inquisitor, but his love for Jolenta is unparalleled being a young up-and-coming scholar, only to see that with her life being gone (which isn't true), the man is now a wallow in and of himself.

With Badeni executed, Father Grabowski is left to answer for what he's done because of his anonymous tip to the Church, and to think that his disciple would leave notes of Lucretia's poem and a request to let beggars come in and teach them, it's still blasphemous in nature to have these teachings be spread all over. At the same time, the beggars convinced by Badeni to visit Grabowski on the pretense of being able to have food, one of them did visit reveal a group of them who has "books" tattooed to their heads, 60 in total.

Grabowski, it's your turn to continue Badeni's legacy to change the world, like it or not.
Jan 4, 9:13 PM
Oct 2020
When Badeni asked Graboeski to teach the homeless people, tears come to my eyes, Oczy really changed Baldeni, he would never help someone with more knowledge if Oczy was not with him.

And also, i feel kinda bad, that I don't feel happy about Nowak sadness, he obviously not someone who deserve happiness in his life, and the thing that he's sad dont even happen for real, but i still feel sad for him, is really weird
Jan 4, 10:05 PM
Jan 2020
Man I wished the whole show looked as good as the OP, this is genuinely so well written.

Also, are they gonna change the ED at least? Grabowski isn't even there.
Jan 4, 10:31 PM
Nov 2018
Novak is a character, even though he killed all of our MC's still feels terrible seeing him break down like that.
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