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Oct 5, 2009 2:04 PM

Oct 2009
This is a movie geared towards those who like to think about life, and the importance of living, making memories and what would happen if those memories are taken away from us. In essence what would become of the human race if one day we lost all memory of even the most basic things. Its very philosophical and although the pace of it is very slow it does contain action scenes. After all if we had no memories what would become of us? What would we really do and would be do things differently if given a second chance?

I really enjoyed this movie. Its a bit dark but good.
Dec 23, 2009 8:37 PM
Jan 2008
i enjoyed the movie too but on this site, this movie is pg-13

that cant be right :{

Feb 7, 2010 2:11 PM
May 2008
Yes I agree, this is a very deep, thought provoking film. It's my all time favorite film. It's very philosophical. I liked what it had to say about the human race, and although it's very dark, it also has some really uplifting moments in it. It's very touching, like with the part about Johnny dieing :(. Or the Little John and Sue parts (soo saaad!! I almost cried the first time). And when Lisa jumps out of the jeep and runs back to Mr. Simpsons I want to brake down and cry every time! This is a very profound and emotional film. it hit syou in the heart and in the head. I liked the little Plato and Aristotle tidbits it had too.
Dec 20, 2010 5:37 PM

Jun 2008
woot woot for sex with a hot alien chick

Jan 17, 2011 9:39 PM

Sep 2009
This was a great movie.
An amazing movie with deeply moving ideas.

And then it fucking gave up. And rolled over.

The questions it was asking not of itself but of its viewers. Gone.
The questions it posed on itself and all of humanity. Overwritting.
The Alien who spoke of not using greater power to control others...guess what her race did.

I just can't believe that. The pointless sex scene I can forgive. The unlikeable characters. I can forgive. Shitting on the message and theme of your movie without even trying to expand on WHY the aliens posed such hypocrisy....
Jun 13, 2011 12:51 PM

Aug 2010
Simply_Waiting said:
woot woot for sex with a hot alien chick
Why'd he do it with the woman who was behind this whole memory wipe and in "the human way"?
Aug 11, 2011 12:55 PM

Nov 2008
I thought it was nice. Maybe it would've been better served as a 6-episode OVA like most anime movies, but nice all the same.
Sep 12, 2011 10:55 AM

Nov 2008
The movie was great until about 3/4 length when the rest was a little bit rushed. Never mind sex scene,
i was a little confused . I agree that the story would be better if it was made to OVA or just a longer movie , still its worth watching
Nov 18, 2013 12:03 PM

Jan 2012
^ I don't know why but when she said that they would know the answer in an hour I thought of pregnancy test, there's no definitive answer about that part though, that's what came to my mind at the time
Mar 2, 2016 3:38 PM

Jan 2012
couldn't tell if person with white hair if is he or she , old art hurt my eyes

Aug 20, 2016 10:30 PM

Jun 2016
Jumble of shallow unexplored ideas with shoehorned action with the Guardian and shoehorned romance with Sophia. Really bad movie that goes nowhere well asking very basic philosophical questions exclusively. Premise and concept are all this movie had going for it.
Nov 26, 2017 3:11 AM
Jul 2018
i guess that he didn't shook her hand at the end so no need to wait for the extra hour to know that hoomans didn't get their memories back.
btw that was hardly a sex scene lmao. the setting is in america, imagine if it was in japan. instead of sex she would've bowed to him lmaoooo
Dec 17, 2017 4:17 PM

Feb 2013
It would have been better as a multi-episode OVA. It just did not flow well as a movie.

The robot was just LOL after the first scene. I mean... oh I'll go after this guy with some tracks... nope... ok let's try some wheels... yea satellite, you work for me now...

Dude banged the alien chick and she left... how ya gonna repopulate the earth like that? Head back for that blonde!

3/10 (not good)
Feb 13, 2018 1:34 AM

Feb 2009
Interesting and atmospheric yet flawed movie... until the scene of revelation.
"We thought it would be interesting to see how ya all would behave if we nuke mankind to ice age!" she said.
"Okay" regular Japanese highschooler replied.

How can anyone take this film seriously after that is beyond me.
Still, +1 for sex with a hot alien chick.
Aug 21, 2018 2:52 PM

Dec 2015
A post-apocalyptic road-movie, starting on a good concept offering some interesting cases, sadly interspaced with random action scenes & a continuous robot chase, the whole thing being badly packed together. So much time could have been instead used to explore the ideas that are too lightly presented here.
Pretty charadesign (better rendition of the original illustrations than for the 80s Vampire D) and paints, some awkward animations standing out. The very bland directing makes a lot of scenes look worse than they actually are. Special mention for the irritating action music tracks.

Enjoyment: 4/5
Score: 5.5+/10

I need to read the original short story to see if the collapse is due to the adaptation ! (although I don't like Kikuchi's writing)

PS: three writers to adapt a 250 pages story?!

@St0rmblade Sure, it didn't take lots of minutes. But it ran over a too long portion of the film/OAV (I forgot wich type it is), thanks for being interspaced like that. Combine the minutes of that and the action here and there and you'll see they could have been used for something more interesting.
Is the D movie from the 2000s pretty-pretty or Amano-pretty?
(Let me enjoy my stupid japanese english love songs. :D Joking, I don't remember about it. At all.)

Stop burning through all those OAVs/films from the Golden Eighties (yeah, I placed the title of the film I just watched!). You'll run out and have nothing left to refuel your hopes in japanese animation whenever they get dangerously low.
Rei_IIIApr 24, 2021 1:56 PM
Nov 17, 2019 6:45 AM

Aug 2018
meh, it was OK. The premise was excellent, the story wasn't bad, but the execution could have been a lot better. Don't know if it was the director's or scriptwriter's fault, but someone dropped the ball.
Jul 5, 2020 12:14 AM

Mar 2012
The premise was quite good but I wasn't expecting a post-apocalyptic SoL, also the ending gives no answers, the reward Sophia gave him made everything even more worse. And how does the guardian keep functioning after going through all that!?

Always the same… Every age, every generation.
Human beings are infinitely more cruel and selfish than any demon in hell

~Dantalion (Makai Ouji)
Apr 21, 2021 2:31 PM

Aug 2017
Unexpected "The Karamazov Brothers" on Johnny's table. At least the book shots had some real quotes and not a word jumble.

Liked the headtilt with the Moon behind, almost made me think of Shaft.

The space vessel kinda made me think of *that* flying thing from Angel's Egg (on which Amano worked too).

Didn't know you can create such sounds with leaves lol (or whatever Wataru was doing).

Mu guess at the ending is that the aliens were going to have another vote after hearing from Sophia on whether to give the memories back or not.

btw that was hardly a sex scene

Dude forgot how to do it, humanity deemed unworthy of getting the memories back.

Rei_III said:
A post-apocalyptic road-movie, starting on a good concept offering some interesting cases, sadly interspaced with random action scenes & a continuous robot chase, the whole thing being badly packed together. So much time could have been instead used to explore the ideas that are too lightly presented here.
Pretty charadesign (better rendition of the original illustrations than for the 80s Vampire D) and paints, some awkward animations standing out. The very bland directing makes a lot of scenes look worse than they actually are. Special mention for the irritating action music tracks.

The chase didn't actually take that much time, it was rather short in sum, though still unnecessary.
You should check the 2000 Vampire Hunter D out, by the way. It's very pretty.

No special mention for an annoying romantic song in English? :p Kazuki's participation was a nice bonus to counterbalance that though.


Rei_III said:

Is the D movie from the 2000s pretty-pretty or Amano-pretty?

I'd say that both, actually.

Stop burning through all those OAVs/films from the Golden Eighties (yeah, I placed the title of the film I just watched!). You'll run out and have nothing left to refuel your hopes in japanese animation whenever they get dangerously low.

I figured that much (never to watch too much of the "same" in a row) so I'm switching to other stuff as you can see. So many paths to take...
St0rmbladeApr 24, 2021 3:14 PM
Nov 27, 2021 1:48 PM

Jun 2015
It had a beginning, a ,iddle, and an end. Pretty solid I guess. At least the story was clear and not confusing. Not bad.
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you!
Apr 16, 2022 7:59 PM

Jan 2010
Wow, I can't believe the world went to hell back in 199X. That was a rough year.

A Wind Names Amnesia is strange with its depicting of humanity deprived of intelligence. Even if we were reduced to nothing but clothes-wearing apes, I'd figure we'd still behave like social animals, congregating in groups to support each other. I don't think we'd become murderous, savage creatures on instinct, but that might just be wishful thinking. Also, I don't understand how Wataru managed to retain memories of when he was still acting like an unintelligent beast. I'm also unsure why regular people are still wearing clothes, much less clothes that are still intact. There were also randos that knew how to use firearms, clubs, and torches. That, and details like how Little John and Sue retained the knowledge of drinking from mugs.

I know this film was made in 1983, but I still find the comparison of a limited human mind and a the infinite capacity of a computer's brain fascinating. A Certain Magical Index actually brought this up, where it was explained that a person could live upwards of a hundred years while retaining information all that time. Digital storage, as retrospect taught us, actually has its own limitations and challenges. Rather than comparing storage sizes, it's more of an interesting issue of comparing efficiency. Plus, computers are limited by the intelligence of the humans that design them. That is, until automation starts creating and replicating itself, then we might be in trouble. Still, it's fascinating to see what a 1980s anime thought the 1990s would look like, particularly with its technology.

I laughed at Las Vegas being the symbol of human greed and avarice, along with the visuals of ruined casinos that no longer exist. The Twin Towers are also still there, so that's interesting in hindsight. That which the film thought to be indelible in terms of humanity's legacy — our architecture and symbols — really aren't. Perhaps we can only interpret infinity in the short term, where we try to imagine permanence with only our limited knowledge.

Regardless, the core of the film is questioning what humanity is, and how that definition compares and contrasts when in the control of, under control of, and in absence of, the technology that surrounds us. In that sense, the film questions human nature and our natural tendencies. The film doesn't really arrive at an answer, but it at least observes our instinctive drives to learn about the world, connect with other humans, and to generally survive. Although, it took magical science and aliens to arrive at that conclusion, and even then, it's uncertain. I suppose it's also possible to question whether an answer is even necessary.
Nov 28, 2022 7:38 AM

May 2021
I'm surprised to people gave 6.
I really liked it. Beautiful, slow, road movie. Thought provoking. Yes, the topic is not unique. But what is unique now?

It seemed that the action here is completely superfluous. And a hint of sex too...

May 8, 2023 8:38 PM

Oct 2019

wow, ya dont see this in anime anymore. (twin towers)

I really had a different impression as to what this movie was going to be. It's def cool for an anime taking place somewhere other than japan but man, this definitely was very anime with having giant robots, aliens, enhanced individuals, etc. This may be a nitpick but how did this robot, the Guardian, figure out Wataru's name? We see it appear after the eternal city with the wreck of that one robot laying outside. Idk if that bot talked to the supercomputer of the city or what to get that information but it was never explained.
Despite the action in the show, it felt kinda lackluster for me. Nothing really stood out to me. I thought the setting was interesting as well as the buildup of the characters but ultimately, i was kinda bored by them.
"Perfection is perception. For me, humanity's imperfections is what makes it perfect"

Oct 15, 2024 2:49 AM

Jun 2024
Too many half-baked ideas, both narratively and thematically, crammed into 1h and 20m. I'm not offended by it though, it had an interesting premise and was atmospheric. The background animation and music were nice too. 5/10
DeadBoredOct 16, 2024 4:15 PM
Dec 20, 2024 10:08 AM

Jun 2008
Johnny (Mnemonic?) was my favorite. Lisa (Simpson!) kissed her dad..? And yes, gotta have interspecies sex before parting.

Part Terminator, part Hokuto no Ken, with a hot alien chick and a mc lying between Karate Kid and Street Fighter's Ryu. I'm usually quite keen on post-apocalyptic road trips AND vintage ovas/movies, so it was far above average to me. Obviously nothing incredibly smart or original, but still a refreshing watch for its survival story, knowledge vs istinct theme and US setting. Beautiful scenery, solid older art/animation, decent pacing, poetic and romantic without resulting too cheesy. Characters and music were not as good, but didn't ruin the experience. One (or ten) too many explosions though, and could have done with less narration/dialogue too.

watching, waiting, commiserating
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