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Dec 24, 2024 5:01 PM
Nov 2023
d2rkest said:
@FutoiOtaku did i even say the word assault? i said he is weird and he is. he's been doing this since he was a kid. its not like this was a one time thing, he has been doing these things since like age 7.

I already apologised for that. But weird? Only weird in our current culture. In a world or time in history where marriages were decided by parents for children so young, it was probably how the elder of the 2 chose to aim for a romantic relationship in adulthood rather than a marriage of convenience. You can’t judge historical fantasies by modern standards.
Dec 24, 2024 5:05 PM

Oct 2021
She said it! She said the line at the very end! That title drop finished the show perfectly.

I really loved this show. I hope we'll get a season 2. In the meantime, I'll probably check out the light novel.
Dec 24, 2024 5:12 PM
Jul 2024
And another guilty pleasure comes to an end. This episode did feel a bit anticlimactic though.
Dec 24, 2024 5:27 PM
Apr 2020
phantomfandom said:
I realized what's really going on exactly the same time as Alicia's realization. But smarter people might realized as soon as the word "exile" appear.

I don't expect to watch villainess genre as many as I actually did. In fact, according to MAL database, I just watched all of them (except the hentai one). No, I'm not gonna do the ranking like "top 5 villainess anime". Just go watch them all LOL.

Next year we'll have 2-3 villainess titles, of course I'm gonna watch them all if available.

Oh same here. I still have one on-going (taming boss) and one I'm unsure of if I want to continue (I think a dude is reincarnated as a girl and crushes in the villainess? I don't remember).

My Next Life as a Villainess led me into this wonderous world.
Villainess Level 99.
Tearmoon Empire (kind of Villainess at least).
Heretical Boss Queen.
This one.

I love them and just want more of everything 😂
Dec 24, 2024 5:29 PM
Apr 2020
WaterMage said:
I knew making Liz a irredeemable manipulator is perhaps too much for shoujo show. So she turns out good in the end, kinda disappointing cz it could have been somthing grander.

And so Duke pretend had amnesia just to find a reason to exile Alicia. Mel turing against Alicia would have been way too big of a 180 tbf.
Alicia wanted to go to Laval and now Duke gave her the causes belli.

Duke still getting criticized is herasy. He is willing to let Alicia go and willing to wait for her to show his love.
He stared out a bit too pushy but by end he has been a fantastic character. And sure enough he ain't letting her go without a kiss. Finally convinced Alicia there's more to life than role playing a villainess. Alicia finally gave him back aswell. Such a lovely cute scene.

The romance started slow but it was still good to watch these two slowly getting there. Now Alicia has got his wish she can do whatever she want to do in Laval.
Pretty much left it in a cliffhanger. This show MUST need a sequel. There's just too much left unresolved. Japan gonna add one more warcrime to the list of they doesn't deliver.

As someone who loves isekai and villainess genre this was easily one of the better one but I liked every villainess anime I watched so.. One thing is it could have been the best one but it undersell it plot didn't go dark enough where the could have. Liz is a fine antagonist but she had potential to be even worse. So for now something like Tearmoon Empire is still better for me. But if they do a S2 and do it well it still has great potential to be even better.
Great anime 7.5/10..

Alicia easily the best female character of the season imo and neck and neck with Yumilia in being the best "Villainess". Her giving no fuk attitude is so satisfying to watch everytime.
My queen always slays..🙌

Alicia sama yes please🫡

Also love everything Villainess. My Next Life as a Villainess will always be my favorite for being the first I saw, but I love the differences between that and this. That she actually want to be the villainess, but in a good way.
Dec 24, 2024 5:41 PM
Oct 2024
does anybody got info about season 2?
Dec 24, 2024 6:28 PM

Feb 2022
The final episode was one of the weakest in the series, but it was still a decent way to wrap things up. That says a lot about the overall quality of the show. I started with low expectations, not sure what to expect, but it turned out to be a pleasant surprise. Alicia Williams quickly became one of my favorite villainesses in the Villainess Genre because of how interesting and memorable she is.

The episode had some good twists. Duke was only pretending to have his memories erased, which added a fun twist. Liz Cather also turned out to be innocent and is genuinely trying to improve herself as the heroine. The story has a lot of potential, and I’d love to see a second season to explore it further.

However, the liberation of Roana Village barely got any screentime, which was disappointing. I was hoping for more focus on that event. Still, this was a decent final episode that ended the season well and left room for more.
Dec 24, 2024 6:32 PM

Feb 2022
KanameYuuki said:
I want to publicly apologize to Liz, I was talking shit about her last week and she had been studying non stop, it was cute to see the red hair guy be mad in love with her. At first I had no expectation about this show, the animation was a bit rough and I assumed MC would be annoying after a while but it really grew a lot in me, it was just that much enjoyable to have a FMC with a strong conviction and knows what she wants while always training and working towards her goal, I would love if we get to see more of her.

Yes, I think many of us were too quick to judge Liz. She’s genuinely working on improving herself as a Heroine, and I can see her becoming a strong rival to Alicia in the future.

Just imagine if she learns to control her charm, using it selectively for key, game-changing moments. If Liz masters that balance, she’ll become incredibly difficult to counter or outmaneuver.

It’s an exciting prospect for the story ahead.
Dec 24, 2024 6:39 PM
Jan 2017
First, let me say that I did enjoy Alicia's story. I am eager to see a second season and what she does next. Please note that I said, "What she does next." Because Alicia is nobody's tool.
The episode itself was one WTF moment after another.
After the "secret" is revealed, events make a sense. But it was such a slapdash way of moving the story to a new plot.
I hope that a second season is announced soon because I already have too many manga on my reading list.
Dec 24, 2024 7:08 PM
Apr 2022
meh, just saying 'somehow she disappeared' would have worked, not publicly banish her to the shadow realm like this. unnecessary cheap drama, but thats why i'm here i guess 6/10
Dec 24, 2024 8:28 PM

Jan 2022
Reply to d2rkest
@cooldogmom there's nothing wrong with being forward if there is consent from both parties, which there wasn't to me. for me, it doesn't matter if alicia did or did not have feelings for duke, he probably shouldn't have just kissed her randomly. there was also that scene from ep 2 when he kissed her to give her a medicine which i also found strange. obviously alicia is not going to have a problem with it because that's how the author wrote the story to be, but i did.

it doesn't really matter to me b/c i thought the show was enjoyable anyway, but i never really understood his purpose as a character.

tldr, you can think duke is cool and that's all well and good, but i found it strange.

@d2rkest But the kiss was consensual, just unexpected lmao
As a wise man once said, "No one hates anime more than anime fans"

Dec 24, 2024 8:29 PM

Dec 2018
Damn, can’t believe Duke trolled so many of us, including me lol, the plot with Liz just had me convinced it had to be her, and Duke intentionally forgetting the woman of his dreams didn’t seem in the realm of possibility, well that’s exactly what happened and I feel dumb lol, but I love it at the same time, I’m sure that was extremely difficult for Duke to do. It’s a bit of a roundabout way to get Alicia out of the kingdom to investigate Laval, but I respect the play and I like that they duped me, I gotta apologize to Liz now lol.

And despite Alicia trying to push Duke away, he swooped in and got a kiss, he was pulled towards her like Alicia’s lips were a magnet lol, I’m really glad he went for it because Alicia trying to push him away again kinda hurt to see, it’s nice that she realized there’s room for love in her grand ambitions. But now Duke needs to lock in, Alicia telling him to be a “good boy” and wait was wild, Duke needs to train in more ways than one in preparation for her return lol.

And that was the end of another villainess anime to add to the books, I really liked this one, production may have been pretty average to decent but I really loved the content itself, Alicia is definitely one of my favorite MCs of these villainess type anime now, and despite what some are saying about my boy Duke, I found him to be a great romantic interest for her, I loved how dedicated he was to Alicia, if he had let up in the slightest he may have lost her eventually, he fought well lol. And the plot with Liz really was an interesting one, it may not have had the best conclusion but it really kept me engaged in the story, her debates with Alicia were pretty fun as well. And the OP and ED to this one were catchy and fitting songs, the ED especially got stuck in my head sometimes lol, it was really cute too, probably one of my favorites this fall.

And it would be really nice to see a season 2 of this one seeing how it ended, but for now we have more villainess anime on the horizon, I see we have one next season but my current Winter 2025 list unfortunately doesn’t have room for it, we’ll see if I can work it in somewhere because I’d hate to miss the weekly watch for it, but even if I do I can always catch it when it’s over.
Dec 24, 2024 8:47 PM
Jun 2024
Not a very useful way to spend your time...
Dec 24, 2024 9:49 PM

Jul 2016
Loved it 9/10

I hope it's not true that the author said there would be no second season because she was only looking to promote the novel. 🫤
Dec 24, 2024 9:52 PM
Jan 2009
That was a great ending. They managed to subvert a lot of expectations while still providing closure in a non-insane way.

"Defeating" Liz by converting her to Alicia's viewpoint of living for herself instead of for others, with the two of them ending up true frenemy/rivals was great.
Alicia winning by losing because being exiled was her true goal as a "villianess" was great. The fake memory loss was unexpected in a good way.
Rejecting Duke was...unexpected, especially after he went all-out to grant her wish.
Dec 24, 2024 10:52 PM
Dec 2019
ı really hope for season 2 but they probly don't after end like this :(
Dec 25, 2024 12:10 AM
Sep 2020
God I’m hoping for a second season after this. Has been one of the most fun shows to watch in a long time
Dec 25, 2024 12:17 AM
Aug 2024
Marinate1016 said:
Lmaoo this finale made us all look like idiots. Last week we were all in the discussion threads speculating why duke lost his memory. Some saying it was Liz, some saying it was Will and the Laval mages and whole time it was just Will faking it to get Alicia sent away lol. Anticlimactic twist tbh, BUT it does set up Alicia in a foreign country with no allies and intel. That would instantly be a better season than this one no season 2 announcement of course 😔

That whole trial sequence was about to piss me off so much because how you gonna blame Alicia for YOU forgetting her. Even Liz called it a sham. But then as information started coming out it became more clear what Duke was planning. This probably was the best way to get her out of the kingdom tbh. Idk if the king knows she’s the one actually in charge of the kingdom’s fate, but I don’t see them letting her go under most circumstances.

FUCKK NOO. I was so hoping that Alicia would just give that letter to Prince nonce and we’d be done with him for the season, but his weird ass had to come give her a kiss 😭 I really can’t stand him man. He and Hadis this season were just too much of a weird age gap for me, mind you duke was crushing on Alicia when she was like 7.. but whatever they got their moment. I love that Alicia is more focused on her personal goals rather than romance and isn’t chasing a man or relationship. That’ll be there later, but helping the kingdom and growing as a mage won’t necessarily be! I’m most sad for her leaving Gil behind if anything. Poor guy is her biggest supporter

I really wanna see what goes down in Laval so I’ll read ahead! Anticlimactic but still enjoyable finale here. I’ll miss this a lot

Yea i also dont like duke the way he came out of no where and tagged Alicia as his own the guys gets on my nerves 😑
Dec 25, 2024 12:57 AM
Oct 2018
The story is somewhat refreshing for the villainess genre. Sometimes I wish Alicia didn’t try so hard to be the “bad guy” in the story. It’s also rare to see a heroine like Liz. She annoyed me.

I only wish the art was better. The proportions seem out in some scenes. Super long legs or necks. Heads that were too small for the bodies, etc.

Episode 12 & 13: The abrupt transition from the meeting with Duke to the next day at school was quite jarring, to say the least. That part of the story could’ve been executed in a better way, could it not?

Will there be Season 2? Who knows?
Dec 25, 2024 4:34 AM
May 2024
it was a great ep and a good anime, at the start it was kinda dull but now it was pretty interesting at the final 5-6 ep and honestly i wouldnt mind a second season, and i loved the development of liz in the final 2 ep favorite character.
Dec 25, 2024 4:49 AM

Dec 2009
Man that was annoying, i was ready to give this series a high praise for it's philosophical context of having a purposeful antagonist to challenge the nievete of fantastical pure ideals, and pressing the expectation of practicality and realism of achieving goals... Why did it have to do the cliffhanger "find out what happens next in the source material!" rugpull?

This is something that's relevant in general, but especially these days, if you consider various groups of idealists, dreaming of fantastical worlds where everything is perfect for them, but with no rational framework to make it practical or feasible without damaging society and sowing conflict. Having an equivalent balancing antagonist made of constructive criticism is the perfect solution to an idealistic powerhouse.
❀桜舞う空〜                   Cute is Power.           🔗CosmoGenesis Project
“You cannot know what you do not know.”
“Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.”
“A truth seeker has no patience for BS.”

I seek only to improve myself and others.
Dec 25, 2024 5:05 AM

Jan 2011
Reply to TurnipFan
There is nothing like ending a show with sexual assault >.> This was disgusting.
@TurnipFan did we really see the same show? Or do you use your imagination to see things where they do not happen?
Dec 25, 2024 8:20 AM
Jun 2020
This is not the 1st time the story didnt really make much sense, but this ending is absolutely nonsensical.
1st thats not the only possible way she got to go there
2nd thats not how exilement works(no reason to wear "slave/criminal cloths")
you dont need to blindfold and chain subjectswhich are being exiled
3rd thats not how kingdom to kingdom relations work you dont get to dump your criminals over the border to our kingdom...
Dec 25, 2024 8:45 AM

Jun 2017
I was wondering what the heck was up with Duke-sama but got to leave it to the two for 4D-chessing their way. It does leave more to be desired for the fans though, but well, we got some badass Alicia moments in front of of what has been her nemesis for the major part of the season, xD. Gee, I wasn't expecting that sweet talk though.

Good to see the village is finally free and it would've been nice to see Alicia witness the moment, but it what it is.

Still unsure between a 6 or 7 out of 10 but I'll stick with the latter for the time being.
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Dec 25, 2024 9:36 AM
Jan 2021
honestly it was kinda mid
Dec 25, 2024 9:51 AM
Dec 2021
Throughout the episode, so many theories crossed my mind about why Alicia might have been exiled from the kingdom. One of my guesses was that Prince Duke, who actually remembers everything, could be secretly helping her <3. And yes, the episode confirmed it for me <3.

Yesss! We’re going to have adventures in Laval!! :D

Thank you so much for this wonderful story <3. Oh, I can’t wait for the second season! It truly deserves one. I really hope they make it, though I haven’t seen any official announcement yet. If anyone has information about a second season, I’d greatly appreciate it.

It was such a pleasure sharing this beautiful series with all of you <3.
kitohaDec 25, 2024 9:55 AM
Dec 25, 2024 9:53 AM
Dec 2020
Does Alcia lost her eyes and magic? or is this a plot to only to show she was guilty to the people?
Dec 25, 2024 10:19 AM

Feb 2011
Really doubtful it'll happen, but I hope for a season 2.
I really enjoyed this anime, but i'm a sucker for villainess animes haha.

Wish there was more magic and less romance though. She's like level 80 something? I wish they leaned into that more.


7.9/10 anime for me.
Dec 25, 2024 11:54 AM
Jul 2024
Is this the season of endings that leave you with the feeling that there's more to come?

Almost everyone hating the ending even though that "amnesia" was the basically the thing that put Alicia where she wanted to, opening the possibility of this continuing hopefully soon.

I think this series was decent. Predictable in some ways, awesome in others. As usual, this puts it in a manga to read because like the others that have ended similarly, I want to check what else is coming. 7/10
Dec 25, 2024 10:59 PM
May 2022
bruh I'm sure there were other ways Alicia would of been sent to Laval 💀
Dec 26, 2024 2:31 AM
Jun 2014
I wonder why one needs to be banished to enter Laval? Couldn't they make an exception? Or as Duke's father is the king, change the law?
Or there's something else on the Laval side? If someone goes there the maybe Laval kingdom won't ever let her go back. Due to sharing informations about Laval to Durkis...
Dec 26, 2024 7:02 AM
Feb 2024
Amazing episode, I hope there's a second season, I can't wait to see her future new adventures!
Dec 26, 2024 7:31 AM
Jan 2017
I just had an idea. Villainess tea party. Gather Alicia, Bakarina, Yumiella Dolkness, Raeliana and all the others together. They can talk about their boyfriends and how to gain political power. Their attendants can serve tea and pastries and gossip about the mistresses.
Dec 26, 2024 9:58 AM

Aug 2019
was there really no other way to get her to laval? he is the fucking prince.

in any case i did enjoy this show very much. hope we will get a second season.
alicia is a great character and for long ive wanted a show where the character reborn as the villainness actual takes on the role. even if alicia here isnt necessarily bad like a villainess i do like that this isnt just like every other villainness isekai show.
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Dec 26, 2024 9:58 AM

Aug 2019
Reply to kyufruit
bruh I'm sure there were other ways Alicia would of been sent to Laval 💀
@kyufruit yea...
how could the prince and king himself not do it without exiling her?
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Dec 26, 2024 10:54 AM
Jul 2020
Honestly torn. I am at least glad that the amnesia wasn't actually real. Him faking it to get her what she wants was a decent twist.

Though not waiting until after Roana was freed seemed unnecessary. I suppose her character might not have cared to see the end result? Or maybe he needed the extra distraction? Wonder if the novel went into the reasoning cuz as is it seems to be just unnecessary angst.

I have heard season 2 has been announced. So I guess we'll see. For me right now it's a meh - score is a 5 maybe 6 later. I just don't feel it really delivered in any of the areas... The final confrontation with Liz wasn't much and for romance we got a rejection faking out to a wait-for-me... everything was hung on season 2. Maybe it'll be worth it but right now? I'm not feeling to happy about this series.

Edit: so apparently the season 2 announcement is saw wasn't even real...ugh I hate people who put out fake posts like that. if there is no season 2 then this one really is just a let down and my score will stay at 5 for this. Heck, I might drop it to 4... not only do we have how anticlimactic this ended but also a ton of loose ends that will never get answered. This might be salvageable with a season 2. Without it? We have an anime that has failed to juggle it's genres/tropes - romance? We get a wait-for-me goodye kiss after a Dear John letter. Villainess? We got a weak showdown with the heroine. OP reincarnator? We were told she levels up a ton but all we actually see is her give her eyes to another. There's not one area we get any REAL satisfaction with.
katsuko_maruDec 26, 2024 4:14 PM
Dec 26, 2024 11:52 AM

Jan 2016
It's high, but give 7/10.

That was so silly. So the the black rose was known to mother, but kept secret.

They make it looks like what happens next will be a dangerous challenge for Ali-Ali. All's well that ends well.

Dec 26, 2024 12:59 PM
Jul 2024
This episode felt almost unnecessary and had a weak "go read the manga/light novel" ending. Everything felt like it was wrapped up in a rushed manner and almost felt like an afterthought. Honestly, had episode 12 been the final one, that would have brought the series closer to a satisfying ending than this episode. Episode 13 is essentially just set up for what comes next in the source material.
Dec 26, 2024 6:01 PM

Feb 2019
They set the ending up for an opening for a possible second season, which we may or may not see soon. Overall it wasn't a bad season, although this finale episode felt like a filler episode to me just to setup the next chapter in Alicia's journey.
Dec 27, 2024 3:08 AM
Aug 2020
god this anime turned out to be such a disappointment, they had such a good premise and start on their hands and wasted it all by how things turned out plot wise.
great potential x horrible progression. im sad.
Dec 28, 2024 4:56 AM
Apr 2023
Not sure if I'm in the minority, but I really enjoyed the conclusion.

I liked that Liz seems to be reformed and on the "good side" now (I thought that she would have cast the memory erasing on Prince Duke), and it's nice that her character developed and changed over the season.

It was also nice that Prince Duke and Alicia's romance was still there and that the memory erasing thing was just a ploy. It might seem a little goofy, but I also just kind of let it go that getting exiled is apparently the only way to go to Laval since it's their world building anyway.
It was nice to then get an actual kiss or relationship development at the end between them which is sometimes absent in these kind of shows.

Enjoyed it all around, and hopefully there's a season 2.
Dec 28, 2024 7:40 AM
Dec 2024
Zero stakes, zero tension, no real romance. Just a weak payoff all round.
Dec 28, 2024 8:16 AM
Mar 2015
the show had its moments but been going downhill real fast. very meh ending and even strongly hints a sequel (thanks but not for me)

...has it always been this cheap? this whole final episode has been on an entirely new level of PowerPoint. 95% of the scenes r static with the bare minimal movements of lips and eyes. there's hardly any animation at all and obviously they took animation outta anime lmao
Dec 28, 2024 8:56 PM

Oct 2008
Would have been so much more interesting if the memory loss was real. Or at the very least if they have kept quiet about it untill the end. Everyone and their dog found out the whole thing was a ruse before she even left. Made it feel very anti climatic, especially the cheesyass kiss.

A lot of the villainess shows lose interest at the point where she is accepted by everyone. The authors don't know what to do after that and start adding filler. Thought this one would be different but I guess not.

I enjoyed it quite a bit up until the point where the drama with the prince start to get too heavy. Alicia started to get out of her villainess character too frequently. Looking forward to the second season, hopefully Duke sits that one out.
Dec 29, 2024 2:15 AM
Mar 2021
Reply to Soupychecks
TurnipFan said:
There is nothing like ending a show with sexual assault >.> This was disgusting.

Are we watching the same show like he just kissed her?
@Soupychecks Sexual Assault has everything to do with something Sexual, a kiss on the cheek is not sexual, a kiss directly on the mouth is.
Dec 29, 2024 2:15 AM
Mar 2021
Reply to FutoiOtaku
@d2rkest You have a lonely future ahead of you if you cry sexual assault every time a significant other acts spontaneously. Hope you get over your hypersensitive phase soon.
@FutoiOtaku Except they were not in a relationship. You surely will have a long life of crime if you kiss every girl that dares smile out of curtesy.
Dec 29, 2024 2:17 AM
Mar 2021
Reply to FutoiOtaku
d2rkest said:
@FutoiOtaku i didnt say that lol 😭😭😭😭

they also are not in a relationship 😭

He’s already confessed, she showing lots of body language suggesting reciprocation. Being romantically bold is not assault, just spontaneity. Does he need her to sign a consent form for a kiss in your world?
Also yes apologies due, Turnip Fan said that, you were only mildly complaining about kissing without consent. Still not realistic but my mistake, crossed my wires over who wrote what.
@FutoiOtaku I wonder if you had a girlfriend & I kissed her how you and her would consider it. She has never stated if she is in a relationship to the others or not nor that she is interested in them.
Dec 29, 2024 2:18 AM
Mar 2021
Reply to FutoiOtaku
d2rkest said:
@FutoiOtaku did i even say the word assault? i said he is weird and he is. he's been doing this since he was a kid. its not like this was a one time thing, he has been doing these things since like age 7.

I already apologised for that. But weird? Only weird in our current culture. In a world or time in history where marriages were decided by parents for children so young, it was probably how the elder of the 2 chose to aim for a romantic relationship in adulthood rather than a marriage of convenience. You can’t judge historical fantasies by modern standards.
@FutoiOtaku And in the anime shows culture / era that kiss = totally unacceptable & a serious crime between nobles.
Dec 29, 2024 2:18 AM
Mar 2021
Reply to bitterlycold
Zero stakes, zero tension, no real romance. Just a weak payoff all round.
@bitterlycold 100% Best part is the Main Characters design & then adding that eye patch. Half Noble, Half Pirate.
Dec 29, 2024 4:43 AM
Nov 2023
TurnipFan said:
@FutoiOtaku Except they were not in a relationship. You surely will have a long life of crime if you kiss every girl that dares smile out of curtesy.

They most definitely WERE in a relationship. Not contractual, but they both knew how they and the other felt. You seem extremely disconnected from human behaviour. All the other rubbish you follow up with is just reaching. If you kissed my girlfriend (let’s imagine that to be the situation hypothetically) she would probably slap you or turn away before making it clear you were acting badly. And nowhere is it stated that nobles kissing is a crime ffs! You seem to be obsessed with connecting innocent mouth contact with sex or something? I have kissed a lot of women, some married to men and one another woman, with implied consent and without any sexual implication. I have also kissed 5 girls and women in my life with intent to intensify the relationship. One of those was in my teens and I misread the situation. Got shot down, not arrested or jailed, part of growing up. I have also kissed a woman at work who was harassing me, so I went in with tongue and close hugging to make her uncomfortable. It worked, she backed off. Real adult life is not as simple as you pretend.
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