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Dec 22, 2024 12:29 AM

Apr 2014
This is the best final episode. They sang Hajimari wa Kimi no Sora, which is their debut single, as their final song. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
It was also nice to listen to Honno choppiri again.

It feels like it was just yesterday when we were having our first meeting. I've stayed with them since the beginning with their first announcement, their first song, and their first live concert. Time passed so quickly. Even though the anime is completed, Liella is still continuing. Please continue to support them.

LOVE LIVE!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm still waiting for the movie announcement.
AkeZZZDec 22, 2024 1:32 AM
Dec 22, 2024 12:30 AM
πŸ… Tomato πŸ…

Feb 2020
Meow! =^_^=

Very emotional finale as expected. Good luck with your lives, sweethearts. I'll miss you. <3

Overall, a good season, but not exactly as entertaining as the first two ones. The story didn't hit me as much as before.

This season also felt like a speedrun, especially when it comes to the Love Live! competition itself. Ok, it's been often a common problem in this franchise. I wish they would make it feel like a real competition by giving more screen time to the rival groups. They were again awarded by a free trophy by a default.

Anyway, this is still easily the best idol franchise despite its certain flaws.

P.S. µ's will be always my favorite group. <3

1. µ's
2. Nijigasaki High School Idol Club
3. Liella!
4. Aqours

SerafosDec 25, 2024 6:37 AM
Dec 22, 2024 12:55 AM
Apr 2020
Well you know, it stung to see it end, at least I got time to digest before Ave Mujica comes around. But it really is the best idol anime I have watch in a long time, to see the ending is hurts. 😭 one cast after another is crying in social media.
Dec 22, 2024 2:27 AM
Jun 2022
Some things make us laugh, make us cry
~ Big Smoke
Dec 22, 2024 3:37 AM

Jul 2011
The last episode needed to have my white whale, that I finally had forgotten, that "Honno Choppiri" song that never got a full version, well not that I had heard.

Oh no! A new character? Nope, just Sumire with a showbiz rich girl hairstyle.

If a movie happen, I hope is everyone visiting Kanon in Vienna.
Dec 22, 2024 10:53 AM

Feb 2019
“Our final song. A song for us and a song for you.” Oh My God the tears won’t stop. OG uniforms, OG members, and the song that started it all. Perfect full circle moment. I can’t believe my girls are really graduating 😭 could not ask for a better finale. Thank you 3rd years, you’ll always be famous!!

The first years fighting back tears there at the end was literally me all episode long. But Liella is gonna be alright. The first years might not know it yet, but everyday they spent together with the upperclassmen was preparing them for this transition. Mei and Shiki are gonna be a great president and vice president team. Kinako is a natural student council president and with a natural talent like Margarete on their side as well, they’ll be fine!

I totally forgot that this is the school’s first graduating class. The graduation ceremony was really beautiful especially the principal being sure to give Ren’s late mother her credit! None of this would’ve been possible without her. She’d be so proud of Ren.

Margarete tryna act tuff like she wasn’t crying her eyes out lmao. Love her to bits. Tomari asking for Kanon’s ribbon is kinda lesbian coded tbh lmao, but cute moment considering how nonchalant Tomari was about wanting to be a school idol from the start!

Beautiful finale. Instead of looking at this as an end, it’s more of a new beginning. Of a new liella. I can’t wait to see where it goes. ❀️ now time for more Niji!!
Marinate1016Dec 22, 2024 4:42 PM
Dec 22, 2024 11:47 AM
Panzer Vor!

Jun 2014
This is it huh, i am gonna miss this show, it was special in its way, i hope for the new love live that certainly will come to try different things like this did...well i can only hope.
Dec 22, 2024 12:15 PM

Jun 2014
Best season of LL (so far) comes to an end... really great storytelling, love how they swung it back full circle and focused on and fleshed out our OG5's post-high school plans. And it's so nice how they didn't disband Liella!, feels truly more grounded and realistic.

SS has absolutely revived my interest in the LL franchise and I am suuuuper looking forward to the next anime/new school~
Dec 22, 2024 3:21 PM
Mar 2019
The perfect ending of a Love Live! series. They really did what their senpai couldn't. Precious.
Dec 22, 2024 5:27 PM
Mar 2024
see you later Liella thank so much you for all <3
Dec 22, 2024 6:30 PM

Jan 2011
gonna miss these girls and the OG it's the main reason i loved superstars because of the smaller group then they kept adding more! i still came around to enjoying all of them and none ended up being too annoying "nuts"

hope we get a movie to see the post grads since it sorta just ended after the song D:

songs this season were great think the plot was a bit safe but really what were they gonna do for another season not a save the school arc that's for sure

excited to see what we get next for LL
Dec 22, 2024 8:01 PM
Jun 2023
Love Live Superstar!! was the best outta all of them imo, really great final episode! If I had to rank em, by far from best to least favorite, it's Superstar!!, School Idol Project, Nijigasaki, then Sunshine!!
Dec 23, 2024 3:00 AM

Mar 2021
Beautiful final episode am going to miss the girls so much they have come such a longway. Superstar is the first Love Live series I ever watched and completed and am so thankful for that.
Dec 23, 2024 9:40 AM
Dec 2015
Possibly the best Love Live last season. Love that they dedicated a whole episode for graduation. Had me in tears throughout. Really gonna miss these girls.
Dec 23, 2024 11:52 AM

Mar 2017
The Twitter posts by the first gen really made me feel things prior to watching, damn. As for the finale itself, there wasn't much impact since (1) they already revealed using Hajimari wa Kimi no Sora as the episode song and (2) melodrama wasn't always my thing.


Everything else felt like a tiny shot to the heart. The callbacks this episode really made you feel how this was a journey, and how its been 3 years already. Hard to put into words what I'm feeling right now, but the fact that its actually been that long in real life really makes you wonder. Like, I went into S3 seeing it just as promotional material for the group, then suddenly I'm reminded how I started this series during the pandemic.

It showed the passage of time in its truest sense. No other series has done that other than K-On, and that's probably the best compliment I can give for this finale.
An admin's dickhead Soul banned me from MAL t('v't)
Dec 23, 2024 7:03 PM

Nov 2016
Forever and ever" It indeed felt like forever for Crunchy to uploaded this episode xD But well worth the wait.

This was a wonderfully emotional graduation and perfect song to send the First Gen 5 off. Loved it to bits. So glad this Love Live installment ended on a strong note.


One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Dec 23, 2024 8:05 PM

Dec 2018
While it wasn’t quite as emotional as the Sunshine graduation (mainly because that one resonated with my own graduation) this was still a very heartfelt sendoff to the original five girls that began this thing we call Liella, it was also nice to slow down for an episode and breath after the speedrun that was the previous episode lol. But really tho, damn sad to see these girls moving on with life, these type of shows usually leave you with “they’re always gonna be there doing idol stuff” but not for our darling 3rd years, they’re moving on, but I can thankfully say they have their next steps figured out, none of them left with regrets or anything, they’re stepping out into the world with confidence and I love that for them.

But along with the sadness I’m also very proud of them, watching each season weekly since Superstar began in Summer 2021 has been like watching them grow, we’ve been with them every step of their idol journey and they’re graduating now, I’m very happy to see everything turn out great for them. But man the emotions were high for the 1st and 2nd years with all the crying lol, but if there was a time to cry it would be now, I think what got me most of all was the original five’s final song together, it’s been so long since it was just them performing and it made for a perfect last moment with them, really nice touch that it was their debut single too, I’m gonna miss these girls so much, maybe it’s time for a rewatch lol.

And that was the 3rd season of Superstar, while I really enjoyed this season overall I think it was definitely my least favorite of the three, of course my number 1 will always be the 1st season with just five members, but Season 2 was already pushing the envelope a bit by adding four more members, and then they went and added two more this season lol, this unfortunately led to favorites of mine getting shafted like Sumire and Ren. And that wasn’t the only problem this season had, as much as I loved the two rival groups plot with Tomakanote, they didn’t really stick to it as much as I wanted, I think a real rivalry would have been very awesome but what we got was kinda half baked sadly, I’m thankful for what we did get of course.

But all that being said, I’m still very happy a Love Live series managed to get a 3rd season and it was my favorite series of them all, Superstar, that got it, and it was still such a good season with many great performances even with the issues it had, I’m very thankful for it being made, now I just hope we can maybe get a movie or possibly maybe a 4th season showing what Liella without the founders is like, 4th season is very unlikely but I can dream lol. Here’s to more Love Live goodness in the future!
TheColonel76Dec 23, 2024 8:13 PM
Dec 23, 2024 9:30 PM
May 2011
At the end of S2, there was a topic gauging Love Live Superstar Hype to which I responded
Fail_Man_X said:
No, but I'll take it. I'm over Liella and would prefer a new group of girls

12 episodes later, and my opinion has not changed. While S3 had some moments I really liked, between Liella winning Love Live and the god awful Kanon drama at the end of S2, my interest Superstar was too cratered for me to wholly enjoy it. While it doesn't help that I thought the Natsumi/Tomari drama was dumb, and the Keke drama was rehashed, again, for the third time (and she still ends up studying in Shanghai? Why do they keep doing this?), there are some interesting choices they could have made, but wouldn't, because this is still Love Live at the end of the day. As such, Yuigaoka vs. Yuigaoka was a massive waste of time - it was obvious from episode 1/the OP that the groups would merge, there were no stakes, and the rivalry was ultimately toothless. Liella repeating as champions is boring, but there was no way they were going to end the series with them losing. Lastly, considering that everything seems to have been building to graduation, maybe give more focus to the original 5? As much as I hate the way the second-years were treated as second-class citizens when they were first-years in S2, that doesn't mean I want the third-years to be relegated to supporting them from the sidelines. I think it would have been nice to actually see them preparing for life after graduation, rather than just a brief mention and seeing the conclusion, but that's not idoling, and Love Live is an idol show, so they have to focus on a dumb rivalry instead :/

Fortunately, there is not a fourth season announced. While I think another season without the original 5 could be interesting, I have run out of trust for the creatives behind this iteration.
Dec 23, 2024 10:37 PM

May 2008
Finally this torture is end. I never imagine i going to watch a love live that can be worse then the original.

Only good thing in this series:
- There is finally a character that realised that she can continue idol job after they end they school days. I always find it stupid that they cry about this in other series.
- Like some of the character. (Sadly this series change characters personality with no actually reason behind sometime)

- Songs are very forgotable. Well it never was a good aspect in live live (compare to something actually good like Aikatsu or Idolmaster series)
- Made up problems that never existed but the characters make a big problem about it.
- No actually Rival or Rivalry between characters. They never had actually enemy or other unit to beat in season 3. The fact that they forced to merge Kanon team and Chisato Team is a huge problem in this season. Not just because it is a waste off potential but it's also against Margaratte character. (Also those sugarcoating dialogues are extramely cringe and lame...)
- To many characters no enough time to develop them in right way.
- Characters with wasted potential. As i said the some of the character are really good and funny but because there is too many character they don't have time to actually shine.
- Zero actually drama.

Needless to say this season is the worst of all of the current love live series. (I currently started watch Niji but i don't think it gonna be worse then this... But not sure yet)
Dec 24, 2024 12:06 AM

Mar 2008
Reply to Haou-Judai
Finally this torture is end. I never imagine i going to watch a love live that can be worse then the original.

Only good thing in this series:
- There is finally a character that realised that she can continue idol job after they end they school days. I always find it stupid that they cry about this in other series.
- Like some of the character. (Sadly this series change characters personality with no actually reason behind sometime)

- Songs are very forgotable. Well it never was a good aspect in live live (compare to something actually good like Aikatsu or Idolmaster series)
- Made up problems that never existed but the characters make a big problem about it.
- No actually Rival or Rivalry between characters. They never had actually enemy or other unit to beat in season 3. The fact that they forced to merge Kanon team and Chisato Team is a huge problem in this season. Not just because it is a waste off potential but it's also against Margaratte character. (Also those sugarcoating dialogues are extramely cringe and lame...)
- To many characters no enough time to develop them in right way.
- Characters with wasted potential. As i said the some of the character are really good and funny but because there is too many character they don't have time to actually shine.
- Zero actually drama.

Needless to say this season is the worst of all of the current love live series. (I currently started watch Niji but i don't think it gonna be worse then this... But not sure yet)
@Haou-Judai A lot of this resonates with me as well for this season. Sunshine was peak LL for me. These newer seasons just haven't been as good for me.
Dec 24, 2024 1:02 AM

May 2008
Reply to razisgosu
@Haou-Judai A lot of this resonates with me as well for this season. Sunshine was peak LL for me. These newer seasons just haven't been as good for me.
@razisgosu We never gona get any Lovelive that better then Sunshine-zura.
Dec 24, 2024 3:18 AM
Sep 2022
an acceptable ending, but overall a rushed third season, a lot of character for so few episodes. There has been a lack of emotion this season and speaking of a specific character like Margarette (wanting to beat Liela and return to Vienna) from one day to the next is content with not beating Liela and on top of that staying in Liela for at least one more year. I didn't like that change so much Sudden . The LOVE live franchise needs refreshment and new things
Dec 24, 2024 11:09 AM

Dec 2013
So this is it, the end of Love Live Superstar, we had been getting prepared so much for the last few episodes about it ending that it certainty wasn't as impactful as it had been with the other LL final episodes, but still Superstar is easily my favorite LL group, the characters, songs and actresses, etc. This season felt way too short and as I feared there are just way too many characters, and that's coming from someone who likes all of them, I can't imagine how bad it must have been for someone who only likes a handful of them and then I'm sad that Margarete and specially Tomari only had this season to shine. Looking forward to what's next for the Love Live franchise.
Dec 24, 2024 12:05 PM

Jan 2021
Cute final episode. Hits pretty hard for me cause when the show started I was just going into highschool. Now I'm a senior with my graduation coming up in a couple months so in a way I grew up with the OG five.

That being said this season suckeddd. I was actually looking forward to seeing what would happen with margarite vs Leila but nopee some how for some reason she changed her mind and was chill with joining Leila. Whyyyy did they spend like 12 episodes across two seasons establishing her hate for for Leila and her motivation to go back home to study music just for her to throw it all away for no reason. I know some melodrama is expected and you shouldnt take love live super seriously but come on. This was actually bad.

Never watched as much anime as I wanted to
Dec 24, 2024 2:14 PM
Mar 2019
i think its not the best love live buts its good for me i want to know more about groups of yuigoka an movie after story

its difficult i know but possible
Dec 24, 2024 8:15 PM

Apr 2023
I'm going to miss these precious girls... The bigger the group of friends singing for their dreams the better, that's how I like it!

Liella! left their mark on the Love Live! universe, and for me, Sing!Shine!Smile! is their representation of the LL! essence.

Thank you girls! And never stop Sing!Shine!Smile!...and Dream!

"Song for me! Song for you! Song for all!"

Dec 25, 2024 2:59 AM

Dec 2008
I was genuinely sad when the credits rolled on this, the last episode. I've watched Love Live since the original series. I like the way they tied all the loose ends together and the characters were funny and serious at the same time. The show took the time to develop each character unusually well, my favorite one just had to be Keke. I hope we get another one seeing as this series has been quite popular over the years-kinda like Precure.
Life Is Short But Intense.
Dec 25, 2024 3:15 AM
πŸ… Tomato πŸ…

Feb 2020
zrdb said:
my favorite one just had to be Keke.

She was always my favorite character from the beginning. I love her funny personality and reactions.
Dec 25, 2024 3:26 AM

Feb 2016
Mei is the new president? Shiki vice president? That's it, Liella will fucking die now.
I like that Kinako is the new school president, but it is obvious she was meant to be the new Idol Club's president too.

Now, about the episode, it was amazing, it's the 1st time they do an actual emotive graduation.
I ADORED HOW IT ENDED, we get to see the original 5 perform one last time by themselves, like in the first season, and the song they did was no other than the very 1st song Liella ever did, the song and MV used to unveil Liella to the entire world way before the anime adaptation even started... I remember watching it when it released bro, 30/01/2021, THE FEELS, I haven't felt like this in a long time, damn 😭❀️

I love Liella, Superstar is peak, even with all it's flaws, it is amazing! The 2nd best Love Live generation!
For me, Aqours is still unmatched, but Liella is really, really close to it.
(μ's sucks, Nijigasaki was a fucking mistake, and Link Like existence is unnecessary)

Thank you Liella, I hope we can see all you girls again ❀️ (the entire group)
Sorry if my english is bad (γ£Λ˜β–½Λ˜)っ~~~
Btw, cry about it.

Dec 25, 2024 6:18 AM
Oct 2020
Nice ending, kinaco a laugh as always
Dec 25, 2024 5:55 PM
Aug 2013
I´m not ready to say goodbye to Liella!´s original members!!!!!!!!!!!
Even tough I watched the season complete!!
Very emotional ending and it was a good farewell song!!!!
I´m going to miss Kanon, Chisato, Keke, Sumire and Ren so much!!!!!
Dec 26, 2024 12:28 AM

Jun 2015
Started with Liella 5, ended with Liella 5.

That was a perfect ending to say goodbye to the girls, but still would be nice to see an after story movie where we see Liella 5 in their careers.

I did not expect Keke to join a talent agency– and even follow Sumire!
And im happy to see Mei being the new club president.

Guess that's a goodbye for a Love Live anime for now.
Dec 26, 2024 1:22 AM

Jan 2023
Not gonna lie, I largely prefered seasons 1 and 2, I thought this one was lacking in comedy which was my favorite thing in the superstar series, and the introduction of the new members was maybe not as smooth as for the previous season.

Nevertheless, it is sad to see this show ending, and despite me not enjoying the last season very much, Love Live Superstar will stay as my second favorite of the Love Live franchise (just behind Sunshine).
Dec 26, 2024 9:31 AM

Sep 2010
KeepCalmAndMal said:
My problems with Liella! and the overall Love Live! Superstar!! S3

1. Margarete mellowed down to oblivion.
- It was like the meme of getting a dungeon boss into your party, just for it to lose every matches.
- She lost her commitment of coming back to Vienna after saying it a countless times in Season 2 and first half of Season 3.
- I like her previous character which is a force to be reckoned with but now she became your generic tsundere without the romance tag.
- I expected some song from Tomakanote that centers Wien with a theme like Nonfiction but is grim and has Phantom of the Opera vibes, but it was Blue Rise instead, an ocean-deep themed song which is about Tomari.

2. Keke telling her parents what she wants to be after highschool
- This should have been resolved in Season 1, telling now is like telling us that the writers didn't think it through in the first two seasons.

I agree with this too.

I would also add don't understand Tomari's logic and her unnecessary goal of attempting to be a school idol in the first part of the season. It made her character unnecessary in all this except for drama.

From what I understand, it was "I want to understand my sister's new goal and if she is taking it seriously by crushing my sister's goals again so I can understand how serious she is about being a school idol" For a girl who claims to love her big sister, it was a terrible way to come across

As for the season finale, I expect we will get a movie announcement in a few months. Most likely visiting Kanon in Vienna to help her gain confidence or shine on her own.
Dec 27, 2024 11:46 AM

Jul 2016
Huh? Tomari was a Kanon fan? Lol, since when?

Decent finale to conclude an overall fairly erratic season of Superstar. Direction felt even more inconsistent than in Season 2 and the randomness of some events (Kanon being forcefully denied of going to Vienna in order to become Margarete's singing coach, all the girls going to Shanghai outta nowhere because the writers thought they could squeeze more juice out of Keke's already worn-out family drama storyline, Kinako suddenly ticking all the boxes to become SC President, Kanon going to Vienna and returning the same episode, etc.), added to the constant changes in behaviour regarding certain characters (Margarete doing an 180° in her goals from one episode to another being the most notorious and blatant case) only ended up making the experience feel all the less enjoyable.
In retrospective, the development of this season kinda felt like the writers didn't have a clear idea of how to approach the story after Kanon was recruited in S2 and thus ended up coming up with half-baked ideas (Yuigaoka vs. Yuigaoka's underdeveloped storyline) and last-minute changes regarding the behavior of some of the girls (Margarete forgetting her main character goal and joining Liella after being against the idea for practically a season and a half, Tomari trying to protect her sister's feelings by acting like a total bitch towards her, among other cases) to fill the season's runtime.

3/10 - Just jump to the next LL generation already.
Dec 27, 2024 3:12 PM

Jun 2021
Once again, this franchise delivers a seriously emotional series finale.

µ's will be always my favorite group. <3

Yeah. Still, i like every following installment and season 3 of Liella was probably even more enjoyable than 2 and 1. There will probably never be a answer about this, but imagine if Kinako-Mei-Natsumi-Shiki are able to make a three-peat in every high school year attended.

Noticed some callbacks to µ's during graduation, as Sumire suddenly switching hair style like Nozomi did, "i'm not crying" despite obvious evidence, the heavy feeling of stepping out of the building as former students.

Wasn't sure what to expect from this set of characters in early 2020 when they were first introduced as a 5 piece group, but i'm satisfied once again. Actually already expected a sort of cliffhanger / teaser for a movie set in Austria like it's easy to think, but it still doesn't seem impossible.
Dec 28, 2024 2:04 AM

Jun 2022
I know this is their graduation episode. I was thrilled that the OG would sing Liella's debut song.
Dec 28, 2024 11:17 PM

Mar 2013
While I thought it was a great ending to a wonderful series, I really wished Liella! stayed as a 5-piece. This part of the LL series was called “Superstar”. It made sense when they were a 5-piece because they would make the star with their fingers. After the new gals were added the star was dropped.

I did grow to like the other gals, I just felt like we learned so much about the original 5 in the first season and it took 2 seasons to learn about the new gals. Like, Natsumi’s sister isn’t even mentioned in S2.

I still loved the series though and sad that it’s ending. Don’t have the game anymore to play all the songs either. 😭
Dec 29, 2024 11:01 AM

Aug 2015
I've liked every iteration of Love Live so far, though my heart will always go to Aqours first and Niji was a more mixed experience, and this one was no exception.

What sets Superstar and especially this third season apart from the other iterations, though, is how it feels a lot more like a mature take, with more grounded characters and more concrete topics. The relatability factor of worrying and wondering about graduation and what comes after hits quite hard in particular. Of course it's still Love Live, so not everything is realistic, but that's quite alright. Most importantly, the feelings of each one of the girls are clearly apparent, relatable for a large part and very clearly presented.

Most of all, I think this season exemplifies the strength of coming together as a diverse group the most out of any Love Live season ever, in part thanks to the dynamic Margarete and Tomari's arrivals bring to the group at the start of the season, contrary to the classic "rivals" (A-RISE, Saint Snow or even Sunny Passions in the same iteration). It's fresh, it's well-executed, it's believable.

Sure there are some hiccups, and some of us might've wished for this or that story beat to go another way, but no story is perfect and they did a great job of telling this one.

In short I'd like to see Superstar as the result of the Love Live anime series growing up along the fans. And I think that's amazing to see.

Here's hoping for another anime iteration, likely not on Hasunosora because of the format they've adopted which just wouldn't translate too well, but maybe for the iteration after that? And of course, much love and support to the real-world Liella who continue to bring us these great songs and performances even after the anime is over. Cheers!

Avatar and signature picture made by aryandil.
Dec 30, 2024 2:46 AM

Apr 2018
Emotional finale for sure, I liked the representation of the senpai in front of the younger members, that's a good way to conclude their journey. And that was a good season overall Love Live shows used to end after 2 seasons and a movie so I was wondering how they'll make this season feel important but they managed to do it it was as interesting as the previous ones especially regarding the characters development, now I want more!!! xD
Dec 31, 2024 7:21 AM

Nov 2017
Superb end to the episode and the season overall! Liella is the best group in Love Live!
Dec 31, 2024 12:41 PM

Aug 2016
i liked this season but i feel like it could have been better i enjoyed more the first two seasons so from this one is 8/10
Jan 1, 2:47 PM
May 2022
Un cierre más que magnífico
Jan 2, 12:50 AM

Feb 2008
Superstar's been the love live show I have had the pleasure to follow almost since its birth. This show is also the reason I got into this franchise, and they made me know about Aqours. I will always be grateful for those seiyuu live streams subbed on youtube.

I have enjoyed all of the 3 seasons, first season more than the others. I was a firm Liella OG5 believer but as always, the new seiyuus convinced me to accept them as new members of Liella. Second season could've been better, this season has been decent. Unfortunately, the plot centers on Kanon so much that it becomes tiresome at some point. Not a single Sumire episode. The Love Live competition has always been cosmetic, I haven't seen a rival since Saint Snow. I think they need to really work on this, there's nothing to expect if the new group always wins.

It was a very emotional last episode, a lot of good songs this season, the OP is very good. Tomari was an interesting character, her "aneja" phrase will be hard to forget. An enjoyable season but it still has every other problem the previous LL shows have, at least the ones I have watched. My favorite character, Sumire, had almost zero screentime... other great characters that carried the season: Wien, Natsumi and only for her episode, Kinako. Too many characters, not enough episodes.

"Manga readers are annoying, all they do is complain or spoil the anime we discuss in an anime forum. They should really do their whining at manga forums."

Stolen from Janethan23. Add in visual novel readers too
Jan 5, 3:49 PM
May 2022
best ending ever😭😭😭
Jan 7, 7:14 AM
Sep 2024
The perfect way to end the love live Superstar series! my favorite installment has ended tho so I am sad......
Jan 17, 5:56 AM
Aug 2013
Margarete was wasted potential, and everything worked out way too conveniently. It was positivity overload, which is cool if you like that sort of thing. I think Sumire and Mei each got less than 50 lines in this entire season. 11 girls is way too much. S1 will be always be special, but adding more girls in S2 and S3 seemed like a net negative. The songs and choreography became more generic (except for the ep8 faceoff), and in the end the 11-member Liella didn't stand out from previous generations. Still better than S2.

I did like how Kinako became the next student council president without going through an election arc. Election arcs are the worst. Looking at you, Bottom-Tier Tomozaki-kun, Kaguya-sama Love is War, and Alya Hides Her Feelings in Russian. 5/10

Love Live is pretty much dead in the west, huh? That popularity rank of #5360 is the lowest I've seen for a Love Live show ever, and the Reddit episode threads routinely had fewer and fewer comments as the show progressed. Guess people have moved on. It seems that VTubers have captured much of the idol fanbase.

Maybe Bandai needs to realize that churning out 4 large Love Live groups and countless sub-units and supporting groups in 10 years is too much, and that they milked the cow dry.
GippyJan 17, 9:10 AM
Jan 30, 11:38 PM
Jan 2018
Reply to Gippy
Margarete was wasted potential, and everything worked out way too conveniently. It was positivity overload, which is cool if you like that sort of thing. I think Sumire and Mei each got less than 50 lines in this entire season. 11 girls is way too much. S1 will be always be special, but adding more girls in S2 and S3 seemed like a net negative. The songs and choreography became more generic (except for the ep8 faceoff), and in the end the 11-member Liella didn't stand out from previous generations. Still better than S2.

I did like how Kinako became the next student council president without going through an election arc. Election arcs are the worst. Looking at you, Bottom-Tier Tomozaki-kun, Kaguya-sama Love is War, and Alya Hides Her Feelings in Russian. 5/10

Love Live is pretty much dead in the west, huh? That popularity rank of #5360 is the lowest I've seen for a Love Live show ever, and the Reddit episode threads routinely had fewer and fewer comments as the show progressed. Guess people have moved on. It seems that VTubers have captured much of the idol fanbase.

Maybe Bandai needs to realize that churning out 4 large Love Live groups and countless sub-units and supporting groups in 10 years is too much, and that they milked the cow dry.
@Gippy Pretty much yeah. Love Live as a franchise really slowed down in Japan and was killed by the pandemic in the west, while the rise of V-Tuber slowly took more than half of its space. Add that Bushiroad fumbles their mobile games so much, they basically screwed in 2023 to 2024.
Regarding Idol fanbase though, I think the majority of Western fans forgot that Love Live also sells their real-life voice actors as an Idol Group and do lots of Live Concert (one of their strongest selling points right now) and they basically carry the Superstar series and Liella in the transition from Season 2 (2022) to Season 3 (2024). Liella also attends lots of non-anime events so nowadays lots of conventional Idol fans are into them as a group in real life (one of their best non-anime events is a Rock festival and they attract lots of Rock music fans).
TL;DR LL is pretty much on its last breath in the West, but still the best-selling multimedia franchise in Japan.
yume12Jan 30, 11:47 PM
Jan 31, 4:31 AM

Sep 2022
I wished they didn't grow to 11 members but built new band around Kanon, Margarete and Tomari. Still I enjoyed this season the most.
Bubble Rise is the best song in 3 seasons.
Feb 1, 6:39 AM

Apr 2011
Kanon and the graduates did one last performance to their kouhais.

It was an emotional ending. It feels nostalgic how Liella started with 3 people and now ended with 11, but now 6 remain.

It sure is a fun ride. I still remember muse back in 2011 and that 14 years ago. Time sure flies.

Farewell, Liella. It was an enjoyable ride...
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